14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, Avgust 12, 1965 'Bright Mir', 'Direct Dave' Win Elimination Heats TORONTO (CP)--Bright Mir' and Direct Dave won two elim- ination heats for the Canadian Standardbred Horse Society Fu- turity Stakes at Greenwood Raceway Wednesday night. 'The first five finishers in each clmination heat meetin «final show. test here Aug. 18. Bright Mir, owned by Adrien and Gerard Miron of St. Augus- tin, Que., won the first elimina- Eee sea 1a, Bright Air do feated Pat's Ezra by 3% lengths Exotic Holidays Swedish Trend STOCKHOLM (Reuters) -- Sweden's affluent society, earn- ing more money today than ever before, appears to be tir- ing of Europe as a vacation playground. More and more Swedes are seeking more exotic spots as far afield as Australia. For years, Swedes have sought to escape the Arctic winters of their Nordic capital by travelling to Majorca and the Canary Islands. Italy, Greece, Spain and the south of France have been equally pop- ular resorts. Now, however, with more money to spend and more time at their disposal, distance ap- <e to be losing significance. Stockholm travel agency, Bs example, reports a roaring bod in long-distance trips, in- ing a package trip to Aus- oo via Beirut, Bombay and Singapore. and Game Mir, from Elmer Ugg ag PRL Ingersoll, Ont., stable, was third. Bright Mir paid $3.40, $3.10 and $3 to win. Pat's Ezra was $5.50 and $4.60 to place ms Game Mir returned $10.70 to Direct Dave, ond elimination in the sixth race, defeated Armbro Guy, owned by the Eagle Stable of Kitchener, Danny Marc ~- Mic, from Ann Cote's Sillery, Que., stable, was third. Direct Dave, driven by owner Keith Waples of Victoria Har- bour, Ont., paced the mile in 2:10 1-5 paid $12.80, an and $3.30 to win. Armbro Guy $3.30 and $2.80 and Mar-Mic $3.40. RATAVIA, N.Y. (CP) -- Cricket, a nine-year-old pacer owned by the ABC and G Stable of St. 'Lambert, Que., won the featured $1,100 conditioned pace "1 _--* Downs Wednesday ie rg shot returned $1.60, $5.80 and $3.20 in r the immense and partly unexplored region. Scientists from the universi-|w : tropical the sec-| auspices of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. The expedition will follow the first international soil biology en here Sept. 10 to Oct. One of the most interestin studies will be the terrac cultivation system used by the Quechua Indians in the hi Mesetas of Peru. The soil of terraces has apparently not de- clined in. fertility despite 900) years of use. OFFER PRICE GUIDES One of the Australian govern- ment's guides for immigrants is @ comparison of. prices for all kinds of foodstuffs in seven major cities, MONTREAL (CP)--The Sea- International Union ternational Trazseort Workers' Federation. The federation consists of 340 unions said to represent 6,500,- 000 transport workers in 83 non- 'Communist countries. The SIU of Canada, in an an- nouncement from its Montreal headquarters Wednesday, said it previously had been repre- sented in the London-based fed- eration by the Seafarers' Inter- national Union of North Amer- iea, The new affiliation will not sever any links between the SIU of Canada and its parent North American unit, a spokes- -- for the- Canadian union said. "With the dirsct affiliation; the Seafarers' International Un- ion of Canada row will be able to speak directly for the inter- ests of Canadian sailors on is- sues concerning their welfare s international trade," the SIU of Canada said in its announce- ment. SSRI eA RR A NRE MENON RAED, mile in 2:10 2-5. Elden Turcotte" drove Mr. Cricket to a nose victory over Terron, owned by the Mehlen- bacher. Stable of. Hagersville, Ont, Jimmie Bond was third. Terron paid $8.60 and $4.80 to place and Jimmie Bond was $3.40 to show. Mental Tests Seen Stiffer WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Honey West Normal Girl nOLLY WOOD ( Pe yt a .. We Uke to think of Honey West as defi department says young American males are as healthy years ago. U.S. military service, officials say, it's due primarily to stiff- ened mental requirements. Figures compiled by the of- fice of the army surgeon-gen- eral show about 12- per - cent are being rejected service now than during ae Second World War. While rejections for medical reasons have remained about 15 per cent, those for mental rea- sons are up 12 per cent. i wee And Honey West, of course, is one of next season's 20 or so new television comedy series. Tt is an oblique commentary on the state of network entertain- ment when producer Spelling in- sists that the ABC spoof is one INSECTS WEAR COATS Insects which live on the hot sand dunes on the Delaware coast have been found to have heavy heat-repelling coats of of next season's more daring experiments. "No one has ever attempted ft," he continued. "The odds are really against the show. The question is whether the public will accept a girl lead in a half-hour adventure show." The mood, Spelling hopes, will be pure Peter Gunn, the private eye series of several seasons back that combined ur- banity and sophisticated, brit- tle dialogue with roundhouse slugging so dear to the hearts of the viewers. Its immediate parent, how- ever, was Burke's Law, which blazed a TV trail because it "kidded murder, néver gotten credit for it,' as- serted Spelling, who also pro- daced that series. Honey first appeared as a character in the Gene Barry series on ABC last season. As originally observed, Honey v=eactress Ann Francis--was a ate eye who protected herself against assorted evil doers with a quick flip of the wrist that sprawled them on the sidewalk or with a hand-chop that knocked them cold. George Maharis, who rode oft | the télevision range in a cloud of futy after those seasons of Route 66, returns for the first time as an actor in one of the Bob Hope Theatre shows--shar- ing billing with Simone Signo- ret. Meanwhile, he has been busy with motion picture roles and we've and has a profitable singing ca- reer going for him, too. fur or hair. PHIL WRIGHT and the COUNTDOWNS Dancing 9 p.m. till 1 Admission $1.75 At The HOTEL LANCASTER The supply of old movies | which have not been released to television is lower than New York City's reservoirs. NBC worried about the shortage t years ago, experimented b: with making some full Aagth films then dropped the expen- sive project. Now CBS is con- sidering a partnership with one of the studios in such produc. tions which would also be re- leased to theatres. eweligg? has -- a pac of foreign s 4 for broadcast in 1966. It in- clues some Sophia Loren ard i pictures including Yes- | tarda, Today and Tomorrow finsT SHOW AT DUSK GOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8100 PM. BLUE HORSE LOUNGE $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE Here Is @ pion to provide for your family If you should die, or for your retirement years If . You make regular payments te the Sun Life of Canada, then et age 65, you start receiving $300 a month for life, or if vou prefer, $44,150 in cash. Both of these d by leaving your dividends on deposit. Should you not survive te oge 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be pald immediately to your family. you survive . . ean be | --or healthier--than those of 20 7 If more are being rejected for | GREAT HITS! henig FUN! SONGS ! ACTION ! FIRST OSHAWA SHOWING ! "GERRY and the PACEMAKERS" pat "FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY"' 14 FABTASTIC SONG HITS! ----with-- CILLA BLACK HIS FUNNIEST HAPPIEST WILDEST HIT! ELVIS PRESLEY --In-- "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" In COLOR with mae = f i BILTMORE PHONE 725-5833 SAT. AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, - SUMMER GALAX FINE Fil n ~ iv > ' The "Ramblers from Nashville, Tennessee APPEARING NIGHTLY TONIGHT end All This Week Three' Country and Western and Blue Grass at its best. IN THE FROM AGE 65 By completing the énquiry form below, you con obtain details suitable to your personal situation. Plans ean be erronged to provide various amounts maturing et ege 60 or 65. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshawa Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 ADDRESS ...,.. OCCUPATION WOOD evel crneniceavidsines Exact Date Of Birth eheee ee eee eee eee | eee Unit Manager Business 725-4563 ee eeeserneses eeeeevee Indonesia Policy Seen =~] Unchanged Fg igi _ is expected to s' ein to nk now that Singapore has left the young federation. President Sukarno is likely to view Singapore's separation Monday as a green light to step up military operations and an a that Malaysia is on the rocks The "other war" in Southeast) in Asia probably wil! increase in gravity, wil went ins creased demands on the British and Commonwealth forces who are Malaysia's chief protection, "Malaysia can expect an on: slaught from Indonesia in the coming week," a high military source said after the split in the federation was announced, The source said Indonesia now is likely to shift its sights away from this big Southeast Asian city, Indone- PSORVSSSSCOSSSESEESE: 2 waned a Rae a ba ave & a ish here," the said. "But if they inink feer ean- get "Singapore on side -- and ey ses minister) Lee Kuan Yew 'has siaid he wants to co « operate with Indonesia--they m: a temporary halt to t tacks on Singapore," Other military sources consl- der Singapore's separation it call eir at- victory for Indonesia. "Sukarno must be having a great laugh," one source said. "Rut we can expect him 3 take the utmost advantage of the separation militarily, Me 4 military authorities in}, Singapore -- Britain's big- gest base east of Suer--were peony about the effect japore's separation from), Me ayaa will have on the mor: jan aggression, internally, how are they going to fight an external enemy? one source sald Miliary authoriiiog believe Aug, 1%, Indonesia's indepen: dence day, probably will apark the higmenl, mont dolermined 4 PomLonen PNDRT 1) FARE V Os) 'he Lee ees ees sees : SHOW BTARTE AT | ia « "HELP" starring -- THE BEATLES -- Also -- "For Those Who Think Young" Both in Color Box Office Opens 7:45 Nightly from Malaysia a paychological ' ale of those reaisting Indones- destroy on Malaysia. Aug. "s independence 31, , is another likely date for al ai i iil ill Ai A a Some military observers be- lieve the Indonesians. may use| Supplied guided. missiles against strate: AEE IES i port said the Soviet Union Indonesia 12 class gunboats armed face-to-surfaee parcege gic military heces:-A recent 16+ of carrying to turn 'Singapore into a "sea of flames" if Britain st aggression inst as he i" Teksaseten Dee inister Abdul Haris Ne po said Sin be ed before Malaysia can "It they can't atick together) be crushed, mfectares 130 = 330 Bhiade lee » i ag 9:30, Last Show ¢ AT THE CNL. AQUA CAPERS" TUT ones OPEN DAILY 1 PM, _ 'THE WHITBY & AJAX BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY eS itt ALLNEW! INCREDIBLE ADVENTURE On A Lost ISLAND! _, | COLOR } Hal * DRAPES * BROADLOOM * PAINTS * WALLPAPER DODD & SOUTER DECOR GENTRE LD, 107 Byron 6. &, Whithy PHONE 666-5062 CONSULT A LICENSED REALTOR FOR EXPERT ADVICE OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 216 Dundes €, Whitby HARRY'S JANITOR SERVICE 668-8873 @ INDUSTRIAL ER 668-8873. 609 HARRIET ja eeeseen_ ---weenenenena ae featured at } ARNOLD'S MARKET WHEEL theo rine rate . ACO : tb. 79 vesh a. RIB STEAKS 115 BROCK WN, 1, Nh, W%6 668-3567 Mereury Furniture and Appliances % Phillips * Clairtone * GE. PREE DELIVERY Horwood, Ajex 942-3711 Aion an evening out 171 Brock N. 668-5012 leone renee al oe semen 146 BROCK N, For As Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own A QUALITY CAR from NIGOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 668-3331 of DANCING Dancing Instruction from 4 yeors of ege. Classes for Ladies, | 513 Mary E. CONNELLY ScHOoL | BEAVER LUMBER C0. LTD, "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 419 Dundes &. Whitby The man looks first at the heir, then into the eyes, Be sure you're prepared. FOR APPOINTMENT 668-3992 Stafford Bros. Ltd. Monuments in stone and marble 4 Generations of Experience 318 Dundes @. 668.3552 BUSINESS OF THE WEEK ARMSTRONG HOMES AJAX, ONT. When you purchase « home you ABNER'S ESSO THE GREAT NEW RAMBLER 1003 Brock $. 668-5391 Summertime! Anytime! Is TREAT TIME McMURRAY'S FOR English Style Country Style FISH 'n' CHIPS and FRIED CHICKEN Come As You Are And Eat in Your Car --or PHONE AHEAD FOR TAKE HOME 728-2291 Enjoy All the other Famous Treats BIG "M" BURGER 'n COKE McMURRAY'S DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT SIMCOE ST. N. AT TAUNTON RD. Secretarial Overload Service * GECRETARIES * TYPISTS * EXTRA STAFF & MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES 101 Dundes W. 668-8181 want to be sure thot the ploce you choose is properly built with first class materials, When you choose an Armstrong Home, you con toke this for granted as Arm. strong Homes ore built by the ex- perts of the best materials avail- oble. Gerry Armstrong, proprietor of Armstrong Homes, first began op- erations in 1954 'and has never looked back, He has now been building homes for 11 years and has built such areas os Southwood Park In Alex and Rolling Hills Estates in Oshawa. Gerry is originally from Montreal, is married and the father of 3 children. He is Ist Vice President of the Homebuilders' Association and a Mason, He enjoys golf, fish- ina and horseback riding. Remember for @ better built home, , AJAX CLEANERS @ COLD STORAGE © SHIRT SERVICE 942-0310 72 HARWOOD S., AJAX asennad ARMSTRONG HOMES Proudly Presents Southwood Perk Ajex and Rolling Hills Estates Olive & Grandview, Oshawe 942.2401 43 SHERWOOD €. Ten JUST OPENED ! WHITBY MEAT MARKET 313 BROCK §, 668.6941 WHITBY ae HORTON'S STUDIO @ INDUSTRIAL @ CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS @ WEDDINGS 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX its on Armstrong. Home. BROUGHTON ) MOTORS * Licensed Mechanics % General Repairs .. % Quality Fine Products 1101 Brock $. 666.8211 NOTICE! ! We will be closed for 2 weeks From Aug. 14 - 29 GOOLD FURNITURE 215 Dundes £. 668-5481 ae spent a ]] @ GOURTEOUS, EFFICIENT GEO, HARDING EXCAVATING Trenching is Our Specialty FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE 668-3566 411 Fairview Br. Whitby DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX. 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. Whitby LEHN'S BAKERY ro foouenens @ Cakes © Pastries Open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m iiss Sat., Sun. 12- ob, 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Whitby Nemes eee NORTH BROCK | TEXACO @. COMPLETE REPAIRS © QUALITY PRODUCTS BROCK N. 668-6441 SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE * Brigham Brier Pipes * Guns * Ammunition * Cameras * Films HOURS 8 A.M. -- 10 P.M. DAILY 121 Brock N. 668-8361 SURANG othe Geo, H. Vick Ltd, 668-3579 and 668-3330 108 Brock N. Whitby