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Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Sep 1965, p. 24

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£ " aes Ven T= treet hg . " " Lg PANNE NO MN he wee wes i , , * ya are A text of his apeech was re leased to the press in advance of delivery, OS CONVENTIONAL METHODS 'OUT' 'Computers Hold The Key ToManufacture OfSteel" OTTAWA (CP) --- Computers ie a price of iron and Union party again, hold the answer to future im-jstee! can be resolved into a HAS LEFTIST SUPPORT provements in the manufacture mathematic al formula, What effect the crisis has had|of steel, F. J, McMulkin, a vice-) In this form there ty no so far on the prestige of the president of Dominion Foun: doubt it is better handled by a king is difficult to assess, Butldries and Sicel, Ltd., said to-(™A&chine equipped to do this anti - monarchist ----*. work by personnel who might e ge ad t reap eal ong oy torneo He told the annual conference|Mave had a high time on the porters with a big assist fromiof metallurgists' that gianti|town the night before," | weet: ' : . |strikes have been made in the "Tl am on safe ground in pre- "Constantine, take your , fi-|diecting that the comput ill niother and 0," has been heard last few decades, both in effi 8 puter wil in Athens streets almost nightly|clency and quality, ake over more and more. of But now the point has beenjour production control opera- tion and the people who are the! recently, Insofar as the king is change, has fallen off slightly|concerned this is not believed|reached where the number of in produc-/firgt in preseribing its applica: tion to their problems will in- and officials fear an even, big-|to reflect true public opinion,|complex variables ger 'slump this fall, |but Queen Mother Frederika,|tion processes is so great that variably be ahead of their com- petitors,"' 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, sypremper 1, r708 Economic Crisis Looms In Chaos" Voisin wis voted ter tithe; last elections in February, 1964, But the majority who sup; ported him then probably would vote for him and his Centre HAWA F-1N THEATRE | SS NOW PLAYING sm TATSUYA MIHASHI TAKESHI KATO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Lis oO Z COLOR... PANAVISION BOX OFFICE OPENS 6:00 P.M, FIRST SHOW AT DUSK mann Ve amet the Pa "By ALLAN JAURD the ATHENS (AP)---Greece, lead- erless and floundering in politi- cal chaos, appeared headed to- day for grave economic difficul- ties, A stubborn ex - premier, 77- year-old George Papandreou, and an equally adamant mon- arch, 25-year-old King Constan- tine, -are locked in a power struggle that has produced bloody riots, one death and de- mands for. an end to the Greek) monarchy, The deadlock has begun to af- fect the country's - economy, Tourism, one of Greece's big- gest earners of foreign ex- i Merchants report a steep de-/however, has been a controver-|conyentional methods of analy- cline in businéss-and banks have|sial figure in Greece for years, |sis and control no longer can become tighter with. business| Many Greeks who are critical|eope with them, - loans. Prices have been rising,|of Frederika because they feel) "It is simply common sense and fears of serious inflation|she has been too active in poli-jto give to the computer those are widespread, \tics are inclined fo excuse the|problems which it Is ideally The crisis broke July 15 when) king in the present situation be-|suited to handle." Constantine fired Papandreou in|cause of his youth and what| 'Apart from the handling of a dispute over political activity| they consider bad advice, men, nearly everything related in the armed forces, Since then "7 -- «Go SUMMER GALAN FINE Ell the king has named two pre- Th t/ \ THEATRES hiliy miers, But neither was able to win parliamentary approval CELEBRATING 45 YEARS OF LEADERSHIP IN ENTERTAINMENT sae PARAMOUNT PICTURES, a JOHN 'IT'S GOOD ART, BUT NOT GREAT ART' a displayed at the State Uni- attracts 2-year-old Michael versity College at Oswego Gorman--as a toy, maybe? So-called sculpture welded from junked auto parts and over Papandreou's opposition, ~ WANTS NEW ELECTIONS Papandreou insists that the 4 liking call new elections, confi- a es ax evenues 1g | dent that he would win back his job, Constantine has so far re- \jected this solution. 4 | The king agreed Monday night ou ass xpectations \to hold a crown council meet- ling of party leaders and former | f : : | premiers, But the meeting is un- | OTTAWA (CP) -- Federal|compared with $494,700,000 in|likely to produce any concrete | jgovernment sales. tax revenues|the same period of the 1964-65] results, . Constantine still must Beverly Hills|are running ahead of last yearifiscal year, lface the fact that Papandreou| TODAY! at more than four times the} part of this increase reflects;commands a majority in PAT>|At 2:15 = 4:40 = 7:05 » 9:25 |speed of general revenues, the imposition Jan, 1 of the ti-| lament as a result of pro-Com-| AP Wirephoto Hollywood's Own VANCE « THE . mer AOGOLOR In-And-Out Book By BOB THOMAS i. Bo Sa invited to play at Sam HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Much/Goldwyn's, ado about ins and outs, Living areas: Recently an article in thejas in as you can get, Bel-Air te bakgo pig apg NO ows: Malibu is ye ae oye : nage ent as | provCo ated a stir by naming the The San Fernando Valley is far he pace keeps up for the! -y ve | munist votes given him since in-people, from George Abbott] out. balance of the fiscal year, run-| a ae -- ofl the crisis arose. : to Tennessee Williams and in-) «.,, sports: Watching! nj Pai _|the -per-cent sales tax On| Conservative pro - monarch-) cluding a parcel of Kennedys, pepo Pipi ( that Carne to next March 31, it seems}, iiding materials and produc-|ist newspapers have remained who now mean most of New et dear it Doris Day has clear that the buoyancy of the|i9, machinery, solidly behind Constantine, One York society. Also mentioned! made the Lakers basketball economy will push revenues) mn r9g percentage points of major newspaper supporter has were a few out-people, includ-|\,.7, in, The Angels, alas, are|Well ahead of Finance Minister een ee Be ee {withdrawn its backing from} ing Mayor Wagner, Dorothy out c d iGordon's April 26 budget fore-|te sales tax are earmarked) Panandreou and another has Kilgallen and Jackie Gleason. casts, for the old age security fund,|notably toned down its support. oss Ye TECHNICOLOR' enn enone of Trampled Its Valley... Business Men's Luncheon Nowhere is inmanship prac- tised more devoutly than in Hollywood, 1 am. not going to name who js in and who is out because, heavens, I must go on | Award affairs: The Writers) /Guild dinner is the most in of| lthe year. Attending the acad- emy awards is out; watching it on television at a party is in, | Sales tax collections normally from which old age pensions of run high at mid-summer and|$75 a month are paid to every- towards the end of the calen-jone 70 and older. These collec: dar year. tions for this fiscal year, to the But in the first four months/end of last. month, ran to $156,- Some observers feel Papand- reou may also have lost the more conservative middle-class PERUVIANS CATCH MOST @ DAILY @ $1.50 Full Course Meal ARRING, "GLENN CORBETT: PATRICK WAYNE KATHARINE ROSS nw ROSEMARY FORSYTH CHINIVEETE TSC TIE antisnraenneminttennaneaRRer NORE Feature; 1:30 » 3:30 - 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30, Lest Show 9:20, . gored " Parties: Discotheque dancing!of the current fiscal year--|800,000, compared with last] Peru catches more fish than 1626 Son OURS AT THE CN. AQUA CARINE" working here. But I can report on the hab- its, customs and institutions that are in and out in Holly- cues are far, far out. -- Resorts: Palm Springs is thoroughly, continuously in, in backyard tents is in. Barbe-/April, May, June and July--|year's comparable figure of they amounted to $573,300,000,|$120,300,000, lany other country in the world,| 16,901,300 metric tons in 1063, Oshawa Steak House SIMCOE N, OPEN DAILY 1 PM, sect NOW PRAYING wood today. Hotels: The Beverly Hills is forever in, and the Beverly Wilshire is suddenly in after an overhaul. Night clubs: The Daisy is the) Dogs: new in discotheque. The Coco-|though not as in as nut Grove is in for important)|terriers. Collies--with. all openings. lrespect to Lassie--are out, Restaurants: The Bistro is the) Cars; Vintage (but not new) most in of the new spots, Cha-|Rolls Royces are in, as well as sen's of the old, La Scala, La-|imported Italian sports cars. rue and a few small Italian|Motorcycles are coming in. places are in. I realize that this list may be/ even more so in the summer,| Las Vegas is out, except when) Frank Sinatra is there, (Wher- ever Sinatra is, is in.) ~ Poodles are still in, Yorkshire due | Movies: Previews at the Westwood Village are in, Big remiers are out, except for in upsetting to local figures who) thought they were in and now discover they are indeed out. Charities like Cedars of Lebanon/|But if it's of any consolation to; Hospital. them, I will add the gratuitous| Sports; Tennis is definitely in, information that movie column-| golf is out. Croquet is in--ifjists are also out. The Pre-Season Interview: His Show Is Really Great By CYNTHIA LOWRY |from the studio--even on week- HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Thelends. Great bunch of people." publicity department of CBS, in| This, however, is the year of what was perhaps an unfortu-|writer-love. and artistic chemis- nate moment of truth, boasted/try to the trade paper Variety this) "Of course the whole thing week that it had set a record|starts with the writing," goes total of 1,511 newspaper inter-|the new line. 'I think that when views in the course of drum-|you see our show you'll agree aning up interest in its new sea-|we've got great scripts from eon--of--programs. - yeal_pros_and_really know--what Presumably the other two\we're trying to say.' star or aM With the Labour Day Weekend co the terrific Labour Day Special Barg ROUND STEAK or ROAST come into GLECOFF'S and take advantage of 99° KKK KK KK Lebar Daye: GLECOFF'S supeRMarKeT ming up, ains they are offering, Free Parking in the rear, and take advantage of GLECOFF'S long store hours -- 8 A.M, to 10 P.M, Daily. RED MALAYA OR SEEDLESS GRAPES networks have not been nap-| At this point the ping, so by a conservative count' there have been more than 4,000 interviews about the 95 or so television programs on the network schedules. This reporter, after five weeks of intensive study, would about-to-be star leans forward sincerity glowing like bright flames in his eyes The real problem of course is that there isn't. much that any body can: say in advance about a TV show except to assure the PEAMEAL RIB STEAK 89° No. 1 ONTARIO LARGE HEADS CABBAGE ; SEAN CONNERY STARTS TOMORROW! THE SCREEN STRETCHES TO VAST NEW HORIZONS TO TELL THE EPIC STORY OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! "MAJOR DUNDEE" In Color with CHARLTON HESTON RICHARD HARRIS JAMES COBURN LAST TIMES TONIGHT "FRIGHTENED CITY" "ON THE FIDDLE" | THE EPIC TO FINISH ALL EPICS! THE THREE STOOGES le "The OUTLAWS IS COMING" Wit hmmm ADAM WEST NANCY KOVACK booRS OPEN 6:30 P.M, SAT, AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M, PHONE 725-5833 Hwy, No, 2 Block East of Liverpool Road Ph, 668-2692 2 ACTION HITS! "IN HARMS WAY" JOHN WAYNE KIRK DOUGLAS ALSO . "ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" YUL BRYNNER SAL MINEO IN COLOR interviewer that it is positively great. like to report that there has been a slight change in the rigid form of the star interview) There is another slight this year. change from last season, when Interviews about a TV prod-jit was the fashion to a protest uct as yet unseen by the pub la little too much that TV's pri- lic and often given by a star|mary creative concern was to who has yet to be born are 'avoid the cliche." hard-sell spiels. Last season al "What we've got to find ' about this time, the inevitable now,"' stoutly declared a_vet- theme was cast friendship:eran producer, "is a new word "We all get along so well that*for cliche. Cliche has become a we stick together even awayjcliche," COTTAGE ROLLS MAPLE LEAF WIENERS rene FLAIMS 5% KOTEX Lady Patricia HAIR SPRAY mr LARCH SPRAY 24.02. TIN OLD SOUTH ' ORANGE JUICE 9 rs 99° GLECOFF'S 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH u. 59° LB, PACK FRESH DAILY ONTARIO No. 1 SWEET 99° 1-LB, ee CORN = 3 F All Summer Clothing| Libby's PINEAPPLE and GRAPEFRUIT Reguler 48.02. 1 00 " 39% each Tins Libby's Tropical FRUIT PUNCH Regular 39%c, 48.ox,. 1 00 : No, 1 Grade, Special Tins 1S-ox, ¢ 98° it Libby's PEACHES (Halves) Regular 2%e each, Special . . Tins GET ALL YOUR PRESERVING SUPPLIES NOW, MASON MEDIUM JARS REG, $1.69 SPECIAL NAW RS *1.59 cure havens cdi ee vcs O10 SUGAR 5 Ib, bag SUPERMARKET OSHAWA $].00 n Municipalities Covered Under Conservation Plan PRESTON, Ont. (CP) -- Ajfrom Orangeville, 30 miles plan to place one .of the prov- northwest of Guelph, to the ince's largest watersheds, an|Lake Erie shore at Port Mait- area embracing 71 municipali-jland, 20 miles west of the Wel-| ties in southwestern Ontario,/land Canal, It embraces the cit- under one conservation -author-jies of Brantford, Galt, Kitch- ity was announced Monday. ener, Waterloo, and the towns The watershed is the only oneof Paris, Preston, Elora and in Ontario with two conserva-| Fergus tion agencies----the Grand River BUILDS DAMS Conservation Commission, es-| The commission is in charge tablished in 1938, and the Grand of flood control, Since 1942, it Valley Conservation Authority,|has built three dams, costing formed in 1948 nearly $6,000,000, and = main- Both groups have agreed tO\tained them. The authority's amalgamate by 1968. The new)jurisdiction was confined "to organization would be called/stream improvement, small the Grand River Conservation|dam construction and reforesta- Authority, with 35 directors, tion eight of them, including' the) They broke off relations in chairman, to be appointed by|1952 after a jurisdiction dispute , the government. over a government dam build- Amalgamation proposals were ing grant outlined to the groups here by They resisted amalgamation . T. R. Hillard, deputy-minister|until last fall when the federal of energy and resources, Nego-|government announced it would tiations towards, creating the/not participate in a two - dam, | single agency began three years)$14,000,000- flood control project ago 'lanned by the commission un-/ The watershed follows a 176: til hed was controlled mile Horseshoe - curved courseiby one agency. , ETT STARTS AT DUSK APPROX, 8:15 P.M, HUTUUVOUAUAUAUUAIUUUEAUUUUAUAAUAUUtUA UT oneness net The New Owners of OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE Formerly ROLANDS STEAK HOUSE Chuck-Full-O'-Nuts INSTANT COFFEE Regular 1,15, S-ox, ¢ Special JAR Dempster's LOAF of BREAD Regular 22¢ each. 24-02. Special Loaves Glecotft Brand BUTTER nis. sie ror 4° REG, 99¢ FOR 90° REG, 89% 69° 99° Take Great Pleasure inviting all the People of Oshawa to visit this Beautiful Restaurant where they are sure you will find the New Menus and Courses a delight, ee 6-07, TINS @ Beautiful European Dishes. Served At Very Reasonable Prices @ Smorgasbord Dinners on Saturday and Sundays @ $1.50 Business Men's Luncheons Daily---~ OSHAWA STEAK HOUSE 1626 SIMCOE ST. NORTH | OSHAWA TELEPHONE 725-9111 Rane ir aaenanien! SURT Ete the water en ae arctan

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