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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Aug 1965, p. 13

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ial iia ae KNITTED NOVELTIE Here are three quickly knitted gift ideas for Christ- mas; the afghan is in the popular wave pattern and knits up fast on No, 3 needles; the toque is a "must with all the high PP cage et p berms etre sremy eae TMAS all three designs, simply send a stamped, _ self- addressed envelope and ten cents to cover cost of hand- ling, to the Needlecrast De- partment of this paper, re- questing Knitted Novelties, Leaflet Number 8-65. school types; the bag is one of the handiest accessories a woman can possess, All this knitting pleasure with the minimum of knitting time, If you would like the leaflet with instructions for CHILD GUIDANCE - Science And Math Study Have Place F . By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD According to the latest figures available (from the 1960 census) only nine percent of the em- and of the Be- tween 1950 and 1960 the rate _ loyed natural scientists less than one percent engineers were women. increase in the number women mathematicians clined, Women employed in engineer- ing and scientific fields in 1960 were less likely than men to have. advanced degrees, espe- cially the PhD; less likely to be employed in industry and very de- 3. We must apply our tech- nologi skills and knowledge to_k6me maintenance, The au- thor envisages house-care firms 'with teams of male and fe- male workers making jrounds of client households," or Women use her mental abilities 'in the : marriages of men and women work of the world," Her ambi-), their own professional fields. jin can_find an ro - noth (Ste sees hope in the fact that ge or in work, rarely in both.) noe 9 ut of five WOMEN'S. AMBITIONS jwomen doctors and engineers When a group of women three/Now have husbands in their own years out of college were asked|Telated field. She believes that of their ambition, the most fre-|Steater similarity in family quent answer was to be the|and occupational roles would mother of several accomplished|#44 zest and vitality to the re- children and the wife of a prom-|!ation between men and women inent man, In some other studies, more men than women believed/ENCOURAGE SCIENCE women should not choose a ca-| There is no clear-cut evidence reer difficult to combine withithat girls could not succeed in |gation of the sexes." ANN LANDERS Parents Shirk Duty Is Teacher's Rebuttal Dear Ann Landers: 1 am a fifth grade English teacher who is steaming mad. I just came from a meeting where a mother of three children said, '"'Some- ways stated but we feel the paper should either run the man's picture or they. should add, "not the Sam Smith who was chairman of the Red Cross drive in 1963.' The publisher Personality Is Key|ctrusing sabre.' To Puzzling Query Ry RORERTA ROESCH Dear Roberta Roesch: Is it better to work for a large firm or a small one? I'm anxious to know your answer _as soon as possible, be- cause I'm planning to look for work this fall, and to date I've had so many opinions from peo- ple about their experiences with large vs. small firms that I'm completely confused. I hope that your experience D. W. Dear D. W.: Unfortunately, the light I shed could still be labelled "Conte: sion," because the- decision of whether to work for a small or large firm is a highly personal one, You have to decide for yourself when you know what you want.from a job and when you've had some experience-- possibly in both kinds of firms. In general, though, you'll usu- ally find you get more company benefits and more extra curric- ular activities from being part thing must be done to improve the quality of our public school teachers. My husband and ! discovered last night that. our 10-year-old son cannot read. He has. been bluffing his way through school; I place the blame squarely on the shoulders of lazy, incompetent teachers." Would you like to know why this child and thousands more cannot read? Because the par- ents are so involved with club work or parties or just staring at TV they don't pay any atten- tion to their children. They stock the kids' rooms with toys refuses to do this, We feel it is unfair, What is your opinion?-- Mistaken Identity Dear Mistaken: Sorry, but a newspaper has no obligation to identify an individual, By. this time, almost everyone in town must know there's an undesirable character around whose name is the same as your husband's, so stop worrying about nothing. own tears. For the third time married the) | | 4. We must encourage more) | and minimize the social segre-| | in a°week my husband stormed gadgets and--yes, their own TV out of the house in a rage. --anything to keep them out of their hair. If these parents would look|now it seems we fight con- over their childrens' homework stantly. The cause of the trouble) occasionally and ask them to/ is his mother, She has been with) read aloud an essay or a theme,|us night and day for 20 years) or an interesting piece injand I've bent over backwards) the newspaper, they'd know|to avoid an argument with her, whether or not the kids can I am not looking for any medals read, Thanks for letting me|but it is not easy to have an- have my say.--Angry , OSHAWA ~ Dear Angry: I agree with you| DRIVE-IN THEATRE and I hope your letter stirs 1 723-4972 some parents to action. Tonight, PLAYING as an experiment, if you have a child between the ages of 9 and TONIGHT THRU TUES. 12 why don't you ask the young-) ster to read aloud an item of| interest from this newspaper.| You may be in for a shock,| folks, the MOM A LAWRENCE WEINGARIEN Dear Ann Landers; We moved} Unsinkdble MOLY Brown to this city 15 years ago and ' : : my husband has made a fine MMI AON eee reputation for himself in the WA N'A MERUCOLOR community. About five years ago a man whose name is identical to my husband's (middle name and all) moved to: this city. This man has been arrested for We never used to argue but|-- other woman on your neck 25 hours a day. My mother - in - law has two | daughters and a son but she has jnever visited them, They al- ways come here..Am I wrong to want her to go visit one of her children for a week so we can be alone for the first time in 20 years? -- Broken-Hearted Louis- ville Wife Dear Wife Since your hus-: i ., |band's brothers and sisters are Dear Ann Landers: I'm Sit-| so selfish that they won't give ting here about to drown in MY|you some relief from that bar- nacle, your husband should see to it that the two of you take alright for you is to give them vacation every year--alone. | of a large firm. By the same token, a large firm will have a wider variety of jobs to which you can be promoted--if you're the type of person who's likely to be noticed, heard from and THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, August 14, 1965 1] Dear Roberta Roesch: smooth talking, of course. But I've been particularly inter-|other women have done it. And ested in your columns aboutisometimes the way they do it attitudes concerninglic by starting witha part-time women. who work because my|job, ' husband is still very firm in his|--~ stand that his wife will never work, Some day I plan to get a job, though, so how can I go about this without any trouble? Mrs. B. F. HASTEN SLOWLY Dear Mrs. B. F.: Make haste slowly while you plot your course. But lay the| Ss20" groundwork for your plans to|"*' work in the scattered moments when the time is ripe for it. Then condition your husband bit by bit to the fact that your marriage and home_ won't change because you have a job. JERI JAB advanced. GET NOTICED in the crowd, you may prefer a smaller firm where the work you do will be noticed by the person you work for -- even though the company benefits may be less. A good way to know what's both a try. "ary SUMMER GATAXY Five fs CELEBRATING 45 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN ENTERTAINMENT " Why did 600 Allied prisoners hate Von Ryan ore than FEATURE DAILY AT; 1:00. 3 105 - 5:10 7:20 - 9:30 they hated Hitler? 20th Century-Fox presents wotaeiee aut eel HELD OVER JUBILEE PAVILION 2nd WEEK! | Trampled Its Valley... It won't be smooth sailing and Two Mighty Armies. 'A Fighting Family ($4 Challenged Them Both! JANES STEWART raid DOUG MeCLURE: GLENN CORBETT: PATRICK WAYNE KATHARINE ROSS nc ROSEMARY FORSYTH A UNVERSAL PICTURE Feoture: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30. ast Show 9:20. AT THE C.N.E. AQUA CAPERS" AON P2A)ING OPEN DAILY 1 P.M, drunk driving, disturbing the peace and contributing to the DARREN delinquency of a minor. We be- WRPHY W GAVIN come terribly upset whenever MUR Cc this man's name appears in the A UNIVERSAL PICTURE paper--which is often. | BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 His address and age are al-| FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Aoventure ON A Lost IsLAND! ul "FERRY CROSS THE MERSEY" -- Ist Run "FOLLOW THAT DREAM" in Color _@ STARTS SUNDAY ¢ _ FIRST OSHAWA Showing ! The Most Fiendish Idea Ever Conceived By The Humen Brain! "BRAINSTORM" --with-- JEFF HUNTER ANNE FRANCIS DANA ANDREWS Hwy. Ne. 2 Block East of Liverpool Road Ph, 668-2692 NOW... "HELP" FIRST OSHAWA Showing ! It Will Live Forever As A Masterpiece of Suspense! "THE WOMAN WHO WOULDN'T DIE" --with-- GARY MERRILL JANE MERROW © SG2OCCCCSEBESEO starring -- THE BEATLES -- Also -- "For Those Who Think Young" Both in Color Box Office Opens 7:45 Nightly DOORS BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BILTMORE SAT. AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. PHONE 725-5833 Central KING ST. W., OSHAWA Hotel | : NOW PLAYING "ROCK - RHYTHM - BLUES" By Popular Demand DIRECT FROM ENGLAND The Return Of The Bradford much less likely to be married,/child rearing, While women areimathematics and science Men were four times as likely|less conservative in their views,|courses in high school and col- as women to be in industrial/their actual behaviour reflects|lege. Wise parents and school management. Half the women|acceptance of men's views. (counselors could, if they tried, scientists, but only a fourth of; These and other studies are|induce many more bright girls the men, worked in educational|summarized by Alice S, Rossijto choose courses in this di- institutions. Four out of ai the May 28, 1965 issue of|rection. men scientists were married in/Science, She states that if we saa ee 1960, while two out of five want more women scientists:the|PARENTS' QUESTIONS women scientists were, following must happen: Q. What is the best medium A study of the future plans of 1. We must educate boys and/or a baby-sitter to entertain college seniors of the class ofjgirls as spouses, parents, work-|8Nd | manage young children 1961, by National Opinion Re-lers and creatures of leisure|V°"* search, reveals no increase of| with more stress "to the future) A. Good books and children's women physicists and engi-|family roles of boys and the fu-|magazines from which she can neers, though an increase in the\ture occupation roles of girls."|read to them and help them to biological sciences. Women will not quit viewing)make things for fun: In 1960, 16 per cent of doc-jwork as a stopgap until mean-| sameness tors' wives and 25 percent ofjingful work- is-as-much- taken 1ZZ fi telephone 728-0192 GOLD RUSH LOUNGE and DINING LOUNGE OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT | ' } the scientists' wives were em-/for granted in the lives of ployed, About 45 per cent of the|women as in the lives of men. wives of school teachers, librar- 2. We must quit restricting jans and social workers were and lowering the occupational employed. If a woman has aigoals of girls on the pretext successful high-earning husband|of counselling them to be "real- she has no social pressures (Olistic." THE Thurs. Fri. OSHAWA = auGuSsT FAIR 19th © 20th ° 21st ¢ EXCITING NEW FEATURES e Thursday Friday Saturday Gates 0; 5 p.m, Livestock Judgi aaa peg "wally ig HORSE RACING Record Hop The Shandelis Saddle Classes Horse Racing 1:30 p.m. (WAGERING OMISS OSHAWA |" Oia tym PRIVILEGES) Old Tyme FAIR" Contest Fiddlers' Contest Sat. TRUMP DAVIDSON "MR. DIXIELAND" AND HIS C.B.C. ALL STARS @ APPEARING NIGHTLY @ Don't Miss This Entertaining Group NEXT WEEK NEIL JACKSON QUARTET Commencing MONDAY, AUGUST (6th After a successful 2 week record engagement at the Hotel Genosha 'FRANKLYN SHEPPARD & THE A-GO-GO"S" "THE YOUNG SET" ADMISSION: $1.50 Also Featuring - Oshowa's most popular DANCE BANDS 4-H Club -- Activity Day -- Livestock Judging -- Exhibits MI DWAY --EXH ] BITS ee BAN DS @ THE DISC SHOP--Shopping Canite "DON'T MISS THEM, THEY ARE TERRIFIC" Horticulture -- Needlecraft -- Floriculture -- Domestic Science @ AUDITORIUM BOX OFFICE = @ Enteriainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ Adults 75¢ -- Children - 12 and under 25¢ -- Cars 50c J a | @ GENOSHA HOTEL la Trt Tickets Available At ALLAN MecMILLAN -- Manoger

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