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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1965, p. 25

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ey eyo Yo Pie seanh ariaaye 24 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Returdey, September 4, 1965 \ "Times Action Want Ads - A Large Return For A Small Investment" Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 am. to 5 pom. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. | 9---Market Basket. 17--Female Help Wanted (17--Female Help Wanted 7 R1SCOT | atta a | B U S | N ESS S E RV CS E | R E My 5 oe RY $ sca? 1ObK By Spi ree Pe YOUNG AN wiiaieeiy mre, | Age 20 to 30 years with |' not returning to school ond vane I Ile ¢train Apply Mrs, mys Broad, | Elgin 'Bast, : ot least Grade 12 education, wishes to make career of selle : i NAVE /FOR tal a rad inh mare, The person we ore looking ing. Yount ~ Hospitale Accountants Barristers TV---Radio Repairs at OF SARAWAK, 'Taloohone_ 770-4068 for must be © copable typist, ization, Profit Sharing. Best ppd fF, "pERNARD ch soa yvegisiered, excel have the ability to meet the working conditions, WALL, Da ggg AND €O., Chartered fs, BOYCHYN, and HiLI 'Stud eric public and after training, dis- NCED ga tor ADO fer 708489) ah bile, Perna Piel Seet_mentCehewar Reb" Hump "ae gy pruning, nedge 1 Re TV TOW ERS to iM, Laeeoen irachin a cuss general: Insurance, mets at Wiitlam €./@C. Boyehyny W, A, _ Hillman, | sonable, Malta comme CA, thd °, umonrer A Le: offen [ARMSTRONG SOBTAN LOAM: Hurwy] ECONOMY AND ' = mid i Eicallent' employes _beretits, |AGNEW SURPASS ot Sacre seldences wnitoy, te ee | Ae fem, Conran ant, Licensed Trustes: 17 Bond Street aan) reas WHA ond DELUXE ' , h WOT OER MAA a ~ si i upon experience and qualifi- SHOE STORE East, Telephone 7 I. Priced to suit your budget, . EXPER yan PAVING, ne scons 8 square toot| Instruction - y monte 16, bene one silver gra cations, 25 Simcoe St, South artered Includes grad ing andl, Te aan QUERY: | metre ers TERMS ARRANGED one year ol Perguson's "Nk| Please write in confidence to: 4 ow enna, ie, om ci pa ae Babs Ham "m8 DISTRICT MANAGER : a Building Trades brainer TeHOOL OSHAWA TV. | {1 vn) CERWAN "WHAPHERD FUME act] CO-OPERATORS SUPREME mother alleged purebred, no papers, sin Ea Es SPECIAL 10 er PS |.' Seamer an Pin tta"hewwe sn" Wert] |NSURANCE ~ |, ALUMINUM conus Neuen eevee, eo] 10% Discount | Prony rmroion Jar tod Ot Riven Ao, (emetic ASSOCIATION INDUSTRIES ALBERT" WOWWAR, Charro On All Orders it dee ne sen fay |sierad eal 2N6 KING. STREET. WEST SCARBORO ani, 47 Prince Street, | Remodel! I. ANYWHERE im ANYTIME. 728- 8] 80 MARSHMALLOW Aq AKL PRINCIPALS VA at BOARD for your og. While you goon __ OSHAWA _ Oni Tel 1, emodelling, carpentry, ti WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, now duel A CONVECTION: | CAUSE OF EXCESSIVE | (/590:/804) TSAR OF tnt veunries Greening boeraing, penne. Position available for man pe wyae Schall \ _ T de yt hg ee gg oe ae ey iconied "ana Insured, abet. : : apenas DEATHS IN FISHES. | AND MURDERED THOUSANDS OF PRISONERS, te ee S ales Clerks with perere} aire shop ly r wor fr ng, eaves AA AB FR 2 3 Es 4 Sfetiege dart amet ya) ca, warhol eve TELEVISION + RADIO. | SSh'Meugt | PUAING WTA 7 ] urn ane conic Mana HE sy, Seer ieee SiPabtlty te trein ened Pi a North, Oshawa, 726-1371, Fo ae eeads Riumiruum -- |tRet atriete. Tucks 74 Burk Stree, MARS MALLOW, | WAfER PLANT ME(AOLYHM r ., 4 R j hand ! ect a 725-4587. or grey, $10, equif and on an aluminum sheet HOPKING, CANES, CHIT sore ond -wirkiows, siding, te 24 HOUR SERVICE AN HERB, Ae ie eave onpin. oF HLA HY apsdgale Saab CANRADOR ae a q ed cline out, Wises We ake tered Account Hanis, Financial Trade Bur; 20 skilled men ready to (Janitor Service HOL MES ain years. old, $35, Telephone 728-9610, Full Time arene eh bility, with : sat "Sten Femmen treme Inn (80h; Word he ; LITTLE POPPIES -- black with pretty Vv inetits, Ape AVTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Foal, Mostly Dey Work ply in writing or in person, a Ri ad Make yh . 3 NELLIS' HOME nomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by ancestor #3 male, 7 tomes gg modern machine, Free esti pire Verbena. Apply 3600 Danforth Avenue MeO! BRON | AND BASTEDO, Barristers, paneer ey (wena it sor = Kee RE RS ELECTRONICS \Sememetes tee Sh : sen for Sole _. 12--Articles Wanted OSHAWA ; Mortage 4 arranged, National Peterborough 745 2184 For prompt servic | , 5 | Frost *nullding, 3 Simeoe Street | SOUIM | mmm ~ | WILE LOAN you up to 85,000 ata ree aii . | EXHIBITION SEWING Sova. benr ow | CONSTRUCTION Rianr'*. 'Bade, Ges 'Oren Msi} QUALITY CARPENTRY ng Me ana SOT vt 2° gah. 5679 BICYCLES MACHINE SPECIALS © rem--erremte-- -| DISCOUNT OFFICE itby 668-5 Standard features include, New Elnas and Whites, $59 13---Articles for Rent _ = HOUSE ror oi purpose providing you are steadily em) 0" es oberon AB doi JGHTON, DRYWAN, MURDOCH, and GENERAL. "REPAIRS Bt d have good credit, Telephone chain guard, Perry Coaster | and up, Trade-ins accepted, requires generol office man Barristers, ait i Notaries, > eee Aiea 8 Simess, Roofing, Painting, sine; (oe eee | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED brakes and silver brazed Authorized dealer, OSHAWA RENTALS 1038 King West knowledge of house building Ty -- | Oshawa, 723 Hk he Floor and Ceiling Tiles, Rec, iM hares and fOr. | ' ; 3 im | " ass er residences: GK: Rooms, General home remod: |Mortgages pee Rd t Fea a4 95 Ls see oh South. 726-239 a | OF ALL KINDS essential, | ae, 4 Me Lett, "ani ling. All work PS a576 MORTGAGE SANDING MACHINES Telephone Ron 9 to 5 Mortenam arrange __H, McKOY 725 8576 WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! | JANSSEN'S POWER Oscillating sanders, disc send: SALESLADY é et taps GREER AND, RALLY, Raa, "ot LOANS LAWN MOWERS | EQUIPMENT CENTRE ers, belt sanders, floor sand- Ajax 942-240) 723-2278, "Residence Phones: 6 THE Money for first mortgages 7 R | @) | Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Full time, Experienced on bet: | ers, @C, 725-3368) Terence V, Kel ' " Open Mortgages Light, dependable and power Ferguson Riding Tractors, PLUMBER'S TOOLS ter ladies ready to wear, Good -- Passasti Thomas WH. Jermyn, R. H, CABINET CG& | ren eee a J LUM PRESSMAN -- Multllith, experienced ful Adjustable cutting height : Service on all power equip- Pipe clepning rods, pipe vise Shappi Centre, Please asia 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY | No Bonus TELEVISION from |" to 3°'. Ghrome plate eont. Licaneed mechanic on A ea! SREhac bibs Rey, renee ' only) oF young. man with, some exper soaPi Wr MANGAN i; GC, Baliciter, Pp pipe pip write ance in printing Must have driver's Money. to loan. i 668-6911} No charge for valuations Corner Bond and Division ed handle, \ duty cutters, pipe threading dies, : licence. Arlay 1 Osha' Office, 142 King Street infers Lid, 222 Bond 72-8232, Mortgages and Agreements 728- 8143 From $39.95 Up 843 King West 728-9429 toilet auger West, Kitchen cabinets Vanities, ae ' a chad. | é608 SPRORTUNITY Bg eng oe | _PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT BOX 239 aman 10. take charge of watch oe i rister and Solicitor and Notery Custom built cabinets, Money for second morta AERIALS | ges | @ Gravel @ Sand @ Store | Stepladders, aluminum ex: T 1 +, | ; partment, weekends off, Must be bond Bese cenario. 'clint' Parking' avail Seman Nae wore ant feerier| Fast service, RON'S TV TENTS © 34" Much @ Building Materials! tension ladders, ladder jacks, OSHAWA TIMES Abin, Telephone 7234022. able, T2476 or 725-4717, Carge and small Jobs. Land MH. Reofing M. F. SWARTZ 12 Yeor's Experience | TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL stee! scaffolding, compres- ---- --- . | WAITERS" required tor men's beverage and Construction, RR * '725-69: et All Work Guaranteed Heavy waterproofed = drill, Free 24-hr, Burner Service sors, spray guns, wallpoper room, Apply Tavern Manager, Genoshe aes EXPERT PAVING, Tie. cant Toot In- 26% King St, East sewn-in floor, rear window | Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer! steamers, torpaulins, . blow CONSTRUCTION a a Classified Rates cludes grading and fi, twa veer Oshawa, Ontario. 723-752) with storm flap, dutch door | CALL 668-3524 torches, propane torches 18--Male Help Wanted dias bac our. UBCAL aad 723-4697 RON BRIGHTLING with awning | SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED WELDING EQUIPMENT OFFICE iat abs Alb ' Cant? Insertion of 14 words. $1.08 built and repaired, gas. tinings eens 2 9 AM. --- 9 PM From $39.95 Up | 244 Brock St, South -- Acetylene welding outfits, WANTED words 46 each) 9 cor Intaleg roofs repaired. Free SUMMERLAND i | FIVe CHESTS of drawers, two retriger| 200 amp electric welders, requires clerk = typist five By progressive multi-line in- seaitive. insertions of %4 words = alia i FAST TLV, SERVICE ators, two heavy duty stoves, like new) BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT day week. Must be good with surance company experienced Leng \neertions bY adwords sia, 4g BA rare', Sune SECURITIES DOMINION two rugs: dinette suite, | severe! pede.) Cement = mixers, finishing fieldman with managerial ex- additional words \8e @ach, IRR 4 Oshawa Brosktin' 655-206). 112 Simeoe St, North Service Call only $2.50 iid "oports, 183. Simcoe Sirect south,| trowels, wheel barrows, elec: perience or potential : Our expansion program ine Ave = briek, blocks, con } ss a 125-661) tric virator, air compressor, oy curge it i" alt pane pald ainin ae. crete, New or remodelling work, Call Oshawa, Ontario » 725-3568 POM TIRE STORE |PURNITURE to be sold 'trom 48 Me jack hammers, hand trowels, Telephone Ron 9 to 5 cludes the opening of offices thad of counting = Less than 2% |726-315) Mortgage Mone' |Millen Drive for apartment, Call affer) water pumps, portable heat- j e in Hamilton, Windsor and o°9 Y 728-5154 9 a.m, to 9 p.m, AB Bond St, West i 942-2401 figures, words counts as 24 words) each Word: | NgwW" PLASTERING and repairs, stucco [6 poms Apely abeve acerass ers, stee! scaffolding, electric Oshawa, Ontario, also Wins initial, figure or abbreviation counts odelling, rece 5. Free } ' as ome word? phone number counts Srirnties rear Woods, "990-3420 or Available _All_work _guaranteed, Telephone 725-6511 hook a a Be "i '| generator, ramset, power rol- en nipeg, Manitoba and Saske- two words, 728-4717, Low Interest -- -- " 2 er raat om | 66014 lers, electric hammers, mas- CA PA B LE toon, Saskatchewan, BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- NEED A new ficor? Phone Whitby 648 F AS VACUUM repaltay all makes; hoses,| onry saw, building jacks, Salary will be commensurate SOCIAL NOTICES 2527. We specialize in corlon and any Member Ontario og frre en WRECKING \prushes, ps Pick-up, deliver '| mortar mixers, mortar boxes, with experience, plus com- d goods, tile and ceramic wail tile Fi ; . ' 12.00 per, insertion with 28, conte, ad [Free oeiiration, work quaranteed Mortgage Brokers Asociation 7 qualified servicemen, HOUSES |pickerino Vacuum Service, Main Street) chain hoist, miter saws, elec G E N E R A fi on fringe sent Full ae . ALU TYPES bulidingy rooting repaira|FIRST AND SECOND morigage, § TEN USED Hondas, all nearly "new, re tric plane, tarpaulins, 14 TO LIVE INA ag thay ah Pept . and rermodelling chimneys. new and re) agreements, purchased end al Hennick dp R | C. ven vee 'Cece, Shope 189 Simeoe| band sow, 4" joiner, sand f you oo" m1 ear, ore 30-40 paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs.and Hennic arristers, ing Stree e i "f Street hy 7 1, , ears © ind prepa - Ree te we 35 words and Se Whitby s4ba774, Gord May, Wott, Tees TELEVISION " | ionSa ETO ke an cat woes poe gd hol aa ous wt reaaete tka cept the direction whieh wail each thereafter, plus \e per line of PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies fe 728-5143 } PARK RD & KING $299, No down payment, Open evenings ' lead to success, write full pare eae ise additional charge if get pald Dentistry all mortgages. Mortgages and : Until 9 pam, Honda Shop, 19% King Wes S TAN S Must Love Children, Saulen. ta aoe within 9 days. sALEK, OW. Cc. on, | ments of sale purchased Creighton, CITY WW FOWERS, antennan, also re: end [Dial 728-4242 iculars, in confidence, pre- STs Ore Nias comme, mer lieria, Mureeeh end Victor, [00 /palre AL een Dean) WE BUY, sell"and exchenge used furnl (SHARPENING & RENTALS LTD Call Collect ceding inerey to B., Denial Surgeon. CARDS OF THANKS appointment, 7283842 of Res, 7204441, jcmarristere") | Telephone 725-0500. URK STRE Ww hl have, The cit | _Box 704, Oshowa Times $2.00 for the first 35 words and se | lOptor i ee aaa | BUR TREET Trading Post Sere, 446 aeirneee * Btreet | 223 King St, Sia Oshawa | Baldwin 5. 9055 ~ ys Rliblact LES. ttle tach ihereafier, wih 'ic addition'! | Dressmaking )ptometri st : t | Drilling--Digging "All types of used building *|/S0ults 728147) 24 Ge a ad id th i charge if not paid within @ days, oS eo RICHARD - = = BLACK, OD, 186 Simone |s208.---THREE ROOMS of furnilure, Best : SRRIOHAL FFNLING " eels Nerth, Suite 4 Oshawa folinen| wa rennin we i eth phigy ge _ sale, Salesman | INron, $3, weekly, Wilson Purniture,| Tables; Chairs, Linens, Dish- RELIABLE WOMAN MEN WITH CARS COMING EVENTS women! Di 1 Herati $10 gor int Inch idny), 10 tot the [Fitting pa ae tr appoint | LW _--| rest West, Wiley, 448-2543 OF A68-RA0P. MR RE ee " Cuviery, Glasses, Coffee REQUIRED first thereatter, Be es on Raa j TW YOWERS SPECIAL -- lool tower rns, Punch Bowls, Bridal SIT To supervise sales boys on Ward age | SRaaRRIS AL i Moe lRatnting end Gecereting |a--Bercenel__((rPhone 725-4171 crytirveiuriae shane tein | Wong, Mens formals, White AR Oe aes oe | Label Ba AUCTION SALES i : saneads cyte es Aes NG ar oneenrs fl heir | TYPEWRITERS, adding machines end/@UNS -- ough, sold, Weded, repaired Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, | high wages, must be fond of : 2.10 PER INCH INSERTION o PAINT! AND emovol of supertiuous MOI lime clocks, new and rebuilt Gre / Ugh, colds, waded: repal | : |cxDIes om "hve your renaren'a - daia| DECORATING | Marie Murduff will be in (guarantee, Outstanding goed bu year) at a Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West') SARGEANT'S RENTALS ehildren, | dress ristmas, Teenage dolls & r . r ir DEADLINES |specialty! 725-8592 INTERIOR and EXTERIOR hy enc -- TEA Open evenings. and Serve Used" MOTORCYCLES 463 Ritson Rd. S, 725-3398 725-7704 Salary Plus Commissions WORD ADS loRESEMARING Wilks, coats" Graases,, Broadloom, Custom Draperies S$ om, DAY PREVIOUS [tpsclaty Mra. Tom severts wnt uanh. | FREE ESTIMATES nt T AN' N' a ' rt aer "ape \Gerd jerdeni ng and | Suy lie mee ae ELECTROLYSIS Lice ; UITAR' "Pender "aaa Manto "eax |ble rates, TAI okee Experienced only, Apply BIRTHS AND- DEATHS ee a 723-464| pe lg a gO I Phi ally (curt amplitie erberater, Will sell WHEL CHAIRS, houplial beds. walkers, ioe aaa as : ae pba git nm cates BAINTING"AND DECORATING, cheaper Urniture, only $299. Ine complete beds) separately, Te one 'whitey. pt) _|reaueing machines, sick room. supplies BLACK'S BOOKKEEPER ' rates, Also chim H tt wave. RUN "ever. The long. winter months. .reom. living room, kitenen enser moles. ' THIS & THAT' guaranteed, in a cleaned. All work Join a Bowling League. Men IPay only $3 Wkly, Unbeatabie--value!t WONDA, 109 Hawk, Save _ Wad Rentals, 10S Beatrice, 725-1644 | ADIES WEAR and kids all welcome for morn |Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simeoe S lyase ave le thon ma Simcoe Street South, CHAIRS, Card ard parquet tables; af NN 'and acooter Honda, Allstate, Bridgstene, All in rf | SFR FATOTS = Pifly to one-hundred on these dates for. appoint. (STEWART DRUMS large, complete sel.! cellent condition, The Cycle Shop, 153) ? ml One vear oid. Gxcelient coneilt imict people? Oshawa Tennis Clud tor S S D PHON 725- ke Be PE Ble en Teena 9 Sim Street South, 725461), Open 'til quets, parties, weddings, OC ereanee| ALE LA ad 0 E 725 4473 CLASSIFIED. DISPLAY enna or larger = 18 vin. dey previous Plumbi d Heati == Moan and-evening.feagues. Oshawe PlAzalWONEST CAL'S Furniture and A aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rental 72 Simeoe St. North pra erl = otheeks. Pee af LAWN SEEDS um ing an eq ing Bowling Lanes, K and: Stephenson: ances. Name brands at-highest dApalt| 'ss se ucKe Verambler, 38% ce, 30 HP, Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414 Saini ean j wn CANCELLATIONS AND FERTILIZERS ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup-|/2° 22! we aierehere, We carry Restonic and Sever;win full xompetition and street, kits) WANTED = Folks in Osnawa and die CORRECTIONS plies. 'Telephone 725-382], Harold H. Stark PASSENGERS WANTED for car pool|'y matiress furniture lines, Your author $450, Telephone 7786755 14--Businosg Opportunities trict to show our luxurious _Chetarntan N 9 AM, aay OF PUBLICATION PEAT MOSS Lid., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, /dally, Oshawa te Toronto Teac « Col. ited GE dealer, Contact Honest Cal': at BEAUTIFUL new = italian Provinelal| cards to friends and and. neieners, Ne 942 5) | BIRD BATHS she hese lege, return, Telephone 720-2758 424 King Street West, 2289191 Andrew. = Malcolm, Dining-feom avite, | RENDEZVOUS STAURANT, Simcoe perience By gy 300 terms ~~ vag -2401 BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Me ? ----~| GENTLEMAN would like ride trem Wic|ADBING 'machine, typewriters, cashiers, | Pickering 94RORI2 Street North. Beat north end location,| UNTeIA Sey ta get plenty. of orders, aT --< While every endeavor will be made WEED KILLERS Rug- "Upholstery Service He eR vege and. Bloor, varriv.(duplicators, chequewriters, files, deaks,|SAVE €8 on new NSU scooters, The/parties, Modern fully equipped NOS OF lt arn extra. money tis way, Write today/RURNITURE, a rene, Tes, hee i 4.10 a.m, Telephone 723-3799 chairs, We buy, sell, rent, service and te § 183 Simeoe Street South. for Christmas cards on approval and to forward replies to dex numbers to BUG KILLERS ing at s . Cycle Shop. rm modern throughout, Asking price only ary and commission, Api tr 8 ply Barons' Saverteere 68 G eons re re) HA A THREE LADIES nid like vide te Youtree® with budget terms, New and used, | 725.4611 $8,500, Good lease, Call Tony Zakarow! free catalogue, Monarch Card Co., Dept, , we accept, no 'lability respect of COW MANURE S W Lows Ny Wome Eyrwenngw Gt Sew He ' m . ronte arriving at & a.m, Please. telephone law prices, lll Namitton, RAMAN! Vcc ua Se" tne manih" elds ike' wew, At Sibby's Real Estate Lies 7207876 16. 8) Cannan. Hamitton, ee ciiner alture €e oq te et; «6PURINA DOG MEALS CLEANERS AHOST or THAME evenings YEUSVISOn Vener special -- ait The Cycle Shop. 18) Simcoe Sireet South, RUSINESS OPPORTUNITY -- (o let/ EXECUTIVE "WOME near Rossland and)... 'stiches Warding such replies, however caused MASTER DOG MEALS Rug and Upholstery Clean pga fae ge ga eth ts ig fon NER SAAN : __._ [tiverragm bungalow, one room campletes Simeoe, amall family requires lady cap: sive YOURSELF » raise -- in pay. Wacines by negligence or otherwise wo | A : |S--Trailers Tae eet udede quaran:|THREE ROOMS of furnitur --Walty furnlaned tor. ladies' Nairdressing|@b\e, 0 do lieht,, hausewert udtnG | Training, and leads Ned. The Times' will not be responsible tor PURITY DOG MEALS } ing t our plant or in your ' -- Ba shag Sg ou . quaral 'Idown payment, 218 month salon, Furniture and equiament tor sale meal preparation, Ful alt time Monloshawa and district area le: replies uncalled for in %0 days. home toad one vear, 030, see all, wewere Jicata, a King West, 720-9 Owner leaving country, 723103) jdays through Saturday, "Saliatactory _com-|write Muluel of Omaha, 343ve ae | PET SUPPLIES CALL 725-99 © Television, corner Bond and Divi | Bion ~ /pensation for eampetent person. Reply|street North, Peterborough, Ont | | G . 725-9961 j COOKS VON, FHSAA BUY AND SELL -- Good used 'furniture 1 Em loyment Wanted [giving references to Box 136 Oshawa) sa at REGULATIONS PLAY SAND 94 BRUCE STREET | : CEM. WEVELES gicl'ar 20" wheels, | aNd apationges, One location only. Eretty s-- ploy' imes 7 ey' eas | F The Oshawa Times will not be | EUWTVERDTELED coupanletered ena TRAILER SALES Very goad condition, $23, Telephone Furniture, 444 Simeoe South, T29927!, |BRRENOAULE day cares valliable for| BARN EXTRA SMONEY, Show Canadas 9--M r Female COOPER - SMITH styled, Pree estimate. See our material Sim St. North 0132 NEW, USED -- Vac pollshers. Re-jehild, Call Whitby 468-sadd ____|fineat tine of Christmas | Carde, wrapa,) Help Wanted * for recovering Dalton Upholster! imcoe r FLOOR COVERING CLEARANCE ot pairs fo all makes, New hoses, Phone BUPEN" MECHANIC, 2 years' Saperi.|rovelties, 6 ee ey) io For oo Regeagras OS iatiltaesat bia COMPANY Charles Street_72)-7212 | Clearance sale starts today, lacontinued patterns, All slashed in {dack Leen, 720-4956, ence, desires employment on cars, trucks, ne aporaval a ried gy yg ye CHESTERPIELOS re-uphoistered and ri price from 7c, per fl, Wilson Furniture, |CANOPY, wooden, quent "whi Cy "pnd (buses or diesel engines, Avaiiadie im R r upholstered and re- Buy now and seve % Church 'Street eaves trough, $20, T mediately, Telephone Whitby MRA? a Phe retina Sa a King MEN OR 16 CELINA STREET i tvled Free esti: See our material) 2 only 15° citations. |oic pal woman ior recevering Dalton Upholsterin 15) 'i . JL PAINTINGS -- Landacal artraits list ia & WOMAN with experience The cpawn Theres reserves bens nen 723-1] 139 Charles Street 723.7212 . 1 only 17° rambler 'figure work, custom eae | wm Esa gg sale Soa | ane wilt mind ediidren in her va ele ere reliable wo men for ight eh: | ' tassi advertising = accordir ie nirly dee Clark Stud rt lephone ??: ite prover cutee We Deliver CWOSTRRCNGLOS ate Ge enna. ce 2 yd 13" Cenadians nae, 325 Brock. ee FLOOR JACK (oarage type), recently |sreet Ms pba idren in kindergarten, Duties, salary ar WOMEN nw Ve Velive: covered tke fete Get the beat for tess 2 only 16° Glenelles (fully War SURE everhavied, $48, Phone 725-5885, /@iRL, Ve would tike poeitten as appren ranged to aT satisfaction, Exchange In the cases of display advertisements a ern Upholsterers, 142 Simone Street! equipped) 1 80, twelve hundred miles.) % rt hel tice hairdresser TRS lreterences, 7 as tn Hig canes of ania te ewer FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS) ee Free estimates, | yt 17! Glendette (shows eecellent conelton, $300, Whitby 468-3176 jrcy ACCING pd complete ay ee ~~ |eCERKGTYRIST required Trmediately. sible tor more apace 'han that vhich RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estebiian A Resi ahi = |Calt Ehitehem Chemicals, om RIND, 17--Female Help 'Wanted |Preterably experienced in dookkeeping,| To handle nationally adver- the actual error occupies The pub ed 1? Years. Complete range of materials room condition BUYING GR SELLING Wrallure or ap eater n= Excellent working conditions, Whitey tised line of household pro- lishers endeavor to reproduce all ad: Workmanship guaranteed five years Free, "Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Aneeey Call Eimer Hammton 2432204 or | SWIMMING 'Poo -- and area, Reply stating age, experience and) 4, Produc " vertising matter correctly, But assume estimates. Credit terms, Mattresses re Closed on Sunday 24695 equipment tor sale. We asi rn 'ce Cut 1 @) YS salary, Box 803, Oshawa Times, weet' ey aa eed in no lability of advertisement if any built, Furniture refinisty Osh bp "9 > by calls, urda' venir inaccuracies i any form are contained Laid and Delivered . . , also walstesine sabato rot re Phone 723-9534 DESKS FOR STUDENTS, Many styles ~ SALE EAS -- middle-aged w with several Post and Parents Mcoasios. # - oy Best. setection: lowest prices trom $17.7? cof | lence in Refat fog therein. Cedar Hedges, ee Loid | FaRett __ TRAILER -- 4 x 10), attached porch: Witkon Furniture, 20 Church Street 9--Market Bosket : | goat "Seed. a" * Yale! Lucrative earnings, Some ex- Any advertisement cancelled bdetore and ivere three bedrooms, full sie bath, Telephone BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture/GOOD COOKING apples, $1. per pushel phone Aiax 94 ____ | perience in direct sales pre- publication will be charged one day's CALL Sales and Service Whitoy 468-6752 and appliances. Goold's. Furniture, 21S/Rring awn containers. 12 Alles north of ) yorvan "Yor amall iuneh ferred, but not necessory, insertion. "MAPLE. LEAT * Used Bicyc les 'Bought ond. Sold ieee : 14 tool moulded mahagany a Oundas East, Whitby 668-548) Oshawa on Simeoe Street as. 2476. bar, co am, ee S ny scare veer Have opening: for several re- IT'S EASY TO PLACE A Repairs to all makes ot bi se rane Ts 1008 extras, Beat offer, ROVAL TYPEWRITERS -- New and NO. "TY ONTARIO. potatoes, 82, Sl "bee. Barbeque, Park re Road M sah : resentatives in this ares, . Landscaping and Garden Servi ss i valea fused: cash registers, adding machines, Call evenings, Brooklin 485-408, o a for TIMES ACTION WANT AD ping service | cycles. Lownmower repairs ----~ 838 up. AN machines' guaranteed, Ex i BABYSITTER for three a TT} For information. write Call Classified Direct 725- 0611 Authoried dealer for Tecurm 6--Marine Equipment pert service. Oshawa Business Ma TOMATORS -- at. push! rick eae Ladies earn extra Christmas -- years, light housework, fivediay week: | a seh, Lavsen power products << ec etomcerromrvmnsomncn JCNUNOR: FIAMMA er 7259748 | money, We will train you te ior day cere for same, Near Hillcrest 723-3492 prod GFT. NIPISSING cedar strip with } the end of pavement, turn left, third Public School, Whitby -- | AJAX CYCLE and SPORTS Me hercory Toten Yee Nee trailer SUGGAGE TRAILER, hot water tank, /house on north side demonstrate a full line of toys ee Vigan, Whithy 448 P.O, BOX 6 HARWOOD AVE. N Te MAMI ater 4 p.m toilet Bowl, wash 'banin, nla laa ook cnoice" TABLE CORN, sian orders) and gifts, Commission, Cor A Ce WOMAN Yar two) 4 deak nt t ' noat nildren 'an v ousenold H ; FENCING Telephone 942-155) 'nereor-Flaeeetay beats TWF Wale piace, Maternity cen ik te ae eS x renee Oe ea gs reed qreeeal No investment ee the es) ong, Tie | Richmond Hill 2 mi Free pick-up and delivery Telephone hee railer, Price $375. Woons DELUXE freezer, i?\a cuble|/ny. Phone sabe r ALL NOW off, Telephone 72 mate CLASSIFICATIONS | Ne not just standard galven- | ggugayawainen' curteinas conenlon, |ALUMAINUIA : feet. Excellent condition, $200 sone [eUkAgR Se Pe 9y Lanaille couRTICa | AREA Reliant mn i Ontario INDEX TO : Crestliner runabout, 18 tion tele » _ pROROG Serenren zed chain link, but, electro. Complete service, Free' eatimates. Mil. /Horsepower, Evinrude moter, Tee-Nee goad condition, $5 Hn ee : wa tomatoes, $1 bushel 25 centt, 6 gt bel by tbe ' jay trough Friday.) Jetinek, y ¥. |. sonia hitle aed watveniaed oleae Jeti 728-1993 anytione, Wailer. AN new in July, $925, Private Darker, Spanish onions, 3 cents each Weiconene | 7204017. cou ae t GUARANTEED vepaira to A wringer | Alter § pm, P25 1805. TWO DANISH type love-seats, im Gold, Corn, 25 cents dozen, We PICK, green aLIAGLe Tena We care tor two enih] | 00 weave chain link, Fencing for washers and ranges. Free estimates. Call i28OOT MOLDED paceship, 3 HP = yg ety m, wreeene with lease cush sweet peppers, $2 buena, 3% corte Stl aren, ages 2% and 34, Live in preferred. |BARY SITTER 'e (ce re a on epiiaren| SCH L CROSSING ye. 1742 nadie in good \ Cat Br each, 4 i | longer maintenance free enamat aaedina ww Mercury mater: teat trailer, contrat, Telephone 72 + Yiag pal | gen ghee ee ae Rewrences. required, Call 78076 ive. 623-5072, | G U A R D ~ ie a e i a ge so j costs. Supplied and installed, washers ranges. cs NT wringer cen ar TK wae Wear Sue. cre NORGE refrigerator, large size. Rue east of Roy Nichets Garage, COUr/ WOMEN with cars, light deliveries, WSi@iRL WANTED for lunch anch counter, anit > Cal 728-1 aca abo freezing compartrent good = condi ition Nee, Go nerih te lat_corner nous, $40, Write Box 401 Oshawa Times.| work. Also woman for kitchen, nights./ Ye--Rarmers Column Hardsand Landscaping 725- -- " a Boat Ab MOTOR a -- e Withy 442-399 TOMATOES -- S0c, eleven Quarta; S1AS/RELIABLE ADULT to mind: ladder in Apply S43 Ritson Road South ate As 1721 Septic Service decree, Erie oy ahs ADMIRAL hms GaN ERIN eae ONIN teat Sane Sie |e eGo Sa Rete P| CORONATION . -s ns 'i 3.5483 new picture tube, SAS, Telepnone 725-2580, a a ' extra rewards, Just show Fa TOCKS ger ha tor ae Guaranteed Cedar Trees SEPTIC TANKS cieanea, promot were poor ™ POTATOES, "TVS" buahel +o, "Wwesh | DOES K "Beauty Counselor" SCHOOL 4--Business Opportunities 2 new on calls, Walter Ward. 204 Chestnut Street! : S Storm windows ANd Screens | Venetapies, Free delivery Orhawea eed : GREEN AND BUSHY FOR West, Whithy 48-2569 7--Swap and Barter all sizes: fady's bievele, tricycles, wae We may someone in your area! : reel (Corner Simcoe Street and HEDGES EFC. -- FREE ES od appeeane, & ant wr scbltsonel dedeernee Ons. sleighs, Ded springs, mattress, iteal ana ma owmanviie oe. ae __ jer call tor products, Telephone mane KIT write North | Cc 5 Ea t Whitby Tow - | cnt _-- FiGy basin MAT Breas tor Colttge' Carmen, turtaln airetcher,/GORN ON THE COO -- 2c. Geren LADY REQUIRED fo help in house aoaw hs BU ea ' ss pes LR, ob OF Surveyors = 235.; sinka, S298 cabinet, S35 s/children's eve. Many othe articles. €24/Rring own containers, RV. MeRUrRIe| Must Phang on and be able woe cee Boon gs cis one. ship.) s ) © WREIN AND FROLLOPE, Gaharle Cand motor ralters (new 138, $0.) Simncoe North Harmony Road North, (24 mites Rerth with children's Rome work. Good wages --~ 20--Real ag SMITHS TREE FARM Surveyors 3 Elgin Street East. "Phone Mie TRI MOVING hae Teen'a "Manty> conta, [Ot_ Tauren Read.) and private repm, Write Box S12 Ooh: 18--Male Help | Wanted 728-0458 ihnBarme for Sale Newtonville * sion' P2688) 8 Articles for Sel areyotive: lady's winter coat (Camel: /FRESH VEGETABLES: "pick "yeur Sanaa Times ¥ ' Bae oe 7862283 \DONEVAN AND FLEISCHNAWN, Gnfarle le Sar coats, imitation tur iackats; mnatert- tomatoes, $1. per bushel orm, onions PARTTUAE -- night cashier, TT pm. to tnReal Estate Wenied TRADE" \92) ens i ity evening dress (hive) and other maciand pepper alse avaitaaia, Walter Huron)? a.m, ty G Motel @ 2 Land Surveyor. Commercial dive prints to be American silver ieraity clothes. sizes 1416; Baby chothes,/nathmile west of Canawa on 41 fer Jeet hose ad = CARETAKER 24--Stores. by and Stor owe < TED ~ aT Ont § 2 doll. n Y ; bial = iy bad WE STARTED TO CUT AGAIN teria Street 225-8632 ee Sellers tor, Coneaion, detore 1965: Applyial like new: piaynen, training chair,|Service Road. RELIABLE LADY tor feo children, lent ] BOYS a GIRLS eam for Rent OUR EXCELLENT TV. ; two snow suits, size M4 Also same fur . househeld @uties, tive in or cut, fiveday! For part-time duties at pres: archaea ter Rent | "BLUE GRASS SOD" Radio Repairs : oar CYCLE ~-- WE KIS. runs wail, |nitore left, 13) Albert Street, 728-4061 10--Farmer's ( 'Column jweek, Teleptione 728-0033, ent, Future full time duties, | 2m--Room and Board heck th hit engnane 7a. mai _|GURNEY io" tourourner range. =m |WOMAN OR GIRL over sixteen te look e TO SELL PAPERS Wanted to Rent SE RECR the Quanity in the field TV S CRIBS). double bed. GU size Bookcase, | matic. Price $40. In goed condition oe loRAD and crippled farm eck picked after children while mother works, tive Write for details to tommoniies for Sale "All Green" Nursery Sod ERVICE all gee |prene Whithy 4603236 ive Bi gS rr, sg fl et Ae ae P.O. BOX 415 L Da Se 6 Growers, Townline North, DAY OR EVENING penatcosinti re. | FEREWAIVERS taneoe" GET TORSO ca en | eeu Tiddle-aged woman te oe ee ' | abor Day Sept. 4 mile north of Teunton 728 8 > RANGE" -- 0" "Findlay" nalurel Bar.[8We adding machine, $26: electric type MOA, Licence 309-645, say wana baby sitting, gh duties. One preaches! Oshawa, Ontario. Village 28. asity converted to promane, showream) writer, $4. electric cash ister, Hen weeaT sTRaw's tor aes. age child, two seheotage, 6:28 fe 438. COMMISS! BON Oshowe 735 9674 8 52 6 condition, used very lithe, Witewer vest ger S008. 723-4006 bes late Shetland Ppery, goad on Shieren Own tranpertation. Lakefield Stree? area oo Bogie g ee oe rargest| be MISSIONS AND US Bowstat ideal OSHAWA seit, $90. or Nighest offer. 720039). leoat ano nner Telephone s&2035 after 4am. Prone 728508 iid ay fea dors, highest commemisaions. Ov FREE YO PRIME Call Sim Gr Fi cw C NG WASHER MctlaryBaay. Talduty Datlery. record player, lawn mawer./PIRST CALR Holstein haliers, and Youre [EXPERIENCED hare 7 wanted. Ae have deen aotitied of Inia ad. All py PHONE 725 4473 | a aga Free eatimates, 7235118 o ELECTRONICS cid = Hike meee, 37. Terepnone 723 jeabinetie, builtin sink. 252 Arthur Street. cows @ue in two or tree wneks wanted ply Riviera Hairstyting, (2 Simene Snath,/will be treated im we strictest conti . O48. i Telephone 728-027) | Teteprene Ralpr Davia, Hampton 260.2084. [720-065!, Good working Hours anc wages.(dence, Write Bex 2, Gebewa Times,

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