9 'THE COHAWA Timm, , September 2, 1965 BRIDGE Oy B, JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Mavterd' Chomplonship Play) North dealer, ; Neither side vulnerable. ser SM" . ae es +7 A AAADAAAA oe ¢ AAPA Talika bes il Ai ll ew oa BO = are things take for granted without them much thought, You that {f you drop an object it YOU ARG THE NOTORIOUS T AVE PLENTY 10 6 YOu || will fall down, not up; BURGOYNE'S ARMY? WHAT || JOLLY WELL FED UP W y '\that the sun "ise0 4 the east, OYME YOU BILLY not the west; and know ' many other thi ich exper+ fence or educa may have taught you. i , . ) ; le | : - &: A riba or In bridge you know that there \ off ie ca | nue @ ys ' \\ _* "> d / My are 52 cards in the deck; that , ny : hy , ; i : there are 13 cards in each sult f . ; ( . ; " and that each player is dealt wal 4 this knowledge, but it is there o, 2, \) to be taken advantage of at the / § Bh] Be oF | rat : aN . "A; : y , ag f- . i Git y | : cards, You may not always we WA \ I Pe fame rv a hoe = | (= ! Ni , a if Se eC Y fone et : "Fer axa, take this hand where South is in four spades, RR enaraeerset West cashes the A-K-Q of clubs '3 . : e - a toa wa, Pee ™ . . ee, : : raws three roun trumps th 100% BRAVE ano ! i ; RionT Here ) : | and is now faced with the dan COURAGEOUS #! 4 \ ' : ger of losing a heart trick, gts) ; Ke..." \ Note that if South plays the 2 ace and another heart at this point, which many declarers would do, he goes down, The mpi oae x intended a, take against the queen can no longer succeed when West shows out on the second heart lead, But note also that if South plays correctly, he makes the contract, Before tackling hearts he cashes the A-K of diamonds and -- a bree yar arently useless a Ca ah a 4 7" 'eat, who own Bl eee wa as . fo started with precisely aix clubs THEM TO ez 4 and three spades, also had three an fl diamonds, It follows that West have more than one heart that nothing can be gained by leading the ace of hearts, In+ Stead declarer leads the threg of hearts towards the King. hop ing that West's heart, if he haa One, is the queen or the ten, When West, in the actual hand, produces the ten, South has a@ sure thing going for him, He plays the king from dummy = "ES (90| TELEVISION LOG fjvics ait" 9, One DOWN leaves um Ce Channe Bie 8 Pa, ut ee PM, hundred A,Riverin 48, Cap- hannal SbeHie [smd Paar | SPS eS Howe | Harkness Denies laca! Fone -- i gnats 'oronte Kraft Thea ee Pe, India Solumbla monkey (§ITUARY] 10, Nest 2, Stir up 17. Dullest (MORIAGMRTTICISIE] | Shanna! S-Reshen Hola' towal ene pacitt roe cow | Leader Appealed builds 3.Riverin 20, Knook HAIER lete lei | Channel th-amiten | ¢=The. Waterers nae Beet CALGARY (CP) ing fish Ttaly 21, Silver: aE EpReEeenEa Vee Pe @ndeareh tor Temerree | Harkness, Conservative meme 12, Monsoon 4, Fawner's aym, Yootorday's Answer THUREDAY GVB, | 1).00:.6632----Newn B--Neonday Report ber of Parliament for weather word 22, Con- 20, Bark 09 Oe, Seer tha Pom North, denied Tuesday night 18, Misplaces 6. Polaing traction 80, Hot HoPamily Theatre uD) eo NeRacing Perum that he rejected an appeal 14,Wherethe 6.In a EB 41, Harnesses O~dupermen -Oviaing Light Storting tilted fashion 33. Poplar tM, Piper + Viewpoint posed orreetiie' dinates boca nits TA 36, Only ah 1 i he ™m, ( ar. U. &Ll0 Pombo ate HeTheatre them, 15 arial humortat $7, Unadormned cn ke " tains "There never was an ap perfumed 8, Avaricious boring 38, Part ofa te 4 WE'VE MADE FROM | IT FEEL SORRY FOR \FORGET IT... WE GOT bag % Ugly old tool Jantation SnLeve It To Reaver ve Lr. peal," the former Conservative REE THOUSAND J | BEN ed THINK HE) CLEAN AWAY. 16, Compass woman 27, Tmpassive 40, Bow Tyr ane tas | cae ichigo defence minister said, RY TUN DURING FALUNG In 7 WITH ee oink imei = Mr. Harkness said a remark LOVE WITH Me, THATS 17, Descended i cs ( sin ak ensue ith by Mr, Divfenbaker in an inter : 18..From: /, V/, Devglite thew prefix i To=Nowe Contra} oe is always open" is @ 19, Unatable 'News, dporte. wim boron rs cliche "which he's used scores nue r = 22. Norse gover Wane Gutapicin". Reveeres Farr WAS Waed"Teene [Of Occasions on all kinds a,Fae on ew nee AM, subjects," 24, Stitchbird Vctamily Theatre We 9/1) Tofleme, in The wine The Calgary MP was one 26, Viper Y) ine Seek Sciaement ot Trem "--* eee | Scmicney Peuee Civ hysdeeg $2. Guido's '| Serases Benet 1 AM pe The, Soar ar low note ne PM ALA eee Sheva matings o -- la w= Ee rac" ERE Bieree| Ee" " | NEWS IN BRIEF ing Grd ittiont Hebe Bann Southern @hew PoM Squad ae o-News, Weather wie Am, ViePather Knows Beat Sports VeHave Gun Will Travel| P=People in Contiet a= Bat Mastereon %--Romper Room Oral Worle S--Caln's Hundred GeTruth or J--General tat 39. Run away B--Bacnelor Father ¢ coat of tats in 1989 to $42.96 in and mi ne am 41 Love Lucy @--To Tel The Trem $81.59 in late 1062, d ~ oe am ne PM 40, Mother-o: edoDenles Beene banwnare The Sere? lie ee teneaie TEACHERS SEE CANADA 1 DJonnny Quer? toTralimaater eit. Your Mave A party of 56 British teach+ 41, Voxes enhenere, Someta S--The MeCove Ot You Dont Say ers will teach in Canadian 42. Species ee ee Payne Yeung Marriot ischools in 198546 under the of iris : ee Pm Tite AM. e-Pubile Service Cc teach FEE yc, OE . VieSpectal Movie Teealbert J. Steed Anneuncements, om m On wealth cher @x- TeDonne Reed Show = | b.Doea Mather Know +-Bdge ot Night change plan. #3--Gomer_ Pyle eat YOUR HEALTH a-Perry Maser |b.9-Cencentration sor age STILL USE BEADS x ' * : . ea-pe, Hiwere ts beg ath Sere Accountants in many Japan as Whee ham Three bere RBummer Fun | PoaRocketenip 7 ese banks stil! work with an C ; ¥- Vote am | we electric calculator at one elbow Mother-Of-5 Wants Seat ices cate ie ---- " ' ' : epasemorey Gwe |paRecky And Mie Prienge [and an abacus (beadrame) at = ~~ T R < Fi jews Edie vin Orke thew | an he ghey rie weet eg igur ine WOON \}myet Jaekeen NY LIVE IN COMFORT woae id NI roel 0 ain e RaDonna Reed oe About 2,500,000 homes in the A BAGY SITTER / : By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD {United States now are com: , Sporn athe & Thirty , Bese . DEAR DR. MOLNER: Why isjgin with, a somewhat smatier) P-Pevten Piece Hercules pletely air-conditioned, ------ - ; : it so difficult, if not impossible,/gain is reasonable. PRINT MANY NEW BOOKS for me to regain my figure? | yy er three months of ex-jdren in six years, and thatitrouble is in controlling flow) Israel publishes 2532 sew T have had five children, rang. MB you still have five/hasn't given you much time be:ifrom the bladder, books each year, compared with ing from six yeats to f0Ur/ pounds to shed, it's evident that/tween babies to get your figure} Canada's 3.212 and Australia's months, and have been exercie-/0eu gained too much, So get ridjback in shape, There are moth:| i Ry ing nearly every day now forlof the five pounds, Some of thejers who have very good Raetesl Drain-Tube Lelt nearly three months lexcess weight is in that midriffjand have had more babies than) The results are not startling./fMabd that, but usually you'll find that) In Victim's Body I don't have a weight problem,! You doubtless are familiarjthey had more recovery time | although I do have five more|with stretch marks, These are/between pregnancies. PORT COLBORNE (CP) --| pounds to lose to get back toldue to stretching or breaking of Dear Dr, Molmer: My husband) uot nas been reereal normal, It seems my entire/fibrous supporting tissue in thel.g » prostate operation adout| ques o middie, from midriff to lowerjskin, These are permanent) soars ago He feels all into the death of William An- abdomen, is nothing but a maasisince this type of tissue does/ Mee Years ago. oo drew Wegrich of Port Colborne of flab not go back to its original con-/tight but has very weak piers aher an. acter Geel 6 I'm so discouraged, Is it pos-|dition jand has to urinate quite fre. catheter, & type of melieal sible to get all those muscles; The same sort of thing oc-/quently, What ts your advice! + ay nice and tight again, or shouldjeurs in the fibrous tissue and/-W. W. Strument used for drainage pur | i just resign myself to a mid.) muscles deeper in the abdoml) He should consult a urelogist.| poses, in his. body, | die-aged figure at the age of 30?/nal wall, With the fibrous tis-/Frequently and difficulty in re) The inquest will be held here Mra, J, W. iswes you can't expect much im:jtaining the urine are common Sept, 20 A good deal of getting your|provement. However, there's ajafter this surgery. However, Hl de) eilicihhe ae figure back depends on what/brighter side, Unused muscles inicertain exercises to strengthen ospital officials sald the happens before the baby arjthe wall can be toned up by ex-icontro! will help. After three; catheter was used for drainage rives, That is, don't put on todlercise, ; lyears, it might be too late to/ following surgery Nov. 2, 1964, Imuch weight during pregnancy.) You may not get back te thelexpect the best results. but it} Mr. Wegrich died last sum- 'A maximum gain of 20 poundsjfigure you had at 2, But youlis worth trying mer at the age of 70, His death is a good rule to follow, For aican do some further improving.| [t doesn't mean anything is; was attributed to multiple my- woman who is overweight te be-lAfter all, you've had five chilwrong with Dis kidneys; the! eloma, a form of cancer. clear weapons policies,