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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 16

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16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 2, 1965 Officer Raps News Media Sensationalizing Of Crime MONTREAL (CP) --. Jean- Paul Gilbert, assistant director of the Montreal police depart- ment, Wednesday attacked the "sensational" manner in which the press and other news media report on crime. The police officer was one of four persons who spoke on the topic Publicity in Criminal Af- fairs to delegates at the Inter- national criminolo gical Con- gress here. Mr. Gilbert said that "as crime is a social reality, it is their (the newspapers') job to point out that the evil exists," but he took issue with the choice of subject matter and the presentation. There are people who are un balanced and predisposed to crime who can be triggered into committing a criminal act by LARGE-SCALE WAR IMMINENT scenes which are too suggestive or "after having read_.a too-de- tailed story on criminality." 'All too often information me- dia forget to take this into ac- count."' And in addition to their job lof informing, news media had another reason for existing: that of operating at a profit. Mr. Gilbert said his opinion, and that of other veteran offi- cers, is that 'certain (crime) stories, because of the way they are' presented, exert a. strong influence on the individual's be- havior and furnish techniques which will be used by those in- terested in crime." Giving too many details often tipped off the criminal that cer- tain establishments were not well protected by alarms or in- adequately guarded. 9 Canadian Army Officers See Peace D By DAVE McINTOSH Canadian Press Staff Writer ie In Kashmi dents. The breaches now have developed into battles which | "Also, some journalists, faced) with stiff competition. and hop- ing to impress their bosses, pre- sent the news in a manner which glorifies certain categor- ies of crime and thus raise the prestige and even the influence of the criminai in his environ- ment,' Mr. Gilbert said. In addition to giving a too- detailed story, newspapers sometimes treated matters such as jail breaks in such a man- ner that the criminal was made jinto a popular hero. | | "Approximately two years) jago, there was a great deal o | publicity about 'goof balls'. Our police then noticed a remark: able rise in the number of ju- veniles using the barbituates. Those caught said they were us- ing them 'to find out what it | was like,'"' "Without saying that the) | press is a factor in criminality, lit is permissible to say that in |certain circumstances crime} | waves are a result of exagger-| |ated publicity." | "When, for example, we see| flamboyant headlines speaking | lof an epidemic of drug store; robberies, vandalism, sexual of-) \fences, etc . .Our policemen} in charge of the investigation) get ready to have a repetition some \lor and the majority of her hus- American cities to find talent ta appear on Gleason's show. fo come on and say, "Tiis ts so-and-so from Chicago, and I think she's got a great future PLAQUGe REPLACE WALLPAPER Home For George Jessel |: ae . | Jessel also plans to tour with K Place To Hang His Hats.ie: 272." "We did fantastic business in By BOB THOMAS lgallery, Jessel seemed im-|the East," he remarked. "It's HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- George|patient to don his clothes and|amazing when you consider that Jessel was wearing undershorts|fly off to Miami Beach or Haifa|Sophie is 82, Ted is 77 and 1 when he came to the door of|{o address a luncheon or plant|am 67; together we're older his modest home in suburban/a tree. He took a dip in the\than the United States.' Reseda. {pool instead, Another enterprise is a public "When I realized | was home, He returned in bathing trunks/relations firm he heads. Among only three days a month, I soldjand displayed a four-inch sear/his clients are Josep H. Le- my other houses and moved oution his left thigh. vine's Embassy Pictures, Is- here,"' he explained as he paced) 'Picked that up in Viet Namjrael, a distillery and a sausage an X-like pattern through thejjust recently," he explained.|concern. small rooms. "All-1 needed was|"Snipers,. We were coming off} 'Yes, I'm busy now," he said, place where I couldia plane and they opened up|"but it was tough for me to change clothes and hang my/from across a rice paddy. Also/get back. You know I quit per- photographs." lpicked up a bug of some kind./forming for 11 years when Walipaper is unnecessary injCan't shake it." lwas producing movies. Regret the Jessel homes Wherever you) 'Jessel sat briefly in a pee No. My only regret was that look there are plaques, tro-lchair to explain some of his|I didn't .quit after | had made phies, framed letters and pho-jother activities. /10 hits. I made eight flops after tos. He has a picture and auto-|. 'I'm going to be Jackie Glea-|that, and I was dead. graph of everyone from Davidson's talent ambassador," he| 'Yes, other performers have Ben-Gurion to Jayne Mansfield.|said. "1 did two or three shows|had their highs and lows. But Included are all the recent U.S.|with him last year and they|they didn't go broke in between, presidents, plus Elizabeth Tay-|were so successful that hejas I did. Take Jolson. There asked me back for 1% this sea-|was a time before The Jolson (AP) binas towed the stricken Dan- ish freighter Birgitte Frellsen safely Wednesday. cargo shifted in heavy weather Tuesday and tow it was feared she might capsize. ' Red Tug Tows' Dane Ship In LERWICK, Shetland Isles --The Soviet tug Ram- Harbor ship's deck Lerwick The into throughout the HEADS COMMISSION The appointment of Nantel David, 53, of Montreal as chair- man of the Quebec Securities Commission Wednesday in Quebee City by Premier Lesage. He succeeds Maurice Desy, who is retiring after holding the post for 10 lyears, : 3 was announced FORM HARDWARE GROUP Four Canadian companies en- 'gaged in -the wholesale hard- |ware business have decided iw form an association -- United Hardware Wholesale Dealers Ltd.--with a view to increasing their buying power with manu- facturers. The companies are Les Marchands en Quincaillerie caataenae t Ltee, Montreal, r Hardware, St. ey - 3 ¥aleon Jacobs, Ont.; Hardware, Winnipeg, Link Hardware, Calgary. th cme : GROW YOUNGER 800N By 1967, 46 per cent of the population of North America will be less than 26 years old, | | | -THE WHITBY & AJAX BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY English Style Deep Browned In the high mountain passesjhave drawn in entire infantry) 3 of Kashmir, nine Canadian|battalions, tanks and howitzers.| of the crime wave Army officers are watching ajLarge - scale war appears im-| Stories should give the reader} FISH 'n CHIPS a E i ' t ; plodding, 17 - year United Na- tions peacekeeping effort crum- ble under tank, artillery and machine-gun fire. The UN established a mean- dering ceasefire line in Kash- mir after the 1947-48 fighting over it between India and Pa- kistan following partition of the Asian sub-continent into the two Commonwealth countries. Canada agreed in January, 1949, to participate in an 11-na- tion, 40-man UN observer mis- sion Kashmir. Since then, nine Canadians have been living in that inhospitable territory to ob- serve breaches of the ceasefire. WAR IMMINENT jminent. Prime Ministers Shastri of India and Pearson touched on ithe subject of Kashmir during the former's visit to Canada in) June. But it is generally regarded in Ottawa as unsound to try to jintervene in disputes between (India and Pakistan unless in- ivited to do so by both countries. | |MARTIN-THANT TALKS odic reports that Canada might be asked to mediate the Kash- mir dispute, nothing has devel- loped and, Ottawa informants isay, Mr, Pearson isn't going to During the summer there was|suggest that he act as a go-be- an increasing number of incl- tween. TECHNICOLOR ae COSTARRING | Feature: 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30 ~ 7:30 - 9:30. Lest Show 9:20, YOURSELF AT THE C.N.E. AQUA CAPERS" 1 P.M, I Though there have been peri- a true image of crime. The) newspaper's job- would also en-| tail constructive criticism of po-| lice forces. | He said he wanted to make) \clear that "the danger of publi- city resides in the manner of presentation and not in the sub-| ject. matter." | DANCE | ~~ at -- GREENHURST PAVILION | Thurstonia Park | DUNSFORD, ONT, || Little Caesar and The Consuls ADMISSION Friday Night 1.25 an ¥) or i if art sme if{* | Country Style "CMEAE Ay}. FRIED CHICKEN Take-Home Family Orders a Specialty ! | McMURRAY'S onvein nestavnar " "Come As You Are... Eat In Your Car" Simcoe St. N, at Taunton Rd. Phone 728-2291 DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby bands. son. lstory when he couldn't get! As he roamed through the| 'I'll be going to 13 different'work, Sard a | MOI AN uickeisto React TOR sem s « TOR JANITOR SERVICE oe ' treat The Family Tonite! | ron oe ! * DRAPES * BROADLOOM EXPERT ADVICE anPeinde i * PAINTS * WALLPAPER ° pode a } ° OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 668-5853 @ COMPLETE JANITORIAL SERVICE 668-8873 PHONE 668-5862 515 Brock St. S$, Whitby 609 HARRIET WHITBY ARNOLD'S || Mercury Furniture ROYAL | and Appliances HOTEL 115 BROCK N. * Phillips seus WELCOME % Clairtone ° Came" oh G.E. = Rulet, glint ve FREE DELIVERY le vat He serve You Harwood, Ajax 942-3711 a Enioy an evening: out 668-5012 $300 A MONTH FOR LIFE FROM AGE 65 Here is @ pion te provide for your family if you should die, or for your retirement years if you survive . . . You make regular poyments to the Sun Life of Canada, then ot age 45, OSHAWA DRIVE-IN THEATRE rt 723-4972 NOW PLAYING ml how PAINS SMASH >& HITS! THE SCREEN STRETCHES TO VAST NEW HORIZONS TO TELL THE EPIC STORY OF THE GREAT SOUTHWEST! "MAJOR DUNDEE" In Color with CHARLTON HESTON RIOHARD HARRIS JAMES COBURN THE EPIC TO FINISH ALL EPICS ! THE THREE STOOGES }3 eer a "The OUTLAWS 1S COMING" --with-- ADAM WEST NANCY KOVACK OPEN f 6:30 P.M, PHONE 725-5833 SAT. AND SUNDAY 1:30 P.M. UN CAPAL OF THE WORLD! SAO EM ear TODAY! MARK | TATSUYA MIHASHI-TAKESHI KATO ADULT ENTERTAINMENT BOX OFFICE OPENS 8:00 P.M. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK you stort receiving $300 « month for life, or if vou prefer, $44,150 In cash. Both of these amounts can be increased by leaving your dividends on deposit. Should you not survive to oge 65, a minimum of $30,000 will be paid immediately to.your family, By completing the enquiry form below, you can obtain details suitable to your personal situation, Plons can be orranged to provide various amounts moturing ot age 60 or 65. were fo For Aa Little As $25.00 DOWN You Own A QUALITY CAR from NIGOLS MOTOR SALES LTD. 146 BROCK N, | CONNELLY SCHOOL of DANCING BEAVER LUMBER Co. LTD. =: Dor-Mar Beauty SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA Oshawa Shopping Centre ROGER WOLFE Home 723-2883 Unit Manager Business 725-4563 NAME | Exact Date Of Birth | ADDRESS OCCUPATION HELD | | | | | | | | | ® MANHATTANS | TREMENDOUS MUSICAL COMEDY VARIETY GROUP THAT 60-60'OUY " "ba; INTHE Entertainment Nightly and Saturday Afternoon Matinee HARRY"S HIDEAWAY -- THE GENOSHA HOTEL NOW UNDER THE LIQUOR CONTROL ACT OVER FOR 2nd FANTASTIC WEE 1 | | | | | i Dancing "Home Instruction r The mon looks from Anan mprovement fate, tenis ot ay Headquarters" the eves. Be sr Leaia : pat ag is fet'eeh term = 668-5818 FOR APPOINTMENT 513 Mary E. 419' Dundes &. ey 668-3992 Stafford Bros, BUSINESS EXPERT ; na nine OF THE WEEK ponte CLEANING ie 4 Rey > geenmapgl OLIVE HOWE AJAX ne an mate | REAL ESTATE| , . CLEANERS 4 Generations 515 Brock St. Ss. @ SHIRT SERVICE of Experience NT 318 Dundas £. 668-3552 ABNER'S ESSO featuri THE GREAT NEW RAMBLER 1003 Brock S, 668-5391 ---- || & SECRETARIES * TYPISTS Secretarial Overload Service & EXTRA STAFF * MAILING & DUPLICATING SERVICES 101 Dundas W. 668-818) Need help In selecting a home or ¢ommercial: property? Have a home you want fo sell and need on expert to handle it? Coll Olive Howe Real Estote at 515 Brock St. § 668-5853 for fast results, Established in 1953, Olive Howe Reol Estate is fully quali fied to handle all types of Resi dential, Commercial and Indust rial Properties. There are 3. sales ladies in Whitby, and one in the Northern territory as Olive Howe Real Estate female staff. then boasts a complete Originally -from Toronto, Mrs Howe is a qualified dress designer but chose Real Estate os a pro. fession. She has been operating her own business for 12 years and is a licensed Realtor, In addition to her busy business life, she is member of the Women's Auxiliary for the new hospital and a mem- ber of the Oshawa, Ontario and Canadian Real Estate Boards. For fast results and expert handling of your property or expert advice in select- ing a home, call Olive Howe Real Estate, 515 Brock S., in Whitby. 942-0310 72 HARWOOD S., AJAX ARMSTRONG HOMES Proudly Presents Southwood Park Aiox and Rolling Hills Estates Clive -& Grondview, Oshawa 942-2401 43 SHERWOOD E. PICKERING Lenderest iy i JUST OPENED | WHITBY MEAT MARKET 313 BROCK §. 668-6941 WHITBY They Hements Cotered Freer Type HORTON'S STUDIO @ INDUSTRIAL e@ CHILD STUDIES @ PORTRAITS @ WEDDINGS 942-1110 37 STATION PLAZA, AJAX BROUGHTON MOTORS % Licensed Mechanics * General Repairs % Quality Fino 'Products 1101 Brock S. 668.8211 FOR SALE WELL ESTABLISHED NEW & USED FURNITURE AND APPLIANCE BUSINESS Good. Parking & Location 215 Dundas St. E, Ph, 668-5481 GEO. HARDING EXCAVATING Trenching is Our Specialty FAST EFFICIENT. SERVICE 668-3566 Whitby DX OIL Now is the time to to arrange for your FUEL OIL from DX. 668-3341 No. 2 Hwy. Whitby LEHN'S BAKERY a roenane @ Cakes @ Pastries Open 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Tues,, Sat., Sun, 12 - 9 p.m, 668-8111 114 Lupin Drive Whitby if 411 Feirview Dr. NORTH BROCK uy TEXACO @ COMPLETE REPAIRS @ QUALITY PRODUCTS © COURTEOUS, EFFICIENT BROCK N. 668-6441 SHORTY'S CIGAR STORE * Brighom Briar Pipes * Guns & Ammunition * Cameras * Filme HOURS 8 A.M. -- 10 P.M, DAILY) 121 Brock N. 668-8367 -- + re SURANG yuan Geo. H, Vick Lid, 668-3579 and 668-3330 108 Brock N. Whitby sa iit cw REN

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