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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 20

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ASR vl 21d dell Ma dy abe ate Morey SMHAWA TIMES, Thorton, Sestercie 9.1908 "Times Action Want Ads Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, BUSINESS SERV CE DIRE CTORY qucomncabenaneemmemen satin v6, BOYCHYN, and WiLL mae risters, Solicitors, 36% King Oshawa; RO, tag) Clect Boyehyn) W, Ay hi Humphreys, BA, LLB, Bilan aston) Residences: 7254604) Whitby, cet tae Hiret Grort 728-4926) 728-8133, NHA and mortgage funds avellabie, Building Trades SPECIAL - 10% Discount On All Orders Remodelling, carpentry, til. ing, painting, plumbing, elec. tridal work; roofing, @aves- troughing, plosterin , coment work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding, 20 skilled men ready to *"NIELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa =~ 728-2061 Peterborough » 745 2184 ~ QUALITY CARPENTRY folieltor onal Ll ing, himene iy phi fan eea meaner, | GENERAL. "REPAIRS Edger f, Bastedo, @¢) Grant WH. Arm) Roofing, Painting, Siding, strong. Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Ree, A ox CCH, War. Rooms, General home remod- dar tnd boat nat bei el-ing., All work guoranteed, Omawer Ontario, Clien' } ete Ba H. "MeKOY 25-8576 able, 7294716 or 7254717, SHE BAR bb de) baci Accountants eae rm ing sree vay Tb une 'Al 'scomma€ 4 Telephone = Charte pile ay and afi BA Woot ecountants, 4 4. Ronald non, GAY mond Borrows, ch 7564, ; ecountants, . Licensed Son envy ny fiereee street North, Oshawa, 7, fered Accountants, anenee a rade Ble Wy King . Street ON 28-1809) 8. 7, famine Ny A. A, ie ay & wer CA, r, Ceriiiled Gerersi Aceauntant, utes Sows ag ping Centre, 72 plete hookkeep! Street Wert, 728-0997, rWOUMAR, Chartered? AUOURY, Wes sree Suite 4 Ontario, Telephone 729-1271. Barristers aie" "SAITEDO: _Barrishors i erviee. tervin, 184 aT) Wane rac Oshawa, THE R, H, CABINET CO 1614 CHARLES ST,, WHITBY 668-6911 y ane VICTOR, Barristers Solleltors, Notaries, Bank of Commerce Bulld ing. 8 Simene treet , Neri, Conewes Tae 6 4 ' Creighton, i or fr 1 @, Bryan. ae QC; 7-0584) G. 1. Murdoch, 68) J 6, Vietor, 9887118 Ly 4 * fi Kitchen cabinets Vanities, 6 Ke Terri am Wa Kin at, yer ae jRenidnce i, ftret J Greer,|__ Custom built cabinets, QC, 725 Terenes V. Kelly, BA. ACL, AL ST ~ pullding, , veering repairs eS! Thoma H. Jermyn, BA, LLB) ang remodeling: chimneys, new and re paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs, by ag on ae iae kee w 2774, Gord MAY. ten on sigllbety Li ING, co conerete » Noors, mM "rooting, i laity, New work and repairs ind email (gps. ey H, Roofing Classified Rates fre eam ag Vv elven rading and fill, 'we year @ WORD ADS Mtetrane Paving, 723-ha4\ YOUR LOCAL SeHIMNRY cleaner, chim: neva built and repaired) gas linings words 'each, 4 Gon |instalied) roofs repaired. Pree estimates insertions of 24 words 04.9%, | 723-2997 words \fe gach, POR egetiional all types "ot cement work, crank McCann, R ) Onhawa, Brooklin aa GARPUNTAY ic brie, Wes gh crete, New or remodelling work, fea), é i NEW PLARTERING and repel sidewalka, renner! yi Ba, rece eatimates, reat}, NEEO A new ficorh Phone Whitby bei We specialize in corion @) ay goods, tlie and eeramic wall Hie, eatimation, Werk guaranteed, purer counts BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES <a r*) Insertion bay M cents ditional charges Mot paid within 8 days, IN MEMORIAMS on firat 98 words be Horsetter plus Ve vet gh verse ihe additional eharge within @ days. CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for. the fret 39 Sheree 1 not not pale "rnin COMING EVENTS fa i Pera inch ia), 0 J Mery) * pia, 949-2020, w_u [Dentistry y ental Surgeon: " Simeoe Street North, Oshawa appointment, 728-5842 or Res, via Dressmaking GERGONAT sr¥LiRe - women! Dresamaking, Fiting & specialty, 728-189 ment for the on thereatior, for fashion alterations prac saves for appoint 2.10 PER INCH INSERTION DEADLINES RD ADS Yn ERY previous pear AND. FOUND am, pu! narHe AND DEATHS ; m, day of publication We AT Kinds OF ladies' wear, High quality werk, Call Agnes' Dresamaking, 668-8463, GRESEMARING -- High quality work Skirts, Greases, alterations, pant cutting! Telephone 728-0870. oe i LADIES --- have your children's dressed for Christmas, Teenage a apeciaity! 7258502 | ORESSMAKING -- Su! alterations, slip co , epactalty, | Mra, Toma, Whitby, seems ing and } Supplies THIS & THAT" LAWN SEEDS FERTILIZERS PEAT MOSS BIRD BATHS WEED KILLERS BUG KILLERS COW MANURE PURINA DOG MEALS MASTER DOG MEALS PURITY DOG MEALS PET SUPPLIES PLAY SAND COOPER - SMITH COMPANY 16 CELINA STREET 723-1139 We Deliver e goats, dresses, Fitting a oan n 2, CLASSIFIED eg uonenar large, mS eg pag AE CANCELLATIONS AND ¢ AM. DAY OF PUBLICATION BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Me while endeavor will be mee laers no Bc toss or damage a i'e@ thraugh qiiver atture or delay in "tore warding such ree ian, however caused whether by negligence of semaine te The Times will » le for replies uncalied fer a REGULATIONS The Onhawe re beg Boal he aponsidie ments Toned" rerwive writing net more than one tion of any kgf BF nor be yond the price charge for @ single insertion in whieh error secure. The Oshawa Times renerves fhe right to classify advertising according te Te proper classification, in he canes of display bg ge tit Tre Times will not be held sible for more apace 'han that aren | the actual error occupies The j liahera endeavor to reproduce al) ad vertising matter correctly, bul assume _ no Hability of advertisement it any inaccuracies in any form are contained therein, sip 2 - concetee viete [FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS hal SOD pudlication will De charged one day's Laid and Delivered . . . also Insertion, | IT'S EASY TO PLACE A | Cedar Hedges, Potios Loid ond Delivered. TIMES ACTION WANT AD CALL Ca Classified Diredt | 723-3492 "MAPLE LEAF" Landscaping and Garden Service INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 725-061) FENCING No not just stendard galven- red chain link, but, electro. ytie end galvenized weove chain link, Fencing for ionger maintenance free coats, Supplied and instotied, 725- 72 ee--Marine Equinment FoSwap and Barter Ye--Farmera Calon VinPets and Livestectt VeArticles Wanted v2--articies for Rent JamRusiness Onpartonitiee after e--Mole Help Wanted YeoMale of Female Help Wanted 139) = Sve ~ hw 'f¢ Topena te ane Guaranteed Cedar Tr GREEN AND BUSHY FOR HEDGES ETC FREE ES TIMATES, QUANTITY OF POSTS AND POLES SMITH'S TREE FARM Newtonville --- Call Collect 786.2283 EXPERIENCED gardener wh your @arden and lawn. Planting, spray. m@ Proning, Dedee trimming, ete, Rea wnnadie, TDS Oal4 ARMSTRONG $00 AND Coan eer y tet. Gravel, atone ang top soil, 'yap anes, Herdsand Lendscap ne Dan Stores, Offices and Storage DeeMauses for Rent care ter ey i Rug-Upholstery Service Gardening and and Supplies ™VE STARTED TO ED 79 ¢ cur AGAIN "BLUE GRASS 30D" Check the quality: in the field, "Al Green' Nursery .Sod Growers, 'Townline North, Y mile vis of Taunton Oshawa 735-9674 RET FO Fain cal Tim. 8 aie them down, Free Tas04i0 : instruction . OSHAWA DRIVING SCHOOL 10 years teaching driving automatic and standard ears, Professional instructors, 728-0091 ANYWHERE == ANYTIME WHITBY BRIVING SCHOOL, new due! controlied cars, Personal, courteous serv jee, fully Neen C] and insured, 668-6176. ANO" -- Classlenl and popular, Con Janitor Service AYTENTION HOUSE Wives) nomical ¢elling, wall cleaning modern machine, Free estimates, guaranteed 78-77% Mo gages MORTGAGE LOANS Money for first mortgages Open Mortgages Interest at 7% No Bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for second mortgages Fast service, M, F, SWARTZ 26% King St. Eost Oshawa, Ontario, 723-4697. SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simeoe St, North Oshawa, Ontorio.. 725-3568 Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Member Ontario Mortgage B Brokers Amociation fast, PRIVATE ond corporate monies for ail rimortgages. Mortgages and agreements of sale purchased, Cre'nhton, Murdoch and Victor, ( r FIRST" AND SHCONY morte Ml agreements purchased and sold, Hennick) and Hennick, Barristers, 3) King Street) ant, 723 722, BY RIGHARD BLACK; OB, 150 "Simcoe = SAM. North, Sulte 4, Oshawa, Telephone *|Painting an and | Decorating _ PAINTING AND DECORATING INTERIOR and EXTERIOR Broadloom, Custom Draperies FREE ESTIMATES DODD & SOUTER 668-5862 PAINT INS AND DECORATING, sreaper Also chimneys cleaned, Al guaranteed, Mid ny 'Plumbing and Heating ACL PLUMBING" AND" HEATING" sup plies, Telephone 775-352! Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and, Engineering, ms 'Simeoe Street South, OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Clean- ing, At our plant or in your home CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CHESTERFIELOS re-upnoistored and re styled, Free estimate, See our material for recovering Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street 723-7212 CHESTERFIELOS re Upnoltiored and re styled. Free estimate, See our materia! for recovering Dalton Upholatering, 75 Charies Street 793-7212 CHESTERFIELDS and old chairs, re jcovered like new, Get the best for jess a! Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simere 'street | South, Call 7PR44S!. Free esti mater REUPHOLSTERY by experts. Eataniian, od 1? years. Complete range of materials Workmanship eva: jeed five years Free estimates, Credit. terms, Mattresses re built, Furniture refinished, Oshawa Up: holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue 72$-03)) Sales and Service USED BICYCLES BOUGHT AND SOLD Repairs to all makes of bi- cycles, Lawnmower repgirs, Authoried dealer for Tecum- seh, Lavson power products AJAX CYCLE and SPORTS HARWOOD AVE. N, Telephone 942.155) Free ) pick up end de! very CANVAS awnings, curtains, "eanaples Complete service. Free extimates, Mil Jelinek, PPR-TR anytime WEED CUTTING ane piovehing, Tele phone 942-1893, Ajax, or S68-2)02, Whithy Reasonadie rates GUARANTEED repairs te all Poe. @UARANTEEO REPAIRS to al! wringer washers and ranges, Free estimates. Cait Poe rad Septic Service SEPTIC TANKS creanes, promot service OF calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby 648.2883. Surveyors *. PLIM AND TROLLOPE Sorveyors, 113 Elgin Street rpsaae) DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, Opiario Land Surveyor, Commercial dive prints. ) Ontario Street, 725.0002. Ontaria Land Bast, Prone TV--Radio Repairs CITY TV TOWERS, amennas, ato re m pairs, All work guaranteed. Dean Ave@mcve _Tetaphene Lite Want-Ads Don' t | Cost-They Pay Pi tact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street, Dial! 125-4087, Marold MH. Stark) en, ALUMIRUM TV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED + 36] GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 TELEVISION - RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE HOLMES SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK £5! 1s Lagutning 'VARIES FROM : 110, 000% av A, By R. J, SCOTT ANE CURRENT FROM ONE. Bord on, ANOTHER 40 BUILD UP AND FALL. WHEN THEY Hit AN OBuKCT on TARM, CAN SAUSFREL DIETS BE MADE MORE TASTY yk LOPEZ, ORCHESTRA LEAD PLAYED MORE THAN 2,000 NOTES AMINUTE OW A PIAKO, e 0 ng Fess Drei, tne, 104 Weed say semmod YES « BY JuDIcioUs USE OF SPICES. ELECTRONICS For prompt service Call Whitby -- 668-5679 HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED TV TOWERS ARE THE BEST! WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! a, RAL U, \H, Chinn, 729-7008, ; '8--Articles for Sole TELEVISION Corner Bond and Division 728-5143 AERIALS RON"S TV 12 Yeor's Experience All Work Guaranteed 723-752) RON BRIGHTLING 9AM -- 9 P.M. FAST T.V, SERVICE Service Call only $2.50 DOMINION TELEVISION | 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, All work guaranteed, FALL SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW 7 qualified servicemen, Lome es TELEVISION 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA - ELECTRONICS Well Drilling--Digging | r (9) R S by W. Ward, 204 Chestnut | bY, 668-2563 oF 468-3809 weit in Minch tile, Str -- | Removal of superfluous halr Marie Murduff will be in Oshawa Sept, 13th, 14th, 15th, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint ment, me 733.4641 - WAVE FUN over the long winter months join a Bowling League. Men, wo and kids all weleome for morning, after: noon and evening imagues, Oshawa Plaza! Rowling Lanes, King and Stephenson.) 2-280) PASSENGERS WANTED for car seal daily, Oshawa to Toronto Teachers' Col- lege, return, Telephone 728-9758. GENTLEMAN would like ride from Wii son Road to Yonge and Bloor, arriv ing at 8.30 a.m. Telephone 723-3729 SCHOOLTEACHER residing vicinity of Mariand Avenue desires ride to Or, S.J Priitips Sehool, North Simeone, 723-5436. 5--Troilers * COOKS TRAILER SALES Simcoe St. North Clearance sale starts today, Buy now and save, 2 only 15° citations, 1 only 17° rambler, 2 only 15' Canadians, 2 only 16' Glenelles equipped). 1 only 17° Glendette (show- room condition), Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Closed on Sunday. Phone 723-9534 POR SALE Oeture, as (fully Mobile home, Champion X 10, excellent and frig, four-piece bath, second bed: room easily installed. Lots of cupboards Price 34,000. Will take terms. Telephone Newcastle 987-4252 until 7 p.m TRAILER -- a x 10 attached porch: Hwee Dedrooms, full size dath Whithy ssh) aso all types of welding done, reason: adie, Portadie equipment for ae CABIN TRAILER ~- condition, Cheap fer quick phone PERO) after S$ p.m ONE house trailer tor sale, yi with electric Drakes, toilet, Neater, hitch. Will seit reasonadiy, Telephone 728-2805. 16S TENT TRAILER, used three weeks, Eaton's Trutine, 8450. Sleeps six Phone Rowmanvilie 693.00) FOR RENT -- lé-foot house sleeps six, Telephone Brook!in tent, sale trailer 655-308) 6--Marine Equipment OFT, NIPISSING i strip with 1864 WP Mercury motor Tee Nee Telephone 720-990? after 4 p.m. bit FOOT FIBERGLAS boat; 10 HP Evin.) rude motor; Tee Nee trailer, Price $975. Telephone 725-2016. Crestiner runabout, Evinrude moter, Tee Joly, S97. Horsepower tratie: Aner " ae AN new in S pm. PDE IEDS MOLDED reury meter, seat ouat sks, He jacket, (fest, 48 ewan per dour, 8573. Me, peceetn » traile 'LAWN MOWERS or phone 725-4171 anytime 725-6). RA |. Civine, ROOM RUG, mushroom table try chestertield; electric stove, 90"; two LUXURY TRAILER, }venetian blinds, two 27", [8 Forest Road, Ajax 942.0893 DRUMS -- complete with cymbals excellent condition. Asking $300, prone 725-168? TYPEWRITERS, time clocks, Bunrerses Outstanding good buys, 728-7783, Open evenings. STEWART DRUMS One year old. Excellent condiiton, chides, bet 'FURNITURE -- furniture, only 8299, Ine. complete ded: foom, condition. Pay only $3. wkly Fully furnished, bot water, full site stove Aarons' Home Furnishings an Simcoe $ HONEST CAL'S" Furniture ances. anywhere. We carry Restonic and Rever ized GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal's, at Telephone 404 King Street Wert, wr Inger ADDING machine, typewriters, cashiers, waNhers and ranges, Free entimates, Call TRAILER HITCHES made and installed, |duplicators, chequewriters, flies, desks, jchairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and 72)-/ trade, with budget terms, New and used Low, (small), excellent TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- fh Tele structure, hot dipped galvanized |" plete, teed one year TRIO Television, corner wen, Tele TV TOWERS SPRCIAL structure = alhehannel $8. Oshawa Givnons Street FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE discontinued. patterns, Al price from Pc % Church Street trailer, OIC PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits, Toure work Clart Studio, 68.409), BUY AND SELL and appliances Nee Dundas East Private. 1k SUTUKI & Sxcelient condition, $300, Whithy 668-9176 te &) Pm ottels, BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap very clean and ipliences. Call Elmer, DAD 2808, 7--Swap and Barter |8--Articles for Sale BATHTUBS, $10) basins, $2.) pressure lnive CHESTS of drawers, two refriger systems, $35.) sinks, $8.95; cabinets, $35.)/ators, wo heavy duty stoves, like new) boats, motors; trailers (new), $119.50,/two rugs, dinette suite, several beds, Isprings and mattresses, Ken's Appliance om |and Sports, 183 Simcoe Street South, 72661) mn [ATLAS JUICER -- nearly new, Suitable) | for beehela and fruit Telephone | | 723-7787 aneuee fo be sold from 68 Me Millen Drive for apartment, Call after 6 p.m, Apply above address. | EXTENSION LADDER, wonden, 30 feel, \$10. Apply 106 Connaught Street, Oshawa | SAGRIFICH! Legy: rs size accordion, $300 jnew) sell for Telephone Whitby 668-4014 BICYCLES Standard features include, chain guard, Perry Coaster brokes and silver brazed frames ond forks, From $34.95 Up Vacuum brushes, ete repairs, all makes, hoses, Light, dependable and power- ful, Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3', Chrome plot- ed handle. From $39.95 Up TENTS Heavy waterproofed -- drill, sewn-in fipor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with awning, From $39.95 Up DOMINION TIRE STORE 48 Bond St, West Telephone 725- 651 WRECKING HOUSES ot PARK RD & KING ond BURK STREET lane "aaK6 Hondas, all nearly new, re- duced, The Cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe | Street South, 725-6611, No down payment. Open avenings tani 9 p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King West |Dial 728-4242 WE BUY, sell and exchange used furni- ture or anything you have, The City Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671, |$288.--THREE ROOMS of furniture. B |selection, $3, weekly, Wilson Furniture | 20 Church Street, |GUNS -- Bough, sold, traded, repaired jat are Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West {728-9 Gna | Honda, cellent Simcoe 9 p.m, |GUITAR "Fender, "Jazz Master", eon. cert amplifier and reverberator, Will sell |separately, Telephone Whitby 668-4897, |HONDA, 300 Super Hawk. Save $200. The Cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe Street South, 725-661) '65 DUCATI Scrambler, jwith full) xompetition $650. Telephone 726-695 BEAUTIFUL = new Andrew + Malcolm, Pickering 942-0992. SAVE $50 on new NSU seoote Cycle ate, 153 Simcoe Stree 725-661) \PmDi@REe "baby carriage, dark bive, in good cond! ton. Brooklin 455-3659, FaNSIOAIRE 30 inch' four-burner range, and scooters, All in ex 159 'it MOTORCYCLES Allstate, Bridgstone, condition. The Cycle Shop, Street South, 725-6611, Open 250 ce, and 'street, kits 5. Italian = Provincial Dining-room = suite. All types of used building moterials for sale, Salesman on job 8 to 8, condition, $180, 263-2194 Mangione 250, one month old, like new. The Cycle Shop, 153 Simcoe Street South, NORTTE, oll space heater, 2) Inches wide with blower, All good condition. Telephone 728-7978 RECONDITIONED Used refrigerators, igs Apply 805 Anderson Street; Whi elephone 668-666), we ROOMS of furniture, $298.50. down payment, $1S monthly at Cal's, 424 King West, 728-919) SUMMER SALE! Tent 9 x 18, type, $42.95.; 32 HP Alte moter, square stern canoe, $59.) used Valley Creek, EXHIBITION SEWING MACHINE SPECIALS New Elmas and Whites, $59 ond Trade-ins accepted, Authorized dealer, OSHAWA SEWING CENTRE, 329 Sim- coe St, South, 728-239), Janssen's Power _ Equipment Centre Toro, Mato-Mower Mossey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- ment. Licensed mechanic on duty, 843 King West 728-9429 No Up. Honest wall 240. fishing tackle, Street West. BUY AND SELL -- Good Used furniture and appliances, One location only, Pretty! Furnitur 44 Simcoe South, 723-9271, 6 Bond New, U pairs to Jack Lees, 728-6956 CANOPY, wooden, asphalt, shingles and] FREEZER, 32-foot ge atyle, in 9004 | ° Grovel @ Sead « Ss condition, Telephone 5660. > TELEVISION -- 21" floor model, in godd " Much @ Building Materials condition, Rest offer, ieee . 7 pms TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL telephone 223-6134. Free 24-hr, Burner Service TYPEWRITER for sale. Apply 309 Bond. --|Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer Street East, Oshawa, CALL 668-3524 SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED 244 Brock St, South OL FURNACE, gravity, motor, the stat, oll drum, etc. Good condition, cheap | for quick sale, Telephone 723-4813. MOTORCYCLE, 60 AJS 650 twin, Excel: lent condition with rebuilt motor, $525 Apply 108 Nonquon Road or telephone 723-4036, shade, single ded with legs; three Mree-piece sectional tapes: x 17 10 tarps; practically new, Small electric port) with wringer, Beautiful) one is 37", every convenience able washer, in Tele OPAIONT PIANO--also aluminum boat, Telephone 725-3659 "PHILLIPS" four-track portable recorder, All attachments, Lea condition, p.m, ceuvaRves BUS; sultabdie for hunting, ele, $425, Reconditioned motor, tell. Street or telephone 773.9382. TYPEWRITER, standard, $35.) portandie,| $3; adding machine, $25; electric Woe: | writer, $40; electric cash register, Vem-/ ner, $100, 723-4434 FLY RICLING system, completely auto matic, Try for_one month for only $3.50.) Call Chilehem Chemicals, Whitby 468-2200 SWIMMING POOL Chemicals and equipment for sale. We deliver, Call Cul Vigan, Whitby 668-2200. | DESKS FOR STUDENTS. Many styies.| Best selection; lowest prices from $17.77. Wison Furniture, 20 Church Street PIANO FOR SALE -- in very good con dition. Medium size, with stool, Price! $250, Apply 421 Ridgeway Ave. ONE WEBCOR doudie-headed = two-track tape recorder, in excelient condition, $}30, One Keystone stide prolector, auto matic, $60. Telephone 723-9768, 9--Market "Basket PLEASE Bring containers. Pick - your own tornatoes, $1. bushel, 25 cents, 6 at Dasket. Spanish onions, $5 cents each Corn, 2S cents doren, We pick, green sweet peppers, $2 dushel, 50 cents 6 at. pasket $ cents each. Carrots $) bushe 2S cents 6 gt. basket. W. Eymann, Halt mile east of Roy Nichols 6 ee, Cour Nee, Go north to Ist corner, FRESH VEGETABLES -. tomatoes, pep) pers and onions, Walter Huron, Half-mile! west of Ovhawa on 40) Service Road. GOOD COOKING apples, $). per dushel Bring own containers, 12 Miles north of Qshawa on Simone Street. 985.7476. TOMATOES Se, eleven quarts; $) " bushel. Bring containers. Telephon 72B-2070. or 72R-4Ry ORDER FOR FREEZER, roasting chick oma, four pounds $1.55; three pounds $1.15.) Tele | adding few and rebuilt, machines and One year Jen kins Business Machine Sales and Service, "Yape- Extra tape.| $180, 723-6406 after) larger complete set In Telephone | | | %4 Gren: | brushes, i sticks ete 3 rooms, new quality living room, kitchen ensembles Unbeatadie value! and Appil- Name brands at highest discounts ¥ mattress furniture tines, Your author 728-919) tow prices, Bill' Hamilton, Raglan tower » Single all-channel antenna com: installed, tax included, guaran: $50, See all towers at Bond and Divi neha Ra. @ toot lower antenna = instatied, Supply Limited, 36) PIRB1AD. TV ot slashed " per 7, Wilson Furniture, custom picture framing. evenings and weekends. 3S Brock North, Whitby. -- Good used furniture Goold's Furniture, 25 Whitby 668.548} twelve hundred miles Hampton 263-2204 or [Delivery on order of ten or more, 'Tprone 728.5291, 9---Market Basket 14--Business Opportunities - A Large Return For A Small Investment" -- 17--Female Hos bat POTATORS, 61.65 bushel; #iso fresh vegetables, Free deliv: vey for Oshawa), and Bowmanville area. 1306, rage 00, 7 ONTARIO pM ge I 4, pom r oo1na concann = Farm equipment wa, Ti of real estate selling for only the price of a home, Full pe only $15,900, Bi) 986-4869. 2296, H. Kelth Lid, Realtors, quantity. children, | HONDA MOTOR BIKES = New and usea,| ! 2--Articles Wanted |13--Articles for Rent 30 HP, | excellent condition, $40, Telephone 725 [2 }16CU. FOOT ADMIRAL freezer, in new! or best offer, Hampton) uns and | hoses, Phone! | eaves trough, $20, Telephone 728-3723 | |CHAIRS, card and d banquet tables, chureh ching base lamp and shade, Telephone | 1 1 5--Employment Wanted ae 'ana all "aula to yes school URGENTLY Sifter to ee oe = end Hiee Ge do Noh! household ia iar. mo ther works, gg 1% we and week off, Telephone 723 Ld You av ve 7 'Avon _You. Cail 125-9696. Nf aren lo care for twe and household ive in, eer time iad ede yd Sellor, agg to do work Glin or business establishment, 661 "Olive avenve est a0, a vaileble for Call cabin Brooklin 65! 10----Farmer's Column BWAD and crippled farm stock picked " BF gy) Margwill Fur Ferm, Ved lephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721, Licence M9-C 65, WHEAT STRAW for oy Also. Shetland. pony, good will Tel 'ephone 666-2635 after 6 mn. FinsT CALF Holstein, heifers, and young cows due in two or three weeks wanted, Telephone Ralph Davis, Hampton 263-2284, 11--Pets and Livestock COZY-J-RANCH Kennels, horses, German Shepherds, pouleteregy bpd grown stock, pups, Stud. service, boarding, Ash- burn 655-4660 evenings. a GAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready tor soa. Apply Mrs, 7, r fered dachshund pups. Sev 5 old, Reasonable, Telephone Whitby "ov s003, FOR SALE -- Six-year-old Pinto mare, attractive red-white markings, Western broken, very gentle, Telephone 728-0685, FOR SALE -~ Bight Bel old Gelding, Western games h Five-year-old mare, In foal to Appaloosa, One loosa staliion 725-912. $7. BERNARD pups, regi lent pets and watch dogs. Boarding, Telephone Brooklin "iss: ao, ONE-YEAR-OLD Boston terrier, house trained). with papers, \affer 5 p.m, POODLES -- Black, male, twelve weeks \dld, registered, needies, $100, Telephone | Whitby 668-5426, PONIES -- "Registered American Shei Jands, top blood jines, priced at current market, Telephone 723-2143 or 725-1348, Owen MeCrohan |TWO GERMAN Shepherd puppies, four months old, black and silver gray, also) lone year old pony. Apply Ferguson's BA |St ation, Hampton 263-235) |ORRMAN SHEPHERD PUPS ~tive| weeks old, father: purebred with papers! 59) or) |mother alleged purebred, Cadillac Avenue South, weekends, RHODESIAN Ridgebacks Lion dog). Excellent bloodlines. CKC reg! stered, Call 723-6475, |CHIMUAHUA, also Border Collies and no papers, Evenings |Lebradors, $25 to $75 delivered, Port Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213,| Perry 985-2645 aig Be Vacuum Service, Main Street, BOARD for your dog while you go on} boarding, RR}, training Brooklin, vacation | Stolzensels 655-4467, Grooming, Kennells, REFRIGERATORS WANTED -- furniture =< What Have you? Valley Creek, 16 Bond Street West, Telephone 728-4401, WARDROBE -- in goed condition, Tele phone' Bowmanville 623-3591 RENTALS OF ALL KINDS SANDING MACHINES Oscillating sanders, dise sand- ers, belt sonders, floor sand- rs, PLUMBER'S TOOLS Pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tripod, pipe wrenches, pipe cutters, pipe threading dies, toilet auger, PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT Steplodders, aluminum -- ex- tension ladders, ladder jacks, stee! scaffolding, compres- sors, spray guns, wallpaper steamers, torpaulins, blow torches, propane torches, WELDING EQUIPMENT Acetylene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders, BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT Cement = mixers, __ finishing trowels, wheel barrows, elec- tric virator, air compressor, jock hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heat- ers, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rol- lers, electric hammers, mas- onry saw, building jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter sows, elec- tric plane, tarpaulins, 14° bond saw, 4" joiner, sand blaster, power tamper, power post hole ouger STAN'S SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD. 223 King St. West, Oshawa __PHONE 723-3224 _ Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glosses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridat Weor, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, itech S RENTALS 725-3338 ban- weddings, anniversaries, 'acilities, bar kitchen, parking, Reaven- able rates, 728-6315, WHEEL CHAIRS, hosp iter beds, walkers, reducing machines, sick room supplies, Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, jaisle runners, Cleve Rentals, 412 Simeoe Street _North, Call 723-2414, 14--Business Opportunities SERVICE STATION For Lease High awa Osh- Service volume, (the African) Applications For Salespersons 17-----Female Help Wanted |+ red 10 look SITTER urgently re fi in Phy wn home, Phone 668-4814. children rred, weekends, Te M7921, Gord' "siekin Chicken, LADY, Who 'likes children, to do house: work, five-day week, 7 am. il Tam, 920, Whitby tas708 weekends pm, WANTED by September 7. Reliable. a fon to care for two pre-school oye F es wank Live in or out. Teloprone EXPERIENCED waitress wanted, Please apply to Oshawa Steak Mouse, 1626 Sim coe Street North or Selephone a WOMAN wanted to look afer tw are being accepted Telephone 723-1643 Only. those desiring | regular full or part- | time employment | need apply. | | | Applicants must be- | between the ages of |" | 20 and 50. | Apply in person at | K-MART | Kendalwood Rd. and | Hwy No.2 BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Duties to consist of recep- tionist ledger entries, and secretary, For confidential in- terview enquire ot 101 Simcoe Street North Oshawa, SALESLADY _ Full time. Experienced on bet- ter ladies ready to wear, Good pay. Shopping Centre, Please write; BOX 239 OSHAWA TIMES CONSTRUCTION OFFICE requires clerk ~ typist five day week, Must be good with figures, 2 Telephone Ron -- 9 to 5 Ajax 942-2401 RELIABLE WOMAN. REQUIRED f HOUSEKEEPING POSITION) Live in -- private room -- high wages, must be fond of children, 725-7 764 WAITRESSES NEAT APPEARANCE Over 21. Apply in Person Tamblyn's Lunch Bar _ iawn seperng erie Salesladies Experienced only, FOX'S dren while mother works, Live sit Pies |borne Street area, Telephone 7 | BABYSITTER wanted to watch | me 7 15 to 9.15. Five-day week, Lake Pe E women fo ¢ ve lor Iwo chile ) ages 3%, Live sf Preferred, Rarerantet required, Call 7h. 3876. WOMEN with cars, light deliveries, 16 hours, $40, Write Box 601 Oshawa Times, RELIABLE ADULT to mind toddler in is home, four days weekly, 10 " bam Permanent position, Yeon rane MOTHER'S assistant, for general house- hold duties, room and bedi with re muneraiton, Telephone 725-89 bOES A "Beauly Counselor" a on you? |We may need someone in your area, or call for Products. Telephone 723-9349, WAITRESSES, full time; alto shor order cooks. Apply to The Manager, Mr, |Gude, Voyageur Restaurant, east of | Newcastle on PART-TIM osha Hotel, HAIRDRESSER, experienced, full time, |Greiq's Hair Styling, Bowmanville. Tele | phone 32, LADY REQUIRED jo" help in house. Must like children and be able to hy |with children's homework, Good wages and private room. Write Box 513, Osh+ jawa Times, | WAITRESSES wanted, full 'and part time, |no weel no pply in person it9 sliver" ori 1621 Brock Street South, ler Tequired, Apply Gen iaBy. to come in the mornings fe care for two children on Townline Road South from 7,30 a.m. to 12,30 noon, five day week, Telephone 728-1 after 5.30, BABY SITTER to care for two children while mother works, Telephone Bowman- ville 623-§272, GIRL WANTED for lunch counter, shift work, Also woman for kitchen nights, Apply as Ritson Road South. 18--Mele Help | Wanted _ Junior For Newspaper Advertising Department This is an excellent op- portunity for a young man over 18 years of age to learn advertising and selling, and offers splen- did advancement possi- bilities. The duties of the job at present will include some office routines, checking and handling of adver- tising materials .and servicing adv re with Proofs for publication and other details. A.Commer- cial High Schoo! Graduate will be preferable and at least Grade X Education is essential. Typing and previous. experience in a business firm will be on asset. rtle TUS The young man we wart Appl cs Simcoe gt, South Experienced Saleslady On dresses, coats and sportswear: Apply to Kaye's Sportswear 68 Simcoe Street North Oshawe SALESLADY Experienced only. Apply BLACK"S LADIES WEAR 72 Simcoe St. North WANTED -- Folks in Oshawa and "ais trict to show: our luxurious Chrismta: cards to friends and neighbors. No je perience needed, Our exciting catalogue) 'Wustrates over 300 items in full color, making it easy to get plenty of orders area, Station available | soon. } Telephone Whitby | 668-3211 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Small Engine Business in City. Industrial zoned pro- perty. 195 feet total front- age. Business stock, build- ings and five roomed house, Good Parking area, Please write: Box 237 Oshawa Times Beauty Salon QUICK SALE LIFETIME CHANCE Modern Equipment And Furniture $1350 Toto! Price Hiness Forces Sole CALL 725-2141 \ on approval Earn extra money this way, Write today for Christmas cards on approval and tree catalogue. Monarch Card Co, Dept.) 16, 2}? Cannon, Hamilton, EXECUTIVE "WOME" near "Rossland and | 'Simcoe, smatl family requires lacy cap) jabie to do light nousework including | meal preparation, Full or halt time Mon: | days through Saturday, Satisfactory com-) nek eg for competent person. Reply giving reterences to Box 136 Oshawa | Times BS if } LEARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's finest Hine of Christmas Cards, ™ novelties, Wraps, ete. er 300 items. For tree. | deautifully [ustrated catalogue, samples) and the. fastest service. | Jeandron Greeting Card Co, 1253 King! Street. East, Hamilton ntaric [WOMAN to care tor three children, one pre-school, light housekeeping duties, live in preferred, Urgent, Bay Ridges 839-4037 after 6.30. MATURE reliable woman for light house-) work and child care, Two youngest chil dren in kindergarten, Duties, salary ar: ~ ranged to ge satisfaction, Exchange 'references, 728-29: CLERR-FVPIST " aaa immediately. | \Preferadly experienced in bookkeeping, | Excellent working conditions. Whitby! area. Reply stating age, experience and) salary, Box 803, Oshawa Times EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted, ap] ply Riviera Hairstyling, 136 Simone South.) 728-965), Good working hours end wages.! will be neat in appear- ance, ambitious and | eager to learn, A chauf- fer's licence is necessary. Good working conditions, also Group Life and Hos- pitalization Insurance. Please opply in writing tot MR. L. B. LEITH ADVERTISING DIRECTOR OSHAWA TIMES 86 KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA, ONTARIO STUDENTS Wishing to qualify as CHARTERED AC COUNT- ANTS required, Applications invited from both University and Grode XII! graduates. DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 728-7527 _for appointment CARETAKER For part-time duties ot pres- ent, Future fu)! time duties, Write for }details to: P.O. BOX 415, Ontario,

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