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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Aug 1965, p. 14

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Se coulda Leet de aaa ada 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturday, August 28, 1968 "Times Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Inve stment" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 11--Pets and Livestock |17--Female Help Wanted |17--Female Help Wanted BUSINESS SERV Ch DIREC | ORY shite : __ByR ASCOT [iota omer om fs ar eee : ii . LR a Rl nici ts Y Hah oP ey SEE awn p ' ' AM i : ' y, Ags a C | | c prec ce ia roa "Sace Britiany Spaniel pups. EXTRA EXPENSES 'ov awl ow om - Papers lal lity mone dogs, Qua Sowers 623-51 , : or EXTRA TIME? ' Be ceca Meh ; , " = u i [POODLES -- Black, mele, twelve, weeks NEED EXTRA INCOME? Accountants Barristers Gardening and Supplies (TY--Radio Repairs f a: = ee mae, needles, $100, Telephone | 'al a N ce a "4 rr = 7 i ; eiiilaiied Investgate N AND CO. Chort od HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, end HILL-)'WE aig TO ye AGAIN" \ ' ¥ } |. |PUREBRED registered dachshund iti posed ding fing stveok Meste Gul MAN, 'Barristers: Soliciions, 36th King EXCELLENT he ) th Heal lsmer weaxe cee Remmi' Temcnon : $2 ook to earn $40 to or . Perkin, CA) Ring Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, "BLUE GRASS SOD" v i r hey H Whitby 468-5083. weekly, port time. Pitt's corm CA. peer "witem tbs 0 Dr HOntohtovs BALLOT Omics! "Check i quality in the field : / 4 ) } ABRAHAM LINCOLN WAS BORN BORDER COLLIES, Terriers and Fox : FOR INFORMATION CALL jail, B. i J, 0, Humphreys, BA, ' : ec ec vi * , er a Je ; LIMCOLM WAS pape * CREDIT LTD 725-1188; Residences; 725-4604; Whitby,| "All Green" Nursery Sod ECONOMY AND B : TH ACABIK WH BUT ONE DOOR. Chinwehuas $25 10 S100, belivered' Port ' ) bo . Whitby 668-4303 tered Accodnt. +4326; H 4 Snte Licensed "Trustee, 7 Bond. Siree!lont iret morigcge funds evelinoe. "| Growers, Townline North, DELUXE ' rie AND OHE SMALL WINDOW. PAARL «tov ' Bast. "Telephone 72-4833, Y, mile in of Taunton Priced' to suit your budget, vi : ' ty |PONIES -- Regisiered American Shel- ; Se we oe fe te, oan eesing Trades WB TERMS ARRANGED 4 : ENN |nesteeihene issn" 8a] Hos a permanent position | Oshawa 728-2403 secon B Winsns AS. Es. eens : Oshawa 735-9674 ae MM |S sas ; PART-TIME cashier reared, Roply en mond Sorrows, EXPERIENCED gardener will care tor a : 4 Wns { -- Faaggecmge mae orc soci ila Out EEE| 1006 Discount [maim motersaracc| OSHAWA TV | Aas é feat, oan ge ae 3 sreONRT Pan Ing, D i" . Y j js A rince Street Suite a. Oshawa, (@] iscoun oP - \ Stoizensels Kennelis, RR 1, Brooklin, Matures conectiitens obi + rears, A ant AT Pi y Ontario, Telephone 722-1221. peli bod ole ; SUPPLY LIMITED f ; NB ental : 132, Oshawa Times, YALE, FRI ScaNbN. AND €O., On All Orders reean (RIL aimping aren Ar aay 361 GIBBONS ST. i : \ : 24) se) sndelen 860, Telephone tasiansn CLERK-TYPIST BILL your spare Titer Ball Reales Bo Chartered Accountants, ewes Trus- Remodelling, carpentry, til- rf inf 4 if ' be x ne tees in Sankruptcy, 328 Simcoe Street; airtite Sania, elec- Whitby wie. bia iat bela j - WHAT 15 ONE OF THE i] |SHEPHERD PUPS, no papers) two pure c cee ie oa oe a od North, Oshawa, 728-7371. 9, Di ' igecscabii GREAT FUNCTIONS \\ white males; three black and silver; 88, Station C, Montreal or phone: Oshawa HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO, Char| trical work, roofing, eaves- |TREE TO TRIM? Call Slim. Or Vil cut 728 8] 80 ' OF INDUSTRIAL LE: three beige with black mafkings. Alax! If you have Grade 12 ed- |725-98%6. tered Accoun Financial Trade ae troughing, Plastering, cement [them down Free estimates, 725-5118 or! iT RESEARCH 962-2305, HA Ry experienced, full time, ing, 187. Ki Nr ast, Oshawa, Om) work of all kinds, Aluminum Mrikawateer ene temncewnerinnsebeteme Ce $ GOZY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, German ' F Greig'a Hale Styling & i, tari, 725-2507; §. T. Hopkins, CA; H. A. THOUSANDS of eyes search f $ : Ao SRANSUME SIE p00 ShORTATIL. "Tenlateres, °. trae; ucation and like to meet vling, Sowmanville, Tele Beadle, CA; '° vkow, CA, Bere ied windows, e Classified Columns every day. TELEVISION - RADIO SHRIMP Gets 15 NAME FROM Hon We aaslncaar tick, pone: Ste poe Ree a 4 | philic TE ene GORDON R, DAY, Ceriified General pe reer earn ane ean your eter. panos Ie . . FHE PRAYING MANTIS, WHICH TT oF AE MAM OTHE | TALLEST ---- [born 655-4662 evenings. people. We can offer you |18--Mate Help Wanted Accountant, Suite 205W, Oshawa Shop-| serve 24 HOUR SERVICE SEEMS 40 RESEMBLE. SAREET. bran Aa ig les W "eeepeane (6 pasate sc. Dinh es Wanted interesting and varied ping Centre, 725-9953, Sid NELLIS' HOME Instruction BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service . TAN 0 ng Pe Ryans inns Wedd ew roe org Beer age a TWO i Ice, 184 Bond IMPROVEMENTS OSHAWA ' [WANTED old 'barns aad barn sidings Sitcer"Wesks Ta8009T, Res. 723-7605. -- Oshowa --~ 728-2061 DRIVING SCHOOL HOLMES | lecmeas <n a a baat Brit -- work, with good salary EXPERIENCED Peterbo! h 745-2184 10 years teaching driving H 4 so A ition, Wri Barristers ee eh gutemetie and ieanaard cors. ELECTRONICS 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale neh __|qiving'"aetalts to.'3. Vewine 200 Heslop and benefits. NeOTBBON, ond BASTEDO, Barr Barriers | "QUALITY CARPENTRY Drlorienal hatructors, -- ------------ Road, Milton, Onterio. RS lortgages arranged. National Hust °Bt nding HY emt, "Se;| GENERAL REPAIRS 728-0091 of a ee BICYCLES WRECKING 13--Articles for Rent 773361, Charles C. McGibbon, ' iI Experienced preferred -- for Edgar F. edo, QC; Grant H. Arm- Roofing, Painting, Siding, ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME Ca p p ans lela Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec. |WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, ew duel : Whitby -- 668-5679 | Standard features include, HOUSES RENTALS but not essential, HYDRAULIC Praag Tos onnen tae Kine' sires Rooms, General home remod- fee tally licensed and insured, 668-61 teh chain guard, Perry Coaster OF ALL KINDS E Oshawa, 728-8232. | el-ing. .All_ work errs PIANO <> Classical and popular' Con-| MOT DIPPED GALVANIZED brakes and silver brazed at F : BACK HOES JAMES, MACDONALD, BA, LLB, Bar| H, McKOY 5-8576 lfact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street. Dial TV. TOWERS frames arid forks. PARK RD & KING SANDING MACHINES or appointment - Te Ay eg Rg lg java Sen SS ' ' From $34.95 Up ig Oscillating sanders, disc sand- Oshawa, Ontario. len Parking avail. THE \Jenitor S Siivics ARE THE BEST! aad ers, belt sanders, floor sand- call @ Good hours able, a or - Fe . -- 4Y SETTLE FOR LESS! : ers. i EREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, ond} R. H, CABINET CO. [ATTENTION HoUSEWivEsi Fast, eco iy is LAWN MOWERS BURK. STREET PLUMBER'S TOOLS @ Union wages. VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries! 1414 CHARLES ST., WHITBY y Pp | 'ods, pi ise ing, $i ' modern machine, Free estimates, Work oe eee aie ipe cleaning rods, pipe v ny Ph Street 'Worthy "Oshewo,, 7ayadusy TK. lone o te Light, dependable ond power- BF er f : irs , ti tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe one . ' ful, Adjustable cutting height materials for sale. Salesman | i Street North, raysue; TK 668-6911 guaranteed. 728-7736. rere Creighton, 3 1G. cutters, pipe threading dies, lg re a Murd "i Kitchen cabinets Vanities, Mortgages TELEVISION from 1' to 3', Chrome plat- on job 8 to 8. | toilet auger. ' < 123- 2208 gages tes: Sara Baler |-- Cusfom Dullt Soblet MORTGAGE Corner Bond and Division sg prin $39.95 U or phone 725-4171 anytime Prive vol ashe ee ~ OFFICE HELP sacri GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solicl ern 1 728-5143 rom . p | P g . tors, etc. 114 King Street East. Dial) ALL TYPES building, rooting repairs tension ladders, ladder jacks id odeli 'himneys, new and re ---- if id Wea har teens' Kellys BA. BCL] [pnired: "sidewatk and concrete. repairs Mo Pag ia Janssen's Power steel scaffolding, compres- Married Woman for TENDERS WANTED " Whitby 668-2774, Gord M oney for first mortgages ' ors I v ' Pretty ee | eBRtie Concrete floors, fiat roofing,| Open Mortgages IV SERVICE Equipment Centre eth sono "ty geval SUNDER. AWG Qa > § \" o steamers, arpaulins, ow Cl i | Offi WwW. k t di fo! MANAGER f our speciaity. New work and repairs.| Interest at 7% DAY OR EVENING H fed drill Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- erica ice Vor edie dst oF , wL. end Hi, Rootin eavy woterproote rill, D torches, propane torches. ss it) ified R pasPeonetrucliony (OR 3, 728-6997 8] No Bonus 728-5286 sewn-in floor, reor window Ferguson Riding Tractors. WELDING EQUIPMENT saa Este Cyne Classified Rates lgusTOM remodellina, celling and" Tloor No charge for valuations with storm flap, dutch door Service on all power equip- Acetylene welding outfits, Experienced in handling cash. si 4 Illes, recrooms, siding, additions, ga-| Mortgages and Agreements OSHAWA with awning ment. Licensed mechanic on 200 amp. electric welders. Good mathematics and abil- 4 Duties to commence Oct. 10, org ee ak Sa wanda. etn LAER Slbbonras. Beer fopee purchased _ ELECTRONICS - From $39.95 Up duty : a BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT ity to meet the public an 1965. Lowest or any tert er ---- 'or * 7 Ba af additional words 4/ze each) 3. con. yO ag Money for second mortgoges 843 King West 728-9429 | Cement mixers, finishing asset. Experience in credit not necessarily accepted, secutive Insertions of 24 words $2.8 trowels, wheel barrows, elec- interviews desirable. Five day Tenders will close at a Fast service. > | AERIALS | 12 additional words 2c each, 6 com |PLASTERING REPAIRS and Pe al sl | @ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone ' M ine! i sceitive, insertions of 24 words $4.32, |Free estimates. Telephone 123-1691, DOMINION a G san : | tric virator, air compressor, week. Must include Friday o'clock noon SEPT, 15, 1965. el MF SWART RON'S TV le se" much @. Buliding Metericla| TT, Viator, air compressor, wash. Mut include words \8¢ each. |CARPENTRY of all kinds, cement work, hgh ae ere ngs : . vn Ae | -water pumps, portable heat- enders to be mailed to MRS, TIRE STORE Free 24-hr. Burner Service | ers, steel scaffolding, electric Apply MRS. BOWMAN M. |. WILSON, Secretary | | jnew gheree " Rg "of a we patio atin AR SS REEL OREO DES ROO Oshawa, Ontario. ' ne ~ Less than 7 EXPERT PAVING, 2c. square foot In- 723-4697 words counts as 24 words; each word, cludes grading and fill, two-year gueran- All) Work Guaranteed 723-7521 Whitby's 'Only Local Texaco Dealer generator, ramset, power rol- Treasurer, Box 87, SUNDER- CALL 668-3524 LAND. 48 Bond St, West Fe lers, electric hammers, mas- RON BRIGHTLING Telephone 725-6511 | SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED | onry saw, building jacks, are. BRQS. initial, figure or abbreviation counts fee. Terrano Paving, 723-5841, as one word) phone number counts |¥OUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim- two words, Ineys built and repaired; gas ner i | SUMMERLAND = A.M. -- 9 P.M. 244,Brock St. South } if ired, F timates. | Ss SOHN : Gas EN ne a ae sal > PUGH TS mortar mixers, mortar boxes, S BIRTHS. -- DEATHS ~ |raa2Mer. ee SECURITIES EXHIBITION SEWING |POODLE, biack, male, 10 weeks old, rea-| chain hoist, miter saws, elec- 80 King St., East. SO soctat NOTICES |FOR ROOFING, chimneys, Poaceae | 112 Simcoe St. North FAST TY. SERVICE MACHINE. SPECIALS istered, all needies, $100. Telephone! tric plane, tarpaulins, 14' : -------- Permanent positions, ex " 0 (@) and repairs, Free estimates, Tele- 26% King St. East W_ 12 Year's Experience w E E R R S s y Whitby 668-5426 re ote inserti ith 28 cents ad- f ¢ t k, Frank McCann,| - >t | band Pee | oiner, d Hialeah at Sata) Rh se acta aba" | Oshowe, Orton = 725-3568 | Service Call nly $2.50 | (UAETEINE SURTIALS, lot ano aurioue gas orsaw'ma| pond sow, A" Ioiner sand | SAL ESLADY scutive secretory Osawa, ~ a e 5 ' ired, Telephe 8.9973 oF, ' days. Aa CARPENTRY -- brick, blocks, er. Mortgage Money DOMINION te Ge Fines accu ra sore a) Sean ale alae : bookkeeping machine op- IN MEMORIAMS C Available TELEVISION Authorized dealer, OSHAWA -- Iprushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 S pe N 'S For ladies ready-to-wear. Ex- erator Oshawa, Girl Fri- SEWING CENTRE, 329 Sim- [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, perienced in coats, suits, | day Whitby, Clerk-typ- $2.00 for the first 35° words and S¢ 7 ' mee Verge 'se adalionaleharoe not bai Sidewalks remodeling, recrogms.. ree] Low Interest | 728-5154.9 a.m. to 9.p.m.| coe St, South, 728-2391. {Pickering SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD.| dresses and sportswear. ist Whitby, T verse 25¢ aditional charge if not paid | i ' itby, va Ye within g days. mates: A. ¢ Woods, 728-3420 or _All work guaronteed ROY a HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and used, 223 King St. West, Oshawa : 4 facil member Ontario ' BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture $2%7, No down, payment. oe ve PHONE 723-3224 Apply Mornings only. tice on electric ma- 8 Dial : O5) - chines for temporary TARDS OF THANKS NEED A new floor? Phone Whitby ot Mortgage Brokers Association FALL SEASON SOON and appliances... Goald's, Euranures }Dial 728-4242 a r dach thereafter, with 25c additional yard goods, tile and ceramic wall tile,| PRIVATE and corporate monies tor all TV CHECK-UP NOW 1965 SUZUKI BO, Iwelve hundred miles, WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni-| Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish+ B LAC K S assignments, Call 668- 81 COMING EVENTS Cartage |Murdoch and Victor. (See 'Barristers".) a R | O RCV RICLING THA a | South, 723-167) Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal stem, ¢ o ulo ; first 20 words and S¢ each thereafter. [JOHN'S MOVING, Storage and Cartage.| agreements purchased and sold. Hennick| TELEVISION Call Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 468-2200 jaaleetion, $3, weekly. Wilson Furniture,| Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Services equipment for sale, We deliver. Call S E S . hi a 0. Elect 1.B.M,.) 42.10 PER INCH INSERTION Dentistry Optomet ieee Gee wicdvie. cosh 7 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 For ladies ready to wear. TUD NT. All work guaranteed. 'S11 Dean| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- 40-Mt,/ 725.4434, Grate 10 te 11 preferred, WORD ADS appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441, 1723-41 Well Drilling--Digging dive, Inatalted; tak included, Buaren uate Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West.|quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Apply mornings. CHARTERED ACCOUNT. BIRTHS AND DEATHS wear. High quality work. Call Agnes') PAINTING AND sNictore aikchannel- antenna instalved,(Simcoe Street South, 725-6611. Open 'till Simcoe Street Nort DELOITTE, PLENDER, $2.00 for the first 35 words and. Se (2527. We specialize in corlon and Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481. charge if not paid within 8 days. Free estimation, Work guaranteed, mortgages. Mortgages and agreements 7 qualified. servicemen. excellent condition, $300, Whitby 668-3176, ture or anything you have, The City es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee LADIES' WEAR LTD. f t Tae] : : Wear, Men's Formals, White $2.10 per Inch (display) $1.50 for the FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Sale| matic, Try for one month for ay $3.50, |$208.--THREE ROOMS of furniture, Best , (Word Ads.) reasonable rates, futly insured. Call/and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street] Church Street. ee Whitby 668-2200 es - Be chdustshbolevia ea i DEADLINES |BIALEK, DR. C."B., Dental Surgeon. RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 b Simcoe Avenue, Telephone 725-0500 structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower! |ENTERTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred r 5pm. DAY PREVIOUS teed one year, $50. See all towers at| 728-973) Facilities, bar kitchen, parking, Reason- LOST AND FOUND tile, W. Ward, 204 Chestnut sion, 728-5143-4 Honda, Allstate, Bridgstone. All in CHAIRS, cara and banquet tables, church 72 Simcoe » St. _North invited from both University 9 a.m. day of publication Mahatma aOR DECORATING 2--Personal $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, 361)? P.m |WHEEL CHAIRS, | or Salesladies Removal of s ainertlu ous. hair ae 7 300 Montrave Ave, Apt, 9, Phone! aid Rentals) | 1644, 3 Experienced only. emova ur uou! low PAINTINGS. Landscapes, | portraits. jely 0315. | HASKINS & SELLS | | jor sale purchased, Creighton, Drynan, 611 p.m |Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street z 72 Simeoe North Secretarial Overload 1 ans a | 7 AUCTION SALES bani rl | eet, ranrase 728-5143 |SWIMMING POOL -- "chemicals cn4|FYPEWRITER, porlabio, $30) standara,| SARGEANT'S RENTALS STOCK CLERK * $35. t city TV TOWERS, antennas, also re-|!i98% ltypewriter, $40. Electric cash register. 112, Simcoe Siraet North, Oshawe. For|Sireet North, Sulte 6 Oshawa, T lincluded,' single 'all-channel-antenna com-\GUNS -- Bougin, sold, traded, repalred| people? Oshawa Tennis Club Wishing to qualify as i - - ' ANT. i icati |Dressmaking Painting ond E Decorating [WELL DIGGING by Fr aching | Specializing) TRIO Television, corner Bond and Divi-jUsED MOTORCYCLES and scooters, |able rates. 728-6315. : 4 BLACK'S LADIES WEAR NTS required, Applications 9 am. day of publication Se oR Eon RTA QU eR ERS? in 30-inch ° te DRESSMAKING -- "All kinds. of lads' Street West, Whitby 668-2563 oF 668-2009. Fy -TOWERS SPECIAL aboot tower | cellent" condition, the cycle Shop, 'Silaisie runners, "Cleve Fox Rentals, 412) ---- rte and Grade: Mil aendasian DRESSMAKING -- high. quality work. | : --------|Gibbons Street, 728-8180 1960 BSA with new 1958 motor. $850. Ap-|reducing machines, sick room. supp CLASSIFIED DISPLAY veh INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Marie Murduff will be in /figure work, custom picture framing OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous arene . meee FREE ESTIMATES | Oshawa. Sept. 13th... L4th Clark Studio, evenings and bi 1969 McGUINESS house tralier @) x S nie DRESSM -- High -quatity wor " ne elaine eee i 1 [668-4497, 325° Brock North, Whi hitch, full ipped, sie - fbeasndesics CANCELLATIONS: AND ORESEMAKING. High-quality are DODD & SOUTER | 15th, Phone. Genosha_ Hotel hs v MOMt-wtctrle cloves ane Perr iaeratarct | App! Se DAY C on ~~ dates for appoint BUYING OR SELLING 'furniture oF ap like ig Che for cash, Mr. Berra VARIETY AND Pry |pliances, Call Elmer, Hampton 263-2294 or 728-2061 7 Simcoe St. South 9 AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION [Telephone 778 668-5862 | - Be ah eee rani men | 263-2695 BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- S0c DRESSMAKING ~ Suits, coats, dresses,|PAINTING AND DECORATING, cheaper | - j Me Pecaiice aie covert: Seumese BW RiCalae hls chianaye eee Aen ELECTROLYSIS [Desks FOR STUDENTS. Many sven [GIBSON GUITAR, (GI, very o0od co: GROCERY BUSINESS | vas are kee While every endeavor will be made specialty. Mrs, Toms, Whitby, 668-2372. |guaranteed, 723-3317 723- 4641, |Best selection; lowest prices from $17.77.) 0!!!0) siddeabhd Mb Large modern store grossing [motheriess home. One or two children| ' ' to forward replies to dox numbers to SUE UBER ros : Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. | BIGGEST EVER! --- Perms, morning) $84,000 yearly and going up. welcome. Live in, After 5, telephone Require Experienced accel x cMeblly. oh Tease! of Gardening and | Supplios Plumbing and He Heating RIDE "wanted by indy te 'om Osnawa to FLOOR' COVERING "CLEARANCE "orjonly, ($5. Ladies! dresses. two for $5.1 Rent is $65 monthly with a [Port Perry 9852170. ieee: ' i 2 a -- ickering arriving 8.30. Telephone between discontinued patterns. sias' in} ind re [ t $ ; aah alter faiece or Guley th tore pom hag nH and healing. supplies. |p ands pm, 728 44nd price from 27c, per ff. Wilson Furniture, |first floor up. 725-9356 | -900d lease, This is 9 private eee eee wrcacisol) deve 6.30 to. 4 Spray Painters warding sueh pepliss; however, ceused | "THIS cs THAT" eet ang 25-3821, Marold WH. Stark Ud, SRANEPORTATION' avaliable Te aswm |%0 church Street |REFRIGERATOR -- small Frigidaire, in| Sale at o rock bottom price, Telephone 728-3520 after 4. whether by negligence ur otherwise tien Street South, town Toronto. Vicinity of University and|REFRIGERATOR "Westinghouse", apart.-|very good chaaitians 40, TeNpniNe (Arles | wish to cleon up my |WanreD co Foie in Osnawa and dis} 'n Wood finishing department, the Tha WHIT ret. be feaponeinle: tor pss : _ |College. Leaving Whitby 7 a.m. Call/ment size, Also electric range, apartment|0195 after 4.30. | estate to move to Nova trict to show our luxuri Chrismtas! Apply: eplies uncalled for in 20 days LAWN SEEDS PUT AWAY a tidy sum. "by "renting Hed ba 4928 aise Excellent condition, $40 each. Call SERVICE as you like it, when you need it, Scotia. $4,900 plus stock of cards to friends and neighbors. No ex ss rr - ag pare room with a Times Action Want) ---- sauna 728-3555 Check the up-to-the-minute Business Ser . 4 perience needed, Our exciting catalogue REGULATIONS FERTILIZERS ae , srpnene 723-1492 and put one to 5- ~Trailers COLOR television, 2)-inch RCA, Also Spar-|vice Directory daily In the Classitied| opproximately $2,500. To the [Tilstrates over 300 items in. tull color, SKLAR The Oshawa Times wil! not be re PEAT MOSS eos ey - _- ton stereo, Both four months old, Same) Section proper party | would accept jimaking it easy to get plenty of orders. F tis . C See arranty as new set, Sacrifice price. a ,. 'jazz Master', ce 2,500 down, to on a Earn extra money this way, Write today sponsible for errors in. advertise. BIRD BATHS Rug: "Upholstery Service 'Service | COOKS ~ Bey i [GUITAR "Fender "Jazz "Master" con: $ i a 6% | Earn extra money this way. Write today FURNITURE CO. © alterations, pant cuffing | Tel. 728-7527 1 column -- 4 p.m. day previous 2 col- Telephone 728-0570 | Broadloom, Custom Droperies for appointment ments submitted otherwise than in ; jcert amplifier and reverberator mortgage eae Ears. 0 seoreval is writing not for more than one inser WEED KILLERS = | |RECONDITIONED used refrigerators, separately, Telephone Whitby 668-4897 TELEPHONE 16 217, Cannon, Hamilton, ee Mr. Max Rosenheck | | tion of any advertisement nor be - treet, a es pahiactd Yond e. price _cacae._ for 8 sinale BUG KILLERS | OSHAWA TRAILER SALES GeRereet tie ee Byram Freeh 58 AUER SE iaca ede Gavia Dee 723-6254 ARN WiTRA-MONEY. Rho Conndns insertion in whic error occurs. COW MANURE CLEANERS jette suite; Hoover polisher. A few misce!l- '9--Market Basket reasonable annual returns; located in an illustrated samples The Osnawa Times reserves the right PURINA DOG MEALS Ru id Uphol qg and Upholstery Clean- . ' > : to classify. advertising according to MASTER DOG MEALS bee ke p vi ar se Clearance sale starts today, |laneous articles left, Telephone Whitby ____ | active farm town, Store is situated on alon approval and the fastest service.| For part-time duties at pres- tts proper classification > AS 3 c | pl ° you' Buy now and save | 668-8587 ORDER FOR FREEZER, roasting chick-| (279° 112 x 150 foot lot with combined|Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 1253 King} ent. Future full time duties. >1I1R home | 2 only 15' citations. F 7 7) i- + Toasting CHICK ltiving quarters of three bedrooms, kit-|Street, East, Hamilton, Ontario ' a dvertisement \ y REEZER "Gold Seal' in good cond s, four pounds $1.35; three pounds $1.15. The times will not be held repo: | PET SUPPLIES | CALL 725-9961 only 170 raniblar. jtion. Best offer. Teleohone 728-3310. Delivery on order of ten or more. Tele-|qmn, "ving room and four-piece, bath. EXPERIENCED hairdresser_wanted, AD- Write for details to: sible for more space 'han that which | 94 BRUCE STREET | 2 only 15' Canadians, |USED FRIGIDAIRE, good condition. phone 728-5291 |$29,000, 'Terms fo sult reilable buyer, |PlY Riviera Hairstyling, 136 Simcoe South, P.O. BOX 415 Tani eeaaree so repromoce aii We PLAY SAND CHESTERF! 2 only 16' Glenelles (fully |C@ll_after_5.30, Whitby 668-6140 POTATOES, $1.45 bushel) also. fresh|Contact Harvey Hogan, Brooklin 655-3663, |/2#-P651. Good _working hours and wages. "7. Ishers endeavor to reproduce alt a: HES ae FIELDS fe-upholstered and re- +d) OUTBOARD 3 HP Viking, $70) four |vegetables. Free delivery for OshawalD. W. MeQuay, Realtor SINCERE, young woman to help care Oshawa, Ontario. ee as eatin 4 any Hh BR a ited be aA ket gata ll ater ; tires; $90-13, with two rims, $12. Whitby|and Bowmanville area, 728-1306 ---- for two children; light ing, live Bee ee ee ae contained COOPER - SMITH for recovering Dalton Uphoistering, 75 | only 17' Glendette (show- | 4g¢-04s CORN 35 cenls dozen, Green or yellow 15--Employment Wi Wanted [in Good home. Telephone 725:5194, LICENSED MECHANIC therein, COMPANY room condition BOX TRAILER, Allstate, @ x 6. Lights, beans, 6 at. 35 c Cucumbers. Bring| youn@ MAN wil -------- HOUSEKEEPER for home with two rabble hada "upholstered and re-| Open evenings 'til 9:30. p.m. {spare wheel' and. fire. Oak desk andjown containers, R. V. McBurnie, Har-| YOUN ean h nto PY fsgted a school-age children, four-day week, Per- 5; k Any advertisement cancelled etre 16 GELINA STREET 'on Tecaveting Deter st ate ni Closed on Sunda chair, and furniture, Telephone 728-4061,|mony Road North. 2¥2 miles north of] [eciteraniy Gayonll. Retereteer a eilaig|manent. position, Down town, Call eve-| requried 52 day week. publication will 'be charged one day's | i Charles Street 723 m2 is tla a Ua Phone 723 9534. |HREE ROOMS or furniture, $700.50. No Taunton Road, limmediately. Telephone 723.4129. nings, 723-9430. Good working condition. Apply insertion. i ; . / Bd said cd GAO rey hone > ity o4149. aa Sa EPP e Berea ear et | 723-1139 |CHESTERFIELDS" and "aid chairay ve. |down payment, $15 monthly at Honest|SWEET CORN -- Excellent for freezing. | EXPERIENCED tallor, willing to do work | BABYSITTER fo live in and care tor four AL. PRESTON'S IT'S EASY TO PLACE A cared' ie. ne oy Mac|TRAILER HITCHES made and installed,|Cal's, 424 King West, 728-9191 Three dozen, $1. Art Found, Prestonvale/in' own home or business establishment.(scncoreue, Children, ane pre-school | aoe. : } We Deliver Oe on Unie a tee Centr fas Balsa. all types of welding done, reaton:| 3 ; Road, two miles south of No, 2 HIQh-|s4y °Olive Avenue East 72%3701 Light housework. Both parents working. SUNOCO SERVICE TIMES ACTION WANT AD ---- cere | Call Tecan Pree street able, Portable equipment for rent. 723 SUMMER SALEI Tent 9" x 157, wall way, After 5.30 p.r _.|One child welcome. Phone 723-3152 Call Classified Direct idl biti 6840 type, $49.95. 12 HP Alto, motor, $0.1) eC ewT quality organically grown| WHITBY @ for working moth-|ReLiABLE, kind lady to mind two chil: 725-2552 FOR | LUSH GREEN LAWNS RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Establish! 2 eae a a square stern canoe, $59.; used guns and quatity organicaily 9 lers, in own home, reasonable rates. Tele- 83 aay 3.45, Monday + 723-3492 ad 17 years. Complete range of materials Becalplat a' x attached porch, fishing tackle, Valley Creek, 16 Bond|vegetables for pickling, freezing, cook j|Phone | Whitby 66846673 dren, her home, 8.30 to ionday to 1 si a ng and salads are now read Wax and S 0 D Workmanship, guaranteed five years. Free! [Wifey son a7s2 full size bath, Telephone Street West ie iC Gorn PRR acer - VY, % dampton 263-2204, finest line of Christmas Cards, wraps, Simcoe St. North LIKE NEW! Two-tone beige Kitchen din-|"U9 '2 x 11" beige. Hampton 263-220./--- ay --csinessahowinginevettion ete. Over 900 stems, For trees CARETAKER Friday, Vicinity Gladstone, Bond or King t Cr : = _-- ig F i We to Centre, 728-4890. Cc Oo @) K estimates, Credit terms, Mattresses re- CHESTERFIELD SUITE. Best offer, For|marrows, squash and tomatoes at whole: 7 female | 'Help anted EERIE INDEX TO at "tn re-finished. Oshawa Up-/CABIN TRAILER -- (small), excellent information telephone 723-9701 |sale prices. Satisfaction guaranteed be ay bi abl lair AL as ake BA. Reliable, for Part or holsterin mpany, ? | t 4 ' lett tate: _ 4 ¥ i ' Loid ond De + olsg esas company: 2 Dean Avene erane TOS nar' sn "eT USED BEDE. Si: opy ued soy 10 CMS Rhames artes] WAITRESSES mite Fal: a <= otio | ~ ve iu $149. t » peeing ermenanepeeneeesnanemineeenintete| CLASSIFICATIONS Cedar Hedges, ys s Loid ----|ONE house trailer for sale, sasiscal Bite, ornate eat i aa west to Sprucehill. Road then BABYSITTER required to care for five- Scott's Chicken Villa <olleniats Cities and Delivered wy 'and Service with electric brakes, toilet, heater, hitch.|chairs, $3.75; new china cabinets, $37.|S0uth to emtrance. Morcrof! Organic REQUIRED i Giaaen and Wilson area, Ki 2_Personal CALL | USED | BICY ------ |WIN sell_reasonably. Telephone 728-2805,/up; wardrobe, $25. up: lamps, trunks, hag Open weekends. Come up and 7 ee, 301 Dundas W., Whitby 3--Sportsman's Column MAPLE LEAF" } CYCLES ---- |TV's, washers, retrigeratots, sera. me-| i i " ALSO |MOTHER'S staat for general house- 668-6801 rane APLE L BOUGHT AND sou < G--Mariee Rquipment _ laeLercen nr com ES WmaNCceeto ee) AO I es aes 6--Marine Equipment ne R tl | ane ~ da oat - i" "TNR muneraiton, one , bd dscapin nd Garden Service epairs to all makes of bi- |i} MODEL -- 6 HP M 1 . | i ?--Swap and Barter Lencenping nd) Go waribiscal ith fi Lawnenduhe: tannin 1G ST er dowel ercury, elt: Gas~DRYER and vent, Dominion, A-l PLEASE -- Bring containers. Pick your SALAD BAR GIRL RELIABLE woman to care for wo schook| Experienced Saleslady ae aa 725-061 ] POIs. |trailer; 40 miles per hour. Excellent con. condition; rangette; lawn mower: three! own tomatoes, $1 bushel, 25 cents, 6 qt age children and light household duties.) AoMarkat Saset Authoried dealer for Tecum- dition. whithy seagie aiter $30 pairs fiberglas drapes, 50" x 48", blue, basket. Spanish onions, 5 cents. each Atoll PM Live in, $20 weekly, Liberal time off| On dresses, coats and farmer's Colurnn . ar seh, Lavson power products | * sedi, old, beige (new), 728-5507 Corn s dozen pick, green peace Telephone 723-1236. Hy T--Pets and Livestock an BP product 14-FOOT FIBREGLASS runaboul, 28 Hp sweet peppers, $2 bushel, 50 cents 6 at : _____..| sportswear. Apply to AJAX CYCLE and, SPORTS |[évinrude Wiscott" - trailer Wh y | SCOOTER -- Vespa 125. Very good con: basket Scents each Carrots $]_ bus oh | Apply Mr. Campbell RELIABLE woman to care for school-| P PPly | 2--Articles Wanted ba: | 1}--Articies tor Rent FENCING | HARWOOD AVE, N. 660-5930 after 5 p.m dition, windshield, spare wheel, ae las cents 6 qt. basket. W, Eymann, Halt age children and do light household du- Kaye's Sportswear | rit bane orbuntiies a and accessories. Excellent motor mile east of Roy Nichols Garage, cour| O ties, while mother works, Telephone| Gor Telephone 942-1551 |ATWATER 40 Horsepower motor, elec-/ phone 723-4900 _}tice. Go north to Ist corner |GENOSHA H TEL 725-7970. | 68 Simcoe Street North 156 ment Wanted ee Wanted No not just standard galvan- Free pick- up and delivery jtric start. Excellent condition; 16-foot|Ragy CARRIAGE -- Lloyd, blue and ae } + BURGE Coianinnt Gkil cat uel 17=Female-Help Wanted relia . Me cedar strip boat, controls, all _accesso- Tan. Sen' conmitich, a n pine ons FRESH VEGETABLES -- tomatoes, peo: |DOES A "Beauty Counselor" call on you? Oshawa , ized chain link; but, electro ries; trailer, Best offer. Ajax 942 Aig . area, ai . Ra ieee wo | ie da haned ah es ee ee re west ef Oahawa on 40) 'Service. Road. Jor cal for_proguts. Telechone 720930. / RELIABLE, ver, 25 and married i ti . , er , i _ 5 ---- it truck, ai nica 20--Real Estate for Sale ue GG gavomaec < Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime 7--Swap and Barter FURNITURE -- 3 Fooms, new quality WAITRESSES, full time; aiso short) oleae, te ban hikes service pat 20a--Summer Properties weave chain link. Fencing for Or furniture, only $299. Inc. complete bed- 10--Farmer' s oe ' order cooks, Apply to The Manager, Mr.| f sicarie ter Sele chai ' ncing WEED CUTTING and ploughing ~ Tele. |BATHTUBS, | $10; basins 32) 4 Pressure|room, living room, kitchen ensembles F O x S Gude, Voyageur Restaurant, east ole Steady employment. Apply 238 Kaiser M--Lots for Sale longer maintenance free phone 942-1593, Ajax, of 668-2102, Whitby. /systems, $35; sinks, $8.95; cabinets, $35;|Pay only $3 wkly. Unbeatable value! DEAD and crippled farm stock picked] ' Newcastle on 401. Cres. 23--Real Estate Wanted c ee Reasonable «rates boats, motors; trailers (new), $119.50, H, Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S.jup -- promptly Margwi! Fur Farm,| Big "_ = nahn' |STEADY POSITION for \ young man 24--Stores, Off nd St costs. Supplied and installed, ------- mnecneenasesimenssnteinsonsmnoenias | CPU, 7088 ae - ~~ | Tyrone. Telephone Collect Hampton, SOMEONE reliable to help with clean- (neat appearance), for men's ciothi ores, Olea a erage | HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli-| Licence 289 | ng. Half-day, reasonable. Apply 668-2736, |(Peat OPP , "ng 25--Houses for Rent Hardsand Landscaping 725- Septic Service ances, Name brands at highest discounts | 26 -- 45 | Whitby. 'core. Apply Ralph Jewell Men's Wear, ™%--Apartments tor Rent ois - .|8--Articles For Sale anywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever-| FILL SPARE ROOMS wilh paying guesis.| f 3 Simcoe St South | eleoadig hav anaes oe fad Ail 4' : HS SEPTIC TANKS wanes, bromat oar ice sur A ------~- iy mattress furniture lines, Your author-|Dial 723-3492 now for an ad-writer to __. | MOTHERLESS home urgently "coaiceal@h YOURSELF | in' pay, 2 ~ " on calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street BU' ND SELL ~ Good used furniture|ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's, at/help you phrase an ad. |CLERK- TYPIST Fr urea" immediately, housekeeper. Must be reliable. New, mod-/ Training, financing and leads supplied, Guaranteed Cedar Trees West, Whitby 668.2543. aed acsigebire we location only. Pretty/424 King Street West, 728-9191 ---------- -- | preferably mst | reau in bookkeeping,|ern home. Call after .6 p.m. Telephone|Oshawa and district area available. G GREEN AND BUSHY FOR is uraiture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. _ | ADDING machine, typewriters, cashiers,| 11--Pets « and Livestock }Excellent working conditions, Whitby}7225476, Write Mutual of Omaha, 343% George 30--Trucks for Sete | HEDGES ETC. -- FREE ES. joUFveyors -- NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re-|duplicators, chequewriters, . files, desks, | -- _ ---------|area, Reply stating age, experience andi cepsonapLe couple, married, no chik| steno Peterborough, Ont. 33}--Automobiles Wanted TIMATES. QUANTITY OF in. FuIm AND) TROLLOPE, Ontario Lang| Pairs fo all makes. New hoses. Phone|chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and CHESTNUT GELDING sale, seven|salary to Box 428, Oshawa Times, dren, 25 to 35 years old, to manage lead-|REPRESENTATIVE -- Experienced u4--Automobile Repait POSTS AND POLES iciverers, Gk isa airans won io Land pati d ata dane a trade, with budget terms. New and used./years) 15.2. Western oroken.. Bridle, NOW /REL|ABLE BABY SITTER required Tor|ing 'motel, Experience not essential put| Seles representative for Oshawa and. sure 3S--Lost and Found . KES, ere Elg ast ONE | ee os vgn sae Low, tow prices. Bill Hamilton, Ragian.| saddle included. Ajax 942-3463. widowed: 1s hi - tlhe of t wages and > 'nar »moloy-jrounding district. Excellent tine of 'al. 1725-688 ae PEWRITERS, adding machines and wed lady. Two ore 0. WW hool/he'ptul. Bes 5) Auctions SMITH'S TREE FARM id rebyilt year TWO-PIECE -hoaterfield, >el9 o>; FOR SALE -- Bosion Ter Ve years|age, Live in or out. Good salary for right|ment for satisfactory couple ment{endars and advertising specialties, Com- --Auctio "oN . Call Hi Jewtonyiile --- Coll Collect 38--Coming Events DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Ontario guarentee. Outs good buys. Jen-|coffee table, step end tables; lamps, $600./old. Registered. {deal pet tor older |person. References, Phone or apply after/supplied. Apply immediate.y wr .Jmission basis. Car necessary; For inter. 'omi v * Notices 786-2283 Th Ontario Street, 725-632, 1728-7783, Open evenings, lor 728-5965, 3379 after 5 p.m, ision Street, lences, Box 56 Ridgeway, Ontaric, ing qualifications, pers and onions. Walter cen Half-mile S * iWe may need someone in your | tock Girl ] and Surveyor. Commercial bive -prints./kins Business Machine Sales and Service, /or nearest offer, Apply 14) Adelaide East|couple without children. Telephone 728-|5 p.m.» 728-5557 or weekends, 298 Divi-|include recent. snapshot' and best refer-/view write Box 625, Oshawa Times, stat- \

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