/ oom CP gm RI REIT Sep eee Ye Fnom STAR TO-SUPERSTAR phigh aA Und ag eB yatnt att pens yroos grat Julie At The Top Secret Life Over HONOLULU AP) -- What a difference a year makes in the life of a girl, if the girl hap- pens to be Julie Andrews, A year ago she was floating fn a luxurious limbo. She had completed three major movies, but none had been released, She was able to travel about with complete ease, recognized ,by tf the most discerning! \pf ans, } It couldn't: last, Now Julié' is in the post-Poppins, post-Oscar phase of her career, and her life will never be the same During the filming of Hawaii on location here, Julie spends most of her non-working hours behind the gate of her ocean: "The trouble is not so much \with the first person who recog- nizes me. It's what happens aferward, The word gets around and all of a sudden there is a large crowd around me. That sort of thing I find difficult to cope with, It doesn't happen in Beverly Hills. But in a place like Hawaii, where there are so many tourists, it can become a bit sticky'. As a result, her activities here are curtailed She seldom dines out ; instead, she enter- 'tains fellow workers and visi- ltors at her home. Don't get the idea that Julie is complaining. That's not the. Andrews style. front home in the Kahala sec- tion east of Waikiki. She. sat on the veranda one afternoon and chatted as her brother Chris, 19, just arrived from England, skin-dived in the reef waters in front of the house, "Yes, I sometimes look back fondly on those days a year ago," she said. "I felt as if! were leading a kind of secret life as I went about town un- noticed, The sense of conspiracy was delicious," "And now? "Well, I'm not as free as I used to be, no, It's not possible to do some of the things I took for granted before, Like shop- ping. It's difficult for me to go to a shop and look through the dresses, During the filming of Hawaii jshe has: Spent day after day jaboard a wave - tossing ship; jrisen at 5:30 to spend the day on the blistering sand of Ma- kua Beach; worked from dusk to dawn during a week of vil- \lage-burning scenes; endured a production crisis in which di- jrector George Roy Hill was briefly replaced; been beset by a myriad of mothers pushing forward their children to shake hands with Mary Poppins." Her co-workers have yet to jsee Julle vary from her sprightly good humor, Missing from the scerie is her husband, Tony Walton, who is designing A Funny Thing Hap- jpened on the Way to the Forum in Madrid, Their careers still diverge. Marina, Husband Make Up Aiter Slapped-Face Set-To DALLAS, Tex. AP)--The for- mer Marina Oswald and her husband of three months patched up their marriage Thursday after a stormy over- night row which featured a slap in the face and a claim of pistol waving. The ties were tentatively knotted again after a private tonference in the office of Jus- tice of the Peace W. E, Rich- 'burg. They left after agreeing "toe consult a marriage coun- selor, Neither was smiling. Marina, 24, is the widow of flee Harvey Oswald, who the 'Warren commission said assas- - sinated President Kennedy Nov, '22, 1963, Oswald later was slain. She married Kenneth Jess 'Porter, 27, an electronics ! worker, after a whirlwind court- Marina filed an affidavit Wed- nesday asking that a peace bond be issued against her hus- band. Peace bonds are intended to prevent harassment or bodily harm, Porter was arrested, then re- \leased during the night under $1,500 bond posted by his law- yer, The blue. yed, Soviet - born young woman complained for- mally that Porter struck her in the face and frightened her with a .38-calibre pistol. Porter earlier Thursday de- clared his love for Marina, At a press conference, he admitted slapping Marina during an ar- gument, He said he returned home to find Marina al a neigh- bor's home and her two small children alone in the house, and ' PAY SPURNED, © TELEVISION A-GO-GO AND JOB LOST TORONTO CP)--A dratts- man for the Toronto Transit Commission, who has refused to pick up his pay cheque for the last six months because of 'his religious gonvictions, will lose his job today. John T, Ladyman of subur- ban Swansea is protesting against automatic deductions from his salary for the TTC's pension plan because he feels this violates the biblical edict: "Be ye not yoked to- gether with unbelievers." H. E. King, assistant man- ager of industrial relations for the TTC, said Thursday the commission is not dismissing Mr. Ladyman because of his religious beliefs. The TTC has been forced to reduce the special projects k section where Mr. Ladyman works to three from five men, Mr. King said. He said that when the deci- sion to reduce staff was made, Mr, Ladyman was offered a similar job in another section but turned it down, Mr, Ladyman, who does not belong to a church, said ear- lier this month he had no worries about the future be- cause "God will take care of everything." Asked how he could afford to live without regular pay, he said; "'When you don't live up to your income, you have resources," The commission's pension fund deductions. amount to five per cent of Mr. Lady- man's salary, with the com- mission giving another five per cent, $65,000 Award To 10 Clients LONDON, Ont. CP) -- More than $65,000 was awarded to 10 clients of disbarred London law- yer Earl H. Slater Thursday by the discipline committee of the Law Society of Upper Canada, bringing the total in claims al- lowed to more than $115,000. The committee sat Wednesday and Thursday to hear the claims of 16 persons who had lost money while Slater was acting as their lawyer. The committee heard 22 former clients during a July meeting and allotted a total of nearly $50,000 in com- pensation to 21 of them. Slater, who had practised law for 21 years before his disbar- ment in 1963, is serving a five- year sentence for theft LAKE LIES LOWEST Lake Erie now is at its lowest level since records were first TORONTO (CP) -- "Action" is the battle-cry at the head- quarters of the CTV network this fall. Of nine new shows, four are comedies, and the keynote is sounded by an all - Canadian discotheque program called A-Go-Go. '66, "It's the young people we're going for,' said Michael Hind- Smith, vice-president for pro- gramming for the Toronto sta- ticn and its 11 affiliates from Vancouver to St, John's, Nfid., ata press conference announc- ing the fall programming. 'The new comedies are Please Don't Eat the Daisies, a series directed at "young marrieds," Gomer Pyle, USMC, The Patty Duke Show and the new Smoth- ers Brothers Show where Tom Smothers plays an accident- lavish: spectacular, each week in Miami. CTV Aims Shows At Young Using Fast-Paced Forma The Jackie Gleason Show, a is filmed WOULD USE CANADIANS CTV officials said they hope! to use new Canadian talent, in supporting roles to American guest stars, on a number of Showcase programs to be filmed in Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Winnipeg. | There are two new dramas in the fali schedule. Amos Burke Secret Agent,. still star- ring Gene Barry, steers the millionaire from crime to the} world of international espio-| nage. The Big Valley is an an- swer to Bonanza--only in: this case the family ranch is matriarchy, ruled by Barbara Stanwyck. Last year's The Littlest Hobo | prone apprentice angel sent back to earth. The new Go-Go show is one of four CTV musical programs to be produced in Canada next fall, The others are the estab- lished Let's Sing Out, Country | Music Hall and Musical Show- | case, | 'They Can't | Make Rain' TIMMINS (CP)--The Ontario| Hydro-Electric Power Commis-| sion has agreed to stop using, DANCE -- of -- rain-making machines in the Timmins area, although Hydro wth jiaraiphpreny lplinlepldecpie Gib # pinta detent and Branded will continue, as|Cara Williams Show and The will Bewitched, and 'The Andy |Baileys of Balboa. Griffith Show. . The pg network ty el ours of programs weekly 8 acne «te dae, affiliated stations by direct only bilingual program) and microwave link, | It's Your Move, Called Frac- tured Phrases, it is a word game originating in Montreal. The programs which have been suspended include Mr. No- vak, The Jack Paar Show, Petticoat Junction, Dr, Kildare, | Flipper, McHale's Navy, The | FRIDAY JAYE'S an ee ere Lo grin cnggett ae a ae eee er ee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 20, 1965 13 IZZA RAYDERS. Dancing 9 p.m, till 1 7280192 Admission $1.75 , BOX ornics. od ike EPI'S OPENS AT 8:00 TONIG ssa Sey [HELD OVER 2nd WEEK! | Two Mighty Armies , _ 'A Fighting Family > Trampled Its Valley... ¥ Challenged Them Both! doesn't think they're responsi- ble for recent heavy rains, Municipal Affairs Minister | Wilfred Spooner announced! Thursday that Hydro officials | had agreed to stop using the machines until crops have been| harvested. Residents com- plained the rain damaged their crops, especially hay, The small devices were in- stalled to increase rainfall over ing. area. | he machine is designed to) carry silver iodide crystals to the clouds. "They can't make rain," said R. H. Hillery of Hydro, 'but | when you know it's going to rain| they can make it rain more." " the Lake Abitibi power-generat- } end to explain the function of | the machines. The minister said that the de- vices were being used to in-| crease rainfall 50 miles from) that set off the dispute, kept in 1860. Timmins and could not have caused the local rains, | ; ship. Moy; the pp, - in Njoya J alg. Fy ee <>) AVAILABLE NOW IN BOTM BOTTLES AND CONVENIENT NEW "ZIP OPEN' CANS Mr. Spooner, who is MPP for! | Cochrane South, will be in his; constituency during the week- | FAMILY SIZE PEPSI with each order over 1.95---FRIDAY and SATURDAY at PEPI'S -- 728-0192 (Central Hotel GOLD RUSH Lounge and Dining Lounge OSHAWA'S FINEST NIGHTLY ENTERTAINMENT | NEAL JACKSON QUARTET On Tour to appear at leading night spots of LAS VEGAS with tops in pops and western | COOL JAZZ for YOUNG MODERNS @ APPEARING NIGHTLY @ Don't Miss This Entertaining Quartet @ Entertainment Nightly at 9 P.M. @ | ALLAN MacMILLAN -- Manager starring -- THE BEATLES -- Also -- Both In Color Box Office Opens 7:45 Nightly ars HORSE SHOW SUNDAY 2 P.M. -- at the -- » AND TAUNTON ROAD) English and Western et 10 A.M, KING WEST OSHAWA , Special Events ® WILD STEER RACE ® STEER DECORATING | 2% Hour Show | @ FREE ENTRANCE OSHAWA 5-POINTS ARENA (LOCATED AT RITSON ROAD NORTH wenn Classes Starting COMPETITION GAMES ON HORSEBACK @ REFRESHMENTS Everyone Welcome! Aug. 22, 2 P.M. GREENHU crs RST OG MeCLURE: GLENN CORBETT: PATRICK WAYNE: KATHARINE ROSS ss ROSEMARY FORSYTH PAVILION sclbalenes oiged . Bao 7 50 = 730.= 90, tant Show 9a DUNSFORD, ONT, PLAZAP THE C.N.E, AQUA CAPERS one, H THE FAMILY JEWELS Little Caesar | we oe aga Gan AS TERN ular. aed Toe pohly | CS Do BUTE @ ndonanon., | gar -- alfig § | eee FOS -- | SHOW | TODAY! SATURDAY | FIRST OSHAWA LAUGHS! FEATURE DAILY AT 1:30.- 3:30 - 5:38 - 7:40 - 9:50 NIGHT SHOWING! Packed with Good _ -- sisssinlaedaueaiioas This i kind Old-Fashioned Fun! DANCE tetany STAN | OLD TIME and ere Aa LAUREL | Dance to "MIS TER HARDY | RUDY MOSES" -- VELTRI in COLOR with "GREAT and his Robert Mitchum " | Castell Bakr GUNS ; ~ po pt NEW TORNADOS |;{__Co' * et PI oak DOORS SAT. AND Q) ae eee (om | BILTMORE 18 "s) Now... | , PHONE 725-5833 a" aa ae a HELP "For Those Who Think Young" They were the THUNDERING TORNADO Called HE ' *, astwan COLOR eS oe ta oe NOW-PLAYING fei Til: