THE cmawa TIMGE Mendev. Auaut 16, 1968 HUNDREDS OF BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS DESTROYED LA. Fire Losses Alone To Pass $175,000,000 "LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Dev- astating rioting has taken a heavy toll. in the Bustling busi- ness life of the U.S. West's iggest city. 7 ses are likely to climb far into the hundreds of millions of dollars, Conservative estimates placed fire damage alone at $175,000,000. Violence' has: destroyed hun- dreds of business establish- ments. Even the flow of customers to stores in other areas has been slowed by a curtailed pub- lie transportation system and) the forced closing of schools and businesses. And the future looked bleak|transit district worked out plained that insurrection isn't victims. One Entire L.A. Block Was In Flames Sunday ' Pakistani Claims Area Is Invaded KARACHI (AP)--Radio Pa- kistan claimed today that In- dian forces had crossed the UN cease-fire line in the Kargil area of Kashmir and occupied three border posts, The radio quoted a spokes- man of the Azad Kashmir gov- ernment iff the Pakistani sec- for those businesses hit by fire, | burglary and looting. An insur- ance exexcutive said insurance firms probably will not pay their losses. The executive quoted the state's adjutant-general as say-| ing the riots were "armed in-/ surrection." That, he said, isn't covered by the insurance pol- icies, BUSINESSES CLOSE | |forced to close their doors be- cause of fire and other dam-; age. | With bus service cancelled) |throughout the vast riot area,| 'the southern California rapid routes from outlying points,|included in insurance policies steering buses away from the] protecting against fire, hur- danger zone. The Bank of America closed six of its branch offices. The Southern California Auto Club. shut four offices. Tourists checked out of hotels, even those far from the scene of vio- lence, The University of Southern California, on the shattered Dozens of merchants Were) co tion's northern fringe, can-| ulation of Los Angeles was par- | celled today's summer school] ticipating." classes. NOT INCLUDED The insurance official, who declined to be identified ex- glary and robbery. é | "The state adjutant-general, Lt.-Gen, Roderic L. Hill, pro- vided the insurance companies jwith an excelxlent defence," he said. "He stated that the situation here was, in his opinion, an |'armed insurrection' in which a | 'significant number' of the pop- | But he said he thought that ithe governments of Los Ange- les city and county would be hit by lawsuits from damage) Says Negroes |India had been shelling Pakis- ~|broadcast said. tor of Kashmir. Sunday night the Azad .Kash- mir government 'reported that an earlier Indian attempt to in- vade the Pakistani sector had been repulsed with heavy In- dian casualties. That report said tani days. In the Indian sector of Kash- mir, at least two civilians were killed in fighting Sunday night between the Indian army and guerrillas 18 miles southwest of Srinagar, the Indian govern- ment radio reported, The guerrillas were believed, to have suffered heavily, the posts for the last three Long Indian army convoys headed west toward areas hit by guerrilla warfare Sunday| but officials refused to say whether this was a hig anti- guerrilla operation or merely a precaution, In New Delhi, Prime Minis- 7 NEW MOON PIX Fewer On Dark Side MOSCOW (AP)--New Soviet photos of the back of the moon show it has fewer seas and is more mountainous than the vis- ible lunar surface, a Soviet sei- entist reported today. The part the earth can't see has numerous chains of minor craters extending for hundreds of kilometres, a feature not not found on the side facing earth, wrote Dr. Yuri Lipsky of the Shternberg Astronomical Institute in Moscow. | Lipsky's article was distrib-| ated by the official news agency| Tass along with several of the: moon photos. Japan Honors | War's Dead TOKYO (Reuters) -- Emperor) Hirohito led a day, of national) mourning amid the tolling of} temple bells Sunday in memory) of the more than 3,000,000 Jap- anese who died in the Second World War, Flags flew at half staff on government buildings through- out Japan to mark the 20th US, Editor's Lost Sloop Ts Sighted |, FALMOUTH (AP)--The coast guard reported today that Rob- The pictures were taken inj ert Manry and his little sloop 68 minutes July 20 by the So-|Tinkefbelle have been sighted) viet space probe Zond-3. 20 mfles south of Wolfrock, off) Lipsky wrote that the new| the Cornish coast of England, pictures confirmed indications) The coast guard said the of the first pictures of the back| Cleveland, Ohio, newspaper of the moon, taken by a Soviet}man and his 13%-foot sloop satellite in October, 1959, that|were seen by the fishing traw- the two sides of the moon dif- ler Clearwater, 4 fer, Manry's position was within "On the invisible side there|two or three days sailing of his are relatively few seas, and on}goal--Falmouth harbor. the whole itis more bright and) Manry, 48, 'has been al sea 77 mountainous,"' Lipsky said, days. He set sail June 1 on a "The density of craters on the 3,200 - mile voyage from Fal- reverse side also proved to be|/mouth, Mass., to Falmough, Seas gon PRS gata Launched by Russ MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Russi@ today launched another um manned satellite of the Cosmos series--Cosmos 78, the Soviet news agency Tass reported. -- Cosmos 78 catried scientific instruments for space research; Tass said, hIGUST FUR higher," | England. i The term "sea" or its Latin' He was last sighted a week) form 'mare" is used by as-\ago 265 miles west of Lands tronomers to describe dark,| End. | level parts: of the moon's sur-; The Trewarvenneth, another | face, which lacks water, The|British fishing boat, reported | seas are believed to bg com-|alongside the Tinkerbelle at a) posed of loose dust or/similar| position some 42 miles south-' erial, d | west of the Scilly Islands. | 20% & 40% OFF Stehanopoulos Seen Set Form Gteek Government © ATHENS (Reuters) -- Ste-,leftist and anti-royalist rallies | phanos Stephanopoulos was re-jin Salonika and Heraklion, FINEST QUALITY FURS Unmanned Ship . | Hurt Cause 4 { B R t iter Lal Bahadur Shastri asked i ry of the Japanese y 10 s i stri asked| anniversary Pi OSHAWA'S ONLY for national unity against the| surrender to the allies--and the ported today ready to accept a/Crete, idozens of fires, an. occasionalling. The rest they let burn, Il} LOS ANGELES (AP)--What)"thinly veiled Pakistani aggres- beginning of an era that has new request to form a Greek; More than 20 deputies of the By ROBERT MYERS LOS ANGELES (AP)--Four|siren and military combat boots| rifles pointed through the win- on the pavement were all the dow into the pickup truck and noises, a national guard captain in a) Watts had buttoned up on the| pooner vehicle be ig the surface, What was going on be- treet, From a rooftop a ma-) . é ee : : bf and more rifles en- hind shuttered doors and in forced the order to halt. back alleys? One could only "Go in there if you want, but guess--and become frightened. watch it at 50th Street," the) An 11-mile tour of the section captain said to a gel the pickup truck turned up| "They've got some of my boyS!oniy two civilian pedestrians. | pinned down by sniper fire." |And they were in a hurry. The crack of a rifle three; But there were hundreds of blocks away punctuated his! nojice, guardsmen and firemen. statement, . |Plus a random tourist or two. This was pre-dawn Sunday in/ppe tourists didn't stay long. dreary Watts, the huge, run- down Negro section of southern|BLOCK IN FLAMES : Los Angeles, Normally it's loud} One entire city block was in and raucous and rowdy, For|flames. The. arsonist's torch en- years it's been a magnet for the/gulfed a furniture store, apart- seeker of illicit thrills and after-|ment house, appliance store and district was Shot - gun - armed police if Bon oA gg fire naa\do Los Angeles' white residents) prevented military - enforced|think of the rioting, burning and) firemen from. getting to ihe eee ne Negro dis- block. By the: time the snipers|'"¢ a is were cleaned out, there was no| Veteran movie producer grt hope, uel Goldwyn said: . A very po National guard troops taking attitude toward Negroes | a break flaked out along the sidewalks across from, the fire.|° aye 7 They curled in doorways of "5 a cae skeudial st te stores burned out earlier. Here}, on "i Chamber of Com: and there, a flicker of fire could|95 # een aya plead the still be seen in the black shells./Meree: | TOs AY ® complisin- Some stores bore crudely let-/9'd of co-op 'o pelations tered signs: bong in peepee re is " "Black|has been shattered.' : with h gene ae a black James Francis Cardinal Me man," . [Intyre, Roman Catholic Arch-) lh |bishop of Los Angeles: "I am arceaar te h goa of the|gtieved that the splendid spirit as an armed camp. |and high moral integrity of the 'INegro people in our beloved Tyety city of Los Angeles is being sed sion in Kashmir."' Shasrti said Pakistan had re- jected peaceful! means. He added: "What else us except to meet force with force?"' | India claims that more than \just beginning to develop in this 3,000 Pakistani agents have in-| when I think of their survivors, |country. I'm afraid this is hurt-|filtrated into Kashmir sinc e|even now my heart is pained." Aug. 5 to blow up bridges,| roads and airports. Pakistan claims that Kash- miri Moslems are rebelling! against Hindu India. and that! Pakistanis have nothing to do| with the fighting. | brought the country from ruin to unparallelled prosperity. "When I think," said Hiro- is left for) Hito, "of the persons who died|?™ for their country on the battle- fields and at their places work in that great war and About 5,000 persons from all) over Japan attended the mem- orial ceremony to hear the em- peror speak at one minute be-| fore noon, the exact time of his| surrender broadcast 20 years ago, U.K. Connoisseur Puts Chill oy On The Wines From Niagara hours bars, But not this pre-dawn, The ri- fle, the crackle of flames trom] a pawn shop, Firemen were t | dousing one corner of the block | rifle-toting soldiers eyed every! to keep the blaze from spread-| passing car. West Indians Plan 'Defensive' Strategy threat of the Ku Klux Klan to! BIRMINGHAM (AP) -- West Indian immigrants in Britain plan to set up a national or- ganization to defend their in- terests and provide protection against the Ku Klux Klan and its methods, This was decided at a meet- 'ng Sunday of the London and Birmingham § standing . confer- ences of West Indian organiza- tions, representing some 11,000 West Indians in the two cities. Delegates heard two letters sent to West Indians and pur- rting to be from the Ku Klux lan. The Los Angeles riots and the government's white pa- per on immigration were also} mentioned as coincidental rea-| wons for setting up the organiza- tion One resolution urged ali West Indians in Britain 'to mobilze, in self - defence against the| day and Friday nights, but re-! In Britain Taylor Maps 'Strategy Plan By LEWIS GULICK WASHINGTON (AP) -- Gen.) Maxwell D. Taylor, former U.S. ambassador to Saigon, is hand- ing over to his successor a four- point strategy aimed at winning throw burning crosses into the homes of colored people, start- ing in September, since the au- thorities responsible for on tection of the community have ; q r shown a reluctance -to do so."|¢ wer in. Viet Nam. Violence between whites and) Pursued unswervingly, that) Negroes continued Sunday in/strategy can bring an eventual) the Midlands industrial city of|settlement with the Commu-| Wolverhampton, A fight broke|nists, Taylor said in a weekend) out after a television crew in-|interview. terviewed whites and Negroes on As Henry Cabot Lodge Jr,| racial tension in the city.|prepared to leave Tuesday for Police stopped the fracas be- his ambassadorship post in Sai-| fore it spread. gon, Taylor outlined the four- Fights also broke out Thurs-|point plan: | c ; 1, Maximum effort within} inforced police patrols. pre-|South Viet Nam to defeat and vented major clashes Saturday./destroy the Viet Cong units in Several persons were arrested fjeld, 2. Air strikes against mili- Friday and more Saturday|tary targets in North Viet Nam, when about 100 whites march; Continuin g efforts to with such banners as "Let'Sistrengthen South Viet Nam's| get at the blacks." government, 4. Maintain-| as : jing "readiness to talk of peace; N A ifi = LL H practheogs -ahboarany ba wiped ew Arti 1Cla. imb as eae an honorable wid Several Unique Features TEL AVIV, Israel (AP)--<A) team of Boston scientists. has developed an artificial limb-- for people with no arms or legs ~--which can be used several feet away from the amputee by remote control, it was disclosed in Tel Aviv Sunday, Delegates at the international seminar on orthopedics saw a film showing a person with vir- tually no left upper arm con- trol an artificial arm five to 10 feet away * The robot-like artificial limb Soviet Construc | Taylor, repsonding to written} \questions submitted by The As- \sociated Press, declined to pre- dict just when peace might be was shown some distance from|Won, but said "I would expect the patient for experimentalthis war to end in an agreed) reasons. settlement after the Communist It is anticipated the limb will leaders have become convinced be attached to the patient. that the US. will not pull out, Blectric re h that the Saigon government will 'lectrical signals from the not collapse, and that there is patient's brain -- generated by\no further hope for a Viet Cong biceps and bicep muscles--ac- military victory." tive an electro-mechanical el- eet haw, device, Inside \the false) PLAN LARGEST MURAL Orthopedic experts hailed the) The largest' mural in device as an "extraordinary world, 29,000 square feet, is to advance" in the field. be painted by David Siquei| E in a hotel auditorium at Cuer-| tion Chiefs jnavaca, Mexico. | Leave For Visit To Canada MOSCOW (CP) A Soviet delegation consisting mostly of construction experts left here today for a 2'%4-week visit to Canada. The party, representing the state construction agency Goss- troy, will return a visit made to Russia in May and June by U.K.'s Price Of Fear Wheat Deal To Hurt LONDON (Reuters) The price of gold dropped 3.5 pence an ounce'to 251 shillings, 9.5 pence ($35.25 U.S.) on the Lon- don bullion market today, amid fears that Russia might make major gold sales to finance big wheat purchases from Canada. A woman was taken to Oshawa General Hospital with concussion and bruises after an accident at the corner of Warren ave. and Punshon st. Saturdaygafter- noon. Carol lanes Barry. of 284 Richmond st, e., was. the driver of one of the cars involved. Driver of the other car was Howard W. Birnie, 21 Canning ave., Toronto. a delegation from Canada's northern affairs department. The. Russian delegation will! travel 10,000 miles in Canada, going as far north as Inuvik in the Mackenzie River delta. The Russian"party was sched- uled to reach Montreal at 9:30) ip.m., then go on to Ottawa. Gold Dips Hamburg 3 lbs. 1} $1.00 For the first time in many months the Bank of England was a buyer. Small operators, taking losses on their recent pur- chases, could find no buyers so the bank took in the gold for |the international pool at the chine-gun mounted vehicles and é a Soon to turn up later. the} | MARTIN GOES BOND smirched by the happenings of/ ,onNDON (CP)--The wines of| recent days." : |Niagara, trickling across the; Robert E. Baker, 24, @ tele-\atiantic to try their luck in| phone company cable splicer:/pritain against the clarets of "I think they ought to start US-imrance and sherries of Spain, ing tear gas or something like|os: 4 cold reception from a that." ; jnoted British connoisseur, | Baker's wife, Jane, 21: "'} think it's a terrible thing, butiin The Observer after trying 15 I can understand why these peo-/Ontario wines that they all dis-| ple are doing this. They've been/pjay "that curious earthy but oppressed for many, MANY\sweet back taste that the years." AFRAID TO BE NAMED One woman said; "Don't mention my name or they'll probably be up here after me." She added: ad "Tl think (President) Joh tic of wine made from the na-| tive North American vines," | Apart from their foxiness,} }good buy in Britain, Ray says, lcosting more at 10 shillings! ($1.50) than modest but) "sound" European wines, in} The Ontario sparkling wines|the mandate to the king. "all lost their bubble very) quickly in the glass," Ray com-| plains, At 22 shillings ($3.30) a} Wine critic Cyril Ray reports|bottle, they are unlikely to cre-|porters marched ate much de mand when "'re- spectable champagne' can be} bought for 25 shillings ($3.75). As for the Canadian sherries French call 'foxy,' characteris-|being marketed here by a Sus-| ------ sex cider firm at $1.70 to $1.90) a bottle, they are cheap enough "but bear even less resemb- the Ontario wines aren't even alblance to real sherry than do|P the Ontario table wines to those of France." | should send in the marines or) somebody to put it down before its gets any farther. WEATHER FORECAST "And I think they ought to put (Negro leader) Martin Lu- ther King in prison because he started it all months ago by his agitation. It should be stopped--| and stopped right now." | And a man who didn't -- to be named said: "I feel there ' : wasn't enough done with enough}, TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts firmness to take care of the sit- issued by the weather office at uation at the start of it. I think ve a.m, EDT: : ; the police should have been Synopsis: More seasonably given more latitude and used|"ormal temperatures are ex- more strength to curb it. 1 pected to preyail across Ontario \ * mare today. Skies are mostly clear. tate Hey could have: _._..| Windsor, London, Lake St. : | Clair, Lake Erie, southern Lake Huron regions: Chance of a RCMP Officer shower or thunderstorm this : afternoon, Variable cloudiness Gets Phony Bill ene a few showers or thunder- KITCHENER (CP) -- Anistorms and a little warmer RCMP officer cashed his pay|Tuesday, Winds light. cheque at a store here Friday" Hamilton, Toronto, Lake On- nd was handed a counterfeit|tario, Niagara, northern Lake $20 bill which he spotted im-;Huron, Killaloe, Haliburton, mediately. southern Georgian Bay regions: Police said that 16 of the|Sunny with a few cloudy pe- phony $20 bills have beenjriods and a bit warmer Tues- turned in by banks and stores.;day, winds light. They believe the bills were North Bay, Sudbury, northern and expect/ami, Sault Ste. Marie, White! River: Variable cloudiness with scattered showers or thunder-| No Waiting! Up one-day spree Dean Martin is to make The Silencers, a spoof spy thriller movie, with half a dozen "'slay- mates" in glamor-girl roles. | Peterborough Farlton Warmer Spell On Tuesday Sunny With Some Clouds showers change light. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Tuesda Windsor ° 65 St. Thomas London Kitchener . Mount Forest.. Wingham Hamilton .....6. St. Catharine Toronto much winds Tuesday; not in temperature, y: 88 60 60 Trenton Kingston Killaloe Muskoka North Bay. Sudbury Sautl Ste. Marie... _|passed by three or four men in| Georgian Bay, Algoma, Timag-|Kapuskasing ..... White River...... Moosonee ..seceee Timmins .....4++ . to 5 fight we to Britain this Fall Only BOAC and Air Canada jet direct from Canada to Britain. This fall enjoy Europe at its uncrowded best. Take your choice of up to § transatlantic flights daily-- as many as 40 departures every week. And you can fly from Ca nada to all three major British centres--Glasgow, Manchester or London, | Hamburg Hot Dog Buns 25° PKG, sharply lower _priee. GOOD FOOD | BUSINESS MEN'S LUNCH 12 Noon te 2 P.M, CHARCOAL ue 40° FOU (OSHAWA) DINNER 5:30 to 8 P.M. FULLY LICENSED DINING ROOM HOTEL LANCASTER 27 King St. W., Oshewe | GLECOFF'S 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH See your Travel Agent. =" BOAC BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA Oehewe's Authorized Agent R SEASONS TRAVEL LIMITED j Cell Now for © SUPERMARKET Meadows Travel Service 25 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-9441 or 723-7001 government amid a growing re- volt within the ruling Centre Union party against forme r|pected. to announce to vd ime minister George Papan-| Speaker of parliament that they have disassociated themselves) from Papandreou's policy and) want to be registered as inde- Centre Union party were ex- dreou, Stephanopoulos, who was Pa- | 75 King St. &. QUALITY FURS! MARTEN FURS Oshewe pandreou's deputy premier, | met Friday with the party's left|Pendents. ' wing leaders, They were ex- pected to issue a statement later today. Meanwhile, Papandreou who resigned last month in a showdown with King Constan- tine over cabinet changes--was believed ready to embark om a nationwide tour denouncing the royal palace and the action of Stephanopoulos as unconstitu- tional. Stephanopoulos was offered the premiership by Constantine last week, but the Centre Un- ion members of parliament voted overwhelmingly against supporting him and he returned Anti-royal sentiment ran high as the political crisis stretched into its fifth week. Some 3,000 Papandreou sup- through the main streets of Athens late Fri- day night shouting 'democracy, democracy" before being dis- persed by police, There were ACTOR HONORED AT HOME Governor Robert E. McNair roclaimed August 9 Jim Nab- ors Day in South Carolina in honor of the star of TV's zvomer Pyl i RP iO for back-to-school furnishings. *50% t A Flavoured Wine "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OF WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" GUARANTEED PROMPT, 286 KING ST. W. LONDON WINERY LTD NIAGARA FINANCE NF-65-7 SiNinvon 6 OAT ALWAYS THERE WITH READY CASH FOR ANY GOOD REASON expenses > to pay overdue bills <> car repairs <> unexpect- ed expenses © home repairs:and re- 0'2,500% OR MORE , COURTEOUS SERVICE 728-1636 COMPANY LIMITED 48 SIMOOE ST. SOUTH REALTY LTp. ff | NO WM, "BILL" HORNER President On the occasion of their First: Anniversary Active Realty Ltd. in future, they might serve your Real Estate needs even better It is their hope thot, when you want you will continue to place your corifidence in their integrity an you. TICE RALPH VICKERY Vice-President have re-organized so that, than they have in the past. 'Fast Action" for either buying or selling your home, d continuous effort to serve FOR "ACTION" Call "ACTIVE" BUYING or SELLING PHONE 728-5157 tq "<