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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 18

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Ups Losses In Tobacco MONTREAL (CP)--Tobacco- growers in the Joliette region, 35 miles north of Montreal, are suffering another blow from heavy rain following the disas- trous loss of 2,000,000 pounds of mature tobacco in a sudden frost Tuesday, i The rain Wednesday delayed by one day picking of the 're- maining 2,000,000 pounds of ma- ture tobacco, More-rain today could delay the harvest by an-|' other day, say tobacco men. Time now is critical to the 120 growers, as the Quebec drought this summer delayed maturing of the tobacco crop by a full week, The sudden frost Tuesday caught the growers with only one - third of their 6,000,000- pound tobacco crop harvested tHe 7 ie hinn Miiniatee sei hy hr te ai at ae id teed onioroee tae eee name 3 ay Gg ey se ren ? NEO gist e iin cape npng 8 ON iy my ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE DISCUSS POLISH CLAIMS OTTAWA (CP) -- Negotia- tions between the Canadian and Polish governments to settle claims of Canadian citizens arising out of property "naiton- alized or otherwise taken" by the Polish government will be- gin in the near future, the ex- ternal affairs department said Wednesday, The © department asked Canadiané to submit de- tails of their claims before the end of this year, FIND DEAD GULLS OAKVILLE (CP)--Dozens. of dead and dying seagulls have been found along the shore of Lake Ontario between Oakville and Hamilton in the last three weeks, the Human Society re- ported Wednesday, Two of the dead birds have been taken to the University of Guelph for CLEVELAND (AP) -- Robert Manry, who sailed alone across the Atlantic in his 1314-foot boat, was "overwhelmed" by a hero's welcome when he re- turned home Wednesday, "It's just fantastic,"' the skip- per of the Tinkerbelle told a police-estimated crowd of 15,000 at Public Square following a parade downtown from Cleve- land Hopkins International Air- port, 3 "I never knew it would be like this when I got back to Cleveland. This is the greatest honor I have ever received in my life,"' Manry, 47, was "presented a key to.the city by Mayor Ralph §. Locher. Thomas Vail, publisher and editor of The Plain Dealer, where Manry is a copyreader, Hero's Weicome Laid On For Manry By Cleveland was inaugurated in the Tibetan capital of Lhasa Wednesday, marking the establishment of Tibet as a new autonomous re. gion in China, radio Peking re- ported, PEARSON TO SPEAK ST, ANDREWS, N.B, (CP)--| Prime Minister Pearson will be! among guest speakers at the national. convention of Young Liberals here Sept, 9 to 11.) More than 500 delegates from Canada's 265 federal constitu. encies are expected, SPEEDS TRAINING WASHINGTON (AP) - The U.S. Marine Corps announced Wednesday it is compressing recruit training from 12 weeks! ep a8 9 gn ES x SPURN HISTORY CARD [ain issued Wotnonten two spe LONDON (AP)--Several Scot- ol gg bE i Poa + y Cc nave "aenouneed tires oneal dove Lila and House of Commons Christmas cara herauhe teh aay kc diet the forthcoming Commonwealth a reflection on Scotland, The {j-/ A's Festival, } lustration, commemorating Par- TREE CARE BEGAN EARLY liament's 700th anni versary, Some of the earliest forest! shows King Alexander III of Scotland ing h conservation laws, made 1,900 a years ago by the Roman em- Ei ; nglish king peror Hadrian, can still be seen f ISSUES STAMPS carved in rocks on the moun- _ LONDON (Reuters) --- Brit-itains of Lebanon. eae TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY NOTICE OF CLOSING OF PART OF THE ROAD BETWEEN LOTS 14 AND 15 IN THE 9th CONCESSION, running obout 368 feet northerly from the north limit of the 9th Concession Road, rendered surplus by reason of the re-alignment of the road, westerly, within the Township of East Whitby, TAKE NOTICE thot the Council of the Township of East Whitby proposes to pass @ by-law to close and stop up the part of the rood between lots 14 and 15 in the 9th concession road being that part of the road rendered surplus by reason of the re-alignment of the road from the point 368 feet north fo. an eight-week course, The} action, effective immediately, follows a pattern used by the! of the 9th concession road, so that it will enter on the 9th concession road at @ point 130 feet west of the present en trance, The sald by-law will be dealt with at a Regular Meet. corps in the Second World Wai and the Korean conflict, | ICE BREACHES OURTAIN | MOSCOW (AP) -- Scientists) from Argentina, New Zealand and Japan have arranged to was master of ceremonies for the ceremony, which was fol- lowed by a civic luncheon, HOUSING SCARCE and under cover, Half of the 4,000,000 pounds in the fields was destroyed, a loss estimated at more than $1,000,000, A spokesman for Imperial Tobacco Co, Ltd., buyer of most of the Joliette producers' crop, said the crop is not covered by insurance but this would affect the growers only. The price of cigarettes will not be affected, The 2,000,000 pounds of ma- ture tobacco undamaged by the frost will require a fortnight's good weather for its harvest. If this is delayed, the danger of more frost could arise. For this reason the Joliette Grow- ers hope Quebec is not in for a long rain spell. | tests to determine the cause, BEN BELLA ALIVE FREETOWN, Sierra. Leone 10 (CP)--=Pablic how) ne Annes ne, Suaran bre: TORONTO (CP)--Pu mier Ahmed Ben Bella is alive|am sing has become so scarce here}and safe, an Algerian special|Join others from Poland, Hun- that 200 to 300 low-income fami-|onyoy said Wednesday. Mo-|gary and the United States on lies wit be forced out of their/pammed Yazid said he did not}the 1th Soviet Antarctic expe-| Glhomes this winter, Robertieynect Ben Bella's trial on/dition, An advance party, in- 7 Bradley, executive director Of| charges alleging treason to take|Cluding scientists from Czecho- the oo Housing eed place for some time, slovakia, Kast Germany raiee 9 \told Board of Control Wednes- and England, already is jn the day, He said the Ontario Hous-| FIND 'BUGS' Antarctic, ing Authority, set up by the| LONDON (CP)--A network 0f,--------------- province to buy, build and|Communist listening devices maintain public housing, has|has been discovered in the elab- abdicated its responsibility forjorate new home of ig supplyin accommodation injambassador in Warsaw, A for % "| re f My 4 po. 'eign office official said Wednes- - * SODOIN APPEALS \day that it could be presumed YES, ROSEMAR E MUSIC that diplomatic buildings be- OTTAWA (CP) -- Claude Jo-ljonging to other Western coun: ! doin, president of the Canadian|iries in: Poland also have been Rosemarie, 9, daughter of of Springfield, Antigonish the Nova Scotia Labor Congress, appealed Wed-| hugged' though no official dis- Samuel Patrick Kumi, County, N.S. Rosemarie and Cameron's regular job is Inesday for highway and water|cjosures have been made. Ghana's high commissioner her family were visiting the piping a welcome to per- |safety during the coming labor! in Canada, learns all about Canadian National Exhibl- sons entering Nova Scotia Overnight temperatures Wed-| the bagpipe from Pipe tion in Toronto Tuesday and from New Brunswick at day weekend, TO REVIEW PROGRAMS : : WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pres- nesday dipped to the low 30s in} Major Allen Camerom met Pipe Major Caineron at Amherst, N.S (CP) ASK AID FOR NEEDY most localities. and as low as] ~ - ; . 558 aires | br AMAT VAR TOd tehecee| Despite Modern Red Tape, Man Can Still Go It Alone Catholic bishops of Canada|taylor has agreed to serve as eaves and cucumber and Co,,| ing of the Council to be held on September 9th, 1965 of the Municipal Office, Columbus, Ontario, ing ot 7:30 pm, All documents in relation to the sald road may be examined at the Township Office, Dated at Columbus, Onterio on August Sth, 1965, First published --~ August 12th, 1965, M, Wm, GOLDIE, Clerk, Township of East Whitby, Columbus, Ontario, --e Kentville, n.s, )ep)--Tobacco and produce growers in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley said Wednesday it will take at least two days to get a true assess- ment of frost damage to their! crops, | Why your child's slippers should fit just as well as his shoes exhibit, Properly fitting shes are important for - growing feet, But every day your child spends many hours in slippers, So their fit is impor- tant, too, Foamtread slippers come in proper sizes so they start by fitting right. And they keep their fit indefinitely, An unbreakable heel counter holda the foot nugly inside the slipper, The heels don't wear down, And the smooth leather outsoles give safe, sure footing without marking floors. Foamtreads are completely washable toa, So don't stop half-way: give your child every chance to develop strong, healthy feet by making sure his slippers fit just as well as his shoes, P.S. When you buy their shoes for back te school, make them Packarda, Wednesday issued a Labor Day/a special consultant to the pres- squash plants. TIBET IN CHINA HONG KONG (Reuters)--The First People's Congress of Tibet) Fighteen district growers injprought him into conflict with/came. part of a 16-unit pool forito travel to Vancouver without the Alliston area 50 miles northisome of the giants of the pas-\the Golden Eagle service, | changing lines. of Toronto lost $450,000 when! senger transport industry, The service features air-coa-| M. E. Hylton of Los Angeles frost destroyed 700 acres, said) And because his proposed line ditioned coaches with ultra-softiVic®. ° president of the parent Maurice Beausaert, an area to-\crossed the international boun- : --__/Trailways Company, who parti 'eco farmer, dary, it led to lengthy negotia- seating, a lounge and games/cinated in the inaugural cere: Mr, Beausaert, a former di-|tions with state, provincial and/@?e@, hostesses, rest rooms and/monies at the U.S.-Canada bor- retor of the marketing board,|federal governments, meals on board, = ,|der, says "until now we have; paid he had not had such a frost} The 24-year-old Victoria pro-| Beginning in 1962, Nordal's\scheduled our clients for) kill in his 14 years of growing.|moter, armed with licences andjcompany had'to fight oppositian|through service from L.A, to Mr, Demeyere said the main|permils granted by the province/{fom Greyhound, Great North-|Seattle--but they had to change flue-cured tobacco growing arealof British Columbia, the statelerm Railroad and ee see 'brand X or the Seattle- around Tillsonburg and Delhijof Washington, and the United) ss | 8 pt:/Vancouver portion, statement calling for a globallident and review all U.S. gov: effort on behalf of needy na-jornment programs aimed at tions. The statement said public\countering Communist en TILLSONBURG, Ont. (CP) -- and private agencies should) oroachments abroad, Taylor re- Sunday night's frost destroyed provide "'all possible informa-|cently resigned as ambassador 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 pounds of tion about the needs of under-|tg south Viet Nam. Ontario tobacco, causing losses ' Neca CRD developed countries, the initi-| to farmers of $1,500,000 to $2,-| By JACK BRAUCKMANN Mr, Nordal's company, Van-|C and C Transportation atives that might be undertaken! 000,000, George Demelere,|) VANCOUVER (CP)--It takes/couver-Seattle Bus Lines Ltd.,/born in 1900. jto help them, and the projects! chairman of the Ontario Flue-;more than a pair of buses, ajnow has running rights for the! It is a $1,000,000 business t0-latready under way." Cured Tobacco Growers Mar-|few drivers and a double set of/150-mile trip -- which will link day, with taxis, charter and) keting Board, said Wednesday. |licence plates to make an inter-with Continental Trailways jtour buses and airline limousine He said it could put somejnational trans portation com-Golden Eagle juxury service, |service in both Vancouver and RENT A CAR growers out of business because|pany. ' sage has a ea an me ve f ad sal f ers have no frost in- c P F > , a 'rancnise and is associated wi @ says that over and above deni De ponte : Pagal ad a scggplhy gekipveo Ps some 45 other companies, of|the desire to compete is the feel- DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH were around Allison, Princeton,/non - stop between Vancouver|Various sizes, in the Trailwaysing by Continental Trailways $5 00 PER DAY PLUS LOW Port Hope, Burford and Nor-jand Seattle, 150 miles to the/Structure. He has purchased twoithat its northbound passengers} ° ™ MILEAGE CHARGE wich, south. Accomplishing the plan|$75,000 luxury buses which be-/from Los Angeles should be able 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS : 14 ALBERT ST, 725-6553 Oshawa é 5 grec ( SPECIAL janie k PURCHASE! WFOAMTREADS CAN BE PURCHASED AT THESE FINE STORES: & SANDMAN-- $2.98 RS PEI CEE TIO Save-The-Children Fund Lives Up To It's Name AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--Five| But the Save the Children) months ago doctors gave Tser-| Fund stepped in and undertook ing Topgyal only a few months to send Tsering, with a country- system in the province---Victoria| to live unless he could have ajman as nurse and interpreter, Auckland for surgery, At YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE ON A HON rare and difficult heart opera-jto N DA tion |Greenlane Hospital here a heart The 12-year-old boy is the son|surgery team of specialists led + Bs y Oshawa Shopping Centre of Tibetan refugees who fled/DY Dr. B. G. Barratt-Boyes has i 725-6671 their native land before the/bee? winning an_ international advancing Chinese Communists|"ePutation for advances in tech- 15 Simcoe St, N. : and found refuge at Mussoorie,|"!que in several delicate oper- 725-3874. a remote Indian hill station, 2t0ns | OSHAWA H from the public utilities) =------------ ne escaped the frost. States government, Wednesday|®"ce ; : ust 93 linaugurated his Seattle-Vancou-\Commission in B.C., then the sion in the U.S, Large financial concerns in FOUGHT FOR THREE YEARS|* Eastern Canada are interested; He fought more than three}RUN SAME ROUTES i r 1 pipeline for shipment of potash/position of two bus companiesjern run the same routes as the '@) MALLEY from Saskatchewan, S. C, Faw-|and a railway line for the right/budding Canadian company pro- ;: | Construction Ltd, opment officer, said Wednesday|between Southern California and) owned and operated by the B.C in Saskatoon, B.C, government, controls the main where is> a major tenant. @ Homes @ Additions @ Offices @ Remodeling, SHOW INTEREST ver service. Interstate Commerce -- JAMES in the development of a solids|years against the combined op: Greyhound and Great North | ett, provincial industrial devel-/to complete a non-stop system|posed, Pacific Stage Lines,| ' bus terminal in Vancouver-- a 2 3 " 7 | 2 2 | ; The young Canadian is also from a AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORE 668-3412 Maker.. / . | r AGNEW SURPASS SHOE STORE Downtown 723.7411 -- president of the oldest transit Famous Whitby, Ont. Tsering's father, a merchant,) Then began for 'Tsering a se-| became a road worker in India/ries of events beyond his wild- and could not pay the great ex-est dreams, He travelled from| pense of sending the boy abroad New Delhi to Auckland by air Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-9122 1 KING Street West Phone 725-4611 The Perfect Fit COLLINS SHOES 119 Brock St. South, Whitby Open Friday 'til 9 p.m. 668-3476 Fantastic Economy: They never guip gas... just sip it! 250 miles per gallon, Soft spoken even at 45 mph, BACK-TO-SCHOOL IN BETTER DRESSED FEET BY KAUFMAN FROM DANCEY'S SHOES 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH DOWNTOWN OSHAWA DAVIDSON SHOE STORE (Oshawa) Lid. Dancey's 725-3312 Dependability: Over 2,500,000 Honda owners know it starts every time, jails and two large city jails wishers (in Ontario) administered by! At hospital Tsering underwent| local councils and. unable toja lengthy five-hour operation) benefit from the provincial re-/for the replacement by graft habilitation program technique of the 'faulty aartic "We evaluated the situation|valve in his heart, the trouble and recommended that cityjthat had threatened to cut his) councils of three or more ad-life short, | jacent areas should replace) Tsering spent several weeks their jails with a single remandiin hospital recuperating, after, and diagnostic unit in a location|which he was well enough to where it could provide adequate|stay in a private' home and treatment facilities and reduce!later to attend Rutherford high Operating costs. |School to learn English and typ- "We recognize that many of! ing. | the short-term offenders' in-| In a few months he changed| carcerated in local jails include| from a cheerful but frail invalid! some of the best prospects for| into a husky schoolboy, able to) rehabilitation if dealt with early|read and Write English and! in their careers," he said Tues-/even to Play rugby footbail, the] day. (New Zealand national sport. | Superior Performance: The 4-stroke, 50ce engine is a model of for costly treatment, and was welcomed there as a --_---- VIP. | ge | Onta : N TIBETAN DRAWINGS | Si a a Saad | XS r10 e He and his interpreter, Lith- i | \ ang Dorji, brought with them Jail Revamp 41 drawings in Tibetan style,| hoping to sell them as a con-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Many tribution to the heavy expenses Ontario jails are characterized undertaken by the Save the} by overcrowding and antiquated Children Fund. This gesture to-| - facilities 'mostly over 100 years; ward self - reliance made an} Pe old," Allan Grossman, Ontario/¢normous appeal to New Zea-| : minister of reform institutions,|!anders. The drawings were| said at the International Crim. auctioned to eager bidders from) inological Congress here. all parts of the country and Mr. Grossman said "there brought $1,600 are too many jails with inade- An equal appeal was made by quate facilities and the condi- Tsering's broad beaming smile,| ~ tions ate in fact so bad that a/even though on arrival he could! complet® overhaul is necessary,|speak no English, Gifts and con-| Sizes: 10-20, "There are 35 local county) tributions poured in from well- gels ta elnaly Most "age _-- in SALE PRICE feminine shirtdom, Roll and long sleeve, see SALE PRICE $09 § | print and fancy plain, every kind of collar-- REG, TO $5.98 Absolute Safety: Big never-fail brakes, perfect control at all speeds, instant power when you want it, Low Low Cost: Full price? A reasonable -- ELON DA. WORLO'S BIGGEST SELLERI ONDA SHOP a ) MODEL SHOE STORE 728-4242 \55 King St. &. , REG. TO $8.98 all at "look-twice" prices, FAMOUS FOR FASHIONS SINCE 1867 725-1521

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