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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Aug 1965, p. 16

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Leh! Gallo ene YG THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednosdey, August 25, 1965 ee DA ini WR +, _Somiy, 5 ~ Will Find Cure me io is 10 believe in psychiatry, wi NJ is more inde "people ro of ental lingo. 'this, can be done successfully why ean't people be talked ' 'of cancer? * Before you say 'it's impos: taible, may I tell you I've knOWN|the babes who don't want to ior a long time that an ilinessishare 'thelr recipes but don't q in the mind, If the ithy, the body is healthy, psychiatrists ine 'Even Tmind can make a well person out, 'sick, So why can't a well mind) DearAnn Landers: My hus- "make a sick person well? fo money tain @ grant could save millions of lives. 'Thank you.True Believer *' Dear Believer: Sorry, 1 have 'no influence over foundation smoney, You are correct when tyou say a sick mind can make a well person sick, A promi- 'nent. Minnesota physician esti. 'mates that over 60 per cent of *the patients in hospital beds to- 'day are there because of ill nesses which began with an 'emotional problem. * Cancer, however, is defined 'as the uncontrolled multiplica- 'tion of cells, Many cancers, 'when discovered early, have ' troyed or removed and ba lag the mations" lives were saved. .. What do you say?=Num "Psychiatry, which has to do with the exploration and ventil- 'ation of emotional problems, 'eannot stop cancerous cells 'from multiplying. . Some cancers have been 'known to "disappear," Buch cancers were "self - limiting which means the body had set 'op its own immune reactions, (the quacks have a ball with these cases.) Such phenomena 'have been explained by medi- cal science and are not "out of the blue miracles," so please don't write and tell me about 'Aunt Matilda who was cured of 'eancer by hocus pocus, " Dear Ann Landers; Several 'days ago my husband and I had 'dinner in the home of a friend, For dessert this woman served a delicious banana pie. "When I asked her for the recipe she replied, 'I'm sorry but it took me a lifetime to collect my recipes and I don't give 'them out." | 1 felt as if I had been slapped across the face, I have not 'spoken to this woman since and I'm not inviting her to a party we are giving next month, My husband says I'm behaving like Part-Time Work Takes Ingenuity By ROBERTA ROESCH "I'm one of the many teen- age readers of your column who would like the opportunity to work part-time during the com: ing school year," one of my young readers writes, "since a part-time job after school or on Saturdays would give me some- thing to come andggo' on, "But I have no special talent and none of the want ads seem 'to offer jobs I can fill, So/I'd be very grateful if you'd write a column for high school stu- dent if you have the spirit, am. bition and perseverance to turn) to every possible source in town) in your effort to find some) 'work 4 CREATE OWN IDEAS | I know this works since I've Keen many enterprising students create their own ideas for jobs Instead of saying: 'What can 4d do? I never see jobs I can fill." Just as one example, one high echool junigr who wanted a job \}o help her pay for the extras Shad no ideas what she could do "40 earn money during the school year until she sat down with a telephone book and saw the yumber of beauty salons oper-) ating in her town, ) "TE listed the names of 25" Bhe told me, "Because there) 'were so many, it seemed to me That one of them would have #® spot for a girl willing to come jn after school to catch up on) the routine jobs that had piled) up all day." | " The high school girl--with no epecial talent except spirit, am- bition and perseverance--called up each of the 25 salons and asked for the name of the owner, + Then she typed a letter to ach one, asking for a chance © work, sugges' she could @o such things as ping the Noor swept, taking out curlers, straightening up opera tors' booths, keeping operators sup- plied with equipment, straight- ening up magazines, cleaning > on the customers' coffee aks and making herself gen- erally useful, | SUGGESTS VISIT i * She mentioned the hours she) gould work and suggested she) - @top in at each shop and meet) @ach owner personally. | my letters that) , "because l I wouldn't hear from everyone I wrote, But I felt if I called on them personally, they would have to take a min- to give me a_ second Qhought." This kind of thinking on the part of youth served this teener well. And she got a job from her efforts--just as many teens: @o--when they turn to every possible source in their town in an.effort te find some work. y, someone depriving you of something to a sickland there or leave something rt seems to be a lot ofjman and I work as his secre- tion around forjtary. His son by a former mar- "research. Can you help me ob-iriage comes to the office. at ° for this project? It\least twice a week and walks child, We want your opinion-- "Dear N.J.: The woman is not you are entitled, The recipe is hers and she told you she didn't wish to share it, She is a better. friend than have the nerve to admit it and en double an ingredient here band is a prominent business by me without even speaking, It Js apparent that his mother hat done a thorough job of poisoning his mind against me, The boy's father has taken care of all his college expenses, bought him clothes and a car. I feel that I have contributed, too, since I work in my hus- band's business This whole ugly "situation has come to a head because the boy is being married next month, My husband has been invited to the wedding. I have not. | Some of my friends say 1) should go to the wedding with my husband as a matter of prin- 'wo Dear Number: No principle is) served if yoy show up at an af-| fair to which you have not been invited. The "friends" who are urging you to crash the wed. ding are looking for'a little ex- citement at your expense, Stay CHILD GUIDANCE -Thumbsucking The Child Who By GARRY C, MYERS, PhD Whereas thumbsucking in the infant's early years may not impair his mouth, jaws or teeth, most dentists will tell you it can be harmful to them after the age of three or four, Per- haps the great concern many parents have over thumbsuck- ing in early infancy causes them to develop ways of trying to stop this habit, which make it harder for them to manage themselves well if thumbsuck- ing persists unduly long. A mother of a child, 4%, writes; 'She has already ruined over-bite that she has to use the side teeth to bite anything, The roof of her mouth forms a tunnel the exact shape of her thumb, "However the dentist x-rayed her top teeth when she was four and sald-they are coming in straight if we could get her to quit. thumbsucking before they are in, He talked to her at that time and she stopped for a long while, but now she is worse than ever, "She doesn't suck her thumb when outside playing or while playing with her dolls in her room, but when she watches TV it is in her mouth constantly, I've considered not letting her watch TV at all if she insists on sucking her thumb, but this would be a form of punishment. "I've encouraged her to color and put puzzles togther while watching TV, which would help her keep her hands busy, but she doesn't care to do this," RELATIVES CAN HELP y My reply in part: | Your problem is not easy. | know how worried you are over | it and how hard it is for you| to keep from nagging at her! home, co ASS PLAINS, SIZES -- S, M, L. REGULAR $4.00, 'YLON TRICOT NEGLIGEE SET PEG "DORSAY", DAINTY TRIMMED cal PINK, CLOUD WHITE SIZES--S.M.L. REG NYL SLIPS THE "D0 WHITE AND ASSORTED COLOURS. SIZES == $2 TO 40, REGULAR 64.00, NYLON TRICOT PETTI-PANT (to REGULAR 83.00, 1/2 PRICE SPECIAL NYLON TRICOT FRENCH STYLE PANTY == BY "DORSAY™ COLOURS: PETAL when her thumb !s in her, SAVE ® 50% Can Hurt. Is Older mouth, or from rebuking and punishing her, Rebuking or punishing by any person will only yey the problem, You will have to get yourself to the place where you show'no vexation by your face, breath- ing, voice, gesture or remarks. Conspiring with relatives and other members of the family, work on a long-time program whereby you make her feel loved and secure as your big girl, wishing to co-operate in curing herself, Be sure no one cally her a baby when she sucks her thumb. her teeth as she-has such aniTake a cue from the influence her dentist had on her. Quiet, winsome ways of a much-loved grandmother when visited by this child may work wonders, I've known some youngsters who welcomed the use of cer: tain mechanical devices, such|thumb isconstantly in her as wearing mitts sewed or pin- ned fast, especially at night; having slong gow securely over the offen thumb at strategic times # kin of thumb-stall made of very cedures are defeating if the child resists them and thinks of them as punishment, FIND USE FOR HANDS It might be worth trying, to give her some gum, ugly-look- ing as gum-chewing is, It would be helpful during the dyytime to provide fun for the youngster by letting her use her hands for making things, Ample play with other children of her own age would aid, Your observation that she does not suck the thumb while outdoors at play and indoors when using her hands should encourage you. Cuddle and caress her when she likes it, Read to her often, and as you do, gently push her hand away from her face, pat- ting it tenderly, Speak to her in 'soft tones, Protect her from violent programs on TV. Don't let her watch TV long or often at any time, especially since her OUR GREAT MIDSUMMER FURNITURE SALE IS NOW IN PROGRESS We are offering very worthwhile savings on chesterfield suites, chairs, occasional fur- niture, lamps, bedroom and dining room suites, continental beds, mattresses, ete., all by Canada's leading furniture manu- facturers. rough cloth, But any such pro-jtenderly on your lap and gently ing as punishment hardly would, tbe-wiss, ae When she does view TV you mignt O1en Wisely hold her [ns then, But to deny view.| sh down her offending hand. roceed in similar ways at other strategic times, as when she's tired or irritable, though you hardly would wish to stay with her long or often at bed time, You can't hope to induce her to color or put together puzzles -- watching TV, It just won't work, APPETITES SAVE FUSS LUTON, England (CP) -- A party of 25 local schoolchildren) ate their way out of trouble twice on a recent trip to Mos- cow, When told they could not take Polish cherries into Rus- sia, they sat down at the front- jer and ate two pounds each. On the return journey they were not allowed to take Polish money into East Germany, 50 they spent it all on candy and ate that before crossing the) border, | Clearance of all (965 Clairtone Hi-Fi Sets Choose from our huge stock displayed on four showroom floors, Free storage until required, Use our F R E EDECORATING SERVICE in connection with your purchases. OUR OWN BUDGET TERMS Bros FURNITURE COMPANY 63 KING ST. E. PHONE 725-3514 RDANA DUSTERS ORTEO STYLES; PRINTS A&A sate Price $2.99 NOIR COAT AND GOWN BY OURS: TROPIC BLUE, PETAL ULAR $15.00, save price $8.99 ON TRICOT NEW SHORT LENGTH -- BY RSAY", BANLON LACE TRIM SALE PRICE $2.99 MATCH SLIP), SIZES--S, M. L. sat pce $1.99 | WHAT A MEMB IN CHAMBERS FOOD CLUB CAN DO FOR YOU All This and 1, Gueranteed Sevings Prices guorenteed not to go up. during month. Alweys lower than the 4 largest supermarket chains. Shows how much you save 2. Food Rescue Service We will replace free of eherge, foods purchased that are no longer edible due to freezer breakdown, 3. Free Food Storage If you are moving, or away on long vacation, we will store your food for as long a3 2 months, without eherge. 4, Free Quick-Freezing Service We will quick-freeze eb. solutely free, ony lorge amount of food your freezer can't handle 5. Pree Food Delivery All food orders over $25 will be delivered to your home without cherge. 6. Satistection Guerenteed If not sotistied with quality ef food purchased, we will refund money or reploce food More! ... 7, Free Sickness ond Accident Benefits will detiver to. your syne $50 of food every month up to 12.) months, absolutely free if you ore unable to work due to ac- cident or sickness, 8.' Member Leid Off Work or On Strike or Sick If money is owed, payment can be extended up to 3 months to help you through your troubles, 9. Accident or Sickness Too lf member should have fat- al accident or sickness, his debts to the club will be poid by us, 10, Food Credits Credits worth up te $10 ere given for recipes pub- lished in our Bulletin, Cred- its worth $10 ore given for nome of prospect which leads to sole of freezer ond Club membership. 11, Plant Shopping You can shop in person et our Food Plants on 3 ERSHIP nights o week and on Sat urdays, You con pay by cash or Instant Chorge, 12. Budget Terms and Instant Charge Budget Terms are available for purchase of food deliv- ered to your home, Terms are for 2 months and there is a small carrying charge, Instent Cherge is available through our cashiers to members who like to shop at one of our 5 Food Plants, 13, Deposit Accounts Chambers Deposit Accounts poy 3% interest on mini- mum monthly balance (cal- culated semi-annually.) 14, Free Consulting Service Any member moy phone us for advice on keeping and freezing foods. 15, Chambers Schoo! of Cookery These helpful sessions ore held several times o year, They cover cooking and cut- ting of meats, new recipes and how to make best use of your freezer, NEW 22 CU, FT. FREEZERS FROM 194,00 "IF YOU ALREADY OWN A FREEZER OR REFRIGERATOR FREEZER COMBINATION YOU TOO, MAY BECOME A MEMBER, PHONE OR COME IN FOR FULL PARTICULARS NO OBLIGATION, For Complete Details PHONE 723-1163 OR COME IN OSHAWA PLANT - 933 RITSON RD. SOUTH OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. te 6 PLM, TUES,, THURS. FOOD CLUB > FRI, TH DO PLM, c Two new shirts 'Lage that will PD, make yards with the "Young Adult" \ & You'll really score in these two new Fall '65 shirt styles "Lady Mane hattan"' has lined up at Walker's, For smooth good looks they defi- nitely belong in your back-to-school wardrobe kickoff! Top: DURA-SMOOTH DRESS SHIRT -- This permanently pressed shirt will never need ironing. Emerges from every washing and drying with that freshly-ironed look, 65% Dacron® and 35% cotton, it's a true wash 'n wear wonder. Has a convertible collar and long sleeves with single cuffs, White, pink or blue, 1028. .;..cccsvscesseeesesseees vsealy O98 Bottom: "COUNTRY COUSINS" SHIRT -- A candy striped cotton with a shirt tail bottom, Authentic "Ivy" button-down collar, Has long sleeves with barrel cuffs. A yoke back and placket front. Very academic. Peppermint striped in red/white or blue/white. 10-16. only 4.98 FASHION SHOW .. . Don't miss Walker's fashion show -- featuring fashions for every member of the family -- at the Canadian National Exhibition. Held daily at two p.m, in the Queen Elisabeth Building, Free admission. Where Good Taste In Fashion Is Not Expensive Daily 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m, Thursday and Friday 9:30 to 9 p.m. PHONE 728-4626

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