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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 2

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aon F ay A i I ENA PBI PEE POLST Pr sald el Sia cage a! Q 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, September 2, 1965 --- WEATHER FORECAST @..W.nue ur = arene Ae NULL Y, TWWOlsivs ~ Pesd aw: £4,uUuys Temperatures In 70's TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts fesued at 5:30 am. EDT: is: Drier air moved tuto Ontario overnight. Fair weather is expected Friday with temperatures climbing to the qmid-70s across the southern half of the province, Variable skies and a few showers are expected in northern regions Friday. 'Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- tario, Killaloe, Georgian Bay, Haliburton, Windsor, London, Hamilton, Toronto; Mainly sunny. and warmer Friday. Winds westerly 15 becoming light tonight, day with chance of an evening thundershower. Winds westerly 15, White River, Cochrane: Vari- ablé cloudiness Friday with a few scattered showers or thun- dershowers, a Winds westerly 15. Forecast Temperatures w tonight, high Friday: 2 7 WNGSOE ci cscceces § 5 St. Thomas. 50 75 London .... 50 75 Kitchener . 48 75 Mount Forest. 48 72 Wingham .. 48 7 Hamilton .....++0. 50 75 §t. Catharines.... 50 75 Toronto ......+00. 52 75 Peterborough .... 48 75 » & 15 48 75 42 75 45 72 45 7 Sudbury ....» 45 72 Bariton .......... 48 72 Sault Ste. Marie.. 48 75 Kapuskasing ..... 48 70 jHon, J. little warmer. eds after filing an affidavi ition, White River....... 50 70 Moosonee ..+- 45 65 Timmins .....006+ 48 70 Tough Line Sought For Tax-Cheats TORONTO (CP) people may have inadvertently become involved in the process should not deter such activity, T. Thorson, retired president of the Exchequer Court, said Wednesday. The government always pro- in court of a need to seize, if |necessary, documents and rec- ords, "There is an absolute neces sity to have this procedure to catch tax cheaters," "Some innocent people have be come involved, but they ar lfew. Against this is the need to catch fraudulent taxpayers and the need to protect the whole of the public." His comments were made during a wide-ranging exchange on the need for broad search and seizure powers granted the! government under the Income Tax Act during the annual meeting of the taxation section of. the Canadian Bar Associa- HERE and THERE South Viets Get 22 Cong, SAC Bombs Near Saigon | Melville Greig Ferguson, of Albert st., is not the Mel- ville Ferguson who was con- victed of being drunk in a public place at Monday's Oshawa Court. The lake steamer 'St. Louis'. put into Oshawa Harbor yesterday for fresh | drinking water. The visit , was a short one. The water was pumped into the ship by the Oshawa, Fire De- ' partment. , A grease fire in the kitch- en of Mr. D. Woodcock, 531 Rosmere ave., was quickly brought under control by Oshawa Fire Department vyesterday. Little damage was caused. The concept of -- man as "made in the image of |God"' will be presented Sun- day in the Bible Lesson-Ser- mon at Christian Science eervices. Texts by Mary 'Baker Eddy and from the Old Testament will be in- cludéd in the worship topic '"Man". The Bowmanville Cana- dian Tire team defeated Newcastle by a. score of 6 _ to 2 to enter the finals of the Durham County Ladies' Softball League. , Bay Ridges midgets moved two games up on Claremont in the ORSA playdowns Monday by edg- ing the home team 9 to 7. Bay Ridges now leads the best-of-five series two games to none. Claremont must win the game tonight on 4hate be = fistA tn ban ths their home field to Keep ihe séries alive. Mrs, Mary -- Cooper, of Claremont, a native of the Balsam area, celebrated her 93rd birthday last Saturday, A reception was held at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Barclay. James Rickard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Rickard, of Bowmanville, who dislocated a vertabrae in his neck in a swimming accident near Chatham last month, is expected to be transferred to the Oshawa General Hospital, The Township of Whitby has called tenders for the erection of a fire hall at the north east corner of Thick- son and Manning rds. Ten- ders close Oct. 11. The Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario has called separate tenders for the installation of water- mains and pressure sewer lines as well as approxim- ately 140,000 cubic yards of cement for its Pickering Nu- clear Generating Station, The defending champion Pickering team scored an 11 to 4 win over Greenwood in a Community League game at*Brougham Park. A win for Pickering next Tuesday night at Claremont will ad- vance them to the league finals against Goodwood. A Greenwood win would force a fifth game. The Oshawa Orchestra executive for the 1965-66 sea- son was elected as follows: finance, D. Parkes, chair- man, B. Rundle, R. McLeod and Y. Jensen; concert and program, E. Oscapella, chairman, D. Parkes, D. Rder, M. Hoggard and M Kupnicki, chairman; J. Von Gunten, P. Moon, L. Taylor and A. Shantz; property, M. Hoggard, chairman, P. Eder, R. Holden and D. Me- Duff FALL TIME TABLE =| Effective September 7th, 1965 OSHAWA - WHITBY - TORONTO SERVICE CHANGES (Ask for Time Table No. 7) NEW FRIDAY EXPRESS TRIPS ADDED din won ¢ALLEY PARKWAY 4:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 OSHAWA -- TORONTO TORONTO -- OSHAWA 6:30 p.m. p.m. 7:30 p.m. DAYLIGHT TIME OSHAWA: Tedel Ltd. -- Agent Bue Terminal, 18 Prince Street, Telephone 723-2241 Tickets and Information ot COACH LINES WHITBY: Harry Donald Ltd., 300 Dundes Street East, Telephone 668-3675 GRAY 1 --The gov- jernment must have wide pow-| Algoma, Timagami, Northjers to catch fraudulent taxpay-| Bay; Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury:|ers and the fact a few innocent) A few clouds and warmer Fri-| |were described as light | ported elsewhere on the ground. | However, a spokesman said air \force B-52 bombers pounded a suspected jonly 20 miles from Saigon in| \the closest strike yet to the| he said.' > aS wie DON DAWSON HOME IN US.A. his brother, an Army pilot who. disappeared on a flight over Viet Cong areas, Daw- Don Dawson, 25, of Costa Mesa, Calif., and his wife Jeanne answer questions of newsmen at Los Angeles last night after he returned son was captured -- and by air from Viet Nam, later released -- by Viet where he searched the Cong, who told him his jungles of Red territory for brother was dead. (AP) SAIGON (AP) -- Vietnamese! capital by |troops. launched an operation mand planes. 1320 miles northeast of Saigon' The explosions from the B-52 |today and claimed 22 Viet Cong bombs rattled windows in Sai- killed, a U.S. military spokes-| gon man reported Other U.S. and Vietnamese The operation continued into|planes continued heavy. air| the night. Government losses Cong Nam. positions No major activity was re- berras, supported by Communist position|Island radar site today, Gulf of Tonkin. 4\ One jin London described this as a! said} Strategic Air Com- strikes against suspected Viet} may help you. in South : Viet VANCOUVER (CP) -- Can- ada's Anglicans should be. drop- ping five per cent of their pay cheques into the collection plate, the legislators of their church decided Wednesday. Anglican national executives have been charged with find- Rhodesian Detection Unlikely' LONDON (CP)--British and other Commonwealth officials expressed skepticism Wednes- day that Rhodesia would at- tempt any immediate unilat- eral declaration of indepen- dence, However, Arnold Smith, the new Cotnmonwealth secretary- general, was known to be con- cerned, He is reported watch- ing the situation closely, ready to seek swift Commonwealth counteraction if Rhodesian Prime Minisetr lan Smith at- tempts any sudden breakaway move, The prime minister, heading| a minority white government, told the Rhodesian Parliament |pendence from British author- ity is imminent. Commonwealth official "red herring."'. Another diplomatic negotiations be- tween London and Salisbury are continuing and there is no indication of any rupture. The Commonwealth jthat independence in Rhodesia must be accompanied by' satis-| This would mean giving the Rhodes-| ~\ian Negroes a full vote which factory majority rule. in turn could lead to Negro rule, a step the whites oppose. MANY NEVER OF BACKACHES May Be Simply Sluggish Kidney Action | backache because you juat don't know the cause, and the medication that You see, if kidneys become sluggish, urinary irritation and bladder diseomfort may follow. The reauit can be an annoying, nag- Two U.S. Air Force B-57 Can-| ging backache, This is when Dodd's | another| Kitiner. Pills can help bring. reliet. | Dodd's stimulate kidney action, help re- aircraft, bombed the Hon Mat! lieve the irritated condition that causes 20 the backache. Take Dodd's and see if | you don't feel better, reat better. Used miles northeast of Vinh in the! guecesstully by millions for over 170 years, New large size saves money, 7 Lucite' | wal doesn't drip -- like ordinary -- | paint No messy faces quickl pare) a REE LUCITE* for and ceilings. ~S OS RS, doesn't drip, run or spatter...covers all sur- thick, rich, so the job goes faster. No messy clean-up. Surfaces dry in half an hour to a smooth, washable finish. Tools tinse clean with soap and water. Touch up » without streaks or lap marks. bathrooms, use DULUX°* Satin-Sheen Enam- el. Both in 22 matching colors end white. ativving of mixing: LUCITE* ly, smoothly, evenly. LUCITE® is beauty without bother on walls . For woodwork, kitchens and Beauty without bother... LUCITE' WALL PAINT John Swan Hardware DuPont...the name you can trust in paints. OSHAWA AJAX Canadian Tire Corrigan's Pt. & Wipr. 115 Simeoe St. S. 148 Harwood Ave. $. Patte's Paint & Wallpaper |82 Sirncoe St. N Tire Store on Plaza (Ajax) Canadion Stat Oshawa Shopping Centre CANADA WHITBY Dodd & Souter Decor Centre Limited 107 Byron St. S. Canadian Tire 311 Brock St. N, Whitby Synod Endorses 5 Per Cent Tithe |0ver Crop-Remunerations #1 ss meeun, idi ie] CALL... the obli ation| Protesting farmers riding theirjup and the visitors to Mr. Bou- : a ng = oe tractors down a road in nearby|chard's farm. decided te headit-~ DIAON S ' The Hite Weocke gut ty Wh & St, Bruno blocked traffic on it|jnorthward toward Alma, Que., week per $1,000 a year of in- for several minutes Wednesday together, FOR come. The general synod of the night, ~~ a meeting at) Earlier in the day Mr. Bou- OIL FURNACES rch agreed that it should be|" a Fig a - ee to Ave chard had said that Premier up.to the parishioner to decide to deliberate blockades un td Lesage of Quebec was using FUEL OIL Friday morning. : nae AND HEATING SERVICE whether he would give on the basis of his gross income or net income. of the 3,309 members of the Ca- "The laity is:prone to battle|regional president of the union, fatigue." | He said that in his own south- ern Ontario diocese it is diffi- cult to keep. one in 10 congre- gations on the march, "Only a- small, partial pro- gram is suited to the exhausted condition of Anglican laymen,"|$1,000,000 in compensation, and he said, It. the partnership with United Church is going to be an even one, "accelerated interest and com- mitment and plain hard work." SING TOGETHER The Anglican Church and the United Church will sing a com-|until mon song while they talk about|roads to force the government's' union. The synod approved a pro-|ened to withhold repayments on posal A book, the first formal step in|farm credit bureau, | Wednesday he believes. inde-|pringing their forms of worship|BLOCK ROAD | together. | er a ae ce one Farmers Hold Off Action how to act like busMessmen, too, when they nave the occa- sion, even if they don't brag about it," Mr. Bouchard said in a written statement, VitiwVU simi, BUS. (Ej --[iie" WeuiTcOUAy uronKe "the language of insult'? on his province's farmers when he said ,"I'm a businessman, Let's The farmers were about 125 SERVING THE PUBLIC OVER 50 YEARS Rt. Rey. George Luxton, tholic Farmers Union in the Sa-jsee proof that they have suf- 313 ALBERT ST, gts a yan a i guenay-Lake St. John district of bor» hagerge fe Pag rg OSHAWA the United Church is "'at leastiQuebec who are asking $5,000,-| "Such an attitude is deplor- 25 years ahead of us' in its be in, setecuinien rey rea able and is surely the cause of 723-4663 stewardship--programs of lay|pensation for crops lost in bad|the anger of farmers who know -- activity in church work and| weather last year. : church giving. ° | They met on the farm. of the ' |Joseph Bouchard, their tractors and trucks ready for the road- blocking protest they have threatened in their conflict with the provincial and, federal. gov- ernments, Quebec has offered them THIS WHISKY KEEPS ITS FLAVOUR |Ottawa has agreed to match the provincial grant. Speakers at the Wednesday night meeting told the farmers, in one of the Lake St. John downpours which they -blame for many of their farming trou- bles, that they will have to wait Friday before blocking the Anglicans need jhand. They have also threat- for a common hymnitheir loans from the Quebe | The brief blockade came after! x tii insists) SUSPECT CAUSE. It's « pity to put up with this common | Even melting ice cubes can't dilute the true taste of Adams Gold Stripe. It will keep its favour THE OSHAWA BOARD OF EDUCATION Requires, from time to time, teachers for its evening pregram- A to the very bottom of the glass--the mark of a great whisky. GRADE 13 Art, Algebra, Biology, Chemistry, English, French, Geography, |] History, Spanish. ADVANCED TECHNICAL English, Chemistry, Mechanics of Materials, Electrical Funda- mentals, Mathematics, Mechanics, Physics, Workshop Tech- nology, Technical Drawing, ADULT CLASSES GENERAL } Algebra, Art, Bookkeeping, Business Machines, Dress Design- ing, Dressmaking, English, French, Conversational French, etry, Millinery, Office Practice; Physical Education, Sew- ing, Stenography, Trigonometry, Typing. Auto Mechanics, Blueprint Reading, Building Instruction, Droft- ing, Electricity, Electronics, Small Motors, Machine. Shop, Re- frigeration, Sheet Metal, Welding. Interior Decorating, Music, Personal Development, Retail Mer- chandising, Restaurant Service, Home Moking. Anyone interested in teaching one or more of the above sub jects should apply in writing, stating full particulars to the Business Administrator, Oshawa Board of Education, 555 Ross- land Rd. West, Oshawa E. A. BASSETT, Chairman MU=24) Or0a & THOMAS ADAMS DISTILLERS LTD. Toronto, Ont. J, R. BACKUS, Business Administrator. Auabes says: when you buy your new oil furnace meke sure it's the right size & type for your home! Woe, All Lander-Stark's years of heating experience are yours in the careful, scientific selection and competent installation of your new oil furnace. The right size furnace will give you maximum heat in all rooms, maximum econ- omy and performance for the most luxurious heating comfort you've ever enjoyed. A smart, brand new furnace by Lennox or Anthens, superbly built and: properly engineered for long life and trouble free service, will enhance the beauty and effi- ciency of your home. Expert installation by our own staff of heating technicians will pro- vide a good, clean, competent job with no inconvenience to your home routine, And all our workmanship is guaranteed. Call Lander-Stark now - 725-3581 - let us give you an estimate anda heating survey of your home. Terms can be arranged to suit your budget. ner hemny Lie 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA eall us now - 725-3581 - for a free estimate i ciate cca RE ie fh Keio

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