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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 14

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14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusedey, September 21, 1968 : "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems' Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. {8--Articles For Sole _13--Articles for Rent _[17--Female Help Wanted two entre, eneire. also Baby 'oble. 'Phone BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY | gamma ame Eras) or Al kinns | ASSISTANT old, Moving STUDENT'S TYPEWRITERS, new 'and pai ag ag el -- the Wend a i used) cash asters, ing machines! massaging belts, rowing ma- Board of Education need, & Osha Accountants Barristers Instruction Surveyors even' sghaege Bone ithe Pe ehines, bie enerciaes <--~ She Cily of Gehewe nies wed y "f 2664 oF 72: ; month, DONEVAN and FLEISCHMANN, Gniarin / ' ADDING MACHINES, 'ypewriiers, 'cash | PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe for employment at one of the sosern our GUTMANN, Chertered Account| MeOIBBOM AND BASTEDO, Borristers, Land Burvever. Commercial bive prints. A ' bagde l rteld gl BBL ay a debris baile,' plea Wak. tee secondary' jeneel eFtieds: 17 Bond Street) Solicitors. mene National 11 Ontario Street, 725-5692, 1, Tel vty ye Trust Puidng ie Simeoe § treet South, | Cm Oy are Se ae OwL desks, chairs, We buy, fel ods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- : pL 728-7396) Gi i LIM AND iE, Ontario Land and frade, with budget terms, i pent qeedia ak Apply in writing stating quali- Ibbon, vs Accountii Service, s nt HH, Arie rveyors, 113 Elgin Street East, used, Low, low prices, Bill 6068 bye ing Edger " pohoo Sey "ore Gre ee / Regina. toilet auger, fications, experience ice, i Bond Sire Wes, TSO, es... COMPUTER te Radio Repeirs x ; Pber irre aed f /!, OUNELT" roadster bycycle, excellent] PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- | ther relevant including ree ALR hertered ¥ pedals, Per- fere to; ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Gast, Money te lean. Of1 se an kines street ' jmp nee ca Mogg 3 ry als, Z sat penton ladder jacks, erences Ontor' lo, Tel 124-\20', TRAINING land" rendater, 200d condition, carrier,| Steel sca tgp, ee, 7k Mumm I IGOLANDER' AND ~ 66. § el cence, Telephone i spray guns, wallpaper steam- Chartered wacarter, ' er rt ised aa Lia ae . & FREE! Hove your furnace geared ne ers, ng blow torches, J R. Backus imi Ys rouble free : hs : Werth,' Oshewe, TRIS ne © COMPUTERS . igen: ih you. porehase the best in penene. torches SY Business Administrator PK eAOLe an %, tm! 10% Discount @ TABULATING ECONOMY AN Serer ee, eer amen iui] BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT fered pecountanta, Fin a! Trade Bulle 0 @ KEY PUNCH Prices ¢ ' 'ida YY, , 725-1212, aaa . ee ee ae Board of Education Tri 705300 +, Hopkins CAI Hy A. On All Orders # FANG. WIRING Tekin AieaNoee : / My) ' aleae Cail SEimers Hempion. 265-2004 vibrator, oir compressor, jack 555 Rossland Rd, W. add CA; &. Lukow, CA, j TERMS ARRANGED 263-2695, * Ih Tih ntry, tile @ PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE { s or Sena ue | hommers, hand trowels, water HALIS PERKIN: AND €6,, Chartered) pe sce oo crab tea elec: T\ / f WILLALFALFA ¢ GUNS -- new and used, bought, sold, pumps, portable heaters, steel OSHAWA, ONT. wwe 735-6899 David ¢ Parkin Cas kino peat woke Roting Te Special accommodation for OSHAWA : ; ' SOME DAY BE GRoWH Dinter esa ptorunuton, Wear Due Saal bon scaffolding, electric generator, | wa, ( 7 Day le i ' ws »! WO-LEGGE! es! prices! alley reek, é " 4 H Newenstle, 9874240) Willem ©! troughing, plastering, cement out of town students, SUPPLY LIMITED 1 Fes eerie Do4 Was Sree, Nee ramset, power rollers, electric DREW 'omm., CA. Phone or write today for our hi build. i we : ssmnwmmreweees| Work Of all kinds, Aluminum 7 % SHTERED IM DEER RIFLES -- Mauser 98; custom ammers, masonry sow, bui GORDON 5 AY, cited General desk and windows; siding. new booklets -- "Getting TAUNTON RD. 3 PI og nhc b ag tend 7 {AE Fins{) --|made & mm caliore: Marlin lever action,| ing jacks, mortar mixers, Accountant, Sulte Osha j od with Automation', j S50R, ' th scope 35 Remington calibre: also 3! j f ping Centre, 72-9063, a vee Oa. fendy te gt eaheestloniiest AS CHIEF MINWAER OF FRANCE, YES XK US: |milometre camera. All iike new, Very bs se ye serve you, 55 Bloor St. East 728-8180 Ws NY VALIAN 5 eae CORR | SRA tare ee ces paulins, sand blaster, power CHEMICAL LTD. Barristers NELLIS' HOME Toronto |BUILT-IN cupboards, 11, complete, 1$40,; heavy duty electric stove, 40-In..) post hole auger, ascillating ANTHONY HOWARD LASKOWSKY, |$20,; gas stove, nearly new, $55.) wash sonders, disc sanders, belt Experienced secreter ° Covtre 'Bireat Ottce hours: 9 "em -B.30 Prada ++ PE is" A TELEVISION - RADIO |g__-treit SA ticles bor Sal [train tits eine telvanizes" pier| sanders, floor sanders, octy- | quired. Good starting' solaty ; nD us Peas $ wwe Franers | heehee Dh dn AO ---- | lectric service boxes, efe., Ve-inch pipes.| lene welding outfits, 200 with fully paid company Event appointmen ie Peterborough --- 745-2184 Oshawa 24 HOUR SERVICE ICeli gp elie | ne ee ee Denarits Wit , BA, LLB, oe 7 re TINNY id teicher end WRECKI NG | REFRIGERATOR Frigidaire deluxe iving School Game teicyat Metis] QUALITY CARPENTRY hag pl HOLMES TRAILER ane | 6 6 STAN'S Phone J.M. Bahl The Commercial Bulldi and 10 yeors Oshawa, Ontario, Client Parking avall- GENERAL REPAIRS automatic and standard cars. A [ F HOUSES Cnet iia and studio couch 233 King St. W, Oshowe : ot FURNITURE, wleciric range, lerge re-| Sharpening & Rentals Ltd, Ajax 942-0150 oat cA SRYWARCI Roofing, Painting, Siding, Professional instructors CREIGHTON, DRYWAN, MURDOCH, and 0 g i vicroR, Barristers, Sellettors, | Floor end Celling Tiles, Rec. 728-0091 FLECTRONICS trigerator, New condition also ot '| PHONE 723-3224 Bank of Commerce Buliding, imcot} Rooms, General home remod- ANYWHERE -- ANYTIME Park Rd. ond K Mel es, Apply. 68 McMillan Drive, apart: od Cholghtons eC) Aye: M nintony cB) ele -- All ood pereaee. PRIVATE tutoring high school students For prompt service RAMBLER TRAILERS as ses ne lai 4. Perth oi aee "i EVENING ( McK M i ds ' FURNITURE -- 3 rooms, now quality fi Benes na Boe =e H STAs ayeck hitest deni Suhitey' Call Your West Hill dealer ond furniture, only $299., Inc, complete bed- bg Fiat Poel ba jurdoc' STR > Mi : BA, Phong eens ey Whitby --- 668-5679 [Yura livingroom; kitchen ensembies ar ee : THE WHITBY DRIVING SCHOOL, new duel|---- Y - RAMBLER your lightest Burk Street |Batons" Home Pornisningss dia Simcoe 8 Want, Mena Bint 4 oe RECEPTIONIST. trolled cars, Personal, courteous serv- ' . "Residence "Prowient R, H. CABINET CO. few. fully licensed 'and insured, 468-6176 | HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED and easiest towing All types of used building |SCOOTER 125 Vesna, very 'sood "shape Fox Furs, Mink Stoles, ne TYPIST 22 J; T Vv. Kelly, B Bel, 4 CHARLES ST., WHITBY [aicc; geen oN } le, Sal ' 7 Spa ona to Ey 614 © 668-6911 Rraveuiice Tus 1 bork aioe. Bla] == TV_ TOWERS hia on eb 108." (fee ut mam ahd ater] "SARGEANT'S RENTALS i 468-3095, - Boar ' ~-vnnnmom:| 463 Ritson Rd. §.. 725-3338 | For real estate office in BOYCHYN, "and HILL). Kitchen cabinets, Vanities ARE THE BEST! RAMBLER has o hone 725-4171 anytime fate in. Bom In on onal both | WHET CHAIAE Teiwital bear walkers,| OShawa, Hours 5 p.m. to ' " } ' - fat' 30 in, Both In g in, bo! i 8 Wi ¥ iy Street gg: Fs ag simenrere Custom built cabinets. Janitor Service WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! variety of exterior me y $160, 7 728-5236 7 '. | reducing machines, sick. room supplies 9 pm. Monday through QC) @, §. Boychyn @.C. W. A. Hillman.|RooRING, concrete floors, tial roofing, |ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES! Fast, eco- T R [ 0. and interior colors JANSSEN'S POWER TYPEWRITER : "portable, |Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644, : riday, 12 noon to 5 p.m . BD, Humphreys, BA, LLB, Office: i N irs,;fomical ceiling, wall cleaning done by . 30; adding mach $25) ctric type- CHAIRS, card and banquet tables, church F f id Residence: 725-4604) "Whitby, |C4" .tPeclalty, Tie More ae Reoting| modern machine. Free estimates, Work EQUIPMENT CENTRE writer, $40) gleciric cash register. WWem-laisle runners. Cleve Fox. Rentals, 412} Saturdays, M {Taman 7255133, NA wn and Construction, RR 3, 725-6937, guaranteed, 728-7736 om | Our Sale Starts Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Wner, $100, 723-4434, {Simcoe Street North, Call 723-2414, Se ES TOONS TN AVS GNU BEASTENING and ransiiay loess Madav. te Tan | TELEVISION Ferguson Riding ' Tractors, CLEARANCE SALE, Used beds $12)| @NTE RTAINING -- Fifty to one-hundred Write Box 236. sidewalks, remodelling, rec-ropme,. Free SS 1a Corner_Bond and Division Service on all power equip- pH TAIN Sn eh oT Lc dood lpn et is mates, A, it, T Witt LOAN p 10 65,000 wt @ rea-| SEPT 20t 3 Dt j j y q Classified Rates 128-4717, a sonable rate nthe ae LABIA ' bag Licensed mechanic on " West, Pacis bar Kitchen, parking, Reason. OSHAWA TIMES PT LI) .| your is or for any other worthwhile ~ ROR od sitdiiiniehiailiia 728-6315. WORD ADS ph We rtaalte in "Seen rad purpose providing you are steadily em LT. AERIALS" ui 843 King West 728-9429 _|CEMENT MIXER for sale, & mix. After 1 Busi [) iti JEW Cashed Insertion of 24 words, 1.08 |y8rd goods, file and ceramic wall tile.[ploved and have good credit. Telephone) RON'S TV re) On: 18 tt, 15 tt. maser 5 p.m. telephone 725-6431, 4---Business Opportunities ELRY additional words 4¥ac each) 3 con |Free estimation, Work guaranteed ots 5 ' ' © Gravel @ Sand @ Stone GIRL'S three speed bycycle $20 EAUTY SALON -- Weil established; Saleslady requi 'ull 12 Year's Experience 17 ft yey ly require time secutive Insertions of @4 words $2.08 |ALL" ¥YPES buliding, roofing repairs M |W > i ae abenhes: W and t je %" Much @ Building Materials) blue ski pants size 14 $8, Apply 129 soe beauty salon with good cllentele, tow and. part-time, additional words 2c each, 4 COM land remodelling; chimneys, new and re ortgages | All Work Guaronteed TEXACO FUEL & STOVE OIL |*ndra.Street overhead, mall equipped, owner leaving Appl i ao. secutive Insertions Of 24 words 64.32 |oaired; sidewalk and concrete repairs, | wve. FRANEMISSION irom W95d Meteor auto. |SountTY. Contact George Koornneet _ of PPly a hy additional words We each, Whitby 668-2774, Gord May. MORTGAGE 723-7521 T R A | [ F RS Free 24-hr, Burner Service om 1956 Meteor euto-|Schorield-aker Limited, 7202265, or. 720 EXP! enceo" caapaw | Thee tic, In A+) condition; al " "nn a4 ae caren" works ten eatimaten a OANS | - RON BRIGHTLING Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealet|various other small" pert. mralpphone 2097 evenings Burne Javelin within @ days, |slee coment L ee 9AM, -- 9 P.M R CALL 668-3524 Alex 942-5467 RESTAURANT in North Oshawa, dining: LTD mn ui _ceeeeeanenmanonaneeenaeanenipet CON | me in? room and counter, wi equipment, seven * ¥ moe ewnte a Sone each word, aabany pavinia "ii "Fi cents square foot| Money for first mortgages | PRICES from $930. to welds 7° . ock StS _ TAPE RECORDER, Phillie, ae, new, rooms upstairs, can be used for two 20 Simcoe St. North Initial, figure er abbreviation counts linciudes grading and fill, two-year guran-| Open Mortgages | FAST T.V. SERVICE $1692 on 1965 _.__244 Brock St, South JW' long. play tepe $125, or best 'offer, (apartments or boarders, T 728- as one word) phone number Counts lige Terrano 0 Paving. 723-5841, ik Interest ot 7° ; 250 : FLOOR cover Phone 728-5847 6485, Ww it R ' d vor YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY ci Chime} No Bonus j Service Call only $2. rental trailers discontinued patterns. All siashed In| BORTABLE Singer sewing machine, Ex 15---Employment Wanted re BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- neys built and repaired: gas tintn No Charge for Valuations | DOMINION price trom 27¢. per , Wilson Furniture, Icellent condition, $40, Telephone 668-4203, -mployments Wenred 4 pm, to pam. SOCIAL NOTICES ae eee rive Serene Mortgages ond Agreements Come first and choose your : Whitby, HOUSEWIFE will take care of one or end 11 p.m, to Insertion with 28 cents ed ' TELEVISION lor! BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniture - two children, tive or six days @ week In lon purchased color and appliances.(oold's Furniture, 215|\9----Market Basket her home, 723-9094 after § p.m. Apply $2.00 per | og charges if not paid within 6 Dentistry Money for Second Mortgages 728-5154 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, Dundas East, Whitby 668-5481, WOMAN Wishes day work, house C "office MR. CAMPBELL CAREF FOUN MA, Dental] Fast Service All work guaranteed, H RTY NEW, USED er her mele POTATOES, $1.65 Dushel) also freshicie Ing, central, Telephone ' eon A ~ stiers Hi h Sr BENT eT Pa Perea IN MEMORIAMS Surgeon, 172 King Street Mest, Oshawa ema ee ~ pairs to all makes, .ew noses. Phonely,, B vmanviile area 71306, "RELIABLE | WOMAN wall ae dey oe GENOSHA HOTEL cl ren i words and Sc |F intment, 728-5171, M - § j hehe tha snl he A =e i Bad ag Wee per line oF Speen a ania bungee . F. SWARTZ FALL SEASON SOON Jack 'Leva, 72-9706 eta GROER for freezer roasting chicken, bd il ao ve vista ple ge et verse 25¢ additional charge it not paid |PIALEK, DR. ay B.._Dental "Surgeon, 264 King St.' Eost TV CHECK-UP NOW T R A | [ F R S GUNS '-- "Bought, wold, Wraded, repaired! our pounds, $1.38) three. pounds 18 ox mane scene eet aoe |SALBSOIRL, -- with, some, boskeeping a Q s 6 r "z . within @ days, appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728-8441, Craw Onteri. 7 qualified servicemen maar, Bend .Siroet: Weeks Ceiivery. on. ordee at ten or mare TT Paras General Hospital sree, salary nd commission. All CARDS OF THANKS 46 O |BUY AND SELL -- Good used furniure|NO. 1 ONTARIO" poial Laid. Wit" detalle fo Blox' S28," Gohowa 'riven : " mecicsinanieniceinine si wes . » $2, 7&ib, be x full detalis to Box 528, Oshaw £2.00 for the iret Et bs a Dressmaking aT RENE OY | 1. R, I, . SALES and RENTAL and appliances, One location only. ed Call evenings, Brooklin 655-4989 oAY point As me wos A eee bos A "BEAUTY CS RSELOW- PERSONAL SY 9 i : Fi eb ss Mn si r i on" call pg gh a PRREOWAL STYLING = for | tashi SUMMERLAND pln : PLEASE BRING CONTAINERS -- Picklschoci 'aisiricty Whitby, 460-9600 or éee.(on you? We may need . oe aa: tri } someone in ene ee ee Sremoaing: alterna. TELEVISION Stop 31A, West Hill Ye A your own: Corn, 25c, dozen; tomatoes, $1. ---- Se eee eee area, or call for products. 723-9349. riting ® yo apecialty, 728-1823 for appoint- ECURITIES _728- 5143 volume set with and never used, |, 25 six-quarty Spanish 5 facie ; Cd Le Bee COMING EVENTS ment, SEC niece Cost $149.50.. Will sell 'all 723-5970, pent 'We pick Tacsars,' beeen; sae <2, |HOUSEWIFE will take care of one or| EXPERIENCED al oa lle ' eee tc Sete tee tae tie seootigar mio os TV SERVICE Telephone 284-4405 | oic-wainriwas-- candscapes, portrait, |oushel 0c. six-quert baukets 'carrots, $1./'Wo children, aged shx months up, ex] Whitby law fem, Excellent | ied person, Apply to Box rid ee sa eee eee 8 725- bushel, W. Eymann, Ya mile east, Roy|equired, Centrally located in ewn home, |qallf specialty! Oshawa, Ontario - 725-3568 ae Souhd, vice eg wlan. Nichols Garage, Courtice, Go north to|728-5917 after 5.30, awa Times, Whitby, Zz ry ings ad bat A 1s HOMERED ESOS SEMEN SE SRO on. Ne ee DAY OR EVENING 6--Marine Equipment 648-4497, 325 Brock North, Whitby MRO -|WILL GIVE day enre To one preachooier| BABY SITTER, required for" evening W210 PRR INCH INSERTION y ane gets 728-5286 INST. Weymoulh cabin, <rler, gv TOWERS SPRCIAL -- abo! var| TOMATOES 1, bushel WIG YAU OMltom rte Teton fe sin =" C| South Gahows aon: Tepe 896 str 1 7 speeneeeenecrenseeemrteateionersemareamennemernas |= Sunes ators ra valiapie HP Johnston motor, Telephone Ajax vets all-channel antenna installed, the end of pavement, turn lett: third| PRACTICAL nur i RELIABLE WOMAN tc care for five chit DEADLINES o SEMAKING Ail kinds of ledi 942-5056. $50 Oshawa TV Supply Limited A nurse would like position 'ADS wear, n quality rank Cell Agnes' Low Interest j OSHAWA a -- < house on north side. full or part time in Oshawa, References.|4'en, two in school, Mother works 8 fo # WORD eh, Mar is FT. Spaceship converiible" Tully|DESKS FOR STUDENTS. Many sivles. aL ALE Telesone Tes. toae p.m. East Whitby, Telephone § pm. DAY PREVIOUS tcsnsehseiscnadlbvnendicnne ELECTRONICS equipped with steering lights windshield,|Best selections lowest prices from $17.77.|FRESH VEGETABLES, tomatoes, thraltelchoath was a Lost AND FOUND Gerdenine end end. Su lies Member Ontario compass and 16H. P, motor, $600 Whitby, |Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street. np ar yen Hag ett ie ated oo EMPLOYMENT wanted. Reliable women pret A] AR ppm ag Teme a ie ost Se ses aesneniaeiasterrenincnnnn | ROE Bi Abide ahd Bat OI ; " ! ' 9 a.m, day of publication 9 PP Mortgage Brokers Asvociation cg bint {Alga Bina tiny Pa Me liad sativa RESTAURANT Fb dg rayghl Rey PR Highway. North Service Road. Silda la wee ding Lite of wonky: 668-4558 weekdays, up until 5 p.m. tn ee -ipalrs, All wort u 5 14: Me ann r rm slicer, cooler, fryer, ai-veatanevereaberted Senn Pn Peer pote ener reeoned BIRTHS AND DRATHS me 1 |PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for|Roeite. Te: phone 725-0500 Le sd CHR Coretiblg tone He Buin lime booths, etc, Nestieton 986-4200...' | TOMATOES, $1.25 bushel, Pick your own,jOshawa General Hospital area. .Phone|RELIABLE women fo do light house: 9 a.m, day of publication FALL SEEDING eh a hig somecea end rey ---------=--= | rude electric with long shaft, 900 Ib. Tee-lBiaWG, upright; in very good conditTon, [Crna containers. Telepnone 728-4839. idols kesoing nd care tet. tae cob gig . - ments of sale purchased. Creighton, ps on = U Pe" WARRNE VARG YW eae ¢ TERIOR EE ba ive in, very weeke . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY iS BEST Drynen, Murdoch and Vict (See \Well f Drilling--Digging Nes Trailer, complete outfit, fully equipP-|anpiy rear entrance, 246 Wilson Road */10--Farmer 3 Column 17--~Female Help Wanted (Port Perry 985-7208. +4 tera" enn nnencenees 1@0, Aothing else to buy, Sold new, $2915.) soi, SE enna Na OA SG +-eclunn-=4-D.en. day previous # cob areisters _. |WELL DIGGING by machine speclalizing| sacrifice sale. Call 723-6125. Make an mind eee ----eeeenemeenemeemenatn BABYSITTER required, Greenwooa Ave eons oF larger -- 10 a.m. day previous SUPERFINE GRAS MIX FIRST AND SECOND mortgage. Salelin 30-inch tile, W, Ward, 204 Chestnut) otter USO Wrniture, @ FRESH CORN ensilage, delivered, reason- nue rea, to cere-for two pre-schoolers, agreements purchased and sold, Hennick| Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. | ~ GPHARD, inboard. culboord and tr Bought, sold, Best "priceat Valley; able price, contact Ed Steinfleid at 723- Telephone 725-7830 _after 6 evenings. CANCELLATIONS AND NO, | FINE GRASS. MIX and Mennick, Barristers, 31 King Street _ SHRP ANE, Menards auleeere and ies 16 Bond West, 720-4401, 4376 oF 668-3500. |MIDDLE-AGED lady to" care for SR Cay or PUBLICATION PARKLAWN GRASS MIX Best, 729-7232 seus Ae 2--Personal Good condition, Best offer, Day 728-9443; HAMPERS -- oushel size, used once,|DEAD and crippled farm stock picked person in respectable home. Live In er M SUBURBAN GRASS MIX "are -- night 725-8217 like new, suitable for apples, vegetables,|up promptly, Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone. F U N out, Telephone 725-2261 AUCTION SALES Li Mortgage Money BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Se KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS Optometrist eee Removal of superfluous hale | peas siywosd baste Convert [rc tevepnone 126516, Telephone Collect Hampton, 2692721, Li WANTEO = woman To iad tae we MERION KENTUCKY BLUE ®. RICHARD BLACK, OD, i354 Simcoe} Marie Murduff will be in |inie top, equipped with lights, windshield | CHESTERFIELD = pinche school _age boys in motherless home, Live While every endeavor will be made) co caren 7.7.7 Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa, Telephone} Oshawa Oct, 4th, Sth, and [and trailer, 25 HP electric start and bat-|years old. Two large mahogany antique/30 GRADE cutile, Holstein, some Charole,| Jin. One child welcome. Telephone Yeas arth gk gg Ba fogs a RS MILORGANITE repays 6th. Phone Genosha Hotel |'@ry, $550 or best offer, 725-0890, chairs, Phone 725-3443 or 720-9644 geese, ducks, police pups, 668-2067, 7 + 9%| {720-1381 e advertisers -- ineeaeeatier $208---THRER ROOMS of furniture, Beat/FRESHLY BALED mixed on © assist mother of amall ak cg ae ™ C.1.L, GOLFGREEN 12-6-6 Painting pO Decorating _ on these dotes for oppoint- 7- Swap "end Bartev selection, £3. weekly, Wilson Furniture. hay and straw. Excellent a feed onl required Se Goth oatier ha through either fallure or delay in for CALL, EVERGREEN 6-9-6 ment 20 Church Street, Also oats and straw. Directly from| Ladies earn extra Christmas |month, plus boa wee eas oe ag Fok, Surene now V0s6-4 PAINTING AND ELECTROLYSIS rel ldng ya basing, 5 ee SAVE $50 on new NSU scooters, The) lelds. Telephone 668-8003 or 723-6719 | money. We will train you to |ment apartment, Ti lephone 725-8915. whether by negligence or otherwise. BONEMEAL 723-464] systems, $25.7 J 419.50 [cycle Sep. awn eet Ma." dh. ee ~| demonstrate a full line of toys {MATURE housekeeper, live in, Modern The Times will not be responsible tor DECORATING j e boats, motors; trailers: (new), $119.80.! Fe 461) 11--Pets and Livestock r i home Relerancea rea ired. Tel ask replies uncelied tor in 20 days, PEAT MOSS 2 | RMCOPENING "or art classes Tn oll palnt,|4s Chinns 723-708 = iba and gifts, Commission. Cor requir 'elephone POTTING SOIL INTERIOR and EXTERIOR jing ig gee iat" Slctures.| 7 THREE ROOMS So men a pret] PF RHODESIAN Ridgebacks. (the African} essential, No investment. yearn ae Rela ae are LE UE REGULATIONS Broadioom, Custom Draperies |For information call 7285484, 8--Articles 'for, Sale bse <n I a Lion dog). Excellent bloodlines. CKC reg CALL NOW SRS eTe omaneer ire a Tee pad an le aren 1 savertioe COOPER- ODD & SOUTER in SCRAP WARDWOOD -- onetoot length, "ory RANCH Kennel horses, German Pe y Langille peti tlnait BP osinna 2 4 ¥ , Soe 2.@) feutiiih ' et TENTS $7.75. single cord, Phone 713-2281 before Shepherds, reiatered, trained, "grown ments submitted otherwise bt S 668 5862 in djoining 9.30 &.m. or evenings. 8. 360 WANTED -- Folks in Osnawe end 'ise MITH (7). a : ----s _|Leke Scugog Game Reserve. "3100 for sea- stock, pups, Stud service, boarding, Ash- trict to: show .our tuxurious Chrismtes OUR RATES ar much cheaper. Our work|S0n. Phone Port Perry 985-7268 SAUTISUL Gabe, eee reed oe weh cheaper, Our work| Heavy waterproofed drill, [any_ length em . |BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, ready for |illustrates over 300 items in full or, The Oshewe Times reserves the right 723-1139 ber is 723-33 a ve Valley Creek, 16 with storm flop, dutch door 3 iad -- es | 3 matic. Try tor one month for only $3.50.] cee $AL@ -- German Shepherd, male, jfor Christmas cards on approval tn the cases of display advertisements complexion, eliminate the ugly bathtubidog. Reliable with children. Telephone WOMAN for housecleaning and Ironi WARDWOOD, beech eat o) burn. 455-4662 evenings. Pe orem ft PP AE iting cata yond e } erie if fi ih whieh error occurs. 6 CELINA ST is guaranted, Our information is free.) i] 5 2 nascebi Gur service 3 24 hours. Our "prone: hur peg A congue i SPECIAL lgauge | im sewn-in floor, rear window. |'tllvered,_ training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, T. jmaking It easy to get plenty of orde al one to @ customer, FLY KILLING system, completely auto Broad, 114 Elgin East. |Earn extra money fis way. write: Nee Today to classify advertising eccording te . ~ be . a Gruner cautention cones (caver Seen se Sat ating Street Wes aes i with awning |Call_Chitchem Chemicals, Whitby 668-2200, three years old. Registered. Obedience free catalogue, Monarcn Card Co, pet. [FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS| send. Pree eat Dis! 724 5... Troilars From $39.95 Up REDUCE WORK -- maintain a lovely|trained, Excellent disposition, good watch} Wanted for light ship- 16, 217 Cannon, Hamilton The Times will not be held respon i Ee e % ing, get whiter washes and als: ave ~ Sible for more space han at "vnich | 5 0 D Plumbing "and Heating ; Fina, et whiter washes and aleo save vol RCN SENESR ping and maintenance -in tive hours "Tuesday nd five hours F he actual error occup pu ia LC pLuMBINe AND WEATING sup COOK S gan Soft Water system put in your home, ye y+} Store, y: ep g Ys ishers endeavor fo reproduce afi ad Yo try it for th f iy; Open to saddle. Telephone Orono 200, 200, an > Te ees . Teleph k rr - 'ov can try one month for only/° © one Ore Vertising matter correctly, but assume i Delivered r . TRAILER SALES $5. Call Culllgan today. Whitby. 668-2200, |EWIHUAHUA, short-haired, Bleck and] Experience not necessary, |'8--Male Help Wanted no Hablity of advertisement i any = , ait t nt eat Eng Stondord = features, include ies. in any for tained edor Hedges, Patios Laic j225 $ ourt ACOE SRTH is VACUUM repairs, all makes, white, Female, seven weeks old, Paper , aceerecen ORY SHH Gre SpTeines 9 SIMCOE ST. NOR chain guard, Perry Coaster /SACN IM ceri un 'nicer, aan trained, Very iovable. Priced for quick} Reply stating age and any therein nd Deli ' he 2 ; 4 mere and Delivered Clearance sole starts today brakes and silver brazed [Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street,|88le, $40, Registered, Telephone 728-2065,| Information to | YOUNG MAN betore | CALL -- Buy now and ave frames and forks. « Pickering GERMAN Shepherd pups for sale. Tele | ws "das, @ . wes phone 728-9815, e j : | From $34.95 Up dye. TR oe Shope i "Simeoe Tov" TERRIER female, been spayed, had BOX 238 PRODUCTION aping and Garden Service CLEANERS | 17° rambler, Street South, 725-6611. . Five montns old. $25. Phone LAWN MOWERS ogi bth he gh ae "nen a TERRIER puppies, eight weeks ern TIMES | ASSISTANT rs 7 15' Can 7 TIMES ACTION WANT AD 725-0611 Rug ond Upholstery Clear Peas sniy 16' G -- 7 1,000 miles. Price, $550, (with safetyloid, temporary needies. $45 and $75. Ce Classifie? Direct oo ing. At our plant or ta your _ enelles (fully 723-3492 BLUE SOD home on get Glarolaive tehows Light, dependable and power- |heimet, and nubble $578.). Telephone Deposit _will_hold. Telephone 720-9122. RECEPTI iS FOR MAILING DIVISION 725- ) ful, Adjustabl tting h coerce GRASS CALL. 725-9961 room condition us Adjustable cutting Meant lie FeLRWIOIG. BE reule creme Lie tne F L PLANT Bee x : ss 94 BRUCE STREET i a from Ng 3", Chrome plat- player, suitable for rec-room, automatic] -- wt seins Ba ces EOE OF LOCA N INDEX TO Check the quolity in the field. lavecrensiec pen evenings 'til 9:30 p.m ed handle Chenges. Gaby carriage. crit. in goed) BOARDING horses wanted, Bex stale. SWITCHBOARD - "All Green" ursery Syed wy OR ge ons ia Closed on Sunday From $39 95 Up fc ad Seager ee ieeed ig Neca lohone eayare fer Grede XIt_ education mini CLASSIFICATIONS | Growers, Townline North for recovering. Dalton Upholstering. Phon 3-9534 pee SNOW TIRES, 650 x 13, mounted. ap- re ter torthar teharenaiien. 54 mum, Ability to direct ond Va mile N. of Tounton Villoge [Chartes Street, 723-7212, : e 72 ee [srbew a ee miles of use, $30, pr, : SakO Becher rae OPERATOR co-ordinate work and asset. OSHAWA 725-9674 CHESTERPIELDS cheire, SOx YRAIAR. « wo 5, omlete $80, DOMINION jor_best offer, Phone 728-5047, i Heil ge" a 5 Previous experience helpful. aa " es ee covert ike new t $ ' ae ee inti + Sportsmen's Column inghouse automatic washer Telephone|OALMATION puppies, one female, three required for local printing Write stating age, education, s age, ' 5. Trailer: at Modern Uphoisterers, 142 Simcoe § FOR SALE -- 26° house trailer, bedroom : : ini vt ' GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES [foun Cal fanattn Pree eatinere itch bath 720-3693 males, 11 weeks old. $15 and $20 Lorne} firm, Minimum Gd, X é--Marine Equipment > hs we grnished. Call trailer, TIRE STORE -- ~~ | Ming RR 2, Pickering Dunbarton 839- . " experience ond references to Any advertisement cancelled publication will be charged one day's MAPLE LEAF . OSHAWA _ | i insertion. q iV"S EASY TO PLACE A tSwap and Barter - GREEN AND BUSHY FOR xp stat 9 Subway er ¢ Whitby. After > ; eet Gas" REDEES CTC. TREE ES: [er wete eee? oes ENON nm st, pg aa education or experience, | Box 335 Market Basket "4 4 wants wef " " ears. Fre = snceovesenaptithng aioe ta RiEereningid . . - TIMATES, QUANTITY OF Workmens Ne paranters Five yes ; ' ree SALEI End of seaton Westband" boats | 145 King St. W LINEN table cloth. three yards long with SOXER pupsien, pore bred Pye é OSHA' A TIMES POSTS AND POLES [bv . Furniture retin shed. Oshawa Us-lers, Says sad ie hang a "3 aa Pa jdinner sire napkins. Also good V&@CUUM] nhone 725-5745 | ie SMITH'S TREE FARM ats Cenaeen a . raliers, $995 Telephone 725-6511 cleaner. Phone 725-1650 ier ecihiss intnaiaitoenssis scnsonicedl ne li--Articles for Rent leg thdbiae : lyases : lat ado rergprneg og are go + sar| PUPPIES, 3 months old BUILDERS' Salesman presently selling 14--Rusiness Opportunities Newtonville Call Collect ay, Eas shawa |BEDROOM SUITE -- bed spr ings ehest,| gg Pg 728-2950 $2 each, Pickering 942-19 : to the owner builder In the Oshawe- \S--Employment: Wanted 7Ré 2283 |sheciat = = nee ead upholsier _ idresser. with mirror, venity th bench, [Hlon, $45, Velephone 728-2950, seaman paren for appointment Puletbere areks rauured ey. Shan s--agents Wanted a jed_ in your own e er vey nee 'Two months, $8 also two Sabet | |HONDA MOTOR BIKES -- New and silver and tan, $30, Telephone Hampton |---- and storefront manufactur! }--Femaie Help Wanted TREE TO TRIM? Call § Or 1H eut] system. 9 x rug ° pire TO SELL posts, used two mor each. 4\./used, $299, No down payment, Open even-|943 954) Preference given to tee man now hend! 1e--Male Help Wanted ithe down, Free estimates, 725.9178 or | chestertiete id, 86,99 ' ITYPEWRITERS, adding machines and/ings until 9 p.m. Honda Shop, 199 King ing windows or related must ° Male or Female Hep | 728-0870. time clocks, new and rebuilt, One year|West, Diel 728-«242 '<a Wanted 2 Cashier be able te reed, Arch. oreergs we Warten jor Ltd. j i oe NURSERY and feild tod Promot oe \Sales 'and Service FRE H ; antes, Outstanding good buys. Jem/We BUY, sell and exchange used furnl-|---- * | ivery and free estimates Telephone - ' : a Machine Sales and Servic®,|/iure or anything you have. The Cityiiess FORD motor, in good condition, ' json_Avenue, Toronto 3. phone SSE071, ' TRAPP, evenings R087 GUARANTEED repairs ringer 20-783, Open evenings. | Trading Post 'Store, 336 Simcoe Street] Telephone Hampton 26327R2 after Spam. Required é ERIENCED Service "Station "attend - =~ |WASNOTS & anges ee estimate ~) rt Fur = | South. 723-16 ? a i sg ant, Chauffeur's Heence; capabt! oper= 33--Real Extate Wanted [TOP SOIL with oF without manure; also] yys-1yay ' ONEST CAL'S "Furniture and." Appii-|Sc USED O1L FIRED hanging furnace. a] 5 pM to 11 P a. Shift ating tow truck, Must be bondable. Apply Dé--Stores, Offices and Storage Ima tor wine x ances, Neme brands at highest discounts! Rr utomatic defrosting retrg- ure sale, V Kue Whitby lanywhere. We carry Restonic and Bever LEONARD automa' BB ego 9 refri@-jproximately - two. hundred -- thousand Full tim in person. 97 King East, R--Mouses for Rent | Telephone 668-2906 oF 668-298 si canopies, | jerator, in.good cond also large sizeiB.T.U. Required tely, P 1 heApartments tor Renw j ICompiete » ree est v V ['v snattress furniture fines, Your author |Sapy crit win tennis ee GARDENER {o care for small raspberry Steen oe seve [eaters sre ae hoon = [St sing 'Sree weesras" Sore tat WER areas weg|GENOSHA HOTEL [fice wat sass oe 2 : 139 2 s ' li ualcsebipii cic Mh ore ton ol ak on A Wanted to Rent | 725-8884. : lpano--aprient" "GS. Telephone 720-1101 |tanies. aise 39" bed, Telephone 7o8-3688 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canadas ARCHITECTURAL draftsman, Reply stat 'Se tic Service \TaLEVision TOWER SPECIAL -- @ 7. one 728 P more USE THE |structure, hot dipped galvanized 1" tower) [YS OMY. = OLD HORSE DRAWN bugoy and cutter.|finest tine of Christmas Cards, wraps, ne 'Woo, Piexering, Om" eaaccctesnaes Instruction cleaned. Prompt se included, single all-channel antenna com-|PIANO -- One only floor model, demon-lAiso old pine furniture -- chairs, table, (novelties, etc, Over 300 stems. For tree, RS RSE Se LINE MUSIC? Lt Boral Music Stodios Warter Fated 204° Crinstrut plete, Installed, tax included, guaranteed|strator, small size (lust 36" high), fUlllcupboard. Telephone 668.5984, Whitby, Deautlfully Wustrated catalogue, samples|WAITER for beverage room, must have teach you to play the accordign, quickly ' one year, $80. See all towers at TRIO/38 note keyboard. Art walnut finish withlaner « on approval and the fastest service.igood character references, Experienced eesily, surely, Cless, private instructions " « Television, corner Bond and Division,/ bench. $589. Wilson and Lee Lid., &? Sim-]. _.|Jeandron Greeting Card Co. -- King}men preferred. Hotel Lancaster. 2 King tor aft : m DEALING IN haage® Cae soni al ' 798.S)43-4 ye Street North, 725-4705. Open Thurs Street, East, Hamilton. ontar Street West, Oshawa af age groups, Dey or evening ge iBusiness Serv ory drings extra nd Fri te RAIN OR SHINE: Times Action Want)>-- ah Sat 1A nt: AERO | sical, dence bend. country end western er| peerage |REPRIGERATOR, 6 cy. fi. Frigideire| "°Y ® Berar Rvs asa Ads Ads give you speedy Yelp, 'n any kind of [LADY cenvassers wented Toate Oshewa|MALE help required to pick apples, Ap- ipock Gnd roll, Write Box 33, Osnews| heise ee qest. Telephone jwith freezer, 30 Inch frigidaire range,|TV TOWER, SOf., slighly used, Two an-|weether. To buy, sell, Aire or rent tele-/Bowling Lenes between 9:30 and 12 a.m. ply. Nick Nick Buldyke st 41 Highway ané leutomatic even. control, 723-4482. Itennee, Phone 723-4181, phone 723-349 jat the Oshawe Shopping Centre, hickson Read--term. 'yaa te place your e¢

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