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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 18

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' na ee, fgg POO ag RE pee re is Rg ge noms 8 A ae : na yrashe ite Nice ee hep ph ERB 4 pointed Canadian ambassador statistics Wednesday|increased on the recommenda-jration terminal at Candiac, just, NEW CARS AT FAULT to Peru with accreditation injin Ottawa, boost was dueltion of the provincial minimum|south of Montreal, to Phill Rolivia as well .Mr. Houde, nowjto higher prices for livestockjwage commission in Quebeciburg on the charge d'affaires and consul injand toes. The index, based|City Wednesday. Workers in the ; Montevideo, U: y, succeeds|on 1935-39 Ereregre equal- bn git area must be paid as F. M. Tovell, who is returning ling 100, had risen sed er Oct, 1, at least 85 cents an : to Gttwa. Mr; Houde, 30, a fa-isince January: oe ro : pons yyy - > as -- Lg ag Ca- tive of Quepec City, has also e province mi get at leastinadian ip and Paper Asso- served In Brussels, Athens. and INTRODUCE VOLKS 80 cents. The previous levels|ciation Wednesday Paris, Volkswagen Canada Lid. in-\were 70 cents for Montreal and|pians to build a $1,500,000 pavil- troduced two new models at a\g4 cents elsewhere. jon as its aed ~ the or ent Ss UNVEIL STATUE preview of its 1966. cars 1967 Montreal world's ih son's, Nfld, (CF)--alia to La ere It Paved HEAR goreaggsrstes design for the ullding. ts ue spar Corte ,jadded @ spo 00! ast-| In Ottawa, the national en-|lighted by the crowns of | * amoncerro Bh Pad + ternal attairs department 80-115) century Portuguese navi-lback. car to its larger 1500 se-lergy board Wednesday began be sed trees ref tied will} two high-rise agartlbe peasy eA for the Progres. nounced Wednesday. He Poe gator, was unveiled in front of|ries, while one model in thelgeliberating on arguments by|form its roof and: will be mag fos ths a northwest area of|sive Conservative nomination injceeds E. W. T. Gill, now ans-iConfederation building, seat of|familiar smaller series will be|Trans-Canada Pipe Lines Ltd.[heights up to 90 feet. The| city was opposed Wednes-|Renfrew North. Mr. Campbell,|dian ambassador 'to Ireland.|ing provincial legislature, Wed-jequipped with a 50-horsepower|for permission to export natural|"trees" will be made of a trans-| day by civic authorities who|mayor since 1959, has been|Mr. Menzies, educated at Tor-|nosday and Premier Smallwoodlengine. gas to Vermont. Trans-Canadallucent material in geveral excessive air pollution in|president of the Ontario Mayors|onto and Harvard, joined eX-lprociaimed an annual Portugal wants to build a pipeline from|shades of green and will be {l- district may 'make theland Reeves Association and is|ternal affairs in 1940 and has|pay jn Newfoundland, About a DECLARES vebigeoning ane Quebec Natural Gas Corpo-luminated at night, Brazilian Traction an Patan unsafe for tenants. |an executive member of the Ca-|been posted at Havana, Toky0,/dozen Portuguese schooners as- Metropolitan Power Co. has declared its first RENT-A-CAR 50 per cent of 1965 cars and 60 A spot check by New York/per cent of older models "badly police f found the headlights onjout of "adjustment," |@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, September 9, 1965 ROUND THE GLOBE IN A GLANCE -Rir Pollution Too intense RITCHIE KNIGHT | and the MIDNIGHTS. vius -- Toronto's A-Go-Go Dancers This Saf., Sept. 11th 8T012.P.M ----I sembled in the harbor. Torontojnadian Federation of Mayors, a ENROLL STUDENTS dividend since August, 1962. Di- committee heard a re- rectors decided in Toronto Wed- from Harold Belyea, chief 'air pollution officer, that the a contained Fowler, U.S. secretary of Malayarand Burma. OUTLOOK HOPEFUL reales STAYS ON LONDON (AP) -- Henry H.| OTTAWA (CP) -- Lieutenant. the|Governor George Pearkes of chimney emo plants in the area, oma above the average of 176 treasury, arrived Wednesday for talks with British govern- ment and financial leaders and said the outlook for the pound .isterling looks hopeful. He mill,|reached London from Amster- _|dam after visiting Paris, Rome, Frankfurt, Bonn, Stockholm, Brussels and The Hague. ACTRESS DEAD HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Doro- thy Dandridge, beautiful Negro singer-actress, was found dead Wednesday in her Sunset Stri afea apartment. Miss Dand- British Columbia has agreed to remain in office beyond his nor- mal term, Prime Minister Pear- son said Wednesday. His term was to expire shortly. GETS REMAND. BROCKVILLE (CP) -- Wal- ter Herschell Woods, 26, of Port Credit was remanded to Sept. 15 when he appeared in court SYDNEY, N.S. (CP)--Cadeis from Canada's 10 provinces ar- rived here Wednesday night to register for the first class at the new Canadian Coast Guard Officers Training College at nearby Point Edward. Formal training Classes begin Sept, 15. PRODUCE UP The index of prices received by farmers for their produce}: nesday to pay a semi-annual dividend of 30 cents on ordinary shares, payable Oct. 15 to shareholders of record Sept, 17. The. $1,000,000,000 corporation, which operates power utilities in Brazil, paid a 25-cent divi- dend in 1962, before it ran into losses because of Brazil's pollt- {eal and economic conditions. INCREASE WAGE stood at 271.9 in July compared Wednesday on a charge of crim- inal negligence in connection with an accident July 90 which claimed two lives. to 267.3 in June, the bureau of! The official minimum wage levels for Quebec were ordere DAY -- WEEK --,MONTH "5,00 PER DAY - jussce cudnor 725-6553 RUTHERFORD'S CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS 725-6553 14 ALBERT ST. Oshowe De "Club Escape" Whitby Arena @ Dress as you like @ 2200 are expected 'micograms for United States} 4 ge, 41, started as a band CEREMONY TO END and Canadian -cities. vocalist and climbed to stardom} gpraWwA (CP) -- This sum- + §UCCEEDS PATERSON |in.such films as Porgy @Md\mer's daily changing - of « the- CHARLOTTETOWN (CP) -- Bess and Carmen Jones. ward ceremony on Parliament * John og McAndrew of Halifax September White Goods Sale af ZELLER'S: Features Savings For Your Household! ZELLERS mn Every Dey From 9:30 A.M, -- 6:00 P.M, Thursday and F 9:30 A Me = 9100 P. il! will end Friday, the de- peel (Gey Parle fence department announced -ISquare, downtown Lo n| Wednesday. The morning cere-| ° mortal "|mony, now in its seventh year, | poo od here, it was Ga-lecene of numerous demonstra has been watched this summer | *mounced Wednesday.~Mr. Mc-/tions and rallies, will be turned 'Andrew, a former Charlotte-linto a free outdoor dance hall|Y more bor] ae sy de-| town resident and nine-yearifor three days next week as Lanohirsa' sa iy Sue Dutis 'employes of the CBC in Hallfax,/part of a program to stimulate|Pr® by ff Pe Doitalh es] "feplaces John Paterson who re-|interest in the Commonwealth] /Ompany 0 ee ed last month to handle|Art Festival opening next Wed.|the Canadian Guards. licity for the Stratfordjnesday. espearean Festival. OmAwa tcl ras ogres i A (CP)--The external MINT COIN affairs department announced APOROVS STUDY LONDON (AP) -- Baroness Wednesday that Joseph Fran- EDMONTON (CP)--A $5,000,-/Spencer-Churchill started a M0-|cois-xavier Houde has been ap- : 000 study aimed at ensuring an|tor at the Royal Mint Wednes- * adequate supply of water for|day to turn out the first five- DRIVE IN THEATRE 'the Prairie provinces was ap-/shilling piece bearing a portrait proved Wednesday by repre-jof her late husband, Sir Winston 'sentatives of the three prov-|Churchill. The coin, worth 75 "fmees and the federal govern-jcents, is the first one to bear * ment. They decided to co-oper-|the portrait of a commoner in , ate on a study of the Saskatch-jaddition to that of the sov- @wan-Nelson basin, which holdsjereign. | Yun-off from the éastern slope of the Rocky M SAVED BY THE BELL oo ypasuctcoe gs LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The SOVIETS 5. finging of a door bell, short cir- WASHINGTON ar) -- Rus-|culted by a fire in a basement 'sla has turned down an invi-jrecreation room, woke up a - tation to send an observer to|sleeping family early Wednes- * the launching of the two-man/day. Mr. and Mrs. G, J. Hanlon . Spacecraft Gemini 6 from Cape|were awakened about 2 a.m, » Kennedy, Fla., next month, thejand discovered the fire. "The ! White House announced Wed-|door bell woke us up," said » Mesday, Johnson had invited the/Mrs. Hanlon. "Thank God it * Academy of Sciences of the So-| did." - Viet Union to send an observer » to the launching. Jim Hutron I Ooh ING APPOINT DIPLOMAT OTTAWA (CP)--Arthur Red- CAMPBELL TO RUN path Menzies, 48, who was born PEMBROKE, Ont. (CP) --/in Changte-ho, Honan, China, ! Angus Campbell, 49, colorfuljhas been appointed high com-|f SOX OFFICE OPENS Ay. 7:20 «Mayor of this Ottawa Riverimissioner to Australia, the ex- eh SAVE DURING MILLWORK'S INVENTORY CLEARANGE SALE Savings All Through The Store ! SPECIAL -- CANADIANA GARAGE DOORS The Finest In Pillows! REG, $9.99 EACH! For the most somfortable night' rest: plilows ttuffed with fine goose feather and down, 19" x 26", In floral High Quality Bed-Linen At 7 Prices 42" Pillow Twin or Double Twin or Double Slips Flat Sheets Fitted Sheets 14 1 2. I] 3 g] REG, 1.49 TO 3.29!) Save on QUALITY-GUARANTEED "'ZEL- LER CREST" LINEN, made in Canada, evclusively for Zeller's by Wabasso! Sparkling, bleached white cotton sheets: 72" x 100" and 81" x 100" flat sheets, 39" x 75" and 54" x 75" comfort-designed fitted sheets, Take advantage of these special buys ! 54" x 75" Fitted Sheete 42" Pillow 39" x 75" Slips Fitted Sheets St: 1. Lend @ touch of fashion to your bedroom with soft-colored poste! linen , . . make your bed with "Splendor" ! High-quality import- ed cotton (136 thread count) in pink, blue or aqua tones. 42" x 36" slips, 39" x 75" twin sheets, 54" x 75" double sheets -- coritour fitted for your comfort. Deck Your Bed In Color! FINE HOMESPUN MADRAS BED. SPREAD to grace your bedroom. Made in Caneda by "Camtex". Solid pattern In gold, brown, tur- N.H.A. APPROVED quoiee or red, for twin er double © Modern Locking Devices beds in sizes 72" & 108" or ® Satin Cost Steel Rustproot | 87" x 105", Easy care, just and Waterproof | 'n' hang to dry. @ Feotherweight Operation Nylon Rollers, V-Track-- Adjusteble Hangers OCilite Beerings Adjusteble Stabilizing Arms Completely Weather Stripped Sound Decdners of Sponge Rubber Look AT THESE LOW PRICES ! x 66" 8' x Figs wx y 39.0 414 5" Hurry In For These Big Savings... INSTALLATION EXTRA Ask About Our 6 Month Deferred Payment Plan MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 Simcoe North 728-6291 Open Doily: 7 a.m. till 6 p.m. -- Friday till 9 p.m. REG. $4.99 EACHI All new SOLID FOAM RUBBER pillows, soft yet firm, non-allergenic. 16" x 25" with chrome-zippet and remov- able white cotton cover orinted cover with piped edges, (47. 8:88. SUPER VALUE SPECIAL Chinook Flannelette Sheets toch 1.47 2.57 70x90 80 x 100 1.97 2.9 ANNUAL all Fashion SHOW! Don't miss this interesting presentation of Fall and Winter Fashions, modelled at our centre .. . Zeller's, Oshawa Shopping Centre. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th -- 8:30 P.M. ATTRACTIVE DOOR PRIZES © Everyone is invited . . . no merchandise is on sale during the Fashion Show ZELLER'S wash Decorate With Comfy Cushions! Decorator cushions liven up colorfully your home, edd comfort at siesta-time! Get @ pile of them; in three different petterns, in green, orenge, red, turquoise, gold er brown edlours s 16" x 16 Kapok-filled, quilted or fringed 14" x 14" foam filled, with $1.99! sotin covers, plain tweed cover, REG. Sooo TT TT TTT TTT TTT TTD Mg fashion Downtown Store Simcoe South Oshawa Shopping Centre 723-2209

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