i | Allies Mili ae < (gale SAVE 160.00 The Largest EATON VIKING REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER tinsrn 20m Generously sized blankets of warm and cosy cotton flannelette to chase away the chills! Blankets are creamy white with striped pink = or blue borders and hemmed ends. Double-bed size, approx. 80" x 90". SPECIAL, pair ..seseeceseeessers & ° * Ordinarily 559.95 ; . e . ° e : Model 1865FAM " White Finish. Viscose-and-rayon blended blankets are double woven with a suede-finish that Semi-Annual Sale Price: each : resists pilling and matting, Matching viscose-rayon bind- i yee esas : ing. Double-bed size only, approx, 72" x 90". 4 rie] € SPECIAL, each Also available, limited quantity in coppertone finish, 10.00 extra DEPT. 436 BATH TOWELS i F "Substandards" Of Much Higher Priced Line ! i : ; : @ Frost-free operation -- no frost forms in either section; no messy de- Subs cappuclehecde' ren yet takes up so little room! frosting needed ever. These are fluffy soft and absorbent cotton terry towels. 2. y 'J Note the talents and features of this mighty VIKING: There's so much storage space, it's like having a 'Super- + r ' ' ie ee 'aed : @ To eliminate stooping, bending and reaching for foods, the more fre- Approx. 26" x 50'. Come in shades of rose, blue, royal he secret Is the highly efficient Thin-Wall Polyure quently-used refrigerator section is at the top with the freezer below. gold, brown, sea green, yellow, orange, mandarin, aqua. thane-foam insulation. It permits greater interior capa- 12.9 cu. ft. new Refrigerator Section -- has 19.6 sq. ft. of shelf area, SPECIAL, poir..... soneee including one handy pull-out shelf. city (18. 5 cu.' ft.) and more compact interior lines so Two 14-ft. porcelain-enamelled crispers to' keep fruits and vegetables - : ee ; Mi garden fresh. that the overall size of this model is just 32" x 26% Convenient meat drawer for cold meats, bacon, etc. LINEN TEA TOWELS x 645" hi h. The savin of 160.0 r Door shelves, including space for butter, eggs, tall bottles. : a a g gs O are the lowest ever 5.6 cu. ft, net Freezer -- provides long-term storage for 196 Ibs. frozen poceniene pbc hig tea er wi F dcosaahst in offered for a_refrigerator freezer! . food. Fitted with glide-out basket, two ice-cube trays, ice bucket, door assorted colours. Keep your china and flatware snining. g : shelves. : : Approx. 24" x 36". SPECIAL, 5 for '0 @ & : DEPT, 236 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 259 : PHONE 725-7373 EATON'S UPPER LEVEL, PHONE 725-7373 STORE HOURS: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday Through Saturday, Open Thursday and Friday Nights Until 9 i