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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 2

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Mee ied KILL RATS AT BORDER PROVOST, Alta. (CP) -- Al: ince, says J. B. Gurba, provin- Each year there is » rat in- vasion from Saskatchewan, he Britain Places Arms Ban 'On India And Pakistanis erat. itu 2 LONDON (AP) Britain} The British do not supply|tire Southeast Asian scene in-| year's rats were three times as joined the United States Wed-larms to Pakistan, bui in 1962)ciuding Viet Nam andthe Indo-/numerons a 1963's, but none nesday in banning new armsialone sent India £19,000,000|nesia-Malaysia conflict. | Survived. shipments to India and Pakis-|($57,000,000) worth of military) 4 qualified British source) ---- tan as part of a bid to halt the|equipment designed to helpisaiq any major Chinese attack fighting between the two Asian|New Delhi meet the Red Chi-lon India could lead to general countries. nese threat. In the last siX\war, The British and Amer- The British ban was madelyears Britain has provided In-licans have discussed plans to known as U.S. Undersecretary|dia more than £200,000,000\provide India with air. cover in ta Saerse Me Ball a erage in military andisych a contingency. ritish leaders sought to keepjeconomic aid. hostilities from spreading in|DOMINATES TALKS arian os yoy on My view of Red Chinese threats to) The peril of Peking's inter-\iittie more than create a num- move in on the conflict, - |vention in the Indian subcon-\).. of border incidents as al The United States halted mil-jtinent dominated Ball's talks) noang of pinning down a few itary aid to both countries Tues-|with Prime Minister Wilson andl;,gign divisions and so helping day, claiming both were using|Foreign Secretary Micha ellparistan American equipment in their|/Stewart, Informants said the The Chiheda signalled these war over Kashmir. discussion ranged over the en- dangers in a note accusing In- their forces were being alerted, minute effort to cut the foreign Administration lead- king's warnings confirmed that the Senate, of Pakistan. They claimed the| Kashmir 'fighting. CHURCH IS TUNED IN - SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) ~The campaign for a new 'or- gan in St. Cuthbert's Anglican church, Gwelo, was given extra meaning when the existing 20- vear_- old electronic instrument suddenly tuned itself mio « news hroadcast in the middle of a hymn. Hear The Pros and Cons of Oshawa's Proposed CREEK VALLEY EXPRESSWAY Dial 1350-CKLB or 93.5 CKLB-FM ~ BETSY ATTACKS - AND MIAMI NATIVES MUST WADE FROM HOMES Refugees from Hurricane children to escape high tides was made by John Pineda Betsy wade in knee-deep that sent water sweeping of the Miami Herald. (AP) water carrying pets and into their homes today. The SUNCREST Or \ To Field 0 le Continuel from page one |kistan, 170 miles southwest of | H | border near the Indian city of Rawalpindi. | Ferozepore. SEIZE PARATROOPS u ate |. A Pakistani Army spokesman jsaid Pakistani forces had He said the Pakistanis cap- pushed "a lot of miles' into In- wired Laue POPAVEQOP RES: OTTAWA (CP) -- The New| dia. A dispatch from the eastern) Democrats hope to run a full) The Indian defence ministry an Indian military withdrawal from the frontier, and in saying | House of Representatives beat! those two countries are fighting |dian border. by voice vote Wednesday a last-| each other. Indian diplomats ala. Pel : s a Ld The $3,280,000,000 foreign aid)as an invitation to Red Chinalh iio diplomats denied this Friday, Sept. 10 7:05 p.m. appropriation bill was sent to' to enter the fighting on the side saying India had extended the ' area evacuated is a section of Coral Gables fronting on Biscayne Bay, This photo 11 Bodies Still Not Found At Trois-Rivieres Bridge of Montreal, said the explosion dia of nine serious frontier vio- GOP Unsuccessful In Try ses ors' ey demande ToCut India, Pakistan Aid 0 ut n la, a stan | the Chinese appeared to be warning that they are engaged aid appropriation bill and with-'ers headed by Speaker John W. i Me '|Pakistan precipitated a flareup hold U.S. help from India and|McCormack (Dem. Mass.), at of the 18-year-old Kashmir cri- The roll call vote passing the, amendment would prevent the bill followed Republican at-| United States from continuing) | tainous north. They demanded WASHINGTON (AP) -- Thejdia and Pakistan as long asjin 9 power buildup on the In- Pakistan, tacked the proposed restrictions sis in collusion: with Red China. tempts to cut funds in the meas-|to help India if Communist ure and to deny any aid to In-|China became involved, INDIA PARATROOPS CAUGHT TROIS-RIVIERES, Que. (CP)| said Wednesday night company : All work on the $30,000,000 engineers working on the site| "lifted me right off' the top of lt have three main objectives--|the caisson. He said he survived bridge to span the St. Lawrence | «+5 find the bodies of the vic-|only because he was able to River has been ordered stopped! tims, to evaluate the extent of|grab a steel rung attached to until searchers recover the bo-| the damage and to establish, if} the outside. dies of 11 men still missing! possible, the exact cause of the after an explosion Tuesday) explosion." afternoon ripped a huge caisson) Of the 12 men injured in the IS YOUR DRINK, THEN WOOD'S OLD NAVY Indian metropolis of Calcutta! : reported "fierce fighting" was said Pakistani paratroops were A caisson is a watertight cy-|Slate of candidates in the NoV-|in progress in the "Lahore sec-|eported dropped Wednesday) linder open at the bottom, from|8 federal: election, Party Secre-|tor," An announcement said 17 -- weg heey cata -- loliak wate ir| ri Gri 5. Pakistani tanks had. been de-| Durgapur steel complex in In-) in half. blast, only two required exten-| Which water is kept out by air tary Terry Grier say ; irayad in the last 24 hours and| "a's West Bengal state. A spokesman for Dufresne-|sive hospital care. pressure. In this case it was! If 265 candidates are put in § " : aie 4 % " : i . Other Pakistani troops were being used to lay foundations} » the fi st} hat the Pakistanis have been ; | MacNamara Engineering Ltd.! One of them, Don Walker, 45, for as Gates. Me ter ieee Ge be Pl pe trying to "regain positions' believed dropped near a British-| Company officials held little|contest every seat. It had 232 they had lost to the Indian) developed steel plant. Army. HERE and THERE Birthday congratulations are being extended to Mrs. Adele Mager, of 81 Park rd. 8. August J. de Berdt, who has been serving as pastor of Marantha Christian Re- formed Church, Bowman- ville, leaves next week to serve among the Cuban ref- ugees at Miami, Florida. A total of 1,504 pupils en- rolled this week at Bowman- ville's four public schools. This is an increase of 61 over last year. Central School has 393 pupils, Lord Elgin 318 pupils, Ontario Street School 426 pupils and Vincent Massey 367 pupils. A special Deanery service will be held at St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday evening at 7.00 p.m. The preacher will be the Most "Reverend Isabelo de los Reyes Jr., the Supreme Bishop of the Philippine Independent Church. His "Excellency is one of the outstanding citizens of his nation. His church entered into full communion with the Anglican Church of Can- ada last year with the visit of the Primate of the Cana- dian Church. The clergy of the Deanéry will be assist- ing at this special service. Donald Roy Cornish, of 212 Celina st., Oshawa, is not the Donald Cornish who had a charge of public mis- chief dismissed in Whitby Magistrate's court Sept. 7. K. E. Lantz, assistant deputy minister of agricul- ture, will officially open the Durham Central Fair at Orono this Friday after- noon. noon. He will arrive at the fair jn a helicopter. Forty - five babies were born at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital last week, Three hundred and six pa- tients were admitted. Three hundred patients were dis- charged. There were 79 major operations and 86 minor operations during the week as well as 78 eye, ear, nose and throat operations, Treatments and examina- tions totalled 270. Members of the staff applied 39 casts. The physiotherapy depart- ment gave 863 treatments and made 618 visits. One hundred and forty-six occu- pational therapy treatments were given. There were 18 speech therapy treatments. A 13-year-old cyclist was taken to Oshawa General Hospital with bruises to the leg yesterday after he had been involved in a collision with a car at the junction of Rossland rd..e. and Mary st. n. The boy was Randy Collins, 620 Central Park Blvd. n. Driver of the car was Bernard Lounds, 414 Fairlawn st. In receipt of a letter from the Department of Lands and Forests recommending + an open deer season for NEED A NEW FURNACE? Ne Down Peyment--Firt Payment Decomber--Cell PERRY Dey or Night... 723-3443 | James Todd, 15, of RR 3, Bowmanville, was admitted to the Bowmanville Memo- rial Hospital Wednesday afternoon after a towed car he was-steering went out of contro] on the Gravel Pit rd. n. and flipped over. He sus- tained leg and thigh in- juries. Roy Hart, who served for nine years on the Win- nipeg Police Department, has been hired as a con- stable by the Bowmanville Police Department Con- stable Hart received an award of merit for rescu- ing a cripple from a blaz- ing Winnipeg building. Rey. George K. Ward, BA, BD, minister of First United Church, St. Catha- rines, will be inducted as pastor of Trinity United Church, Bowmanville, this evening. Rev. N. T, Holmes, chairman of Oshawa Pres- bytery, will conduct the service. He will be assist- ed by Rev. H. A. Turnbull and Rev. G. A. Mundy. R. J. Welsh, Bowmanville welfare administrator, told council Tuesday night that 90 residents of the town re- ceived relief assistance in August, Seven new applica- tions were filed during the month, Bowmanville Town Coun- cil learned Tuesday night that 24 building permits representing an estimated value of $151,465 were issued in August, Garnet B, Rickard of Bow- manville, said Wednesday negotiations have been com- pleted with the Cyanamid of Canada Limited for the es- tablishment at Newcastle of a dry blending fertilizer plant. The new company, which will be known as Ceresdale Fertilizers: timit- ed, will start soon Pickering Township, the municipal council this week passed a resolution to meet with officials of Scott, Ux- bridge and Reach Townships in an effort to reduce the deer population and alle- viate crop damage. The de- partment was asked to ar- range the meeting. | | yi NN, (hehd aution Gtesdliee LIGHTING UNLIMITED lomo) OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE |men would be found alive. The | bridge is being built by the pro- vincial government. "We won't give up the res- cue operations until all the men are accounted for," he said, Police the St. stream Lawrence River down- from Trois-Rivieres in that may have been carried away by the current. One body was recovered Tuesday night. There was a re- port earlier Wednesday that more bodies had been recov- ered, but police authorities helping with the search denied this, have been dragging} the hope of recovering bodies' hope that any of the missing|candidates in the 1963 election)" and 218 in 1962, The party has 60. nominated \so far, he said in an interview. "We've been working on an election plan for the better part of a year." jbefore, he: said. Some of the money will go to \Dunsky Advertising Ltd. of |Montreal, which will help out|kistan for years have stationed) in lin the campaign. | Dues-paying party member- ship was up about 20,000 to 70,-| 000 from 1963. | The New Democrats held 18 jseats out of 265 in the Commons lat, dissolution. WEATHER FORECAST issued by the weather office at 5.30 a.m.: Synopsis: A disturbance en- tering extreme northwestern Ontario has spread warmer air with showers and thundershow- ers over regions north of Lake | Superior during the night. This |weather pattern will spread rapidly eastward through north- ern Ontario and will likely reach central and southwestern Ontario this afternoon or eve- ning. Much cooler air to the rear of the system will plunge southward across much of northern Qntario Friday, _re- sulting in cool 50-degree tem- peratures. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie, Lake Huron, southern Georgian Bay, Windsor; London: Show- }ers and scattered thunder show- |ers, beginning this evening and }ending Friday afternoon. Little jchange in temperature today | but. warmer and more humid | Friday. Winds light southwest- erly 20 tonight and northwest | 15 by Friday Niagara, Lake Ontario, Hali- burton, Killaloe, Hamilton, Tor- onto: Clouding over this after- noon and evening; not much change in temperature today but becoming warmer and more humid Friday. Showers and scattered thundershowers _ be- ginning tonight and ending Fri- day evening. Winds light east- erly today and southerly 15 Fri- | day. Algoma, northern Georgian 7 For gracious renovated Grand Rest ing delicious Ch newly installed wall sure quiet comfort For 'a: tasty smock, or course Restaurant you did. meal, try , you'll be dinina, style meals, and take out | Clouding Over Tonight, Warmer, Humid Friday TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts, Bay, Timagami, North Bay, 'Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury: Showers and scattered thunder- showers, beginning this after- |noon, a little warmer. Precipi- tation ending Friday afternoon and turning much cooler. Winds jlight southwesterly becoming | north 20 to 25, Friday afternoon. White River, Cochrane: | Cloudy with showers and scat- jtered thundershowers, little | change in temperature. Precipi-| "These attempts of theirs! have been repulsed with heavy! losses to the enemy," the In- dian communique said. The wording of the commu- nique made it appear that the The party has more money| indians had indeed gone on the! but early reports made no men- to spend this time than ever| defensive after driving toward|tion of casualties. Jodhpur is | Lahore. This area is perfect tank country and both India and Pa- the greater part of their armor) there. Air units capable of strik-| ing at armor have been. built} up behind the lines. ROUTE OF ALEXANDER Since even before the time of Christ, invading armies have fought and struggled in this area, Alexander the Great and his Greek armies marched into India by this route, as did the Mogul armies who followed) him. | Neither India nor' Pakistan} would give any /precise infor-| mation on where their armies were fighting. Newspaper men were prevented from reaching the area and had to depend upon the information both gov-| ernments were willing to give out. But trickles of information in) the last few days have indi- cated the Pakistani Air Force and paratroops are trying to, cut roads, railways and lines of} communications deep inside In- dia's Punjab state, behind to- day's battleground. This apparently is aimed at iation tapering off to occasional/S¢aling off the area and pre- ernoon; much cooler Friday. Winds southwest 10 becoming) light rain or drizzle Friday|Venting Indian reinforcements morning and ending Friday aft-! from reaching there. Radio Pakistan said Indian} Air Force planes made drops} northerly 20 to 25 Friday after-| twice during the night around) noon. Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Friday: Windsor ...seccees 46 St. Thomas.....+. 64 London 62 Kitchener ... {Mount Forest..... | Wingham Hamilton St. Catharines. Toronto Peterborough .... Kingston Trenton .cecccees Killaloe Muskoka < North Bay.. Sudbury Eariton ... ' Sault Ste. Marie.. Kapuskasing ... White River... Moosonee ... Timmins ....e00e8 RESTAURANT Upsteirs 1414 KING ST. E. 28-4666 -- 725-0075 visit' the newly aurant . . . featur- inese foods, Canadian unches. The to wall carpets en- able dining in a pleasant atmosphere. full the Grand giad arachi. A report from Kara- chi said 35 Indian paratroopers had been captured, armed with pistols, hand grenades and ca- meras. A Pakistani government spokesman said the Indians| also dropped troops in West Pa- IS YOUR RUM Make no mistake about it: Wood's Old Navy is every bita man's rum, It's dark and mellow, rugged and robust, a blend of the world's finest rums (many as old as 9 years). Next time get all the real, full-bodied flavour you expect and deserve from a rum. Next time try Wood's Old Navy. New Delhi claimed "large numbers'? of Pakistani para- troopers were being killed or rounded up. The Indian government radio said Pakistani planes raided Jodhpur twice during the night the chief road and railway cen- tre behind the new southern front India opened Wednesday the direction of Karachi. Indian Defence Minister Y. B. Chavan told his parliament that the southern invasion force had captured the town of Gadra and was still moving ahead. Gadra is six miles in- side Pakistan and 220 miles east of Karachi. Chavan said a second force about 600 miles to the north had broken out of the Indian sector! of Kashmir and was advancing in the Chamb area. The defence ministry claimed 'steady progress" on this front, with a large number of prisoners taken and "a number" of Pakistani tanks destroyed. A Pakistani government spokesman in Rawalpindi said the Pakistanis had beaten back the Chamb advance and} captured many Indian soldiers.| CLAIM AIR STRIKES | The day's greatest victories were claimed for the Indian Air Force. SPECIAL WEEKLY MESSAGE TO MEMBERS OF Chambew, FOOD CLUS Clearing Now is the time to save Entire Stock Of Canadian CAMP TRAILERS DOLLARS -- as we clear complete Stock of new and used Camp Trailers -- NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! (itint our Gueranteed Waterproof under normal care Canada Outdoor Supply Co. 1437 King Street East Phone 728-1555 Va Mile East of Townline

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