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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1965, p. 28

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Rn EI ie mem Ny YH Br ri nace dint ante I NBEO THIG Dh ee DONALD DUCK BUT T DONT HAVE THAT MUCH! 'TELLYOU WHAT, YOU TAKE ME Ab FAR AS MY SR) //| Es _------ Daly r mt FOR, BuiL. CHIEF ENGINGER « ta y 0 AMe Fi a) iat Aba ay | een NAMI Y BALOWIN '| THOMAS MAN 2. Incite 8. Girl's oi~ Wd Disney Prechuctions World Righte Reserved Pr: Ae 32. Liven Yesterday's Answer 41, Biblical woman 48, King Arthur's lance 44, Bushy slump is Kols of India) 87, Biblical coun 39. Lure 40, Leaf- outting ant utting am i) a Oa ae LL DO ENTLEMEN, 18 py AKITE? TELE Butt a--Barrie 4--Buttalo é--Toronte T--Butfale Channet VISION LOG ores 7--SHurke's Law &3--Mystery Theatre 4-Our Private World 0:00 PLM. Agent ni %--Torento Channel 11--Hamilton _ torent, WRONESDAY BV. 6:00 P.M, H--Family Theatre = Movie 6--Survival 3--Cannonpali | B=Lioyd Thaxton Capricorn s Velvet 6:00 PLM, y--News Central 6--Serenade +--News, Sporta With Chuck Heal 3--Nation's Business ®-Today, 1945 | Family Theatre 0-43--Newa) Weather end Sports 0-2--Huntleysrinktey News 46. Forbidden 47, Miss Loos 48, African antelope 49, Jumping 'te a ae ae | YOUR HEALTH oo | @=Wheelapin _ Term "Indigestion" Can Mean Anything By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, M.D. Dear Mr, Molner; An adver-) tisement for a product relieve indigestion or upset Let's agree, for the moment, | cers, cancer, gastritis, violent) 0! y° Patrol Across Canada 100 PM, ~Farmer's Daughter Richard Diamond M.Squed | @deMov to that the stomach may have ul-| 1)--s0ecer News, Weather Sport . 4--The Honeymooners d-The Saint B--Death Valley Daye 1 PM, Hi-Palke Party o Mule O2-Virginian FoOatle and Harriet Nations Business | @-Mlater a 1 PM igann"s taland OMY t--Patty uke show @3--Swing Ding toMy Living Del o™ 'heeMery Griffin Show H--Moavies | PeShindig | @3-Perry Mason 4--Reverly Hiibiilies *:08 Pm, ve 4-Dick oe avorite Martian } Van Oyke Show PM, * 4--Lucy-Desl Hour 10:90 PLM, li--Valentine's Day 7--ABC Scope 63--Generation ee PLM, (1-0-8: 7--4.3-2----Newe Weather, Sports 18 PLM, 9--Metro Final 6--Viewpoint | 120 PLM, | ntenLate Show é--Night Metro 1.22 PLM, i= Wreatling 6--Sports ovie Vids PLM, @-Inepector Maigret THURSDAY 0 aM, | @--Captain Kangaree 00 Am, y-- Mating | @irt Yelk | deAAinee Carnival | Dedilekey Mouse Club am BDengiah Fairhanks + ie 0 Te Beaver | BeAnn Rauthera Anow wee aM th Treat aw | Coneequences +News vee aM BHeCartaan Party | 1 AM, P-Whate The bone too Frattivanter | @et Love Lucy ee AM % -Rarmper Roan | ee aM lAerning = Muyastoale HdeCancantration 4-Andy of Mayberry ht AM, Sumer Fon |= Price le Right } 4 The McCoys 128 NOON }----Hawkeye #2---Call My Blu j?--Donna Reed 4--Noon News Per Doliare | Popeye and Pale We PLM, %--Dear Charlotte 4--Speaker of The House 12:98 PLM. l}--First Edition News %--From Scarbore College 0-2--I'll Bet 7--Father Knows Beet 1}-Racing Forum 4--Buiding Light 108 Pm, N--Charlie Chan %--Summertime o--Matinee 2--Atternoon Show 6--Music And News 4--Meet the Millers Mike Deugies shew | =Mid Day Matinee And Firat Four Races | %--From Scarboro College) ¢ movie | G--Luncheon Date 4--As The World Turne 2:00 PLM, | P--Where The Action ts | 4--Password | t-Moment ef Truth | ne Pm, | O2--The Doctors | PeA Time For Us | @eMovie Matinee @-Moune Party y Movie a0 PM, Peapie WW Conte | @2Another Warte | Pedeneral Manpital deToe Tell Tre Truth nn 6m, | 1) Hawkeye etre Your Meve #%You Don't Say deThe Young Merrieds ad--Pudtic Service Announcements 4 Edge wo Night 40 Pm | }--Pioneers S--James Beard Show %-The Match Game | PeoRocketanip 7 $d--Vacation Time | @--Secret Storm %-Rocky and His Friends om Pm. Vi--Woody Woodpecker | #--Mavie |p--arly Show 4--The Thirty Show 2--Hucklederry Hound ipl lal ig i mtiaiual iaaieien aeanka of ; 4 THE CSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 16, BRIDGE By 8. JAY BECKER tabeidcon My Play) South dealer, t East-West vulnerable, ae Pass Pass Dole i Opening lead.-- nine of hearts. There is no doubt that scien-. tific bidding will pay good. divi- dends in the long run, but there . are many occasions when scl- ence would be better off takin a back seat, As an example o! this we cite the accompanying hand played in a match between Great Britain and Denmark. When the renowned Boris Schapiro and Terence Reese held the North-South catds for Britain, the bidding went as shown, : Schapiro could have bid three notrump, over three clubs in the hope that Reese would provide values in spades, but being un- willing to run the risk that the Opponents might run a long Spade suit against him, he bd three hearts instead. This in- ted Reese to contract for ree notrump with appropriate spade strength. The three heart bid struck home when Reese was now able to bid three notrump in com- fort. A kinder fate might have rewarded Schapiro and Reese for their cautious bidding, but Kast had different ideas when he elected to double three no- trump. The double commanded a heart lead and West obliged by leading the nine, East won the jack. with the queen and return- ed a spade, the king losing to the ace. Another heart lead per- mitted East to cash four heart tricks, after which a spade re- turn enables West to cash two spade tricks to defeat the con- tract four tricks -- 700 points. At the second table, the Dan- ish North-South pair bid less sci- entifically but more effectively, The bidding went: East led a heart, won by North with the jack, Not having X-ray eyes, North failed to fin- esse the ten of clubs and he made only the obvious ° seven tricks, As a result he went down two -- 100 points -- but ed 600 points net on the . Ap parently, though, science ulti- mately triumphed, since the British went on to win the match with ease. NEWS IN BRIEF BURGLARS GET BIT 'LUTON, England (CP)-- Cracksmen whose loot from a local home included an 18th century lute made a mistake when they tried to sell the guitar - like instrument at a nearby music shop. The shop- keeper was the lute's original owner, 4 $2 COSTS FIVE YEARS LONDON (CP)--Jim Hamil- jton, 50, ate a 14-shilling meal at a Chinese restaurant without the money to pay for it. In court he was sentenced to five years in jail without possibility of remission for good conduct, after it was learned he had 35 previous convictions, many for the same offence, | STUDY JAZZ AT COLLEGE . YORK, England (CP)--York |University is adding jazz and popular music to its course for a bachelor of arts degree. The \jare tutor is Prof. Wilfrid Mel- lers, a Duke Ellington fan and head of the music department. TEMPTATION WINS SHEFFIELD, England (CP) A rent-collector on his rounds walked into a betting shop. When he came out, after back- jing a string of losing horses, his jrent - bag was £158 lighter, |Fined £20 in court, Bernard |Harrity, 51, promised to try to |pay the money back | PRIVATE BANGS BANNED LONDON (CP) -- Schoolboys jwill be banned from launching jhome-made rockets in Britain, ithe aviation ministry an- nounced. Amateur rocket-build- ers used to be allowed to use government firing ranges, but stomach says it works just like spasms or other serious trou fexcess acidity, He milk. Is milk a good remedyjbles, but we won't for stomach. acidity? I am/these. We'll just talk troubled with indigestion, 'stomach distress," mostly due to nerves ,and I) "nervous stomach," always thought that ginger ole.)common or jtea or magnesia tables were helpful. What is best for relief? --MRS. D. V. The stomach is very compli-| | cated. After years of observing and helping people who have "stomach trouble' I am as- may have) stomach," eating lightly, drink. "he prone! Migs ig li: . raed 8 nervous stomach, Or stom:/ing some warm- milk, and re-|rire rockets anywhere otse. ahout ache spasms, not from acid laxing the nerves are recom-| N or ® but because he is a nervous : . ded. If there's t much or the type. For him, warm milk may Mende eres too mu SALLY'S SALLIES garden-variety of! heip, not by combatting acid-| gas, sipping a carb dj pains and burps ity, but by relaxing the spasm.| drink, and relaxing, are excel-| We call many things "indi-/Warm tea might do as much jent But gulping the drink and ag hcg beat iy Paty oB good staying tense won't do much, really mean anything e It tinge or almost any : digest what we eat; what we BP age A wanton" ee ang it| f anything, for us. Magnesie really complain about is pain.taxen cold. will help release Will absorb a: bit of acid and or gas. It doesn't even mean'scas although this annoying! is a mild laxative. tonished at how well the aver- pe ger "4 meygoorin -- . cain] Symptom usually is just air) In fact, my advice is to use| age organ acts. | jtalk about an "acid stomach," that has been swallowed i But asking what is. best for) because. the organ is supposed! For many a patient who says| Whatever mild, oe wt relief is like asking what is|to contain digestive acids, and he has "indigestion" or "acid| that seems to suit you. Jus' best for--well, let's say a foot/if we didn't have them, we'd! stomach" or some other suchione word of caution. If you jproblem, What kind? Fallen|be in trouble term, the. real answer is to eat) have chronic, severe, constant arches, corns , blisters, heel) Milk itself is effective in " smaller meals. He's ng ge ar doctor spurs, athlete's foot, ingrown ducing excessive acidity -- if) his stomach will handle a mot : oS |toenaits planter warts, or you!it exists. Hence commercial/erate amount of food, but it) You mig wane percowy |stubbed your toe on a rock?/stomach tablets often contain has some muscular spasms it] trouble, ce ae , In fact, I'm not so sure that! powdered milk he overloads it at any one/r other ailments. the stomach isn't, in practice. But many a person with so- time. For some people reducing the less complicated than our feet.'called indigestion doesn't have' For the occasional "upset| amount of fat cant be helpful. trouble, consult your

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