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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1965, p. 3

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LOVECRAFT-TYPE MONSTER ATTACKS GIRL, SPURS HUNT Christine Van Acker, 17, sports a black left eye after an encounter with what was described as a huge hairy monster who jumped on the side of her car and beat her head against the door until she fainted. State Police said that 15 persons have reported sighting the "mon- woods and fields Monday near Monroe, Mich, in search of the "beast" AP Wirephoto ster" in the Jast two months, One witness drew the draw- ing at left, Hundreds of rain- soaked hunters tramped the India Dooms Pakistani Peace-Talks NEW DELHI (AP) -- India called off peace talks with Pa- kistani Foreign Minister Z, A Bhutto today because of the fighting in Kashmir, Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri told parliament Bhutto had been asked not to come to New Delhi Thursday because of the '"'serious deterioration' in India-Pakistan relations. Bhutto was coming to discuss the cease-fire agreement for the Rann of Kutch, a barren bor- Beatle 'Magic Still Potent As 36,000 Swoon, Scream | By R. J, ANDERSON |was billed as two performances TORONTO (CP) -- Britain's|in Maple Leaf Gardens were singing MBEs came back tolsupposed to do. They keeled town Tuesday and proved againiover in the proper numbers and that a Beatlemaniac can takejat the proper times and every- anything. In the doing, they|body, even the Beatles, enjoyed! picked up a_ hefty piece ofiit change for an hour's work, | The singers from Liverpool It was all of a piece with 1964. kept their fans waiting for two The heat was stifling. The po-|hours in 100-degree heat in the lice, perhaps a bit more wanjGardens, But the loyal teen- than last year, were as effi-jagers showed amazing patience.|Even the music seemed the ciently brusque, The audiences|They knew all the time that the/same though press-box critics, jcame through nobly--they per- plane bringing them from New|a tew hundred feet from the lformed hysterically, [York had been held up by bad/stage, couldn't be sure That's what the 36,000 teen-\weather and it wasn't their) Toronto's finest also did well, The quartet was to leave to- day for Atlanta, Ga,, on. the next stop of their North Amer- ican tour, |REPEAT 1964 TRIUMPH Beatle fans turned out in their thousands to welcome = John, Paul, George and Ringo back to the scene of their 1964 triumph when they wowed the town, It was a repeat performance. At least 700 constables of the Armed Gang Takes Bank For $8,000 ST, EUGENE, 'Ont,"(CP)-- Four armed, masked bandits robbed the Bank of Montreal branch here of an estimated $8,000 to $10,000 Tuesday and fled after firing two shots. Provincial police district headquarters said at least 60 po- lice officers blockaded roads in searching for the bandits, Exact amount taken -was not known but a police source said the. bank normally keeps be- tween $8,000 and $10,000 on hand, Just 15 to 20 minutes. before the bandits struck the bank at St,. Eugene, 50 miles west of Montreal, police stopped a car at Alfred, Ont,, 25 miles west! of St. Eugene, Two men fled! into the 'bush, Police found a quantity of guns and ammani- interview, He said three men entered the| branch just before noon, forced) himself, two other employees| and a customer against a wall) and started scooping money) from cash drawers, | WAITS IN CAR | A fourth armed and tasked) man was reported to have) waited in a parked car outside) and acted as driver when the! three came out with the loot, Armand Brisbois, who was in| a restaurant across the street from the bank, said he heard as many as five or six shots, | then spotted one of the masked! |men carrying a machine-gun, | | "One of the masked men) jpointed this machine-gun at me} as he ran to the car," he said, | but the man. did not fire WILL BUILD THEATRE MONTREAL (CP) -- A spe-| cial theatre for the 1967 Mont:| real world's fair will be con-! structed at an estimated cost) of $2,520,000, it was announced | Tuesday, Col, Edward Church: | ill, Expo planning director, an-| nounced plans for the 2,000-seat building at a press conference. tion in the vehicle, | "This may have been a de-| coy for the St. Eugene job," o provincial policeman said in an Escaped Bandit Sends A Letter LONDON (Reuters) Es caped train robber Ronald Biggs has been staying near Zurich, Switzerland, and half the £2,300,000 ($6,900,000) still missing from the 1963 British mail train robbery is also in Switzerland, says a letter to a newspaper here, The Evening News says the letter, written in block capitals, was posted in Zurich Friday. It was passed on to the police here, who informed the inter: national police agency, Interpol, aiid the Swiss police, it adds, The letter says Biggs planned to leave Switzerland for an Asian country, It adds the other half of the unrecovered money is hidden in medieval communication tun- nels about a half-mile from a motel in Surrey, southern Eng- land, searched by police five days after Biggs escaped from jail here earlier this summer, STUDIES OLD ICONS Bob Precht, producer of The Ed Sullivan Show is a keen stu- dent of symbolism, specializing in old Russian religious paint. THE OSHAWA TIMMS, Wednesday, Augut 18, 1965 3 West Hospitable Say Que. Scouts VANCOUVER (CP) --~ Two Chevalier, 16, made a quick stop in Vancouver during a 13- day hitch-hiking trip to examine other scouting systems, "We have discovered not only new things about the scouting movement, but have discovered English-Canadians as we never' ings. saw them before," said Fran- SWEET PEAMEALED - H COTTAGE ROLLS ALF OR WHOLE cols, found hospital dreamed of. We were overwhelmed," CALIFORNIA SUNKIST riends, assis ity we never . Tinie cadcbect ied The two, both of whom speak scouts from Hull, Que., have|English fluently, set out from' discovered Western hospitality, |Hull with only a tent and sleep. Scoutmaster Francois Chenier,|ing bags, intending 25, and Queen's scout Jacques|where they could, to camp NEED A NEW RNACE? No Down Paymenention Payment PERRY Day or Night . . , 723-3443 04 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS 4 LEAN MEATY BLADE BONELESS BRISKET POT ROAST BONELESS BEEF SHOULDER ECONOMY 6 & 7 RIB PRIME RIB SHORT CUT Ist 4 Ribs PRIME RIB 99 49; FRESH PORK C i) FRESH PORK BUTT FRESH PORK LOIN END SHOULDER Li'l Abner 48-ox. poz. BAG € 49 39 BREAD is] 2 1 39 69 Hostess -- Rge. 696 POTATO pkg. 00: FRESH KILLED OVEN READY ' CHICKENS 2-3 Ib. ovg Top Quality 39 } FRONTS Cut and Wrapped C Ib dor area 800 walles southwest ofeeers Wn turned out at whatifault Kashmir where Indian and Pa- kistani forces fought in April agd May. Shastri said India stands by the Kutch agreement, despite emands within the country at the government repudiate it, The agreement calls for the MANRY SMALLEST NON-STOP, BUT Atlantic Has Been 'Host' "ine aaremn cals.) LO Myriad Of Odd Ships @Spute over the Kutch to a tri) LONDON (CP) Cleveland } bunal of foreign jurists, a for-/adventurer Bob Manry joins aj Halifax to Dartmouth, England,| The customary press confer:| mula which Shastri's opposition] long line of sole sailors in com-/between July 6 and Aug, 18,/ence between shows also was says means surrender of Indian/pleting his lone voyage Tues-| 1949 little changed from Sept. 7, 1964. territory. |day across the Atlantic and he| Intrepid English yachtsman/Three hundred men and women The agreement requires dis-|might just be able to claim a/Francis Chichester, veteran of|"@Porters crowded into a room cussions between the India n/record. several long s010. voyages, |intended to hold about 250 and| and Pakistani foreign ministers} The journalist » sailor's boat|Claims the transatlantic speed|*sked the usual questions, at this time. India's cancella-|Tinkerbelle, which set out 77|record for one-man. sailboats--|NOT BORED----TIRED | tion of the talks appeared to/days ago for Falmouth, Corn-|33 days and 15 hours from Ply-| No, Paul McCartney said, he) put the whole Kutch settlement/ wall, from Falmouth, Mass.,"is}|mouth to New York in 1962 in| wasnt going to get married for in jeopardy probably the smallest crafte-at|the 39-foot Gipsy Moth III, Chi-(@ While. Yes, said Ringo Starr, DEMAND BREAK 13 feet, six inches, long--to navi-|chester was 61 he just loved Toronto, John Len- Indian political extremists de-|gate non-stop between continen-| However, Briton David Lewis/n0" and George Harrison agreed manded Tuesday that Shastri/tal North America and Britain, sailed his 25-foot Cardinal Ver-|that they might have looked a break off peace talks with Pa-| Smaller. and stranger craft|tue from St. John's, Nfld., tollittle bored with it all but they kistan and retaliate strongly|/have been among the dozens of|the Shetlands in 26 days in the Weren't really, They were just against guerrilla forays into/one-man vessels to make the fall of 1960 tired after a gruelling road trip, Kashmir, transatlantic voyage. But rec-| Manry took his chances There was an ominous note in Anti - Pakistan emotion andjords here indicate Tinkerbelle|his tiny boat. But Tunkerbelle|? Gardens press release an- war talk rose in New Delhi. In-lis the first of such puny size to|is a model of stable security/"ouncing the time of the press dian officials blame the heavy|complete the America - Eng-|compared to some craft which|©onference. It welcomed report: Kashmir fighting on Pakistanijland route without island-hop-|have crossed the Atlantic. lers to the "second annual' infiltration into the Indian-held|ping via Newfoundland, RBer-/ ROWED ACROSS press conference. part of Kashmir. }muda or the Azores or Ca-| In 1896, Norwegians George|, The gross take for both per- In southwest Kashmir, the In-/naries, |Harbo and Frank Samuelson|formances Tuesday was esti- dian Army reported it fought} John Riding,--25,-of South./Won a $10,000 dare from Police, Mated tentatively at about $160,- 200 to 200 guerrillas, They. used{port, England, has just~sailed|Gazette magazine by rowing|"0. The Beatles' share was said mortars and machine - guns,|his 12-foot sloop via the Azores|from.New York to Le Havre,|to be between $90,009 and §100,-| spokesmen said, jto Bermuda on the southern France. They took their spe: | | | Artillery went into action in/route in 67 days, then on to Cially - constructed, 18-foot row- other sectors. Rhode Island, boat via the Gulfstream and cecgeenr cau TOE % ~| Bert Smith, a Toronto air-jcompleted the $,200-mile jour: jeraft engineer, left North Syd-/ney in 60 days, & Of C Asks ney, N.S., June 23, 1959, in his) Dr. Hannes Lindemann of lone voyage. Eighty-five days|17-foot kayak the 3,000 miles ® later, on Sept. 16, the British|from the Canary Islands to the a t aln vessel Appledore reported sight.|West Indies in 72 days in 1956 ing a capsized derelict, believed} In that same summer, three TIMMINS (CP) -- The Tim.\!0 be the Orenda II, 600 miles| Montrealers navigated a raft of| Commerce will ask Premier MADE VOYAGE EARLIER {Halifax to Falmouth. Henri| Robarts to issue an order to| Three years earlier, Smith|Beaudout, Gaston Vanackere all companies dealing in rain-jand Alan Battersby had com. | and Mare Modena made the} making machines to stop oper-|pleted the same voyage from| 'Tip on L'Egare Il--a raft 17) ations until an investigation is}North Sydney to Salcombe, |feet long and 13 feet wide--in| C. J. Croseo, president of the Orenda in 56 days chamber, said Tuesday that no Two other Smiths--brothers one has the moral right to) Stanley and Colin of Yarmouth, "interfere with an act of God for their own benefit, particu ACCUSED THIEF others." ry ' Pe He said the .chamber will A ROBIN HOOD seck to enact legislation to pre 2 . » { ple. -- with the e¢ yearold. former truck driver, M ordered to stand trial Tues day charged with stealing a £140,000 ($420,000) Goya ' ¥y painting from Britain's Ne. 5 year to 10 year G.I.C.'s -- 534% ' Interest calculated and paid quarterly Effective yield over 10 years -- 5.6% P.A, ----~ |2,500-man force were detailed to jthe task of guarding the Beat-| eee les and they did so well that/ jhardly a glimpse of the famous| \four could be obtained except| iwhen they were on stage. | Casualties among the young: jstersé were about the same as on/ ithe Beatles' first visit here--60-/ jodd girls treated for shock and| hysteria with several requiring! England, made the trip from hospital treatment, -herney's FURNITORE WO R Kk DD Easy to use Dial Settings Just Set and Forget in ARRANGE FOR A ia so w FREE HOME TRIAL mechanism with the 5-YEAR GUARANTEE 2 CALL... DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES FUEL OIL AND HEATING SERVICE SERVING THE PUBLIC OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, OSHAWA 723-4663 Automatic Selection 5 Wash and Rinse Water Temperatures Water Pressure Controlled by Positive Fill % 1 Year to 4 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificates, Mountjoy Township councillor has drawn the ire of his fellow! farmers because he refuses to} get rid of a rain-making ma: chine on his farm Many area farmers blame his machine for a_ prolonged rainy spell during the last few weeks which ruined hay crops Municipal Affairs Minister Spooner said the machines do 'not cause rainfall in their own immediate areas, He said the seeding of a particular type of) cloud in a certain location is} supposed to create rainfall from 50 to 200 miles away. | Mr. Croseo said that, not-/ withstanding this, a detailed! investigation is needed of the, devices "No opinions were from local. people before devices were installed," said TORNADO HITS RESORT OCEAN DRIVE, S.C. (AP)-- A tornado slammed into the main section of this South Car- olina coastal resort area late Tuesday smashing buildings and causing damage police es-! timated at $1,000,000. At least six persons were injured. /12-foot ketch Orenda Il on a|Hamburg, Germany, piloted a mins - Porcupine Chamber of off Land's End, Cornwall, jrough-hewn cedar logs from made Devon, in the 26-foot ketch! 88 days larly when it is detrimental to LONDON (Reuters)--A_ 61- Farmer Agnas Lafleur, a Quiet, Powerfut tional Gallery, said he only wanted to help old and poor persons pay .for their televi- sion licence fees. Jobless Kempton Bunton, | said his lawyer, was jailed briefly twice in 1960 for. re- fusing to pay when fined for having an unlicensed TV set "IT never wishes to obtain anything for myself," Bunton said in a statement read to the court, which was packed with spectators straining to see the Goya portrait of the Duke of Wellington, the main exhibit It was found in a railway Station. baggage office four years after it disappeared from the National Gallery Bunton said: "My sole ob- ject in all this was to'set up a charity to pay for TV licenges for old ~ -- people, who | SAVING HOURS: seem to neglected in our | affluent society." i Mon.-Thurs, 9teé The British government Pridey Pte? charges a licence fee to all Seturdey 9teS others of a TV set to offset the expense of operating the | Crown-owned BBC Magi-Matie Agitator Gives the best dirt- chasing wash action we knew of! COMMUNITY SAVINGS SERVICE @ GROWTH sought the! he UY | $n: » SEMI-ANNUAL INVENTORY SALE Shop Cherney's (Downtown) Oshawa ... Save Head Office: 19 Simeoe St. N. Oshawa Tel. 723-5221 CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 'sf | Be Pinned RNY pone a o 195448 UU

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