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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Aug 1965, p. 19

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A building is reconstruct- ed at the site of the first European settlement in On- tario at Ste. Marie, half a TORONTO a 8 Mee 8 Pipe eet pet cmp STOCK re, WAM, By The Canadian Press Toronto Stock Quotations in cents uniess marked $, z--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--lx- xw---x-warrants, Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale, INDUSTRIALS = Stock Sales High ee es $100 100 is $139% "a we 150 39% 25 $106V2 1064 1064 10 $188 i ind Accep 350 323% 2 24 200 2 6 100 $35 35 235 $16 255 82% We 100 25 ms 20 SUDBURY -- When fire de- stroyed a prospectors' bg * and , two acres of bush Sampson Island Bay, investigation nweanee that the blaze had been started by porcupines chewing and igniting wooden matches in a cardboard box stored in a larger carton containing a number of loaves of bread; the centres of all the loaves: had been chewed out. Lesson: Store matches in a solid Weston B % West A wis 41) $1) Woodwd $ as 1% 2% N4---H 207 to ste co an v ai0 ~ 94% 94% -- Ve) Joliet J 3 $32! a 210 210 20 2 » air ee * ,| Dept., 4 Toronto mM, stocks FOREION TRADING srs Ht CRN Terente 11:60 a.m, Ner Am Ge mu BUILDING OF 1640's RECONSTRUCTED mile south of Georgian Bay. When the painstakin, is completed in 1967, Marie on the Wye River will look as it did in the 1640s, The buildings are being erected using 00-year-old _ construction methods, Jesuit in 1649 as -- Srectels Open War Declared On on By Newfoundland Wildlife By DAVE BUTLER ST, JOHN'S, Nfld. (CP)--The Newfoundland Wildlife Service has declared war on the lynx, carrier of a germ blamed for killing caribou calves in alarm- ing numbers in recent years. The germ, pasteurella ulto- ciba, is transferred to the cari- bou calf when it is bitten by a lynx, In most cases the calf survives the bite itself because the mother usually fights' off "ithe lynx. But often the calf dies in a few days of the disease, The wildlife service has known about the germ and its 4| effects since 1957 but it wasn't 2) until 1963 that it was traced to the lynx. Tom Bergerud, chief wildlife biologist with the department of mines and resources, says many autopsies were performed on dead calves. In all cases the symptoms were the same--the calf had large infected sores on its neck. Scientists were con- sulted and the connection was established, The department has had six men trapping and snaring lynx in the caribou-calving areas this "| year but they got off to a slow start because of lack of snow and above-normal temperatures veiin early spring, Bergerud says lynx follow a 10-year abundance and scarcity cycle and the mortality rate of caribe:: calves has been propor- tionate to the lynx population since the studies began, CYCLE AT LOW The lynx cycle now is at its at low point and the~ systematic killing of the animals is re- garded as necessary to keep them from multiplying too fast and wiping out the caribou, The program is important be- cause the provincial economy benefits from the hundreds of hunters from mainland Canada and the United States who come to Newfoundland each year in search of the big antlered cari- bou,.The wildlife service wants to ensure that the game animal is protected from being wiped out or weakened to the point Pasteurella multociba has also turned up in at least five humans in the St. John's area this year but in these cases the carriers' were dogs which, it is thought, were bitten by lynxes. Dr, J. E. Josephson, provin- ease produces the same symp- toms in humans--a sore that re- fuses to heal without treatment. However, it responds readily when treated and is no more serious in humans than any OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS 783 WX PRETTY PAIRS By ALICE BROOKS Keep Summer's beauty all --)| year -- embroider in garden of de 204 " | colors or two shades of a color. : Roses, pansies, variety of "/ Summer flowers in pairs -- em- broider on towels, cases, scarfs. | Pattern 7183; six 3% x 14-inch motifs, directions. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, | please) to Alice Brooks, care of " -- |The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft 60 Front Street West, To- jronto 1, Ontario, Ontario resi- dents add lc sales tax, Print plaintly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS 2 NEW! GIANT 1966 NEEDLE- CRAFT CATALOG stars knit, crochet fas hions$ hundreds more designs -- embroidery, afghans, quilts, toys, every- thing! Three free patterns print- ed in Catalog. Send 25c. Send for "Decorate with Needlecraft!"" -- 25 complete }patterns -- appliques, pictures, |3 ppillows, more! Only 60c Value! Deluxe Quilt Book -- la complete Patterns, 60¢, off Y IN TWO LENGTHS By ANNE ADAMS Choose the regular or "demi" length for the action skirt that's your best bet for school, urbs, everyday! Tunnel belt fits Printed Pattern 4864: Misses' Waist Sizes 24, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32. Size 28 takes 1% yards 35- FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins}c From Reuters-AP BUDAPEST (CP) -- Poll- ticians will speak, rockets will be fired, doves will fly and stu- dents will sing here today to open the fourth World Student Games, More than 2,000 competitors from more than 30 countries have come to this Hungarian capital to take part in track and field events, swimming and a number of other sports, Some of the world's greatest athletes, including medallists from last year's Olympics in Tokyo, are here. In some cases, a liberal definition of the word student makes their presence] sible, Anybedy under 28 who as attended university, college or school within the last two years is eligible. Canada is taking part for the first time, so. 's the United States, The Canadiats have sent 11 athletes, the Americans 42, Best known and most highly rated members of the Canadian team are Bill Crothers of Mark- ham, Ont,, silver medallist in the 800 metres at Tokyo, and Harry Jerome of Vancouver, bronze medallist in the 100 me- tres at Tokyo, MILLS AND BOSTON The United States has brought most of its outstanding swim- mers, fresh from their national championships in Toledo, Ohio, and its track team includes the Olympic 10,000-metre champion, Billy Mills, and broad jumper More Than 30 Countries In World Student Games onto, Buechner in the 200 - metre terfly. Ralph Boston, Canada has an eight-member track team here, Besides Croth- ers and Jerome, there are Dave Bailey in the 800 and 1,500 me- tres, Alan Brereton in the 200 and 400 metres, Abigail Hoff. man in the women's metres, George Puce in the shot put and discus, Steve Spencer in the high jump, and Hylke van der Wal in the 3,000-metre steeple- chase, Spencer is from Van- couver, van der Wal from Wat- ford, Ont., the rest from. Tor- Two Montreal swimmers are here, Marvin Chase in the 200- metre breaststroke and Undo breaststroke and 200-metre but-|. Manfred von Nostitz-Wallwitz of Toronto will carry Canada's colors in fencing, One of the highlights of the games ig.expected to be the broad jump, in which the world's three best are taking part, Boston and Igor Ter- Ovanesian of the Soviet Union will both be out for revenge over Britain's Lynn Davies, a Welshman who scored an upset victory in the Tokyo Olympics, Large teams have been sent by Russia, West Germany, Italy, Japan and Britain, Going fishing? Going for a picnic? Going to cross a farm- er's field? . . . Better not, until you ask permission, Better not damage property or leave a litter behind you, Better re- spect the farmer's rights if you want to enjoy outdoor privil- eges, d-Witcheratt, Remillard S-Woodcote Park, Robinson i} Girl Appeal, By Comi reverts Moore's Selector and Moon merey and, by Prince Chevalier, SBCOND RACH -- Purse $2,000. Claim: Alse Ran in Order: Mad Charge, Royal Wings, and Devil Lacem, Late Scratch--Enquest Winner, b g, 4 by Canadian Champ--La Vitesse, by Menetrier, Pool $42,452, THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,100, ean Miles (@), Lucky Deal, Fitzsimmons 440 4 +Jubliance, Leblan: 2itsfordem, Glassner Jive, Tulmar and Money gare, Late Scratch--Orsinette's Duc, Winner, dk © or Marvina K,, by Beauv Pool $49, SATURDAY, AUGUST 21 Furlongs. wane SQueen, Ne Boy 103 Zoom, No Boy 106 Sly Eyes, Harrison 101 Royal Pleasure, Sissoner ne Alice H., Steve X Regalve, Werry xis Maid of Ue wingd 8 Ne Sey A105 Miss Scooter, R - Bon Coeur, No ye AW Also Bligible: Koreans Worry, 106) Roman Warrior. Harris. No one-sixteenth Miles. Choreography, J Dias xne eComb | \P Zebby, J Diez X108 [Midway Blue, Fitzsimmons 113 Star Dance, No Boy 116 Bodwenni, No Boy 113 Fabulous Star, No Boy 111 Prince Guard, Fitzsimmons 116 Select Sin, No Boy A-11) Bingham, Turcotte X117 Ambiguity, Dittfach 117 Queencrest, No Boy 114 First Fashion, No Boy A-11é6 Meteoric, Dittfach 116 Abu Stable Entry Claiming, ' three-year-olds and up (Divn,) of 2nd), One and one-sixteenth Miles, Fatsun, No Boy 115 Advance Glass, Nedeau 117 Vedas, Turcotte X113 Vogel's Victor, No Boy 118 ce Stage, Inouye 123 Dance Men, Rng xi Real Black, Ferro X11! Black Coral, Hermenden Mem &Simcoe, Walker 3.50 Al Started la, Kelly Todd, bow P. : i) Royal Mint, Lela rpahooter, and Rain- eagy. for two-year-olds, Purse $4,268, 2: ay tee nore Pacey 2.80 indy, and Mars imi DAILY DOUBLE, ? PAND 3 PAID $7.90, Ontario residents add STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS, CARE OF The Oshawa Times, , 6 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, BE ALERT to What's New! excitememt-packed Pattern Catalog free pattern -- |four-year-olds and under, Purse $700 ie. Also Started: Miss Trudy Spencer, Miss Carolene Ann, and Argyel Dean, - for four-yearolds and under, Purse 1-Ruth's Daisey, Pacey. -15,00 600 choose Kt from catalog. Sc. ree-year-oids and up, Purse $1,000 (8). FORT ERIE RESULTS THURSDAY, AUO, 19 FIRST RACE - Purse $2,000. Claim ing, three-year-olds and up, 6 Furlongs ( &Prime Princess, Steve 20.90 heed 28 33: Alse Ran in Order: Falls Way, Artista, Bas Winner, b f, 4 by Favbou 'and--Gra- ing, three-year-olds and up. 6 Furiongs Ww, 7-Bonne Vitesse, Duran 7,80 4.70 3,20 10-Barbara Bain, Harrison 9.90 4,90 Field Trial, Gomez 2,90 1A-So Doctor, Argo Bound, What A Question, Lady Domain, Susie's Roman, Shining) a-- DAILY DOUBLE, 4 AND 7, PAID $122.80) p, Ing, three and four-year-olds, 1 I-16 4Bim Wood, Turgotte 6,00 410 9,00 3 7-Sir Axton, Duran 4.10 Also Ran in Order: Jet Attack, Lucky ree, Bobby Weaver, Gay Chant and Hea Club Cottage, ob's Orphan, by @ Winner, 9, 4s by Hierecten --- Resell, Pool esiies. Pool $41,684, RIGHTH RACH -- Purse $2,100, Claim: FOURTH a _ Paid Sets Clatm- et two-year-old as 5 Mad 'vina's Ture "teat 10 ie n 18 3.20) Also Ran in Order: §, A. Boy, Java FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,300, Claim Ing, three-year-olds, 6 coreue (), \A3Poter Picker, T'cotte 6.90 2.60 2.10 4Whip'n ag retie Dittfach 2.50 2,10 2Te Sie, | 210 Also & on in © Order: A-Duby Cat, Ad Astra and Sully seen) A---Bill Beasley en wiry, blag ary 1A AND 4, PAID $12,390 Wiener, © b thy by Nearctic--Sliver God- 8, Pool s2h,500"0 Quinella Pool $25,504, SIXTH RACH -- Purse $2,700, Three and four-year old fillies, Allowances 1 1-16 Miles (7), 6-Expressed, Werry 7,50 4.80 net 2Five Laven, Inouye 40 S of Victory. 'ttacn 130 Also Ran in Order: Encore Une, Spon- dee, A-Larkfield and p Bank Blond, Winner: ake en by by Flying inner, aU y ing Fury Metal Rail, by Ambiorix, Pool $50,666, SEVENTH RACE---Purse $2,500, Claim Inge three-year-olds, 1 Mile and 70 yards 7 Reefwalf, Leblanc 9.10 5.90 3.00 2-Gay Bride, Shuk 4,00 3,20 lA:Tricky Scamp, Turcotte 2.50 Also Ran in Order: Bega Bega, Ki-D- Ka, Jolly Ollie ad A-Black Isle, focal oeeeny, SOY ate Sera! eaten icy dk b or br A *y oa i "tien O'Erin-- ing, three and four-year olde 1 1-16 MW "), +H. V, Caplan, Pitzs'ns 27,00 3 4.30 4Wild Fabius, Dittfech 4@ 3, 40/1-Fablus Jr. MeComb +; Ran in Order: Alley Son, Held Over, Jiveoll, Roman Heritage, Late Scratch--<attl, Diana Carter (left) of Toronto and Donna Mae Mims of Pittsburgh are sports car racing drivers. Both six-year veterans of the sport, they keep wigs handy to cover their grease- stained coiffures after races, especially when there are photographers around, In the Canadian Touring WIGS KEPT HANDY Trophy Race at Mosport, Miss Carter placed sixth and Miss Mims 15th in a male-dominated field of 32, Miss Mims is a stenog- rapher whose job allows her six days a month for rac- ing. Miss Carter works for a racing magazine, Canada Track and Traffic, and rac- ing is part of her business, Drinking Ruled Factor In Fatal Highway Collision WHITBY (Staff)--A coroner's jury, last night, ruled that 68- -jyear-old Elva McLellan of Ajax, died as a result of injuries re- ceived in a truck-car collision on June 12 near Stevenson rd. The verdict also stated that the use of alcohol by both driv- ers was a contributing factor and 'the driver of one of the cars, Milton Carp, 46, of To- ronto, did not have proper con- tro) of his car, Mrs. McLellan was a passen- ger in a car driven by her nephew Robert Munro of Ajax when it was struck from behind by Canp's car, 400 yards east of the CPR overpass.on Highway An analyst from the Attorney- General's laboratory that paint samples given to him ®\indicated that: Carp's car had struck the Munro vehicle. OPP Constable C, D. Bibun told the inquest that after the accident the Munro truck had rolled over and was totally de- molished by the accident, Carp, a free-lance projection: ist, who had been working in Oshawa the night of the acc dent, said he had finished work at the Mark's theatre and had 'one to a hotel where he had rank two or three rum-and: » before leaving for To- He said he did not see any tail lights. on the back of Mun- ro's truck and by the time he saw the truck it was too late, testified) about five pints of beer over a eriod, He sald he did @ Carp vehicle com- ing up from behind and didn't know anything until the next Winner, & ty by Selector -- por or a % Tuscany-- sen" FORT ERIE ENTRIES PIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, (3000) Claiming, three and four-yearolds, 6" Chic, No By, 108) Zesekiet, Soare 110; | B Strong Willed, J Diaz, X101) Other Days, 110, A--Cinderella Steble and H & Shannon) Land Entry. SECOND RACH -- Purse $2,100, (3000) Claiming, servacpoar-pies and up, One and THIRD RACE --- Purse $2,000, (3000) thi a | three-year-olds, foaled in Can- , urions, ' A--Mrs P J Rosenberg and O'Maonaigh FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, (3000) | and one 16th Miles on Turf (9) Point, by Bal Pool $50,349, Total Pool $398,440, Attendance, 6,267, OBITUARY morning in hospital, THE OSHAWA 'TIMES; Friday, August 20, 1965 19 (SHOP TONIGHT CHERNEY'S SEMI-ANNUAL INVENTORY SALE CORBY DISTILLERY Clear and Good FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,600 Aliow- ances, oe and four-year-olds, 6 Fur. jongs aha Mac, Kerre m4 Rhann, No Boy | Day's Best, Waish Sha Butterscotch, Vireairorans 10? Senator Gray, Lan a. Canadian Statute, Dittfach | (QUINBLLA WASaRING) SIXTH RACH -- Purne $10,000 added "Vandal Stakes" Two-yearolds, Va Fur- longs (12) Grand Roman, Glassner All5 Bye and Near, Fi tzairmens A) ee Style, So east Giassner ine Stevie B, Good, Shuk 117 resi Beauty, Dittfach 10? Office, Turcotte 8110 Spy Davelle, Harris All? Titled Hero, Leblanc 117 Duc D'Eclair, Harris Al Holarctic, Remillard 8108 One Trick, No Boy I) ? AMrs, J, Hundley, @ M, Heltelnper, Dd. M, Ravis dr. and BD. Crump antry, 8). 8B. Carmichael, F, A, and Sherman Neniey sane a RACE = Purse $25,000 "Prince of Wales Stakes' Three. vearan, Foaled in Canada, One and % miles on Turf, (11) Flyalong, Potts Al26 Champlain, Inouye abi2é Nearctic Heir, Turcotte is Good Old 8 oy Blue Mel, Dittfach 126 Flaming Triumph, Fitzsimmons 8126 Super Flow, Shuk 126 Grand Galop, Robinson Al2é Chiet Brant, Walsh 126 Native Victor, Leblanc 8126 Victorian Era, Gomez 126 A-T, &, Hays, D. B, Weldon and J. L. Levesque entry, x pincelama Farm entry. | BIGHTH Race - w= Purse $2,400 ($5000) | Claiming, Three-year-olds and up, One) Royal Promise, Werry X11$ Tavy Blue, Potts 114 Buona Fortuna, Inouye 112 Sarosu, Fitzsimmons 112 Fast Jay, No Boy 113 Barleycorn, No Boy 11 Joe Mac, Gomez 114 GREENWOOD RACEWAY FIRST Rai = 1 Mile (Trot) for two- year - olds. (First Elimination), Purse ee 28 (8). 7-Stemwinder, S10 2.70 2.60 2Armore Gurelle. "Wiitphant 2.70 2.50 SECOND RACE ~~ "Standardbred Fu- turity (2nd Elimination), 1 eye oo 3Flemington's Jane, Reid 3.40 "20 2.40 7-Ed's Dream, McFadden 3.10 Also Started: oe Bars, Flemington's THIRD RACE -- 7 Furiongs (Pace) for &Gramps, Hayes 40 3 | &Credit Wellwood 310 3 40| Bonita Abbe, Varcoe 3.80 Fhe sob bd RACE -- 7 Furlongs (Pace)|SArmbro Electra, McKinley 340 $800) Rca k ge Lynden ge a Sota, 4.90) S-Stick's Brewer, Rocheleau 5.20 3.70 Claydrook Melody, Lester 400 Also Started: Oxford Danny Boy, Wil Lor Bob, Lorna Rhythm, Joe Stoner, and 'Brave Sir fem RACE -- 7 Furiongs (Pace) fer Johnnie R, ba My | Attendance 6,127, "Total Poot $319, 100, Susie @, Holmes 4,2 3.80 3,10] SPAULDING Aug, 20 Doddling, MeComd 11? X53 lbs AAC, Post Time 2 p.m, ?-Negiey Hal, Walker 89 5.0 éJimmy Belwyn, Towns 9.70 Started: Scotland's Van, Brother St. JOHN WESLEY GIRARD The death of John Wesley Girard, formerly of 714 Bess- borough dr., occurred Thursday at.the Toronto General Hospi- tal. He was in his 60th year and had been in poor health for some weeks, The deceased was born in Ottawa, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, John Girard, In 1931 he married the former Mari- anne Loulse Maynard Toronto. Mr. Girard was a resident of Oshawa, and an employee of General Motors of Canada Ltd., for 35 years, He was an active member of St, George's Angli- can Church, Surviving relatives include) his wife and three sons, Doug: las, Bowmanville; Ray, Wil- Fv, lowdale; and Grant, Toronto, A sister, Gladys, of Toronto; two brothers, Arnold, Chicoutimi, Quebec, and William, Toronto; and two grandchildren also sur- vive, The remains are at the Arm- strong Funeral Home for the|G funeral service Saturday in the} chapel. Rev, R, G. Brooks of George's Church will con- duct the service and interment) will be in Mount Lawn Ceme- tery. APPOINTMENT D.F, ANDERSON ener as sales representative for H, Corby Distillery Limited is iderson canna in the R.CA.F ing the War, and is a ke and golfer, He will make quarters in Qshawa and will be re- isponsible for servicing all Corby- ns brands in his terri-| Dition S, Poplar Grattan, Widower's Pick, and May Scot. SIXTH pace == ? Furlongs (Trot) for three-year-olds and up, Purse $2,000 (4), Count Yates, Kingston wae Also pee Sis Herbert, Sudbury, and QUINELLA, 3 AND 4 PAID $12.9 SEVENTH RACE -- 7 Furiongs (Pace) | x three-year-olds and up, Purse $800 (7)./ 3Fin's Hat, Soper 7.00 4.90 3,70 S-Rosedale Cal, Lowery N70 se +Mariene R, Ritchie Also Started: Wendy L, Mac Dillon! Lee 1S. Belva's Way, and Ballerina Wick BIGHTH RACE -- 7 Furlongs (Pace) i three-year-olds and up, Purse $1,500 } Starlite, Peacen 23,90 9.90 410 | Attorney's Bob, McCallum 4.70 3.50) |andy Atom, and Jimmy Gi id NINTH RACE ~~ ? Furlongs (Trot) three-year-olds and up, boy *. - o | ?-Tapdean, Kingston +Clement Hanover walker" ie is | SRiddellworth, Hicks Atso Started: 7! a4 Diana PPE | Wicinige Colby, Wellwood 4.00 290 2:40) 4Macduff's Lassie, Walker 2.70 Hy] PORCH ENCLOSURES STORM-SCREEN DOORS-WINDOWS PRIME WINDOWS CMHC ACCEPTED FLEXALUM . SIDING JALOUSIES Reglozing and re-screening Aluminum door and Window Inserts af {ALUMINUM FREE PARKING Showroom ond Factory PHONE 728-1633 95]| 9S ATHOL ST. B., OSHAWA RANGES Refrigerators FREEZERS WASHERS | DRYERS SAVINGS

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