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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 18

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, ] Tuesday, September 21, 19: BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top record-holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) North dealer. Both sides vulnerable, ratty HAMM SEE WE'LL HAVE NO DIFFICULTY IN SIT DOWN, MN BOY, WE WANT YOU TO WELL~NOT EXACTEY, FEEL RIGHT ATHOME. WHAT, BY THE FOOTBALL, BOXING, cu WAY, ARE YOUR INTERESTS? d ALITTLE SHOOTING, COPING WITH THIS YOUNG RIDING? POLO? t AMERICANO, WELL FENNIS-PERHAPS? oo ! : = Sit -AVOID His . SPECIALTIES, HERB HAVING AFEW WHAT CAN I BO, OEAR--GET 'THE TABLE OR SOMETHING BUZ SAWYER NN OCTOBER, 19/7) CANADIAN CORPS GO COMMANDER LT.-GEN. ARTHUR CURRNE BLOOD IS "|: /S HAUNTED BY FOUR os NO THICKERN WHISPERED TO HIM BY FIELD MARSHALL DOUGLAS HAIG » WATER!!! CONFIDENT IN HiS GANADIANG, CURRIE S TO TRY THE OBJECTIVE » os iL FINAL ORDERS COME FROM TO TAKE THAT GENERAL HEADQUARTERS « PASSCHENDAELE « ++ MUST BE TAKEN « 0. t 2 4); 1 Toront leagram News Service WALT MEDAYTER NORMAN DREW Opening lead -- queen of spades, There are some falsecards one has to make simply as a matter of self-survival, The opportun- ity for such plays, known as mandatory falsecards, seldom arises, but when it does, it is virtually suicidal to fail to false- card, Here is a typical situation. East, the hero of this piece, is defending against four hearts jand West wins the first two tricks with the Q-J of spades. East takes the next trick with the ace of spades and elects to return a club, which South wins jin dummy with the queen, Declarer now plays a low heart, and our hero, East plays jthe king, not the ten. When {South wins the king with the HAVE HIT THAT BANK TO FINANCE | WYNNE, Wee and seharas a low heart, CONVERTING THE DREAMS PLEASE ; est _follawing---low, "South" is | fi <a | TO REALITY / "+ : faced with a very difficult de- rH 14 mr TOM Se : bf |Z cision. ! abe: SR. 4) e wy a. ] ' y | If he assumes that the king o: fe : A oe | r ' y 7 signs WE'LL. PARK HERE AND AT RAWN LOOK "PRETTY EE WALL» D HADN'T / Bf ph aang ah FOR THE TRACKS OF DANS CAPTORS, |\ WEARING THE INFA t& |, LEATHER CAP Fantacee Spndoonnn, ton. 1865 DARRELL. | MICLURE' A 4-2! THE LONE RANGER Sine [7 IF RICK HAD VISIONS ABOUT { SHERRI WYNNE, PHIL, HE MAY -- AND THE GUY WHO SENT THEM HUH 4 ELSA'S THERE? WAS WAITING FOR HER OUTSIDE / /-- AN! SHE WANTS TO TALK eared TO ME 7 SECRET AGENT X9 was a Singleton, he must play the nine in order to prevent West from making a trump trick with his supposed holding of the 10-8-7-2, It would certain- ly not be abnormal for South to come to this conclusion and |finesse the nine--and go down, However, if South guesses the situation correctly, he goes up with the jack, catches the ten, and thus makes the contract, The all-important point is that if East plays the ten when the four is led from dummy, South is bound to finesse the queen and make the contract as a re sult. East has no chance of de- feating four hearts if he plays the ten. But if East' falsecards with the king, he presents declarer with a genuine problem which he might well find insoluble. By falsecarding and pretending he was dealt the singleton king, East creates a problem for South which would not exist if East played the ten, East must play the king if he is to give his side a chance of defeating the contract, It is a mandatory falsecard, BOWLING NEWS| LADIES' MAJOR "B" LEAGUE we Triples prt Bennett 618 (228, Ww Make a 4); Mildred Wittrick 618 (228, 195); shor epee 8 A E Donaida Williams 616 (216, 203); Helen L-CEC Reverts 5. Grain Trott 612 (257, 203) and Hazel Rumpel 611 10:0 PM. 4--Search tor Tomorrew . Behold! 9, Strike F (262, 185), | . at 3--Noon-day Report . Act To Ten -- Vera Szikszay 250, Dolores | #Country Music, Hal ap haiieg pt 11, Sledding Kellar 246, Josie Pritchard 233, 225, Lois 9. Slop areas Legree 228, Retty Campbell 21°, Norma . Seven to 13. Demeter's 8--~Superman (] 6--Ivanhoe | 3--Tugboat Annie | 4--Dive High -- Dive Low)11--Racing Forum Scott 213, Rea N § A lorthey 219, Mildred Tur- ' . @--Licoyd Thaxton 11:00 P.M. 4--Guiding Ligh seven, for datighter ney 211, Betty Campbell-210 and Elleen instance Lubricate 0 PM 11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News ae Hed P.M, Anderson 210, S--Leave it Te Beaver Weather and Sports 1---Theatre sya Pa Sorsthy Mention &h cme ee é--Take. Thirty | Sie Beere new sh pon ives 19, sige Olga McDermaid 92 and Pearl Peacock by hate 4 » Semipoly- surface | t i * TER POT | Viewpoint 6--Music And News gonal material 4--Meet The Millers 1S PEFECTIVE! 11:30 PLM. 1+! ci piles 0 - 1:30 Po <a ed : ; { Y AN RR and Sergeant Bilko a0, Fax Y / | 3-Movie nee Pom, 29. Renders 11:40 PLM, 9. Kids Is People quiet | 1--Moment Of True 34. Hasten PM 35, Poultry Prople in Conflict color The Doctors 38. Dipper 3---Rawhide 11:18 PM, | 8--Matinee window 7-4--Late Show 3--Summer Carousel 2 $:4---Tonioht shew $-3--Luncheon Date 27. Distant A, © Bertor 7--Where The Action ts | 33, Mongol 218 \< 9--Dear Charlotte cage 9 $2 7A Time For Us constella- 6 4 3 ee ae DONALD DUCK WE/LL SPLIT IT TAREE WAYS AN' FORGET ABOUT BLACKJACK, NO NEBD,.... HES IN THE PEN FOR THE REST OF HIS DAys, ACROSS . Revolved . Puncture . Extent . Musical sounds . Recline . Grain of com name 3. Improved morally 4, Compass point 5. Vapor 6, Civil wrong 1. Girl's TELEVISION LOG» 9:0 PLM, J.--Peyton Place }3--Dick Van Dyke Show 4--Petticoat Junction 3--Popeye and Pals Channel 8--Rochester 10:00 P.M. 12:18 PLM, Channel 9--Toronto 1--The Merv Griffin Show, 4--Bpeaker of the Mouse Channel 11--Hamilton %--1 Spy 18100 Pad aerate ie dase ; M. 6-3---World Of His Own 11---News 7--The Pugitive | %- | Love Lucy | @2--I'll Bet $2.-Call My Bluff 7--Money Movie 4--News and Weather Channet 2--Buttaio Channel 3--Barrie Channel 4--Butfaio Channel 6--Toronto Channel 7--Buffalo TVESDAY «VE. 6:00 P.M. N--Family Theatre 9--Five O'clock Movie f fp\>/=] Diep isi<>io} nensas 32, Mast 34, Croquet wicket 37. Extinct bird 40, Before; prefix . Nourish . Ties . Asiatic lemur , Leader of the Israelites Distrib by King Festares Syndicate GOTA HOLE IN "THE Points Taken Mitchells 3, Whites Te Nesbitl's 3, Bint's 1; Motor City % Burn's 17 Henderson's and Saywell's 23 Yi, Horne's Esso and Oisen's 2 i "MOTOR CITY STORE LEAoUR Our League starts bowling on Thurs. Sept. 23, at 2 p.m. Your new executive wishes you a fun-filled year of success- ful bowling. Team No. 1 Modern Uphoistering: Maud Cockerton (captain), Mary Frobely Violet Rorison, Kay Middfemass, Vera j Hele, Belle Logeman. ;. Team. No, 2 -- Angus-Graydon Carpet: |Mae Jamieson (captain), Ada Flondy, |Nadia_ Kupnicki, Muriel Batt, Dorothy Smith, Eunice O'Brien, Team No. 3 <= Jury and Lovell: June Grice (captain), Helen Gourlie, Clete Wellman, Helen Rudka, Edith McMahon, Averill Glendenning. Team No. 4 = Nu-Way Rug: Mabel Moss (captain), Rose Stovin, Judy Zak, Mickey Knopp, Queenie Lounds, Dorothy | Huzar, Team No. 5 -- Thompson Kernaghan: Al Hill (captain), Odie White, Norm: Bradburn, Helen Burrows, Mary Bell, Ruby Phi dahl or 6 --- Swan's Hardware: erie Poch (captain), Ann Peters, Fle 1. Scottish Williamson, Betty Campbell, Dorls' Say- tea cake chuck, Marion Fox, 2. bear 1 Team No, 7? -- Jordan's Florist: Myrna A Baldwin (capatin), Marjorie McNeil, Ann- a ___. jette liffe, Mary McKnight, Marjorie Web- ster, Estelle Patterson. } 1 i points, and a weak spot in a) Tear Dr. Molner: Can a rec- ere laoue Fried Wiga 'ioaplenie = 4 i s A i » Edn owers, Jean Me | blood vessel is something that/tal fistula be cured without | Laughtin, Lillian Hayward, Eleanor Cro- some of us have. Arteriosclerd-|surgery?--MRS. A, R. ania . z : ; . T |sis--arterial hardening -- is & For all practical purposes the) on \eapteiny, common cause. answer is no. I don't say that Debbins, Theda a non-surgical cure is impossi plese fgg x -- " eam 0. - 'eople's Clothing _ ble, but it rarely happens. ANnd)j rene Campbell (caps). Betty Black, if it does, it is usually a com-|Nelda Thompson, Blanche Pelow, Hetiis bination of extremely good luck gti Francis Kapella, ; x xecutive for the 1945-1964 season: Past plus more time and effort than} precigent, Manie Moss: presioene Myrna be ee {would be required by surgery.|Baldwin; vice-president. Rose Stovin: i(such as in the brain) there De: Dr. Molner: Should|secretaty,, Clete Wellman; treasurer, --|}may be nothing to do about it ear : q : . 2 Edith McMahon and press reporter, Ruby lexcept to control one's blood|roast lamb be rather well dotie?| Stephenson, S|pressure, so as to expose the|! ate lamb on the undercooked j ra side, and it caused digestive . ee ee ~~ tieuble for a few hours. Does SALLY 5 SALLIES stress as possible. : ' ik In still other areas, accessible Pacer Bia on er | for surgery, a plastic tube may!" ~ : ees i be inserted to replace the an I doubt that undercooked eurysm. There is also experi- roast lamb would have caused 'Aneurysm Seen Bul Weak S$ ot 73 l\your stomach distress, and gy. P mention ih hs etn aot ee By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD enn A dissecting aneurysm is an- > ' P sinc: In general, though other type, i'll explain. Since an & g \ 3 P nizeS >» fibres, makin artery consists of an inner and enderizes the fibres, maki : causes it? Sometimes] * 9 g meat easier to digest, as wel injury, but more likely ajouter layer, if blood seeps}... qestroying any worms or ny | vessel.| flaw or weak spot that finally/ through the inner lining the two! parasites. be of/has begun-to give way. Answer-ljayers are gradually forced) However, ing why these weak spots are apart. Thus the separation of| meat and hence ate not in dan- . \ | 7-2 News BOTTOM! Pe 6--Lets Talk Music ee he 4--News, Sporte with , CP A-et Chuck Hesty FY, Re / mm | 6:20 PLM, J 1 News | nM PLM, --Pamily Theatre Movie No. & | 04)--News) Weather, Sports A--Huntley-Brinkley 7-"Maverick 4--Acrose Canede %.Pierr 6--Sulliv 12:30 A.M Joe Cario at the Organ WEDNESDAY £:00 A.M, MICKEY MOUSE 11. Schnitzel House ~The Littlest Hobe | 4--Captain Kangaree Bioaraphy --News, Weather, n tee bohitia %--Playtime With Bobby 7--Dialing For Dollars with Girl Talk | 4--Mike's Carnival 2--Mickey Mouse Club 9:30 A.M, Ed Allen 4--Gypsy Rose Lee 2--Ann Southern Show %--Metro Final 7.--Trailmaster 4:00. Pm, . Funer 1 ae F é--Night Metre o--Mike Douglas Show val lg bears | 4--As The World Terre 28, Inquire k f an Brothers 4--Password 10 PLM, 36. Light-tan ~Movie Matinee tion Linkletter's Party Movie 39. Endured 40, Willow 41, Weakens 42, Mrs. Truman DOWN MY CAMERA 'S 60 I'M NOTGONNA| |...B8Y TAKING | [oR INE OF MR. OTIS, BRAND-NEW, ' RISK BREAKING IT... GRANDMA/'S THE MAILMAN / J a PICTURE... ig ease Uncle 3:00 P.M, 1l--Donna Reed 9-Fractured Phrases | #2--Another World 7--General Hoapitel 4~--To Tell The Truth 2:90 PLM. Vi---Funny Company %--Its Your Move | @2--You Don't Say 7--The Young Marrtede | é--Public Service Announcements -- _ ------ 4--Edge of Night 4:00 PLM, Mickey Mouse Club 6--The Match Game .é J--Rocketship 7 43-Vacation Time | | 4---Secrat Storm | | & Rocky end Hie | : : | CONTROL PRESSURE } Aneurysm may occur in any part of the body. It may be of} relatively little importance in} ;many spots. In other areas --Gilligan's Island Huntley- Brinkley Report Te PLM, | Honey West | 9--B,A, Showcase 8 2--My Mother The Car 7--Combat ¢-On The Scene | 4--Rawhide | 3 Hogan's Heroes Truth or Consequence 2:00 PLM. 4-| Love Lucy | --Special Movie 10:28 AM, %--Gomer Pyle 9---Bingo | 8-2--Please Don't Eat The 8-2--What's This Song 7--Donna Reed 9 4--The McCoys 11:00 AM. *-F-Troee 1 Ronnie Prudden | oO | 9--Mr, And Mrs AND IT'S BEEN KEEPING Momcale's Ni | #2--Concentration Friends 1872! to ee | 7---The Young Set TIE SINCE 1872° --Red Skelton | 4-Andy of Mayberry 40 PLM. j . peice | 9:00 PLM, 12:30 AM 1h Huckleberry Hound | CHAS. KUHN- } Daisies 63--Red Skelton 6:00 Pim. Kinioch's: Evelyn Stine Fairley Bouckley, Lev Magee, Pat LaCroix, YOU OIL THE WORKS ALL-GET-OUT... WITH WITH A TURKEY FEATHER... A NON-LUMINOUS F "ITS MAGNETIC AS The Wackiest Ship 1l--Albert J. Steed Sea Hunt In The Navy 9--Abracadabra 7--Early Show 8-2--Mavie 8-2--Jeopardy 63--Sunshine Semester @--Front Page Chalienge | 7--F Troop 1 12:00 NOON % Toronto Today | 4-Mowle | 2--B'Wana Don 'YOUR HEALTH more | MUGGS AND SKEETER © tomy Fanteree Syatienty. tna. 1904. Wid 5 ( WHY--BECAUSE MY BOSS ORDERED ME | THERE, JULIE. LOOK, HONEY--JOBS LIKE \_ MINE DON'T GROW TREES. al JUST SPRUNG IT ON ME, JULIE, HES THE MOST OPTIMISTIC SENDING ME TO | REPORTS DESCRIBE A PLACE CALLED KALAWADI AS A Ma, KALAWADI. eNO }| BR PEST HOLE! HI a IN \__ BALL DOWN THERE. a si A a Dear Dr. Molner: What is anjtions have to be: Where is it? janeurysm and what causes it?|/How extensive is it? |Is there any cure--MRS, J. He What An aneurysm is a weak or an bulgy spot in a blood 'A small aneurysm may scant consequence, A large one, cooking sheep don't eat]} however, can be extremely ser- jous, depending on its: location If it were to perforate or rup- ture, and if it happened .to be in. an important artery, then the bleeding could be disast rous. Therefore the vrimary ques- present is as difficult as to say exactly why some people havc weak arches and others don't |why some. have varicose vein: land others don't: why somi | people are near-sighted but oth jers don't need glasses. We al ihave our strong and. weak the layers spreads along the ger of harboring: the parasite artery, increasing the extent Of| which causes trichonosis. Some Europeans for a long time have 'eaten lamb either very rare or the aneurysm, With such an aneurysm, grad- tally growing, the ideal goal is) : rgically before it)raw Without resultant digestive 0 repair it su has become too large. trouble. "Of course, I'll wait for you. Just don't be too-long; I have a date tonight."

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