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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1965, p. 27

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 4, 1968 36--Legel NOTICE OF SALE BY TENDER TAKE NOTICE thot until Monday, the 20th day of September, A.D. 1965, ten ders shall be accepted for the purchase of the house (ex- clusive of contents), known os 99 Sutherlond Avenue, Oshawa, Onterio, the resi- dence of the late Marion Lodoria Felt. The premises sholl be open for inspection between the hours of 2 and 6 p.m, on Wednesday, September, 8th 1965, and Wedne , Sept- ' ember 15th, 1965, and from 10 a.m, to 3pm, on Satur. day, September ith, 1965 and Saturday, September 18th, 1965, Tenders shall be accompant- ed by a certified cheque for 10% of the amount of the tender, The highest, or any tender, not necessarily ac- cepted, The balance of the purchase price, in excess of the pay- ment accompanying the ten- der, subject to odjustments, sholl be payable in cash on closing, on or before the 15th dey of October, A.D, 1965. The tenders ore to be for- warded to Joseph P,. Mangan, Q.C. 14% King Street East, Osh- owa, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executors. 38--Coming Events MONDAY 8:00 P.M, BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S | AUDITORIUM 690 King $t. East at Farewell --FREE- ADMISSION --FREE- 20 Reg. Games----Total $300 | | | BADGLEY -- In loving only son, Ter, Verdon B MSTCALSS, Seorae H. fintered into rest suddenly in Hanolulu, Hawall, on 29, 1965, H, Metcalfe, 'ton the tate Mary and vee Maresier brother of Thomas Willem jealfes in his éist year, Resi ing at the Armstri eynere Home, Osh a vi , with funeral service in the chapel Tues: day, September 7 at 3 p.m, Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery, Noon), SLUGG, George Entered into Fr 'ABI wo pember 2," 1965, la i" of 43 Billingsgate Cres., Alax, husbond of 4,|lage tailor opening his shipment iigun its march through Eyam Russell 'emt suddenly at the To eis |e10UR® ojos George Ru Slug loved Cloth For Village Tailor Brought Plague To England By PETER BUCKLEY HYAM, England (CP)--A vil- Not surprisingly with a story 900 years old, the history of Eyam's bravery tends to be blurred, However, from most accounts it appears that the plague struck first in late August, 1665, subsided somewhat and then attacked with terrible effect in the hot summer of 1666 before dying out, Mompesson gathered his con- gregation and, after warning of cloth from London gave this Derbyshire village its entry to history, Three hundred years later, the event is being duly com- memorated, The tailor's cloth contained the germ of bubonic plague, the fearsome "black death' then ravaging London, Within a few days, it had be- they left; called on them to slay. When 'they agreed, he drew a boundary line around Eyam, : Outsiders left food, medicine and other goods on the boun- dary, The Eyamites went later to pick it up, Money for the goods was left in a stream, to and the villagers were on the verge of fleeing in panic, carry- ing with them the virulent germs to surrounding villages and -heavily-populated =Midlands and north of England, Eyam"s claim to fame lies in orton Watson and dear father of John Russell and St the fact that the plague did not core both of me and dear 'of Adb Cassinitli Wigan, Lancs, land, Mr, Slugg will Mck "9 aprasa be washed clean before the out- ivi kwia rest at Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West piexaring after 7 p.m, Saturday, Funera in Holy Trinity Anglican Chureh, Alax, on vs September éat2 pm lnterment Erskine Cometery, Kindness' beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 COCKE'S FLORIST Funerol arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions, OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 Everlasting. Memorialization is almost possible with the | MATTHEWS BRONZE MARKER that we supply and install; Pleose call MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK 723-2633 | IN MEMORIAM memory of our ly " * igiey, Who was killed in action In italy, September 4, 1944, "Love's greatest gift, remembrance." Mom and DB: BURDEN -- Cherished memories of a dear friend, Mra, Edit Burden, who pass ed away September 4, 1964, Memory keeps you ever near vt. ~--Smythie and Grace, CONNOR -- In loving memory of our dear brother Dennis who passed away p Y p ers allowed themselves to be| DEATHS STARTED © persuaded by their youthful rec-) In the.summer of 1666, the to seal themselves off in the village, dozen. To reduce infection, Mompesson moved his church The world outside was spared,|services to a guily on the out- but for 18 months the plague/skirts--a green hollow with ravaged Eyam, When it hadinatural limestone platform, run its course; 259 of the 350/cajled Cucklet Dell to this day residents were dead, Among the --and continued to encourage victims were 59 children--and|the villagers in their voluntary the rector's wife, Catherine, | jsolation, The present-day residents of) Jy June and July of 1666, 56 Eyam take the history seri-\were buried, Next month the ously, Many of the 1,500 persons|toll rose to 77, When the surviv- living here are direct descend: org could no longer keep up with ants. of the plague'y survivors|the burials, a mass grave was and there have been small an-|o,, nual celebrations for many years, |PLAN BIG TIME | This year's tercentenary ened, For more than a year, the ideath hell tolled almost daily. In a family named Hancock, is , ag ng her husband | : ; "and six children in one week, pes Bc ovcis gel in Sraneet ienair neighbors, the Talbots, all z Tee : Pid ° Sed Me te j\died--parents and five children, mittee has arrang r §WOlrhe two stonehouses still stand weeks of cCOMMem orative! nore events, including a play.about! s - os M iy actane Eyam fittingly called The Sweet! though. h "canon pu Air, a Son et Lumiere produc: on in th evenings, an opel ign stayed ine Etim ate 0 vie t pipe ate» 4) the "Archbishop of York. an ex.(until his death in 1708, Writing . at one point to an uncle, he hibition and a carnival. ; As many as 50,000 persons are|S#id: "The condition of -- this expected to visit the village dur-|Place hath been so dreadful that ing the celebrations, \T persuade myself it exceedeth jg |All history and example." "The tradition of Eyam very much alive here today,"| But the plague remained con- fined to Eyam and the area Rev, Ernest M, Turner, present | Anglican rector of the village,/around London, 140 miles south- said in an interview. least of here. In. London, wit "The people are proud of the|its population of 460,000, the fact that those others were will-|Victims numbered some 70,000, ling to sacrifice themselves.| 'Here was courage and hero- |They think a great deal of theism exemplified by people in them of the danger to others if}. tor, Rev. William Mompesson,|residents' began to die by the! '| EVER-BLOOMING - OSHAWA T y IMES PATTERNS By ALICE BROOKS Beautify towels, linens with elegant designs thai combine applique, embroidery, | New, exquisite, unique! Km-| Hproider flowers; applique cen- jtres and edge in same color, |Pattern 7422; transfer six 5% x) 8%-in, motifs; applique. 4 THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) for each pattern (no stamps,| please) to Alice Brooks, care of, The Oshawa Times, Needlkraft! Dept,, 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, Ontario res- idents add 1c, sales tax, Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER,| NAME, ADDRESS, NEW! GIANT 1966 NEEDLE-| CRAFT CATALOG stars knit, crochet, fashions! Hundreds more designs afghans, quilts, toys, thing! Three free iprinted in Catalog. Send 25c, Send for "Decorate with Needlecraft!" 25 complete |patterns --- applique, pictures, |pillows, more! Only 40c. | | | | every: patterns} ns complete patterns, 60c, FORT ERIE RESULTS | FRIDAY, 4504 SIZES 2-8 BLOUSE-SLIP By ANNE ADAMS Sew one, two, three blouse: slips--they're sure to be daugh- ter's favorites for school! Waist is elasticized and makes it comfortable' to wear, Choose Dacron, Printed Pattern 4504; Chil- dren's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 Size 6 takes 1% yards 35-inch, FORTY CENTS (40c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern, Ontario residents add le sales tax. Print plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER, Send order to ANNE ADAMS. embroidery,| care of The Oshawa Times, Pat+ tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario, BE ALERT to What's New!) Send for excitement - packed Fall-Winter Pattern Catalog, 350 design views -- school, career, |glamor styles, Plus coupon for Value! Deluxe Quilt Book --/|free pattern -- choose it from Observers here said the un: _|usual height of the orbit seemed Catalog, 50c, Serr s 80 OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC Friday defended iis «co-opera* five arrangement with the pri- vate CTV network on football telecasts as the most beneficial possible for the networks, the Canadian Football Leaue, the: advertisers and the fans. In a statement issued to counteract what it called the continuing flow of "misleading and inaccurate' information about the football TV situation, the corporation said its agree. ment two years ago with the private network "brought sta- bility out of the confusion and conflict. prevailing prior, to 1963." | "When both networks share coverage, the result is a gr number of games broadcast, a higher level of payments for rights, greater exposure for the advertisers and better. service for the football fans,"' The CBC statement, issued by Vice-President R, C, Fraser, denied allegations that the five- year agreement with CTV is a "secret" one, In support of the denial, the corporation re-issued copies of its 1963 press release outlining details of the agree- ment by which the two net- works will share coverage of! ICFL games until 1968, "The CBC's sole purpose in initiating the 1963 agreement with CTV," the statement said, Soutniks Shot -- 'Up In Cluster MOSCOW (Reuters)--The So- viet Union launched a new cluster of five Sputniks into or-| |bit around the earth Friday: night from one carrier rocket, | July, The spuiniks, Cosmos 80, 81,| 82, 83 and 84, carried instru- ments. for continued space 're: jviet news agency Tass. Tass said they are moving along circular orbits at a height of about 900 miles and are cir- cling the earth once every 116.6 minutes, |to rule out any chance that the jlaunching is connected with a possible manned space flight, The sputniks are orbiting at CBC Defends Position In Video-Crid Si repeating a feat performed last) search, reported the official Bo: GARDENER GIVES UP BIGGIN HILL, England (CP) --The Hickman family was re- covering in its Kent home from an hour's siege by-a large bear, Jip Fecapriares, they 87 a fully-grown African buffalo stroll inte the garden. The owner of the animals later re- assured the Hickmans that both were harmless, TOOK UP RIGHTS CAUSE The first member of Parlia- ment (to speak for women rights was John Stuart Mill, the philosopher, elected for the Westminster constituency in England in 1865, tua SS tion. "was to prevent a repetition of ine 1967 situation in which Ca-) nadian football was not avail- able to some 35 per cent of Ca- nadian views because CBC did not have the TV rights." The three - page statement said the CBC recognized that the CFI, needs TV income. More revenue is provided through the co-operative agree- ment between the networks oe would otherwise be possi- e. Charges that the CFL re. ceives. "peanuts" for its TV rights compared to the United States pro leagues ignore pop- ulation differences between the countries and the difficulty in obtaining sponsorship. in this country, the CBC. said, The CBC also denied charges it "subsidizes" coverage of Na- tional Football League telecasts from the United States, The only charge here is -a "nom- inal' fee for French-language The CBC also denied charges it "subsidizes" coverage of Na- tional Football League telecasts from. the United States. The only charge here is a "nom- inal" fee for French-language WANT exceed 45,000 8 yar | AD sidizing American football is, ORDER Death Toll BLAN K therefore, both untrue and un- From Rains | Write Your Ad Here founded," (One word per line) Reaches 90 6 DAYS .. $4.32 ROME (Reuters)--Italy bé! Sh. Gere Charl eee) TY ee 1 DAY ... $1.08 which left more than 40 per- | FOR QUICK ACTION TRY THIS EASY-TO-USE TIMES sons dead and thousands home- ess, The final death toll from the savage deluge "which swept Italy from the Alpine north to western Sicily is expected to go over the 50 mark, Pope Paul today planned to visit the flooded Prima Porta suburb on the northern out- skirts of Rome, Rome authorities are busy converting the International Trade Fair site south of the an inclination of 56 degrees FIRST RACE Purse $2,000 Claiming Winner, b ¢ 4 by MI Khobar -- Sweetose, high above the radiation belts Maiden two-year-olds, foaled in Canada, by Denturius, Pool $93,216, around the earth, below which 6 Furlongs (11) ~ |eWheels Jr, Harris 19.20 0.40 5,30, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,900. Claim all manned flights have taken \2-Gray Band, Inouye 8.50 5.00\ ing three-year-dids, 6 Furlongs (6) | 1 0 fi | 1-Black, Ringo, Hale 1.00/ 1-Shiny, Dice, Inouye 13.40 3.40 2,70/ Place so far, Also Ran in Order: Hughes, |2-Top Musketter, Gomez 2.40 2.40) , " Fisher Mist, Kenteek, Scholar, &Prince Guard, Tingley 5.40) Two days Ago, a top Soviet M Also Ran in Order: Jennie Murphy, To! biologist warned a great deal Goo, Dark Sin, RECALL REGAN PROS SHOW WARES Rocky Parham Glory and Andrea |nex, more would have to be learned sn . +. ert A rr ' 2 = Rt » QUIN Sh | DETROIT (AP)--Pitcher Phil, CLEVELAND (AP) Pro (mma Me keeet Retell -- Rip Roarin, eeeetenio mia labout the belts before man Regan was recalled by Detroit|football's annual doubleheader| Poe! $17,417. Dally Dovbie Poot s48.406 be le lg Rye eh Fag i heat could progress much further in " nae . . " s 'i < usitala, by Wee miral, ee Tigers Thursday and will report|tonight could answer a lot of! second RACE - Purse $2,100 Claim: Poot $24,291, Quinella Pool $90,731, fe BERTSON -- In loving memory oto the American League clubjquestions about the 1965 Na-|ing three and four-yearolds, One and vin George, who met with an accident Friday Re n, 5-10 last vear,|t IF bal z lone Jéth Miles (12) Purse $2,300 Claiming in Oshawa on September 4, 1942. y. Regan, ast year,/tional Football League season, |}\-wnat a Question, Hernan rstonga (7)| ns i? country sravevard, }was sent to the Tigers' Syra-|Detroit Lions go against New) 80 3,19 2.90) Li * 7 7 , oh . 5 ties the one We loved so dearly, |cuse farm club of the Interna-|York Giants in the opener, In ' vidal «| That we lest three years age. tional League in dune after|the second game the champion Squaw, |posting a 0-4 record, Cleveland y Hy oO j Posting Bay Pack Browns and Green|Reroive, Held Over, Lucky. Degree, Line Winner, dk b or br ¢, 4 by 'Nahar ' ackers meet. Both are|me Up and Clud Cottage Necuba, by Priam Ind, Pool $54,388, You lett behind some aching hearts, _ ppechiciniapisinpapsenesaniitagietes That loved you most sincere, s WiLt, BE MISGING tated leading contenders for/Sni', Desation (ITN PAID. 360.70 ant smvanrn Race -- Purse a3r00 at/Rose Graff, 75, of Kitchener) Phoney Kids-Camp HAMILTON (CP) -- Centre their division titles | Three-year-oids, One Mile endisuffered a broken leg Friday) |Chet Miksza of Hamilton 'Tiger| Brees, By ivelogys Poo! 438.7%, yards when the motorcycle she was) Promoter Jailed. Labor Gets {Brooms, by tsology, Pool $38,175, 1 yards (4) Jerry ana Cats will be the only player riding overturned. | MILWAUKEE, Wis, (AP) ; Purse $2,000 Claiming pacer Hew, Gomer missing from the team 8 lineup Mrs. Graff, who has a sum-| KINGSTON (CP)--An Ottawa for next Monday's Eastern mer cottage near this town 20/promoter of a scheme to send Milwaukee Braves announced ut e SPENCER in loving memory ef a Thursday that pitcher Harvey | 2.90 2.60 2.40 Foaled in Canada 4&-Champlain, lnouye 3.30 2.60 1 Des pea aie 2.90) : . 25.90 8.70 6.10 Also Ran in Order: isle of Mull, BF's ae RNCER = Is loving, memory oe Football Conference game §.10 4.40 Johnny and River Party s miles northwest of Peterbor-poys to summer camp pleaded! Spencer, wha pessed away seatember 4,;aaamnst Montr eal Alouettes 3, by Dark Slar--\oueh, was carrying her s0n|guilty Friday to four charges) here, Miksza is out indefinitely \James, 47, on the rear seat. Helof fraud and was sentenced to; was not injured, |six months consecutive on each nl fairer, Oaree Lars, wie pues! Haddix had notified the club he) doin, president of the, Canadian {Shine Wings, Inouye Blok {bo aia FRIDAY, Sept. 3 a .- Ms, $3) 0 . 4 . werans. urcotie nun ' " A A |mother: Etheline Spaicar---wre passer t#--retizing from baseball and] Labor Congress, says in a _La-| Also Ran in Order: Woodcote Park, Be ee oe said he intended to publish a away September 5, 196) ;will not join the Braves. Thelhor Day , . 2 © v -- Sweep rinst RACH -- 7 Furiongs (Trot) for/water safety booklet finn | Griffith Hanover, labor as a body which simply| lar campaigns in Cornwall and| contributed to alleviating _in- Sudbury and already had con-) FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, (9000) |Paris Fashions, No Boy A-119 to-| claiming, three-year-olds and up, 62 Fur: Alot Tolike, No Boy 14 SNOWBALL----$180 in 56 nos. Plus $10 each horizontal line, Regular Jackpot $100. in 56 Nos, $20 Con, SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking Extra Bus Service No Children, Please BINGO U.AW.A. HALL SATURDAY, SEPT. 4th 7:30 P.M , 20 GAMES $10 A GAME | | September 4, 1963, | His memory is our keepsake, | With which we'll never part, God has him in His Keeping, We have him in our hearts, | ~~Always remembered by brother and sister-in-law Lil jstory and, I'm happy to say,'the normal ways of life,"' says {they have refused to commer|Eyam's present rector, "It is jcialize a? still a very moving story," SPORTS IN BRIEF capital into a reception centre or hundreds of homeless fami- es, In the worst storms in a cen- tury, the worst-hit areas ap- peared to be central Italy in the vicinity of Rome, the Friuli plain in northeast Italy and western Sicily around Trapani. | Cloudbursts swamping the country from north to south flooded farmland and dwell ings, washed away cars, blocked highways and railroads and cut power supplies. ~ dim Sonny Marnry DEEMERING -- In loving memory of Bs) Spb and Edmund Deemering, who was killed in a car accident Septemoer 5, 1964 Always remembered by Phil, Dieter Meredith and Richard, Motorcycle Flips, 75-Year-Old Hurt LINDSAY, Ont, (CP) -- Mrs. SIXTH RACE der three-year-olds and up, 6Ve Fu $.80 4.20 3.20 ?-Nacuba, Fitzsimmons 12,00 6,20 SRaff's Pride, Dittfach Lucky Deal, Fitrsimmons 3,10) @Red Snapper, Werry Alse Ran in Order: Bobby Weaver, Also Ran in Order: Yukon ther Days, Magic Queen, Gay Chant,/Bimini Bill, Nakina and Brillie, For Wyn, Walsh We never have or never will Forget you, Alvin dear, God gave us strength to take H, And Courage to face the blow, Rut what it meant to lose you, No one will ever know. Ever remembered by Athol, family, THIRD RACE Miaden two-year-olds. 4 Purlongs (11) 10-Albertaramea, &Golden Champ, 4 GAMES OF $20, $30, $40, $50 JACKPOTS ONE GAME $150 SHARE THE WEALTH BINGO ORANGE TEMPLE SATURDAY; SEPT-4th 7:30 P.M 20. Gomes $8 Share The Wealth 4 -- $40 Jackpots to go 1 -- $150 Jackpot to go Children Under 16 Not Admitted Harris Hale 1943 Without farewell she fell asleep Leaving memories for us to keep, Within our hearts she'll always stay, And be remembered every day. Lovingly remembered by sen Alvin and family, BIGHTH RACE - Purse $2,100, Claim) Winner, dk ® or br @, 2, by Erikel---More ing three and four-year-cids, One and) Blve, by Blue Royal Ind, Pool $47,840, one léth Miles (11) | 14.10 5,80 4,40 2.00 2.90) #Cap Ferrat, Gordon FOURTH RACE 7.70 ~~ Purse $2,000 Claim-|7-Atti, Turcotte ing Mreeyear-olds and up, 6 Furtongs!2Jet Attack, Walsh Al Win Dixie, Wild Chietko, Redford iso Ran in Order: London Wise and | HADDIX RETIRES 'ais ; : a OTTAWA (CP)--Claude Jo. .10-Bordeau Bar, Leblanc -- $,$0.3.90 2,60 Fabius, | Tanamakoon, and, Also Ran in Order; Danish Dancer.) Yummy Mummy, by Bull Page, Glen Rae Murdock, 27, testi- Domain, Girl Appeal, Prilynn and Navy ut ' on earth you are no more : is Pool $62,408, Total Poot $494,999, At, 4,727, 7-Clement Hanover, Walker 6.80 4.00 2 9%) Which--20--per--cent---of--the_rev-| ifrom Baltimore Orioles Monday) duction is taking on a new and |Vital Man, Breezy Broeze, Jewel, My Pool $58,860, ified he operaied a telephone T Stil! in mamory you are with us | lay| tSeattle D., Hawke $10 "00/enue from advertising would be for an undisclosed amount, The! greater. importance in this era |David, Gary Lee, Lady Speed and Chai | tak pBincrsnate ae | GREENWOOD \soliciting campaign under the jregistered name of the Kingston| Mk gg PERS NE i bes ay: nse used to. send jas ers, jal . r orbes Key, is G T . Braves said the deal with Balti-!of rapidly rising productive ca be Nee tows use to send boys to camp in pacity, | |the Kingston area, | MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 Clear and Fast | jand District Youth Council, He) Mariorie and Meta and families, Living, Diana Hunter, Tom "Those who look on organized| He said he had planned sim-| SPENCER - tear oa whe in loving memory HUNGARIA WINS Qrandiather, George Lorne, parsed away August 30, 1953 and of al TORONTO (CP) a ar grandmother, Etheline Spencer, who Hungaria defeated Toronto z passed away September §, 194). s , enn Calm and peaceful they are sleeping, 2uri 2-0 in a National Soccer League game Friday night SECOND RACE . 7 Furlongs (Pace) |tor five-year-olds and under, Purse $900 j (a) &-Dr, Pat, McFadden 3.20 2.60 2.50 3-Pal MeGregor, Habkirk 3.40 3.00 4Pat Sultan, Wm, Hicks 3.80 Started: Pat Sultan, Magella, DRenasik, Steve 12.50, Winner, dk b or br g, with a damaged knee, : -- |eonviction. Message that labor's Reriisters; Car Sor SuTeinee --P ated bu Takatar -_--~ et Dear parents you are no! forgotten, | Braves purchased the veteran/search for a fair share of pro-\es any le tne Lieto iar omer a ET BT 5 equalities in the past fail to ducted a similar appeal in Osh-) Sweetest rest that follows pain, grasp .the significance of haa | BINGO KINSMEN CENTRE TUESDAY 7:48 Early Bird Game FREE ADMISSION $1250 in Prizes Jackpots 54 and 55 Children under 16 not allowed Special 7:30 bus from 4 Corners BIRTHS Mareld and Elda (nee ve happy ts announce the arrival of Meir daughter, 7? ibs 8 ons. on Wed nesday 1, 1968, at wile Memorial Meanital. A sister for Row and Darlene Grandpar and Mrs Bar F ald, Sherer ents are Mr Brooklin, Ont CARD OF THANKS KEMLO ~ In the midst of our soe rows, we wish to express our sincere Thanks and appreciation to our relatives and Piends for their kindness and sym Walmsley, who passed away gucdenty pathy shown us in the oss of our Deloved husband and father, David Kemio. We wish fo thank our neighbors and Mc intesh « Anderson Funeral Home, Or Ruedy, also Eastern Star and Rebekah Lodges and LPM Heritage Lodae, White rine and) «Past Matrans Corinthian edge of Odd Fellows, "Past Grand Sun. ghine Lodae for the Deautiful floral trib utes and thoughtfulness and Rev. G. W C. Bret. Knox Preshyterian Church Mars. Agnes Kemile and Family KENDALL My sincere thanks for al! Rind gestufes during my stay tn Genawa General Hospital. te all the statt on @ and special appreciation to Or. Gardner and Or. trwin, Marion Kendall Smart Business People Sing the Proises of Oshawa Times Clossitied Action Ada We who loved them, sadly miss them, But trust in God to meet again. Sadly missed by grandaughter Betty husband Bill and great - grandchildren Nancy and Terry, SPEN ~ In iaving memory of a dear grandtather, Geor: passed away August 30, Yos3 dertul grandmother, Etheline Spencer, who passed away September 5, 1963, You were a loving grandtather, A pal so good and true, A better grandfather never livdd, Your equals are but few. and a won A wondertel grandmother has gone to rest, For all of us she did her best Her life was true, her heart was kind, A better grandmother none could find Lovingly remembered and sadly missed by Granddaughter Joyce and husband Harvey and great-qrandchildren, VASELESK! -- In loving memor dear sister, Mrs. Lene "Varcewt, Passed away September §, 1942 Years of striving, little of play Loving. giving the whole of the way A cherished smile, @ heart of gold, To te dearest sister the world could Nolte Happy memories, fond and true. | From us. whe thought the world of you }--Ever remembered by brother Joe, an sisters Mary, Helen, Soph, and Ann. | WALMSLEY -- In lowing Gear husband and father, William F a oy $s, 199 low WAS great, the shoo We little knew the end was -- And only those who Nave lost can The pain af parting without farewell More each day we miss you. Friends may think the wound ts healed. Bul they little know the sarrow That tes within our hearts concealed Lovingly remembered by wife Saugnier Vida, sonintew Bud WARREN tear husband. Henry Warren. ed away September 4 )te0 A beautiful memory of one vo dear, 1 cherish still with love sincere A day that comes with sad regrets Te one that | will never forget Sadly missed by wite Mary whe pass WARREN . In loving tear tather and grandiather. Henry War rem, whe passed away September 4. 14 You're not forgotten, father dear Nor ever shall you be: As tong as life and memay teat We shall remember thee Always remambered by ane Alber) and land somimiew Bod and family Lorne, wholdim Owers, "2 battle with wind rain and PGA " a memory of a tell a and tn loving memory of a ducted services in the chapel of memory of « [daughter intew Delia and daughier irene ' day's events," he said Friday, "The future responsibilities of unions are likely to be far greater than those of the past."' The chief of the 1,150,000. member labor body said the drop in unemployment during @ last year has been a wel- come trend but warned that the situation is "'still far from satis- factory," "Unusually high rates of un- iRobby Kinlock and Joe Pallag scored in the second half NAMED DEFENDANT MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP) Houston Astros 'pitcher, was named defendant in an $85,000 damage. suit filed in U.S. district court Thursday by a Milwaukee woman, Mrs Nancy K. Stewart, 2%, a bus iness machine operator, alleged : ithat Owens seduced her July 5 employment continue among lin Milwaukee and that she is} Young people and those who pregnant, llack specialized training, There are also too many workers in WINS BATTLE the so-called 'hard core' who OKLAHOMA CITY (AP)--Bo have been without work for con Wininger won a three - sided siderable periods," He said the expected growth champion Dave Marry Friday) !® the labor force during the to maintain his one-stroke leadjnext five years will require in the $65,000 Oklahoma City) 1,500,000 new jobs, The job- Open golf tournament, carding reducing advances of automa. a two-under-par 70 for a %6-| tion made this goal difficult and hole 139 total complex, "OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF in East Whitby Township, she WILLIAM CHARLES BRITTON was the daughter of the late Funeral services were held Geerge and Bessie Houlden. She vesterday for William Charles|married the late Leslie Savage Rritton of 242 John st. who died/in Toronto and made her home in the Oshawa General Hospital/there most of her life. For the Sept. | past four years she lived with Rev, J Morris of St.jher sister, Mrs. EB. Phillips of Andrew's Church con.|Lauder rd. She was a member laf Simeone Street United Church She is survived by her sister and a brother, Everett of To- FL G United the Mclintosh-Anderson .Funera! Home at 2? p.m * Pallbearers were: William Ponte Rritton. Thomas Britton, Ronald) Rev. J Draypak, Robert Cole, John Street United Church Welsh and Ronald Skea duct services in the ¢ MRS. LESLIE B. SAVAGE K, Moffat of Simcoe will. con chapel of Home Tuesday at {1 a.m. Bur Mrs. Leslie B. Savage of 126/ial will be in Park Lawn Ceme presence of weever fish whichlfonne Lauder rd. died in the Oshawa tery, Tordnto General Hospital Friday after Friends are requested not to a lengthy illness. She was §4 Born Maude Selena Houlden|Sunday afternoon, {tongs !Dandier, Harris 119 Rock Age, No Roy 118 Hannibra, Cuthbertson X114 Selwyn, Werry X104 Deal Me-Aces, Ferro X104 Gum Swamp, Ledlane 112 House Boy, No Boy 11? Argo Bound, Fitzsimmons 115 Leo's Yingel, Cuthbertson X11? SECOND RACE - Purse $2,000 (9000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up (Diva of Ist) 4)% Furtongs, Full Honours, Werry X114 Choppy River, La ag nM Griefsin, No Boy 113 Burnt Roman, No Boy !!5 interes, No Boy 1? Drifted, No Boy 113 Prityan, No Boy 11? Page Service, Walsh 116 Breconing, Harris ti4 THIRD RACE -- Purse 829,100, (4000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up, @ Fur tangs Arthur 4. No Boy 19 Roval Promise. Werry X1)4 John's Whirl, Harrison 10? Stone of Gold, Turentte X105 Nacuba, Fitzsimmons 11? Rich, Harris ATH) | Redoudtadle, Leblanc 11? Fast-NFleet, Inouye 133 Greek Tar, No Roy 10? Ronspiel, Gomer tl4 | Rimint Bil, No Boy A119 |Rarbara Bain, Cuthdertson X 108 A--L. C Morrisree and Natural Farms Entry FOURTH RACE ~-- Purse $2,000 (S00) iClaiming., twe -< year + olds, foaled in |Canada. § Furiones Royal Regret, Ditttach 114 Candy Feathers, No Boy A-li4 Twinkle Jay, No Boy 116 Red Salmon, Leniane #122 Smoky's Last, Fere XT Hair Dresser, Leblanc B.1l4 | Shut Out Queen, Werry X10? Knight Out, Werry <114 Kings Intent, Ferro X11? ROURNEMOUTH, (CP) -- Holidaymakers-at this Hampshire coast resort have been warned against walking} the McIntosh-Anderson Funeral/barefoot on the beach. Health -- officials. have discovered the} bury themselves in the sand ~all at the funeral home before with sharp dorsal fins sticking, 'up. England & Post TIME 2 PM. AmC Smythe Entry B--Stattord Farms Entry, FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400. Claiming, three-year-olds and up, Miles on Marshall Turt course, Rococo Rogue, tnovye 114 Dark Red, Turcotte X105 Roy Jo, No Boy A-llé Barbara, No Boy 1)3 Mi Shepperton, Gordon Meteor, No Boy A-120 Barleycorn, No Boy 113 My Valentine, Ferro X108 AF Junger entry QUINELLA WAGERING SIXTH RACE - Pure $3,000, Allow: ances, threeyearolds and up, About 7 Furlongs on Marshall turt Sweet Lady Ariar, McComb 11) Ria Roeky, Leblanc A-tlé Warriors Day, Fitzsimmons 116 Ramuntcho, Cuthbertson X18 Mempeter, Harris 13 Royal Spirit, Leblanc A118 Ky. Miracle, Harris te Mornins' Mornin, No Boy He Sirtus Ind, Tureotte X119 Queen's Law, No Boy 11! Raliigatly, No Boy 11? Fayette Queen, Gomer tlé A. Stafford Farms entry SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $16,000 add ed 'Yearling Sales Stakes," two-year. olds, foaled in Canada, ? Furlengs Jaa Jive, Shuk A-TIS Miss Joanne S.. No Roy 118 Fort Rouge, Hale 122 Count Pox, Siuk A118 Comic Grey, Leblanc 114 Mr, Esseo, No Boy 113 Molarctic, Turcotte 113 Caledon Star, Fitzsimmons 112 Risky Attack, Maxwell 113 Mink Flyer, Dittfach &.112 Nayno, No Boy C-1!2 Righteous, Cuthoertaon 118 Linebacker, Gomez 2-115 isfordem, No Roy C115 Quedec Style, Gordon 113 Ar and Mrs 4 OL Lem entry BB Cullen and J: Hughes entry Crs DG McGregor and D Krever entry 0 EIGHTH RACE . Purse $2,100 (9000) Claiming, three-year-olds and up. 1 b16 ts Rip Van Jive, Fitzsimmons 112 Fast Jay, Lediane 18 Wee Annie Dory, Harrison: 112 Red Purse, McComb 113 Hot Honey, No Boy it Winning Scare, No Boy 110 ne Blond, Potts 110 Her Fleet, No Boy 103 Artita, Wath A110 aphy, Hernander A118 No Boy 110 Chet Whitefaot, Maxwell 115 A--Mr 4 J Banks and J MacDonald entry 3 tm AAC ' Vera Adios and Jean B, Hal OLE Nos, 7 Wan over and & Dr, Pat, PAID tele.?. eo4 THIRD RACE -. One and three léths Miles (Pace) for seven-year-olds and up. Purse $600 (8) \&Pleety Riddell, Mipieor a 16,10 $.30 3,00 4Pauline Volo, Mer. 3.90 2 Danny Lee Gratin, Ca Hie A isaid ' | Magistrate James B, Garvin there was no. evidence! Murdock had arranged for a) Ss @jing was done in July, ummer camp when the solicit-| loyd's| ory and so Started: Aggression, Honor, Poplar Lee, | Juann, POURTH RACE -- One and three léths| miles (Pace) for sever-year-olds and up. | }Purse $600 (8) DTrivue, Crowe 12.90 5.40 4.60 7-Dream Haven, Walker S$. 4.90 Carnahan 8.0 : Byrd Killean, Oral Hi, |S-Biltly Reno, to Ste Roselawn Boy, Stic Adios and Handsome Chiet, . Lusty & PIFTH RACE One Mile (Trot) tor \Mreevearpolds and up, Purse $1,100 (8) |S Tandean, Kingston $90 3.70 3.20 leMomestead Dan, Rurrisen 3.80 3.10 |@ Elvis, Palmer = 3.90) Also Started: Josedale Paragon, Squaw Valley, Jimmie Mac, Willow Brook Happy and invasion. SIXTH RACE One Mile (Trot) tor three-year-olds by Invitation Purse $1,500 77 22.9 6.40 4. 3.70 | PRESTIGE | CASH REQUIRED WITH ORDER BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU AND YOUR WIFE INVESTMENT ONLY $4900 RUM. seve OVS ses Starting wc ccccscoceee Enclosed is $.....e0008 SEVNETH RACE --. 7 Furlongs (Pace) tor Wreeyearolds and up Purse $1,000) (®) }-Timber Hal, Feagan SJimmy Patch, 4. Craig DOr, McGregor, Hadkirk Ale SI : frene MacDull, Bennie jRoy C., Tonke G, Stor Johnston end [Lee Jonnsten. BIGHTH RACE 1 Mile (Pace) for three-year-olds and up, Purse $1,100 (8) Roger R. Grattan, Feagan 21,70 7.90 3.90 ;}Ciet Saint, Wes Coke 4.00 3.00 |éLochinvar King, Holmes 3.90 Alse Started: Shady Valley, Judge Lorne Raythm Forbes, Silver . Ronnie, and Mighty Stein. NINTH RACE ... ? Furtongs (Pace) for | *hree-yearolds and up, Purse $1,000 (8)/ &Gentry MeKyle, Burrison $4.70 19.90 7.90) Allan Wilmac, Wellwood 7.40 3.80) DG-2Sister Harmony C, Gilmour 6.40) Also Started: Lynden Chief, Robert Mc Gregor, Agate, Atom Direct 8. and Favonian Gratien. DEQ-Finished Inc cisquatitied and placed a fer an unrestrained Oreak at the company, now enterin with over 300 dix in 30 atetes, and Cenods. Whet's more, we've just introduced exclusive new which heve re- vestment is @ can be entirely recovered agg gy on gped ee are interested ' im th ew, tel opp with on oe ry, write, without obligation | MAIL TO: | OSHAWA TIMES CLASS. DEPT. OSHAWA PRESIDENT: Box 43, Oshews Times wire Attendance 6,259, Totel Pool $434,457.

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