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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1965, p. 24

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4 LIKE WHAT IMA G7} THINKING RIGHT, ABOUT @TAYIN! DINNER: TWINK4/ ONE GLASS OF LOW-CALORIE LIQUIP DIBT FOOD! ng DINNBR FOR/ T'M HURT THAT YOU DISOBEYED ME, BUT 1 CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR LUCK, SONses LUCK NEVER BUT DON'T FIB TO ME AGAIN! = We' HAS... WE'VE GOT TO STICK TOGETHER, ALL EACH OTHER 7ROM We - CANADIAN TROOPS o0+ wouR" REPEATED INFANTRY ATTACKS), @ERMAN DNIGIONS FAIL TO BREAK THROUGH THE SINGLE + CANADIAN _16T DIVISION I THE LONE RANGER SECRET AGENT X93 DONALD DUCK MATCH H BALLETS OR Pe THE BAYONETS a] TO 1 jsome doubt w '| |to preempt Sreigiten ri rene 23 THE OSHAWA Times, Saturday, September 4, 1965 BRIDGE Gy &, SAY SECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individuel Championship Play) the" (British) "Bridge. Magetiae, relates some of with a little man he keeps run- ning into, e likes the man all right, ex-- cept for his one bad habit. It seems that the little man shows Benjamin a hand, asks what he would bid, waits for the answer, and then disappears, Benjamin never learns whether the an- swer is right or wrong, For example, the little man. do as Bouth, if West opeued tee lo as . es' tw clubs, North passed, Bast bid two spades, and South had: Spades; K-J-7-4; hearts: 8-3; diamonds; A-K-Q-100-5-2; clubs; --, ! Benjamin replies that there is her it is better in diamonds, or whether it is better to pass and hope that North will lead a club against a high heart contract West might reach, Of course, the little man dis- appears after posing the ques- tion. Six months later Benjamin meets the man again and aska what happened on the hand. The little .man doesn't remember what happened, He doesn't even remember the hand, Not only that, but the-little man poses still another prob: lem, South is playing in six spades doubled, West leads the three of hearts, and it wins the trick! The defence is sound and South makes the contract, What are the four hands? Benjamin spends some cleep- less nights trying to construct a hand to meet the conditions stated by the little man, Finally he comes up with a hand that makes sense, but he can't locate the little man to find out wheth- er he's right, Here is the hand Benjamin composes; East dealer. East-West vulnerable. woRTH oa1083 @A2 goveres +? ae Sa94es Koste4s m3 Soeas bidding: '7 West Worm 2 4@ 4 Pass 58@ 3 Pass 6@ 6 Opening lead--three of hearts, Declarer ducks the heart, East discards a club, and South thereupon discards the jack of diamonds, A heart is continued The Fast he ¢ Cd ble BUT AS YOU SO APTLY PUT IT, $10,000 FOR YOUR COLLEGE EDUCATION 1S NOT TO BE SNEEZED AT. (SICTAINTT IAT IETS | . Lab gored MIOTL TEV RBEIL IOLA) union 3. Feather or straw 4. Follow 5, Subdue 6, Eminence 7. Shun 26, Cistern 27, Turned inside out "at (Ole i 30. meg I IRIAIOIE MS IH [OINIEI é ISTBIE MMA. ITIOlOINIA| 32. Minus EIIE(S) 1, Mimic 5, Fellow 9, The common gannet 10. Skin disorder I WAS JUST FIXIN' TO ASK TH TOWARD THE MINE....AN' HERE YOU ARE...uRIDIN' NORTH BIG pp AS LIFE, I THOUGHT YOU'D BE RIDIN' SOUTH UST THOUGHT YOU MIGHT HAVE SOME IN/ OF BENS YouD-LIKE-ME TO RETURN "TO HIM, MICKEY MOUSE "|| 'New Zealand Could Learn Lots 33, Dim, of Emma 34, De- 12, Maps 18, Solo 14, Sloth 15, Wrestling 17, Withdraw 19, P.I. tree 20. Troquoian 21, Affirma- tive ' 23, Meaning 25, Unusual 29, Cutting tool 21, Rant $2, Meadow 85. Responded 37. Fortify 39. Football player: abbr. 40. Shatter 41, Mountain OWES fi WONG Ol SIPIAR IT MEE INTT IS) 8. Feather 9, Extras 11. Lily 16, Speak 18, Metal 22. Magician 24. Worldly 2 grade 36, Texas mission 38. Glacial ridge > WU Y, 3¢ Ehannet 3 elle 'ulfale o---Torente |--Hamilten SATURDAY 6VE. 400 Pm N--Desilu Playhouse t--Bilko y--The Big Show of the Week 6--Ceountrytine o--Wreatling 3~--Hudson Bay Men From UNELE a: PLM, TisPeier Gunn eater Fou 6--World Of o--Ripcers Oe PM 7-6-6-3--News; Weather; 'Sports U Musi¢e 7:00 P.M, 1--Mickle %--Sea Hunt 4--UB Round Table Pane d--Have Gun Will Travel &3--The Great War 1 P.M, %The Virginien 0-2----F lipper ~The 4--Fan Fare 3A M 4 as 4s Y edi comedies 9 = From Canada Teacher Training' rt ena LS KURN- 9-4 | DUNEDIN, N.Z, (CP)--Newjuniversity has a pores rhe |Zealand could learn much from|sions recommended such action) Canada's teacher training de the government, but so far : Prof. without success. Fearne the education de:| Professor Mitchell believes rtment in the University ofthat more effective links will be lOtago here. jestablished within the next year Professor Mitchell, who js(or two, Difficulties surrounding chairman of the National Co-/Such 8 -- Canada e mr ordinating Committee of the Progtessively overcome, he said, New Zealand College of Educa-|9"4 20¥ the quality of work was tion, has returned to Dunedin|"esarded as satisfactory and the after a year's study leave in| Policy was supported by the tea- Canada and Britain, jchers and education depart: Referring to the Canadian aya: [ On sys-| , : ltem of teacher training, Profes-| "The faculties ave een ac sor Mitchell said he was gen-\cepted in ae ere ties, and uinely impressed with the qual-|Alberta especially has a wary ity of the work done by Cana-|high standard," he said, ey dian universities and com-\have many conjoined appoint- mented on the faculties of teach-/ments where a a may ers' education at universities in|teach in. several faculties, in- Alberta and British Columbia|°luding the education faculty. and moves for a similar ar- rangement in several other WATCH HERRING RISE provinces. HALIFAX (CP)--The herring The Canadian government, he catch in Nova Scotia will be said, has given much assistance/equal to the catch of all other; and co-operation and has built/fish, now adout 500,000,000 buildings and installed equip-lpounds annually, predicted ment costing many millions of! Fisheries Minister E. D. Hali- dollars. burton, He said there are al- For many years, Professor)most unlimited stocks and new Mitchell has recommended that/Icelandic fishing .methods are the University @f Otago and the/being tried, The present catch teachers' college in Dunedin bejis about 100,000,000 pounds aj co-ordinated, The!year. Underwater 8:00 PLM, V--Clud 1) Dance Party Kentucky Jones 3--Lets Sing Out 0:20 PLM, Miss Toronto Beauty Contest §-2--Movie 7--Lawrence Welk Show 63--Beverly Hilibiilies 4-Gilligan's tsieng Comedy 7:00 PLM, V--Great Music 8-8--Movie €3--Great Movies 4--Secret Agent OM %--Movie T--Hollyweed Palace e008 PLM. Vi--World War One 4--Gunsmoke have Pm, VW--Bleck Buster Con tinued --Metre. Pinai é--Night Motre O-b--Saturaay Night et Tre Movies Thaw Pm, 43--Late Show Vd) PL, Late Show o--Feature SUNDA 9:08 A.M. V--Cathedral Chimes t--Herald of Truth ®---B'wane Don oe: AM Vi--Muasicale 3-- Tennessee Tuxede S--Tre Answer 10:08 AM. &--Heraid of Truth y--Rocket Ship ? 4---Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Chureh Invitation ter? Am VW--Secret World 4--Uncie Jerry's Club O--insight hte Aw, Vi--ttalian = Journal o--Meta @-This te The Lie TELEVISION LOG TBeany and Cecil 63--Churen Service 4--Camera % 2--Frontiers Of Paltth 1188 A ---Caraselio %--Canadians All 4=--The Fisher Family J--Bullwinkle Show 12:0 ROOR li--Canadian Pro Soccer P--Itallen Album TV Felix The Cat J--Discovery 45 6--Great Show Musi¢ o--News; Wea' d-Silence Please 118 Pe 4 Long ees aim Fim TUS. Navy Reports 4--Face The Nation o--Fiim Family Playnoves 1:00. P.M, Continental Minature 9--Spectrum Movie Social Security in Acti | | en é3--Jack In The Box 4--Yankee Baseball | d-Live and Learn ne PM 1--Spotlight %--Dougias Fairbanks F--tesue and Action +8--Country Calender 200 PLM. HMickle | %-CFL Footbal! Toronto at Ottawa 7--Top Star Bowling 4---World Of Sport 4--Baseball 2s P.M, t--My Little Margie 2:00 PLM | Club 1! Dance Party t--Encore &3---World of Sport 3--Doctors At Werk 2 PM, #.--Sports |} Movie | &Ted Mack | 4:00 PLM, Tap Cat t--Movie 3--World Of Sports 63--Agventure a Pm. 1--Tiny Talent Time %--Billy Graham P--Jalopy Races 4--Flim a:00 P.M. li--Family Theatre é--Stan Leonard Geit 4--Zoorama judson Bay Encore Sunday om PM, %--Jehany Quest 7--~Big. Show of the Week | @-20/ 4--Travel Flim | Movie | 4:0) PA. | %--Hlipper | Stingray 4--Twentieth Century D---Meet The eres | 4:8 PM, jN--Movie Walt #2--Sports @--Chorus | 4--Werla Wer | | ne PM }$3--CINE Club Lassie ne Pe, | Mr, Novak O2--Dianey's World of Color | 4--My Favorite Martien 0:08 P.M. @¢3--Ee Swiliven shew Dieney Presents 1. OM, \)--@pecial Mevie P--Movie +-2---Branded Broadside 9:00 Pm Shs-d-Benenee e 4Twilight Zone 0:00 PL, $--Musical Showcase H3--The Rogues »3---Compass @Candia Camere ite PL 1--Wrestling b3--Camera Weal %--Zero One o--Whal's My Line 99:00 9.08, 11-9-8-7-6 4-3-3--Newas Weather, Sports 11:98 PLM, Metre Final | 198 PA | }---News: This Age |%--Late Show &-Altred Hitchcock Hour | MONDAY | | 00 A.M, | 4--Captain Kangares | 1:00 A.M, | 18a alien | %News, Weather, Sports | YxDialing fer Dollare | Girl Tatk | d-Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club v9 AM, | 11 Topper | %=The Millionaire 4--Leave it To Beaver 2--Ann Southern Show 10:08 A.M, Ti--Have Gun Will Travel %--Romper Room | &2--Truth or | Consequences | 4-1 Love Lucy | 10:38 A.M, | | petinge | &2--What's This Song | Fmonne Reed Wie aM, Vi Albert "2, Steed | %-Dees Mother Know H Beest? | #2--Concentration |?--The Young Set | @-Andy of Mayberry | 1s AM, Summer Fun Thee AM, } ray } 4--Dick Van Dyke Show Ynete NOOR e2--Call My Blut 7---Money Movie | News and Weather | TRS PLM, Dear Charlotte @--Speacer af the House 1 PM, | MmSeardore College &2--1'll Bet @~Search tor Tomorrew 3--Noonday Report 1h PLM, Racing Forum | 4-@widing Light 108 PLM, 1--Theatre Summertime e--Matines 7--Tralimaster 6--Music 4--Meet The Millers yrairg: oe Date 4-Aa The Werld Turae and South discards the king of diamonds on the ace of hearts, Declarer then cashes the K-A of spades, leads diamonds twice through the A-Q, later four clubs on the established re gaa and thus makes the slam NEWS IN BRIEF MORE GO DOWN UNDER Australia received more than 140,000 new immigrants in 1964, about 1,850 short of the govern. ment's target figure, PROFITS GO UP Profits in the United States meat packing Industry were $166,000,000 on 1964 sales of $14,600,000,000, up "from" $120,- 000,000 in 1963, STRIKES COME COSTLY The United States lost 10,900,- pi bt Ray of ine ustria sputes th first half of 1965, ahve . BASIC COSTS ROCKET The cost of living in the former Belgian Congo has quad- rupled since independence five years ago. MORE GO ABROAD | A total of 2,200,000 American citizens took overseas in 1964 and about 1,000,000 for- jeigners wisited the United States, REACH ACROSS SPACE A 10,000-watt laser beam, foe- ussed through a 200-inch re- flector teleseope, would be vis- ible through a similar telescope 10,000,000 light years away, | FEWER STUDY FIRST AID | Ontario, which had 500 chart- ered branches of the Red Cross | in 1939, now has only 184 active | branches. FISHES FOR CENTURIES Portuguese fishermen have ierossed the Atlantic to fish on the Grand Banks of Newfound- land for more than 450 years. : CLOCK IN rar } Some species 0! ly 'have been timed fytnn ch |m.p.h, and have been known to migrate hundreds of miles, 'SALLY'S SALLIES "How will I ever learn to cook if you won't eat the ! Itty

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