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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 11

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_ Quitting Politics -- SES LB tata fen: hi nas ite es LONE a Nie Sek Soe Seay 'FAMILY CONSIDERATIONS' Douglas Fisher ae a PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)-- Douglas Fisher, deputy leader . of the New Democratic Party, announced Wednesday he is re- tiring from politics and will not / be a candidate in the Nov. 8 © | wre election, 4 a 10-minute telecast, Mr. | Fisher said his withdrawal || politics was prompted by -- family considerations and has 4) g to do with health or party matters, | "My wife and I have a fam- fly boys but I've become a stranger to them," the 46-year- old NDP spokesman said, 'I've had to ask myself which comes first--your family or polities, The answer had to be family," Mr, Fisher said he was "not quite sure" what he would do but indicat' . a return to high achool tea ng was likely, In the meantinie, he said, he will Radio-Video! Learns Fate And Future By BEN WARD OTTAWA (CP)--After more than a year of suspense, Canada's broadcasting industry gets the word tonight on how its future is likely to be di- rected, The report of the Fowler com mittee, set up 16 months ago to take a searching look at the whole field of broadcast regula- tion, is to be made public by State Secretary Lamontagne. It will set out a series of rec- ommendations to the govern- ment, the main one expected to deal with the sensitive issue of how broadcasting should be controlled and who should han- dle such control, There has been: wide specu- lation in the industry that the report will urge the scrapping of the Board of Broadcast Gov- ernors, at least in its present form, The board, a product of the 1956-57 royal commission on ---- ot # journalism career in which he has become . sae a columnist with the Toronto! DOUGLAS MISHER, MP ing in the country, Telegram, blackboard technique similar to q . He also plans to write two) classroom style--and he went|/ HEADED BY FOWLER books fein Maes next year ON) on to become one of the coun-| Head of the special commit the-Second World War and th#/try's most outspoken politicians, tee is Robert M fowler of Mont- history of sports, . broadcasting, now regulates al! radio and television broadcast- ret 8 seat thre hree real, 58-year-old president of Mr. Fisher, who first entered peaeaitie einetionc bea the Canadian Pulp and Paper federal politics with an upset) Jn his Wednesday telecast, Association who also was chair- victory over Liberal trade min- wr, Fisher said he found pol-|man of the 1956-57 royal com- ister C, D, Howe in 1957, said) itics "personally demanding" | mission. Serving with him are he informed the Port Arthur|put did not rule out the pos-|Mare Lalonde, 85, Montreal NDP executive and party) siniity he might run again in|/lawyer, and Ernest Stecle, 45, leader T. C. Douglas of bis de-|future years. undersecretary in Mr, Lamon: cision a month and a half ago.) "In future, if family circum-|tagne's department, PROMISES SUPPORT stances make it reasonable, I; During their study they heard He promised his support for|would be proud to serve'a wide range of views from the party's candidate in the) again," he said, broadcasters, read through forthcoming election. The NDP| He also said Prime Minister|more than 30 briefs, travelled of the three is to select a candidate Sept.|Pearson's election announce-|to Europe and the United States here. |the election followed redistribu-| On the question of control, the the Liberals since 1935 and Mr.| Commons and private fields. Both the the then CCF party of only nine|simmering anger at its in-\operations of the publicly. great asset -- he favored a/brush of corruption." Another major issue is the fi- |priation, A 10-year period has Of Tobacco Board Power "sins 1 commie Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco! eral government." {start in 1967, political broad- crop, is preparing what/tion provides 'fantastic arbi- ae George Sebok, of RR 2 Inner-| cence if you wore a red tie, or ,to have the order quashed, his) Mr, Weingust said he has i Mr, Sebok's etop, grown with-/Hi 8. Harris of St, Catharines,|three daily newspapers into a Mr, Welngust said the appli-| client until it is heard, | Wednesday. Ontario Farm Products Mar-)who planted 6.5 acres of to-/c., francisco Chronicle print: illegally grown tobacco to pre-|board July 26 to destroy their! earst's Examiner and News "We are alleging that the|peals by both. jent bacco outside the province,"| board's right to withhold grow- @8ency. jcept for the editorial depart: 19 at a nominating convention| ment Tuesday is. 'a pity forjand put a team of researchers in Nipigon, 90 miles north of| Port Arthur riding" because if|to work' on specific problems. Mr, Howe had held the vast|tion the riding would gain an|committee heard several pro- Port Arthur constituency for) additional seat in the House of|posals for dividing the public Fisher wen tinto the 1957 elec-| Mr, Fisher said the govern-/GBC and the BBG suggested tion after an association with|ment called the election "'in/that separate bodies oversee months, jeffectual performance, after be-| owned system and the private But his approach proved one thoroughly tarred with the! broadcasting stations. : nancing of the CBC, which ts ry r) | pressing for long-term financ- Rebel Farmer 'Test Case' '=.2eum:..me S as |the present year-by-year appro- been suggested. Other items the committee a SIMCOE (CP)--A Woodstock) arguing the export field is un-|lor television, which the gov- area farmer, ordered by the|der the jurisdiction of the fed-|ernment has since decided will Growers' Marketing Board to) POWERS 'FANTASTIC' casts and the system of grant: destroy his 18acre tobacco) fe said the tobacco legisla-|!n& licences to private stations, amounts to a test of the board's) trary powers," v ® new production controls, "They could refuse you a li- Three Frisco kip, will file an application in/for any other reason they) Ontario Supreme Court Sept. 20) deemed proper," | Papers Merge lawyer, John Weingust of Tor-| given verbal notice of the appli-| san FRANCISCO onto, said Wednesday, }eation to the board's solicitor, Merger of San Francisco's out a board licence, is still on/and told him not to take any/single production operation with his farm, |court. proceedings against his|two newspapers was reported eation was "in a way" a test) Mr, Sebok and Mount Brydges tained in of the recent amendment to the|area farmer Gregory Kucll,| SPA minutes of pagoome 9 of keting Act that gives the to-|bacco this year without a li- : ers, They said: bacco board the power to selze|cence, were ordered by the The three news papers-- vent its shipment and sale out-| crops. | | Call Bulletin and the independ- side the province. The board later rejected ap Sitonicie--will form the local board hag no authority to} The Supreme Court of Can-/Sa" Francisco Printing Co. prevent him from shipping to-|ada last April upheld the|Which will act as @ production Mr. Weingust said. "We are'ing licences. All facilities meee ----~|newspapers will be pooled. ex- ; | ments, i €arings eopene | 'The first daily editions under lthe planned merger will be Despite Election Campaign ~~ Judge Ends Case, oran tine | , jaa pe ligge is just a Lb- | F r lying) eral tool to win votes in Que- low all summer, the battle-| bec. 2 Brothers ree acarred royal commission on bi-| REBUKE PEARSON LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Two lingualism and biculturalism) Co.Chairmen Andre Lauren- brothers were acquitted of rape has decided to hold public hear-|deau and Davidson Dunton re-|Wednesday after Mr, Justice pen during the election cam-|buked Prime Minister Pearson|Campbell Grant told an On: palgn. |publicly in April after he haditario Supreme Court jury that The commission announced|asked the commission to tone it was "useless to continue Wednesday it will go ahead} down controversial, probing in-/hearing evidence," with plans for hearings this|terviews with MPs by its re- The 12-man jury, Instructed month in the capitals of the search staff, by the judge to retire and con- three Prairie provinces, where! The Prairie hearings will pro- sider whether there was enough even the inquiry's name has vide a platform for more than evidence to continue, returned aroused bitter denunciation at 50 groups and individuals wish- a not guilty verdict against previous meetings. ing to submit briefs on language Harold Charles Woodburn, 23, A spokesman said the com- and ethnic problems. They in-jof Parkhill and his brother, preg one ee the National Farmers Un-/Bruce, 27, of Galt the hearings after the Novy, 8 ion, Ukranian and French-Cana- , i s hin election was called, but decided /dian groups and the Saskatch- al rb poh iPr ye on against it since the planning ewan Grand Lodge of the Loyal in a car near Elginfield March was completed three months Orange Order 2 95, Both had pleaded not guilty ago, The commission was ap- - saenisceainceemntiiinatn It was felt also that the in-| pointed in July, 1963, and hopes quiry is above party politics and|to submit its final report late that a cancellation of the hear-)/next year. A preliminary report ings might have been misinter-| published Feb. 25 said Canada|Even the teetotallers have preted as submission to a gov- is in danger of disintegrating'to use the village pub = in ernment directive. unless relations improve be-|this Leicestershire community The 16 commissioners have tween diverse language groups There is no piped water supply PUB SELLS ADAM'S ALE COPT OAK, England (CP)-- been sensitive to suggestions! and regions. and the inn has the only spring Taste the light, appealing flavour. Try tt chilled or with your favourite mixer. A subtie wine-- versatile and economical. ae VEE fe RDAN \VZ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 9, 1965 7] FLAGS, LUCIEN RIVARD, AND A CONTINUING DUEL 26th Parliament: What Hapnened __ |. Dan. By MICHAEL GILLAN OTTAWA (CP)~--The minority' 26th Parliament will probably be remembered for the great flag debate, the Rivard affair and the continuing duel be- tween Prime Minister Pearson and Opposition Leader Diefen- baker. These attention-getters con- sumed many hours of Commons time after the minority admin- istration was elected in April, 63, MPs also found time to ap- prove a long list of important legislative items, However, sev- eral measures promised by the Liberal government died on the' order paper when the prime minister called an election for Monday, Nov, 8, On the statute books are the contributory Canada Pension Plan, a national Labor Code, the U.S,- Canada Columbia River treaty, loans for univer- sity students, and a bill to retire senators at age 75. Commissions to |Canada's federal electoral jridings were established, Their twork is still in progress and | |the results will not be in effect \for this. election, |APPROVE COUNCIL An economic council to rec- ommend ways to increase busi- ness activity, and a department of industry with the aim jof implementing recommended measures, were approved, A maritime trusteeship in- tended to take over the Sea- farers' International Union and restore labor peace on the Great Lakes was set up, and approval was given for the dis- patch of Canadian troops to Cy- rus, Other legislation established a 12-mile fishing limit on Can- ada's coasts--this is still being negotiated with foreign coun- tries--and a formula to permit provinces to opt out of some ifederal - programs, Unfinished business ja promised debate on whether jto abolish capital punishment, [revisions to the Immigration | Act, and bills to set up an In- dian claims commission, a Ca- jnadian science council, a Can- jada Development Corporation and collective bargaining for the civil service. The prime minister's war on poverty was announced in last April's throne speech starting the third session and this pro- gram Is just getting under way. The Company of Young Cana- 9 () IT ALL | ADDS UP | | } TEENS S vs. f ie MA) XX OYYOUY 7, .) XX *, VCCRSS "Pantino" rates an "A" for their versa- tile coordinates! Tweedy separates that like the look of suede leather trim, sizes 8 to 18. The jumper - $15.00. Top - $14.00, Skirt - $11.00, a flavou nad Une serve cold + on the rocks + or with your favourite mixer FASHIONS SINCE 1876 dians has taken spi in the external affairs rtment, but legislation to set | offi- cially has not been pa i A nation-wide medical care program was proposed to the provinces by Mr. Pearson in July, but details are still to be worked out, Bills to establish O Canada as the national anthem and God Save the Queen as the ro ith, Aside from Health Minister LaMarsh and her troubles with the Canada Pension Plan ,Fi- nance Minister Gordon was the cabinet minister on the firing line much of the time, His first budget in June, 1963, almost ended his political ca- reer, First there was the dis- covery that outside experts had helped him in preparation of the document. Then imposition of the 11-per-cent sales tax on val liamentary committee. anthem were not proceeded|| w protecting Canadian publica-, This debate helped string out tions from foreign control. Thisithe second session into the budget measure was approv longest in history -- 248- days om A tae See. compared to the previous rec- The flag debate consumed ses- more time than any other item ord of 174 set in the 1960-61 of business--a total of 33 days,|sion. 22 on the original three-leaf pro-| This year's session, in sum- posal and 11 on the single-leafimer adjournment when the design recommended by @ par-lelection was called, had contin- ued for 53 days. civ (riche NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SO GOOD" ) | : Home Delivery or Pick-Up -- Phone --- building materials landed him) redistribute) provincial shared-cost | included| in hot water, 18 CRITICIZED He was under fire again this year for legislation aimed at and telescoping antenna. 140-82 aa TV ~ SALE of PORTABLE TV Ideal for use as a "second" TV. 'Daylight Blue,' sealed beam picture tube, Lightweight, durable cabinet with up-front controls, 6" x 2" speaker NO MONEY DOWN - ROLL-AWAY CONSOLE TV Beautiful Walnut finished solid wood cab- inet with 'Daylight Blue', sealed beam picture tube, "set and forget" volume con- trol, twin front-mounted 4" speakers and ied dary control panel. NO MONEY DOWN - TV HOSTESS SERVING CART only $g5 Handy serving cart has walnut finished Ave ata) ith brass finished 728-7321 522 Ritson Rd, South | | DELIVERED PIPING HOT Firestone SALES EASY BUDGET TERMS Jad nil FREE sealed beam picture tube, front controls and 4" speaker. Teleseop- ing Monopole antenna.. Comes in "sand" colour, Stand is constructed of tubular steel with brass finish, large casters for easy movement, Even lower with trade EASY BUDGET TERMS 8 Transistor PORTABLE RADIO Reg. $26.95 $2 T nie A highly sensitive radio, featuring 8 transistors and 2 diodes, Designed to operate on four size "C" 40-201 with h any room in Ouse, Large cantare permiteary movement through batteries, Has three jacks for earphones, private i record . Measures 9" x5" x2", in leatherette case with carrying handle. G.E. AUTOMATIC PORTABLE STEREO impact cue "apeed auto chang Reg. $89.95 santchannelvcbnaneneions elt controls, Two 4" speakers in detach- or "79" SEE -- New Fall TV Shows -- Football -- Coming World Series ON A NEW TELEVISION {A civsion of FIRESTONE TRE & RUBBER Cémpany of Canad Limited 190 KING ST, E, CALL 725-6566 OPEN FRIDAY TO 9 P.M. "PLAN TO ATTEND | Rolle 5° apher "Selene FALL GARDEN FESTIVAL Friday and Saturday SEPTEMBER 10th & 11th Freshly Dug! ! We proudly present our new selection of EVERGREE ¢ trom our own Nursery for the Fall Planting season, These must be seen to be appreciated. Each one a beautiful specimen. 'It is not @ home until it's planted" EVERGREENS 34 Varieties to choose from Keteleri Juniper 30" - 36" Fresh bright green pyramid .......+sseeereeeees 7.60 Mountbatten juniper 30" - 36" Bluish green pyramid .......sccceeevevecevens 8.80 Swedish juniper 15" . 18" Columnar silver foliage Stricte Juniper 15" . 18" Dense pyramid form Moonlight juniper 3' - 4' Graceful weeping blue color ......... edeveee Burki juniper 30" - 36" Steel blue pyramid ............0055 rer Cenerti juniper 30" - 36" Tufted deep green color ..........00055 oeese Glaucke juniper 30" . 36" ; Blue upright, perfect specimen Ser yni yr. 7,60 Hills dundee juniper 30" - 36" 1.60 Bluish grey hardy upright ..........s5sccesee0s Skyrocket juniper 30" - 36' An exciting new slender pyramid .......6.s00005 8.80 Pyremid ceder 30" - 36" Dense green columnar form ......... <nay cbeeea ck vecsvene 1600 ..., 6,80 10.40 7.50 7,50 Pyramidal Yew 24" . 30°" In aun or shede rich green Blacuwi juniper, 15" - 18" Feathery light green... 2... ccc cece enees " Pfitzer juniper 15" - 18" Deep green spreader . . Golden pfitzer juniper 15" . 18" Golden tipped spreader Hetzi juniper 18" - 18" Steel blue spreader ' Andorre juniper 15" - 18" Green changing to purple .............. crehas 5,95 Sebine juniper 15" . 18" Fan shaped upright . FOS SEAS Blue danube juniper 15" - 18" Bluish green spreader .... Temariscifolia juniper 18" . 18" Prostrate green tufted Meyer juniper 15" . 18" Deep, deep blue foliage ......... Mughe ine 15" . 18" Bushy round pine ... Horzontelis juniper 12" - 15" Idee! fer rockeries Korean boxwood 12" - 15" Excellent for hedges .. . Eovonymus Sercoxie 12" - 15" Broadleof evergreen Colorado spruce 3' - 4' Lovely stetely pyramid Koster blue spruce 30" . 36" A deme BiOR NNR a OG ccs ceae Dwarf nest spruce 15" - 18" sel caiirid bortheotosmesnat een eee ' Dwarf albert spruce 155' - 18" Compact ond dwart Dwarf blue spruce 12" - 15" True blue in dwarf form Dwerf stone pine 10" - 12" Ce ee ray errand Eee ore peeewes Globe cedor 12" - 15" A perfect ball Globe yew 15" . 18" Rich green round boll ............. wvee semen Dwerf yew 12" . 15" - meee ee So oe ee a ee oe ] FREE! "tidey oné seturdey | "September 10th-1 1th | VY Dozen Beautiful imported from Holland, | TULIP BULBS with every $10. purchase. | ee | "Your Friendly Garden Centre" VAN BELLE GARDENS 3 miles east of Oshawa on Highway No, 2 PHONE 623-5757 OPEN EVENINGS

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