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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1965, p. 5

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VON To Hold _[terian Order of nurses wit be) One hundred and forty visi THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, September 9, 1968 } gin Oct. 7, in the auditorium of|were conducted by the order - |during August to bring the total MANY FEEL PANGS NEVER 6TOPS EATING | P Cl a Fairview Lodge, : enata $Se More than 1,000,000 Canadians} The short-tailed shrew, r t ] 8 The classes will be held each|to 1,177 for the year, This is an suffer from arthritis or rheums-l America's iy , WHITBY (Staff) ~ Pre-natal|week for eight weeks and willlincrease of 202 over the same@iiism and 63,000 are severely|mal, can eat its own weight of classes conducted by the Vic-|begin at 2 p.m. period last year, iabled. 8 ee ore ingacte in three hewes 4 * seseeipis oe = » as Sie i i sat toting DE is ag iu ate een i lah ele eting wae iow ie A ie ST Zz ) Cash and Carry é _ WHITBY KINETTE CLUB INSTALLS NEW OFFICERS | , Brae ak eee TG lores Doma eter Pasa toa, i | © YOU'RE WITHIN SAVING DISTANCE OF BEAVER LUMBER ® son in grand style, the Whit- by Kinette Club installed its Gartshore, president apd las Winstaley, Kinsman photo was Mrs, D, Smith, ' 2 new executive last night. In Mrs. Murray Silver, . secre- president, on hand for the bulletin editor, this photo, heading up the tary. Back row, left to right, installation ceremony, and --Oshawa Times Photo BEAVER TRUCK LOTS ' club, front row, left to right are: Mrs, R, Heron, imme- Mrs. C. Hewson, registrar; cesviding': the. uinber: ot hit Compare ... Then Save Time and Gas dren using the bus service is) 6 Buy at Your Nearby Beaver Lumber uses O ranspor maintained . Should the number | ; 1 makes good sense when you ere going to poy cosh and haul your own building meteriols in of passengers: decrease, how-| wontity, thet you shop et @ nearby Beaver store and make o further savings on your time and gas. ever, the service will be termi-| SOUND DRY There are 80 Beaver Lumber stores in Gnterie to when vee shop an" "Corry a © pelohpounend i tore se ime LJ Lia e ve @ rue je materials close your nated after a trial period of UTILITY Yeu oe onuraa. oF the one riendly service. end personel attention to your needs thet heve been 4 & |two months, | @ way of life for over 50 years ot Beaver Lumber stores oeross Canada, Commenting on the service, | lhe school superintendent stated | ? 4 pe ithe cost would work out to $1 e WHITBY (Staff) --Transpor-| Schools, Howard Henipsieed,| pases winenng Sperniient plan- per week for children attend- igi tation is now available tor| made an investigation into the|ned for the highway. i : " Kinder- PER . FY, school children attending Dun-|problem. Arrangements were| The service will continue dur- po tagged tay nL ara eenerRuction 20 CARTONS OR MORE TEN-TEST GARAGE das Street Public School, it was| made for a bus to transport any|ing the balance of the year! school only on a half day sched- UTILITY INSU LATION saiddin uated PO tharos plete with meteriels announced ot yo ona pig pce st ye A get hoy to) 5 --------" | le would use a book of tickets 2x 4's . 84.50 97.50 5 a cam as a special provision, the| Dundas st. public school at aj in two weeks. seid ihe 6 4! s¢ 8! naturel 1. pen trustees arranged for x. high|cost of five cents each way. |Men Bowlers = |"2° =| $2x6's....... 86.00 101.00 BATTS th" x4'x 8 primed 250] 2 school bus to transport pupils! Parents in the Anderson st.- 8 . " | ' 1 00 11 90 SQ. FT. 50 SHEETS OR MORE from the Anderson st.-Bowman| powman ave, area were 7 Ready For Action FREEMAN'S oe 111. 2 » FT, ave. area'to the public school in apd of Hokala valid tor! Wanker 1alews co whe Walk FORMAL RENTALS 2 . 10's oe 113.00 CARTONS 25 to 49 SHEETS 1.99 2.60 answer to a request for assist-| Vised & r (8 3" 60 SQ. FT. ance submitted by the parents,|20 trips will be sold to the/by and District Men's Bowling! Made to Measure Clothes Utiity grade mot stocked at all 80. stores. > CARTONS The question of safety for) pupils for $1. The bus will pick Lengoe A oe ate 6 'Hale ef Mebbanin WHITE PINE NEW SHIPMENT FROM THE FAR EAST the children came up prior to up pupils at two stops -- Ander-|another y season, "il @ Tip Top Tailors : school closing Jast June when! son and Johnston sts, and Bow-|)resident Ed. Brush reported ecics BARN BOARDS 50 MAH A parents complained their young-| A Gonaleth Wo Ve aie =? per ae wi ster were in danger while) ™&" Ave. and Crawiorin st. League activity begins at the . x , walking along Dundas st. e. to) Trips will be made from these County Bowl Sept, 15 and 16.! uUsS PER 1000 BD, PT. A CARTON PLY school. The parents had ap-|stops at 8.45 p.m. and 1.10 Bell net bowling off will be held ; ' 'ieee woop pealed to the board and were) Return trips will be made from|Sepf, 13 and 14, EEVE Das OR TAG UTILITY CONSTRUCTION In Small Lets 3.95 A Ctn. PANE advised the trustees were un-|Dundas st. public school at 12; All new or regular league MEN'S SHOP SPRUCE 1 x 6 87 50 102 50 LLING able to assist in any way at|noon and 4 p.m, |bowlers are asked to contact the | ° bd RANDOM V.GROOVED that time. | The transportation was pro-j!eague presi'ent by phoning] 129 Brock St. S., Whitby Se Sa peuencns stati ECONOMY GRADE 4 7 SYLVAPLY . x/7s 25 PANELS The trustees advised the-par-|vided as a means of avoiding} 968-3063 after 7.30 p.m. | -- Ss A OR MORE traffic hazards on Dundas st.|---- nenninananuiieninceinnt ' ' Ua eee a drort any "puplis| Which are expected to increase | GRADE STAMPED 6IG MILL QUALITY 4x 8's .... 2,89 during the coming winter) WATERPROOF PLYWOOD : _ : sis creligbatest coe AIS tae Ss ce to schools according to the acts) -onths. Danger to the children| EXTRA -- EXTRA ane eae PREFINISHED Ande: 3.39 | or regulations. It had been fur- ther explained there are no| Could be magnified by the pro- . RANDOM V-GROOVED ' grants available from the On-| D HE ATHING ALL sTee 25 PANELS OR MORE 4x 8's . 3.79 tario Department of Education| YOUNGSTER IS VETERAN ee subsidizing the cost of transport-| Now 27 years, old, "Tommy | | SPRUCE _FIR GARAGE DOORS ANY QUANTITY ing the children. eet, cpt 's CONS sy | 2 5/16" x 4' x 8' sheet... 2.67 2.87 " " 7 Since last June the new/Gentleman," has been a profes- T-BONE > 8" x 4'x 8 pr 3.08 3.35 STANDARD 32" x 84" PANELS superintendent of Public'sional entertainer for 11 years. cso esnsnell dione ' : 8 x 7' SIZE 494 UNFINISHED MAHOGANY 1/2"x4'x8'sheet........ 439 4,64 sels tania WHITBY PERSONALS | >. =AUKS siti ing tn EACH 5/8" x 4' x 8 sheet 5.37 5.66 Spruce Sheathing not stocked et all 80 stores, ALUMINUM FOIL MASONITE PRESOTEX Mrs. Howard Doner, Highway} Mr. and Mrs. Avard Wagner WHITBY SYLVAPLY HARDBOARD 49 INSULATION 10 Pcs, 12, RR 2, Whitby, is opening) and daughters visited his sister her home Sep. 18 trom 29 6 and Smee ae aa ME AT M ARKET SELECT UNDERLAY hn A' un 8' SHEETS 80 | FIR SHEATHING SMALLER LOTS ia aie IY OR MORE gACH the Women's Auxiliary of oe ae William (Bill) St. John, Whitby General Hospital. Mrs. | of West Hill. " ' ' " ' ' invi-| WHITBY PLAZA WHITBY PH, 668-6941 @ 5/16" x 4' x 8' 3.51 1/2"x4'x 8 5,28 A ae a a PRIN ape aN Dever extents: cordial invi-| p cisted happy birthday wishes 3/8" 4"x 8' 399 5/8"x4'x8' 6,30 DOUBLE COATED Woodgrained Cherry wey ele Fava coe ishing t pre r '0 ten. oe are extended to Wayne Fox! Choice Quality Meats -- All Meats Govt, Inspected 4 SATINCOTE WHITE Candlelight |who celebrated his birthday SELECT T&G ug u SATINCOTE WHITE wed Sept. 8. psec a aE ORNS ASAPH COVERS 4' x 8' 1/2 5.70 5/8 6.74 CEILING TILE HARDBOARD MICRO PERFORATED A miscellaneous' shower was) ASE ee CEILING TILE FULL HALF INC * | | EASY FITTING T & G JOINT held in the Almonds Sunday|_ Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Asphalt Impregnated 4 PANELLING : refinished Newton, when she received|e4 their 50th wedding anniver- 7th Annual 1 79 ; endom V Grooved 45 many beautiful and useful gifts.|S@"y Sept. 8. To celebrate the BUILDING 7/16" x 4' x 8' On 4'x 7's 98 ; cae School Hall for Miss Catherine|Freek, 121 Euclid st., celebrat-| occasion members of their fam-| Pwey » c Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Foskett,|ily arranged a dinner party at) PO Lic é ] Ma ROARD 716" a @? ey Ay d wie ts x 8 4.35 we: 552 Dundas st. w., are cele-/the 'Guild Inn. oR Teh 106 ee deese Cs ANY QUANTITY Miss Susan Hawes, Water-jat Camp Borden, spent the SHEET ROCK ee 53,95 ik Sanh : VINYL-ASBESTOS Gaslight "x2" 2¢Ln Ft ° plywood which are also available on minimum 50-sheet lots. Smaller SAHARA SAND COLORS PANELLING 4 Tony Russell Quartet 10 t0 24 Pench, 430 Furnece Oil' will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Friday, $3.00 PER COUPLE '----r pcr cpu Sigua A | cicsiaita ' 6 brating their fourth wedding an-| : : : ; ANY QUANTITY 1 to 9 Penels 450° 5. pi pri today. co friends ba Mena wee aking' DANC c ROCK LATH 39. 60 PER 1000 : : wnsatnne SPRUCE wish them every happiness. badencha se ' . see " J BEST BRAND Woedgrianed Cherry STRAPPING ville, Que., is spending an in-|Labor Day weekend with his . FLOOR TILE n In-| PLEASE NOTE: tices in. this colum on normol mix definite time with her sister,)uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs Fri., Sept. 17th } All the prices in this column apply normol ed JAMACIA. WHITE OR HARDB ARD 1" Xx 3" 3c Ln Ft. i : ' lot: f J 0 G lo r Mr. and Mrs. Arnold McDon-| Miss Lillian Hargrave is te cover handling 'costs TALL ORDERS 'ARE SUBJECT To ACCEPTANCE Protinished SPRUCE WOOD turned to Hopewell, Nova Scotia,|The same day she will receive a ae ee ' ' 2 to live with Mr. McDonald's|her ring from her fiance, Stan Ae Hh : ae Cove Pi fp as : or more 1.37 CARTON LOTS 1 to 9 Penels 4.70 si TOWN OF WHITBY at the wt a ITE Sans ware ic Furnace Fuel Oil WHITBY ARENA POPLAR Tenders For Domestic Furnace Fue V4" x Axa! }special course with the RCAF Mrs, Marvin Wood. | Earl Ward, Mary st. truckloads of 4000' or more for complete jobs, except prices on ald, Palmerston dr., have re-|celebrating her birthday today. Dancing 9 P.M. to |} AM AND MARKET CHANGE, 4 Rendom V-Grooved 4 4 k. mother, Mrs. Seymour Brown, | Pawlucze NEW MULTIPURPOSE BOARD ak. ot wb Sola ae 14" y 4' x 8' UNDERLAY ' Awe V-SCORED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and marked 'Tender for Dress Optional -- Club Privileges V4 X xX 49 September 17th, 1965, for the supply of Domestic Furnace Fuel 25 SHEETS OR MORE ~ V4" = 4 x 4 50 Pes. or More sMau PANELS OR MORE Oil for Municipal Buildings for the season 1965-66. Limited Number of Tickets Sold. SMALLER LOTS 2.69 SHEET Less Than 50 LEER LOTS .... 2.59 te in esti d thet ption will be approximately 15,000 lions. To be delivered to the following ploces: Municipal | CASH and CARRY EXTRA STRENGTH 6 RIB PATTERN wilding, 405 Dundes St. W., Whitby Public Library on : Byron % N., and the Sewage Disposal Plant on Victoria Street. | la SYLVAPLY FRESH AS A DAISY po nan instock bonis al . The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. ... SANDED CEMENT Home | sublet eat ent a vanize Prices onty higher north of Mr. VERNON MACCARL Choirmen, ¥ North Bay. Town, Property Committee, CASH AND CARRY @ 300 S, GAUGE 5 Dundes St. W., Whitby. PLYWOOD SAVINGS AT MOST STORES = Pa @ IRIDITE PROTECTION . ACROSS ONT. RED and @ UP TO 12' LENGTHS. 210 Ib, -- 3 in I 13' to 32' Lengths 10.15 A Sq. Red Wing Orchards : 000 T'so4 POLYETHELENE ASPHALT omirse2704i4 WW A SQ. ROADSIDE MARKET rf | 4 x4 x8 378 Ys sa mcuness on SHINGLES ss Sins eet Ye" x 4' x 8° 5.22 | s00 so. er, nour PEARS eb 4 cantonal 67 | DELIVERY e222: is 54" x 4' x 8' 7.59 fair rates on quanti purchases. ~_e ee 1%" x a' x 8 8,84| ROLL ROOFING A SQ. ---- 2% Miles West of Whitb on Naser ae atgt Mattel Tene | SO erent. AP 6.32 DEPENDABLE seeeees cones Oe more: Sheathing, (see "above | 90 Ib, rock.... 3.45 | Color "BIG RED APPLES" volume." Smoller "lots add'"S0e 15" Asphalt Felt 2.86 diceiek 7110 sereeens FA hi sie aha All Colors . Open Thurs. & Fri, --1 p.m, to 8 p.m. Set. & Sun. -- 10 @.m. te 8 p.m. \ 80 STORES ACROSS ONTARIO ¥ deal directly and confidentially with the Beaver Lumber a NEED CASH a wauenst. Ask oheut Beaver Lumber's Budget Plans thot let you 45; 668-581 --_ WHITBY 8 ad e4 Bao age sevings on quentity purchases, Terms . 623-338 cee Bowmanville an ~ OR YOUR NEARBY BEAVER STORE BROCK lg ort ot 7:00 and 8:50 wee WHITBY Seturday Matinee 1:30 « . 4 oa

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