THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, August 20, 1968 TORONTO CP) -- University entrance aptitude tests, used for) ™ many years in the United States will be compulsory for appli cants to the first year of an undergraduate course at the University of 'Toronto next year. The test was established many years ago by the college en- trance board in the United States. | In 1966 students applying to, the University of Toronto during) their last year of high school will be required to write it as well as their Grade 13 examina- tions. McMaster University in Ham- ilton has been conducting ex-) periments with the aptitude test) but officials have not yet de-| cided whether to make it coms) pulsory next year. | Queen's University in King-| ston has a committee consider- ing the aptitude test. Registrar Jean Royce of} Queen's said use of the entrance) test probably would become general practice in Ontario uni- yersities in the next few years. Miss Royce made it clear she) was not speaking officially for the universities, | | WILL ASSIST | Robin Ross, registrar of the} University of Toronto, said his university would use the test mainly to assist in making pro-; visional acceptances to its freshman year before the re- ce i D sults of the Grade 13 examina-| sates to RCAF station at |- rf 'itd tions became available, eels Pewsey the Grate ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE U.K. Hanging 15 Years Old But Many Doubtful Of Guilt "We will still rely mainly on the results of the senior matric- ulation papers in making ac- ceptances," he said. He said the . aptitude test might also be helpful in decid- The university hopes to re-} LONDON (Reuters) -- oe REJECTS REQUEST | TO AID FARMERS Se States test\pritish government bowed to| OTTAWA (CP)--A request by| WASHINGTON (AP) -- The R aid. | Thursday night and ordered a Siea Dalida dueaniation has| Passed and sent to the Senate ae | new inquiry in October into the/pheen rejected by the Canada| Thursday night an omnibus Relations Board, the|four-year farm bill. The bill WATER WHOLE DIET FOR PEACE-PROTEST Andy Dalton began fourth Comox, B.C,, Thursday with day of "peace fast" outside usual diet of water. His mother says 20 - year - old Andy is 'too thin todo such a thing'. She described pro- ject as f ing borderline applications, Di ] case of a man hanged 15 years) Labor } ago for a murder many Britons|labor department announced | would set 4 . leppe Va Or . | Thursday. The association was} Bp BrOgrama' fOr Ore | r believe he did not commit, | certified May 17, 1960, as. bar- duction controls and price sup- The case of Timothy John| gaining agent for CNR employ-|Ports for wheat, feed grains, Remembered" has been cited repeat-|ees classified as sergeants, pa-|Cotton, wool and dairying, It ledly by persons campaigning} trol sergeants and coristables.|9!80 would set up a new pro- jfor the abolition of the death) i gram for long-range contracts DIEPPE (Reuters) -- Jules| penalty. | MANRY WILL VISIT with farmers for diversion of Leger, Canadian ambassador to} Evans was convicted of the). TORONTO. (CP)--Bert Pow-|surplus cropland to conserva- France, presided Thursday at\murder of his 14-month-old/éll, general manager of the Ca-/tion and other non-production ceremonies commemorating the|daughter, Geraldine, He also nadian National Exhibition, said) uses. 28rd anniversary of the raid on|was accused of killing his wife,|Thursday that sailor Rob HOW Dieppe during the Second World|Bery}, He went to the scaffold} Manry who recently crossed the} 4 dienes de War. protesting his innocence. Atlantic in his 13-foot boat). HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--Some Leger joined Dieppe residents| He insisted the murderer was| /i"Kerbelle will visit. the CNE| 10,000 ry ter Digit Mle re and a group of Canadian warja neighbor, John Reginald|i" September. fdr bed age og ope veterans in laying wreaths at|Christie, a key prosecution wit-| UTRILLO'S WIDOW DIES ' ursday. when. the i ) : shaggy-haired English singing the cemetery where 1,200 Allied/ ness. PARI S(AP)--Lucie Valore, group performed at the Sam soldiers, many from 'the Cana-| Three years later Christie|widow of painter Maurice! Houston Colis dian 2nd Division, lie buried. (was himself executed for mur-| Uttilte. died Thursday at her ccamnadivin cess The dawn attack on occupied|der after the bodies of four) home on the Rue Lepic, almost HUNGRY RIOT Dieppe in 1942 lasted about nine}women were found boarded up) wifhin the shadow of the Sacre KOPHAPUR, India (Reuters) hours. Some 6,000 Allied troops,|in the house he shared with the| Coeur dome depicted so often in|Hungry crowds rioted here supported by a fleet of destroy-|Evans family, He admitted/ Utrillo's work. She was 87 and, Thursday, looting food and ers, briefly entered Dieppe be-|murdering four women, includ-ja painter herself, Utrillo died grain stores. Police opened fire fore being repulsed at severaljing Mrs. Evans. jin 1955. killing six i points along the coast. They left}; -----------_---- --- sn ia eT about 2,500 prisoners behind. | After signing the visitor's book at the cemetery the am- bassador visited a monument on the sea front commemorat- ing those who died. The British Legion and the Royal Regiment of Canada were among the or- ganizations which laid a wreath there Thursday. PRESENTS FLAG After Catholic and Protestant church services, Leger attended a ceremony at the town hall, In reply to a speech by the mayor he thanked Dieppe '"'for not forgetting us" and pre- sented the town with the new Canadian maple leaf flag. The Canadian war veterans attending Thursday's services are mostly in France on holi- day. They stood side by side with French veterans who also have good reason to remember the attack. In a move to show that the situation had returned to normal, the German authorities freed them from detention as war prisoners shortly after- wards, Other ceremonies took place along the coast at the spots where the Allies landed. Some small communities have put off their remembrance until Sun- day's church service. ~ Bank Robbery, Maybe Murder NEW YORK AP)--An Eng- lishman's attempt to cash a $100 money order Thursday touched off an international investiga- tion into a London bank theft and, possibly, murder. During questioning, police said, the Englishman, Cyril Bernard Brown, 38, admitted strangling a woman who dis- appeared four months ago in England. His statement was be- ing relayed to Scotland Yard Brown presented a $100 money order to the cashier of a Chase Manhattan Bank branch The teller identifie d:the money order as among those stolen July 31 in London. Serial numbers had been circulated in the U.S Details of the purported str were not outlined : and a woman compan jon were charged with grand larceny and forgery YHAT UNCERTAIN CAMPAIGN -|West Puts Up A Ba ic MPs Publicly Pro Election a aaeaa es me ; But Dread Idea In Private) ©», can sous soy denis te Brian wore eg ya eho 3 Canadian Press Staff Writer |doing hi to agree to abi By STEWART MacLEOD Minister Pearson for a fall elec- w his hewry winrk for hinn.jie Hares 00 See tae of nuclea OTTAWA (CP) -- Ask any|tion is said to be coming from| The Western powers appeat!BRITISH VIEW "it's fair Peace Baye for member of Parliament how he| the members: whose seats are to have bumbled in the propa-| Lord Chalfont, chief British) you" treaty. feels about a fall election and|most affected by redistribution.|ganda Charade that attempts to delegate, expressed his reserva- - he'll most likely say he can|A party source said the ma-|pass for disarmament negotia-\10M immediately, saying the hardly wait to get hustling on|Jority of party members appear|iiong in. Geneva U.S. draft should be amended the hustings, }to favor Parliament carrying) r "to make it absolutely clear | It's like asking a boxer how]. | The Communists seem to be|that we are opposed to the lhe feels 'ABout a forthcoming The same pattern cxists injscoring points in the game by creation of any»association ca- fight: he isn't likely to say he| !Me, opposition parties, especially default. The West left. itself so|Pable of using nuclear weapons dreads the thought of entering) with Western Conservatives. Un-lwide open with ifs belated and fey the consent of an exist- the ring. : er redistribution, Saskatche- halt-hearial orapantation this ing nuclear power, But privately, many MPs are|Wan's 17. seats--now -all Con-| 0 lore lon to prevent thelgAPart from the fact that the not looking forward to another|S¢tvative--will, be reduced toe 7 Bap Aah vine thai{Bussians will. not. countenance election. They dread the thought|1# and most sitting members|(Pecay & cual a mot focll4, fealy, permitting development of a two-month campaign, with|{?o@athat province would rather obilwiak ito. (shioot fh down. at of a NATO nuclear force includ-|' lits hand-shaking, "its speech-\/isht on existing boundaries. | | oe ing West Germany, some of the |making and its cost--especially |, One Ontario Liberal member} Vv a caieg F . Bias a lwhen their eventual success is| 92% alteady opened a campaign! Veteran Soviet chief delegate loffice in expectations of a fall|Semyon Tsarapkin was content Many Could Quit in doubt. " : ': ri "Frankly," said 'one highly-| Vote, although he insists tliere|at first-simply to ask a couple 4 ia s be icial indicati { quietly .embarrassing ques- regarded Ontario Liberal MP,|has been no official indication)of qu g "Tam tempted to pack up pol-|0f such an event, Several mem-|tions: OPP, I aper Says lities if another oti js| bers have opened campaign ac-) Would the Western. plan. pro- j called." But he later said hej counts in their local banks. vide a watertight guarantee) TORONTO CP)--The Globe) { ae many iy " tp be. a country getting access|and Mail quotes an Ontario Po- A Maritimes: Conserva-| Privately against an_ election,|/to nuclear weapons through any|lice Association spo! tive who had been quoted as|"ot many have made public) Atlantic pact nuclear force? --|saying there will wen a lsaying he would welcome an} Statements against it. Social! Would the plan exclude crea-|provincial police resignations jelection' 'and the sooner the |' redit Leader Robert Thompson tion of a multilateral Nuclearjwithin the next six months un- |hette®," says privately that he|and Stanley Knowles (NDP--|Force in which West Germany|less. salaries of non-commis- lhates the thought of it. "There ge Bs ie tle! gg would participate? sioned officers are raised. 5s J excuse E e; 1 ° ? } Menta avant kde he would be ithmoral for the gov- AWKWARD POSITION anal | connie angi! ot Those who privately oppose ernment to call an election be- The answer to both qu stions |, 4 Cc dit 8 - $5,400, : fore redistribution is completed, |is no, which puts the yn {OU anadian police depart- would run again. AR and KINGS . How far can you stretch $35? All the way to Britain! This Fall, jet from Toronto to London, Costs only $35 down! That's 10% of your $345 round-trip air fare and you qan take as long as 24 months to pay the balande. Just one BOAC transatlantic 21-Day Econpmy Excursion bargain. Here are othe/s that make your money go even further, To Zurich, for example--only $44 down. To Rome, only $51 down. Fares effective August 30. See your BOAC Travel Agent. Aw ed Agent FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL (OSHAWA) LIMITED ~ 57 King St. East : 728-6201-2-3 this year b t ger Bert} ANDREWS HEATING It Pays to Have @ FURNACE installation well done, | 725-1660 Oshewa Oa Wen og ' distribution process. A fall elec- the proposed new boundaries un-|trals to be less than genuine in| The spokesman says the asso- member. "I don't want an elec-|plans for an Atlantic Nuclear|¥P to and including sergeant- RE MAJORITY AGA T |West had pressed for resump- ' #\the urgency of a treaty to limit 0 pen fi e oron 0 X jaccess of nuclear arms. Russia and moderating temperatures | 5!"¢e half-price fares are in ef-/SaY in detail. But the Wester lof the Canadian National. Ex- The 15 exhibition has|the West stalled for time, the urday: Toronto weather fore-| , Children under 12 will con-|ing for disarmament at a time in front of the/e@try with one of the 1,400,000)adopt the attitude of a cat play- through last - minute prepara-|/ i! |swing visitors 30 feet above the| $1 for adults for the first time Ma -- Phone -- arly vote do not include the J A ; i . MPs "ohne Site a to be| Prime Minister Pearson sa owers in an awkward position. aed pay phd than' this, the wiped out under the new re-|"0 election can be held under|/They" may be judged by neu-|SP° eS tee PLAIN tion could give them another| il the end of 1966 their, avowed desire to prevent) "lation has asked a provincial Miibags ey: algal four or five years in the Com-| "The worst of this busi-|the spread of nuclear weapons,|Zovernment committee for al CIGARETTES mons. } ness is the waiting," said onejor they must openly abandon|*!,600 annual raise for all ranks tion, but I am still going to be|Force and thereby anger an|™ajors as well as compulsory | Much of the backbench pres-| angry if there isn't one after alljally such as West Germany. jarbitration provisions. sure being applied to. Prime|the nervous energy I've spent."'| The West has 'been losing Ch eens points from 'the outset. The s Pearson Has A Fine Day ies. .%.c'ae arate jtions that had adjourned abor-| tively last September, arguing; surprisingly agreed, By IAN Mac iE Powell expects attendance ree| Tsarapkin turned up July 27 TORONTO (CP) nny skies | 0Pds to rise despite the increase to hear what the West had. to : n ware forecast' for. today. when fect for. teen-age up to 17| powers--the United 'States, Brit- |Prime Minister Pearson' offi-|/ Years from 12 years ain, Canada and Ital cially kicks off the 87th opening CALL STREAMLINED pares On WDA | hibition, been labelled "streamlined'|Communists sat back taking Although long - range sum-| With improved lighting through-|Propaganda potshots at the |maries predict showers for Sat-|0Ut the park. ny of the United States call- see clear skies with|tinue to be admitted free on| When it was building up its ures in the 70s for the) Young Canada Day, Monday, |@*my in Viet. Nam, é scheduled|AUs- 28, They'll also have free} Tsarapkin could afford to jcomplimentary tickets mailed|ing with a mouse after the U.S, to elementary schools. idraft plan was presented Tues- -- BOoOAC ay as exhibitors scurried -- | | Patty Conklin is ushering in the)! || BRITISH OVERSEAS AIRWAYS CORPORATION WITH AIR CANADA annual fair with new r s 6 o6M7f # : cluding a Swiss lift which will exhibition grounds on a 550-foot- |} jlong track. | |. Admittance charges reached | "YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN $O GOOD" Home Delivery or Pick-Up 522 Ritson Rd. South DELIVERED PIPING HOT Meadows Travel Service 25 KING ST. E. PHONE 723-9441 or 723-7001