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Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jul 1965, p. 23

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SOM HAFTA PAY, B GETTIN' TOO L NOW= OH, HERE SHE .OMEG-- / RIGHT-O--TRLLING FORTUNES TEACUPS | IN THE CUSTOMERS' IN THE RESTAURANT X= MAPAM ZA-ZA THAT GIRL DOES A THOROUGH JOB OF EVERYTHING... BUT IT'S BETTER FOR HER 'TO GO BEFORE MATTERS» GET WORSE. 'a4 "ay 6000/ THATS WHERE WERE GOIN' SOON AST QUANA HOME, a [LAREDO TLL see you Yoo GOT IN: TAL RIDE IN wT ANNIE AN' JACK, MICKEY MOUSE BERTIE, WHEN WE GET THROUGH WITH OUR CONES, ILL FINIGH YOUR HAIRCUT,' 7 MUGGS AND SKEETER BAGY, JUNIOR! I YOLe you THAT WAS I KNOW MINUTE | | TO FINISH IT IN EXACTLY ae SIXTY secs | ~ BUT I DION'T MEAN YOU HAD 'SECRET AGENT X9 © Kaw Fonmare Srminnn Sae 161 Fn oe ert WORLD, BEATING AND HOLDING THE WORLD BASKETBALL CHAMPIONSHIP FOR 17 CONSECUTIVE YEARS THE BOMONTON GRADS, FORMED IN /9/6, TOUR u 'e |" ALBERTA), THE ED: GRADS PLA BEST IN 622 GAME: WIN S02 OF THEM Ss INT GOVERNOR OF IMONTON 'Y THE WORLD'S AND gas VSITS TEAM EVER eter z THE LONE RANGER BB HE INSECTS! ' 3. Chose 1, Fails to 4. Before win 5. His: Fr, 6. Behind 6. Garret 11, French 7. Cone-bear- river ing tree 12, Coronet 8, Tight 13. Chest. 9. Scottish. sounds Gaelic 14. Rely 10. Value 15. Part of 16. Some "to be" 19. Allergic 16. Sloth skin 17, Golfer's condition aid 20, Devoured 18, Uncertain; 21. Alaskan collog. river 22. Unit 22, Blunder 24. Javanese 23. New: poison tree comb. form 25, Early settlers 26, Broad thor- Se eT ait Indi Le Re ps ) ---- PRIMI INTE MEAINIDIETS} oin 31. Weep Yesterday's Answer 33, Do- mesti. 39. Bitter cates drug 34, Tart 40. Flock 35, Italian 42, Miscellany river 43, Flap 36. Bad- 44, Openings: tempered anat. ruff 28. Female 213 14 8 {9 |lo 29, Pare 30, Floated 31, Refrigera- ou 34, Old Dutch measure r 32, Stretched t Wy 19 20 37. Alas: poet. 38, Joe College (sheer) 45. Silly 46, Protective covering . ladies 48, Established DOWN 1, Foreign in co! 2. Eskers 4 By GODFREY ANDERSON LONDON (AP)---Is the day of the big cathedral, like that of the battleship, past. That is the question they are debating 'in the Church of England today. Those who are against new cathedrals argue it is better to build a score of smaller parish churches instead. These could be spotted strategically, they say, to bring church life to the great new building estates or 'new towns growing up around British cities, Cathedrals, they say, are just a waste of money and involve costly upkeep. Besides, once up, they can't be kept clean. Ex- cept for a few great occasions in the year they are not used to capacity. Some attract only a score of worshippers into their vast spaces at the regular Sun- 71\day services. On weekdays the priests and choir virtually are alone, 1/BACKED BY DEANS Cathedral deans and. their supporting canons' argue . that theif cathedrals are doing a use- ful job ag spiritual centres of Future Of Big Cathedral Questioned By Anglicans i \) me Fan each diocese and could not be replaced by any number of ad- ditional parish churches. They say a diocese needs.a big church building to accom- jmodate all the big diocesan services. And all point to the shining example of the new Coventry cathedral, which at- tracts about 1,000,000 visitors a year and usually is crowded on Sunday. Meanwhile, the drive for ca- thedral funds goes ahead, The Yorkshire wool town of Brad- ford has just completed exten- sions worth £300,000 ($900,000) and Bristol is seeking to raise a similar sum. The archbishops of Canter- bury and York thus far have kept out of the cathedral 'con- troversy. But they are well aware that much of the present ecclesiastical real estate is not getting full use. Recently they appointed a group to study pro- posals for sharing of churches by the Church of England. and other churches. The real 'prob- lem now is to make one-day-a- week buildings economic, Channe) 2--Buftalo Barrie Buffalo Toronte Buffalo Rochester 9--Toronto Hamilton sonerecorieer nerrtoesntis, SATURDAY SVE. 4:00 PLM 11--Champlonship Bewling 9--Bllko %--The Big Show of the Week 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Hudson Bay Men From UNELE 6:30 P.M, 1--Peter Gunn 9--After Four 6--World Of Musle 8--Ripcord 8 PLM. 9-4-4-3---News; Weather) Sports 7100 P.M, N--Mickle 9---Sea Hunt 63--A_ World of His Own 4--UB Round Table Pane Have Gun Will Travel 1 P.M, 9--The Virginien 0-2--F lipper &-Take @ 6:00 P.M. 2 1--Club 11 Dance Party @-8--Kentu Jones 3-Lets Sing Out oe PM. o2--Mr. Magoo T--tawrence Welk Show 6-3--Beverly Hillbillies 4--Gilligan's island Comedy 9:00 P.M. N--Great Music 9--At the Movies @8--Movie 63--Great Movies 4--Secret Agent 9:20 P.M. ¥--Hollywood Palace 10:00 PLM. World War One « 4--Gunsmoke 10:30 P.M. Ni--Bleckbuster 7--Jimmy Deen show 63--Juliette e 1:00 PLM, 119-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather) Sports Ths PLM, N--Block Buster Con tinued %--Metro Pinal 6--Night Metre 6-2--Saturday Night et The Movies 138 PLM, 200 A.M. 11--Cathedral Chimes 7--Herald of. Truth &-B'wana 9:38 AM, 1--Musicale 7--Tennessee Tuxede The Answer 10:00 A.M, 8--Herald of Truth 7--Rocket Ship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Church Invitation 1:38 A.M. Secret World 4--Look Up And Live &--Insight Tee AM Ti--Itallan = Journal #3--Chureh Service 4--Camera 3 + @--Agricuiture 1:38 AM, 11--Carasetlo 59--Canadians All 4-The Fisher Femily 12:00 ROOR 1--Canadian Pro Soccer $--itallan Album TV &--Fellix The Cet 7--Beany end Cecil Great Show Musi¢ 4--News; Wea' Sports 2--Bishop Sheen 12:18 Pm, ress 12:38 PLM, 7--Bullwinkle Show. ace The Ni Flim --Femily Pleyhouee 1:00 P.M, Continental Minleture 9--Spectrum &--Movie 7--Discovery '65 63--Jack In The Box 4--Basebal! 1:30 PA, '1--Spotlight sore Said It Should'nt Be Don @ e ¥--Issues and Answers 68--Country Calender 4--Film 2:00 PLM, N--Mickle rts %--Top Star Bowl $--World Of Sport fe 3--Dr, Ki 2:30 PLM. t--My Little Margie 7--World of Sports \ Werk 2:00 P.M. 1i--Club 11 Dance Party &3--World of Sport ®--Doctors At Werk 2:38 PLM, 9--Theatre 3-2--Movie 4--Ted Mack 4:00 PLM, 1l--Great Music 8&--Movie $3--Time for Adventure 4:0 P.M. 9--Bilko 7--Jalopy Races $-3--Adventure 5:00 PLM, N--Faemily Theatre 9--Johnny Quest 7--Goolf Tournament 6--Stan Leonard Golf 4--Zoorama 3---Hudson Bay 2--Encore Sunday $:3) PLM. %--Cartoon Playhouse 6--20/20 4--Chautauqua '65 Movie k 6:00 PLM. 9--F lipper 7--Big Show of The Week ray 1--Movie 9--Walt Disney Presents 8-2--Sports ¢--Chorus 4--World War | 7:00 P.M. $&3--CINE Club | 4--Lassie 7:0 PLM, 9--Mr, Novak $-2-Disney's World of Color 7--Wagon Train 63--- Patty Duke Show 4--My Favorite Mertion 6:00 P.M. +43---Ed Sullivan shew 28 OM. '\--Special Movie 9--Movie a-2--Buckskin 1--Breadside TELEVISION LOG 9:00 P.M. 8-2-6-3--Bonanza 7--Movie 4--Twilight Zone 10:00 P.M. %--Musical Showcase &:2--The Rogues $3--Compass 4--Candid Camere 1e:39 P.M World War One +3--Camere West %--Zero One 4--Whal's My Line 11:00 P.M. 119-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather, 11:28 P.M, 7-43--Late Show 2--Award Theatre %--Metre Final 11:38 P.M, il--Travellers Review ate Show 6~Alfred Hitchock Hour MONDAY 6:00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaree 9:00 A.M, ae} for Doliers Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club 9:30 A.M, %--The Millionaire 4-Leave it To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show 10:08 A.M. #2--Truth or Consequences 10:15 A.M, a s %--Cartoon Party 10:20 AM, 8-2--What's This Song T--Tralimaster 4-1 Love Lucy 10:45 A.M, 9--Romper Room 11:08 A.M, 11--Mosicale 8-2--Concentration 4--Andy of Mayberry 1:18 AM, 9%--Summer Fun 1128 AM, #-2--Jeopardy 7--Price Is Right 4--The McCoys 12:08 NOD! 12:15 P.M, %--Dear Charlotte 4--Speaxer ef the House 12:38 PLM. Ni--First Edition News 9--Scarboro College -2--I'll Bet 7--Father Knows Beet 4--Search for Tomorrow 3--Noonday Report 12:48 PLM. 1l--Racing Forum 4--@uiding Light 1:00 PLM. 11--Adventures of Charlie Chan 9--Summertime 8-- Matinee 7--Atternoon Show 6--Music 4--Meet The Millers Ed Allen 2--Mike Dougles Show 130 PLM, li--Mid Day Matinee And First Four Races 9----Theatre 6--Luncheon Date 4--As The World Turns 2:00 P.M. 7--Where The Action Is 4--Password i 2:38 P.M. 8-2--The Doctors 7--A sTime For Us 4--Movie Matinee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, July 31, 1965 23 3662 KI76 963 i, ear ae O9642 HAQT™ Opening lead--jack of 5 The declarer should practice to formulate a play before he even follows from dummy to the opening --_ a, expect to results any degree larity if he plays hands trick-to-trick basis rather on a basis which comprises the play of the hand as a whole. Some hands vi play themselves if declarer p) play properly. Take this hand, for example, where West leads a spade against four hearts. Declarer sees that the only possible losers are a trump and three clubs, The trump loser can easily be saved whenever East has three low trumps, or when- ever East has the singleton or doubleton queen. The trump loser can also be saved when East has two low trumps or three to the queen, but in both these cases South must guess whether or not to finesse if he is to avoid a trump loser. A club loser can be saved whenever East has the ace of clubs, since the king would be- come a trick in each such case. Declarer can protect himself against practically every case possible if he wins the spade lead with the ace, cashes the ace of hearts, plays a spade to the king, and then leads a trump and finesses the ten. This finesse assures the con- tract whether it wins or loses. Note that in the actual'case the finesse succeeds 'and South makes eleven tricks. ~ But let's assume that West had the Q-x originally, in which case the finesse would lose. Even so, South is certain of the contract regardless of where the ace of clubs is located. _ West, having scored the queen of trumps, cannot do better than return a diamond, thus permit- ting South to discard a club loser on dummy's fourth dia- mond. " If declarer fails to take the trump finesse, he j the contract, and, in the actual case, goes down one. Russian Aircraft Sent To Jakarta JAKARTA (Reuters) -- The Indonesian Air Force, already claimed to be the strongest Asian air force in Southeast Asia, is being equipped with more modern aircraft from Russia. It was announced that more MiG-21 jet fighters, huge MI-6 transport helicopters and AN-12 transport aircraft will arrive soon in Indonesia, No quantities or other details were revealed. The air force is undergoing extensive training and re-equip- ping at the hands of Russian experts. Russia and Indonesia have signed a multi - million - dollar arms pact. Artist Tackles Gigantic Mural MEXICO CITY (Reuters)-- David Siqueiros, Mexico's lead- ing mural painter, has been commissioned to paint the big- gest mural in the world in the auditorium of a luxury hotel planned at Cuernavaca, 40 miles from the capital. The mural, covering about 10,700 square yards, will have as its theme "the man of the future" and will probably take five years to complete. The 67- year-old artist was reported to have asked for a 2,000,000-pesos fee (about $167,000), : SHIP FLOATS ON LAND MUNICH, Germany (AP) -- Land-locked Munich has a §2,- 500,000 full-size ocean - going freighter floating in a specially- constructed harbor basin. Built of wood and cardboard, the ves- sel contains exhibits at the In- ternational Transport and Com- munications Fair. SALLY'S SALLIES "No, the leash isn't heavy, but \ wour line ist? --

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