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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Aug 1965, p. 11

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® An Old Friend, Peanut Butter In New And Tasty Sandwiches THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussdey, August 17, 1965 7] Fad Dieting Can Cause Damage ~ During Pregnancy WEDDING ALBUM A record for your Wedding Album is provided by The Oshawa Times Women's Page. Forms are available at The The fetal parasite must have|them from the mother. If she the building Mmateriais it needs. | cannot suppiy them thes the in- If they are not supplied nutri-|fant is in trouble, Dr. Turner tionally the parasite will take|said. Pats Oshawa Times office, Early publication of this wedding record is facilitated by submitting the completed form and a picture of the bride to the Women's Editor as soon as possible after the ceremony. You are asked to submit the names of out-of-town guests attending the wedding to the social editor either before or the day after the wedding. RELATIVES FROM En- giand were present for the marriage of Miss Carol Ann Davey and Mr, Ronald Rich- ard Lougheed. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Lougheed-Davey An old English tradition was)cent bouquet of deep red Sweet- observed at the Lougheed-|heart roses and stephanotis, Davey wedding when as the) Mrs, Frank Vancott, Oshawa, couple emerged from the/was the matron of honor and church, the bride was presented|Miss Linda Seliner, Pasadena, with a silver horseshoe and alCalifornia, bridesmaid, Miss figure of a chimney-sweep, by|Terri Vancott was the flower two nephews, Master Frank| girl, ---- and Master Allan They were dressed alike in The wedding took, pace "injtrmal, Seah Soars on Albert Street United Church,|Meen'" 0° ing n gth lacé panels from the The bride, the former Carol Ann), ow : et ' ack waist, Leaves and flowers| Davey, is the daughter of Mr.|(¢ matching tulle illusion form:| and Mrs, Henry Thomas Davey! ia the io Phd : and the bridegroom, Ronald mae Richard Lougheed, is the grand-| Mr. Donald Parker acted as son of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph best man and the ushers were Krawchynski, all of Oshawa. Mr, Robert Bell and Mr. Leslic| The Reverend John K. Moffat|Shaw. | | rformed the ceremony while} A reception was held in the} r. Harold Ellis played) the/Civic Auditorium, Receiving, wedding music and accompan-|the bride's mother wore teal fed the soloist, Miss Corrine/blue lace over silk, white acces-| Otter of Brampton, sories and a corsage of pink| The bride, who was given in|Sweetheart roses, The bride) marriage by her father, wore ajgroom's grandmother was in| formal gown of pure silk or-jpale blue with a corsage of yel-| ganza over taffeta with a fitted!low Sweetheart roses i bodice, lily-point sleeves and a| As the couple left on their bateau neckline in a yoke ofjhoneymoon, the bride was wear- Chantilly lace. The front panelling a two-piece suit of white of the controlled skirt was rich-|/Chantilly lace over lemon satin; ly embroidered with lace motifs|white accessories and a corsage and a full chapel train of lace,/of orange Sweetheart roses, bordered with silk organza, fell) Mr, and Mrs, Lougheed. will from below the shoulders where/|reside at 408 Olive avenue. it was held by a large, organza) bow. Her headdress of silk or- ganza flowers and leaves held a four-tier, circular veil of pure silk tulle illusion reaching below the elbow. She carried a cres- Werner-Jackson The Reverend R. B. Lytle of-| gown of white peau de soie de- ficiated when Sandra Lynn,|signed with a bodice of Chan- daughter of Mr. and Mrs,|tilly lace featuring a scalloped Everett Bowen Jackson, was)V-neckline and __iily united in marriage to Earl Ken-| sleeves. A large self bow and meth Werner, son of Mr. and streamers at the back waistline Mrs. Oswald Earl Werner, all of| held her triple-gored train which Oshawa. The ceremony took was enhanced by scattered. flor- place in Calvary Baptist Church al appliques of lace, Her head- at high noon on Saturday, dress was a lace wedding rin Mr. Grant Mowat, Richmond] studded with sequins holding her Hill, an uncle of the bridegroom, finger-tip veil of tulle and she was the soloist, accompanied by! carried a bouquet of yellow Mr. William Slywka. roses and white carnations, Given in marriage by her The maid of honor was Miss father, the bride wore a formal Lois Delaney and the brides- ----_--_--__---------- -- maids were Miss Gail Jackson and Miss Susan Werner, dressed alike in semi-formal gowns of yellow chiffon over taffeta with Chantilly lace: bodices and carrying nosegays of yellow, rust and -white chrysanthe- mums Mr, Wayne Werner best man and those ushering were Mr. Gordon Werner, Osh- awa and Mr. Bruce Ballinger, Port Perry | The reception was held in 7 Courtice United . Church hall To straighten a warped phono- seived ny . tek ps lia graph record, place it oer weee | dress of peau de soie, assisted two sheets of glass, place in the/4. the bridegroom's mother, sunshine for an hour or two. | who chase a powder-blue sheath| of organza over taffeta. As the couple left on a motor Mrs, Henry Thomas Davey and the bridegroom is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krawchynski, all of Oshawa. --lIreland Studio Scarborough, Orono and Pick ering, Ontario; Pasadena and Arcadia, California, and Lon- don, England, was the TRY TRAFFIC TV tand Miss Brenda Terrill, Hamp- Guests attended from Bramp-| Sleeves of Chantilly lace ton. Niagara Falls, Kitchener,| crown of pearlized stamens en- - point - bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Arthur Terrill, Hampton, and the bride- JAMES ALLAN STATHAM of Oshawa and Anna Louise Terrill, Hampton, were unit- Granted, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches are old favor- ites, but with August designated as National Sandwich Month, it's time to be more creative. So that pantry shelf special, peanut butter, is back at work again with new,and different ideas for lsandwiches to satisfy young- sters and oldsters alike. Have you ever tried peanut butter with a slice of pineapple and cheese on toast and then popped under the broiler? What about pennywise slices of {ranks with pickle relish and peanut butter on toast? Or better still, how about hot brown 'n serve sausages with jam and peanut butter on toast? Finally, con- sider toast and peanut Shtter topped with cranberry relish, Of course, the secret to all these creative sandwiches is the peanut butter itself. This gold mine of nutrition is available in both the smooth and crunchy ferent, try one or all four of these hot peanut butter sand- wiches, Better fix plenty be- cause an invitation to "have an- other sandwich"' isn't often turn- ed down. Cheesy Peanut Butter 'n Pine- apple Sandwich -- Yield: one sandwich. For each sandwich spread one slice of toast with two tablespoons peanut~ butter, Top peanut butter with one slice drained canned pineapple. Cover pineapple slice with a slice of American cheese, Slip under broiler until cheese is melted. Brown 'n Serve Peanut Butter Sandwich -- Yield: one sand- wich, For each sandwich spread one slice. of toast with two tablespoons peanut butter. Top peanut butter with two table- spoons apricot jam, Place. two Brown 'N Serve sausages, cut in half lengthwise, on top of jam. Slip under broiler until sausage is browned, about three styles and you may select from a variety of sizes. For sandwiches that are dif- groom is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Allan Statham, Oshawa --Astor Studio ed in marriage in Hamp- ton United Church, The Statham-Terrill In Hampton United Church,| They all wore street - length} James Allan Statham, son of/dresses of pale green brocade | Mr. and Mrs. Allan Statham of} styled with empire bodices, A-| Oshawa took as his bride Anna) line skirts and hem-length back of Hampton. carried teardrop bouquets of| The Reverend Charles Catto shasta daisies, jofficiated. Mr. Ross Metcalf, Mr, Erie McNab was the best| |sang and was accompanied by|man. Mr, Robert Williamson| Mr. Douglas Dewell. and Mr. Gordon Atkins ushered} The bride, wearing @ full: and Master Jay Terrill was the length gown of white faille, was) ring bearer, given in marriage by her father. On empire lines; the bod- x = : ice and elbow-length sleeves) the Christian Education Build- were accented with appliqued/ing, the bride's mother wore lace and seed pearls. The A- soft pink crepe, white accessor- line skirt featured a soft, invert-|ies and a corsage of white ed front pleat and a chapel train chrysanthemums, tipped with held by a self bow fell from the| pink, The bridegroom's mother shoulders. A self wedding band} who assisted, was in apple green headdress, trimmed with lace|organza over crepe, sheath style and pearls, held her elbow-|with beige accessories and a length veil of tulle illusion and corsage of white chrysanthe- she carried a bouquet of yellow mums, tipped with yellow. rosebuds and stephanotis, The honeymoon was spent in Miss Jane Decoe, Oshawa,| Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. | was the maid of honor and the Statham are residing at 319 bridesmaids were Miss Donna Mary street, Oshawa, | For travelling, the bride don- ton, sisters of the bride, and)ned a jade linen sheath trim- Miss Karen Bakogeorge, Osh-|med with white lace; white ac- awa. Miss Linda Catto, Hamp-!cessories and a corsage of pink ton, was the flower girl. | Sweetheart roses. Russell-Forestell In St. Gregory the Receiving at the reception in Great|nis Russell, Warkworth, and the Roman Catholic Church, Mari-| ushers were Mr, James Rey- lyn Ann, daughter of Mr. and/nolds, Campbellford, and Mr. Mrs, Bernard Forestell, became} Russell, Westwood. the bride of David Charles Rus-| The reception was held in the sell, son of Mr. and Mrs, church auditorium, where the Charles Russell, Warkworth. bride's mother received, wear- The Reverend A. G. Quesnelle|ing a pink lace dress with a officiated and Mr, Jack Driscoll white Chantilly lace coat and a played the wedding music. corsage of pink and white car- Given vin marriage by her nations. The bridegroom's moth- | father, the bride wore a gownier assisted wearing a_ pale of white peau de soie, The bod-|mauve dress and a corsage of ice featured a semi-beteau scal-| gold and white carnations, loped neckline and_lily-point As the couple left on their Her honeymoon, the bride was wear- ing a gold two-piece ensemble, twined with floral sprays held) matching accessories and a cor- her veil of similar lace and she|sage of white and mauve or- carried a white prayer book) chids, On their return, Mr, and crested with a white orchid,| Mrs, Russell made their home mauve baby chrysanthemums in Warkworth and trailing ivy Out - of - town guests were The maid of honor was Miss! present from Trenton, Toronto, | Linda Forestetl wearing a pale;Campbeliford, St. Catharines, blue dress and carrying a nose-| Belleville, Scarborough, Bow- gay of white and blue carna-'manville, Newcastle, Buffalo, tions New York; Etobicoke, Cooks- The best man was Mr. Den-' ville, Long Branch, Brantford, | Instant' Redecorating With Stretch Fabrics By ELEANOR ROSS jthe immediate availability of lf you feel an urge to update|ready-mades -- a neat trick, | the living room without doing a/Surely. drastic or permanent redecorat-- They are safely washable in ing job or denting the budget, warm suds and are moderate in consider stretch slip-covers, price--especially in relation to We know that the first ofjtime saved and negligible up- these covers were rather dull, keep costs not at all attractive. They can be put through the But today, they come in ancycle of an automatic washer enormous variety of colors, pat- and can be dried by machine terns, and textures designed to or on a line, then replaced coordinate any type of decor, Wrinkles disappear when the casual or formal, traditional or covers are sleciched over the contemporary. They are fash-jfurniture, so no ironing is ever ioned in styles to fit almost any needed type of chair, sofa, or see-) No doubt about it, stretch tional -- even convertible sofa- covers can add a new lift to a beds tired-looking room in a matter Because of their elasticity,of minutes. Any homemaker) these covers fit odd size and can install them easily in half ' ms; shape furniture as well as stan-an hour, and thus accomplish dard pieces. Stretch covers com-jredecoration on the very day bine the fit of custom jobs withithey are purchased. By BRENDA LARGE SAO PAULO (CP)--Elegant) Brazilian models wearing viv porters at a_ private show here Sunday. The Canadians, representing and Mrs. Clifford Arthur Terrill! dresses, misted in tulle. They|attending the eighth annual na-|; tional textile fair. Their visit is being sponsored jointly by a group of Brazilian manufactur- ers and the Brazilia trade de- partment. The Canadians also are to visit Rio de Janeiro before re- turning to Montreal later this week, During the weekend they! held detailed discussions with leading textile manufacturers to find out prospects for in- creased trade between Canada and Brazil in the textile field. | The Brazilian manufacturers hope to be able to increase | their exports to Canada which) now amount only to a_ small trickle. } At a lengthy business meet- ing the Canadians said they! were interested in importing such materials as plain and 4 Canada May Import! Brazilian Cotton minutes, Frankly Peanut Butter Sand- wich -- Yield: one sandwich. For each sandwich spread one slice of toast with two table- spoons peanut butter. Top pea- |nut butter with one tablespoon \pickle relish, Cut one frank into pennywise slices. Arrange frank |slices on sandwich. Slip under|cerned about patients who are| broiler .until franks are heated throug Peanut Butier 'n Relish Sand- nut butter with two tablespoons cranberry -- relish, Louise Terrill, daughter of Mr.| panels with wedding band head-/five Montreal textile firms, are|broiler until heated through. TORONTO (CP) -- Pregnant women who go on low-cholest- erol diets may 'have men- tally. retarded children, David Turner, a biochemist at the Hospital for Sick Children has suggested, Molecules of cholesterol form the basic structure of all body hormones, Dr, Turner said, and cholesterol is vital for the build- ing of brain and nerves, which ere largely composed of fat. Destruction of the fatty myelin sheaths around nerves has been implicated in such diseases as multiple. sclerosis. Dr, Turner, associate scien- tist in the hospital's research in- stitute and associate professor in the University of Toronto's School of Hygiene, said he is now preparing experiments to show the effect of cholestero! deficiency upon the developing fetus in chickens and pigs, The pregnant animals will be fed a diet deficient in cholest- erol. They will also be given drugs that interfere with the synthesis of cholesterol in their own bodies and others that cause the cholesterol circulating through the intestines to be ex- creted rather than used, : jit is the do-it-yourself fad diet-) idly colored cotton and silk) wich -- Yield: one sandwich. |ers who get into trouble, he said /print gowns whirled around a/For each sandwich spread one! group of Canadian textile im-|slice of toast with two table-|nutrition on development has fashion|spoons peanut butter. Top pea-|led to studies in pregnancy be- jcause an organism is most sus- Slip under|ceptible during its period of} jrapid fetal growth. | Dr, Turner said he is not con-) on low - cholesterol diets pre-| scribed for them by a physician. | His interest in the effect of HAMPTON printed cotton and denims. 7 miles Eost of the 5 points corner Taunton and Scugog Roads, 4 miles north of Bowmanville. Open Daily 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. offering the district's finest FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES and SOFT ICE CREAM @ Special Prices On Freezer @ Foods In Quantities PHONE 263-2193 "BUY THE BEST AT GARDENS BUDGET PRICES" en ee Sa Oe Da nem SOS OD Sa Oa AY OO ON TPT BOYS ~ GIRLS! WIN ANY OF THESE TERRIFIC PRIZES OR... TAKE BIG CASH PROFITS! WRIST WATCHES RACING CARS HOCKEY EQUIPMENT TENTS... SKIS RIFLES... , PISTOLS Por KET RADIOS GUITARS ACCORDIANS TELESCOPES CROQUET SETS BADMINTON SETS ROAD RACING SET AND MANY, MANY MORE, Sell Only 30 Boxes INTRODUCE BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMAS AND Alle OCCASION CARDS TO THE FOLKS YOU KNOW... EARN EXCITING PRIZES... OR CASH... EASILY! All in o few spore hours ofter school or on week-ends, Simply show Christmas ond All Occasion Greeting Cords to the folks you know, We send you 15 boxes of cards at one time, on credit, DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY ,.. WE TRUST YOU, Get this speedy ROAD RACING SET in 20 days' spare time NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF PRIZES YOU CAN WINT MAIL COUPON TODAY FOR CATALOGUE OF BIG PRIZES tae | YOUTH SALES CLUB OF CANADA 305 KING ST. EAST TORONTO 1 want to join the Y.S.C. and win valuable prizes, Please send 'at once Y, MEMBERSHIP CARD, FREE PRIZE CATALOGUE with foll particulars and Boxes CHRISTMAS CARDS on credit. tt is understood | may return any or all boxes of cards, | wil send money for ait boxes sold, -Send 15 Boxes on credit, Street - 10 DAYS ONLY Why wait for Winter to find the look you like? Fairweather's fabulous fashion preview allows you to brouse through the newest of the new, and reap the rewards now. All our preview coats 60.00 upwards. SAVE 15% LONDON (CP)--Police in five counties are to try television on Britain's traffic problems. Liver- pool used a closed-circuit system last year for crime prevention, but the new plan is the first ap- plication of television to traffic control in Britain i trip along the St. Lawrence Sea- way, the bride was wearing a turquoise serrano sheath with a lace jacket, while accessories and a yellow corsage. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Werner will reside at 25 Brock street west, Oshawa CLEANING in Your Home . 94 BRUCE STREET RUG & UPHOLST or Our Plont PHONE 725-9961 OSHAVW, DIVISION OF OSHAWA CLEANING CONTRACTORS ERS Celebrated beauties, pale, far-bearing cover-ups at unparalleled 15% sav- ings. The big news is just the type of fur . . . face framing Fox, silky Mink, the explosion of (dyed) Muskrat, fio FINAL TOBCH lady-like Black or Grey Persian and Canadian Beaver . . . all collaring coats from our incomparable selection. Your hat is the crowning touch to your new Fall and Winter Coat. Here we feature the all-important topping. Satin or Brocade, swirled 'round with luxurious Mink tails im all the popular shades. 29.00 leas 15% FASHIONS SINCE 1867 Fairweather's Event features more big news! Slim, young Suedes with Hair coats in a myriad of styles. Everything in Tweeds from Salt And Pepper to "the more colourful the better." In fact, every conceivable casual, and all at 15% savingste you. <tc ne cng me

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