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Oshawa Times (1958-), 14 Sep 1965, p. 9

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hest Drive Open Oct. 14 Community Chest time is here again: Oct. 14 to Nov, 1, pi al ie ec ard W. Fairthorne, industria' relations manager ut Houdaille Industries Limited. : The announcement was made today by Harold EH. Pferson, and finance man- ager at General Motors of Can- Limited, Last year's campaign raised sponsible for the higher target this year, The 19-day paign cam will ijopen Oct. 14 with a "kick-off" dinner at Hotel Genosha for the 800 canvassers and other volun- teer helpers, The dinner will be sponsored by General Motors, Speaker will be Salvation Army Major A, MacCorquodale of the House of Concord in |Thornhill. ALLOCATIONS Here are the 20 agencies with amounts they hope to receive: Boy Scouts Association, Osh- awa ($35,000); Canadian Mental Health Association (8,500); Ca- nadian National Institute for the Blind ($8,000); Canadian Cross Society (Oshawa) $41,- i Children's. Ald Society 500), Vhristmas.Cheer Fund ($4000); East whitby Social Wel- fare Association ($300); Girl Guides of Canada (Oshawa Di- vision) Society ($8000); Johh Howard ($1500); March of Dimes Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada ($000); Navy League of Canada (Oshawa) ($4000), Osh- pos Ait "nite die ate niea eine ol eh oecaliaeiias aeiaeni " a She Oshawa Ti OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1965 offered by the agencies are re-|~ Yee RR RNR TRIE TM RRL: | come Workers Accepi TORONTO STAGES 'GREAT SHOW' "It was a wonderful show," Mayor Lyman Gif- ford said y about the opening of Toronto's new 1 million city hall Mon- day, The mayor, who attended rage. | ceremonies along with clty clerk Roy Bar- rand, said Toronto citizens can be proud of their new: building. Asked if Oshawa citizens will have something to be proud of when the §1 million addition to Oshawa's city hall is completed, the mayor said: "I hope so... if people don't misconstrue the facts and think we are spending all the money on the Creek Valley Expressway." Duplate of Canada Limited workers voted Sunday to accept a new three-year contract which gives substantial advances to the union members, Howard Powers, chairman of the Duplate Council and a mem: ber of Local 222, United Auto Workers, said Monday that some 85 per cent of local Du- plate workers voted in favor of the new agreement when some 500 men attended the ratifica- tion meeting held Sunday at the UAW Hall. Jack Reid, manager of the Oshawa plant, said the company is pleased with the new con- tract which was negotiated and settled prior to expiration of the Duplate Contract 85 Per Cent Vote In Favor Of Three-Year Agreement year. The 21 cents. hourly total will bring them into line with skilled tradesmen at GM, In the second and third years of the contract seven and eight cent increases respectively will ko into effect, Mr. Powers noted that 11 cents of the cost of living bonus will be incorporated into thé basic rate, Improvements were also ne gotiated in the night shift pre- miums, Workers on the 11 p.m, to 7 a.m, shift will have the premium raised from 12 to 18 cents hourly and from 10 to 13 cents hourly on the three p.m, to 11 p.m, shift, The Duplate workers also won awa and District Association for Retarded Children ($11,000); St. John Ambulance Society (941000); Salvation Army (Osh- awa) $22,500), Victorian Order of Nurses ($8000); Women's Welfare > « + Heads Campaign oo a ig ~-- er au t 'ouse ($50,000), $310,000, was well over-sub- Crit ig ' , ppled Children's School and og the target was set aticuinic ($12,000) and Boys' Club seine of Oshawa ($22,000); Young Salmonbellies and Oshawa of the service club; Jake --Oshawa Times Photo 20 AGENCIES Women's Christian Association Twency city agencies will|$26,000). STICKS IN SHORT SUPPLY... .». 40,000 REGISTERED | benefit from funds raised this) Administration costs at an es-| Tocnananciomme | LWO Of Greatest In Lacrosse Here imi iin u asian ii om atin Ome Bn ee | arter - million - dollar com: , said that the con-| He noted that cha @ The Oshawa Rotary Club pro-| The visiting players were in-)Rotarian John Phillips, a direc-won the trophy that year mo mercial addition to O'Neill Col- eer jet ag some features iamne siain Hn agg 4 'Yield' Warnings Advised 1e armmings VISEG |viter « preiude to the first|troduced. by J. Trotuk, Ne witor of the Green Gael Club, con-|was the only team to come edstljogiate by 'Toronto architects|won by UAW negotiators in ne-lagreement will also go to those game of the Minto Cup finals|Westminster general manager! ducted the meeting. and win the cup, The city al80| cijrord and Lawrie was voted f jwhen it entertained the execu-|while the Oshawa players were won the Mann Cup emblematic gotiations with General Motorsjalready retired. The _ pension i tly by board of education . tives and players of the Osh-jintroduced by Jim Bishop, coach STRONG SUPPORT of supremacy in senior lacrosse, too costly by board 0 . of Canada Ltd. and the otherichanges match the UAW.» GM "Green For Neutral Intersections awa Rotarian Bishop, the speaker, | trustees in committee. major auto manufacturers, settlement which provides an in- |New Westminster age al vals Borg -- 4 : -- evel cited the growth of lacrosse in/TWO OF GREATEST Trustee Stanley Lovell, fi-i9 To 19 CENT BOOST crease of $1.45 by years of serv- like? al its Mandes ' 'af|Eastern Canada saying the) 'You are going to see two ofjnance committee chairman,| Wage increases ranging from|!ce per month. fic division, said it would appear| meeting. ' old contract, a drug plan which Mr, Powers The company's top negotiating | said was even better than that team was headed b; E. C. Pot-lwon in the Big Three settle ter, personnel manager, T0|ments, The drug plan payment ronto, and comprised of Mr./ties in with other health welfare Reid; J, M. Macleod, assistant/schemes for union members and a manager, pers °. - retirees, es, personnel officer, Osh-| 'We have done well for the pm D, N. Phillips, Oakville; |retirees," said Mr, Powers. Too Costly, Board Says and C, A. Spencer, Windsor, |'The company will the full Employees at the Oakvillejcost of Physicians Services In- It was back to the drawing\and Windsor plants voted injcorporated, Ontario Hospitaliza- board for architect Michael Clif-|fayor of the contract by 98 per|tion, Blue Cross and the new O'Neill Plan the Salmonbellies; Henry Trotzuk, general manager Suddard, secretary - treas- of the Salmonbellies and urer of the Green Gaels; John Greer, president of the Geoffrey Andrews, president Green Gaels, Green Gaels, who played the first game of the Minto Cup series last night at the Civie Auditorium, From left are Keith Jackson, coach of THE ROTARY CLUB of Oshawa was host to the executives and players of the New Westminster R. W. FAIRHORNE luncheon rel Sige Foo ape growth of the sport had been/the greatest players in junior|said the six-room addition wasinine cents to 19 cents hourly} 'We match up with the Big ee ee |such this year that it was al-jlacrosse in this series," Rotar-| originally set for approximately|wij] immediately go into effect/Three in pensions apart from most impossible to secure sticks.|ian Bishop said, They are Ranjit|8,000 square feet with a ceiling\for production workers, Mr.iminor changes,' Mr. Powers The game had gained strong/Dillon, from South Vancouver, a| of $62,500 cost to city taxpayers|/Powers stated, He said that aistated. support in the Oshawa area as|yniversity student who is ajafter provincial vocationalisiy cents hourly increase willl an improvement in the vaca: evidenced by the fact that thelgreat ambassador of the game) grants of 75 per cent, be added in the second year ofjtion schedules was also nego- peak crowd at the Civic Audi:land Gaylord Powless, of the} He observed that the first/the contract and a further seven|tiated, Workers with more than torium was about 2,800, |Gaels, who has been nominat-|sketch with 13,218 square feetjcents hourly in the third and!j5 years of service will now get All indications pointed to anjed for the Tom Longboat Trophy] included staff rooms and teamjlast year of the agreement. eight per cent of their annual upsurge by lacrosse in Ontario|as the outstanding Indianjteaching rooms not included in| gxilled trades employees willisalary; eight to 15 years of ser- where 35,000 players are regi-jathlete in the Dominion, the original plan, receive an immediate 19 centsivice, seven per cent five to "We should set the time to/tered. In Ontario County alone) The Rotarians were told the) «we can't keep adding to alhourly wage boost with a furtherjeight years, four per cent; and almost 2,000 boys are playing|Minto Cup series will be one Of] six.room addition without throw-|two cents hike in November thislone to five years, two per cent, allow as many students a8 POS-lin organized leagues, the great sports spectaculars}ing funds for public school can: A coroner's jury recommend- ed last night that "yield right of}from the evidence that the acci-|-------"""~ " - -- way" signs be erected at all bm occurred because neither - . neutral intersections -- those/driver looked to the left or right without traffic control, before entering the intersection. Driver Education The recommendation came/|He said the rule of the road --| after hearing evidence at an in- msn on the _ ge nip: ' ' quest into the death of Mrs,j0fway -- applies at all neutral) Frederick Curtis, 70, of 79 Col-|intersections. 1ven reen 1g borne st. w., who died last July; Miss Shrigley was eastbound) on Madison and Mr, Curtis was) 14 in Oshawa General Hospital, two days after an accident at/southbound on Fernhill, Driver education courses by the intersection of Madison ave.| Const, Sheppard said it ap-|the Ontario Motor League for ared the Shrigley vehicle the city's four high schools and Fernhill bivd. pe . leery sé ' were approved in principal last Mrs, Curtis was a passenger/struck the driver's side of the night by board of education in 'a car driven by her 7l-year-/Curtis car 'completely dead old husband that collided with a/centre", He said a AS no| trustees in committee. ear driven by 19 - year - old/gkid marks visible. The officer) While most trustees shared Joanne Shrigley of Verdun rd. | testified the accident occurred|the opinion of Trustee Stanley Pham: oo testified before a oi p.m,, it was a yi Lovell who said "The OML plan roner Dr, J, A. Patterson that}day and the pavement was | at : his wife was thrown out of the| The jury attached no biame|'® # ap ang ~ rept ot ear by the impact and ended|to either driver. jably go along w: " it was up under the vehicle. jagreed to hold any recommen- |dations until the best-after-| SAFETY BELT Binoculars Won |school teaching time is discov- oe oh pgp ne who read the = "-- ' es pathologist report, said Mrs. | e motor league suggeste In Times Contest | either from 7 to 9 or from. 5 to 7 Curtis died of a severely crush- A total of 60 entries in the|two nights a week, but Trustee ed chest. He said her left lung was completely collapsed andjfourth series of The Oshawa) Lovell asked for more flexibil- ity, her right lung was partially col-/Times' Fix The Mix-Up contest lapsed. have won a pair of binoculars The jury ruled that Mrs. Cur-jfor Mrs, Peter Rudka of 113 tis might not have become a/Oriole st. traffic victim had she been| A hair dryer has been won -- to take the courses," he! ne Minto Cup, he said, was|as there is nothing like junior] struction or something else into Representing the:-nesealaey ope ee in 1901 _ lacrosse for getion and Se the fire," he said. , s one of the oldest sports troph-;competition, Crowds of 3, school principals H. E. Murphy, lies in Canada, New Westminsterjand up are anticipated, Lat ee -- a ia Sage le tis ' store rooms for books and work On Issues At Three Plants Trustees Ted Bassett and| SCHOOL BOARD ENDORSES rooms for teachers were includ: Robert Stroud quiried: this be-| ed "for future flexibility", Life insurance has been in-|said that any inequities between cause "it straddies the dinner! On the work room for teach-/creased under the new contract)the three plants were ironed out ' GROUP MUNICIP AL BUYING ers, he said, "We have $8,000 a/with a $1,000 increase to §7,000./in the first master agreement . ' Id} Ro cg ga Mong sbi apn have a spare I tell them to gojance has also been raised from/10 WEEKS BARGAINING if an earlier time could be ar- Group municipal purchas- the city exclusive authority |for a smoke because they $3,000 to $3,500, es : re oad » Duplate agree- ranged, | ing has finally come. to to award contracts in cases | haven't a place to work, ae ne - ry on een ry ete int some ten weeks of The driver training plan calls; Oshawa. Trustees instructed the archi- ~-- _ $60 to Be wl ar " 3 res Sees The. Oshawa. Beard of This was changed and | tect to return with revised ans upplementary unemployment 1,000 workers in the com: Mducation last night on- ROW A commilttes Of repre ee ee jon from $27.50 to $40 weekly with} Local 222 members work at ; rn ------ : yh dorsed the new group pur- egpeed ds Mba Sh et ts. : an additional $2 for each childjthe largest of the plants here observer while others are being Jae er groups: council, Sepa- | ment and architect fees, . & ' Hnstwacted | chasing scheme for buying rate Schenl Board and - em |Of the employee, in Oshawa where the company Grit Candidate The board would provide Bereavement pay and jury|provides automotive glass for N 5 hbo hood duty py have also been im-|General Motors of Canada Ltd, elg r proved, The Oakville and Windsor plants classroom facilities, preferably of Central Collegiate, said the seminar rooms for . students hour"', year teachers and when theyjAccident and disability insur-/negotiated, of identical low bids. for 25 hours in the classroom, benefits have been increased/pany factories, fuel oil, Board of Education makes six hours behind-the-wheel in- }struction and 18 hours as an The scheme, proposed by the decision, Both the city and sepa- wearing a seat belt. Canstable Jack Sheppard of the Oshawa police department said the Madison - Fernhill in- tersection has no traffic control. Miss Shrigley said she was looking for a stop sign at the intersection and did not see the Curtis vehicle unit! the collision had occurred. RULE OF ROAD Inspector Norman head of the Oshawa police traf-| by the second place winner in the contest, Mrs. W. H. Power, #67 Biizabetir st; The- lady. in the third spot, Mrs. Ada Hughes, 514 Eulalie av., won a transis: tor radio. Don't get downhearted if you haven't won a prize yet. All en- Resins B-B OTTAWA chand, who plans to run as a said audio - visual equipment and would determine eligibility of students interested in the pro- gram, Trustee Lovell, a druggist, (CP)--Jean Mar: city purchasing agent, Wil- liam Crompton, was origin- ally rejected by the board because ot-a- clause--giving rate board had approved the revised system prior to last night igh marks were not-a--re- Liberal candidate in the Nov, 8}@uirement and suggested those D ae nP Off B B ' | he students tries' are saved for the finaljelection, informed the prime ae eo = Ss eat ecislo ut y Oar jseries and the lucky winner will jget a trip for two to Nassau, |Bahamas, The fifth series in the awa Times today, Civic Luncheon Authorized : minister's office Monday he will] they might depend on driving resign from the royal commis-/for their living, Smyth, |contest is published in The Osh-|S!0" 0" bilingualism and bicul /turalism, prime minister's office jsaid a telegram had been re-) feeived from Mr Montreal, The | delivering drugs," quipped Trus-| tee Stroud in agreement. "They might make their living| | Marchand in saying his letter of request by $6,300 to | Decision on a Bruce Affleck for Square Dancing «i pay salaries of two teach- jers hired to instruct a_ pilot On Pilot Class Salary Help to the regular schoo] system, The two teachers, both with specialist certificates, would work two days and three days a week to provide continuous in- struction for five full days, he 'Leader Lauded R, J, Andrews, who retired last spring as chairman of the Central Council of Neighbor- hood Associations' sports com- mittee after 17 years service, was paid tribute recently by the current chairman, George Hartwick, Speaking at the first meeting of Central Council since it re- cessed for the summer, Mr, Hartwick said all the neighbor- hood associations owe Andrews a debt of gratitude for his 'unselfish, continual and The Duplate workers will now get 10 holidays annually with the addition of the afternoons of Christmas and New Year's Eves and Boxing Day. Clauses involving issues at the three Duplate plants were also included in the contract, Any worker being transferred to an- other factory will retain all.sen- jority and fringe benefit rights, Preferential hiring at com: pany plants will be established to cover men laid off at any other Duplate plant, The pro- visions of the present contract will be in effect at any newly- Mr. /established Duplate plant. Mr. Powers noted that many are feeder industries for Ameri-. can Motors Ltd, and Chrysler of Canada Ltd., respectively, Mr, Powers headed the mas- tor--agreement-committea with Joseph Cossar, Steve Melnichuk and Howard Shaw from Osh« awa, joined by Duncan Cam- eron and Don Torrangue of Windsor and Robert Nickerson and Roger Devos of Oakville, Local 222 preelin, Albert Ta: lor, and Harry Benson, UA' representative, also sat in on - master agreement negotia- jons, The Oshawa team was joined by Allan Johnson and Joseph Lack for local bargaining, The contract will yresignation will follow shortly. N Ci H ll class for emotionally disturbed , The former labor leader told] ew ity a |children, was deferred last night ja press conference in Montreal) he Recreation Centre at 100|Y the Board of Education. \Friday he had decided to seek/Giph street will again be the} President of the Ontario Coun- teams will be entertained at a} Finance committee will also|{he Liberal nomination in One|/.cene of square dancing activ-|ty Branch of the Association civic luncheon, ciy council/recommend to council next Mon-/f the Quebec City ridings, | ities, as plans are announced for|for Children with Learning Dis- agreed last night. jday that the city.pay $75 for a| Mr. Marchand was appointed|ine start of the fall and winter|abilities, "Mr, Affleck said a New Westminster Salmonbel-jone-half page ad in the Minto|!0 the royal commission by the| season on Saturday, Live music|Classroom at the Simcoe Hall ies and Green Gael players and|Cup program. The program was|Pearson government July 22./hy the Hodowners, @ local musi-|Boys' Club and two teachers team officials will be invited to/prepared, including a $150 full-|!963, along with the nine other'oa) group, has been engaged/have been secured to operate the luncheon, The date has not/page city ad, before the request members and the services of caller Kari|the first: pilot class for eight been set. to advertise. was received by; His departure will reduce/Brown have been booked pupils, Ald, Gordon Attersley, council council French - Canadian representa-| These dances will be open to; He said ultimately the associ-} finance committee chairman, Ald, Hayward Murdoch, prop-|tion on 'the commission to threejall adults in the community, andjation plans to have a series of said today a civic luncheon was erty committee chairman, said|--Co-Chairman Andre Lauren-/instruction as necessary will be/such classes. within the school held two years ago, costing $170/last night trophies for Oshawajdeau, editor of Montreal Le De-|gladly provided, jsystem as needs develop, The when. Victoria and Oshawa/peewee and novice teams, which|voir; Montreal journalist Jean-; Anyone interested in partici-|pilot class will illustrate that clashed in the Minto Cup finals.!won Ontario championships, will|Louis Gagnon, and Rev. Cle-|pating is invited to contact the|children with emotional and Council members were polled|cost about $100 and not $250 as|ment Cormier, president of the/Oshawa Recreation Departmentiperceptual problems can be COMMUNITY CHEST |instituted a course on this sub:| When an applicant success: on the luncheon question during|he originally 'estimated University of Moncton, fat 725-1111, Naught and eventually returnod|, He said he would ate Square Dancers |ject starting Sept, 20, fully completes the course, the va. Bhan : (icchliacumedicaoncs esa estat a EEN hth Ana Ue eT dh nd = jthe, Community Chest fet we) 'The instructor will be Gordon} department of education will 15,000 AT LAST MEET | oo ROWDYISM BRINGS BAN ip press |Riehl and the two-hour sessions] present a certificate of achieve- Tents Taboo At Mosport Track This Time! [the association would be con-| To Open Season |one night a week for 10 weeks} ment, Anyone interested should sidered at this late date. | jwill be held in the office of] contact the Oshawa Chamber of Provincial Park just outside Oshawa on the Jakeshore, improvements and changes in be ba said, contract language were madejdated to Sept. 1. It is vehedeted For Minto Cup Participants Minto Cup lacrosse playoff|committee meetings at city hall, : dependable service," Mr, Affleck said he ap:| president Fred Ellegett's: spe- proached the Department of] cial study committee, instituted Education to have the associa-|jast year to study organization: under the new contract, He alsojto expire Aug, 31, 1968, tion termed a "charitable}a), financial and facility diffi- organization" within the mean- culties of neighborhood associ- Chamber Offers Special Course sn8 - own legmintieg which/ations, reported having its work Would permit the board to Pay/cut out for it, Duty of the com- F S$ ll B i mittee is not anly to investigate) or ma usinessman the cost of teachers with 80 al cent of that cost paid bY/and find solutions when re-| he province | 2 a sk j iffie > | dol : : quested by a park in difficulty,) In an effort to help the smalljincome statement and balance The department officials re-/pyt to continually study the/ businessman with management:| sheet; and methods for discov: served decision on the requestitrends of group organization inj accounting problems, the Osh-|ering why a firm is short of and suggested the proposal be/an attempt to foresee these/ awa Chamber of Commerce, in| cash as well as possible courses put to the board for reaction, /difficulties before they occur. [co-operation with the Ontario|of action to remedy this situas said Mr. Affleck i~ moore "=| department of education, has! tion, The board voted to defer its) The square dance season for) Deloitte, Plender, Haskins and|Commerce office for registra: decision until Dr, C, M. Elliott,/Oshawa and district enthusi-/Sells in the Oshawa Shopping| tion or further information. po a nie of publ - asts begins Wednesday night in! Centre, | schools, cou prepare a repor' front of the new Toronto city . "INVITATION OPEN Hospital Reports 29 Adm 6 Admitted describing the ramifications of|pal). Jack Mann, secretary-man- such a precedent, ' . includ ae Local dancers, including the ager of the Oshawa Chamber of The frenzied overnight festivi- Oshawa Circle S$ s Club shawa Circle Squares Club.) Commerce, said today all busi: ties which always preceded a pitched their tents inside the cir- cuit on the night before the 300 or so people; that caused all the trouble, join hundreds of other big race day at the Mosport Park motor racing circuit will be no more, A firm "no camping" ban was issued today from the race headouarters of the Canadian Grand Prix event which is to be run on September 25, The camping ban came after joint negotiations between the race organizers, the British Em- pire Moter Club, and the On- tario Provincial Police. ROWDYISM It was agreed that a repeat of the severe rowdyism which led the Player's 200 race in early June this year would got be tolerated again. An estimated 15,000 campers Player's race. During the night long 'binge' police officers made many ar- rests for rowdy behavior and drunkenness, Also a youth was taken to hospital with severe burns after gasoline was thrown on his campfire by hooligans "We are only following the example of the American cir- cuits in this matter," Grand Prix race director George Moss Said today. "They had the same trouble we have been having. They stop- ped it by banning camping al- together, "It is a pity really; but it had to come, At the Player's 200 it was a small minority, just "The vast majority of camp- ers were decent, respectable people, Their fun was spoilt by these rowdies." Mr. Mass did not think the ban would affect the attendance of a predicted 35,000. crowd for the Grand Prix "It the race fans want to come, this ban won't stop them," he said, "The only peo- ple I'can see the ban stopping are the rowdies -- and I think we will be glad to see the back of them." CAMPING FACILITIES Mr. Moss went on to point out that excellent camping facil- ities exist at the Darlingios 'This is where we will be di- recting the campers," he said, "The park is no more than 10 or 12 miles from the circuit." Asked if the ban would apply to next year's Player's 200 Mr, Moss replied: 'Yes, this ban is likely to be a permanent one." On the night before the big race OPP officers will block off the circuit to traffic, Mosport gates will be opened at 6 in the morning on race day to allow race fans to get in early and grab a good position. More than 100 police officers will direct traffic into and out of the circuit for one of the big- gest races on the Canadian rac- ang calendar, Top Secret List!" dancers to take part in 'Until Sept. 24 e "top secret' shroud that cloaks the 1966 General Motors models will be lifted, at least partially, on September >} First' mode! to get the fan- fare treatment will be the Pon- tiac, Other models will follow in quick succession. The complete billing will be out in the open by September The press preview of the "66 models has been tentatively fix- ed for September 29, official opening ceremonies at the new city hall which con- tinue throughout the week, The building was officially opened Monday by Governor General Georges P. Vanier, Wednesday is '"'square dance night" and will feature many non-professional groups in color- ful costumes. Bill Murray will perform the duties for the Circle whi he said. callers expected are Stu Rob- ertson and Jim Hartley. The event is sponsored by the To- ronto and district Square Dance' Association, nessmen in the city, whether members of the chamber, are invited to enroll in the course. The cost is $25, payable to the department of education. He said the course will show) how a small businessman, re- gardless of the type of business, can use information contained Two hundred and ninety-si patients were admitted and were discharged by the Oshawa General week ending Sept. 11, Forty-six Hospital during the babies were born, Sixty-eight major and 8? minor operations were performed in addition to 57 eye, ear, nose in his own books' of account,jand throat operations, Three te operate more profitably. "Prior knowledge of book- hundred and eight treatments and examinations were given, keeping or accounting will not/Thirty-seven casts were applied. be required to take the course," The hospital said there were Mr. Mann said the course will include information an owner. manager needs to operate. his 396 physiotherapy treatments visits, Occupational my: = -- totalled 134, Five speech business F ope ; Set rapy procedures were car. py therapy treat. from an'ried out, ' ,

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