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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1965, p. 24

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S$ 24 THE COHAWA TIMES, Wodnesdey, Avsuet 18, 1965 "Times Action Want Ads - Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m.-to 5 p.m. + BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Accountants WALL, se np Account Lo treme th sariered 2 Kecount: Ontario, Tel oan "FOUL a "A? Prince Hiren, itd 4 Oshawa, co. rg Seah i chi eg 967-4940) f Chartered Bertone Prieto iS BROOKS, Chartered i) 20, Oshawa Shopping sme . bhi jt sc tone bb Truss v Bond. Street Telephone' 723: preh a Gardening and Supplies TV--Radio Repairs eet MAN, Barristers, Solicito joyehyny WW, A 7 4604) Whi Prine 72-4926; 728-6193, NHA other first mortgage funde 'aveliad! available, Building | Trades Revs, 86" vENYN " Wice- ray eee ot GB pil R, DB, ad hreys, th J, D. Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office: 26-1188) Residences'. 725 ~~ SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders Remodelling, carpentry, tiling painting, plumbing, electrical work, roofing, eavestrough- ing, plastering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum doors cy pen AN 6.| and windows, siding, b/ ia hee i .-- fm 20 skilled men ready to serve in in u RS Sin Uifmmese Street ou. ; Mone ANB G0, Char NELLIS' HOME wei nena Giade Bulle) ~~ IMPROVEMENTS i t' Hopkins: CATH, A Oshawa =~ 728-2061 ley ukow, CA, ! Pp pbarcuch wm 74502184 _/Marrlaters a 7a ieaance 'Prone ae _ 6 QC, 725-9968 72-882) Thomas 4. Jermyn, BA, LLB, 648-3095, MeOiBi Solicitors, Trust 'erence V, Kelly, BA, Mop Ruining, mene ' reisters, National treet bey 4 lt Floor and ie Tiles, Rec, 0 Rooms, General home remod- el-ing. All _work guaranteed, H."McKOY. 725-8576 King revel sione arid top soll, Telephone Hold ¥o Trin? Him, Or Ill eut tby,|them down, Free Biv neste or and TA-O6N0, Pia anenentee tt edenataatarad GXPERIENCED gardener will c =r" |your garden and iawn, Planting, ing, et hedge ftrimmin sonable, 726-0614, Instruction ARMSTRONG sod and loam, nursery sod, lee, Ati ALITY CAMPENTRY. (Coe and Money To Loan GENERAL REPAIRS ./i'Witt Loan'y 5p 16 85,000 al a ren Renin, elningy Sida, [ett Ya sett 20 Roeer't Fr, Sestede, &e) Grant H, Arn strong. jouer pWANGAN, 6, solicitor, Money Gast, TAM opie, 208 able, 723-4 loan, Office, 14a King Street Oshawa, 728-8292, tp pingl 'chen' Pe hg avall- Lm MACDONALD. "BA, woah uble, icitor a earenataat Build! vi ' Sahew West, aauree -ORYRAN- 7 MURBOEN, and) crue, Barristers, Fray alg Notaries, Victor, Murdoch, 905-7118.) Classified Rates word Saattionel words Tee ry secutive insertions of @4 words ed additional words 20 secvtlv addition: Charge sarge, Method of count words initial, #5 one word) phone. number two word aps each) con: each, 6 # insertions of 24 words $4. i at words \8e each, % ~ cent additional it net Ro within @ days, ~~ Less than 24 counts as words; each word, figure or abbreviation counts counts BIRTHS -- DEATHS = "SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents ad: ditional charges if not paid within @ days, IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the firet OS) words and ie each thereafter, plus ide per line of verse De additional charge it not paid within @ days, CARDS OF THANKS 00. for the firat 35 words and Se * each charge nereatter, with iSe¢ additional if not pated within @ days, i. eVENTS na Pings $1.80 tor the rat 3 word AUCTION wie PF wor: ed Lest am, Lal mm Se each thereafter, SALES INCH INSERTION DEADLINES AD! Bay previous AND FOUND day publication S$ AND DRATHS day of publication CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 eeluma 4 p.m, day previnus 2 eb urna or larger = 10 a.m, day previous CANCELLATIONS ANG CORRECTIONS e AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL --- Me While te forward replies the advertinera as anon 48 we ac toss or a every endeaver will be made | Ye box numbers to pessivne ho lability in respect to fae cept, jamage alieged 'rough either failure or delay in for warding sueh whether The T replies The Siews Timea will pn however caused by nee uF otherwise. tres will be respensidle for uncatied for in 1 days, REGULATIONS not be nor price charge for a single yond Wsertion In whieh errer occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the right te classify § advertising according 6 ta praper classification, in the Bi canes a bg ge ee not respon: he Times wi sible for Hay the Niahers vertiai me li trace actual error endeavor to repreduce ali Bo! Bg that whiten c The pub ad matter correctly, but assume ity of advertisement if any therein, Any savertaaiet | abn ation will then, cancelled IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Claasified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS = Wemens Column i 2 Colum S~Tratters YOR a Vin Pets Basket emer Column and Livestock Th-articies Wanted Articles for Rent den Business Oppertunitiea Li--Errpioymen! Wanted \e~Agents Wanted Th--Female Melp Wanted e-- nah 4 See! a ie Help Wanted * oF Female Help Wanted Estate for Sale HOPROR: OQ ented Menuet Renalr MeaLeat and Found SRR AUT HORD ® Sen Coming E vente Neh cee og 5 Simeoe| ALL ALL TvPas words $1.08 | 728-4717 Pree estimates, CARPENTRY oF all kinds, « cart work . THE R. H, CABINET CO. 182 THICKSON RD, N. 728-0232 Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Custom built cabinets, buliding, reefing rep leling) chimneys, new and ta ay sidewalk and Senerete ropa vhithy 4 4n-2774, Gord M ROOFING, co conerete our apeciaity, tee work Large and amail and Constru ue! NEW PLASTER: sidewalks, it modelling, rec-roomes Telephone 7 | YOUR "LOCAL CHIMNEY "slaaiar, Chim: linings [Ca rtage Toors, flat roofing, fant lh, Rol » ky and r'srasonay , and repairs, stucco, Pree estimates, A, €, Woods, 728-3420 or' CUSTOM remodelling, cetling and floor files, reerooma, siding, additions, ga rages, cupboards, General repairs, All) work guaranteed, Call 72e-gaae, C nna : BCASTERING REPAIRS te new oe repairs, Free estimates, Tele! phone 728-7680, |GXPERT PAVING, Hic. "square foot in cludes grading and fill, twovear guaran tee, Terrano Paving, 723-584) neys Irom : hall yon of cement work Prank MeCann, | Murdoch and Victor rR FIRST AND SECOND mortgage, agreements purchased and sold, Hennick! and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King |JOWN'E" MOVING, "Storage and Cartage, | "Ante 7207292, built and repaired: gas morta: A. Brooklin 485: 3041 of sa [ALTERATIONS -- on dresses and coats, | Alse and tears invisible Hi holes Bow | automatic and standard cars, Professional instructors, 728-0091 | ANYWHERE » - ferreee a Janitor Service omical ceiling wail modern machine Pada and have good credit, Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements Money for second mortgages Fast service, Mortgage | Brokers | Association lwrelee roofs repaired, Free estimates PRIVATE and corporate OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 0 years teaching driving ~ ANYTIME BCHOOL, new duel courteous serv: red, i} TRY DRIVi ENTION HOUSEWIVES) Fast, econ | cleaning b "work | Free oatirneten. purpose providing you ar@ steadily em: |---~ Telephone MORTGAGE LOANS purchased M, F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697 iF SUMMERLAND _ | SECURITIES 112 Simeoe St. North aie: | Oshawa, Onterio - 725.3568 o-- Mortgage Money Available Low Interest TV TOWERS. ECONOMY AND ~ DELUXE Priced to sult your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST, 128-8180 TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES ELECTRONICS For promet service C) Whitby -- 668-5679 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 1, Reh O. TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. _All work Queranteed, TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS Closed _Saturdays during July |Well | Drilling--Digging SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK MONUMENTS, PATIEWTS SUFFERING 49 PIECES oF FROM HIGH BLOOD HOVER TaRts ARTALYRY, 1400 TABLESS AND 300 MARKERS PRESSURE ROOT, INDICATE THE PONG OF SPECIAL INTEREST Af , WALKS GESTYS BURG) THE MOST FAMOUS BATTLE" O® ROLLS On FIELD OF AMERICAN Ki$f0RYs YES. AKE GROUND. ee eas eer SYR Fon EGGS SUPPLIED BY SEVERAL FEMALES SCRAPS. AND sited 3 ano PLANT I$ RICE DET ; WOME MAIN, © aie, BENEFICIAL. 10 ANP BUDS 1% BY OF PLANTS GuARDS THE ENEMIES WITH WS SPINY SPARS \aystems, $35; | boats, -motors; jenn. 723-7008, ~ |\8--Articles for Sale Waitt Dy machine specialirl in Mosineh tile, W, Ward, 204 Chestnut Member Ontario Street West, _Whitby, 648-2563 or 640-3009, FIVON 10 GFF AN | semen ernment tai a ages Mortgages, and aoreementa| Raraual' of dasa Hubs hal yreha: nton, eg (bee "Barrister }| Marie Murduff will be in Oshawo Sept. 13th, 14th, "Sale Street FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 15th. Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment Clearance sale starts today, Buy now and save. 4 typewriter 723-44, STEREO HI-FI. --Swap and Barter THTUBS, $10) basins 92) | sinks, $8.95; cabinets, $35) trailers (new), $119.50, H, BICYCLES Standord features = include, chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver brazed frames ond forks. From $34.95 Up 'LAWN: MOWERS Light, dependable and power ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3", Chrome ploat- ed handle, From $39.95 Up TENTS Heovy woterprooted -- drill, sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with awning, From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 48 Bond St, West Telephone 725-6511 Custom built, ace, 20 Chureh Street. TOR" WONDA y MOTOR BIKES -- New and vsed.| | working condition, Telephone 723-9726, $299, Open evenings WE BUY, until 9 p.m. Honda Shop, (99 King West {Dial 728-4242, TYPEWRITER portable $35. Adding machine $40, electric 18M No down paymen' $30. $40, Electric cash register tg 8--Articles for Sale cards to friends and neighbors. No ex- 725-1212 '14--Busine Opportunities perience needed. Our exciting catal | = ~|GROCERY and Variety Store business.|iilustrates over 300 items in full color, |VACUUM repairs, ali makes, hoses,/ Excellent location. For a small invest-jmaking if easy to get plenty of orders. brushes, ete, Pick-up, daivery, 942-0213,|ment: you can be your own boss, Don| Earn extra money this way. Write today Hee ing Vacuum Service, Main Street,|Stradeski Real Estate, 723-4651, for pe tic peobey if To. eet. : an Hd vated AIS 3 0. q pee ela <----= |BARBERSHOP on Stevenson Road Norm, "0%, Catalogue. Monarch Card Cow COMPLET T of dark-room equip: |Only $2,500 full price. Must be sold, In- - ment, Opemus No, 2 enlarger; dryer,|ciudes all equipment and good lease. Call | EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's timer, etc., $180, oF best offer, Lindsay'S. D, Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728\finest line of Christmas Cards, wraps, | 324-5802 | 6286, novelties, etc. Over ie items, For tree, i ilustra samples) ~ }GUNS~ Bough!, sold, traded, papal Mu on approval" and the fastest service, a! Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street west, "S' 15--Employment Wanted yi wy Greeting cir ees has King RELIABLE WOMAN will care for chil-/Street, East, Hamilton, Qntario nuvine OR SELLING furniture or ap-idren in own home while mother works OMAN to care for two |pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or | RELIABLE WOMAN to c tery , | Telephone Brooklin 655-3725 children, ages 2¥2 and ita is Rade Pe |WILL TAK A f "on hil ferred. References requir elephone ADDING machine, typewriter: sensor, | Wel in sg Nesta oe two chit | 728-3876 duplicators, chequewriters, files, desks, Rellable person, Telephone. Whitby 668. chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and | 69 apartment : ae (Grave @ Sand @ Stone TexAco FUEL & STOVE OIL Free 24-hr. Burner Service Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Call 668-3524 SAWDON"S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South ~~ Janssen's Power Equipment Centre Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors. Service on all power equip- ment, Licensed mechanic on duty 843 King West 728-9429 FREE Have your furnace cleaned FREE this summer ond guar- anteed trouble-free all winter, if you purchase the best oil from Western Oil Co,--Call oday, BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture NOW. Selling because too large for new and appliances, One location only, Pretty $150, Telephone 725-9434, |tresses from $14, Wilson's Mattress Pal.| Phone Alax 9421 Apply 13 Elgin treet East, 725-1497, BUY AND SELL -- "Good used furniture 9--Market Basket [and appliances, Mibseate Aiass saba0n8. _S" Optometrist ELECTROLYSIS ----_ |B RIEWARD BLACK, 66, isd" Simone 723-4641 : intistry ei Rts | Street, Nerthy Suite 6 Oshawa, Telephone. oom ne| MALEK, DRC. 8. Denia Tt i 'S--Troilers anpeintment, 738 384 or ees. Yate *"/Pa Painting | and Decorating | Dresmeking ----~--|~--S=~PAXINNTING AND COOKS ste ~ DECORATING TRAILER SALES bv agg catty, coat, arenes INTERIOR and EXTERIOR S St. North specialty, Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372 Broadioom, Custom Draperies | si epagedteabentdt | mranville 423-399), DRESSMAKING U = All kinds of lad High quality work... Call A ) AMAKING, 608-846 Gardening and Supplies vraciesin_any form are contained | betwee be charged one day's | TLC tw & LAWN SEEDS FERTILIZERS PEAT MOSS BIRD BATHS WEED KILLERS BUG KILLERS COW MANURE PURINA DOG MEALS MASTER DOG MEALS PURITY DOG MEALS PET SUPPLIES PLAY SAND COOPER - SMITH COMPANY 16 CELINA STREET 723-1139 We Deliver THAT" x FENCING No not just standard galven- ized chain link, but, electro- lytic and galvanized after weeve chain link, Fencing for longer = maintenance -- tree costs, Supplied and installed, Herchand Landscaping 725- 172) FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS SOD Laid and Delivered also Cedor Hedges, Patios Leid ond Delivered me CALL MAPLE LEAF" Landscaping end Garden Service 725-0611 Shs ITY WIDE SHARPENING REEL TYPE LAWN MOWERS Sharpening ond Reneirs Shears, scissors, knives Quick service, Pick-up and delivery SHARPENING BY MACHINES 248 Quebec: cs J 5-0500 CEDAR | TREES GREEN AND BUSHY FOR MEDGES ETC. -- FREE ES. TIMATES. QUANTITY OF POSTS AND POLES SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville Coll Collect 786-2283, rates _ |quaranteed. 668-5862 PAINTING J AND ) DECORATING, sasber| Also chimneys Cleaned, All work 723-9917. ¥, Plumbing and Heating ic woes "ol repairs and remodelling aterials, Reasonanie . free TENN, J Paley.) [ALL PLUMBING and heating supplies, | | Telephone 725-3591, Harold H. Stark Lid PTesny | Heating and Engineering, 225 tr Simene Ry | ing home eet South, OSHAWA CLEANERS 19 ond Upholstery Clean At our plant or in your CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET RE-UPHOLSTERINO by experts, Estab lished terials. years. Mattresses rebuilt years, Workmanship -guaranteed Free estimates, Credit Complete range of ma MOBILE HOME, Deluxe, So ft five| three bedrooms, fully furnished. terms. cep? furniture as part payment Furniture rectinished. | 668-2497 or can be seen at 1010 2 only 15° citations, 1 only 17' rambler, 2 only 15' Conodians. 2 only 16' Glenelles (fully equipped 1 only. 17' Glendette. (show. _room condition) Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Closed on Sunday, Phone 723.9534 "Golden Polcon!! ond "Orbit" Travel Trailers SUBWAY TRAILER PARK & SALES 1010 Dundas Street E, itby Parts and Ac cessories, "xO th, Will ac Dudnas Oshawa Upholstering Company, 287 Dean | jEast, Whithy Avenue, 725-001), CHESTERFIELDS reupholsiered and te inew, styled. tor South recovering Dalton Uphoistering, Charles Street 7237012. CHESTERFIELOS and od chairs, te unt 7 pr covered like new. Get the vest for. tess at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe Street SFOoT Citation travel Never used. Apply trailer to John Maw, Free estimate. See our material/ Myrtle, Ont. 7s! sa als can FA445\ Free esti mates iMOBILE HOME -- as xX i6 ie, Delixe model. able CHESTERPIELDS reupnontered and re. abe types of welding done, Portedie equipment for rent. FURNITURE -- mree rooms, ity furniture, only jbedroom, living room, kitchen ensembles, | Goold's Furniture, 215 indas East, 1» Whitby 668-548). $299, inc, ens, four pounds $1.35; "new qual- Delivery on order of ten or more. Tele- Complete phone 728-529), ; ' Mulch @ Building Materials exchange used turn | |trade, with budget terms. New and used. jFurniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723.3971 BABY Mapinprd patio, «ah - Excellent | | MATTRESSES! MATTRESSES! Be ai, Condition, only used one Alte Wree-| values = lowest prices, spring-filled mat ner inca "ter cottage or, In good | ture or Saying you ee The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street Standara| South, 723-1671, PIANO, Upright, Roxatone paint, $100. Pay only 83 wkly, Undeatable value! LARGE Willamet Raspberries at "Chom | Rarons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe KO's Farm, Pick your own from 4 South am, No children under 14 Teleahene| RENDER amplifier, custom chassis, six | oe M06 rewarding picking days, speakers, Must sell, Best offer, Telephone FRESH VEGETABLES, Waiter Huron 668-495), Whitby Farm, Malt mile west of Oshawa on 40) 16S SUZUK) 80, excellent condition, $300. twelve hundred mile io1) pm, joey "RING" matic, Try for_one month for only $3.50./CORN -- Pick your own, three @oten| le all Chitehem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200, /for $) PIANO -- small apartment sire, dard keyboard Phone 725-2557 "system, complelely auto stan North Serv ice Road Whitby 668-3) se POTATOES, $),75 Dushel._ for Bowmanville and Oshawa area, phone 263-2150. Anderson Street, Whitby, house right side, north of Taunton | 'ond poe ere ee 10--Farmer's. Column "Free "delivery | el tieat 1965 YAMAHA motorcycie, trail model DEAD and crippled oe ' preg ched 700 miles, Under warranty. Perfect con Up promptly. we oeen Fur orig oe Sacrifice for $300. Telephone 728 Tyrone, Telephone Corteat Hampton, ! 263-272), Licence 389. LA aa 1950 model General Electric re FOR SALE -- 1,100" "Stee of second cur lentened ot, owner, 5 Bm, laouee washing machine. tien, am, RANGE, Moffat high oven and Berraanent Dase, like Two window conditoner PhONe ware, never used SWIMMING § POOL equipment for sale. We deliver Brand |jigan. time after AQ $40, Whitby 668-5336, between 10 2 am, Fiesta, staintess Naterless cook Chemicals and Whitoy 668-2200 | TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- af |structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" singie allchannel antenna com. Shepherds, guaran. Stock, Pups, stud service, boarding, Ash. See all towers at dur 655- 4662 weekends. WHITE POODLE, champion stock, tion, 10 feet, Wor linctuded, Telephone 987-4282) Noe teed one year TRAILER WITCHES made and instatied, TRIO Television al reason. | Son, 728-5144 MTV TOWERS SPECIAL structure alhchannel installed, tax $90. corner included, Bond and Divi foot tower cut Telephone 668-4007 ting alfatta hay. _Phone Brooklin 665-3596. TRACTOR, Case, 310, also backhoe and condi: | joader FOR SALE ~ tractor, Massey |(Pony) with starter and tights, plough, steel |cultivator New. ton, Telephone 728-1970, and scuffier, in good condi. 11--Pets and Livestock Call Cyl. BEAUTIFUL training, Broad, 14 Elgin Bast. tower COZY-S-RANCH Kennels, horses, German grown "baby budgies, ready talking strain, registered, trained, male, six $100. 'neludes registra: Telephone 723-1096. Rebuilt, $4500, Telephone 725-7284 Marris| Yor Apply Mrs, T. weeks, / scsi a antenna installed, |FOR SALE bred Shepty er reacts bomen Kaaeiaatbal vAPACHEES Tent" iralier, Uike new. $50. Oshawa TV nad Uinvited Tsk Weeks" od, ee onl vga Mn |Charies Street 729-7212, Sleeps 4 to 6 'Apply 887 Riston Road Gibbons Street, 728-8180. ea Steak and Burgers, Highway No. 12, 'Se amen, | SOUT, SAVERS ou PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, | Whitey PICK-UP camper for BA. truck body, /MOUre Work, custom picture. framing GERMAN Pi 1 : les. 3 Service _-------- | Prone. Witoy eabahs [Clark Studio. evenings and weekend'. Has en on ~~ BSS . a ED BICYCLES -- camel x rock North, Whitby. Pood LES ~~ Black, 1 BOUGHT AND SOLD 6--Morine Equipment og BL Console Television, HRC. needles, +, ee a | Stone" i ¥ Evenings, ~ - ~--e- -- i | Repairs to all makes of bi- ~~ MALE PONY, 2\2 years old, $70. with Rep PIANO, in good condition. Apply 1138 one load of hay. Hal th, y pees Pape ay a woe END-OF-SEASON Cedar Street, Oshawa, after S p.m. second house on ten aside, 7a Authoried dealer for ar PRIVATE ~ household contents, "stove sada seh, Lovson power products Clear-Outs wail refrigerator, washing machine pelapbhngy By Mle go Nes "and tack | AJAX CYCLE and PSPORTS + i HARWOOD AVE. N Telephone 942.155) Free pick-up ond delivery CANVAS awnings, curtains, canapie: Complete service. Free estimates Jelinek, PORIS8D anytime Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, promot service On calts, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West Whitby 668-258) EVERY All New CHRYSLER OVTIOARS MOTORS ve F BREGLASS. "RUNABOUTS NAME YOUR PRICE! OFFER CONSIDERED ! CHASKAVICH MOTORS fee table, kitchen set, ous jtems ver NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. Re pet to all, makes, Jac 19S? MATCHLESS S00 cc Hion, $500 or best offer, § te Grierson. lamps incliding garden tools, sprink Real buy. 729.0203 Lees, 72840056 eeve, Frigidaire Deluxe, Minch, ers, ett. Good condition, $125. PPS-9287. Exceiient condi ° am ree years old, seal drawn, stockings "and while New. hoses. Phone pos.o6n4 DOG TRAINING classes. tiny awa Obedience Association, Telephone vited for fall classes Trial September 5 [Telephone 725-401) 748 WANTED Ot female German Shepherd, ONE SET of Ludwig and Cornet drums | ably in the country, Telephone 723 Vets, for sale, Best offer. Whitby 658-sate. see Cot for sale, also pony cart. Apply Dickson, Mmiscellane iar 1S Beatrice Street, Oshawa REGISTERED Hackney show staiiion, four white biare face. Phone See our Surveyors 725-4920 DELURE STEREO system Custom com 12--Articles Wanted " ss ponent it ¢ , - WRC AND TROLLOPE, Oniario Lane Speakers". Will sel me ge itor WANTED goats. horniess, solid colors. | Surveyors, 113 Bipin Street East, Phone 16° GREW runabout, Convertible tap. toki:lcomplete ayster mot seasiree tsa A one Liovd Ayre,' Bowmanville 62). rySaeet ul windsrield, speedometer, plus many 725-0a80 tor apboin tment ow DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Oniarig/ ner exiras, Showroom condition. Phone | WonesE Cause Ruranne BEDROOM wile, Noor lamp, large fool Land Surveyor, Commercial dive prints, | 7584s oe anne | WHCRS, Name cs is Wet etn -- Ay ; ~ gre be in goed) Ont patarie Street, 255630 MOUSE TRAILER WS Rambler," | anywhere. We carry Restonic and ponte condition tlepnone 28-3589 i any Sieeps five, Telephone 725-8005 ly mattress forniture lines. Your author, WANTED -- sed Go-Kart and parts. TV--Redio "Repai rs CABIN CRUISER -- "Fiying Bridge" "n. jited GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's ai Telephone 72S-8540 ~'f, eotdoard, Th ears Ott. ar King Street West, 720-9191 reise seeshatieie 7 quolified servicemen FALL SEASON SOON" TV CHECK-UP, Now Rowmanvilte | 23S, cnn a by Te LO. TELEVISION jcontrots | oreter MOTER wart, A} Gandition, and 18 Horsepower Evinrudd |P end tration, $900, Telephone 725.5789 = "we WP Ui Seah, electric |< yaya? ? ALUMINUM "Crestiiner 3 Tunabout . Meorsenower, Evinrude meter " 28 3143 tratier, All new in July, 8875 cIry TV TOWER: antennas, aan rei eo, pers, AN work guaranteed, 81) boon (SER -- Ven, WNP wroteon, ivatier and {Avance Telepnene 72-0800, Prone Alex PaIRa naa MOTORCYCLES: with | tora, Altstate, 8: condition, The Cycle yen Street South, 725-460) VWiquarantes, Gutstanding goed buys ~ and acooters. riigstone. All in ex Shop. : a Open ml eaweTTERE 'edding machines eat --mae \VRE CHOCKS, New and rebuilt One year) Jen-| Yoo Nerikins Business Machine Sales and Service After 3) 720-7783 Oner evenings [THREE ROOMS of furniture Boek Ne 'Geen payment 'Cal's, 424 King West, 728-0191, i S35 monthly at Hones? Smert Business People Sina the Praises of Oshawe Times Clossifier Action Ads i Sponsor, Osh DOES A irauiries in you? We may Yoedience area, or Lakeview Gardens. 725.9349 Good home for four-monthjoid boy while mother works, prefer-/own home, $15 ivi Si IRETIRED minister and wile require a 13--~Articles for Rent PBA AY ONE Om Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. _|17--Female Help Wanted ad Ae de eae ee dn A Large Return For A Small Investment" 18--Mele Help Wanted RENTALS OF ALL: KINDS SANDING MACHINES "Oscillating sanders, dise sand- ers, belt sanders, floor sand- fs. PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe. threading dies, toilet a PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Stepladders, aluminum ex- tension ladders, ladder jocks, steel scaffolding, compres- 'sors, spray guns, wallpaper steomers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp. electric welders, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement mixers, finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter sows, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° bond saw, 4° joiner, sand blaster, power. tamper, power post hole auger STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. 223 King St. West, Oshawa PHONE 723-3224 Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Weor, Men"s Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. § parties, weddings, jable rates, 728-6315. |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, "walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, CHAIRS, card and gy aisle runners. Cleve Fox R | Simcoe Street North. cain 723-2414. AM-FM, | RIgeD i bal it ar Stereo FM, multiplex, mahogany cab.|LO™ low prices. Bill Hamilton, Ragian.| wan oP pny ba . Bl inets, Phone Whitby 668-4089 AIR-CONDITIONER -- ©"Admiral." As week, 7m. AB AB, 7-- 7--Female "Help Wanted | TOYS- FUN$$ Ladies to demonstrate @ full line of toys and gifts. Sept. Oct,, Nov, Commission. Car essential. --- no investment, deliveries or collection, We will train you, CALL NOW! PEGGY LANGILLE 728-3608 CASHIERS PART - TIME Must be experienced, Apply in person, The Manager. POWER'S SUPERMARKET 564 KING ST, EAST SCHOOL SECRETARY Reuired immediately for posi tion in Dunbarton High School Office. Apply in writ- ting, stating age, qualifica- tions and previous experi- ence to: : J. C. Richardson, Supertinendent of Secondary aoe Box 70, Pickering SECRETARY FOR LAW OFFICE Experienced. Excellent salary and benefits. Reply to BOX 508 OSHAWA TIMES "Beauty Counselor" call on) need someone in your call for products. Telephone! WODLE-AGED lady to care for lVnyear- in Child's weekly, fiveday dam to &R p.m Na, 30) Dundas West mcoe South, Oshawa. whilty lady to care for private home. No cook- jing, Separate apartment olus. Give ret- erences. Write Box 810, Oshawa Times. |WOMAN, experienced in V making custom Graperies, to take pa iment. Apply Reliable Skins In teriors, % King Ste Street East, 72: 723-7928, FULL-TIME or parhtime employment, counter Ah give Merried preferred. Tele- phone for . FAR. 725-3338 [ENTERTAINING =, Pifty to one-hundred |people? Oshawa Tennis Club for IPaeini ban- anniversaries, Facilities, bar kitchen, parking, Reason- age | week, Telephone 725-2090 ~|REMALE WELP WANTED -- land parttime, Apply to Scott's Chicken and 295 time of de. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY announces a vacancy for a REGISTERED NURSE Ben DUTIES: Instruction in psychiatric nur- sing for student nurses; plon- ning and execution of train- ing octivities QUALIFICATIONS: Registration os a nurse in Ontario; post graduate cert- ificate in nursing education from a university of recog- nized- standing or the B.Sc.N. degree; preferably graduate nursing experience. Applic- onts with B.Sc.N, degree and/or recent experience el- igible for higher starting sal- ary, FRINGE BENEFITS include superannuotion fund; cum- ulative sick leave credits; onnual increments; vacotion credits. Maximum salary to be $6,300. effective April Ist, 1966. APPLY TO: DIRECTOR OF NURSING ONTARIO HOSPITAL, WHITBY WOMAN 10 mind two children, school age, Mi tall ae Park Roa: North ar Telephon 13-1043, EXPERIENCED c a er 80N | or writing to Canadian Tire Assoc. Pitore, ian Brock Street North, Whitby, LADY TO WORK in clean snack ber, six hours per Gay. 725-1644, |WANTED -- Folks in Osha ind di trict to show our luxurious Chrismtas TEXACO Canada Ltd. has ca reer opportunities for "several Industrial Representatives Applicants should be 25-35 years of age with o univer. sity educotion or equivalent, Selling experience is prefers able although not absolutely necessary, os successful can- didates will receive extensive training. Excellent opportun- ities for advancerhent, full benefit program, car and ex- penses provided. For further information tele- phone or write G. K. MacDonald TEXACO Canada Ltd., Box 416 WHITBY, ONT, 668-3211 or 668-3610 FOOTBALL, BASKETBALL is our field. Sales promotion is our work, We are looking for young men between 18 and 30 who want an un- usual field with chance for advancement. You must be single, free to travel U.S. and Canada for extended periods of time. Interviews by ap- pointment only, INCORPORATED MACHINIST 18--Male "Help | Wanted _ Experienced Help For men's clothing store in Oshawa. Write giving references, to | BOX 711 | Oshawa Times _ | AGGRESSIVE MAN WANTED For shipping, receiving and general factory work. Salary ronge $75 - $90 weekly. Company medical plan, | A steady position in an ex- ponding company. Send details of past experi- ence, salary and education to P.O. BOX 218 | AJAX, ONTARIO _| MAN Must be dependable, required for assisting manager. APPLY TO SCOTT'S CHICKEN VILLA 295 SIMCOE, SOUTH _ NIGHT SHIFT Several young men required by growing electronic _com-_| pony for night shift. work, 14:30 p.m, to 7:30 a.m, No experience required, We will train you, Steady employ- ment. Profit sharing plan. | Apply in person before Sp.m. | CROVEN LTD. 500 Beech St., Whitby | PLASTERER WANTED, Must * meaner enced, Good wages. Telephone iy. | EXPERIENCED narawood or Piece work, Bank's Flooring, after 6 p.m. ration wn |TELEPHONE SALES personnel to aid in [promoting Yhe Gshawa Junior footbal! club Minimum wage guaran- in person, Mr, Jim Fox |Room 214 Genosha Hotel, ission. Apply jmemberships, Full and parttime. me at once, © OAA Supervisor, Im SALESMEN -- Wa need permanent A |__-- Due to the expansion of our dusiness, have room for two or three snresmen.| Highest remuneration and best working jconditions in the sales profession, All jeads supplied. For a lifétime career, 'Contect Oshawa Realty (Bond Street) Lita., 728-9466, ARE You Weroatn setter > eaters vour -- wr oy So, why not the highest a on pot i sehing fe Real Estate, We require = ener. rensbo- ag | sng cate, Gomeriooead een = oe TELEPHONE CANVASSER -- Poritime, \4 pm, + 7 pom. Apply 333 Simcoe South. | STENOGRAPHER, parttime, for Ontario County Health County of Ontario Administration Building. Unit, Telephone SRA for appointment "Experienced, Hime. Greip's Heir Styling, Bowmanville, (623-2038, 668-/ room, Central Hotel. Apply ~ person a) right 'man, For confidential wateivieat te len Mr, Martin, 728-5103, W. 0, Martin, eal to TAP wan 'and walters 'or " Daverane | Mr. MOMillan or Mr, Frederi FULL TIME messenger. App Aieert messenger wae dian = National® Telegraph, 14 Street. i ¥ | jand blues chine shop. Steady employs ment, fringe benetits, profit sharing plon. Apply MR. C, TAYLOR CROVEN LTD. 500 Beech Street, » Whitby senvice STATION aiiendant required. ly imperial Oil Service Centre, Hi saya, at Waverly Road, Bowmanville, jot S$ MANAGER for watch matic transmission experience. nent position. _Help Wanted TAX! DRIVERS Part or full time Minimum oge 25 MERCURY TAXI 14 Albert Street 725- 4771 nant JORGANIST | WANTED | tor | local rhythm experienced preferred jbut not necessary, Telephone 728-1947, 20--Real | Estate : 'for Sale band, ALL ELECTRIC OPEN HOUSE Daily 1:30 to 8 | @ Devon Park SEVERAL EXCITING NEW MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Directions Follow King St. E. to Wilson _ turn South 2 blocks © Open House sign, turn "a Sree JOSEPH REALTOR SO NICE TO COME HOME TO... =braemor gardens STEVENSON RD. N. AND ANNAPOLIS HOCKEY, BASEBALL, LACROSSE SPORT PRODUCTIONS Call 728-7561 Immediately A growing electronic company requires a mon for its ma- depart weekends off, Telephone . 723-6922, enna MECHANIC -- -- Ajax J Esso Servicentre. Preferably man with auto- Perma- tives. phe benefit Pe sig ge ot i enefits, App in person, phone 62201 eipadinss 19--Male or Female renter SRS ARE ERS

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