THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 10, 1965 § Sewer Charge Protested wile Letenicess" kesaen PICKERING TOWNSHIP School Population Up 6 Per Cent Over 1964 PICKERING (Staff) -- Pick-| while West Rouge counted two a so stupid that it would not look into a thing of this nature," he son an emergent meeting of the public utilities committee has been called." Whitby Chest Appeal Has $30,800 Objective this WHITBY (Staff)--The Whitby Community Chest; which held fits last camapign in the late 1950's, was reorganized at a meeting Wednesday night in the Spruce Villa Hotel. No date has been set for an appeal for funds; but it is expected the pepe will commence in mi S The board of directors of the Greater Oshawa Community Chest assisted in the reorganiza- tion and will advise the Whitby group on various matters. During the meeting Richard P. Matthews was named presi- dent, Members of the board of directors are: Gordon Boles, George Brooks, Robert Cawker, Arthur Conrad, Kenneth Cowan, Harry Donald, Terry Moore, QC, Desmond Newman, Charles Rycroft, Roy Sims and Dr. W. H. Weber. R. Cawker was chosen as campaign chairman. Members of his committee will include D. Newman. T. Moore, H. Donald. and R. Matthews. PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS The new board, which plans iSalvation Army, $4,000; Victor- RICHARD P. MATTHEWS offers of a number of firms to use the payroll deduction. plan to assist their employees to con- tribute. | Aid Societies may be altered | by the new Child Welfare Act, | which is now being considered proved by the meeting. Of this amount $1,500 is for administra- tive costs, The budget committee re- ceived budgets from 10 agen- cies and, after exhaustive study arrived at the following recom- mended amounts: AGENCY ALLOCATIONS Ajax + Pickering -« Whitby Association for Retarded Chil- dren, $4,500; Canadian National Institute for the Blind, $2,200; Canadian Mental Health Associ. ation (Whitby), $2,000; Cana ation (Whitby). $2,000; Canadian Red Cross Society (Whitby), $5,- 300; March of Dimes, $2,000; jan Order of Nurses, $3,500; Chil- dren's Aid 'Society (Whitby), $500; Whitby Minor Hockey Association, $1,600; St. John Ambulance Society, $3,700, It was stated that the finan- cial structure of the Children's by the legislature. This will be finalized by the end of 1965, If this is so the over-all total of} ering Township's public school] extra students at 861. population increased by more than 6 per cent when children|the same with 305 students; returned to their studies Tues-| while Fairport Beach lost nine The urban south of the tpl tr teens 0 ee ee yo ship in School Area No. 2 ac-| Public School is finished in Oe counted for most of the increase|toher, Fairport Beach Public WHITBY KINETTES PRESENT CHEQUE Opening a new season in grand style, the Whitby Kin- meeting, this week, Present- ing the cheque to the Kins- man President is Mrs, R. Ridges starte ter with 995 students compared) with 990 in 1964, Sir John A,| Balsam. MacDonald has 763 students this) figures for the Area One year with a four-classroom addi-| s-hools tion compared with 717 year. day. Bayview Heights in /Vaughan Willard with 190, last as 323 extra students enlisted) school will carry its 257 new for studies for a total of 4,392! students in. staggered shifts. children in nine schools. | : This represents an increase of NORTH AREA UP almost 8 per cent over year's total of 4,069 students in the township north of the the area bounded roughly by) Concession and east of Ajax, the Third Concession on the showed an increase of 1.4 per north, Ajax on the east and cent this year over last. Metro Toronto on the west. No. 1 Area have extra students ae ee ee Bay|from the closing of two of the t p ~) one oe oo one at Mount Zion and one at last) were as follows: 27, down six from last. year; Dunbarton School population! aitona -- 27, down two from remained the some as last year jast year; Atha--36, up six over with 267 students attending A5|jast year; Audley -- 63, up five |did Rouge Hills with 305 and! over jast year; Brock Rd. -- 100, up eight over 1964; Brough- Rosebank School remained School Area No. 1, comprising Third Some of the schools in the classroom schools in June, registration day Almonds -- on week asked Pickering Township Council for a report on the water study proposals, reiterating its protest of a pro- posed $5 per head sewer charge distributed over the whole sewer area. The association asked council to request provin- cial assistance, with emphasis pI QUITS BASEBALL DETROIT (AP) -- Dave De- busschere announced Wednes- day his retirement from base ball to devote all his time to ro basketball, Debusschere is on subsidizing the water pro- gram. player-coach of Detroit Pistons of the National Basketball Asse ciation. He was to have re- The association pointed out that $67 million for such pur- poses had been granted to ported to Chicago White Sox, municipalities to the west, and these municipalities had indus- trial assessment while Picker- ing had little. It pointed out that the Goldenberg mission had made recommendations for Pickering Township, and im- plied that councillors had been slow to act, "I wonder if this association! is under the impression that this council cannot read' ask- ed Reeve Laycox. 'The $67 mil- lion was only recently mention- ed in the papers, and I don't think this is a result of the Goldenberg report. This has por in the offing for some) time,"' The reeve went on to explain rn. WE ACT AS EXECUTOR OR - ADMINISTRATOR of estotes providing the know- ledge ond experience necessary for efficient administration, -- to open an office in the busi- ness section of the town, was greatly encouraged by the WHITBY PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Hare,; Mrs. Harold Harrison and $12 Crydon rd, have return-jchildren Bryan, Barry, Blair ed from a three-week motor tripjand Bonnie, spent three weeks through the Maritimes wherejon the Gaspe Coast visiting her Glengrove School was up three! am--66, up three; Cedar Creek! students at registration with 184 __ 95. up three; Cherrywood --| that A. V. Walker, MLA, had) 123, down six from last term;| not yet been successful in meet-| Claremont--149, down six from|ing with Premier Robarts on last year; Cloverlane River --| this behalf. os 101, up two from last year;| "Certainly this council is not Greenwood -- 165, up six; Hill-|_ -- -- top 83, down 14; Mount Pleas-| ant -- remained the same with) ette Club turned over a cheque to the Whitby Kins- man Club at its first regular Heron, immediate past pres- ident of the Kinettes, --Oshawa Times Photo U An over-all budget objective) the appeal will be reduced by| of $30,800 for 1965 was ap-! $500. | Road Budgetipancers To Divinin Over-spent 'At Toronto Event : WHITBY (Staff) -- Square) Mr. BROUGHAM -- Deputy-Reeveldancers from the Whitby and) Mrs, sink, Mr, and Mrs, Wladimir Sibbie Tecate | SOW OFFIGINED Francesco Romano, werner ASSIST HOSPITAL Rudy, Mario Serra, Joe Seto, £ aE and Mi. Bila Ria | WHITBY Sc 23 students as did Paradise they called at several places for/parents, Mr, .and Mrs, James Mrs. Jean McPherson express-|prootll ae wilt 'hal Wladyslawa Szalc, Tad- coreg fol a Sentai Sank: i Bot tape Sreg Rehr a chat with old friends \Tatt, of Barachois, Que. 6d. alkiey Una weak conceining dl ke Age ph sed Gencermice | cues Henry Szulak, Mr. and| 7 of the better than 750 em- | over 1964. Mrs. Joseph Harding, Whitby) Pauline, daughter of Mr. and|the financial state of the 1965|ing part in the opening ceremon- Mrs. Josef Henry Unger, Mr.| ployees of Dunlop's tire Wein Aven One veheal Soule and Mrs. Mary Hewson, To-|Mrs, Robert Adams, is celebrat-| Pickering Township road budget 4 oad the hoe oronth City|and Mrs, Johannes Van Beek,| manufacturing plant in Whit- leilon Pes i ae aa ronto, are spending two week'sjing her eighth birthday, Sept.jwhich she claimed had _ been|ya!!. Mantious Van' Sex Moen. ME by to help raise part of the | od, ' Jed holiday at Four Mile Lake at a/13. It is her father's birthday over-spent by $15,000 including} Au deniers The. Bpookdin ' é se | $500,000 needed as pledges | dents up 18 over last year while| cottage. |Sept. 14. The occasion will be! subsidies. SAcaran Wil hi aches the 3 and Mrs. Petrus Van De Pol,| for the proposed new hos- | {he number of schools has been! . celebrated with a family picnic.| She said she learned of the oie thi ] oy ng tee | Johannes Van Lankveld, Ruurd| Pital. | reduced from 18 to 16. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Crago) problem at a road committee Cancers. in colorful costumes,| \) Slageren: Mr. and Mrs,| _ In addition to being re- | ( ys and family, Muriel, Allan and) During their holidays Mr. and| meeting last week. The deputy.|Who will take part in the cere) one ; d '| presentatives of the town, Ruth, Bowmanville, were din-/Mrs, M, R, Hatton visited rela-\reeve is the chairman. ""\monies, Sept. 15 Veikko Vartija, Mrs. Elizabeth) Geo, Brooks, Tom Edwards ner guests last Sunday at the/tives in Arnprior. Mrs. McPherson expressed) John Lindon's orchestra will} Jullanna Vavassori, Mr. and! and Harry Inkpen, all are home of her parents, Mr. and| shock at the costs of some in-|Provide the music - and ihe oe tere re ig employees of the Dunlop Mrs, Stanley Harding, 225 Green| . , ldividual projects includi dances will be called by Stu company, A rather unique d sar Mr. projects including a e : 0 by | ' ; Pe ages Rent ptf 208. Euetig| "02d construction project at|Robertson and Jim Hartley. Or- Vourenmaa and Mr. and Mrs.| situation, Whitby Community Arena ROLLER SKATING Every Friday Night 8 P.M. to 11 P.M. Music by the "Silvertones" Admission $1.00 One-Stop DECORATING SHOP © Wallpaper and Murals , Custom Dreperies Broadioom @ CLL. Paints and V: © Flo-Glaze Colorizer Paipte DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. $., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 On the oceasion of the 25th Whitby Boy Scouts; Plan Paper Drive! WHITBY (Staff) -- This Sat-) ber Workers. 'With a pledge of 50 cents per week for three years we can realize our goal of $75 per employ- ee or $56,000," The company itself pledg- ed $25,000 at the outset of the drive. leh WHITBY STUDENTS Labor Day weekend guests at the home of Mrs, Mary Har- For Anderson Street and Henry Street Schools ALSO -- GYM EQUIPMENT White Gym Shoes ........ 2.99 pocdese UM 1.50 1,00 1,99 (Boleased by BUERA VISTA Daun Ca, ne, BROCK WHITBY Athletic Supports Athletic Socks Duffle Bags .. Reverend Ff, Reid, Minister THEATRE fivenings at 7:00 an ' Seturday Metinee 1:30 Mrs, G. Lee, Music see eenaee Set. -- 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHING VISIT... 'ai : f ; ie Eass ill be the see,| Petrus Johannes Wilbers. "We! . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Arrow-|st., a surprise party was te ee cs SLB end ted en Pond dencing sn gins Cpr tien spl rer 100 smith, Toronto, spent the Laborjat the home of her brother and ceeded $130,000. "As the chair.jof the program cued by Audrey much," said George Brooks, Day weekend visiting theirjsister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray pa Vansickl d : { daughter and son-in-law, Mr.|Smith, 295 Fairlawn st., Osh-|M&@" I will get the blame, but) TAnsicn't: ret nt of Lo 1 494 Rub- , a aisle The. cieanvea{L knew nothing about it," she' president of Local 494, Rub- Dovedale: rn iby. the 'celebrants" daughters, (ai "give no orders, T.Just 51 Granted _|Mrs. Ronald Luke, H t 3 | Mrs. George Munns, Sr., isjanq Mrs. Ed. Gibson enon: With reference to thé over-| Tan e " ead hese | now home after spending a feW|rriends and relatives presented|°xPenditure of $130,000, Council-| nay ' urday is Paper Blitz Day for! days with her daughter, and/mr. and Mrs, Hawes with nu-|!0" William Newman charged pow ge Aspe ~ na son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. E. H.!merous gifts and flowers that all members should hav 1 1zens Ip annual paper drive gets under-| Wightman and family, Niagara been informed, "If a road pro-| way. | Falls, All Saints' Angigan Church) stam is set up but not followed,| WHITBY (Staff) -- Fifty-one, All citizens are urged to assist |Evening Guild is sponsoring ajit causes a great deal of discon-/new Canadians were presented|the scouts in this endeavor, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Har-|tashion show of hats, Sept. 13 at/tent," he said, with citizenship certificates at alfunds from which are used to graves and children, during/the parish hall at 8 p.m. Councillor Harvey Spang sug-|ceremony in the County Build-|support the scout movenvent|ac their two weeks holiday, en- i : gested that some deficit hadling Thursday morning. |within the community during joyed a motor trip through the; Mrs. G. A. Scott is general/gecurred in the construction of} The following is the list of|the coming year. United States visiting at Lake/convener, assisted by Mrs. Ed-|q bridge on the 7th concession. |cjtizens; Mr. and Mrs, Arjan! The drive will begi 9 jc | ja will begin at 9 a.m George, Syracuse, New Yorkiward Ryzek and Mrs, Horace)---- ' ~------=|Brandse, Domenico Castaldo,,and continue until 12 noon and several other places of in-|Hiscox. Dessert and coffee will Mrs Concetta Clakeane: S44 DelPa ru aheuita be iain' died terest. be served, Tickets can be ob- Canvass At Du Pont ont righ oe pers Shang be ted in un talied fig mambare af the Smoker, Mr, and Mrs. Mario De/jand placed in front of the homes Rvening" Guild " rp He rb| N Obiecti Sousa, Jano Fellegi, Willem Al-jas early as possible. tak : ye jbert Gerrits, Annibale Grande, |; : = Wright of Beauty Counsellor} ears } ive | . | ris, 913 Centre st. n., were), : : | Wolfgan Herfurth, Sibbele Hoog- Mr. and Mrs. Blake Brown tanaes to pe ag hoped WHITBY (Staff) Dona-| steen, _ Tadeusz Jesionowski, | "ALMONDS" and daughter Linda, Tilson-|ne commentator is Mrs Roger | tions to the Whitby General Hos- pale pa Karabatsos, Oswald) burg; Mr. and Mrs. George Le-|Conant ' ' pital, through a payroll deduc-)Konzelmann Ruez, Hamilton and Mr, and)" tion plan at Du Pont of Cana-| Klaus Dieter Maunke, Mr United Church Mrs, Attwood MacRae and their) The following members of the|ada, in Whitby, are rolling injand Mrs, Gerrit Pannekoek, Mr. | son Carl, Oshawa. guild will act as models; Mrs.jhigh gear Howard Coombs, hos-|and Mrs. Hendrikus .Pouwels, | Will Open On |Charles Rycroft, Mrs, Jack Wil- og page director, report-|Mr. and Mrs. Marinus Ren-| P eas json, Mrs. A. R, Robertson, Mrs.j¢d this week. ---------------------- -- $ t {ith 1 The canvass of employees has Sunday, ep ) Petition Asks {ior ever, wre c. 1. soos. mecamnieet emvlnes i RIGIDAIRE . rs. Frank Sugden and Mrs.|coombs stated, which brings the Rapid Dry Cleaning Services et 11 A.M. Road Repairs Ralph Stratford. total close to the $7,000 objec-\l g 1. of dry cleaning $2.00 Mrs, Robert Blier, Kitcl nye. it P -- BROUGHAM -- A delegation) M's. Robert Blier, Kitchener,| " wppis ig only the first report Blair Park Plaza of residents of the Markham-(is visiting her mother, Mrs. Win-|from the plant," Mr, Coombs || Mem-,te Fr. = 9 om. to 9 pm. Pickering town line presented|nifred Anderson. 'said, a petition to Pickering Town-) a ship Council this week request- ing that their road be ae passable. The petition, signed Ln | Lm | rr by 65 residents, deplored the! road's state of disrepair. ] I r Council invited the delega-| tion to attend the next meetin Ww WT N-iNe-V0 . . Fi . @ Residential @ Commercial e@ Industrial of Ontario County Council a: Whitby to see if reconstruction of the road can be expedited. A spokesman for the delega-| tion recalled that for 10 years} both Markham and Pickering Townships had been approach-/| ed regarding the 3% miles of road north of Highway 7. Reeve C. W. Laycox said he had spoken to the Markham en- gineer and the feeling over the years had been that Markham 'was going to maintain the road. "It was decided, at a recent committee meeting, that we) have to do something about it) whether Markham likes it .or not," said the reeve. He estimated the rebuilding of the road would cost about $100,000. School Enrolment Up At Pickering PICKERING (Staff) -- The| Pickering elementary school population increased almost 6) per cent when students register- ed for classes Tuesday, Lincoln Ave. Public Schoo! had a six per cent increase when 387 students registered) compared with 365 attending last year. St. Frances de Sales Separate | Schoo! had an increase of over | 5 per cent when 294 students | showed up for studies compared Oshawe Shopping Centre Open to 9 pm. Thurs. & Friday Downtown Store 36 King Host Open to 9 p.m, Fridays MISTAKEN IDENTITY The most frustrating of the many prob- lems forced by conscientious automobile salesmen is trying to answer a customer's objection that is really on illusion This is the illusion of the "better offer". It may not be @ better offer et all, but Hf the seleaman's prospect thinks it is thot is all that matters. If @ better offer is for a similar make and yeer of « used car, for instance, there might be a difference of 30,000 miles in mileage, or $200 difference in extras and features and an even greater difference In the model referred to. Many @ reputable quality dealer, delivering what he knows te be the most bile value possible for the price hes lost @ safe . . . and the customer has lost money .. . because ef this mistaken identity. Fleet cars and wrecked cars ond toxis and police cruisers ore worth less . . . often substantially less . . . mode! for model 'nd yeor for year, than o car whose reserve of life remains intact, UNUSED mileage ond wear is what you have to measure. Here's the check list of protection ot NORTHSIDE CHRYSLER. DODGE ! We never knowingly misrepresent o car to be some- thing it is not; we never sell retail former taxicabs or police cruisers unless they ore specified os such and priced accord- | ingly; we never sell cars which have been in @ major collie sion; all cars are plainly priced with the optional equipment specified; the name ond address of the former owner is availoble on request. All our used cars are thoroughly recon- ditioned in. our own shop under strict supervision. Member Of: Oshawa and District Real Estate Boord Onterio Association District Real Estate Board Canadian Association of Real Estate Boord FAST, EFFICIENT, COURTEOUS SERVICE "List and Relax With Jones" Sue R. Jones These homes were advertised and SOLD last week! For the same quick action CALL the ON-THE-GROW FIRM of Rae R. JONES Real with, aft punta who lett schoo! Estate at 728-6661 or 668-8841, : eg ae Bands To Present € : x myos : Mass Concert Free Valuations and Mortgages Arranged Bee sive ae R. JONES reatrtor thorne Legion Band and the| Oshawa 728-666! Whitby 668-884 Whitby Brass Band will join! forces this weekend: in mass| band concert to be held at Cen- tennial Park Further details and informa- tion on the program will be re- ported 'in tomorrow's paper Eric Clarke, Whitby Brass Bandmaster said this week.