~~ PNB. COMAWEA. TIMES, Seiden, Somtembos 10, 106K Toronto Girls Shot To Death TORONTO (CP)--Two young Toronto secretarial students shot to death in their car near a deserted farm north of here Thursday. Nearby lay the body of a 64-year-old man police say "shot the girls were found and himself. : bodies of Joyce Orlowski 'and Wanda McDonald, both 19, were found in the front seat of Miss Orlowski's car on a trash Philip Young of Toronto, shot through the left eye, a .22-cali- bre revolver in his right hand. Trash littered the area. Nearby stood a ramshackle de- serted house and burned-out barn. The girls were killed instan- tly. Miss McDonald was shot through the. cheek at close range. Miss Orlowski was shot 'Ithrough the throat and also NEW BROADCASTING AGENCY MAIN SUGGESTION OTTAWA (CP) High- lights of the Fowler commit- tee report on broadcasting: Responsibility for the direc- tion, supervision and control of the whole broadcasting sys- tem should be assigned to independent agency to be called the Canadian Broad- casting Authority--in French, La Regie Canadienn des On- des (literally, Canadian Ad- ministration of Broadcasting). --_---- Broadcasting licences should be issued by the new author- ity, not the federal cabinet, plying for licences and make no significant contribution to public-service programming. CBC and private broadcast- ers have failed to interpret the two national cultures to each other, Improvements in program- ming, extension of TV to areas lacking this sérvice and mod- ernization of CBC should take precedence over color TV. Detailed inquiry into com- munity-antenna TV should be Highlights Of The Fowler New authority should have power to suspend licences for serious breaches of such un- dertakings. oy CBC headquarters should be in Montreal, not "remote'"' Ot- tawa. # ne Recent CBC reorganization inappropriate and inadequate. ee CBC lacks cohesion, unity, esprit de corps and easy and confident internal communica- tions, It is overburdened with Report "sorry record' of perform- ance. In 1963 the 229 private radio stations spent a "disgraceful" average of only $22.29 a day each on Canadian talent. The broadcasting authority should establish annual awards for TV and radio pro- ductions similar to the Gover- nor-General's awards for liter> ature. The authority should stipu- late a minimum number of hours per week between 6 and strewn Jane im>nearby Vaughan|through the thigh. Police said s Da ROBIE dertaken a8 soon as pos- inigtrati 11 p.m. for public service (in- Township. Police believe they|the clothing of one of the girls gs ge bag ete 8dr peri ~ jo er Semloletraiee. formation and education) pro . were kidnapped at Wednesday afternoon. gunpoin Six feet from the car lay tlhad been: disturbed: : The bodies were discovered by Mozart Oullet, his wife and Cobalt Theft father-in-law of Weston, Mr, Oullet had travelled to a dump to) @ dispose of a load of scrub brush. The girls' car motor was dominated by the worst of American programming, Highest priority should be given to providing improved service basically Canadian in content and character, The new authority should determine policy of CBC and ensure that CBC is well led, staffed and administered. New authority should regu- CBC's five-year forecast of expenditures in 1966-70 should be chopped by $33,500,000 to $769,500,000. CBC should retain present share of TV and radio. adver- grams, The 55-per-cent Canadias content 'regulation shou. ve regarded as only a bare mini- mum. s Se still running. late activities of private tising markets--25 per cent The broadcasting authority The th bodies were taken os tod ' ae j _ should assess whether private earings t ree bodies were take: Morning television should be broadcasters with enforceable and four per cent, respec prosdcaners inaad s Aig: BELLEVILLE (CP) -- Pre-\mond hill for autopsies. hearings of six men|WARRANT OUT charged in the disappearance of, Police said a warrant for! more than $600,000 worth of/Young had been sworn Aug. 9) limina government-owned cobalt wil begin Oct. 26, it was announced/had attacked her with a steam) Thursday. William Regan, 70, of Delora Ont., and Irving Moldaver, 50 of Peterborough, will appear on eharges of conspiring to steal/ated for two years. | to hospital in suburban Rich- l by his wife, who told police he liron after a domestic dispute. ,,She spent several days in hos- , pital with injuries. The couple had been separ- NEGRO CHILDREN BOARD BUS TO WHITE SCHOOL eliminated to make way for educational TV. Private broadcasters have made little attempt to fulfil promises voiced when ap- undertaking in each licence regarding quality and variety of programming Ca nadian content, use of Canadian tal- ent and public service obliga- tions. | WEATHER FORECAST 'tively. | Rain Or Thunderstorms | CBC should be given bor- rowing authority -- maximum $200,000,000--for capital out- lays approved by broadcast- ing authority. Spending on CRC's interna- tional service should be in- creased, portion of income on '"'artistie creation." Parliament should set ex- plicit goals for boadcasting and hold the broadcasting au- thority to annual account for achievement of these goals. Licences for broadcasting should be granted to educa- OK bwekl Negro students line up to protest against overcrowded dren being enrolled and ray sme «var, tonal institutions or corpora- gop gto will waldogce's gh fry the. girl's board a bus in the Rox- conditions in schools others being turned away | Binge yl icra sae tions, even if wholly or partly j held on charges of conspiring|father reported her missing) Duty section of Boston to- in Negro neighborhoods. for. failure to comply with. | poiadlsag dedic, aseadcualing owned by provincial govern- to steal against Regan; Sam/|Wednesday night after she did day for transportation by Schools opened in Boston to- all provisions of the city's | T d Py Saturda Cooler het . § ments. { Vigodda, 50; Leonard Vigodda,|not return from school. | their parents to predomi- day and there were reports open enrolment policy. | 0 ay; 'Y aes oS a | the CBC should receive an 27, his son; 20; and Herbert Maracle, 40, alljthe girls reached their parking) Bernard Boulter, Police speculated that when| "antly white schools as a of some of the Negro chil- TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts|Winds becoming west to north- CBC should not receive for next five years additional li- annual statutory grant of $23 per TV household; such of Belleville. Value of the metalilot after school Wednesday, , e issued at 5:30 a.m. EDT: west this afternoon. | cences to establish 'alternative } in this indictment 1s around/Young was waiting for them 18-Year Border ( 'onflict Synopsis: Blustery northerly) Georgian Bay, Haliburton,) TV services throughout Can- -- new Somme Lem } $600,000. 'with a gun. winds behind a storm moving|Killaloe, Algoma, White River,| ada. auth leastward from James Bay have|Sault Ste. Marie, Sudbury, |swept very c below Lake Superior and cooler|showers and chance of a thun- * air southward|North Bay: Cloudy with a few The private CTV network, apart from news and Telepoll, : d Kashmir Battl i | Pro uces as 1r a e weather will be noticeable derstorm. Sunny Saturday, turn-| carries few programs of any } . through all southern regions byjing cooler, Winds 15 to 25 be-| real value or substance. it « 4 By HAROLD MORRISON lfollow the mosiem faith. Most|Pakistan dispute. India main- tonight. Showers and thunder-\coming northwesterly today, { } 1version u y rge Canadian Press Staff Wriier (of the others are hindus. tained this was a legal instru- storms along the boundary of . £ The "unsavory feud': be- Nurtured by brutality, illiter-) Thirty-five years ago, mona pet Pakistan called it Althe storm, will spread south Forecast Temperatures tween CTV and its affiliated §g U By ARCH MacKENZIE |saying that B.C. water is a heri-|2°Y and deep religious differ- suffering gave rise to political fraud, maintaining that just the castward during the day but Low tonight, high Saturday: private stations should be W V ' WASHINGTON (CP)--A joint|tage which never will he ex-/ onc: the spreading war overjstrength. The Moslem ge hig hel the maharajah| wij) have, ended around the|Windsor .....s0... 55 68 | ended, by compulsion if neces- see gfity Kashmir is the product of 18,ence Party was formed, Then had signed a statement agree- rer lakes by eveni St. Thomas...ccoe 52 68 | sary. i [ Canada-United States study of ported. : 2 ue years of border conflict. came Sheik Mohammed Abdul-\ing to keep Kashmir's status pitting Binie othe Erie,|London ..... bd ae pre eee pana ie water diversion into the Great McCarthy said the joint com-" The State of Jammu andjlah in the New Conference|unchanged, Since his people) southern Lake Huron Niagara,|Kitchener ....00.. 50 65 | Private TV stations are al- re- or if Lakes was urged Thursday by|mission, established in 1909 to\Kashmir, sometimes described|Party of 1938 which gained at-|had revolted and forced him out| windsor. London, Hamilton:|Mount Forest..... 48 65 | most. exclusively concerned j Congressman Richard Me-\handle mutual boundary waterlironically as the shimmering|tention and sympathy in Newlof his country, the maharajah'(iouding over with scattered|Wingham .....6046 45 65 | with their own and local inter- inp pte ae [bythe end' of next year 2 ro jewel of the majestic Hima- Delhi. had no Constitutional power to| showers and. thunderstorms.|Hamilton .....000+ 50 68 | ests, the principal one being | our ome / He introduced in the House + accord-ligyvas, has been the scene of|, In 1947, the xnaharajah, Sir|sign away his country, Pakistan|(joudy with a few sunny inter-/St. Catharines... 52 68 | making a profitr~ | 1 j of Representatipes a resolution/ing to his plan. _ |countless political pledges made|Hari Singt, faced a crisis. In-| claimed, vals and cooler Saturdhy. Winds(TOrOMmt® .is.cc0c0s 68 |. gare ORs te calling for such a study by the He said there has been a sig-\anq broken; of exasperating/dia and Pakistan gained. inde-| India sent troops into Kash-|becoming northwest this after-/Peterborough . 50 65 Private TV stations have! h nk Aka International Joint Commission, nificant a2 Soaatin Opin-| mediation that proved fruitless,|pendence. Kashmir had to/mir. The raids from Pakistan' noon. Kingston .., 50 68 | been "woefully deficient" in iia now examining solutions to the Pre " Pag : stg : te gre challenging and defying the vest|choose which country it -would| continued and in December, Northern Lake Huron, LakelTrenton'. 50 68 | development and use of Cana- i aot Sot iat intent © aaetnees rivers fat their role in eo ~ ere 2 ate th Paki He he sorter aed te Slat te en Cee Onan, Seenole es ee 3 7 ae y : ' for more than a century, this| Pakistani tribesmen crosse e|}Nations to step in. with scattered showers and/North Bay. 40 58 Q | low lake levels. esd Bia end oo ; mountainous region of 80,000/frontier and the maharajah | GR i a linandaratorme "this. attecnsan SOM vcaicsi Me 58 | 'The "necessary" private TV q The Mc Ca rthy prbposal,| Pee aly ms ypen o y theieauare miles was a princely|to India. Revengefully, while on DECIDE ON VOTE Clearing and turning noticeably|Sault Ste. Marie.. 40 58 | network shouldn't be allowed e h which he said would cost $2,000,- Sear cau he onan 'alaé fs state, ruled by a maharajah un-|Indian soil, he signed the ac-| For the UN, Kashmir became cooler tonight. Sunny with a few| Kapuskasing ..... 32 50 | to fall into the hands of the (OW, : warts cite -niainag Misegadlns plans to "put sabes vate intel ate a Sikh oro, Sr cpp ee of Kashmir to preagr ie seen In December, 1948, alcloudy intervals Saturday,|Timmins 32 50 | private stations which have a 4 c rivers awa) ; 7 : ttle regard for the rising tide is instrument of Oct, ,}UN mediation commission re- : -- | a =e ane ee sees 4 from Hudson Bay, is the project ee yeorst Bill ye oe of Moslems. Of the 4,700,000|1947, became the hotly - con-|ported both sides had agreed to . : first sage ocngg td Sudbury mises Fe Grait nrc Trhter whiei te population, about 80 per cent'tested centrepiece of the India-ja ceasefire and io a plebiscite} Trial For ? Men L " ineer John Kierans, x 4 | Pacha deal aldeete te, Seabee idan a wet Receleraninet : fi ibe ; pm week Detieceatic. Sena -- -- Chicago reggie | . ae nc Me hgg i Kashmir's On Ridi Ri d N @) i E Oall. ' tor Frank Moss of Utah intro-/needs and a proposed cana Sa t D R cage Ing Rivar I C F i i from Lake Eri On New Year's Day, 1949, the '| ' duced a resolution asking the) 50M pie oe oe n 0 omingo ejoces |ceasefire became effective. But NTR 'a i U.S. government to co-operate : ralnctatioe ea both sides io' re MONTREAL (CP)--Two men \ with Canada in referring a Cres uae Tne oa | ave tround delaved ihe plebi- accused of hiding narcotics sus- a tf more grandiose continental wa- '115 t ] D t | he are »|bect Lucien Rivard after his! e Hg onnall ar j ter plan to the joint commis- $50 Million Land enera ) e ar ure see fel coger gh a March 2 escape from Montreal] 8 | I ' sion : Be 2 jail were committed Thursday) } : JAMES PRINGLE \that Wessin, 42, two days ago/state with a population of 3,560,- hiss bak "fe This plan, costing an_ esti- Scheme Revealed 2 By . i : F to jury trial on charges of com-| ' mated $100,000,000,000, is called) gr THOMAS (CP)--A Si menage sl CReets) ipemend Ee YA. senmeesy oF se RL pea eee plicity after the fact and con- Due to the circumstances beyond the ex- : 2 ST. AS oe - " ' fie n August, 9, Admiral Ches-! spiracy j : ee ee ate - hate land development|districts of Santo Domingo to-\into leaving the country. The/ter Nimitz of the United States They are Armand Cadieux ecutives control, The Connaught Park clos- verse southward rivers in Al- seed meee ppoouseal ® pro-\day in the wake of militaryjembassy has not denied thelwas proposed as arbitrator. In-/48, and Sebastien Boucher, 41.\f iNg will not be held on Saturday, September : k Northwest Territories,| °° 000,000 subdivision for)junta chief Gen. Elias Wessin/charge.) dia rejected him. In December,|' Rivard was recaptured in| ; j ee ee erritories.| St. Thomas. Y Wessin's forced departure} As the military. chiefs sped|q ; : »N | mi Palys adhe tocar 11th, 1965 as previously stated. Yukon, British Columbia and Ssan § AS P ) 7én, A. G. L. McNaughton,| mid-July in a cottage near here. ' farther east, too. MAY NOT GO The MeCarthy resolution, to make any -yards this session, must go to committee and that may not happen before the ses- sion ends. Roth McCarthy and Moss claimed to see increasing Cana- dian interest in sharing water resources with the U.S.--a view| not firmly supported by public responses given recently by Northern Af irs Minister Laing or Premier Bennett of B.C. Bennett has been quoted as HERE and THERE Pickering Township Coun- eil this week passed a by- law to prohibit the dis- charge of firearms in a fur- ther designated township area which will include the Department of Highways and Mill Paving Co. pits on the Valley Farm rd. A special meeting of Pick- ering Township Council will be held next week to dis- cuss finalization of the pur- chase of the Risk property which the municipality pro- poses to buy as a centen- nial park. Pickering Township Coun- cil has endorsed an Ontario County Council resolution that the department of high- ways install a flasher light at the intersection of High- way 7 and Brock rd. Enid Wallace, formerly director of the McLaughlin Public Library's Children's department, has been made assistant chief librarian. The eight teams which make up the Claremont Community Softball League are holding a tournament at Brougham this Saturday. CALL... 'DIXON'S FOR OIL FURNACES FUEL OIL AND HEATING SERVICE SERVING THE PUBLIC OVER 50 YEARS 313 ALBERT ST, OSHAWA 723-4663 The announcement was. made from the Dominican Republic. by. Polon and Shields-Snow Ltd.| President Hector Garcia-Go-|port, people clapped and through the offices of M. H./doy announced on television|cheered and shouted: 'Por fin, Beaudry, a St. Thomas realtor/Thursday night that Wessin had/por fin' (at last; at last). whose firm had negotiated the|been retired from command of In his broadcast, the presi- land purchase involving more|the central school of the armedident said he was ordering the than 500 acres. forces and appointed consul-|armed forces to return to. their The development includes|general in Miami, Fla. garrisons. some 1,500 single family units,, The general, rightist military) Last week, Garcia-Godoy de multiple dwellings, high - rise| strongman who overthrew Preés-\creed that the military | apartments, school sites and ident Juan Bosch, in 1963; was|headed by Wessin be abolished commercial areas. escorted from his suburbanjand its 1,700 men integrated in ee ag ws ocencmar arn --~\home to San Isidro Air Base by|the armed forces. GARDEN BEATS FARM commanders of the U.S. and in-! Three days ago, reliable | Market - garden crops are|ter-American peace forces and|sources said Wessin told Gar- worth eight times as much, per|Dominican armed forces chiefs.|cia Godoy the country was lacre, as other farm food crops.| Supporters claimed Wessinjthreatened by a 2 eae |had been arrested but this was|takeover and that prominent not officially confirmed. citizens had asked him to fe- (The Associated Press said'main at his job. back to the palace from the air- The first game, between Pickering and Goodwood, starts at 1 p.m. H ° ae ear The Pros and Cons Claremont in three straight games. to win the champion- ship of the Ontario Rural Softball League. The scores of the games were 6 to 5, 9 40 7 and 15 to 7. of Oshawa"s Proposed CREEK VALLEY EXPRESSWAY Dial 1350-CKLB or 93.5 CKLB-FM Friday, Sept. 10 -- 7:05 p.m. By virtue of an 8 to 2 vic- tory over Pickering Tues- day night, Greenwood has forced a fifth and final game in their Community League playoff series. The winner will be decided next Monday night at Brougham Park. Omagh defeated Green wood by a score of 10 to 1 during the weekend to take the third and deciding game and the Ontario Rural Soft- ball Association champion- ship. Neil Pascoe, who pitched for Greenwood, al- lowed 13 hits and struck out seven batters. | | Your Health is your most important asset... how many pay days could you afford to miss? Income Replacement PERSONAL HEALTH INSURANCE should be in your family's budget for 1965. Communist | jCanada's representative on the UN Security Council, took on the job. He proposed both sides gradually reduce their forces in Kashmir. But the two sides showed no signs of budging. In April, 1950, Sir Owen Dixon of 'Australia took over as media- itor followed by Dr. Frank school] Graham, an American, in April,| {1951, They also failed. q * <2 PRESTIGE . DISTINCTION BEYOND COMPARE * " 124 PARK ROAD G@ORGIGAN mansions rested with him. Cadieux and Boucher were ar- NEED A NEW | FURNACE? Neo Down Peyment--First Payment Deecember--Coll | PERRY Dey or Night . . . 723-3443 THE ULTIMATE IN LUXURY LIVING!! ty ee * By a <> Mupaad 723.1712 o 728-2911 od NORTH; OSHAWA WOODBINE Sept. 6 t Oct. 230 Direct to the Track Each Racing Day ° Lv. Oshawa 12.00 noon remitting by mail to City Hall FAILURE TO PAY ANY ONE date necessitates the Tax Col tion of Rents where property is chattels, subject to additional Civic Administration Bldg. Cer, Centre and Athol Sts. CITY OF OSHAWA -- TAXES DUE NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS 4th. INSTALMENT OF REALTY TAX COLOR OF INK LAST DAY TO WARDS PRINT ON BILLS AVOID PENALTY Ne. 4, 5, and 6 Block Friday, Sept; 10 No, 1, 2, and 3 Brown Friday, Sept. 17 iF ANY INSTALMENT IS PAST DUE--Please telephone the Tax Office 725-1153 fot PENALTY AMOUNT to ADD when IF MAILED ON DUE DATE BEFORE MIDNIGHT to be sure of proper due date post-mark before midnight, MAIL SHOULD BE DROPPED IN THE POST OFFICE FRONT (Simcoe St.) letter drop rather than any street letter box. Taxes may be paid at City Hall or for a small service charge et any Chartered Bank or Trust Office in the City of Oshawa. several Statutory and Local By-Law provisions such as Collec- Action in some cases and by possible "Bailiff Seizure' of INSTALMENT on or before due lector to proceed to collect by tenant occupied. Division Court costs. Cc. b. COX Tox Collector Whitby 12.10 p.m, Ajox 12.15 p.m. Daylight Time Return Fore $2.80 $2.55 $2.35 Includes Admission Return After Last Race Oshawa Whitby Ajax OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street 723-2241 WHITBY HARRY DONALD LTD. Telephone 668-3675 BUT WILL BE HELD SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th EXPRESS BUSES Tickets and Information at AM! AJAX (North) AJAX COFFEE SHOP Telephone 942-3390 AJAX (South) THE COFFEE CUP Telephone 942-2940 COACH LINES "Our home was in need of re- pairs and decorating, but we felt that we just couldn't man- age it. A good friend of ours suggested that we see. our Trans Canada Credit Man about a "Special Occasion" Loan. You can imagine how pleased we were when he made it possible for us to re-do the whole house now. He showed us how we could finance it A, " 4 hiv? comfortablytr Whatever your reason for needing money your Trans Canada Credit . Man would like to help * you with your special occasion. See him soon about your financial needs. He can arrangaloans from $100 to $2500 or more. TRANS' cone NADACREDIT 'ATION LTD. "treet West \WA 2 728-4828 48 Kine 0: Telephc sen