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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 11

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bar stan eit aaa Som nla Se a a a SA 0 CN Ri R= in cn ap Spectacular Spectacles In Eyeglass Fashions By ELEANOR ROSS hen go-over them with Few accessories have hadjlathered soft cloth. such a rapid rise to fashior stardom as sunglasses, Leading members of the couture worl are now designing them, anc the latest styles--those that wor best acceptance for this last summer as well as the current range from skinny rec' tangular frames to jumbo ow! eyes, wrap-arounds with sliced top circles, and lenses narrowed down to slits. Since regular spectacles have been going through similar, if less dramatic, fashion changes, enses from side to side of in circles, washed the same way. paper which tends to and damage them. provides better looks as well as improved vision. However, like any other fash- ion accessory, glasses must be kept clean--frames in order to immerse in suds. sudsy sponge or cloth. Optical experts advise wiping A soft brush will coax dust and grease from hinges, metal work and cxtwork. After rinsing, wipe lenses and frame dry with a clean, lintless cloth. Lenses made of unbreak- able substances should be authorities warn against rub- bing. them with silicone-treated the world of eyeglasses now KEEP PLASTIC CLEAN | To keep plastic cases clean, Wipe other types inside and outside with a Tuesday, September 21, 1965 2 well- many gems, of course, present a ciuiiered iook anyway--end then teamed with glasses, the bangs effect could be overwhelm- ing. instead fifigree In fact, TESTS NEW JOB DALLAS, Tex. (AP) -- Mre. Barbara Chaffee drove to city hall and took an examination for a job as typist in the detective division. When police telephoned to say she had passed, Mrs. Chaffee told them her car had been stolen while parked in front of the police station, scratch KAYE"S LARGE SIZE SHOPPE SIZES from 1414 - 32% and Reg. 38 to 52. LOVELY LARGE SIZE FALL AND NEW WINTER THE OSHAWA TIMES, J]. iia AAT eT ed crown with a stand-up loop on top. MARABOU RINGS. the brim of this dashing velvet fedora. It has a high, round- ANN LANDERS Petty Squabbling Irritates Teen Son Dear Ann Landers: "m a 16-|was checked into the hospital. year-old nervous wreck (male) Why Most people who have lit- type). The trouble is my par-|tle or no contact with hospitals ents. A b jdon't have the vaguest idea of A typical day at our house) what goes on inside. 'They are starts something like this: \filled with misinformation, ap- I usually get up before my/|prehension and old wives' tales ey le tal areata I've worked in hospitals since am jus' r 3 was 16 and the ignorance of ag pera pitchen. 7) the general public is astound- : ing. It's amazing how many Hedalong 4 oY en oe paper | think 5 blood test means e , a cardio § they say I am selfish because! heart attack er prgge 1 should have left it alone until' means cancer or TB. When they got down. __. |they are asked to list next of Next my oe ig os se a kin they are sure it means they cause the coffee is weak or the) are not expected to live. It's too Sa ele eat eset . n er informed, It would save a that if he didn't have nometnink great deal of needless anxiety. to complain about he would be'" pease tell people through miserable. your column, Ann Landers, that After breakfast my 'mother| hospitals are highly organized or dad can't find something and|institutions and that they must each one sn, 7 sar a be operated in a way that en- misplacing it. _-- a rel ables them to give the best pos- ue meng agg Mogg idl ego 7 y! greatest ond.' number of people. is means My dad makes about four times|they have to have all sorts of the average man's salary, |information as a matter of (about $25,000 a year). When! outine--In The Know with perky, wide-winging tle ends, THE POPULAR head- hugging scarf hat appears in crease-resistant soft velvet Flattering Fall Millinery Comes In A Wide Choice Of Colors By SUSAN BARDEN ; Berets sweep backwards te immensely peg one poet chnfine the hair in fascinating and the radiant beauty 0' eXcit-| row shapes. They include gored ing colors, add up to a display : i ty jo iii velvet hats that are|melon-crowns with knitted wool sure to beguile the most bare-|bands, snood types striped with of grosgrain and headed girl. narrow bands of and Most of the silhouette empha- romantic Renaissance artists remain as attractive as when they caught the eye of the buyer and lenses to Jet you see well. Too many squint lines have, been caused by straining to see through smudged - up lenses, USE DRY CLOTH Rubbing with just a dry cloth simply smears oil and grease, so. glasses should be thoroughly washed at least once a day to remove finger marks, cosmet- ies, and dust. This daily bath is indispensable these warm fall days to wash away perspira- tion, sun lotion, salt water splashes, and sand. A gaod rou- tine is to immerse glasses-- frames and all--in warm suds, the nape of the neck by a large bow. Isis is on the fresh, clean-swept|caps. A DRAPED VELVET {profile covered by puffy crowns HIGH HATS beret features back-swept jand back drapery. In bretons, wide-brimmed bon-|_{0!4s that are gathered at ce, FALL MILLINERY PICTURE nets and toques, the crowns) i ne marvelous scarf turbans\are mostly high-rising. And for| PLAY YOUNG LEADS LAUNDRY BUILDS UP are very much in the picture|the sake of symmetry, their! Michael } Sarrazin and Gene-; The average American house- for fall. They are fashioned in dimensions are often accent vieve Bujold play the leads in|wife uses 42 dishtowels a month, permanently-tied styles or the ated by topknot loops, rosettes lor 24 a month if she has a me both sides of each lens with dry soap, then polish with a clean tissue or soft dry cloth. lect frames that enhance your f shape and exercise re-j] ¢ ,j SOWMANVILLE straint in wearing jewelry. Too a aS nee Heve Fun This Winter! in a beginner's SQUARE DANCE CLUB Every Thursdey 8 - 10:30 p.m. at Bowmanville Memorial Park Club House, Liberty St. S. 725-2744 or 623-7244 : eS! Anouilh's Romeo and Jeannette, | do-it-yourself open-kerchief ver-jand little fake cigarettes inion CRC-TV next fall. i COATS, To prevent steaming up rub ieolte ESSES AND WEAR iy LARGE KAYE S SIZES SHOP From a fashion standpoint, se- OSHAW. es . Ree ae Shlaie By A 725-5431 ace FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES in the latest Shodes ond Fobrics ... see... Mé DRY GOODS & DRAPERIES DRAPERY TRACKS EXPERTLY INSTALLED - 723-7827 74 Celina Street lwashing machine. sions. jmatching fabrics. Hes : TwoWays To Face Competition --Give Up Or Fight Back! jwas no other restaurant in town, "So I got into a comfortable By ROBERTA ROESCH When you face competition iness job, what u I een taxer be you try|rut and coasted along routinely v4 competitors? Or|until about six months ago. to outdo your competitors? do you let them outdo you and/Then another woman opened a : At ve ap? Z place like mine, But she had pmpy Se Pr added so many fancy features I came across this problem @ tq the new rearoom that even lot, and this week I saw twWOl1) reoular vatrons left me to women face it in two different)... what her establishment was a do like. | The first was a woman with "At first I resented this," the ja writing job who was doing all tearoom owner said; "and I jright in her work until she faced! nade up my mind to close competition and decided it\down rather than face compe- wasn't for her. ,, tition. But then 1 became so "{ quit before I was fired," furious because she was out- she said, "'because of my com-|doing me that I decided I was petition. not going to give up so easily. "My boss brought in a new) In fact, pov more ' be Pha iog 2 "who w jabout it, the more realize te went me ~ aS) that competition was indeed my so steamed up with ideas she} oun af teat shoved everyone in the back-| The tearoom proprietor then ground with the work she was;discussed her ideas with her able to do. banker ee paige nar " ' roe " business advice, she completely She'll wear herself out," the remodelled her eating place. woman declared, "with the} company is at the house they are sweet as can be. They never argue over any-| thing important. It's always | silly stuff. What can I do short} of slipping tranquilizers. into their coffee -- THE SHOOK LOOK Dear Shook: You can say good morning first and hand over the paper immediately.) Then you can leave the kitchen) so your father can knock the coffee, eggs and toast privately. You can donate five minutes every morning to the treasure hunt--as--your_-- contribution to family unity. Finally, when you get mar- ried and have a family of your own you can remember how it was at your house and vow to do better so your teen - agers won't have to write to me about you. Dear Ann Landers: You seemed surprised when the woman wrote to ask why the * doctors insisted that her friend have a blood test as soon as he By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Wednesday will probably be more less of a routine day but,! nevertheless, it will be a good period in which to make plans for the future--especially those dealing with family security Think them over, yes, but don't take action for a week. Espe cially favored now: Intellectual and cultural- pursuits FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you are currently governed: by extremely generous planetary influences where job and-or business and financial interests are concerned. On the occupa tional and monetary fronts, the fine period which started a week ago, and which wi!l continue until! Oct. 31, should be really outstanding for all Virgoans-- that is, for those who co-oper ate with the celestial forces Your next good cycles along material lines will occur during the first two weeks of Decem- ber, the first half of February the April 15 May 10 period, the last two weeks of June and the entire month of Augusi, 1966. Do not be extravagant and don't. engage in speculation in intermittent periods, however--- especially in November, the jast two weeks of December or the THE STARS SAY | first two weeks of April. While earnings may have increased just prior to the aforemen tioned cycles, vou may he faced) with some unexpected expenses, | so keep as much cash on hand] as possible. Dear In The Know: Thanks pace she has set for herself, But REVISED MENU for an excellent letter. But 1) ntil she does, I'm frank to ad-| Next, she revised her menu still wish someone In The Know mit that I don't know how tol? include many new and ex- would tell me why they give}, te." citing dishes and developed hospital patients sleeping pills Pemerre: ideas to attract patrons back to at night and then awaken them| A second woman who was d0-/her tearoom. at 6 a.m. to wash their faces, ing all right--and then had to) "1 not only regained most of face compeittion--is the propri-my old customers, but many Confidential to Fed Up To The |etor of a small tearoom in alnew ones," she said, adding Eyebrows With Lec her ous|College town. that so many' more people Jerks: If you don't like what! ."For years, | held my own seemed to eat out that there you've been catching why not\very well," she said, "because, was plenty of business for the change the bait jexcept for a diner or two, there|two tearooms, are pleased to introduce Helga Heid As The Newest Hairstylist 3 { Miss Heid comes to Modella Hairstylists directly from West Germany, where she has worked in the finest Beauty Salon in Germany, first Salon of Korirshue. Miss Heid is a remarkably creative stylist and has won mony owards in Europe for her original- ity. She is a holder of a Masters Certificate for Creative Hair Styling. Modella Hairstylists are most pleased to hove Miss Heid join their staff and bring with her a first hand knowledge of the latest fall styles from Europe International Coiffures 71 CELINA ST. For An Appointment Please Call 725-4531 5 a = he jn e We could bore you with stories about all our satisfied customers, but... heres what Natural Gas" home heating will do for you Natural Gas will give you CLEAN HEATING Clean-burning Natural Gas doesn't pollute the air, leaves no olly deposits on walls, drapes or furnishings. Natural Gas heating allows a minimum of dust to col- lect inside, sends no soot up the chimney to deposit itself on the outside of your home, Natural Gas will give you LOW COST HEATING Annual fuel costs are low with Natural Gas, and the more uses you make of Natural Gas In your home, the lower your gas rate. Installation is simple, with no un- expected hidden expenses. No moving parts to wear out. No ele- ments to burn out, And service adjustments are FREE 24 hours a day, every day. Natural Gas will give you DEPENDABLE HEATING Natural Gas is piped directly into your home, never delayed by weather or disrupted by power failure. Your fuel supply Is con- stant and steady, no matter how many users in your area. Service is dependable too, from your Gas Company. REPLACE OR CONVERT YOUR FURNACE NOW! NO DOWN PAYMENT & YEARS TO PAY CALL YOUR GAS COMPANY FOR IMMEDIATE SERVICE! EASY MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS (Gonsumers' ('las 29 CELINA -- OSHAWA -- 728-7363 Natural Gas will give'you HEATING EXTRAS Natural Gas heating equipment is compact, requires no space for bulky fuel storage. Operation is silent and completely automatic. And approved installation is pro- vided by Authorized Gas Dealers. Enjoy Natural Gas Heating in your home without delay. WO PAYMENT UNTIL NEXT APRIL HE EU ED 1g THUR

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