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Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Aug 1965, p. 8

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' @ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 18, 1965 - Scugog Cleaners Jrs. Snare Playoff Opener FIRST OF FINALS Lose Out In Whitby Lasco Steelers drop- Whitby Lasco Steelers Huntsville Mike Lewis was the only re- ped the first game of ~ vn portd scorer hog get arises ' tario Jr. "B" lacrosse finals,|getting a pair and help on Oshawa Scugog Cleanersjthrilling pitching duel between|riot singled, scoring leper up in Huntsville last night, at alone more. Captain Dave ous. Chalked up a brilliant 3-1 deci-|"Robbie" Mason for the home-| A catcher's bi on a str' of close $6 score. Second gaine of|ton lind a single and 'two sion over Scarborough David-|sters and Dwight Vandemeer ofjout and Vandemeer' . single,|the series is slated for Whitby|assists, while Tim Gray had a son's, last night at Alexandra|Scarborough. Mason earned his|gave the visitors a c "pao Me on Thursday night. goal and one assist, Wayne Park, in the first game of their|win, chalking up an impres-|the second inning an eir 'The game was a real nip-|Davidson and Larry Haight OASA Junior "A" playoff series.|sive total of 17 strikeouts andjonly other scoring chance came and-tuck affair all through, with|each had a single goal. | Second game of the series isjallowing only four hits, in hisjin the 8th, when Ted Trevelyan the 'Teen Towners having to| Over the season the 'Teen in Scarborough, at Blantyre|masterful perfor ¢ after one oat stage a last-period rally to down|Towners ran over the rest of Park, on Thursday night, at 8.15] Scarborough's lone ryn camejissued only one walk over the the fighting Whitby team. the league, dropping something 'LOOK WHAT 29¢ WILL BUY' o'ciock. Third game will likelyjin the 7th inning, to tie the distance. : ra 'aaa. d's dod like two games. One of their be played in Agincourt, or some|score, when Tom Drennan open-| Vandemeer struck out eight ' fa 4c for the Steelers {iosses came at the hands of the Bakery Department ; other neutral diamond. Jed the inning with a double and|patters, issued two walks, both ey rs hae uae bak as goals|Whitby team, in their final j IGA FANCY. Last night's game was althen with one out, Roger Har-|to his rival Mason, and gave up| the end of.two, meeting of the season. | HOSPITALITY i py i in the final seven minutes of the A ; BREAD 48-02. six hits, ame, for Teen Towners, proved Manager Wilbur, while dis- RAISIN FOR TIN C Scugog Cleaners won the . Fi undot of coach Hinkson's|2PPointed at the loss, felt his AUGUST 29th game by getting their hits in tants ng team -- have hg 7 _ DEMPSTERS 31 Py ------------------ the right place. They broke the Whitby had three penalties in "s a '-- o = ORANGE DATE BAR rAcH F 0-0 deadlock with the first run 1 Ww it a YORK WHOLE KERNEL Oshawa u 0 S of the game, in the bottom of oe saat -- hep goodly My with the outcome. euevill CHnisTies 1. : the sixth inning, when Tilk and] an¢ ! ; |has a fine, fast-running team 45 % . Gibbens hit back-to-back|Tupting the style of the smooth- and were pushed about as far LEMON ROLLS. EACH FANCY HF 'Tan Cc ] doubles, to open the inning, | Working Steelers. : as they needed to be, last night, Glue aad thea 1m48 ee ournamen ina S Tom Kelly was the big gun) before they got the scoring com- | edit sechd ' In the bottom of the 8th, with ' he clicked cee s Manning Biscuits the score tied at 1-1, Tilk open-|for the winners, as he clicked) pinations clicking. PKG. The Oshawa Golf Club will be GRANDVIEW CHAMP ed with a single He was forced| With ivur goals. Larry Ireland,|) The schedule for the next) 1 so | TOMATO the site of much excitement in} 'The junior club championship 'ibbens but Pe '4the former Oshawa Green Gael,|three games of the series is as] --------=--=---- A = 1 Soe ee ee Pe ir wit) oing to 9, Hunt SLICED BEEF with BAR-B-Q SAUCE 11-02. about 10 days from now, AU-ltinat was recently held at the|ris followed with a mammoth|added a pair with aces going to| follows: Thurs., Aug. 19, Hunts-|f SLICED BEEF with BAR-B-o Sauce : gust 9, when three club finals Golf Club, and Tom|home-run clout, to deep left/Harry Maynard and Artlville at Whitby; Sat., Aug. 21,|) o GRAVY TURKEY or MECT BOTTLES [4 are held in the same day. Grandview Golf Club, and Tom field, to break the tie and give|Gouldie. Whitby at Huntsville; Thurs., r) for Interest of the day will be|Dart walked off with the hon-) ony) ee their eines ------______------| Aug. 26, Huntsville at Whitby. | SHOPSY S focussed on the club final be- pe ry cough ng originally margin i ry . he "inher willl be declared penne arl "Mickey" McMaster|planned for today, but it was) sari : : M ll All-Ontario champions and will| : tna Bob Bradley, with the first(decided that the 'date be ad-| SCARBOROUGH --«, trevel-| FAM MILEY - |play host to- Winnipeg, with the] CHINESE DINNERS round scheduled for 10.00 a.m.jvanced. Dart won the title with) yan, SS; Aiken, lb and 3b; T| lwinner of that series going to 1-LB. and the second around 2:30 p.m.|a narrow 1-up victory over John|Trevelyan, ef; Drennan, rf; Loses On 20th. | Drummondville, Quebec, to play | WHITE HONEY TUB c Officials invite all interested|/Hewer. ; Vandemeer, p;. Harriot, oy ' __|for the All-Canadian "'B" cham-|f| FROZEN CHICKEN, SHRIMP, CHOW parties, members and non-mem-| Grandview's Senior club/Thomson, If; Ellis, 2b; Lan-/ QUEBEC (CP) -- Monique|pionship, i] MEIN or FRIED RICE PKG. Cc bers alike, to watch the excite-/championship, between Stanjning, 3b; Fernie, 1b in 6th, Langlais of the host Royal Que-|" 1) the meantime, don't for-| \ ment. Smith and Doug Heney, is ex-| OSHAWA -- Tilk, If; Gib-/bec Club defeated Cathy Ward-| 541 the big one here tomorrow|f 7 oe REEVES STANDARD SLICED The two other events will be|pected to be held on August 22. |bens, ss; Norris, cf; Gaskell,|law of Lasalle, Que., 6-4 Tues-|nioht, when game time is slated ieee the Senior (over 50) and Junior KING WEST. 1b; Mason, p; Hickey, rf;/day in the match - play first) 4+°g 39 o'clock. "Health and Beauty no c Club finals, with the finalists) The first round of King West/March, 2b; Siblock, 3b; T.jround of the Quebec Provincial) --_-- il Aid Features" not yet decided. Club's championship will be/Zarowny, c. Women's Open golf champion- e 3 } sArlsie' Chambers ts: thel$ original competitors. willbe Sy en , rvis| Mounties Win NORESHA ORE BERCIAL | Mrs. Elsie Chambers is the|50 original competitors wi | . s 8 Jocelyne Bourassa 0 S- ' OZ. most recent golfer to shoot a segs down to gato gorge Polonia, Ukrainia i igs cote mpeaten ie | SKIN CREAM SIZE 83: ROSE FRESH hole-in-one on district links./ists. The semis are sla 0 go is . rown of Vancouver two up an Pl ff 0 : Mrs. Chambers. accomplished|September 4-11, with the finals Win Soccer Tilts Sandra Post of Trafalgar, Ont., ayo pener STAINLESS one PLAIN D -- c the feat on the Oshawa Club's|on September 18. defeated fellow club member J.| TORONTO (CP) -- Mimico SCHICK BLADES or} € 130-yard third hole. The ee peg best | bee pa gt te _-- Mohieh eer Mounties, led, by prece Farge weekend will also be ac-|comed back club pro, Wilf Pat-jturned aside everything Kick-) §, Kirkpatrick of Lambton,|son's four goals, clipped Toronto PINK OR GREEN PKG. tive at the club with 125 to 120|terson, on his return from ajers wot his way Tuesday night,|Ont., downed C, Boyer of Whit-| Township 20-11 Tuesday night in| 1 FREE WITH 4 : WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES olfers taking part in thejsuccessful tour. While Wilf met/to lead his club to a 3-0 win injiock, Ont., 3-2 and Helen Gag-|the opening game of best-of-five | seal Lumber " earaament; with no great degree of success|Oshawa and District Soccer|non of Saguenay, Que., defeated|semi-final playoffs in the On-| Palmolive SOAP BARS [4 and three-flight handicap event.|in Montreal, he° brought home|League semi-final action, The/Rstell: Boucher of Royal Que-|tario Lacrosse Association Jun- | TABLERITE Play will start on Saturday and/the "Pro-Am" title which he}game was played at Kinsmen/bec on the 19th hole. ior A series. | oem . carry over to Sunday. captured in Kingston. 1 r) [R McWaters with a pair and!the. 20th hole, Mrs, H. Nadeaulson, Al Smith, Phil Fadel, Mark | A ache Pete Hawkeyes vs Rams's. Jarmasz with one. __. |of the host club defeated. Liz|Burgin and John Dale. Singles| QUALITY RED OR p * «a a | In second division action,|Ferrier of Credit Valley, Ont.,|went to' Russ Ferguson, Bill | BLUE BRAND BEEF s This Friday Night |Billy Cairne, Charles Smith3.1, and Mrs. Graham Pyke of|Manley, Graeme Gair and Ke- | Slays Robin and Anthony Liadakis each/Montreal Whitlock downed|vin Ellis. Oshawa Hawkeyes, of thejtallied once, as Ukrainia down-|Mrs, P. Pilon of St. Johns,| Joe Hore and Barry Solovara | Mechanized karate was intro-|Ontario Junior Football Confer-jed Italia by a 3-1 count. M.|Que., 5-4. each scored three times for Tor- | duced to the wrestling game at|ence, continue nightly practice|Pedretti was the only Italian) The championship continues|onto, and Stan Polychuck added | the Oshawa Civic Auditorium|sessions this week, as 'they|player to boot the ball pastiwith a second round today,|a pair. Tom Campbell, Ron Wan. | last night and "the faithful'|tune up for Friday night's|Ukrainia's goaltender. |semi-finals Thursday and a 36-\namaker and Frank Marchiori oO exhibition encounter with Scar-| This Saturday night sees took a very dim view of the proceedings. There were two main bouts listed on last night's card and while one lasted more 'than 36 minutes, the final event didn't go two minutes. The bizarre ending to the second "main bout" and the night's performance was provid- ed when "Apache Pete" sneak- ed a piece of angle iron, it look- ed like a strip of steel spring, borough Rams. The game is set for the Kinsmen Civic Memo- rial Stadium, with kick-off time at 8.00 p.m, Civic Memorial Stadium. | Scoring for the sagrage Yl Pam Miller of Oshawa on Ukrainia and Polonia hooked up in the Carling Cup finals,|f with game time 7.30 p.m. at the! Kinsmen Stadium. ' | J, Murray of Royal Quebec Two-goal scorers for Mimico were Joe Timson, Jim Hender-| hole championship final Friday. scored the other goals. With the number of boys in camp increased to about 40, five more than a week ago, Hawkeyes scrimmaged last night and plan a light workout for this evening. A final prac- tice will be held tomorrow night before the club enters its first Bosco's, Brown's Pick Up Wins as A nine-goal explosion in the NEVER-PRESS PANTS for BACK-to- clea te BONELESs ROUND Conadad Fist third period Tuesday night gave | Bosco's Real Estate a 10-5 vic-/ tory over Tom Cullen's, in an} test. Two of the new try-outs come to camp after being released by from inside his trunks and clob- bered the favorite and people's SCHOOL LEAN BONELESS choice, Andy Robin, at the base ; ; lau ' 3 , ' other clubs in the logp, while|OLA Junior-Juvenile game play C of the neck, with a karate-type| eee ance Roo Seheatts ed at the Oshawa Children's| ib PRODUCE OF U.S.A.-- CANADA No. 1 GRADE Arena. | The clubs exchanged goals in} the opening frame, and Cul-| len's added a singleton in the| second, to carry a 2-1 margin into the last 20 minutes. They increased that to 4-1 early in College. The other recently took up residence in Oshawa, after moving from Montreal, where he had playing experience with Notre Dame De Grace. Unfortunately, none of the newcomers are quarterbacks, STEWING BEEF LEAN, MEATY WHOLE PORK FRENCHED or SPLIT TENDERLOIN Robin went down and "out"-- and never did recover -- so the referee had no alternative but to declare "Apache Pete' the winner (he apparently didn't see the secret weapon. used) at CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS only 1.55 of the round. It was the shortest main bout finish in Oshawa's wrestling 'history -- and also one of the most un- popluar with the fans, who ; ton Braves at Kinsmen Stadium, |!0Ur goals and Bill Langley add- 12.02, C or both "Apache Pete" aad' |Saturday, August 28, in the firsi|®4,4 trio. Singletons came from Sliced Bologna = sx oy Salaten Snes Gollan. game of the regular schedule. Art Kimmel, Dave McMaster PKG. and the club still lacks an ex- perienced QB to play a leading role. The Oshawans meet Burling- 15 the period, scored them 9-1 over the last) Campbell led the winners with but Bosco's out-| F minutes to pull away. Jim! TABLERITE GRAPES Fans who attend the game will and Joe Hentig. For the losers, also be treated to the club's|!t was Roy Fisher with three, annual "pony night." "jand Bob Johnston and Rick Italia Faces Ae Crucial Tes In the first bout of the night, "Pat" Flanagan won over "Bull" Johnson at 15.03, with a variety of mule kicks and a re- verse flying mare that was much too tricky for Johnson. The second preliminary bout saw Tony Marino win over Stamford Murphy, at 19.40, via the punishing "abdominal BRIGHTS CHOICE 15-02, RED PITTED TINS 39° 43° CHERRIES PINK, YELLOW, WHITE BALLET TISSUE jaction, a three-goal perform- ance by G. McDonald sparked |Gus Brown's to a narrow 4-3 jverdict over Scugog Cleaners P. Plob scored the only other TWIN PACKS 19 2 stretch" hold. Dis wees ee eee SWIFT P 12-02. 89¢ SUNKIST -- SWEET AND JUICY The first main bout of the| As the week progresses, ten- and John Johnson shared the) OBLONG Ns doz evening was a real rouser. The|Sion mounts for local soccer /honors for Scugog's. McDonald SIZE Cc Beast won the first fall with|fans. Oshawa Italia, the Motor|scored the winning marker with places 163 his famed bear hug grab, at 7.35) City's representative in Ontario|less than six minutes remain- POTATO CHIPS HOSTESS = PKG 49° and "Sweet Daddy Siki'" came|Cup compeition, travel to Lon- ing j ; back to even the bout, at 23.25,|don to meet the London Mar-| --------------------_____ 1-LB. BRADPORE = SAN. Oy 1 SRA with his flourish of punishing}conis Sunday, and they will | i MARGARINE Goop | f 67* 2 holds, topped off by "a spread".|have their hands -- or feet -- G d R d | ; " -- c The Beast was counted out at/ full. alrar 0a creases ery Ce aeleaipides : | CHATEAU CHEESE... '2: 33¢ - 00) e third fall, to win this|thriller from Italia at Kinsmen T k E T ] PLAIN PKG. event. Civie Memorial Stadium last a es X. 1 t | h t i i ee =| Sunday night, to carry a slim} On Monday night, in the Wil-| are ere 0 S ay In HORSERADISH -- 21* ry one-goal edge into the second|lowpark Bowl, the Garrard | CEDARVALE JAR CARROTS CELLO Cc Harman Park half of the total-goal eastern|Road Firefighters downed the! NEVER-PRESS | -- Canada semi-final. Frank Mal- Pickering Merchants peewee la- lawy's crew is now faced with|crosse team 15 to 3 in an exhibi- the demanding task of winning tion county league game. by two goals away from home,| The Firefighters were Jed by} Pee Wee Boys. Noci Af " - to gain the right to t 1 tod E No-iron Koratron rig o trav a y E yh lay Win Opener iMaifex lok Ge fina, = = baat vame oF the 'seamen. while] | If the locals hope to overcome scoring five big goals. Bryan|f | k PB nine lg ge the deficit, one of their prime|Hall and Chuck Lepine backed] cotton S!aCKS Harmen Park in the aa cams duties will have to be staving him up with hat tricks and also of their OASA Pee Wee first off Andy Marsh, brilliant centre-|added three and two assists re- round playoff series. *' | forward for Marconia, who scor-|spectively for good scoring| Second game of this set wico.* his club's goals in the/nights. The Garrard Road scor.- be played in Zion, on Thursday] Perhaps the brightest note for| with two goals and singletons to PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 18, 19, 20 & 21 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6 TAPE WITH: 7. KRAFT DINNERS ys RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2 TAPE WITH: 10-Ib. Beg NEW POTATOES ° "ia°ess COOKED HAM = "rs, i 6-02. Pkg. Peppenridge 9-oz. Frozen PA RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10 TAPE WITH: IGA INSTANT COFFEE CHERRY PIE ecivaphelty RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4 TAPE WITH: JAVEX LIQUID BLEACH = "'i:. 6-02, Permanently creased from the washer . ond permonently wrinkle free! Stop in and stock up on these brand new wonder slacks! Our range of styles and colors is wide and the service is first ing was completed by Phil Kift} 16-02. evening. "aie i 5 Todev? KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES Pka. Rose was the starting pitcher Italia is that Freddy Rohr, their|Paul Holliday and Bill Coedy ft, Today! for Harman Park with Camp- star goaltender, will be in for) The Pickering team had all os SS : bell and then Andrus teiae & cl entire i' gear Sunday.|the scoring confined to their -- ---- n Ay * : ohr missed the first five min-|spectacular centreman Steve patting a ee utes of the opening contest, and|Ady, who scored three goals in PRICED 77 BE SURE TO VISIT THE sixth frames. Hampton, who by the time he took up his posi-|the first period and menaced| FROM ......++ Ld IN THE FOOD managed only one run, by tion, Oshawa was trailing by ajthe Garrard goal tender IGA BOOTH PRODUCTS BUILDING Shmyr, in the second inning, 20 count. permet se bss cane picked up five tallies in the fifth on three walks, two errors and hits by Lindsay and V. Shmyr. In the 6th, the visitors added a| run on hits by P. Shmyr, Lind-! say and V. Shmyr, Lindsay pitched for Hampton} but had trouble in every inning |e as Harman Park boys establish-| ed their hitting power, scoring at least once and usually more often, in every frame. Over the distance, every team member contributed to the scor- ing rallies, with Andrus, Harper, Foster, Tutin, Rose, Camphell, Kutherick and Carysz al) having a good night at the plate. Harness Racing 7.45 p.m. nightly Go where the actio nis Downtown--36 King E. Open to 9 p.m. Friday ' CR EBL Sree e| OUR LOWEST PRICE EVER! | OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT No Money Down -- No Carrying Charges Oshawe Shopping Centre Open to 9 p.m. Thurs. & Fri, at the AND PLAY LUCKY SPIN FOR FREE FOOD VOUCHERS DYL'S IGA 366 Adelaide St. E., Oshawe MOTOR CITY IGA Ritson Rd. S., Oshewe BILSKY IGA 120 Wilson Rd. $., Oshewe BECKSTEAD IGA Courtice, Onterio COLLEGE HILL ubert St., Oshawe LANSDOWNE IGA Lensdowne Shopping Centre BRAEMOR IGA Stevenson Rd. N, et Ann- Ave., Oshowe

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