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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Aug 1965, p. 2

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OANA RTE BET PMD IRE MLB SM PRN PM AED THR IE | 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Geturday, August 28, 1965 : MOSCOW (Reuters) -- Pres- ident Nasser and the top Soviet leadership opened their first round of official talks here to- day amid unconfirmed reports that the visiting United Arab Republic leader has with him a new Ciet Nam peace plan, Earlier, Nasser placed a wreath at the Lenin Tomb, just under the Kremlin walls on Red Square. Nasser arrived here Friday to a full state welcome for a five-day visit, his first to the Soviet Union since 1958, He is expected to have three rounds of talks in all with the Kremlin chiefs, at which main topics likely wili bc Viet Nam, the Soviet-Chinese dispute and Soviet aid for the U.A.R. Communist Party Chief Leo- nid Brezhney, Prime Minister Alexei Kosygin and President Anastas Mikoyan led the Soviet side at today's talks, Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko and Alexander Shel- epin, a member of the ruling presidium and a Soviei deputy prime minister, also were pres- Nasser Mission Hints Peace-Plan (Reliable sources in Cairo said Nasser's Viet Nam propo- sal was, developed after talks with leaders of India, Pakistan, Indonesia, Guinea and China within the last few months, (The sources said President Tito of Yugoslavia, whom Nas- ser will visit after he leaves the U,S.8.R., showed consider- able interest in the plan. (The sources said Nasser wants to put his peace plan to the Soviets because it involves China.) The Soviets are expected to concentrate on a detailed ex- planation of the Communist ideological split with China and attempt to persuade Nasser of the logic of their position in the hope of gaining the support of much of the Afro-Asian world through Nasser's influence, Chinese Premier Chou ¥n- lai visited Nasser in Cairo last June, and it was assumed he pressed China's case at that time, At a banquet Friday night, Nasser attacked the U.S. for ent, its "aggression" in Viet Nam, Encephalitis By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Doctors in four provinces are} treating confirmed or suspected Has Spread -- Through Four Provinces sometimes appears as a com- plication in cases of mumps, Dr. J. G, Clarkson, Saskat- VOYAGURS NEVER HAD IT cases of encephalitis but the|chewan deputy minister of! widely scattered cases ap- health, said Friday mumps ap-| peared to come from a variety|peared to be the leading cause} of causes, in the outbreak of encephalitis Encephalitis was the sus-|in Saskatchewan, pected cause of two deaths in} He said more than 80 patients HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LYNDON beg 0 Fah ip pre- oy 57th pprow yh in an Mrs. Johnson already is at |Alberta and Saskatchewan, in the province were suspected sented this' happy expres- of government business kep' h ki . The mainoutbreak was iniof haying some form of ence- sion at the White House to- him at his desk but he hoped Se Alberta, where 15 suspected|phalitis. But of eight confirmed tions for a birthday dinner to leave later today for his in his honor tonight, (AP) day as congratulatory mes- Johnson City, Tex., ranch, cases in humans have been re-|cases, seven had proved to be 'y : sages poured in on him on : From AP-Reuters ported. viruses other than western) anypng (AP) -- Parliament The cause here and in somejequine and mumps appeared tO), o.eq closer to a confidence other cases on the Prairies|be leading. vote on Premier Elias iri: was believed to be western! In Manitoba eight suspected| i oko today, and it appeared equine encephalitis -- some-\cases of the western equineling: hig week-old government times called sleeping sickness|virus in humans have been re-|youiq fail -- which affects horses andjported, Dr. Emmanuel Snell.) 4. 'rsirimokos prepared ' to humans and is spread by mos-|director of preventive medical). mmarize his program before quite," , (Services said. the assembly, he could count Full diagnosis of the dis-) Two of the persons involved|,, oniy 134 votes in the 300- ease takes three weeks and no/died, but preliminary tests: for|..4+ house--17 short of a ma- From AP-Reuters | U.S. Air Force B-52 jet bomb-) A U.S, Army officer and four|cases in humans have been/the equine virus were negative, jority The vote could come to- SAIGON (AP) -- South. Viet-|ers, meanwhile, attacked sus-jenlisted men died Friday when/confirmed, About 100 Albertajhe said. day or Monday namese ground forces have|pected Viet Cong positions injtheir single - engine Beaverjhorses are suspected of having) In Matheson, Ont., 42 miles) 'pyo premier wes 'sure of killed at least 50 Viet Cong in|Zone D about 30 miles north-| plane crashed shortly after tak-|the disease, but only a few ofjeast of Timmins, two bOYS|votec from the rightist National heavy fighting in the Mekong east of Saigon again Fridayjing off. The plane is used'these have been confirmed, were recently ' Delta, a U.S. military spokes- night, military spokesmen re-| mainly for administrative duty.) Encephalitis means swelling|cephalitis, but doctors did not man said today. | ported. | South Takes Heavy Toll Of Viet Cong At Mekong Centre Union deputies who treated for eN-/padical Union and 35 from the, The spokesman described the' Vietnamese drive as a "multi-- many days on positions in 600| Air Force officer and his Viet-|the western equine virus, Itlrecovering. battalion" operation. He said|square miles of jungle hideout|namese observer Friday, They) the fighting took place Friday) stretching from north of Saigon were flying a spotter plane. | the! and early today, about 100'to the South China Sea. A leading member of miles southwest of Saigon. CRASHES KILL SIX : South Vietnamese military gov- Government casualties were) In other air activity, six AM-) ernment, meanwhile, says the described as moderate, U.K. Withdraws Missiles jericans were killed. {Communist guerrillas no longer| can hope for a military victory, | nor will they be allowed to} share in a coalition govern- Catholic s, Lutherans Mee First Time In 4 Centuries \:':,"2 .cmznuer A second crash, cause also/of the brain, It may result from believe it was caused by the!proke away from former pre- It was the second raid in as|/unknown, killed an Americana variety of causes other thanjequine virus, Both boys were! mier George Papandreou, _| But the balance of the 300- {seat assembly is so fine that eight member party is expected scales against him, A government defeat Progressive to tip the t the declared opposition of the in the who, has twice tried to set up | ment. | GENEVA (Reuters)--Top of-| Bishop Hermann Dietzfel-\® stable regime since his clash | Maj,-Gen, Nguyen Van Thicu,|ficials of the Roman Catholic|binger of Munich, head of the|With Papandreou Migr resigned chairman of the ruling na-jand Lutheran churches have|Evangelical Lutheran Church in|¥9der pressure July 15, Things Are Looking Grim For Greek Prime Minister Papandreou walked out after a dispute with the 'king over a planned government purge of right wing army officers. Political sources said Con- jstantine is expected to call a jcouncil of party chiefs Monday SO GOOD CUS Seeks Adoption Of French TORONTO (CP)--Adoption of French as Ontario's second offic jicial language was called for Friday in a brief from. the On- tario region of the Canadian Un- ion of Students, : The brief to the provincial government, presented to Edu- cation Minister William Davis, read in part; 'Among the needs of the people of Ontario, at this time of renewing the spirit of Confederation, is the greatest possible realization of the prin- ciple of full French participa- tion in all aspects of life in the province," The organization said French- Canadians in Ontario have been' denied full cultural develop- ment, It recommended that schools using the French ljan- guage be set up and that French be allowed for use in government and in the courts. Ontario has the opportunity and the duty to assume the \leading role in the sitive strengthening of Canada, the brief said, PRESENTS Northwest Territories In- dian crew appear somewhat surprised as they are greeted by pretty lifeguard Cathy Wallace following their 600- mile canoe journey from North Bay to Kingston Fri- day afternoon, They were one of eight teams partici- pating in the trial run: for the 1967 Centennial Voyag- eur Pageant from the Rocky Mountains to Expo, '67 In "SERVE COLD ON THE ROCKS OR WITH YOUR FAVOURITE MIX" jto plot his next step. Montreal, (CP | The 25-year-old king has|-- nieeeie { iit ruled out new elections re- quested by Papandreou. He also has refused to reinstate Papandreou as premier, | The fourth night of debate in| parliament lasted until early today. oe Fistfights and uproar broke out in the parliament Friday night; leading to a 10-minute suspension of the debate on the/ confidence motion. | The melee was a milder re- peat of earlier scuffies in the debate Wednesday. Shouting deputies of the two main par- ties came to grips on the centre of the floor as other} |members tried to drag them apart. | At one time more than 30 deputies, wildly gesticulating, milled about the middle of the chamber, tional leadership council, told)met for the first time in 400/Bavaria, led the Lutheran dele-| lreserve officers at graduation|years, a communique reveals. |gation which included Prof.| And Adenauer 'Blows Up' By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer ago, and was reached with the; ve a ae : Britain's withdrawal of one| knowledge and approval of the|/been a 'stunning fiasco. the communique, issued by the/C. Brauer, of Chicago Univer- regiment of nuclear missiles supreme NATO commander in| He said it not only will mean/Lutheran World Federation, _|sity Divinity School, from its Army on the Rhine and| Europe, U.S. Gen. Lyman Lem-| the end of the Viet Cong in) A Lutheran spokesman said) The Catholic delegation was from the Lutheran today just three strokes off the Missourl Synod: Ipace, sea The smooth-swinging Cana- dian carded a par 70 Friday to go with his first round 72 plans to call out a second next) nitzer. South Viet Nam, but might/it was the first confrontation be-|headed by Most Rev, Hermann year has caused a political ex-| They also argue that the Cor-|¢Ve" jeopardize the Commu-itween divided western Christen-/Volk, Bishop of Mainz, and in plosion in West Germany,|poral missile, with which the nist North Vietnamest regime.|dom in the 16th century. _ jcluded Msgr, William Baum of) aKRON. Ohio (CP)--George where the suspicion still lingers} 4ih is equipped, has become . estos . ~| The meeting was described in Washington, Knudson of Toronto, currently that Germans would be sacri-| ops : jtain' v jthe communique as an "'initial) Two observers also attended-- ing his best seas f the jobsolete and that Britain's to | heat : enjoying hi t season. of t ficed in any East-West atomic/tal fire-power on the Rhine is SIU Takeover consultation," It discussed pos» Dr, Victor Hayward of the United States golf tour, went showdown in Europe. not being reduced, since a sis- sible future contacts _between| World Council of Churches, and) into the third round of the Konrad Adenauer, the former|ter regiment is to get more jthe two churches. The twa.Dr. Oswald Hoffman, chancellor who still is politi- launchers for its own missiles.' Try Underway seven-man . delegations decided Lowi 8, cally active as the chairman-of REDUCING SPENDING te meet AERIR next apna. SHON bbb his Lert ogee this is ae It is not likely, however, that porT COLBORNE, Ont. (CP)| : overwhelming ow" which|these arguments will convince ja. 5 ' id would destroy German. confi-|the Germans. It is well known we fone Leyveny Ba WEATHER FORECAST dence in their allies. The fiery|that Britain is attempting to re- (c1,c), said Friday his union former defence minister,/duce its overseas defence ken the first step ih 8 e jand sat comfortably in seventh Franz - Josef Strauss, says con-|spending as part of the effort Sr Po 'ake pel the anal Sea- @ar n 00 onl t; |place, tinued nuclear discrimination! to defend the pound. It is also) ra rers' International Union| | Arnold Palmer was in_his| against Germany may give rise) well known that the British gov-| (1nq,) eventually to a new dictator/ernment favors a drastic revi-!~ tye CMU has applied to the} promising and giving Germans sion of existing NATO strategy ational Labor Relations Board! their own nuclear weapons, in Europe, with emphasis 0n/fo, certification as bargaining! Bisected by the Iron Curtain,| conventional rather than nu- agent for 22 sailors aboard al « a i Germany worries about being|clear weapons. ship owned by the Binvidance! TORONTO = (¢ ") the first battleground in any| The British action has not Shin : . tN The forecast issued by the weather new European war or, alterna-|been ignored by the Russians. rales aun te girs wacath office at §.30 a.m.: tively, that it would be de-mili-;/Semyon Tsarapkin, the chief aa he: sald , Synopsis: Very cool tarized and neutralized in any/Soviet disarmament negotiator an ia wart ob olan 16 take sweeping southward into south- eventual European settlement.! at Geneva, suggests the British This is part of a plan to lern Ontario, Skies should grad- , , '. ie Sover the SIU," Mr, Staples said./atly clear during the day. ENCE ISSUE 4 Y . rf , : : : DEFENCE ISSUE action was taken eo If we don't move against them) jake st. Clair, Lake Ontario,/cooler and windy today. Clear favorite position, waiting for| |"something to happen," - while) os y unny OmMmorrow Jack Nicklaus hoped for a /"super-round" to get into con- i nialic: ' _itention with co-leaders Robby poi we: Bg decreasing to 15 to hint Nichols and Gelberger. | Lake Erie, Niagara, Lake) Palmer was tied for third air is|Huron, Georgian Bay, Halibur-|@fter shooting his second ton, Killaloe, Timagami, Lon.|straight par-70 Friday for a 36- don, North' Bay, Sudbury; |hole total of 140, one stroke be- iClearing this afternoon: much/hind Nichols and Geisberger. ; Nichols, with a second-round sa 2 eat eects icine can rattan -- * vesaell they will take e Age! and Windsor, Toronto, Hamilton: |with a few cloudy periods and|~ paign in which military secur- But he also argues that the they re not Be ah ic Clear and cool tonight; Sunday|quite cool tonight. Sunday) DEMANDS DECISION ity is a prime issue, It is there-|British action is a good thing strong-arm tactics to do it. mainly sunny and continuing) mainly sunny and cool, Winds) GWELO, Rhodesia (Reuters) fore puzzling why Britain if it is taken as a first step in : : ~~ {decreasing {0.15 tonight. /Prime Minister Ian Smith de- should pick this particular time/the denuclearization of central HERE and THERE Algoma, Sault Ste, Marie,jmanded Friday that Britain to make such a sensitive move.| Europe. British officials quickly Tug Goes Down, Cochrane, White River: Clear/make up its mind about giving and cool tonight and Sunday,/Rhodesia independence, He said Winds becoming and Sunday. Mirko Stanojevic, 35, of Oshawa was convicted in Delhi, Ont., Friday of driv- | Closes Channel ing with a suspended licence | ST. CATHARINES (CP)--Sal- British officials maintain the denied any intention of taking decision to withdraw the nu- any unilateral move towards) clear missiles and re - equip nuclear disengagement in Eu-; the army with conventional! rope. light tonight | Britain could no longer shirk lthe issue and side-step a deci- ' i lsion as he said it has done in Forecast Temperatures soe ' ys ves | H * , M | |weapons was made some time|ceremony that the Viet Cong's) The three - day meeting in)Warran A, Quanbeck of St K d D 3 St k | proves }vaunted monsoon offensive has|Strasbourg ended Friday, said)Paul, Minn,, and Dean Jerald hu son own TO es | Heading Into Third Round of St.!s190,000 American golf classic/soared to 78s after 68s Thurs- for 140, Jack Rule shot a 34-34) 36-34---70 and 139 -total, and Geiberger, with his 36-33--69, had no trouble. passing first- round leaders Johnny Pott and| Jim Ferrier, Pott and Ferrler| day, Southpaw Bob Charies carded a 69 to go with his opening 71 ~--68 to climb into a tie for fifth with Mason Rudolph, who had a 141 total, Nicklaus, who vowed he would come back and make the cut for the final two rounds after an opening 80, kept his word, He shot a 36-33-69 for) 149, two strokes less than neces-) sary, CALL... DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES L OlL AND HEATING SERVICE SERVING THE PUBLIC QVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST. OSHAWA 723-4663 - } as esult of a hit-and-run : the past ' pega : vage crews are attempting to Low tonight and high Sunday: - . . P | Accident Aue ae ace ona. [raise the United States tug\Windsor wees 30 72 usslan Ip omats njoy | charge of leaving the scene Vegco which sank in Lock 4 of/St, Thomas 42 70 or an accident, \the Welland Canal Friday after|London ..... 407 | ja collision with the Eva Jeanett,/Kitchener ......... 40 70 "The Making Of A Presi- dent" will be shown by the Ontario Riding Liberal Asso- a Swedish ocean-going freighter.|Mount Forest ..... 38 65 |The crew scrambled to safety|Wingham ......60. 38 65 aboard a barge the tug was/Hamilton ......5.. 42 72 Full Canadian Protection By JOHN McLEAN jconstruction sites inspected by! ciation 'Tuesday at the Ki- /|towing. St. Catharines .... 45 70 FORT ST. JOHN, B.C. (CP) the Russians. | wanis Club's Camp Kedron, A. M. Luce, regional director Toronto ..... siases 2 72 There was evidence for the) two unmarked cars trailed) A corn roast will precede jot the St. Lawrence Seaway au-|Peterborough ..... 38 65 first time Friday that the Ca- the movie of John F, Ken- |thority, said it will take until|Kingston ... the Russian bus at all times} nadian government is taking) : : re 99 ti - |Sunday to empty the lock of!T; : 7 no chances on anything happen-/and parked a discreet distance ee oe oe | 20,000,000 ae of Beans Killaloe ee . ing to the six Russian con- away at all stopping points. ' remove the sunken tug to dry-/Muskoka 65 struction bosses currently visit-- The visit to the mine, where A nine-month-old baby - | dock. aah Hae 6 ing Canada, many hard-rock miners have} was injured in a two car | By late Friday night, 10 ships Sudbury . 62 During a flying pisit to the memories of communism in| accident at the junction of jin Lake Ontario and nine ves- Eariton 8 silver mines at Elsa in Thejtheir homelands, went off with-| Taunton rd,.and Simcoe st. jsels in Lake Erie were waiting Sault Ste. Marie~ 63 Yukon, a special squad ofjout incident, although one em-| n. yesterday afternoon. |to enter the canal system. Kapuskasing a 60 RCMP in plain clothes guarded/ployee went up to the leader of} Cindy Filion, received No. 4 is a twin lock and the White River ee 28 62 every move the Russians made. |the delegation and spoke to} bruises to the head and was submerged tug is blocking only|/Moosonee Ct 55 The two officers stood watch on/him in his native tongue before) taken to Oshawa General [one of the passages. Ships are|'Timmins ee ae 80 the RCAF C-5 which is ferry-jthe party was moved away by She Hospital for treatment being cleared through the other ing the visitors acress Canada/conducting. officers. was in a car driven by her Jend, but the lock's total effi- on an 18-day tour 3 Late Friday the C-5 brought) mother, Mrs, Elizabeth Fil- ciency has been reduced to 30 It was learned: at the maine |the Russians 700 miles south to} ion, of 117 Summer st., [per cent site that caches of dynamite/Fort St. John where they were} Oshawa, Driver of the other |>-- > had been removed from their/greeted by Northern Affairs} car involved was Garfield ag eee -- NEED A NEW usual storage spots during the|Minister Laing who earlier can-| Moore, of 43 Grandview av. DINNER 3:30 to 8 P.M. GOOD FOOD past several days. celled plans to accompany the| s., Oshawa. A passenger in FURNACE? Miners of European back-jvisitors during their full stay in) his car, Linda Painter, 17, Neo Down Peyment--First Payment FULLY LICENSED ground from countries where|Canada of RR 2, Port Perry, re Oecember---Colt DINING ROOM people have fled to the West Mr. Laing now will remain' ceived lacerations and was PERRY HOTEL LANCASTER from communism, were kept atiwith the. party until the visit; also taken to Oshawa Gen- | Dey or Night + » 723-3443 27 King St. W., Oshewe tesks far from the mining andiends in Ottawa Sept. 3. eral Hospital. CHARGE YOUR Back-To- School Requirements ZELLER' 3 EASY BUDGET PLANS Downtown Store -- Simcoe South end Oshewe Shopping Centre Now Is The Time To Order Your Winter Fuel ....... Cc GAL, On Premium Quality FUEL OIL A Flavoured Wine SAVE PHONE 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. EASTVIEW PHARMACY 573 KING STREET EAST MEDICAL PHARMACY 300 KING STREET WEST North Simcoe Pharmacy Lid. 909 SIMCOE ST, NORTH SERVICE STATIONS 'OPEN THIS SUNDAY PHONE 725-3594 PHONE 728-6277 PHONE 723-3418 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. R. J, TUMEY'S SHELL STATION 962 SIMCOE ST. NORTH ALEX NATHAN'S SUNOCO STATION 215 KING ST. WEST COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 56 BRUCE STREET WHITE ROSE STATION 38 PRINCE STREET T. GOCH SUPERTEST STATION 437 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH WINDER'S ESSO STATION KING and RITSON ROAD SOUTH TOM CULLEN'S ESSO STATION 288 BLOOR ST: WEST (Formerly Kemp's) GEORGE BROWN'S SUPERTEST STATION 334 PARK ROAD SOUTH CLINT'S TEXACO STATION WENTWORTH and CEDAR DOVE'S FINA STATION 792 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SHELL -- HANDY ANDY COR. KING ST, and STEVENSON'S RD S] | «RA ail OME SBE

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