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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Sep 1965, p. 1

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nl a Home Newspaper Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in On- tario and Durham Counties, We Sing le Copy B0¢ Per Week Home Delivered VOL, 94 -- NO, 218 he Oshawa Time OSHAWA, ONTARIO, Mreredey SEPTEMBER 7 ¢, 1965 ' a Weather Report Mostly sunny and very warm and humid today and Tues- day, Some thunderstorms due, High Tuesday, 82. Low to- night, 67. Authorized s Second Class id and for ete fiat Oem, Otten 4 Ottawa TWENTY PAGES ON ELECTION Wont Run Says Roblin election campaign, including speaking engagements outside Manitoba, The 48-year-old premier an- WINNIPEG (CP) -- Premier Duff Roblin announced today he @annot "fairly and responsibly" feave his provincial post at this -- beg abe tg fA Ser ta nounced his decision in a brief tion. prepared statement read at a He said he will give full sup-|press conference, He added lit port to John Diefenbaker andjtle in response to reporters' the Progressive Conservative|questions about future political) | party and will participate in the|intentions, CHAT TOGETHER ESPANOLA, Ont, (CP)--As-| Mr. Roblin chatted for about suming it's the little incidents, 15 minutes with Mr. Diefen-|rather than the well-organized baker and Gordon Churchill, a rallies, that make election cam- former cabinet minister and|paigns memorable, Prime Min- member of the last Parliament|ister Pearson took a lot of for Winnipeg South Centre. Mr.|memories away from his two- Churchill is said to have made day visit here, | the initial approach to Mr. Rob- He'll remember the fog, the lin to run federally. thick soupy stuff that disrupted This was followed by a cam-|his travel schedules and seri- paign organized by former agri-|ously affected his first major culture minister Alvin Hamilton) rally of the campaign, He'll no to have federal Conservatives | doubt remember the hour spent bombard-the Manitoba premler|in the basement of the Legion with messages urging him to/Hall where he threw darts, enter the federal campaign 48) played table curling and hoisted a candidate, la glass with the boys, The Winnipeg airport confer-| He'll certainly remember how ence came near the end of line organist played O Canada 30-hour day for Mr. Diefenbaker' 94 his nominating convention, while a crowd of Conservative) whatever happened at the thun- supporters, on hand ig mark| dering electric organ, the result Mr. Diefenbaker's 70th birth-| clearly wasn't O Canada. day, chanted: "Dief and Duff. Another momnry will aveivé Earlier, at a luncheon of the Halton, Ont. constituency Con-| the keynote address at the con- servative Association, Mr. Dief-|vention, delivered by Farquhar enbaker outlined two aspects of/ Anglin, former president of the what he calls the Conserva-|Algoma East Liberal Associa- tives' "policies for people." | on. He pledged that a Conserva.| raises COMPLAINTS | vil nt aj, % . Gre Secs tar wehne cod an-| In an effort to answer all op- other for the Northwest Terri-| Position criticism of the govern- tories. A conservative govern-/ment, Mr. Anglin heen hd ment would shift the territorial| "aise every complaint made government to the territories| against the Liberals in the last from Ottawa and enfranchise| 'wo years. : all territorial residents in their) But if the prime minister was elections, jupset, he didn't show it. Robert H. Winters Seeks Nomination In York West TORONTO (CP)--Robert H.| Mr. Winters said at a press Winters former federal 'works|conference he expects to be) minister, announced Sunday he pominated Thursday, His can- will seek the Liberal nomina-|didacy for the riding followed tion in York West, held in thejthe announcement last week by last Parliament by hockey|Mr. Kelly that he was leaving player Leonard (Red) Kelly, jpolitics to devote more time to his family and sport, Mr. Winters, 54-year-old) 200 SEARCH ALL MRS. YVON CORMIER WITH SON, 2, AND HER NIGHT chairman of British Newfound- land Corp., was a cabinet min- ister for nine years in the Lib- eral government of Louis St Laurent, After the Liberal defeat in 1957, Mr, Winters became pres- ident of the Rio Tinto Mining} Co, of Canada Ltd, a firm) which has part ownership of} Brinco, In July, 1963, he was) Because of his interest in cows, two-and-a-half-year old Paul Cormier had a spe- cial breakfast this morning -- a sandwich anda choco- j late bar appelated Brince chisirman and He wolfed down the sand- became involved in the he wich and chocolate jected $1,000,000,000 plan to de oc. oan by ane Oh Ti velop Churchill Falls in Labra- a ai " thy Sar dic dor for power purposes, ceveret slecbinn 4 thts eccustsies } cow pasture on his grand. OTTAWA (CP)--Prime Min-) father's farm near Mill- ister Pearson was reported by| brook after an all-night a spokesman Sunday night to| search, said his father, be delighted that his former) Yvon Cormier, 30, of 269 Park rd, s The Cormiers visited the farm of Stafford Finn, RR 1, Oshawa, yesterday after- noon to pick apples. "I was picking apples and the children, Paul and Yvon Jr. 4 were with their mother at a nearby picnic table when my brother-in- law, Frank Finn, said let's go to the creek (about 100 Ae . cabinet colleague, Robert Win- ERS ters, has decided to return to active politics, | Speaker Alan A. Macnaughton Bows Out As A Candidate OTTAWA (CP) Alan Mac-jopposing parties for Mr naughton, Speaker of the House naughton's im partiality ROBERT WINT Mac and of Commons for the last 2'4/ability was the proposal on the years and MP for Montreal permanent speakership and his Mount .Royal since 1949, an- appointment in 1958 as the first nounced today he will not seeklopposition MP ever to serve as) re-election chairman of the Commons pub-} Mr. Macnaughton, 62, whoilic accounts committee was suggested earlier this year; He was chairman of this by Opposition leader Diefenba- watchdog committe. on public ker for the post of permanent spending to the end of the Dief Separatist: Speaker of the House, cited/enbaker Conservative adminis Lamontagne family responsibilities, pressure jtration in 1963 of his private law practice and the physical strain of presiding LEFT HIS STAMP MONTREAL. (CP)--The Lib- ever the last minority Parlia- Mr Macnaughton left hisjerals are the only party able ment as reasons for not run'stamp on the Commons. with alto maintain national unity ming variety of rules changes ef State Secretary Maurice La A measure 6: the respect inifected during his speakership, Montagne said Saturday night 5 s He was a quiet, easy-going "Conservative Leader John C bi t/Speaker in many respects Some| Diefenbaker is chief of the Eng- Emergency Cabinet iisiivcr: mousht he couta hevellish separatists and the best ° been tougher with MPs, many of|fTiend of Quebec" separatists Meeting Called extremes touch whom would have been called to|because these 1 » Sar RAWALPINDI, Pakistan der faster and oftener by/*acn other (Rew \ -- President Mol am. Sterner presiding officers of the) Mr Lamontagne was speak euters) -- sider Ww x ad Ayub Khan summoned an past, But he could be toughiing at a Liberal nomination Ne 'eal when necessary and there were ; ; emergency cabinet meeting to tag is traee } , meeting in Montrea: Papineau ' , ew appeals nis ruling day to consider Pakistan's re i Py : TULNgs riding. Guy Favreau, Quebec sponse to the United Nations Se i Macnaughton, fluently ae at ; * , dilingu we F » the least Liberal leader and ivy Cou curity Council's demand for aj gual as among the least) ceasefire in the India-Pakistan! Partisan of MPs even when he/cil president who won the seat wat was not occupying the]by more than 16,000 votes in The president earlier discussed Speaker's chair, whether his/1963 the demand with Foreign Min- Liberal party° was in office orjagain. Nov, 8 ister Zulficar Ali Bhutto and/OPpesition "How ¢¢ including other governmént leaders a few) A jeading Monireal lawyer|George He 1 Pierre Se hours after the text of the coun-/ with wide business interests, he/|vigny, dex eall on the Ca cil's resolution was recéivéd was first elected to the Com-/nadian people to vote for Mr Earlier today, Pakistan said/'mons in Montreal Mount RoyaliDiefenbaker when their real it was giving rnest consid-jin the general election of 1949]reason for returning to politics eration" to Russia's peacemak-jand was re-elected in the fivelis to get rid of their chief after move in the border conflict.isubsequent elections, the election?' ing e was named to contest it yards away), @aid Mr, Cormier, 'Paul and Yvon Jr, want- ed to come and we started off "When car, on the way creek, Paul said he was tired and wanted to. play with his'truck in the car," said Mr, Cormier 'He 10 minutes was gone, "T went over to my wife at the picnic table to see if he'd wandered over but he wasn't there,' sald Mr, Cormier, "We looked around for an the the to to we came to the and car Paul returned later hour and called Ontario Provincial Police at 5.30 p.m." They organized more than 200, including police, guards from the Millbrook prison and helpful citizens and 2 began a search which lasted all night, "They were all very won- derful,"' said Mr, Cormier, "The Salvation Army set up a kitchen serving sand. wiches and coffee and one of the Millbrook guards even brought a tracking dog "We finally just after daylight mile from the car, curled up in the cow ture fast asleep, 'He's cragy about cows and must have wandered off to visit: them," said Mr, Cormier, "Searchers believe the boy must have snuggled against a sleeping cow dur- ing the night because he was not noticed on previous through the pas found Paul about a He was pas SWeeps ture, Paul had crossed a gully, Without Any Difficulty BONN (Reuters) -- Chancel- lor Ludwig Erhard's. Christian Democrats today emerged un- expectedly easy victors from a federal election and prepared to continue their coalition rule with the minority Free Demo- crats Erhard, a 68-year-old former economics professor, not only defeated his Social Democratic opponents, led by West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt, but also inflicted a telling reverse on powerful elements in his own party who were dissatisfied with his leadership Among them was Konrad Ad enauer, the party's 89-vear-old chairman and the man whom Erhard succeeded only two years ago The election results: gave Er hard's party 15,392,974 votes to vote ions The Christian Democrats won 245 seats, the socialists 202 and the Free Democrats 49, Political observers said that although the Social Democrats ( increased their share of the his wife Madeleine, four chil dren, Pierre, 9, Marielle, 6, An- and Mrs,/ cent, and despite the highest)/Kerland's 70 - year - old father,/ ;poll in their century-old history,)Arthur Lapierre, there could be no more talk of a "grand them erats 3.1 per cent to 39.3 per coalition' between and the Christian Demo This was a possibility if the two major parties had tied in the former de- fence. minister Franz Josef Strauss, one of the unknown factors in the coalition negotia- opening today, said the result made a grand coalition election, But impossible HUSBAND Boy, 2, Found In Cow Pasture a stream, dense bushes and two barbed-wire fences before finally settling down for the night, | COPENHAGEN Danish police today jwith machine guns More than 2,000 police jpart in the manhunt biggest in peacetime, also stood by to help, The gunmen, apparently cri- /minals on the run, mowed down two policemen in a patrol car near Copenhagen's International They killed two more policemen in an Airport early Saturday other car before fleeing. "Diet" Chief! Erhard's Party Triumphs Family Of 7 Die In Car ST, ANTOINE LOTBINIERE, (CP)--A family of seven was killed in a car crash Sun day night net far from where 'a nine-death collision took place Que, last year, Dead are Camille dre, 3, and Rene, 2, The family was from Ste, Croix in the same Lotbiniere County in which the accident occurred, about 30 miles west of Quebec, Couple And Son Die In Accident PALGRAVE, Ont, Owen Sound couple and + |within 48 hours, 'Dragnet Widened | For Dane Gunmen "°** (Reuters) = widened their dragnet for. gunmen who killed four policemen Saturday blazing through the windows of a car, | took Denmark's Troops Ferland, (CP)--An/Bay their) Was three-month-old son were killed/spectively, compared with pre- UN ORDERS INDIA, PAKISTAN TO CEASEFIRE IN 48 HOURS China Firing - Shastri From AP-Reuters NEW DELHI (CP) -- Prime Minister Shastri said today Chi- nese troops are firing across the Indian frontier in two sectors, The Chinese have started fir: ing in the Sikkim area on the eastern front and in the Ladakh region of Kashmir state on the western front, Shastri said, If China persists, Shastri said, 'we shall defend our- selves--by_all the means at our disposal," Socialist Leader Nath Pai jumped to his feet and de- manded to know whether In- dian units on the China frontier |had been ordered to fire back, | Shastri replied: "IT would merely wish to say we will resist them; we will fight them," Shastri made.no reply to the|qieeeray an utimatum to, I aug gp choad ray |border fortitications or face y the Security Council in}io, * cu $8 New York, demanding India seve Sonsequancel, and Pakistan end their war', Security ar rhage ge Warning To Pekin By WILLIAM N, OATIBS UNITED NATIONS (AP) ~~ The UN Security Council de. manded today that India and Pakistan order a ceasefire in 48 hours. The council voted 10-0 in a postmidnight session to adopt a resolution In those terma strengthening its unan- imous ceasefire appeals of Sept, 4 and 6, Jordan abstained, The resolution, sponsored by The Netherlands, gave an im- plied warning to China to stay | out of the India-Pakistan fights | ing. It called on "all states to | refrain from any action which might aggravate the situation in the area," Peking has extended unti) heT resolution deserves the hours while J, G. de Beus of. © Indian government's "mogt|The Netherlands wrenched careful consideration," Shastri/@greement on the wording from the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France, U.S. Ambassador Arthur J, Goldberg, council president for September, helped de Beus in SHASTRI said, adding he might make a statement on the UN move in Parliament Tuesday, Shastri, addressing Pariia- ment, then touched on China's charge that India constructed illegally 56 military posts on the provisions of the UN charter -- Bers - Pakistan com- ed, But it left the the negotiations had telephoned S such action it the Soune leg President, Johnson at Fe as tideems it necessary Sikkim border or in neighbor-/once, Stronger than the two previ- ing Chinese territory. | The resolution did not con- . If the posts stand in Chinese|tain what Secretary-General U|0Us Tesalutions, it asked Thant territory, he said, why can'tipnant had suggested--an im-|t@ help "ensure supervision of the Chinese tear them down%| plied threat to invoke coercicivelthe ceasefire and withdrawal,'® on a Chinese If India sent troops to do the}... extension of its three-day bors | der ullimatum to India with 'i claims were "mere fabrica-|0f Los Angeles took a fertiliiy! "The drug may have caused tions." He accused China of] Grug--not to become pregnant! the multiple births, as it has job as China demands, it would : mean violating Chinese terri- A ery vai Took Pill 10 Months Ago charge that Indian troops had W. H d ] ts char wad' WOMan fas Yuadruple guard, | : An Indian spokesman denied| LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Ten; In January she became preg. "indulging in provocative activ-| but to cure a woman's disorder.!done in other cases," § ities," Today she has quadruplets, | said, 'The possibility that raid The border troubles followed) Her first children---two boys | nat is in the fact she took the China today followed up the! the charge and said the Chinese|months ago Mrs, Alice Pigge/nant. /Peking's three-day extension of|and two girls -- were born aldrug in November but did not its ultimatum to India and a}month premature Sunday, ibecome regnant peace initiative trom Moscow) The babies, weighing a-totat ofr yary," sins that put diplomatic activity in/nine pounds and listed in crit)". : the forefront of the India-Pa:|ical condition, were place@ in| A Swedish woman who bore kistan war, now In: its third incubators, |quadruplets last July . had Dr. Milton Smale said that/recelved the same hormone, last November Mrs, Pigge took) Smale said, and a New Zea- the drug clomiphene citrate on|!@d woman who had quintup- the advice of her attending lets had received the drug, physician, Dr. Richard Taw,) General Hospital records list jwho operates the hospital's) Mrs, Pigge's husband as James | bleeding clinic, The medication] Pigge and say the couple are corrected her irregularity, separated, until Jans MOTHER, 32, HAS QUADS PLAINFIELD, Nw. (AP) Edna Sibiga, 32, gave birth to quadruplets Saturday Mrs, Sibiga, of North | Plainfield, gave birth to a boy at 12:07 p.m,, a girl at 12:11 and two more girls at | Remaaiianananianons Se | NEWS HIGHLIGHTS %. 4 zs J . 12:18 and 12:20 pm. re | China Bags U.S. Fighter Plane Hospital authorities said PEKING (Reuters) -- China shot down a U.S. fighter the mother and infants plane off Hainan Island today and captured the pilot, were in excellent condition, , the New China news agency reported, ' Mrs, Sibiga and her hus- P band, Edward, have two s other children, a seven | Race Track Safe Rifled year-old son and a four HULL, Que, (CP) -- An armed guard 'and two watch: year-old daughter, Warm, Moist Spell Hits Fog Heavy wy worm, aut nee Lower Prices Hoped For -- Wirtz and heavy fog that blanketed southern Ontario for most of WASHINGTON (CP) -- Labor Secretary Willard Wirta the weekend brought record) said today he hopes the Canada ~ U.S. agreement to inte- high temperatures to some. pro} grate the automobile industry will mean lower prices ia doth countries, Wirtz was resuming testimony to the U.S, vincial centres, | Cooler weather remains over! Senate finance committee, |Northern Ontario but south of jLake Huron temperatures to-| pw jday are expected to climb well linte the 80s The temperature in North and Muskoka overnight! 64 and 65 degrees, re- men at Connaught Park Raceway were handcuffed to water pipes by five armed and masked men who rifled the safe in the race track's money room today and escaped with more than $2,000, Find Woman's Body At College AURORA, Ont, (CP) -- King Township Police today are investigating the discovery of a woman's body on the - grounds of St. Andrew's College near here Sunday night, Police said the partly-clad body was found in a creek, Further details were not released, Aurora is about 27 miles north of Toronto, saben _..In THE TIMES Strong Militia Urged -- P. 9 Pickering Villege Liquor Plebiscite Due Seturdey -- P. 5S, Salmenbellies Tie Series ---- P. 6, today... 12,711,726 for the Social Demo-) 'The question now was|Saturday when their car was|Vious highs for Sept, 20 of 60, crats Ae TEAMS was 86.9 per whether Strauss, brilliant but) struck by a truck in heavy fog/In Wiarton it was 71 degrees, Ann Landers = 11 Sports -- 6, 7, 8 ia ita ihe eligible voters widely feared as a potential ex-'two miles north of here 10 degrees higher = than the} City News --- 9 Theatre 12 The Christian Democrats, in ploiter. of nationalist feelings) Dead are William Vander|previous day's record set. in Classified --- 15 Whitby News --- 5 assuming their fifth successive! could impose his will and ex-/Ende, 38, his wife Nelly, M4 196}. S &d 1 '4 Ww %. page oa Phen" ty ite Wek Gk ae etrd is oe bain é ig Bese : walt ditorial ----- 'amen's = 10,11 our-year term of offic » plait his blec of 48 Bavarianjand their son Peter. The couple; The temperature rose to Thi 2 PRE 19 Weat pe i 4 : r | = eather --= eased their share of the vote deputies to insist on a cabinetileave six other children. uaderidegrees in Hamilton compared] > renee Parner ns to 47.6 per cent compared with) post over the objections of the 12 years of age, Palgrave is J0/with the &3 that had not been! = Obits -- 19 143.3 per cent four years ago. | Free Democrats, imiles northwest of Toronto, jequalled since 1919, | cermmmenmasstmies wont abu secs aininaoest i

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