LUSCIOUS WINE-RED is the color of a slim dinner OE ee me ee sel ae a AUTUMN IN PARIS FASHIONS FOR DAY AND EVENING | dress cut with a deep V in back topped by a tie-cowl collar. with a matching jacket to form an elegant ensemble. A BLUE AND silver lame short-sleeved sheath teams ANN LANDERS Hearse Not Meant For Personal Calls Dear Ann Landers: Ours is an unusual problem. We hope you can help us. We will change the names, but I don't think we will fool anyone in our town. Our daughter is going with a nice young man. He works for a relative who is a funeral di-| rector. When Delbert comes to! call on our daughter he some- times drives over in the hearse. My husband and I do not like the looks of the hearse in front of the house. It creates a lot speak to. my clergyman. He is my father -- and part of the problem, I enjoy fun like all other teen- agers. My grades are good and I have never been in trouble. Last week there was a street dance, We live in a medium- sized town and street dances are the fad right now. I went down town and got in on the fun, There was no rowdiness or liquor or anything like that-- just a lot of kids having a good Desire To Do Social Work Must Be Backed By Training By ROBERTA ROESCH | If I didn't know this from I bristle whenever I hear it i ell pero Srey ord ' social work, I'd know it from a said that most young people book I've read by young Penny today think only of opportunities) nery,e, to get instead of give. Penny is the daughter' of Don And I bristle because I know| DeFore, the Mr. B. of Hazel, the it's not true. Many of the girls) TV show, and in her book With ; ~.4| All My Love (co-authored with T talk to ask me questions about) vor father) she tells of meeting VISTA (the domestic Peace|_when she was 13--a group of Corps) and Project Headstart) Korean orphans on the movie| (formed to give the under-| set of one of her father's films. privileged pre-schooler a better' From the day Penny first saw chance to be educated), and|the orphans, she made up her; then go on to tell me their) mind she'd do anything that she! present aim in life is a job or|could do to help children like career doing social work for the them. Consequently, when she depressed and needy. "(was 17 she decided to go to "I want to do anything that/ Korea to help out at an orphan- casual coat with leather buttons and pleated patch CAMEL KNIT IS fashion- ed into a doublebreasted jyou increase the overload on jsome, Bend to the other side pockets, Lacy Knits In Handmade Look In Lush Pattern And Solid Hue jand again forward, Hit a KEEP IN TRIM THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, August 16, 1965 9] Hips, Hips, Away-Bulges Yield To Daily Stretch And Swing By IDA JEAN KAIN To turn bulges into bygones-- get with exercise, Teeners, you inherit your frame and the tendency to be short or tall. When you add padding, the fatty deposits go on in the fam- ily pattern, But wait... onl excess food goes into fat. And bulges stem from a lack of exercise. The best possible beauty rou- tine is to team exercise with good slimming nutrition, Re- gard exercise as the magic by which you can find a beautiful figure beneath the fat, Come on . nothing ever happens, but you can make it happen! Tackle stretch - bend - swings with enthusiasm, Hold the con- traction to a count of eight, breathing freely. By this plan the muscle, slim down, and tone up faster. That's isometric ex- ercise, To get a lift, turn on the music, But swing to your own lyrics, You want a neat, sweet waist, All right, stretch, centre-| ~ ing the stretch through the mid- die, chanting, "Stretching makes for a_ will-owy waist." Pull slim, hold, For good meas- ure, repeat twice more, always holding. Follow through with a side- bend and, as you bend, get the word-picture--slim, supple, lis- and hold, chanting "'Lithe, lim- ber, love-ly."' Hold at the end of the bend to a slow count of eight, for this is toning. You can have what you want and picture. HIPS AWAY! If hips ruin the fit of shorts and a straight skirt--swing! Position: Lying on the left side, head pillowed on arm, have both legs straight down. Brace with palm of right hand on floor in front of chest, Action: Swing briskly forward with right leg, knee straight, and swing vigorously rearward, rhythm, and on the second ful! If you swim, then really swim, doing a dozen double lengths of a 40 foot pool, daily if possible, Or, play tennis, bowl, hike or bike. Dancing? Perfect exercise! Do the watusi Dinner 440 calories Broiled chicken, drum stick and thigh Baked potato Butter or margarine, small! pat String .beans with slivered almonds Wedge of melon Later: Glass of skim milk --85 Total calories for the day 1445 ; or any active teen-age number, Dancing is fun and slimming, provided you skip the sweet snacks between, Eat To Beat The Bulges Breakfast--440 calories Citrus fruit or juice Cereal, hot or coid, % cup Whole. milk, 8 oz, Sugar, rounded tsp. Toast,! slice (lightly but- tered) Luncheon--400 calories Toasted cheese sandwich (Cheese 1 oz, sliced, bread, 2 slices) Tomato Glass of skim milk Fresh peach Late p.m, Pick-Up--80 Hard cooked egg Diet soft drink eae NEARLY STOLE CAR FORT WILLIAM, Ont. (CP)-- A woman drove home from the parking lot here, and a man later found only one car on the lot, which was not his, He tried his key, however, and it started, Police traced the owners, who turned out to be away on hili- day, but later found they had lent their car to the woman first mentioned. The key fitted, so she hadn't bothered about the difference between a 1963 Chev- rolet and # 1960 Pontiac, A, E. JOHNSON, 0.D. |} OPTOMETRIST jj 14V2 King St. East 723-2721 AUTOMATIC DRYERS Have... Exclusive air filtering system Satin Smooth finish drum, Sparkling white porcelain top 2 year parts and service guarantee Automatie dry and time eycle BEFORE YOU BUY-- GIVE STARR A TRY of talk among the neighbors time. |I can," one high school gradu-| age. and sometimes strangers who! This morning a committee of| ate said, "so I'll go anywhere, pun 2, _ are passing by just stand around|three ministers came to ourjand do anything if I can start LEFT FOR KOREA and look. My husband and I/house, They asked my dad if right away." So, while her friends went to "*": : would be so much happier ifjhe knew I was at the street ae ; college, Penny left for a year/distinguishes the new Feder- I respect this youthful impa-| jn Korea late in 1960. But before|Tricosa of Paris couture knit-| Delbert would walk over to our/dance last night. Dad said ; A , place or take a bus, "yes." Then they asked him tol benae Aud:this: genuine Foal {0 asi yng ~ pid Hae, = wear for fall and winter. We have mentioned the prob-|Join their committee to stop the ; a is/dances. He refused. ' u complish had-turned-to disillu- : / : : ose } jer » "seo gla cn WT ped bie cole ae ancl ee je oeighteshn ge tell every. Sionment, The directors of the|and flecked tweeds, feather- a deetly iocotiets in tromt, oo yp counts; re- -egagy Tre genteel Mba anda it bed i Briesee der ty orphanage to whom she'd been|mohair and wool, exclusive|With brief little sleeves, while/verse action, 12 counts. Change itwe talk to him. She says the|barrass my dad. Will you please| one with social work as an aim 'Phanag val 4¢.qlothers are intriguingly low in|sides, repeat. hearse is part of his job and he| advise me if I should quit going| that merely wanting to help in| Writing for four years gave/silky acetates and lacy knitted back | What about sports? Wonder is not ashamed of if. to these dances for his sake. He) this cause is not enough. There| seer Po gg pe dboe Job to vj |costumes with a handmade look. ---- 3 eth ohio i is y inion? --MR,|"°rkS hard at being a goodjis also the matter of getting the! ghey . er low: AND MRS Your opinion?--MR-|minister and I don't want to|necessary knowledge 'and train-| leaving Korea, Bas, aby hy A gfe ye Frnt Dry sliver Dear M and M: Since Delbert| Ut him in any way. Pleaseling in order to achieve this|i" 4 ome for crippled children.) "sald ine gowhe nad. on iders the hea t of his|S°T? your advice fast--P.K, | ambition. There her work was never @asY| embles, elegantly simple or considers the hearse part of his) poor pK: You sound like al and she--who wanted to accom:|, Sih "phen, Aare 4 job and he is not ashamed of lplish so much--often worried|!avishly embroidered in irrides- + jfine lad to me. I'm ' treat ot his co You folks dad must be very proud of you,| SOUVENIR TOO HEAVY |about just how much good she|*ent beeds fresl feel + se. + ' oy i | 5 esh, ; el- certainly Have' & HN to ask Although you say you can't} PORTSMOUTH, England was doing. But before her year) There is a fresh, young fe i --! was leavin j ith th jing about all of the designs. the young man'to use more con-\2%, '° your dad about this, 1 (CP)--An old lady 8/ of helping with therapy was up, |ing } By SUSAN BARDEN | In the dress group the styles! swing rearward--hold. Repeat a | Interplay of color and tex-lare slender, or mold easily tojcouple of times to the rhythm ture, lush pattern and solid hue,|the figure. Some feature an A-|Of '"'swing - to - slim - the- jline and in this case they are|derriere"' hold. Change worn quite short -- a few inches|Sides, swing again, Furniture and Appliance above the knee. | To firm the thighline, make Frocks for after-five have ajwide circles from the hip with 722-3948 . . .. 470 Riven', The collection features ribbed/decidedly French touch, Some)top leg... same starting posi- OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. Heated by Natural Gas rmstrong | ses: " Pion Design or Modern Livin | omes At It's Very Best The outstanding f, r amilies but some- how fine girls don't appeal to him. He likes the nobodies. | she gave--and what she gained} behind their father's store and lei. giving -- was what she raised $112.05 as a gift for the which nursed hospital them learned, In one part of her book are) back to health. words I want to quote for people) whose present aim in life is a job or career doing social work for the depressed and needy people of the world. | K & i A WIFE PRESERVER Keep a file box in the laundry HERNIA Q. Will exercise strengthen the stomach muscles and make a) hernia go away? The "BIRCHWOOD" Here is spacious split-level living et it's most gracious! Ample erea for @ growing family . . one it's growing activities it te rigid A ig Homes sp and y finished thraugh- out, inside end out, the "Birchwood" is @ home every member of your family will fall in love with et first sight, See it tonite, or this week, et either one of our convenient locations, Two Convenient Locations SOUTHWOOD PARK AJAX Harwood, Avenue South, turn left at Hospital ROLLING HILLS ESTATES OSHAWA Corner of Olive Avenue and Grandview Street Both of these conveniently located "Armstrong Homes Areas" are close to schools, churches, bus service and shopping. Or, if you wish, you may have a custom designed Armstrong home built on your own lot to your own specifications. PHONE PICKERING OSHAWA 942-3310 723-6461 For appointment to see or for addi- tional information. . . at no obligation. A. No, The weak point in the! abdomen consists of overlapping layers of fibrous tissue --- not muscle -- and fibrous tissue doesn't respond to exercise as does muscle, Anyone with a hernia who engages in strenu- ous exercise is inviting trouble. With certain exceptions, hernias should be corrected surgically. | DAYS OF PREGNANCY Q. What is the duration, in) days, of normal pregnancy? A. Calculated from the last menstrual period, it has been variously given as 290 to 304 days. However, several years ago medical authorities testi- fied before the Supreme Court of New York that a pregnancy extending for 355 days was "not impossible." , believe he is the very one you|HMS Victory, Nelson's flagship|she had the unforgettable re-|The daytime suits are tailored re ge _-- and Il hould talk to. Nak Bins what|and a popular tourist attraction| ward of seeing one of the,with full, short skirts combined a he a Beas 7 he wants you to do. If he sayalat this old naval base, when the! patients walk to her for the|with gently fitted jackets that a we ie Z aha ke ae A the dances meet with his ap-/brown paper bag she carried first time and hearing the first)range from hip-length to long, bees Pcs Plea Mis ea re proval, then continue to go--|burst open and out rolled a 32-/uninhibited laughter the chil-|--------------------------------- i) ' he GOR beh Me 10 and don't worry about what Pound cast iron, cannon _ball./dren had ever known when she DANCE FOR HOSPITAL others say. Lieutenant - Commander Rich-| made a Santa Claus puppet for > 'p)_ . ) ts | HALIFAX (CP)--At Hallow THE STARS SAY I Dear Ann Landers: Maybe ae Phstinen gga ogee = them. {een five years ago, Jo-Anne and 'm old-fashioned and maybe I\the historic vessel, described 9° | ] : RB shies bey By ESTRELLITA am just crazy but I have some|the incident as "a case of over- GAVE AND GAINED --_ Janice Verge, Il-year-old twins, . strong feelings about morality.| enthusiastic souvenir hunting." | In the year that she spent in) Tle SiVl 0 Yb Ra Planetary influences for Tues-| wj1) ya ed --_----_____- | Korea before she returned home Party costumes caught fire. Hay ieittate the possibility oti _ please settle some:| to go to college, Penny DeFore With burns over 77 per cent of conflict in personal relatronships Me ved oy ' | gave more of herself to the un-| her body, Jo-Anne was not ex- Be especially careful in dealing has a fine bene aes |derprivileged in the world than| pected to live. This summer the j ! e has a fine job. He has dated [CREB UeRee 20 we ett i concert of tap- with superiors, elders, anyone some yery lovely girls from |many of us give in a lifetime.| two girls held a concert of tap ina position of gisthortty, : 'G : But just as important as what|dancing and majorette routines same aspects could also bring disappointment in romantic or social communications, j|Heaven knows where he finds FOR THE BIRTHDAY |them. If tomorrow is your birthday,|_ A few weeks ago he met a your horoscope indicates that,|¥OU"s Woman who was recently where job and financial matters divorc ed. How soon after a are concerned, your pattern will biggie hie ag ef a te! be a somewhat varied one dur- PS n public wi er? ty ii wnt i ing the next 12 months. From S.:_ She has a child.--CON- at ge gpd pide on now until mid-September (and CERNED MOTHER for washing instruction tags CnoUsn. ta cp ai . ily @ he fi 19 Dear Concerned Mother: If "lothi -quick| Spark with knowledge and train- especially during the first twol i. woman is no longer mar.(com. New Clothing. A -auickling so that it becomes a flame gdh aif gy ies be calli ried, two minutes after the di.(heck can prevent a disastrous that will never go out: Educa- servative in monetary affairs,|Vorce is ° ~" And the tnct| mintake. ete ted ltd but a good two-month cycle, be.|(hat she has a child has noth- | gages ' ginning on the 15th, will bring "& Whatever to do with it. . many opportunities for increas- or Cl F S tt ing assets. CARE BEGINS AT HOME osing or ta Other good periods on the fis-- MONTREAL (CP) -- British cal front will occur in early De-| people are on the whole more cember, next February, April] interested in the welfare of rae Diemer ine vl = countries than are Cana- size e-'dians, says Anna Gross of th cessity of caution in intervening jocal branch of the Ostae ing Aug. 23rd ee Closed All Week months or you could offset mittee for Famine Relief, "This| gains. pee is natural because their medical Your chart indicates that you) and social needs are taken care! RINKERS CLEANERS : "The Best In Town" should have a generally' good/of," she said. "They8 aren't| year where occupational inter-| called on to contribute to char- ests are concerned, with splen-|jties within the country as Ca- did chances for advancement nadians are." promised in late September, | -- a early December, next January,} March and May. Creative work- ers should find the entire months of September, December, Janu- ary and June outstanding for accomplishment. PROSPECTS GOOD In your personal life, you have some happy prospects in store. Both romance and stimulating} social activities will be high- lighted between now and Sept. 15 and between mid-November and Jan. 1. These will be ex- cellent periods in which to make| new friendships, meet interest-| ing members of the opposite sex! and form contacts with persons of influence who could even- tually prove invaluable in a ma- terial way. Stars don't promise much in, the way of travel during the WOOLWORTH'S Super Bakery Specials BAKED FRESH DAILY IN OUR KITCHEN! Questions directed to Science Edi- tors, P.O. Box 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario. We maintain full stock of pre- scription drugs . . . have the professional skill to dispense them promptly . . . and the reputation to do so at reason- able prices. HOME STYLED RAISIN PIE LARGE BANANA LAYER CAKE Made with Flaky Pastry -- situa oe nui 47. 81. ier wedding cakes -- Order One Week Ahead BAKERY ORDERS. PHONE 725-3421 balance of 1965, but January, May, July and August of next year will be highly propitious months. A child born on this day could) exoel as a stock promoter, sales-' man of luxury items or securi- ties or as a business executive He will loathe any work of a Special This Week Special This Week pnuas FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY 723-4621 Two or three ¢ i mechanical nature, however. OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 P.M.