k 7 ee Ss AE al ITT 8 a eRiata Oshawa Bowlers Pa THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuasdey, September 7, 1965 Attendance Is Record At Port Perry Fair icial Plan [at attra al is subject to approval being Change Sought srs ts iovnshn au cela 437038 w raciveiea! =» CONNELLY Investigators Make Survey Whitby Defeats be eam Extent of Toba wi Damage Port Hope Team | uxt Lawn Rowling Club were to thelaf the b: Grow-| business," ' i PORT HOPE -- The Knights|fore on four fronts during the) ers ie Outerte pute Coamantad , cede were eliminated by Whitby In| weekend. At present there are no pro-jihe Dariiiigion Townemp Coun SCHOOL of DANCE. Siete «Mest t,t alee ete" Mia OA BIMES oe noee cenee OS Perry Fair, presented by gra B\whitby, Whithy won @ 5-3 vic-| nosed of Mr. and Mrs. Jack|age to the tobacco crop. prod wc any gc hye so stat. nA be eee a bi ; Member of B:A.T.D, 'Tap, Ballet, Irish, Jive and Baton REGISTER NOW FOR THE FALL TERM Phone 668-3219 h and Scugogithe intermissions was well- Rorjculural Societ and Seuses|t h 6 interes clown, withl(ary 02 rake the series 44 I8\ Anderson and Mr. and Mre.| P. G. Newell, district toyed. be 10 te ier again ms 'down in history as thelhis funny face and all his tricks|""In te rinal game, Judy Spen-\CO"!! Litsetr were high for three|tor for the board, said today) tnewrance avilable to : wae es ™ co pained , most successful fall fair in On- supplied plenty merriment] oo» the Whitby pitcher, gave wins with a score of 56 points. | that with the eam Map 4 ors is effective only until Sept, ss Pyeng! Saame ng held 'ot Port| Four of the members of the| dozen plantations in the ¥"!5, recently at which ratepayers t along with Clyde, Buddy Hea-\,,, '19 hits,, Judy Wall fair again reached a rec-|ton's trained Buffalo and George| ope, gave up 10 hits, walked|¢lub, who are prominent in pool - Orono district, BrOWers| ne wheat growers need only|were informed of the rezoning cart ai t off lightly, ocd gn tne the "alt egpinen nth ye flag SF'|two and struck out six. aay Powiens o7vee Some te The Phe hardest hit lost anja light frost and Ottawa jumps. |" uirements proposed to en- fate orober Day, 1 Dot Mazcher, Shirley Taylor,|Winter months, played in the) 9 ta': ner cent of their) When we produce about seven able the St. Mary's Cement Co. is 0 A record number of exhibitors) pat Jewell and B, Atkinso) had|Silverwood Trophy tournament | és attend outstanding a came to show their stock, farm . a Wega Pi n at St. Catharines on Monday.|CroP- Plantations near Castleton; per cent of the national revenue to set up a plant in the town. ' and Centreton ,escaped frost|in tobacco tax, the government |ship. Fes gad ps oe Rei come iy a Saeed oe Doris Rose of the Knights had ie ere ged gt d fe -- damage and other farms suffer-| should do something to help our Council gave its approval to yond al expec ing. sewing, handleratts, x |a, triple and two, singles. Byte | Reynol ca ey ae their] ed only a minor loss growers," Mr, Newell said, 'the Ontario Water Resources yond all expectations. ing, sewing, handicrafts, flowers,| Hall and Valerie Thompson each Reynolds won blankets for their y 108 fea : ' FAIR GROWING vegetables and grain exhibits/nit safely twice. second place finish, ENTIRE CROP vegetatietne highest quality in|" Whitby" now plays Bowman-| Playing in the annual furni-| Mr. Newell, of Newcastle, The fair, always one of thelthese particular classes. ville in the championship series|ture tournament at Elora on/said he spent the first part. of most in the district and SCHOOL DISPLAYS starting in Bowmanville Wed-|Civic Holiday "Ewart Carswell, the week in the Barrie-Alliston in HH Central. Ontario | is)" aye public school children of nesday evening. Jerry Oatway and John Morri-|area, where approximately 20 it hi filed i pion the surrounding area once son "2 A ard bong rhe and --. lost pred entire crop as it has done 'lagain excelled themselves with _ |were fourth in the standings, | due to heavy ros The officers and directors are tO)1,0;, exhibits of handicrafts, G d R Mr. and Mrs. Sam MacMil- "This area survived amazing-| pga: Mcp yr iol writing, art work, vegetables, 00 aces lan won the Holland Family ly well. The board has'heen in-| ment, harness races, horse show frail, Howits 208, Boye ot Trophy in the mixed doubles|rie district for the past three | features and exhibits, One of thelr, Mrs, Armour McMillan tournament at Cobourg Monday| days. They started in this area) unique exhibits was the HobbY!,taieq that the judges classed resen e with a score of 50, Gordon Mac-|today," he said. | display by the Louise Patterson! i. chidren's exhibits as excell- ; } Estimated crop loss for the) Handicraft Guild which was only| e + sults shewine bork {@ Millan and Miss Margaret High- province is 4,000,000 poun ds.| organized during the past year, aati ne 4 show han and| PORT PERRY (TC) -- Wil-|field were nigh for two wins. Growers were expected to pro- ; The talented skills and outstand: feels That if the interest con-|Lor-Sue, owned by Wil-Lor duce 170,000;000 pounds this) ing wea cane tinues to grow larger accom-\Farms, Sunderland, won first HEIMRATH WINS year, ae ae po Be -- were highly|( "ion will have to be con-|place in the one mile dash dur-| MOSPORT, Ont. (CP)--Lud-| | fad kgs mabiceiped ios dit.| Cerne handicraft section proves|remn'sod by the Board {o male |ing the harness races at Port) wig Heimrath of Toronto Satur-| 'erence hut it means a lot to the| jar and the number Of|,initors There were approxi: Perry Fall Fair during the|day won the 6214-mile Indian} individual farmer. | 3 exh a nenched an ¢ time] mately 74 classes for the child- weekend, A fine program of ns eray ue a his a "Something will have to be} ' Ls year. Four omen s ren's competition, racing was presented which $ 42) bg | Resin tered tae Cae tee anes behing, the, scenes|was enjoyed bythe large crow Feel et te S148 wil 4 CALLED BY TRING | ; , ere 4 MINNE, As -- Out-| ing top laurels, The judges must|r Pyar jor the fair were) Janet Forbes, owned by Reglan average speed of 96.1 miles pod ad quite a time making sy Poni A oh wnnge thn and Larry Johnson, of Sunder-|an hour, Peter Lerch vf Mont- ie Bg nd ye the final decision as all displays! ice.presidents and Mr, 'sndjiand, place second, Lady Dean, |real was second in his McKee-| "345 potting average this sea-| were of such high calibre. Mrs. Fred Lamb, secretary-jowned by Mrs. Laure Young, of Feler opecial in 30:27. vied in(#0m has been called up from| 0 , third; Wil-Lo 4 . ' DELECTABLE EXHIBITS -- who ae ge Pen deed by St be Paras, a Chev-powered Merlyn. Denver by Minnesota es. | Tempting and delectabls ox. schameasl val ihode this com was fourth and Mighty Vic own-|s 7 | hibits of canning and baking try fair one of the most looked ed by H. Smith, of Oshawa, was FRIGIDAIRE WHITBY were outstanding. The Fry's ; fifth HOOL Cadbury Special Competition for events in the county, Ty il hcntehcil- eve Me Rapid Dry Cleaning DRIVING SC n "fOr v ron which was held for the -first|HOLSTEIN SHOW a he of ty cain 9180 Nev. dual controlled, or. Blair Park Plaza vane, sneer OSHAWA LAUDER ROAD 3 OR 4 BEDROOMS "Just a Gem" and -priced to sell with possession in Sep- time this year was won by Mrs.| The Port Perry Fair is noted wel Egandly Rigg Ha tt, Samuel Naples, of Port Perry.|for the largest regional showing Al iseknde Fe a8 at. 0 0 Os Dial 668-6176 Set. -- 9 a.m, to 5 p.m. *J, A, OSTERHOUT. Owner WHIESBY OSHAWA SOUTH $2500. Down, JUST A $1200. DOWN tie Science was presented to Mrs. Sandy Moore, of Shirley. The midway, as usual, en- was as usual under the capable supervision of Gerald F. Nelson, of Port Perry, Beef Cattle was represented by Herefords, Short- horns and Aberdeen Angus. En- tries in all classes were up to borough, was fourth being nosed out by Armbro Caesar, owned by Ansol Beverley of Uxbridge. Gratton Portage, owned by Paul Gossein, of Oshawa, was next with Ju-Anne, owned by John FIRST TO YOUNG AGES © k DANDY five roamed red har tember, This is brick bt WUTIFUL a quarter eet SOLD ber thet DA of end bedrooms storey ond b vith two 9 | 28 toot \) kitchen on oor, Another "id sewing room 1@ am oroud a true HOLLYWOOD KITCHEN for MOTHER, Be tieed both young and old and/expectations, Young of Oshawa in last place. gure to inspect this Home, provided fun for all ages. The) The fine line-up of judges for Donna's Pride, owned by Orono Band was on hand againjall sections was in the capable| Orvan Brethour of Uxbridge, thia year to supply fine musicaljhands of Miss Cora Brodie, of}won the other free-for-all. Sir Gormley (domestic science; )|Blaze Away, owned by Bruce DURHAM COUNTY Mrs. Pearson Neale, of Klein-/Cummings of Port Perry was burg (ladies work); Leslie third behind Vic De Soto, owned Wright, of Wallenstein; Jack|by Ab. McQuade of Newton- FARM CALENDAR Macklin, of Oak Ridges; John} ville. Howden, of Columbus; J. Whit-| The Leo, owned by F. Me- Sept. 7, 7.30 p.m, -- Finaljtington, of South Monaghan; Anally of Oshawa was fourth)| meetings of Durham 4-H Corn|Ivan Law and Mark Atkins, of|followed by Judy Ann Gratton, and Barley Clubs, Ontario De-|Oshawa; Ernest Swain, of|owned by R. Davies of Newmar- partment of Agriculture, Bow-|Burketon and Allison Fawcett, ket, Wil-Lor-Kate, owned by manville, of Winchester for the cattle,|Wil-Lor Farms, Sunderland, was --8.00 p.m. Central Lake On-|horses and racing, sixth, | CTA NET Now Is The Time To Order | Your Winter Fuel sayenus-, Cc | GAL. On Premium Quality | Land. Use meeting, 3rd floor SAVE FUEL OIL Board Room, City Hall, Oshawa. PHONE 668-3341 --Gordon Tobey, Agricultural Engineering Specialist for this Serving Oshawa - Whitby - Ajax and District highest points in needlework was|The Black and White Show has was second, Johnny Nick, own- won by Mrs, Edith Jeffs, of|grown larger every year and ed by Wib. Fowler of Peter-|--= Oshawa and the Grand Cham- For quality, selection and value. . . featuring .all the lotest -t this buy of styles for boys and girls, from infonts to size 14...+ a& tonight! "The Best Costs Less At' pion Ribbon awarded for the yJolu|NIGHAIGIE|S} Hrasimpson-Sears. Award forlof Holstein Cattle in Canada,|Peter Hal §,, owned by H. Smith most points received in Domes- piel ee |scu0ol| rs cine lot and Lg OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE These homes were advertised .... and SOLD .. . last week _.. List with Rae R. Jones... Now... and let us put a SOLD sign. on your home . . . FAST. "List and Relax" with Rae R. JONES REALTOR OSHAWA 728-6661 WHITBY 668-8841 ROLLER SKATING WED. AFTERNOON 2-4 P.M. --.et the -- WHITBY ARENA CHILDREN 14 yrs. and under Parents May Accompany "ADMISSION 25¢ area, will be in the Bowman- ville office on Tuesday, Sept. 7. Call 623-3348 for appointments. Sept, 8 -- East Central Corn Silage Day, farm of Robert Jackson, RR 6, Peterborough (3 miles south of Peterborough, Con, 13, Otonabee Twp.) on the , Peterborough by-pass. --10 a.m, -- Tour silage corn lots. | --11,15 am. -- Dr. 8. Young, OAC -- Trends in Silage Corn Production. --1.15 p.m. -- Mr. Roy Bru- backer, Waterloo --Corn Sil- age for Dairy Cattle. «- --2.30 p.m. -- Demonstration of machinery. Sept. 9 - Saturday, Sept. 11 -- 'Qrono Fair, ursday, Sept. ® -- Placing hibits --Friday, Sept. 10 -- Junior Day --Achlevament Days for Sheep, Silage, Grain, Millbrook, For- estry and Dairy Calf Clubs. Also, demonstration and championship showmanship competition. Durham Black and White Show. Saturday, September 11 -- Guernsey and Beef Shows. Sept, 13 -- 7.30 p.m. Final meeting Hope 4-H Calf Club at the farm of Roy McHolm, Wel-| =~ @ Listing @ Valuation e Selling ® Courteous e Personalized © Service FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in..theletest Shades ond Fobrics.. . see... Mé& DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED 723-7827 _ Member of: OSHAWA & DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF REAL ESTATE BOARDS Howtobe _ a two-account family the permanent way (it makes sense and it makes money -- for you!) come. | Sept. 15 -- 8 p.m. Orono Fair | Grounds, Durham County Safe- | ty Night sponsored by Durham | Safety Council and Durham Jun- ior Farmers Associations. |} Everyone welcome. Sept, 14 -- 8.30 p.m. Execu- |} WE ALL BUY THE IMAGE tive meeting, Quinte Branch, | Ontario Institute, of Professional | Agrogologists, eo of Agriculture, Brighton. : : Gee 17-1b =< Port Rope Fair. I O°, 702 S00" Sep 1 tiem oro oroguct Hope 4-H Calf. Club Achieve- rather thon enother? Why one business ment Day will be on Saturday, | prospers ond another foils? ember 18, at 12.30 p.m. "a hs apt pt. 22 - 25 -- Lindsay Ex: | hibition. Sept. 24 -- Northern Ontario Stocker and Feeder Sale, South | River Stockyards. picture... accounts for its success or failure, Some- page lage Shawn agonal os yobs pew clever @ de te bri ight Sept. 28 -- 10.30 a.m. Durham ch eka doe ve e County Extension staff meeting. |i] Often this is the case with a new product, introduced to the Sept. 29 -- Northern Ontario jf} market with en expensive advertising splash. But the image Stocker and Feeder Sale, Thes- |} "*V*' lasts unless the product delivers the satisfaction it pro- salon Stockyards i mises... unless the picture of promised satisfaction is REAL. Sept. 30 -- Northern Ontario This is true of all advertising that doesn't represent the facts, Stocker and Feeder Sale, Little Its cost represents wasted money. Current Stockyards. fa. acute Sma ea You can make withdrawals at any time on your Special account, but not by cheque. This makes you save! A cheque is too tempting. Be a two-account family the permanent way and watch your cash reserve grow and grow. Here's what you do: Pay household and personal bills from your Regelar account which earns 334% interest. No service charges either! | v hy Meanwhile, save with a Special xf) Ou, brie cttade ramming « cas decline a sree | BA account which earns you a big 4%. of thet we would want to do business with it WE WERE THE f CANADA PERMANENT : CUSTOMERS. Customers went honest good service and fair volue SAVINGS «TRUST SERVICES - MORTGAGES ESTABLISHED 1885 fer everything. Give them thet end you'll keep them. We hope, in talking. honestly to you about the car business in Oshawa Shopping Centre, 728-9482 J. W. Froud, MANAGER One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wellpeper end Murals @ Custom Draperies this column, that we are conveying to you a true picture of our business policies. If we haven't yet had the pleasure of serving you, we hope we may soon, When you come in to Northside you will ee that we don't intend to waste our ad- i vertising dollers by not following through with the satisfaction | We promise, To be on the Safe Side , . . Deal with NORTHSIDE! © Broadioom @ CLL. Paints end Vernishes @ Fle-Glexe Colerixer Peipts DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Se. S$, Whithe PHONE 668-3862