J rats ig BB nee ttt Bea Ke Ay Lidl SN, Seay Sai THEN YOU 'ENOUGH TO CLIMB : EEE HIGHEST MIND CLIMBING MOUNTAIN? 4 STAIRS SUSSORS THAT 'S SINISTER} TO GET EVEN --IF IT dy) HOWL? a ADOGS dnt \ ee you po Tar' Lo FIND \'M TYKING M GOING TO || TO THIS SOFT LIVING LOAF LIKE A || 'ANDSOMELY-- I DIDNT" "OOMIN' LYDY--4| KNOW A MOTEL COULD Bad BE SO FINE-- 19 THAT 60+" WELL, WELL «+e HMMM @ King Fentares Syeticate, ine 1965. World righes removed. DOUGLAS BAREF/ JUNIOR, HAS SWORN IGNORE HIM, DEARIT-HE'S MERELY A DROPOUT FROM A DOG TRAINING SCHOOL! NG LOWER, Prusurco-- BUT I WASN'T BEING | PAID TO STAY, THEN |--NOW I AM-- IT MYKES A GONNA CALL ME, AN! Z WAS UUST PRACTICIN! NOBODY. TSR.) THERE I WAS--RETURNING FROM A PARTY Usa face MAKE IT PAUL, WILL YOU? SED YOU ABSOP : [POLLOWNG HIS FIRST FIGHT, CANADIAN NOAH. BRUSSO, NOT! YET CALLED TOMMY BURNS, 4S IN DETROIT TRAINING TO BECOME A PRO. j BOXING CHAMPION & WITHIN FIVE FIGHTS, HE KNOCKS OUT ED SHOLTREAU IN THE Re IO TO BECOME MICHIGAN HEAVYWE/GHT. CHARGE 18 DROPPE: BRUSSO'S. D/ST) MOTHER BEGS HiM TO MAKE A PROMI: Y Vif ZAM, FAITH, YOURE ASKING WHAT Uy /DON'T KNOW! HOW CAN / TELL YOU Wh, WHERE /LL BE PROSPECTING NEXT ? THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X9 JANE ARDEN Jou DIDN'T BELIEM BEING IN THAT MI IE JUST TO EXPLORE IT, DID' YOU? AND 'THINGS DOWN "THERE! YOU THINK I OUGHT TO TAKE MY .22? DONALD DUCK CTAIBISMECTAIN S| AIBT TE BROIL TI [0] [OTRISTOINSEMIATP TL Te | 5 Bia Oe BIC TE} aaa 6. Exclama- RIOIDMNGIUIE ISIS! tion. % [OISMMDT' ISISIE|CIT| 7. Revolve (NIE BEOIN[O MARMMOTRTE| 8. Cherish [GTAIMIMIA Mie [INTE [Wj . waa ONea 9. Danish EID MMEIEI} weight 10, Half ems 14. Goddess * of discord: Gr. 18. At home 19. Any climbing 26. Erase 28. Wave 30. Grows old 32, Close to 34, Give over 35. Voided escutcheon 36. Greedy 37. Escutcheon Yesterday's Answer 39. Domesday Book money 41, Malt beverage '} WELL .... L RECKONED THERE WAS MORE TO 2 OUR STORY OF | | IT THAN MET THE EYE, ~ MICKEY MOUSE Distrfimated by King Featuree Syodicate THAT'S ENOUGH/ AS FAR AS A MISTER THOMPSON 16 CONCERNE! WE WERE JUST EXPLORING! D MUGGS AND SKEETER h + ON HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR MEMORY / > SHE JUST RETOLD GRA!) IDMA MUST MR. OTIS A JOKE (h ETTING sor °F GOOD FRC I THE BOOK '§) READING... \/ I TOLD HER... + AND ALMOST REMEMBERED sce THE ENDING/ BOY, WAS SHE PREPARED FOR THE RAIN! RAINCOAT.,. RAIN HAT.. V5 7 BUT THERE'S ONE THING YOU STILL HAVE TO WORRY a Ie Va y SS Wy, NA as plant band 21. Suspend 38. Strike z [5 Ly L) 43. Verbal ending 5 i] TELEVISION LOG 10:00 P.M. | 4--News and rer. l1--The Merv Griffin Show] #--Popeye and | Pal %--Payton Place 1218 PM. 8-2--Hullabaloo 7--The Fugitive | 4--Doctors and Nurses 10:90 P.M, | %--Country Music Hall | 63--News Magaine ] 11:00 P.M. | 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News | 'Weather and Sports | 1:18 PM. | %-Metro Final oP. barilacel soca | &-Leave it To Seaver| 11:39 P.M, | 6=Take Thirty | I-d--Late Show 4--Night Metre | Rawhide | | 11:30 PLM, | 6:00 Py 11--Wrestiing | 7--News Central |%+2--Tonight Show Talk Music | 6--Sports | 3--Movie | Wa Mi N--Mid-Day Matinee 9--From Scarboro College| And First Four Races 6--International Cinema | 9--Movie WEDNESDAY | 6~Luncheon Date 7--Dialing for Dollars: | 4--As The World Turne Channet 2--Buftalo Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Buffalo Channel 6--Toronto Channe! 7--~Buffalo Channel 8--Rochester Channel 9--Toronto Channel 11--Hamilton secncsseanengnt TVESUAY «VE 5:00 P.M. 1i--Family Theatre | Superman 6--Survivalu 3--Cannon_ Ball | @-Lloyd Thaxton 4--Bpeaker | 9--Dear Charlotte 12:39 PLM. First Edition News %--Noonday Report 12:45 P.M, li--Racing Forum 4--Guiding Light | 1:00 P.M, \l--Charlie Chan 9--Summertime &--Matinee 7--Afternoon Show 6--Music And News | 4--Meet The Millers 3--Summer Carousel | &--Mike Douglas Show 1:30 P.M, 4--Zane Grey Theatre | &Today, 1965 | om" PM, 11--Family Theatre YOUH HEALTH Youngster 'Grows' In Four Big Spurts By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: My who has just turned 18, is only/corrected growth becomes more | | heard: pros and cons about in-/ally is not greatly affected. jections to increase height. One! It is true that the individual's} friend of 20 claims he is gettingjhormonal pattern plays a part,| a series of seven injections tojbut it is one thing to correct an increase his height. He is fivelimbalance, and quite another to feet seven. tinker with it just for the sake Should 1 pursue this further,jof trying to add height, and I or do you feel it is impossible|do not recommend the pro-| to attain more than one's so-jcedure. | called normal height? -- Mrs.) (You might well watch andj} J. 8. isee what happens in the case of Height is governed to a greatithe 20-year-old who says he is extent by one's hereditary pat-jgetting injections; even if he tern. It comes mainly in fourjreally gets them, I can see no large "growth spuris," the last/prospect that he will become} of which is between the ages of|taller.) | 11 and 15, although some growth IS NORMAL continues to about 18 or 19 in| If your son grows no taller many instances, At about thatihe is still within the normal age the small pieces of bonejrange for height. | dare say and the ends of the long bonesjthat you can help him the most of the body fuse and growth!by not mentioning it--don't dis- | ceases. of cuss it, don't make fears Of course, growth can be in-jsons, don't sympathize with fluences in childhood or youth:\him. Just encourage "him Illness, and faulty nutrition canidevelop. his talents in | slow it up, However, even injdirection they may lie. son,|severe cases, once a problem is| five feet five inches tall. 1 havejrapid, so the final height usu-} lwho come to mind. But I don't toj*" | Girl Talk | ne PM. | 7--Where The Action Is | 4--Password | ---Moment of Truth 2:30 P.M, $-2--The Doctors 7--A_ Time For Us 6--Movie Matinee | 4--House Party | 3--Movie 3:00 P.M. | %--People in Conflict | @-2--Another World | 7--General Hospital 4--To Tell The Truth 3:30 PLM, 8:00 AM. jews | J--Highway Patrel | padi 4-Captain Kangaroo 7:00 P.M, N--Shindig 9--The Littlest Hobe | 9:00 A.M. 7--Dialing For Dollars With Girl Talk 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club 9:20 A.M. baste I taal %--The Millionaire | 4--Leave It To Beaver ee Where Ar® | 9 Ann Southern Show 10:00 A.M. @2--Truth or Consequence 4--News | 10:15 A.M. } | Cartoon Party | Hawkeye 9--lis Your Move | 10:30 A.M, | | ' #2--You Don't Say | $2--What's This Song | 7 "The Young Marriede | 7--Trailmaster | 4~1 Love Lucy |6-3---Public Service 10:45 A.M, Announcements %--Romper Room | 4-Edge of Night 11:00 A.M, 4:00 PM. Vi-Morning Musicale | 11--Wild Bill Hickock | 8-2--Concentration | 9--James Beard Show 4-Andy of Mayberry | &--The Match Game | | 7---Rocketship 7 W:18 AM. 63--Vacation Time | %--Summer Fun Talent | 11:20 AM, 9:00 P.M. | @2--Jeopardy | &-Cloak Of Mystery | 7--Price Is Right 7--The Tycoon | 4--The McCoys 9--Movie #:390 P.M. 12:0 NOON | 7--Early Show 63--Gideon's Way N--=Camera On Canada, |63--Sunshine Semester 4--Petticoat Juncttion 62--Call My Bluff | 4--The 4Thirty Show 2Mickey Mouse Club 7--Donna Reed 2~-B'wana Don | 3-Gilligan's Isiand 2--The Detectives 1: PLM, 9--Let's Sing Ovt #2---Mr. Novak 7--Combat ¢--On The Scene 4--Danny Thomas 3--Wendy and Me 8:00 P.M. 11--Special Movie 9--Petticoat Junction 63--The Great War 4--Joey Bishop Show $:98 P.M. 9--Movie §-2--Moment Of Fear 7--McHale's Navy 6-4-3-- Hollywood Scouts Friends | 4PM |li---Huckleberry Hound For there to be an average,jand suffering amnesia (loss of for every tall man there has to}/memory) there is no way for be a short one, and the world/your mind to "go blank." Even is full of famous short ones--|with amnesia, the mind keeps Napoleon, 'and the _ scientist/working; it just can't recall of the House by THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, August 3, 1965 45 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mosters Individual Championship Ploy) North dealer, North-South vulnerable. ORTH se, 310874 EAS? 938 KI1643 335 AGs souTs Opening lead--eight of hearts, Declarer is frequently faced with a problem of maintaining two-way communication be- tween his own hand and dum- my. This problem of entries is decisive in some deals, because declarer cannot profit from having a number of tricks in one hand or the other if there is no way of reaching the hand with the tricks. The defenders are also some- times faced with the problem of communication between their hands. One or the other of them may have tricks which cannot be utilized because there is no entry card to the hand with the tricks. The problem can sometimes be overcome by the defenders by exercising a reasonable de- gree of care. Here is such a case. West leads a heart after Fast has overcalled in that suit. Dummy plays the queen, East the king, and South makes the right play of allowing East to win the trick. As a result of this communi- cation - breaking play, South makes the contract. If East continues with the suit, South finesses the ten and leads a club, eventually establishing three club tricks to make the trick he goes . When he leads a club, West takes it with the king, returns a heart to the jack, and East then continues with a heart and establishes his suit. East still has the ace of clubs as an entry card and South goes down two. However, East can defeat the contract regardless of what de- clarer does if he plays the seven of hearts on the opening lead. East, by permitting de- clarer to win the first trick, maintains a heart contact with West which prevents South from ever making more than seven tricks. Thus, if declarer plays a club at trick two, West takes it with the and returns a heart to East's K-J. The race for the establishment of suits is won the defense and South winds up with second money. Weekend Shift Trend Probed TORONTO (CP)--Labor Min- ister Leslie Rowntree says his department will investigate whether the so-called continen- tal work week--regular shifts that include Saturday apd Sun- day--is becoming a trend in Ontarios manufacturing plants. He promised the inquiry Thursday at a meeting with re- presentatives of 1,250 strikers at the Anaconda American Brass Ltd. plant in New Tor- onto who have been on strike for almost four months. In a brief to the government, the union said a company de- mand that 15 per cent of the workers go on a staggered work week must be removed before the strike can be settled. During the meeting, about 150 pickets marched in demon- stration outside the legislature buildings. The workers, members of Lo- cal 399, United Auto Workers of America (CLC), are de- manding a 12 - cent - an - hour wage increase in each year of a three-year agreement, plus provision for further increases based on rises in the cost of liv- ing. Wages now range from $2.08 to $2.52 an hour. NEWS IN BRIEF PRINT NEW STAMPS | Australia has prepared 22 new postage stamps for the switch to decimal currency Feb. 14, 1966. SNAKE HAS SMELL The eastern fox snake, found along the lake shores of South- ern Ontario, has defensive scent glands which smell like a fox. SALLY'S SALLIES Charles Steinmets, to name twojthings in the past. sty What you are afraid of is an pga fee ae Aye Me eer impossibility. Or even taking ; | 'Gari marvelous it is that every|the other meaning of losing man's legs are just the right)your mind," becoming mentally length to reach the ground. jill, that is really an emotional ; \difficulty. The patient can think, -- pe --.. psig talk, reason, and often appear people fear eer, ' ; (and in fact be) perfectly nor- have a constant and tormenting mal except when his particular fear of losing my mind. I wake/emotional block intervenes-- up at night sometimes and fearjanxiety, guilty, or whatever. my mind. will go blank, Could) you offer any word of advice! OFFER LITTLE CHOICE eit this?-- About 60° restaurants in OW, Or PVEECORNS ne Tokyo serve nothing but tem- Mrs, J. D. L. pura, a shrimp' dish which is Short of being hit on the head|Japan's most popular delicacy, "Don't try and soften me up _ i With that oldie,"