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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1965, p. 3

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 2, 1968 3 LEAVES REVEAL [ A. GOOD WINTER VANCOUVER (CP)--D6- minic Charlie, elderly Back To School, And Biq Changes By BOB EXELL Service Siation ernors during the next few Oshawa's Unionists By GORDON MITCHELL at. school? When the kids start back on Tuesday, they'll find some TORONTO (CP)--What's new| months for Channel 19, an ultra- high frequency channel. Changes in curriculum for the 1965 school year include exper- weather prophet of the Squamish Indian tribe, looked at the leaves Wed- nesday and predicted a good winter. By their color, he decided "It's gonna be mild," Last year Dominic Charlie predicted a bad winter, and British Columbia was ,bur- fed in snow that tied up traffic and vital services, and drove some suburban- ites to move into downtown hotels until the worst was past, Labor Reporter 'Of The Times changes have been made: iments in some schools with a --They'll be given more free| new Grade 8 mathematics ote tag pei ally. he, rene stry course; cou = ag be going to larger|in high school -- co-operative 4 nursing assistance and dietary --They'll be her nagg -- supervision--and new Grade 13 tional TV for the first time.| courses in biology and physics, And they'll be studying) Grade 12 graduates will not new courses and new curric- red eligible Sag enter B nag ula, colleges this year, ie two- Student enrolment in Ontario) year course for Grade 12 stu- will be the highest ever -- an) dents has been discontinued be- expected 1,305,000 in the ele: | cance of the increasing number eomapel dl 1p = bene ba of -- 13 graduates enrolling schools, The total of 1,715,-|in the one-year course. 000 is up more than 41,000 from : last year, For the first time, text books will be free to students all the way through Grade 12, The department of education began providing grants to local school boards last year to sup- ply free text books for the first two years of high school, Now the $20-a-pupil grants have been extended to Grades 11 and 12. As the school libra- ries of standard texts are built up, the amount of the grants will be lowered. SCHOOLS DECREASE The number of schools in On- tario actually willdecrease sharply this year. The one-room school is fast becoming extinct. Legislation came into effect jat the start of the year mak- ing the township the basic level of public school administration. As the old school sections be- gan to disappear, so did the lit- tle red school house, Last year, the consolidation of the one-roomers into larger school units reduced the num- ber of public schools in Ontario to 4,859 from 5,133, This year, officials expect an even larger reduction, The evolution of the prov- ince's school system will be fur- ther marked during the school year by the advent of educa- «i tional television programs. LEASE High Volume, Oshawa Area Service | Station Available Soon. Phone Whitby 668-3211 evidence of affluence there is still a great deal of pov- erty in Canada, Regardless of the. progress we have made with social services the pattern as a whole is a patch-work combination and suffers from very serious shortages. "It has now been clearly shown that health services for all Canadians are within our reach and there should be no further delay in im- plementing such a plan. "Since 1946 more than two million homes have been built in Canada; but barely 20,000 of these come under the category of low - rental public housing designed to meet the needs of those with restricted incomes .. ." The necessity for an ex- tended and _ co-ordinated manpower policy for Can- ada is an essential in meet- ing changing economic con- ditions, said Mr, Jodoin. He also suggested that one per cent of the gross na- tional product be set aside to finance an assistance pro- gram for the undeveloped nations of the world. Oshawa's unionists are ju- bilant over city council's de- cision to accept a furniture tender from the T. Eaton Company rather than a low- er offer made by strike- General Printers Limited, GP and Local 969, Oshawa Typographical Union, have been at loggerheads since a strike began June 8 last year. The composing room employees were negotiating for a first contract with the company. Thomas Thomson, presi- dent of Local 969, said that the rejection of the GP bid of $2,060 by a majority of council was proof of the strength of the labor move- ment, 'This shows what we can do when we in the labor movement stick together," he said. "We are delighted with council's decision." Six of the aldermen who haye the support of the Osh- awa and District Labor Council voted against ac- ceptance of the GP bid, Ald. Cecil Bint, a political inde- pendant, tipped the balance in the 7 to 5 decision. pig ey Ree Sara eee ar RE a aise IS YOUR DRINK, THEN WOOD'S OLD NAVY IS YOUR RUM Make no mistake about its Wood's Old Navy ts every bita man's rum, It's dark and mellow, rugged and robust, a blend of the world's finest rums (many as old as 9 years). Next time get all the real, full-bodied flavour you pet and deserve from a rum. Next time try Wood's Old Navy. Oshawa's newest union local seems to cut across the class lines with both pro- fessional and non-profession- al people among its mem- bers. Local 960, Canadian Union of Public Employees, covers employees of the McLaugh- lin Public Library -- ranging from fully-fledged librarians to maintenance workers. The professional workers are members of the Insti- tute of Professional Librar- jans, a division of the On- tario Library Association. The Oshawa people are Some of the major objec- tives of the labor movement are outlined in his Labor bas 4 message by CLaude Jodoin, president of the Ca- nadian Labor Congress. He states that the country will have to buckle down and strive for means to pro- vide a million and a half new jobs by 1970. These new jobs are need- ed for the record number of young people entering the work force after completion of their education. * Automation and ASTRONAUTS MUG IT UP IN GYMNASIUM post flight debriefing at the Merritt Island Launch Area, EE NII OEE EE equipment during an exer- cising period at Cape Ken- nedy, Fla., today, The two are undergoing a three day Gemini 5 astronauts Gor- don Cooper and Charles Con- rad clown around the gym- nasium with weight lifting Synod Promises Blessing Of Divorcee's Remarriage (NASA Photo via AP) other technological ad- vances are reducing the manpower requirements in many areas. This obviously makes our task of finding sufficient jobs far more dif- ficult. and complex than it would otherwise be." Mr, Jodoin suggests that a dramatic new approach to education needs which would be related to man- power requirements should come from both govern,- ments and taxpayers. Failure to cope with the hard facts of a changing technological world could head to... . "a situation in which one half of the popu- lation has to support the other half. "This is not an enticing prospect. Laor Day was conceived as an occasion to honor the nobility of Labor." The CLC leader also noted social gains the labor move- ment strives for: 'Despite not alone in thinking that they need a union to bargain for their rights with the li- brary board. Professionals at the. North York, Hamil- ton and London libraries are also represented by CUPE. Head Librarian Jean Fet- terly has admitted that it is unusual to find professional workers in a union -- but adds that not all of those eligible at the local library have joined CUPE. The chairman of the Mc- Laughlin Library Board, Laurence Savery, has said that bargaining with Local 960 isn't at all like talks with an industrial union, as nego- tiations go pretty smoothly. The third meeting between the board and union negotia- tors is scheduled for Sept. 9. Working conditions are being By DENNIS ORCHARD Edmonton said the clergy of VANCOUVER (CP)--The di-\the church desperately need vorced Anglican has a promise|the canon in their work, He did that he may look forward tojnot want the synod "harangued building a new marriage with|and bamboozled" by its law- the help and blessing of hisjyers. } church, | The synod tossed. uit four The pledge was delivered Wednesday night by the gen- s | eral synod of the Anglican A | Church of Canada with its re- rson orns sounding approval of a new s The canon needs the approval Ch 9 L t of the church's next synod, ar e 1S 1967. isti expected move Wednesday, the Under the existing canon,|Crown jaid charges of arson church for the intervening two against Moise Darabaner , fol- years, a divorced person cannot) jowing evidence that there was priest. , year-old woman: president of a bargained over in the cur- Parish priests say one UN-| company, i from the issues haven't yet been |been to drive people /nessman, is already charged reached. 'church. They are married in ci-lwith fraud and conspiracy to canon on church marriage. which puts off the change until| QUEBEC which remains the law of the| anq conspiracy to commit arson be remarried by an Anglican), plan to do away with the 62- rent talks -- the big money {happy effect of the law has) parabaner, Quebec City busi- {vil ceremonies or in other (CP)--In an un-jdortrine of DEBONAIR LAWYER-DIPLOMAT Middle-Of-Road Contact churches, and their break with the Anglican communion js made with great suffering. Among 300 clergy and lay delegates in the lower house of the synod only a scatter of Inays opposed the new canon. \Of 29 bishops in the upper house, only two or three votes Suni fraud involving $115,- The new charges were laid when Darabaner appeared in|provided for another beginning. court for voluntary statement on the fraud charges. Voluntary statement is a legal procedure in Quebec at which the defence may present evidence in an ef- fort te have a charge dismissed amendments, including one from Mr, Justice G, R. Mont- gomery of the Queec court of Queen's bench to delay the canon two years while its au- thors made revisions to suit the lawyers. The new canon is the product of three years' work by a 12- man commission under the bishop of Saskatoon, Rt, Rev. S. C. Steer, Two commission members opposed the major- ity's view that while marriage Using the facilities of CBC television stations across the province, the department will broadcast two half-hour pro- grams a week starting in Jan- uary stressing mathema- tics and science. One program will be aimed at the middle ele- mentary school grades and the other at high school students. PLANS OWN NETWORK This will lead to the depart- ment's own TV network, The government plans to apply to the Board of Broadcast Gov- ought not to be dissolved, the lifelong marriage can best be upheld by defining certain exceptions to the rule. It is the job of the tribunal to make these _ exceptions. Bishop Steer said there will be no "easy divorces," Rt. Rev. R. F. Brown, bishop of Quebec and a member of! the marriage commission, said when commission discussion began \he believed marriage could not be dissolved. "But I came to the conclusion that an 'opportunity should be I came to the conclusion that the worst sin in the world was not adultery." The decision is being taken against the background of the Anglican commitment to ~dis- TURNED TO DIRECTION Jerry Paris, actor-director of TV's The Dick Van Dyke Show, had movie roles in The Wild Ones, The Caine Mutiny and) | |Not As a Stranger. | SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF s ® a By Dominica's New Prexy "27m" es, Ae ion ih he 'Une APPLY TO TRIBUNALS | Judge Paul Roy put over the|Church of Canada. Under the canon divorced| Voluntary - statement proceed-| The significant difference be- (AP) --jCaamano Deno said he will re-|persons apply to diocesan tri-//"8S until today and fixed Sept./tween the new canon and the ibunals, headed by _ bishops, § for Darabaner's preliminary|existing United Church prac- t Presi-|seeking approval for their new|Mearing on the arson charges.|tice would be that authority to diplomat who hopes to serve as|dent Johnson expressed his|marriages. The arson charges say that)marry is given on the one hand a buffer between the country's|pleasure with the agreement| The canon is unique among|>@tebaner unlawfully conspiredipy: a tribunal and on the other conservative and liberal fac-jending four months of strife|the laws of the church because| With one Gaston Cadrin Marchihand by a minister at the: con-| tions, and violence in the Dominican|jt states not only rules but doc-|>» 1965, to set fire to La Tour,|gregational level. "I believe there is a real/Republic. trine--in this case the church's|® Quebec City sports centre. need for broadening that mid-| High administration sources|standard of what. a Christian|, Testimony relative to a plan) die ground where conservatives|expressed confidence that ajmarriage means. t6 do away with Rachel Smiley, | John. Ovens 6.2. and liberals can work harmo-|provisional government will) This break with canonical president of Junior Holdings, a oe OPTOMETRIST 8 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA PH, 723-4811 SANTO DOMINGO The Dominican Republic's next/turn to army duty. president is a debonair lawyer-| In Washington, niously for the common good," |pave the way for a new U-S.|tradition caused the legal coun-\Company alleged to have been said Hector Garcia-Godoy. aid program for the republic. {sel of the synod to object to/efrauded of $115,000, came He takes office Friday for a) They also hinted that installa-|the new canon Wednesday) When the Crown objected to a nine-month term as provisional|tion of the provisional -govern-\night, and a four-hour fight|"efence request for bail for president. ment would be followed by fur-jover procedure and substance| Darabaner. 'i ; \ laymen and} - The 44 - year - old Garcia-|ther withdrawals of U.S. troops,|ensued. Bishops, Godoy brings a lot of adminis-iwho are serving as part of an|priests lined up against the with trative experience to an officelinter-American force in Santo|lawyers. BASEMENT APARTMENT many believe needs a tempo-/Domingo. Canon In Oshawa FACTORY CLEARANCE T. L. Leadwater of | rary respite from politics. i Preise Awareness of this is proba-| bly why Garcia-Godoy has se-| lected a team of ministerial aides -- still undisclosed -- with little or no direct connection | = Dominican politics of the! 1 % m . | =. i just nine months, Garcia- 2 1 Year to 4 Year Godoy hopes to set at least a) | Guaranteed Investment Certificates, foundation for what he hopes will be the beginnings of a "third force" in Dominican po-« litical affairs. The capital was calm Wed- nesday following. Tuesday night's signing of the OAS-spon- sored act of reconciliation by Col. Francisco Caamano Deno, president of the rebel constitu- tionalist government. There was an unfamiliar spec- tacle in the streets of strife- torn Santo Domingo--the sight! of children going to school for the first time since civil war erupted April 24. At the headquarters of the national reconstruction regime, | clerks carried files from the building. Crrios Grisolia Polo- ney, a member of the five-man civilian military junta, said members of the administration will quit their posts: as soon as the provisional government is formed. Garcia-Godoy, who will be- come the 42nd president of the! Caribbean nation of .3,500,000 people, said he does not expect either Caamano or Gen. Anto- nio Imbert Barreras, leader of the junta, to be present at in- stallation ceremony Imbert Barreras said he in- tends to retire to private life. | 5 year to 10 year G.I.C.'s -- 534% 1% 3 '° SAVINGS ACCOUNTS Interest calculated and paid quarterly Effective yield over 10 years --- 5.6% P.A. Clearance '65 Lawn-Boys Deluxe 19" Rotary Mower WITH FINGER-TIP START FINGER-TIP START, GRASS CATCHER sy PS || hes ee herney's FURNITURE WORLD Clearance '65 Lawn-Boys Deluxe 19" Rotary Mower Custom planned extra large beautifully built 9 room brick, with broadiloom, oak and tile floors, Attached garage. Live in luxury while this home poys for itself. This home must be COMMUNITY SAVINGS SERVICE @ GROWTH seen, it is in spotless condition. OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 515 Brock St. S. 668-5853 Whitby ideas P| > b) a 98 Be, i lathe Head Office: 19 Simcoe St. -N. SAVING HOUKS: Mon.-Thurs. 906 Fridey 9te9 Seturdey 9teS FOUNTAINHEAD a page Tel. 723-5221 RU --t CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION

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