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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 22

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: eae teen ee thee Wyte a Ss Bean Misa 5 Ee oe Pe anige wig he peeps tS pao OD WA JUST LISTED OSHA REALTY (Bond St.) LTD. This 5 room brick bungolow inside, immediate possession. Taxes $40 FOR GENERAL MOTORS employees --| 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA 449 Ritson Rd. South eT POPPE (err were ' ( =e + ' ob | | 2 "THE QMAWA TIMES. Thursday, September 2, 1965 se teen eens oe For aoe i25---Houses for Rent ree nti mane fn nl -- es ea ara to Bae' Sele|34--Automebile Repair | ae TWO-BEDROOM house in Ajax, norin ona, "modern! ; pith? rose Surenanee TELY NE Z j t excellent condition. Must|dairy term featuring fairly" new" brick Oshawa's First } laundry. central or. near bus. for working door "ee ea 'ives. |siene ore cor business. 1098 Simcoe } ( space, heat; ; t 20--Real Estate for Sale {20--Real Estate for Sale 'appreciates. Telephone Germ tbl lane bul tenk with, mi G A R N South' GM. "975" monty. Tel > Phase [sg I, Tom --* conan st ina North, Phone id mm | i , offered for sale complete, in- DE . a CHEVEOLET "nso door|pert carburetor _and ectric. ser- "a : tall feven-room Tene. house, with Ua teed et pureeed Howler cits ont SEOKOOR Walia epariment, 90,|30-----Automobiles For Sale|rsrsion,, avimatic, 8 cylinder, * radio, Vice. Wan King, Sireet West, 'oe0Hi7, " } SCHOFIELD-AKER) JACK RICARD |scacesericc Gi Scvter diet wage iy omen wete| HCAS (Sao Rta ann oon Fi 56--iedt sal Found | seven years old. our mites out of Pictonling® dairy farmer or business. executive ALIAK STREET: 114 -- One - bedroom een VE cabumaie canoe ost -- Ledy's with Black cord, i 7 iva' rat mmediate - LTO: REALTOR forested call or write 75 Pontiac Avenue,| reek n Porder, 'port Perry? eae yn, w.| New Concept For Family Living postetion "Newly "decorated. "Parking : aeming sen. Seay Sere, Lic SOG OE Col oh eae § MA WHITBY INCOME properly, consists of 1963 Mi three seater, | } 4 723-2265 BOWMANVILLE ant contained apartments and two Goubles, $7,000 per lot, setive Bay 'idgse Three 27--Rooms for Rent contin. Take ver payments, Ca Cai sher| 26--Legal eg incon ts "nm. "Laat sone Gia ita aay WE NEED USED. [thm taser pea" | (OVER A QUARTER ) 623-2503 Le, ar pally iad, 18 ann | Limited. Bedroom ATTRACTIVELY CARS BADLY ! onion a A om 6 cylinder, } CENTURY OF SERVICE 14000 downs Can Peter Ago. Rept Hi BUILDING LOT' on TA Wiahway. ona of FURNISHED ROOMS : fur tease eee aie en LA N D . ROMILANO-ROND ARE ford, Blackstock Moaer. iH Ketth Cid. Homes Avcilable in private home, | © We're offering to Pay Th : : $1,000 DOWN TROUT STREAM, it acres |ROSSLAND ROAD AREA -- 'nearly nem | Realtor, : Call between 5 and 7 p.m. Wide! nah tgg ed 45 Wal IMPALA" converibi, in excalie | of good timber near bungalow, lovely Vr 6 | ae a : ighest Trade-in Allowance ation: auoonal TIT LE | ; This ia buy yee i Pdagy Orono with 10.ft. streom ne Hotiweod iene pecis vinraam Stitabe. for keenng" ponies. Bul Bull pour Individual Patios 82 PARK RD.-N. Available: tre new front and reer speakers. Best = .» Port Perry «< early pos- He pet ong "i $16000 "in terns. Larry ret ooay no, s17 08 | own Don Siradeskt Reat eataten 720-468 e A -- 728-867 | * We're Featuring Low Rate 0 CUVEE ineala sien Pre | session can orranged. . . W. 0. Martin Realtor. umpus Room WO basement, ight keeping Motor Co. Fi ing. payment, easy terms, new paint. Lic, A | gest pang Seeeer id eas are geen 22 eal Uatote Wanted | Ratrig « Stove - Dryer (mney mre see Comin ode and ee ar [proofs Soar H 200 ACRE FARM on 7A hwy, r (tee 6 'ome in today and see our 964 JAC Parisienne two-door hard- JUST LISTED neor Nestleton, Large fairly |ing"s11-500 with. terme to" be 'arranged. Rents from eae aOOn Sin aa G| huge selection. of 1965 [tematic owner Must soil Bent hen, ' Two storey home within walk- new hip roof barn. House in |For appointment fo see call Elmer Want Your $130. per month furnished. Suitable for one iady. imme-| FORDS, FAIRLANES, FAL- | Téleoh . IN THE MATTER OF Lots i} ing distance from do' ; e bl a5 08 noe qaoacls aeaCTOR-- isan, Sue ennension.) Telenor: Shyrimne: 7) CONS "MUSTANGS ... for |HARDTOP 1959 Chevrole, 8 cylinder, ei Ps Praca Pes sige gc {) ties for two miles wo i : 4 Raven standard. Must sell by weekend. Best isson Avenue, all ac- ; pies be purchosed with tow streams. Asking $32,500, -- _ |Simcoe Street North. Zoned Sommercia!, Home SOLD So convenient to school ond | gepanate tingle. furnished ay immediate delivery, offer. Telephone : _. | cording to PLAN 627 7 vagists i] down payment. Taxes only cornor lot, 75° 10" x 124'. Six-room, 114 shoppirig. available in private home. Central to! oe 1964 PONTIAC Parisienne, four - de ed i R $179.00. For more informa- Terms. serey paves, garage, Priced. at $21,000. : North General per': Gentlemen ore) hardtop, V-8, a matic, ful pow, "irom th in the Registry Office of Ai ' tion contact us right away. FIFTY ACRE FARM near Mall Call: LOCATION-- ferred. Telephone 723-9895, facia fire Red, black Interior, lowmeculsies Sin: e County of Ontario. i : 8c tg MEO go. AB ao SXCHLLENT cf CONDITION -- Threebed- , ccach cha Pocur We GLC Manabe me RR S| e a Wa teen thousand miles. Trade considered. i INCOME HOME | winapt parts "an" |i Kit Puen, at vie! Bill Johnston --- + |ietmge cep at iw! i Moe wigeiroesstamcan| NOTICE JS EREBY GIVEN | ee . large, t kitehs A ; A STAT IN long and wide, with ] = This clean older home is di- > alba yay $18,- sey Tososl aitteleed sane cs wuitable 728-1 066 For information call SINGLE rooms and board. Apply 25 Biv lots of room for things inside. Ph faults} INGS LIMITED, has made i Zz rate self-| 000, A i wr, Silent, Contact Gerry Osborne, 728-6724 sion Streat, M 1965) Ltd are-few, my color's blue, | look like new f ; vided into 2 sepa otors «land run well too." '66 Ferd. elephone application .to . the Local contained partments and) Oponicg, Cosy 3 bedroom | 2eeh Basco, Realtor, 728-7377. F H MILLEN ONE or two "girla to share ed 723-5150. Master of. Titles ot Whitby would show good returns on| bunoslow with seporate dim, [BROCK EAST - 316,000; six-roory 'brick, Schofield-Aker Ltd. ' single beds. Fiveday week. $15 | 200 Dundas W., Whitby |iss Pontiac convertible, yellow, black| fF @ certificate of title to this Hi money invested. Call ue ing room ond 3% acres at Drew 'Street, brick, taser ow teen REAL ESTATE LTD. Noam i. oe aie are nibe aries. ania' lop and interior, 327 engine, 4 barrel car. lend of which they claim to Ht ; more' _Informawon. sking) the north end of the village. ren ant adtes aloe A § T | VE Available now. Single girl preferred. | Phone 668- icra = the owner In fea, sinple i é | me 1958 PONT! ' free f 4 i} only $13,000.00. ae baa am. rom VAGhNT = new HOHE RRS GRINGO | 728 1679 -- t-na corti gE OPEN 9 TILL 9 ban Pls = Mf Mandate x "va il ns yeti g ; ,500.00. ge ie eA IET ES ani y * ' i PORT PERRY dude irik: + ead Betunce. Ou per cat' HAL Gal oes REALTY LTD, 26--Apartment for Rent _|!ieman. ara Street, os wi mann. oe es elephone} sent registered on title, Early possession can be ar- h + cain Bakek gu Johnston, Metcalf Real Estate, a REAL ESTATE |S mew fendi 1959 VOLKSWAGEN Van, in good me ranged"on thie 3 bedroom -- | home ot East Betyg Pct |x STEABY IWGOME = wile yes in| WHERE REAL ESTATE IS | Ox 4 pew 2 and 3 (ROOM AATRRRT EAE ries) © MMQRE CASH sath coctin. Wherefore any other person | frame bungalow with walk-- Y f [easy aberinent buildings fully rene | SOLD NOT JUST "LISTED lie es, close to downtown. Apply after 4 ' faving or claiming to have 10,- $1,000 down. located near Oshawa. Includes commer. | BEDROOM APARTMENTS ah Paid for Good clean cars. .|19%8 MODEL "A" Ford, needs restoring; any title to or interest in the out basement, Listed ot $ jcial laundermat business. Try your down | LET US "SELL" YOURS : " |No rust, new tires, motor runs. Two 1955| land or any part thereof is re 500.00. BOWMANVILLE, 3 bedroom [Payment with easy monthly terms, Call] I LEFT AT... | FURNISHED single room for gentleman. Trade up or down, Liens paid. |rorg front centres, no rust; also ome '36 ' ly par reof is cea brick bunaglow in the north 986-4869, Blackstock or 263-2298, H. Keith | | |Central location. Immediate possession. |Ford, fenders new. Apply 97 Durham| uired on or before the 14th } NORTH-WEST a Nunes cee Ltd. Realtor. Call 728-5157 | CASA MANANA Apply after 7 p.m. 323 Athol East. | DODD MOTOR SALES |Street, day of SEPTEMBER 1965, to r Brick Bungalow with finished| . cluding wall to wall broad. [RIGHT ROOM: 'wo storey homes new 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. |ARGe Revastaanine oom. orem a) = 314 PARK RO. SOUTH «= gy eas ee go! fe 8 Sanne oF i Sein H}! recreation room and extra 2} loom, extra washroom ond try home is only _ $100 faxes an annually | 48 Simcoe Street South _| COURT |Telephone 728-4192 or 218 Celina street:| 723-9421 pa Whitby, jive o. reg page i ° ake excelien 'am --_ moar | was en ce p : .. grid aes ver pod Be basement. Ask spariment bullaing, Fl price only sf. "STOP! DON'T. | fea ll Vian jhovsekeeping | BUYING OR SZLLING | * VOLVO & PEUGOT | on the Applicant. : i de aor pe Aha Do it yourself. Let us help | ifrary. downtown. $7 weekly. Telephone! | % MERCEDES BENZ ; CS el corte or | Len Bissell 668-8140 ly terms. Ken (hae Realtor or 263- you, BUY: Gr SELL soir next | @ ELEVATOR SERVICE feed ae so gl TED CAMPIN JAKE AND BILL'S GARAGE | The address of the Applicant pointment te inept. hilo phn Meta my hg Hg gen daa © eM camara, ceryeeas| §-- MOTORS --|_--sSearal Repair and | uct Swit, Borie Estelle Leask 623-5919 ee well and garage, '% acre Jot. Clean | @ BALCONIES plant. Apply 160 Willem Street Bast, | Auto-Electric Service | ete., Suite 808A, 330 Boy 1 | 1 @ year. Full price $3,800. Down payment One double room and one single room. Just East of Wilson Road) Street, Toronto, Ontario, or 728-0921 ' Se $1,500. Carry mortgage 7 per cent. In-| | See The Model Suite furn- Apply 559 Ritson Road South. 723-6844, | 74 _me PeE-U7 4 with attached eg clo- peo 'Tied Manila arier" foam. Tele. 25 Bond Wast ished by Wilaoh Furniture: \SGRNTERGD ream tor tedy. Ae | eRe 725-897! _| ABYAN DATED at Whitby this 30th sed in breezeway will accom- | Evlalie Avenue or telephone" 728-6596. | A ASH | day of AUGUST, 1965. ten: euentortebla live SEVEN-ROOM HOME -- with two bath. SELLING? LLC waror SALES LTD. modote comro e robms, In north. end ef. cliy. Good" let ¢ | CALL THE ROOM for rent in quiet home, near north! | VOLKSWAGEN ing. Large kitchen with din- and garage. Low taxes, Can be good in- CALL General Motors, off Division Street. Suit} For clean cars or trucks. We | <1 er WILLIAM H. MOORHOUSE, ee. Senin is. DOWN Walace Asaf" ouape Bones Host | RENTAL OFFICE |cenrant: teres wrsaner brareonz wit, G60! WP of down. Liens paid. | ° " ey AM yey Car | Deputy Local Master of Titles - jallace, A | _ } basement. Corweniently lo meer' ee nener 728-7576 [able tor, Gentieman. Apply sree, wl NICOLS oe ee 334 Ritson Rd. § iste MR Rene ae PL oe pis NEAR FRENCH sche 'oom ' "i hee Aldi nd nd A OE 146 BROCK ST. Ni H Cine 8--Com ping. DETACHED home. Large cheery es aeaerann SIBBY 5 723-6361 BEDSITTING ROOM and kitchen, heavy! -- Across from Royal Hotel 723-3461 3 ing Events Don Stradeski, Real Estate, duty stove, frig and cupboards. Park- Open pen Evenings _ en. Garage. 723-4651. DUPLEX -- Two four-room suites. Very Whitby 668-3331 KELLY DISNEY ing, Central, Telephone 7 725-3206. FURNISHED bedroom, NO. 2 HWY. EAST REAL ESTATE LTD. | 5 room bungalow with at- 3 and 4-bedroom, solid brick Open Daily 5:30 to 9 SUNNYSIDE PARK bungalows and split levels Zoli; Nick and Dan's | Central: nis men shift workers welcome. 3 tached garage located on lot) with genuine stone front from [central priced at $18,900. with terms, » OLDER HOMES i I FO x 418 hin om part] $15,098. ane and two bor (fete? sit ent, "ik Na REGLInEE OR CALL Cinaie oie Fam. "| USED CAR LTD. | Your Authorized Fier ond | Monster BINGO : of town, Close to Seventh Day) rooms, carports and garages, a ; baa acs for gentleman. Parking. 30 Avenue Street,| 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST ata, Dealer . { q Adventist Ohurch and College.! storms and screens, vanities, ® priek Bune iy 30 uw if) GUIDE REALTY telephone 728-6802, WHITBY -- 668-5891 Specializing in Volkswagen Thurs. Sept. *] iy ' Home has spacious, broad-| paved roads, curbs, sidewalks. [old In. North W yl aes A C 7 | V F FURNISHED room for rent, gentleman| Cars bought and sold Repair and Service. ' i 4 loomed tiving room 21 ft. x Ph 942 2561 ston, Schofleld-Aker Lid., 728-1066. LIMITED |preterred. Immediate possession. Apply | Leins poid off , 15 ft. Hot Weter abe ag one ! Paar ae REALTY LTD SLEEPING ROUMI io coin al Trade up or down 728-0051 RED BARN 2 bedrooms wi . er emenrner TC ieperee | j 723-1121 to General Motors. Call after 4 p.m.,| Iways top quality 1942 MO 1 jes, $1,100. S14 Har- just completed with ve elled MI LLER & IMR | E For Sale or Rent | 728-51 57 725-8645. ne eee oni NAL 1965 Mercury Park Lane, four-| Wood. Fig 0, 8 ie fl 4 Har. 20 games -- $20. o + wails. Pn is oY sith REAL ESTATE LTD. ee ---- ATTRACTIVE furnished room for girl fo|door hardtop. Cost $4,800 new, will sellliges GORVAIR, aulomatic_tranami asian 17. nos. or less -- $40, Renna Aave's14.480.00, . URGENTLY REQUIRED Telephone 7255722, nt ne SSB oeg. Must sell, no. tragen. 725220) 'nilcutstanding, buy. tow, mileage. Must be . seen! Telephone 725-8442. heoting. Asking $16,950.00. Don't walt on this one; -- 5 games -- $30. LLOYD 1 -- $150. Jackpot 6 p.m, After 7.30 phone Sunderland 341. 4% PONTIAC Parisienne hardtop. brakes, steering, radio. Homes for cash buyers, 2, 3, furnished bedroom, two | large 4 bedroom bungalows, split- closets, sult one or two gentlemen willing yal 1262, VOLKSWAGEN, model 1500, $1,300. bd shape. Call Mr. Abel, 6 te 7 eve- TWO STOREY eall right away. levels, What have you? Fo TOWERS LTD to share, single beds. Garage available, | automatic, power ings 7280937, 4 BEDROOM -- M t If free valuctions call . {Apply 18 Patricia Avenue, "_| Spatess cond a, 2 eae Lic. is 50M Aah RaplatcamveHible vary Baler covariie. vary $20. a line plus eC ( DON STRADESK! : NEW, 'completely furnished 'modern 'bed. PRIVATE -- 1965 Me Race tee = $50. a full card ' 2 STOREY GLIDDON AVE. a REAL ESTATE Northend Location See svat tease BL eget May raraceua Bs rg native en as ARABELLA cian from any. For those who like a large lot this one is 298 ft. deep. The $2000.00 down, three bed- room, brick construction, im- REAL ESTATE 63 King West -- 723-4651 | NEED a clean two or three bedroom @ Featuring 1, rooms, 2 & 3 bed- kitchen privileges. $12 weekly. Telephone | 723-5964, throughout. Many extras. Mostly highway miles. Excellent condition. Trade consid- reves Could arrange financing. 723-7688 'til 2 -- $250. Jackpots ties In excellent condition. baci vasa Sacri- fice price! Telephone 7: 72-' -- is 2 agg with 2 mediate possession. Call Bill LTD Bungalow In good repair: all cash, by tne) © + acl ate Concrete Sound |ROOM FOR RENT, "llable tor tady or|6" pn. 1958 VOLKSWAGEN, ¢ ar ee No's 50 and 52 baths, separate dining room Millor ; - eee oie rack ald | : 19588 CHEVROLET, two-door _hardtop,| 942-0826, Tv , | cal Hi 723-7370, ' lop, | 742-08: Bim door to. belcoay,, Jorge a0 King 3S wanted col ia WHITBY -- Two or three unfurnished |swromatic, 6 cylinder, power | brakes.|i9g9 sprite. Two tops, Excellent cond ONE MUST GO finished 725-1186 728-4678 HOMES wanted by investors for renting purposes. Will repair and pay cash. Call @ Broadioom @ Inter-Com System rooms for rent. Abstainers. Available im- mediately. Telephone 668-2918. Sener steering, original 56,000 "a oy runs and looks A-1, Private. 728-7909. Ib tion, Used as second car. Whitby, 658-| 5432, $10 A LINE PLUS $200 . | Listing Dept. 728-5157, Active Realty Lim- Pye mt re gr PST ing to patio, 2 fireplaces, elee- |ited, Realtor. © Hi-Fi Radio [FURNISHED room, close fo north Gm, | 128 CHEVROLET six cylinder oat 1964 CORVAIR: Spyder turbo FULL CARD. $150, GUAR- Fy tric heat, attached garage. W. T, LAMSON SUMMER erpag 2 Balconies cee at Cromwell Avenue. of telephone, 726844. Sti wader aarnae Theens ict, ANTEED. PRIZES IN THESE 24--Stores, O Offices, Storage @ Underground Parking Still under warranty. Telep! REAL ESTATE --------______________ | MU$T SELL! '61 Oldsmobile, A-l shape.|evenings after 6. saulesauwons 4 "7 sib VOUKSWAGEWT--solor and bay TWO GAMES. la WHITBY LTD. PROPERTIES Reserve Now [GAREE rouseerine ogi ful marred Wit accept "oy ar "aa Chevselho: ivst VOLKSWAGEN, "mor sid Pedy] Bian came f $16,800. is the asking price| ---- Sica RETIRED ? SHOPPING Phone 728-9466 -- [MARY STREET, 'north end, "turnished| Street, Apartment 2. tindilli cel Late this I ery brick Looking for a pleasant profit 728-4014 Barkin entrice ent eeamtntt an ee PONTING, 4 four-door, r aix cylinder, Nad AUSTIN Cembridge, enealiant condi $50 Door Prizes 7 bungalow also with attached! DUPLEX able ow to Rathi abel sad gentleman. Telephone 725-0145. 000 psi Bd miles. $675, Telephone mi! 8470. gorage. Lot size 59 ft, x 160) CENTRAL mer? Then you should be CENTRE FURNISHED rooms fo rent, wits fr" 139, AUSTIN "HEALEY, "Good coaion interested. in the purchase of |single men only. Apply at it 349 Elmgrove. |i9g9 CH CHEVROLET sedan, goed running Must sell, $850, Telephone 728-6 ft. All good size rooms. Base ment has finished rec, room. | $12,900, of offer, neat 8 room duplex. 2 me- on this this store, located at B, B. OSHAWA NICELY furnished room for kitchen privileges if desired. Telephone i959 ae Bei A nie = > door | 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, ranaaeay ood. Telephone 725-7175, i low| . Beach, which services 60 cot- * $1.00 ADMISSION i tiie coon, yr ta a ters. Let the income help tages, including groceries, REALTY pe lt ten ors. sedon, lx cylinder, automatic, new paint i985 CONSUL, asking $65. Telephone i Is. Call 4 you to independence. Low confectioneries, oil, gas. All Ki d Park Rd privileges Mi desred Telephone' els 725-0264. pial eat GT ge greene ad NO CHILDREN PLEASE j -- taxes, only $207.00. This | equipment including oir con- oe (BOND ST.) LTD, ler te i054 CHEVROLET, S290, aulomaticy aix\s02s. Telepnone res, oan: DOCTOR'S SPECIAL Call By Investigating, ditioning, deep freezer, ete. Multiple Listing Service | CLEAN | Bright furhithed 'room: In rapeemh cylinder, two > door, radio; snow fires. OSHAWA That's Sash sel tay: ahan a 5123. New 5 room adjoining cot- Stores For Rent ESanEED EEO ~|gpartment, parking at 220 Nipigon Street,| Whitty 648-47 32--Trucks for Sale JAYCEES see this roomy older laos just listed at $30,500. 80 x 200, Many tage with bathroom, and hot and cold water, completely furnished. Due to expanding BOLAHOOD next to nation-wide MALA GLEN COURT [FURNISHED bedroom, with kitchen priv- ed, Close to hospital. Telephone 72: USED CAR PARTS, "spindies to make trailers, also used ae 509 Bloor Street East, after 4, 723-228 1968 PONTIAC Pi 7 custom sport FORD Army tow truck, Equipped with hand winch and Best offer accepted. Bowmanville, 3591 after & p.m, = oe 6%- Monster BINGO | JUST LISTED! Older home in immacu- Street E PUBLIC SCHOOL | 728-2233 |ileges, quiet, parking, elton ion | Large fot other business interest, owner EVERY THURSDAY. lovely features includes oa Y supermarket, convertible V8, power 'brakes and steeer- BE cn lh eo borg B R OT H E RS We al ee Sonn Com. | LOCATED NEAR SOUTH |28--Room end Board ing. radio, Telephone 725972} after § p-m./33-- Automobiles Wanted | 20 GAMES AT $20. 17, and six specious bed | --Plate._o_reol_ sacrifice. | GENERAL MOTORS PLANT | ___|725-1676 or 494 Stevenson Road North. scl 5 GAMES AT $30 ' 9 | - COLBORNE EAST, _ E | rtible, 3 vets a ed rg ee cH ' LIMITED Rae! ~ Sih Asad tiaelg Toronto 221 5566 VOTE Re et oY renee cnt tea oe ie Be yh a acunient 'toriin V8 "mine." Wa B CARS WANTED > 1 one $150 JACKPOT ove with at first sight 0 | . , a % | single s. lose to many extras! Telephone. 7: | uying a f " tonight. 18 MINUTE DRIVE. | 'otec,tight of woy--$3,300 | or 725-3711 # 1, 2 and 3 Bedrooms Molrs,"caniral Yo Gowntown. "ABDI St ss" CHEVROLET: tour «ciinger,| Sell your used car to "Ted" gree oi oe McLAREN'S BEACH eats ¢ 2 Bathrooms (in all'2 and ROOM AND BOARD. Lady teacher pre- phone 723-550 Mechanically good. Tele-| "Toik Cash" +6. the- New > 4 BEDROOM --. One waterfront cottage, lot ST @) R F S 3 bedroom suites). ferred. Central, quiet home. Available Im-|,as"pomriae Laurentian fourdoor" sedan, | Car Dealer ond 'Save' 2 -- $250 JACKPOTS 2 STOREY 3 Bedroom Cottage oe ee oe San Ce # Elevators | mediately: 7as-4oye, » radio, white. walls, power!' TED CAMPIN. MOTORS eee oe oe ee Brand new and featuring) 9 Several good back lots at * Balconies |ROOM AND BOARD. Genileman, willing|steering, discs, electric wipers. $1925. | 72 725-5574 17 Nos. or less. q eveything matt modern ths) Conveniences $7:000.00 NOW {eee sem {nue ecto 237 haat Sr" | aig AKER HSRERS wisi] "$19 PER LINE PLUS, $200 | ome s nspect Treed Lot: 75' x 200', ' | | * FM MUSIC ROOM AND BOARD, for Genvertibie autornatic Cantor wrecking. Uigheet prices. pala On attractive panelled for'! lake frontage, immediate OPEN ue TIL LEASING | ot a Halls share, hunches sg at wi O27 NS Pewee brakes, windows, steering: 0? viniwart fea. Meth ER FULL CARD IN 50 AND ily room. wi ireplace possession. Asking $9500.00 | | 3 ral, Telephone 725- oe rea OSHAWA AUTO PARTS -- Wanted cars : sliding glass doors onto o| Contact Bill -Millor: Dial 728-4678 | "8 9466. |103 MILL STREET, single room and LET Biscayne, 6 cylinder,|for wrecking. Leer, nee parts ne PLUS $25 CONSOLATION patio will take most of your 725-1186 or 725-2557 oe) Baal TT : | board; also double room to share, Close|two-door, standard transmission, white-| 1175 Nelson Street, phone 725- PRIZE. $150 TOTAL PRIZES nc osed ma shopping to south General Motors. Apply above|wall tires and seat belts. immaculate. WANTED -- Cars for wrecking. Tele- iving: -- eseniges mig | SAND BAY CAMP centre presently under | address. Telephone. 725-8008. 7ab-hab, achert Nichols, ged ag IN THESE family sized dining room >rese' sacar on =y eee atop, "toll Sea WRECKING ES Eens| oT MES. baths, double garage, elec- W. re LAMSON Housekeeping cottages, tent construction in east end. R F A fe he oe -- Breferr 1956, CADILLAC, | iwoeer hardtop rel SHAW mur WRECKING 7 Gare EARLY BIRD GAME tric ieee Excellent value in REAL ESTATE fee Pe Safe sandy Will accomodate cleaner, |ROOM and board tor ladies. Aeply 785 7ag|Phone Hampton 263-2781 after 8 p.m. bought, 8 Bloor Street East, 725-2311. Rags shy m8 e rea. ac rite: | lephone 728-487 958 DODGE * dt : i i ace ates LTD, WESLEY ORAM | beauty salon, drug store, (BOND ST.) LTD. | Room AND ~Poamon ioe anh: cerypevord Irishien 900d: pay Eig gg 36--Legal $1.00 ADMISSION SWIMMING POOL : ELECTRICALLY HEATED ot RR 2 Combecners, Ont | restaurant or hardware, After Wee |men. lunches packed, home- cooked meals. ie ctavROLEY va a | 5 JUBILEE re, . | v ashin ed. 52)" VROL » five to. chi peli ph gfleagipe ob ® Ten new homes by Lysk Con- 28332, Barry's Bay | etc. - --_--$--$$--$--$-- days. Telephone 723-6874. al . __|from. 6's and 8's sfenaora ang avtometic. cottage with this lovely 4 bed- struction starting at $18,150 FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, in excelient CALL COLLECT Available September 18th | [Mier arn iene ne Wer eeeenee ng le ell lbs ig als PAVI LION room split level with its own nA Cicauawa Gisaen PEG teG jeendy: Sena) Sree eh vk: Szeto 2 Bedroom Apartment Motors North. Telephone 728-3405, _|1986 CHEVROLET, two door, standard, Bus to Jubilee Pavilion leav- swimming pool, Only | year HYMAN chen cupboards, included is all fur rita, Toronto 362- 7731 -- |NEAR SOUTH GENERAL MOTORS, one/s, cylinder, mechanically good, some FOR THE ing Four Corners at 7:30 p.m. old and beautifully desorated. REAL ESTATE LIMITED appliances, and @ boat. Don't miss this Adults Preferred |Foom to share, single beds, suit gentle body at na heeded, -- ee CONSTRUCTION OF CHILDREN UNDER 16 " i i 50 i" " it a Just listed. Call early. j 78.6286 Ee Bars cons Fit Na sa lg '500 Grenfell Street [res unches. packed. 728-6173 Wolte isis PON me cere Excetiont NOT ADMITTED For further information call | srs pown for thi Space i eos can F OFFICE SPACE polly |xoues sare wae pg pe A Excellent cor AN ADDITION H -_ 2 all rates, ncroft ar {North . c | storey, stucco home en Drew sires By ity housekeeping " onlenes, ares, Fic aay 723- 6944 Gaon. Pet $i6 Facial aition, Only $199. Phone 668-2090. sea OLY CROSS & 723 2265 price $10,900, newly decorated. Easy equipped. Good fishing and hunting, hig! | OSHAWA BLVD. soUTH" cluded. Telephone 728-3577. 1955 METEOR. "good conditi i TO | - jterms. Call for appointment. Arthur | way to cottages. Inquire Brooklyn 655. ae -- Ground floor . ion, motor ' i | Wel inberger Real Estate, 725-8851. ty elaine 10. Ont. Write F. Neil, AVAILABLE = Ravi prefered." Apply a ce 'wing fh) a ae Whitby ay raat Shes are Tea2eh ak tor HILLCREST B | N G @) j as jon. | Maible Boudreau |late condition, located in a quiet area,|LAKE SCUGOG -- iakeshore cotta ue ae at : . HREE rooms, unfurnished, ground lees "AND BOARD for working 4 | * o matter 61 CORVAIR four-door "(Robin *99° blue) | Ed Drumm 725-9345 {veto Dobie garage wh Ed Geo beach 859 wea 'aliie Augen In Times Building | Moors washer and dryer, heat, nad and| with one child. Day care Tel Excellent body WHITBY, ONTARIO * Marg. Hall 723-1358 | with cash. Asking only. $11,900.23, Blackstock 986-430 ug! |phone. No children. Available September| phone 728-9277 eg be mechanical condition. Terms. Lic . Every Fri ay 7:45 Irene Brown .... 725-3867 leat" Charles Chaytor. 723-7996. Joseph | mK RANT renee: Sing COHSGRS | 15. Telephone 725-5495. ROOM AND BOARD jor three gentlemen. H26108, Gus Brown Motors Ltd. 725-6568 j Margaret Lee ... 723-2894 | Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377. beautiful Maple and Keep a al CONTACT THREE-ROOM basement apartment, pri-|One double room with single beds and -- Al car parts. SEALED BULK TENDERS, Bill Johnston 728-1066 Fives haomgouet Ranch style brick|Sound district. Swimming, bathing and vate bath, private entrance, unfurnished.; TV. One single room. Good meals, lunches|Courtice Auto Wreckers, Telephone 723-| plainiy marked as to contents, $600. H 723-9692 alow on large landscaped jot. Con. fishing. Centrally located, close to bus. Business|packed and parking. Centrally located.|5238, o nights 725-4404, will be received by the lowe... i Ivealont te' public "ene Mien Sehote Ion' eeiaiis telephone Ajax 942-3653 T WILSON (vee Preferred, Available immediately.|7252008. sa DOWN, $17.50 weekly Baye G1 Pontiac] Whitbo' Public School Board IN PRIZES Allan Thompson . 728-2870 |Large recreation room with fireplace. cane scuGoe ie mgt = . . elephone 728-0600. _____|SINGLE ROOMS and board for two lady |two-door hardtop, V-8, 'stick on the floor,| Jntii 3 om. E.DS.T., Wed- George Koornneef 723-2859 | Asking $20,900. Call Jean Parr, 723-4651 | sasooq Point for rent, all convenencen,| . |FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment, avail-|teachers. Very central, Telephone 728-| also dual exhaust. Cash, trade or terms a) bm. £.0.3.1., and 150. i ij i | able now. Telephone. 728-9188. 5980 or 728-0744. Nicols Motors, , * . " Irwin Cruikshanks 728-5205 00% Stradeski_ Real Estate. cen ea a sr Wee atone ae e Times ! 720-074 ihe tua - 668-3331. a basen $ reg in 56 Nos. a Ta | -- Large three-| tember lackstock 996-4305. $5 SINGLE, $7 Goupie, aally, spec. "weekly: ROOM AND BOARD, men only. Packed |192 CH VROLET sedan, 6 cylinder, | H - ro : ba ed |Searesm. TWestorey home, on very large) ---- -------- SMALE" STORE or oifice Tor venty-wary 'ates: Small apartments availanie. Board lunches. Simcoe Street North. $18 weekly. ood | @ general purpose room and $2 Consolation : errs + . peel gros len ss ig aera 21--Ferme for Sale central location. "4 Plrnce Street." Tele ant, Whitey en 3007 shar ag aagnaaty Pe cri El acs Wola Cuel@ocet siatiaseeasrv Sh a LErarY Oi Ore | 810 gach Horizontal 'Line 3 Ki it, West |elated. _F ' ' ---. |phone 728-8175 be! 1 Bes nel GIRL to share room with same, all home|1%3 CHEVROLET stationwagon, 6 cylin-, School, Whitby, Ontairo. , sso Ml Ss - Hy 74270. rs a Reation| [COMMUTERS reser? Type lncome farm, MISTORE tor rent. suitable for any type FOUR-ROOM apartment, four milles| privileges. In home of widow iady. Osh-\der, automatic, radio. Used as family car. , $200. in 57 Nos. i \ ao Free, Safe, Easy Parking. Gone herd wiih potest Panty tone | ot business, or 'etic, at Station Pr ae [Mempton 263-2010" adults, Wasco wooed tO ht bus at door. Telephone henge tha a $1,750, Call after 4 Plans and speeifications may $20 Consolation j REE-BEDROOM spilt level home on ment and farm machinery. Good slephone a be obtained by general -con- PETER KOWAL "ease Ave. va All 'schools and|comfortabie eight. roomed: Shek haves STORE for rent. ideal lecetion, two eee" hee 'spariment. nea uty| ROOM AND SOARD -- Lunches packed. ist OLDSHRILE four-door hari tractors only Sa epee ofa CHOCOLATES FOR DOOR : shoppil minute S servi it di w a Port "i ring, private mature siness v pow ring, new tires, a. 4 REALTOR |Lor tully fenced: end tondecapea, "Fulilmiles. immediate' notrenrton' oa tz [pieces trom King Street, in new Brick|iady 'preterred. Telephone 723-3274, ----|A-1 condition. Also 1960 Chev, Va ton pick-/ $25.00 certified cheque from PRIZES. i : ; SB sry ~ ie At Po: io Ing |buliding. 900 square feet. Telephone 725- up, long box Fleetside, new tires. Tele| th rehitect: George J : i 52 King St., West, Price only $14,900. Call Jack Sheriff at|$40,000. Contact Harvey Hogen, ®rooklin | 7938, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, retrigerator,| |29--Wanted to Rent | tg By a . ' | the architects, et | 9 $s Hyman Real Estate Limited 728-|655-3663. D. W. McQuay Realtor a 3yoRe stove, private balcony; adults only; $120 ae ous TS ra | Yamazaki, 15 Greenholm Cir- Free Admission--Good Parking I BOWMANVILLE 6286 or after hours 723-3775 COMMUTERS FARM, 100 acres claylann eine (ante Corner of Bond, @xcel-| monthly, Apply Apt. 2 10? Croy eee BEOROOM house wanted. i Ree. *S7 RMABLER, four-door, standard trans-/ 'cuit, Scarborough, Ontario. THREE bedroom brick | Ww ith| loam. New thr 'oad, Whitby mission. An 'ideal sec car. No down! * iO Nidren ease '| Jeng DAN THREE tetas Srickngign ec edesor bungaicns Sih inceatan, Sutable Tor" sce 'space, [arama Reterencey avalaie Gur misin. Atte, second cr. No Sawn |___No Children Please ' ecreation room in East end. Close to/all conveniences; three car garage, barn, variety, Wonderful opportunity. Reason. FURNISHED apartment for two business) Telephone after S$ p.m, weekdays 728-2967 y . » SUS) All tenders for the mechanical NOVE aL I BING | |shopping, bus and schools. Only $10,900|suitable for horses; spring pond. School| sole, "iam-ose ladies, single beds, living room, pene ptinaattlesducash irs Witnnaaal | ' [with low down payment and easy. terms.|buses at gate. Illness forces sale at a) kitchen, private bathroom, laundry rive THREE pid ROOM "unturnis apartment 1958 MERCURY Monterey. For informa-| nd electrical trades to be de- THURSDAY EVENING 7:45 } NCOME 'PROPERTY ly Wallace 725-6297. Joseph Bosco reduced price of $24,900 with only $4,500 25 goes. East end Oshawa, Available now. wanted by lanitor, near Dondlan Calleg-|tion telephone 728-8066. posited with the Oshawa Bid at ST. GEORGE'S HALL BOWMANVILLE Realtor 728-7377 down. Call Peter Agg, rep. H. Keith Lia, 25----Mouses for Rent Telephone 728-5567. iate, within 4% mite, private. ba Depository until 3 p.m. E.D.S. | TWO-STOREY house, avilable for large | Whitby. 668-5009. # Wok turniabad _.|trance. Reasonable rent. Telephone 725-|1957 | PONTIAC tearsdane sedan, $ ain. TT Tuetday, Septernbar 21st (Albert and Jackson Sts.) 7 id - _ - "ROOM | niry large rnist room apartment, | 2533. ler. jor, some we nm a Vv, ' t One store, four apartments [family or income home, Four Dedrooms,|FOR SALE, 'So acres, near Blackstock, BIGUT-ROOM country 'heme, ait conven. bt a gehen Sacnnceee | ee Owner eving: Gn Gk thie eee 1965. Games $6, $12, $20 } Fully Rented reeves ng kitchen, two bathrooms, |good barn, water bowls, modern conven- Bethany 65 R V1 or 41 R 4 nights or week-| Suitable for quiet |room, 'bathroom; canal. must be' clean, |1959 PONTIAC two-door Sirat fo Chief.| May be doubled or tripled j Large lot in excellent location "room, 4 Bb gh acd ogyent apt get eae aie terms. Write Box No.| enas, immediately. Apply 708 Carnegie Avenue. quiet house and respectable people. Con-| Radio. Mechanically eds minor] Lowest or any tender not ne- $150 IN JACKPOTS ; 7,500 -- Terms Inewiy Painted. 725-9207 JORCHARD, --is SEVEN-ROOM house, two tloors, four [FURNISHED three-room bachelor apart- Itect J. Kinnick, 11 Bond Street East body repairs. $435. Tele; phone G0-517.| cessarily eccepted. Door r Prize $15 LARGE seven-room older home, in very | apples. Paved BB. gg HM gms Feely, Avatiauie eee ology pony inn in nertheast 'Oshews, Tolephene Taneral THRES jth in phrriand es nl eer CaEVRGLET "impala four- <| Hi! r LADIES eae good condition. Best of al! only $2,500/Eight-room frame house, Owner reti Jembe Sooner. | ater 5 ? aged lady with extra ares ving room. impala r-door DR. K. HOBBS. COTTAGES down and $75 | retiring.| Write Box 234, Oshawa Times. sella mean Quiet i dash . ' per month, Call Bill John- | Telephone 725-0394. r rent. * radio, padded . ON VIEW LAKE ston, Schotield-Aker Ltd., 728-1066, iNOW RENTING! tveroom, "Tweatorey, TWO-ROOM apartment, bedroom and kit- FOUR OOM nero in it seiner hese me | Whitby Public socne ery Are you interested in i FOR QUI LE in room town mon et hen amstatitec | with stove a ri Coupie one > mech- : ra, , § three bedrooms, winterized, | jesries. eetaes male areeee faie| 22--Lote tor Sale |W. J. Norris, Realtor, Ajax 7942-3364. |THREE- and four-room apartment, close|child. Reasonable rent. References. Tele-janically perfect, new paint, radio, stan- Whitby, Ontario. BOWLING 4 kitchen units, brand new, [ness in tast growing town. Five shampoo| OUPLEX lot, well treed and locsied ls NEW, THREE-BEDROOM brick home.|'9, Schools. Immediate possession. 303|phone Whitby 668-6293. _|Gard transmission. "Excetient second car " THURSDAYEAFTERN : two to choose from basins, ten dryers, modern fixtures.|@ residential area, excellent terms, ulld|Electric heated, King and Wilson area,| Albert Street, 723-5575, iw URGENTLY NEEDED by family, three eed peat Gus Brown Motors Lid. sit AWAY a tidy sum oy renting that IOONS No down poyment required ---- floor Owner retiring. nearing|this year and receive back $1900 from|3130. monthly. Apply Joseph Bosco. jCADILLAC NORTH, three-room base-|bedroom house close to school if possible, 2658 spare room with a Times Action Want - 4PM, ! rty-six years in business, Write Sex| the government. Call $, DO, Hyman Real Realtor, 833 Simene Street South. (No iment apartment, near park and school./by end of September or rent with eption|19§8 CHEVROLET Delray, 230 HP, four-|Ad. Telephone 723-3492 and put ene to "668351 i Act Tedey 2a, Oehawe Times, Estate Limites 728-4206, iphone ealia, piedee.) lone hile Telephone 725-2254, |te buy, Phone 728-0223 , eustom, Telephone 723-7889, work for 44 i 6

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