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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1965, p. 11

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ae THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondoy, September 20, 1965 feartenecow ne pagsyenr et Saag 9 grange eecomaan : . | ANN. LANDERS + 5 = a Neither Art nor I is comfort-|Should I ask Art to order them -- * able in Ellen's presence. She is|to stop including her?-- 4 Plastic Surgeon forever referring to incidents;)NUMBER TWO Zz from the past. Sometimes I get} Dear Two: Art has no. right] the feeling she has not yet ac-jto determine for his family » cepted the fact that she andleither their friends or acquaint: ~ Plasters Ann Art are no longer married. tances, He can, however, ask - Is it fair for Art's family to|And I suggest you do just that, © ; y continue to be friendly to Ellenithem not to include you and Art Dear Ann Landers: I am alreader, no matter how de-\"™ that she is divorced?'when they have invited Ellen, | plastic surgeon who has been alpressed over a flat chest, to) 4 faithful reader of your columnitake such a foolish chance. | ' for a long time. I've been) (P.S.: The $2 falsies do not r x pee : tempted to Fasrgerk ng ag me slip or fall out when sewn into Dinner is served : cerning matters that fal. within my professional province. Your And pvp vohiad teas ans With cosmopolitan 'savoir faire' at the we ; advice to the flat - chested/hetter thar ever.) Canadiana, every guest is a V.1.P, You get woman who wanted to have her] Dear Ann Landers; | married preferred pampering from vichysoisse to inadequate bosom built up byla. divorced man. I knew life pistachios... each course a gourmet re- surgery provided the finaljwould not be a bow! of cherries ward, and service that will delight the stimulus. but I never expected to choke connoisseur, Make a rendezvous where the You should understand, Annjon so many pits, The problem elie god ge ee pee ghd ck) iy is Art's former wife. Ell ta cious dining. Pick up your phone a ir ie a bearer caer determined to 'be ape gh fn i ve serve your place in the charmed circle soon, OF Beteet Ms "exiremery MNPOrl tamily and Tm sorry ¢6 say she. s NSN Licensed Under the Liquor Licence Aet SS ee vo succeeding. Now Official North Metro Airline Limousine Terminal being. If this image is a poor] whenever we ° go to my bai one the woman may become|mother - in - law's apartment ] ( iol withdrawn and introv erted.|Ellen is there. She has also be- »l Z~ANQGAOIaNna H LAMBURGERS _ bundled special treat for the age ly in search of prey Some women don't mind being read can pee Teaicle nie D ae én thera ae ccees das fn pineapple rounds are a group that seems constant- new -- teenagers, of course. flat-chested but others become}; sven ted ffai Th i They're sweet and tasty. depeosael and secious : ry y affair. e Interchange 59, Toronto, Ont. se. > personal-|shrewd little she-devil has even | : Tel, 291-1171, Area Code 416 Beef A d Lamb A F t red } ity problems result. managed to become shame nN Te ea u Pi Oa, w? ago tg You say, "Why subject your- with my own sister, | : oh alle: FOR A NEW BURGER, _ side only, then topped with (self to surgery when a $2 pur- ---- In Offbeat And. Easy eclpes Meanwhile, drain pineapple; ground 'beef is spread. on cheese strips in 8 : th anties svatlat" _toast and is broiled on one : produce tne cesired results? lend syrup with cornstarch in fase nbabe -- ----|Have you ever seen one of : 1 By JOAN O'SULLIVAN Sprinkle with next three PO pce Add lemon __ juice,| those $2 purchases po / : se ses p out of a Today's recipes suggest some gredients. Add onion; mix light-| pepper and remaining chestnu' Wi d V d L bathing suit and float on top of | ow twists with ever-popular | ly. . : 4 , liquid. 1 e, arle xperiences the pool? Furthermore - $2 | rgers. Spread meat to edges of} (ook over low heat, stirring purchase will not permit a Pol sant heey gig ld toasted bread. Broil for 8 to 10 constantly until thickened, Ex d Vocational Horizons {woman to wear a low-cut eve-| | beef is spread on toast and) Cut each cheese slice into cata totes over. pid path faire ee Wis aad Frornetiane| a4 ' 7 broiled on one soot oyna a} Ages isa 2 ag a 4 lamburger; broil 1 min., or By ROBERTA ROESCH - ;new show, the secretary relayed they fall out. | i Lamburgers, made of ground/of eac ph apepbo es std unt") until pineapple is lightly brown-| If you want to expand your/our conversation and I was! Plastic surgeons now use | i) lamb from the neck, breast,|cheese melts partially. ? { vocational horizons, you might|called in to be production as- jelly-like implants to build up \ shanks and flank, are presented Thread olives on picks and ° ; : Mi ~ Pour pineapple sauce over) take a cue from the views of| sistant. \bosoms. This produces a_nat- in two versions. ee s pick into centre of each lamburgers; garnish with pars-| Jessica Levy. She is the cast-| A second thing Jessica be-| jural appearance and the oper- \ SWEET TREAT Savas 6 ley and radish roses, jing director for the movie to bejlieves in is knowing when it's/ation is relatively simple, The | One, for those who like -- ah as Serves 4. |made from Mary McCarthy's'time to leave a job -to-free} jdegree of: success is extremely sweet flavoring with meat, PINEAPPLE LAMBURGERS | reeeeietes | novel, The Group. |yourself for more opportunity. |high and the women love it. teams them with pineapple}! (5 07.) can water ng poe tani Jessica's own career has| "In every job, I believe you Why don't you consult with) and sparks the meat with chestnuts : ITH CHEESE given her wide and varied expe-|should learn all you can and specialists and learn the won- | ginger and soy sauce. 1 Ib. ground lamb 1% Ib, ground lamb rience in television, movies and|soak up--like a sponge--all thelders of plasti ginoaie® Yours| 4 The other, more traditional,|! ¢g%, beaten | % ¢. chili sauce the stage. background you can," she says. Truly--TAMPA PI a STIC SUR.| i} adds zip to Lamburgers with!! tbsp. chopped chives 1 tbsp. prepared horseradish Before her current assign-|"But then there comes (a point |@EON y 4 Cheese by mixing the meat 44 i salt ' Fa ha salt vioniga for instance, - ro when you have to put into prac- Dear Surgeon, If you have t y i hili sauce: and horse-| 2 'SP. onion sa |. 7s '8p. pepper ast year as casting director for/tice some of the ideas you have oc ae : "| boy ' | % tsp. ginger |3 slices process Cheddar Sir John Gielgud in the Broad-| absorbed." |been reading my column for ! : 4 tsp. soy sauce cheese way production of Hamlet. Her|. A third view Jessica goes by Y°8!'.You should know I'm well| | OPEN-FACE BURGERS 1° (9 oz.) can {6 buttered toast rounds other recent jobs have beenjis the need to keep many con- eden of the wonders of plastic 1% |b. ground beef pineapple slices | Combine lamb, chili sauce, with TV's Naked City and Route|tacts and interests alive while| oi fors and that I've made i 1% tsp, monosodium |1 tsp. cornstarch horseradish, salt and pepper; |66 and she has also put a stint/building and developing a ca-|Millions of others aware of it, glutamate -- 12 'tsp. lemon juice |mix well. Shape into 6 patties. [in on the movie, The Pawn-| reer. ito. e ave our ew arpe AS roa oom 1 1 tsp. salt j Dash pepper | Broil 3 to 4 in. from source} proker. rkener ane | In the very column you at- is 7 Y% tsp. pepper | Parsley and radish roses of heat for 5 to 7 min., or until) eat ae tRES ELPS tack I wrote: 'Once upon a } St kK | 0 B Mod & h ¢ " ; | Although Jessica has devel i Fi 3 tbsp. chopped onion | Drain and chop water chest-'brouned. Turn, Broil 3 to 5 min. Pai hoes sarison - expansion I'm interested in all the jobs|time people had to play the n 0c n ur ig ern are ouse f + 6 slices bread, nuts; reserve liquid. Cut cheese into thin strips; laws while building her own in the theatre," she says, "andjhand nature dealt them be- -- } } lightly toasted Combine lamb, egg, chives,/arrange on lamburgers. Broil| cer in the world of enter-|/¥@ done some acting, too, so|cause they had no choice. To- : j ; 5 i 3 slices process jsalt, onion salt, ginger, soy/1 to 2 min., or until cheese is tainment, they can be the tick- om -* poe of this performing|day, surgeons can uncross Why wait? Cherney's Furniture World, (Downtown Oshawa), will deliver American cheese sauce and 2 tbsp. chestnut) melted. tunity for anyone in|?! appear in The Group injeyes, remove pocks and scars, our new Rua or Carpet install r j fS | 6 pimiento-stuffed olives jliquid; mix lightly and shape} 'Serve on toast rounds. pe te epee saab cae ;@ small part asa lady doctor." reshape noses, rebuild under-| you 9 Carp pee a he your new Broadloom, without delay. i Break up beef with fork.|into 4 rectangles (4% x 3 in.). | Serves 6. } Fr thi Seat be-| Jessica has also been con-|slung jaws and make people} This photograph, taken in Cherney's Huge Warehouse, shows roll after roll H DRI TE TR a a a A I evee -anat ona ong orig a publishing, writing,|feel better about themselves. 1 of Luxurious Broadloom, now in stock, Come and see what's new! New ; } ployer should be overlooked--|c, 90 history. Because of/am all for it.' Colours! New Weaves! New Textures! Wool Nylon Acrilon in ' : raat : jthese interests and the knowl-| i é - ota eB . f and that includes his office! sdce she as aocilifed ahe had! lp " ieee on aeeed ~ 9-ft., 12-ft., 15-ft. widths. Take advantage of Cherney's Budget Terms. - : } gr mee aa goto ,| also worked in jobs where she| a sah lonoms: is wu Gua ' "I've held a lot of different|could use them, and she has} e plastic surgeons with whom| 4 i j jobs,"' she told me, 'and I have| puyilt up contacts. I consult: tell me the silicone! B ted always found on rede hunt) "when I look back on thelimplants (you call them jelly-| [ that it pays to talk to iar total picture of my experience," |like) have been used success-| ] le of tance in a 4 Neutat 5 unde a ihe fr a[she says, "I can see that alljfully in a great many cases.| : : -- "a a et hale af - these interests and contacts| However, in some patients, the ; Foor ed {alk to their secre-|have dovetailed to make a sat-|implants have produced breast f t eae : isfactory career for me. 'tumors. I would 80 KING STREET EAST (DOWNTOWN) OSHAWA ,. . DIAL 728-169 IS 'GIRL FRIDAY' acne a sica said, "while I was looking "To cite one example," Jes-| for one of my previous jobs, I talked to a producer's secretary and told her that I'd like to} work for her boss if the oppo: | tunity ever arose. Later, when | the producer was readying a} ANDREWS HEATING it Pays to Heve « FURNACE installation well done. 725-1660 Oshawa ickin (ick "YOU'VE NEVER TASTED CHICKEN SO GOOD" Home Delivery or Pick-Up -- Phone -- 728-7321 522 Ritson Rd, South DELIVERED PIPING HOT "You say you want this divorce," the judge asked, "because your husband is too careless about his eppeorance?" "Yes, sir,' the woman answered, "he ain't showed up for nigh on to three yeors. now." For the Prospects most likely to buy the people reading the Times . ' Classified Ads. i STORES: # ' @ 92 WOLFE : : 170% MARY ST. A PRINCESS AND HER SON 212 80ND ; ' ' ' 924 SIMCOE N P A / Princess Alexandra of Park, Surrey. The boy was husband, Angus Ogilvy, are Earl Warren . Right this minute, hundreds of the best prospects your bus- t England holds her -- son born February 29, 1964, now on a visit to Japan. | - . : +g: ; James Robert Brute Ogilvy; Princess Alexandra and her EAP Wirenholo | AGENTS: iness has are turning to the Classified Section. These are ; at her home in Richmond : nn -- a ee m @ United Toxi, 143 King St. Eost people who have made the decision to buy. They already - or gare as : ee BOB EAKINS wey ety. Meer tens want a product or service and are voluntarily seeking out : SINGS DOWN THE YEARS Getting on for her 25th anni- versary with CBC radio, con- tralto singer Norma Locke now writes and narrates her own weekly program. offers to help them decide where to get it by reading | through the Classified Ads. ~ | Don't miss out on this "Ready-to-Buy" market, Join the other wise, modern businessmen and aim your sales mes- sages right to the BEST prospects with result-getting, inex- pensive Times Classified Ads. Telephone 723-3492 today for the experienced Classified Ad Writer who's been waiting to help you to more sales and profits by helping you smartly use the Times Classified Columns. acti CLASSIFIED "YOU MEET THE NICEST PEOPLE..." For those who like their busy morning-through-lunchtime | hours to fly by quickly and pleasantly ... "The House of Warren" is the answer. Eari SUPERMARKET GLECOFF'S HOUSEHOLD HINT To restore the soft sheen to stainless steel, wash first with hot, sudsy water, rinse and pol- ish with a soft cloth dipped in mineral oil. 1 (aac | Glecoff HAMBURG ¥ : Baan Ale | .features variety in music and ais = _ . | geroeatia eters tunes BUTTER HOT DOG | Ne ie i ok oe DANCE Saturdays, " noon till 4 p.m. BUNS 4 25° Pkg. You'll find him as refreshing as a coffee break and as welcome as a neighbour come to chat. | His relaxed, friendly person- or TWIRL 1». 55° i" Register ality assures easy listening / y : 4 during hectic household Daily chores. ' | 5 to en HAMBURGER Sa amicus 3 Ibs. 1.00 CERB | GLECOFF'S | suPermanxer C1010 | ONTARIO'S FAMILY STATION | 174 RITSON ROAD SOUTH i sii neh eA LS alililsdicillintaisate ia ik @ Custom Mode Drapes FOR FALL TERM HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY Oshewe Shopping Centre 725-6122 'eal aes. @ Broadioom Read by Everyone... Used by Everyone Phone 723-3492 \) HOWARD'S @ Custom Made Slip Covers DRAPERIES 926 Simeoe St. N. 725.3144

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