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Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Sep 1965, p. 6

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& TUE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 21, 1965 - ------<| TROMNCE SALMONRELLIES SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR verything From Soup To Nuts' THEY CAME TO PLAY! Johnny Davis scored on the last night and within a matter first official "shot-on-goal" of minutes, had performed a legitimat three scores in succession, wit! Oshawa's lead to 3-0, Davis had potted all three he had received a lot of help to all -- the Green Gaels had afternoon, the word eked out (Hotel Genosha) that in this one, run-run and run the Green Gaels Maybe they can now blame "humility". but as the contest lads were frustrated, irked and a bit bewildered, to the point that tempers were beginning to show, THE GREMUINS were in on the act, especially in the monbellies twice in succession hit Magic in itself, was something, since he was positively sensa- It's granted the New Westminster early stages, when Sal goal-posts with the Mr. that tional in the early stages. snipers had Gaylord Pow ball off the cross-bar of the net, scored (twice) in this series a on the pipes, as did Higgs. S with the Gaels last night -- an Rezansoff, also Ron Pepper, ness, running game, nobody can stay best from the West". effort -- from every member of the team Minto Cup series on Wednesday night, then they can lose the 7th game edge lies in sustained pressure and top form. BROOKLIN lacrosse fans stayed up late last night, and were rewarded with the news made it 3-1 in The Mann Cup over New Westminster, last night, They nesday night and needing only that the greatest "'little ripe to stage one of the biggest Brooklin's softball fans didn't night. A heavy rain struck theré near noon their scheduled playoff game with Oshawa Gal They'll likely go at it, before have an OASA semi-final date twin-bill at Alexandra Park tonight, Jay Cees opening their 3-out- o'clock while Bad Boys and Scugo, and deciding semi-final game, at 8:15 p.m, HOCKEY tactfully edged its way into the local sports in spite Osha t picture yesterday noon, off activity current here Hockey Club held a pleasan The Oshawa Steak House, wi the club directors, to officially we "Bep" Guidolin. Wren Blair announce the Generals will wear the white, gol Boston Bruins this 'season. The sored by Smith Beverages men assistant manager should find favor w community. speech, in which he stressed ho Oshawa, Generals, in 1941-42. another ith the long- THE GM LADIES' Softball morrow night at North Os GTO's in their semi-final series second game, Corvettes play Riv 2-out-of-3 semi-final round. REDELL HURT Alouettes Top Eskies For 2nd Win In 3 Days ivr.s trsteronr'nove By DON MacLACHLAN EDMONTON (CP) - Edmon ton Eskimos lost avarterback! Rill Redell and two costly fum- bles Monday- when they bowed 24-13 to Montreal Alouetts on a rain-soaked field Redell suffered partial location of his left collarbone when stopped on a 27-yard run in the third quarter Flanker Randy Kerbow finished. the game for Redell as the Alou-| ettes counted their second win in three days in Canadian. Foot ball League action The Alouettes recovered three of five Eskimos fumbles and two led to touchdowns before about 16,000 fans The sloppy field and slicked ball 'really hurt us, head coach Nei! Armstrong of! the Eskimos said later. "That's why we fumbled." And, he said, "those backs just couldn't get up there' in the mud The Alouettes fumbled three times and lost two. A fumbled snap gave Edmonton a touch down by fullback Butch Press ley and a wild snap on a third down kick gave the Esks a safety touch Montreal opened the scoring as soon as the game started John Baker's bouncing kickoff) jumped deep into Edmonton's} end zone and Jim Thomas con-| ceded SCORES ON FUMBLE | Halfback Pat Batten scored) a touchdown after an Eskimo! fumble and booted two con-| verts and a field goal. Flanker) dis rain bad luck but on the other hand, b less had Wallis well-beaten, only to bounce the d while Paul Shymr and Bob all along with the Goss brothers and Ken Winzoski, we felt it was established last night --, when Green Gaels want | to win, when they really go all-out on their short-passing, A repeat performance of their top "lacrosse centre in Canada will be informal luncheon meeting at th press and radio types joining and Orange Crush, White, gold and green and will be known as » Ted O'Connor was announced as the team's "Bep" Guidolin imp where he started his hockey career, with Oshawa hawa Park, with Skylarks meeting games in seven days." CUT WINNING STRING winning string at three games| after WFC yeat By FRANK RATCLIFFE Johnny Davis scored three goals in the first seven-and-one- half minutes Monday night, launching Oshawa Green Gaels to a 14-6 victory over New Westminster Salmonbellies. The win was the most deci- sive of the series and gave Oshawa a 3-2 game lead, plac: ing them in position to wrap up the title Wednesday night. A seventh game, if necessary, will be played Friday. Davis scored five goals and assisted on two others, bring- ing his series total to 12 goals and seven assists, He leads in the goal-scoring department and is third in points behind team- mates Jimmy -- Gay- lord Powless. i 8-POINT i Higgs, switched to the first line, sparked the line with an- e "hat trick'? -- namely hin the same period, to run goals but en route and it was obvious "come to play'. Yesterday of the Salmonbellies' camp they were going to run- right into the ground, the weatherman -and the neared its end, the Western ian Marshall beaten -- and oth Davis and Kenny Thompson finally nd he also lost another one almonbellies just didn't stay |scored two goals for a total of 1/10, and assisted on six others The eight-point performance jgave him a leading 21 in the \five games. High-scoring Kenny Thompson snapped .a four-game scoring islump with a pair of markers jand four assists, Single goals) came from Ross Jones, Neil |Armstrong, Brian Thompson,! | Phil Clayton and Gaylord Pow- i less, Powless added two assists| NEED ONE MORE showed flashes of great- with them -- including "the -- will end The If Oshawa falters -- also, for certainly their only their Senior lacrossers with a 14-9 triumph go again on Wed- could be that finals, one more win, it celebrations of all time. a chance to cheer last and washed out e's Lumber. Saturday, since "Concretes" booked for that date, It's a with Genosha Aces and of-5 Juvenile finals at six g Cleaners play their third get NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. vicing 14-9 victory over New |Westminster here Monday jnight. | The Ontario club scored its) third straight victory in the best-of-seven senior lacrosse fi-| |nal and moved to within a step! of the national title. The next game here Wednes-| day night could mean the re turn of the cup to Eastern Can-| ada for the first time in five lyears, Brooklin grabbed a 3-1 lead) in games by employing a typi-| cal eastern lacrosse tactic--the| hard rush--and wearing down| the pass-prone British Colum:| bia champions. Doug MecRory, coach of the} New Westminster team, said) his players concentrated too! much on "razzie dazzle" in-| stead of tough leg work. Brook-| lin won simply by beating the| idefenders with rushes, he said,| SHOW FINESSE New Westminster dem- lonstrated to the 3,800 fans the lacrosse finesse that has typi- fied most western champions-- exquisitely executed pass plays in which the ball is whipped) around to three or four players| of the heavy summer play- wa "Generals" Junior "A" Icome Oshawa's new coach d that it was settled-- d and black colors of "B" team, co-spon- will wear the "Crush- coach and popular appointment that standing hockey fans of the ressed with a short, sincere w glad he was to return to Junior League playoffs continue to- t 6:30 o'clock and in the second game of their a iera's, | It worked for a while. New Westminster piled up a 4-1 lead sin the first period | But the gap -was--ct+osed quickly. Brooklin players began , : ye i breaking away from New West- Be goon yey cron bee minster defenders and gallop- Armstrong said they'd have t9)in8 dewe on goalie Les Nor- win another five to make it this'_ ss anes Oshawa Couple = poh ell iil ba been Win Doubles, | ge also the Esks' punt Hopps Trophy Kerbow ing regular, had a strong third going after he) quarter march replaced Redell, But the Esks|by Mr The loss broke the Eskimos five consecutive -- losses Eskimo guard Al Ecuyer suf fered a slight concussion when dropped in the second quarter as he blocked a punt runback The Hopps Trophy was won and Mrs, Reg. Norris, '|\dropped 10 yards on two penal-(of Oshawa, in the annual mix- ties for being too long in thejed doubles tournament Satur- huddle and Kerbow. was/day, at the Oshawa Lawn Bow!l- smeared for 13 ing Club He and Redell were good on} The winners, who had a score 11 of 25 pass attempts while/Of 56 for their three wins, were Bernie Faloney clicked on 11 of presented with the trophy by 21 for Alouettes. Montreal inter-|the donor, Clarence Hopps. cepted two passes and Edmon-| The tournament, the last of ton one the season at the club, drew a Montreal had nine first downs near capacity entry of 52 pairs. and total offence of 121 yards! Despite threatening weather, in the air and 58 on the ground. |the two. draws were completed The Eskimos had 13 first/before 9 p.m downs, 144 yards in the air and Mr. and Mrs, Grant Murray, 93 rushing of Oshawa, were in second place with a score of 5i-plus-6 while John Morrison and Mrs Helen Anderson, of Oshawa, were third with 51-plus-5, f Bacon and Mrs. E. Cros- 8 Dairy Sweeps Pee Wee Semis «3 so" Reed Foster and Bryan Rose|lowed by combined to toss a two-hitter atland Mrs. of Stouffville, were next They were fol- Gordon MacMillan} Jean Renwick, of} other sterling performance, He é DS ates, JIM HIGC wae for eight goals and 12 assists in the series Joe O'Malley, used sparingly until last night, powered three goals past Mery Marshall for the losers. Others came from Paul Shymr, Wayne Goss and Wayne Bellwood. Salmonbellies outshot Gaels 16-12 in the opening frame, but Brooklin Wins 3rd To Close In On Cup Glen Lotton, one of the best Madgett, Grant Heffernan and} Don Craggs got two each, while! Jim Hinkson, Gerry Burrows, Ken Lotton, Ken Crawford and} Ken Ruttan added singles Madgett was crushed into the) boards by New Westminster's | Wayne Shuttleworth after his second goal and was taken to a hospital suffering a suspected vertebrae injury | Yankee Tykes Bomb Orioles Yankee Tykes demolished Orioles 13-1 Monday night, to take the first game of the best-| of-three Legion Tyke -- final series, Orioles' only run came in the opening frame, when relief hurler Bobby Hill got on with aj hit and scored on a Yankee! error. Yankees scored two in! the first, one in the third, one in the fourth, one in the fifth and eight in the sixth, Gary Allison was the winning pitcher, giving up just two hits, while walking seven and strik-| ing out nine. Allison was also the big hitter for the winners, | with three hits including a home run Dwight Partridge, Mark Nay- lor and Tom Wilson collected two hits -apiece Larry Horruzey took.the loss, was lifted for Hill in the fifth The two gave up 11 hitsyand seven walks, and strug out six, READER'S VIEW Lacrosse Fan Voices Opinion Mr. G. Campbell, Sports Editor, The Times. Dear Sir Perhaps to criticize a two- time winner of The- Minto Cup, to. some people, would appear like denying God. Are the powers that be in the present series trying to prove that only about ten players are needed on a team? : AS a spectator who has watch- ed the game for many, many years, it is a little sickening to see leg-weary "stars"' plodding along, when fresh, young players, with the same desire to win, are sitting on the bench Go with your best, is a good policy, if it isn't to: the detri ment. of the game, 'to the anguish of paying customers and the feeling of "not belong- ing, to some of the players This is not a 'parent beef". | --STAN COOPER. : Terry Evenshen and end Don/Oshawa Dairy Pee Wees Mon-|Oshawa, who had a score of 50/ Sept. 20, 1965. Davis added single touchdowns | For Edmonton, end Tommy-! Joe Coffey converted fullback Butch Pressiey's touchdown and kicked a field: goal. The Eskimos' other point came when Kerbow kicked a 76-yard punt to the deadline. The result made no changes in the standings. Montreal re mained in third spot in the four-| team Eastern Conference and Edmonton in last place in the * five-squad Western Conference. | The Alouettes dumped British Columbie Lions 11-6 at Vancou ver Saturday. Montreal at home to Winnipeg Blue Bomb ers Friday. "That leaves us only two days for practice,' coach Jim Trim _ ble complained after the game "We're not used to this three |singles. day night, leading Duracleanjand Mr. and Mrs. M. Watts,| Carpets to a 5-4 victory. Thejof Stouffville, who had 46 win gave Duraclean the best of} George Read and Mrs. Mar- three semi-final series in|garet Flintoff, of Oshawa, were straight games lhigh for two wins with 50-plus-6, The winners now meet Hou-|Ewart Carswell and Mrs, Beth daille Industries in the finals,|Kemp, of Oshawa, were next with the first game Wednesday with 47-plus-6 night at Eastview Park Third place went te 0. Mapin Foster started the game forjand Mrs. Stadget, of Peter- Dairy, and Rose came on iniborough, for a score of 47 the late innings for the save,|Fourth place in this category although the pair gave up ajwent to Mr. and Mrs. A Gor- total of 11 walks. Frank Me-/don, of Cannington, who had a Cabe walked none and gave up'scsre of 47 six hits in a losing effort Prizes for high Gord Jay doubled once andione win went to Clarence Singled twice for the winners,/Hopps and Mrs. Thelma Beer- with other hits going to Rose, |thuizen. of Oshawa, 45 plus 3: score. with O'Hallern| and- Harper. The'Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lott, of only two hitters for the losers|Whithy. 42 and C. Grove and were Morris and Sorochon with Mrs. Agnes Wallace, Stouffville, }40-plus-1, a | 1961, 'Gaels One Win Away 'From Minto Cup Title the next 14 minutes, but Osh- awa took a commanding 11-4 lead with three goals last three minutes, * Oshawa oulshot the western- ers 16-12 while steadily taking command JOHN DAVIS Mery Marshall came up with several dazzling saves, particu- larly on speedy Ron Pepper, Gaels scored on five of 12 shots to take a 5-2 lead into the second. Five goals were scored in the first three minutes, 11 seconds of the second, with Gaels get ting three. It was scoreless for | Paul Parnell and Shuttle- (CP)--Brooklin Merchants _be-|scoring aces on the team, fired|worth scored two each for New gan measuring the Mann Cupjthree goals to break a slump|Westminster, Ed McDonald, for a shelf space after a con-|he has had in this series. Jack|Tom Koretchuk, Don Boyd, Dave Tory and Bill Wilkes get ting the others. TAMMY TIGHTEST 'PANTS PARADE' TORONTO (CP) --Tammy Olson of Toronto won the title of Miss Tight Pants Monday and earned the right to be- come a celebrity at Satur- day's Grand Prix for sports cars at Mosport Track Since the track opened in girls who filled slacks nicely, whether helping in the | pits, timing racing cars or just standing around decora- tively, have been almost as much an attraction as the sleek machines, Monday's event, a promo- tion in connection with the big race, was conducted by a Ca- | Some 60 hockey players take to the ice in Bowmanville Fri- day night, all hoping to crack the line-up of the Oshawa Gen- erals, One of the biggest problems for coach "Bep" Guidolin in his' first season at the helm appears to be at the right wing spot. Wayne Cashman is the only right winger to return from last year's club, and he will be counted on heavily to lead the front wall, George Babcock of Lindsay showed weil in the rookie camp at Niagara Falls, and along with Gerry Dionne of Oshawa and Paul Reid of Kingston, he is given a good chance of stick- ing with the club. Dionne and Reid both played Junior 'B' in Whitby last season, NEW GOALIE Dune Wilson and lan Young, with Whitby 'B's most of last year, appear to have the inside jtrack on Dennis Gibson's job be- jtween the pipes, Gibson is over- age for Junior hockey, Young was up with Generals for six jgames last season, and Wilson) lfor two, The club is considering | carrying both goaltenders, in the Unanimous all-star Bobby Orr will again lead the defence, and} club. officials. were impressed with Jim Whittaker at the rookie camp, Whittaker came up from Whitby partway through the schedule last season Gaels scored three in the final and finished the year with Osh- frame, two with a two-man ad-jawa. Nick Beverley and Chris vantage, but were outshot 11-8.|Roberts are also back from last New Westminster notched two, |year's club the first by Wayne Bellwood on a power play marker at 10 min-| tunities in the first period and MERV MARSHALL jutes, It was the first tally for) their play was generally sloppy. | New Westminster in 28 minutes.) "you can get away with sloppy A. crowd of 2,466 saw Gaels' play against some clubs," he best checking performance of)said, "but not against Green the series, Salmonbellies con-| Gaels." Pick-up Billy tinued to roll off their first) Armour missed the contest with checks, but, unlike the first four;an arm injury, and it is. not outings, a Green Gael was} known if he will be able to re- almost always. in position to turn to the line-up, provide the second check, uy FRIENDLY HILOSOPHER av Bert Naylor handed Salmon- bellies 11 minor penalties, and gave Oshawa 12, including two bench minors. Brian Thompson was also assessed a misconduct in the third period. | GAEL GAB: Gael coach Jim | Bishop attributed his club's suc-| § cess to speed, "We have be- lieved from the start of the series we can tire New West- minster,"' he said, "and that's what happened tonight.' He also praised Merv Marshall's| performance as his best in two years of Minto Cup action. Bis- hop said if Gaels can stay ready mentally, there is no reason why the series won't be over Wednesday, 'We don't want a seventh game," he emphasized, | . Salmonbellies coach Keith} Jackson suggested his club may have been overconfident, A var- iety of failures contributed to [OVER SO VRS. IN BUSINESS STEPHENSON'S GARAGE WHEE! reane's ALIGNMENT GE RAL REPAIRS > |Oshawa Generals Open Training Camp Tomorrow jweekend, in Whithy against To- ronto Marlies at 8.00 -p.m, Sat- urday, and in Peterborough soninet the Dates et 7 2 wm. Sunday, The absence of 52-goal scorer Ron Buchanan will be felt at centre, but Danny O'Shea and Jim Booth are expected to re- turn to that position. O'Shea is attending the Montreal Cana- diens training camp, but Sam Pollack informs Generals that it is against his club's policy. to take a player from junior ranks and place him in minor pro. Consequently, unless. O'Shea manages to latch on with the! NHL club, he will likely don a| Generals' uniform, ; | PROMISING WESTERNERS Bill Heindl of Winnipeg: and, Ray Adduano of Port Arthur are} also good cenire prospects, bul only one westerner may be sign- ed, No final decision has yet been made, but one of the boys may be traded for an Ontario- born player. | With good 1964-65 campaigns under their belts, Chris Hayes and Bill Little are espected to be valuable assets at left wing, Gananoque's Bob Dickson and Whitby's Danny Sandford are also given a good chance of) latching on. Coach, Guidolin says there are| "lots of spots wide open', and| he will be taking a close look |i at the newcomers during the ex-} hibition schedule, Generals play) two exhibition contests this! EXPORT PLAIN OY Plater LiF CIGARETTES L_REGULAR and KINGS ] CANADIAN JUNIOR "A" LACROSSE @ FINALS e "Minto Cup" Series Sixth Game | 7 OSHAWA | | GREEN GAELS | | Eastern Canadian Champions | ; vs. | : NEW WESTMINSTER | 2 SALMONBELLIES Western Canadion Champions WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 GAME TIME -- 8.30 P.M. Season Ticket holders must pick up seats by 6:00 P.M, game Nite , ROSS JONES Use Series No, 34 ticket, ADMISSION: @ Reds 75 @ Blues ond Yellows 1,50 Students under 18 and chil- dren 1,00 TICKETS ON SALE AT e SPORTING GOODS Oshowe and Peterborough Stores @ BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN Down- town Oshawa WHITBY AREA @ CIVIC AUDITORIUM Box OFFICE. Schedule -- Buses leeve Downtown te Auditorium of 6:30 -- --~ 7:30 -- 8:00 for geome. Bus Return service efter the game. JIM. BISHOP'S Bus 7:0 the loss, he said: checking was absent, they didn't hustle, they missed too many scoring oppor- 725-0522 725-0560 15 CHURCH STREET nadian clothin.g manufac- turer, A panel of newspaper men, radio and TV personal- ities picked Miss Olson from a dozen competitors. The tall | blonde is five-foot-eight who measures 36-35-38. There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN personal use or for @ ACADIAN For Models c Keystone Club. Hosts 'Bellies New Westminster Salmon-| bellies, locked-in -a-battie with) definite pf only cane ® PONTIAC @ BUICK you lease « new . No insurance costs . . . No maintenonee costs . . . everything on one or two year lease items .. . for full details. THE MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD. 266 KING ST. WEST Other Oshawa Green Gaels for the 1965 Minto Cup, were recently guests of the Keystone Club at the Simcoe Hall Boys' Club. The visitors relaxed, making full use of the wide range of} facilities in the games room, gymnasium and swimming pool, Highlight of the evening was a floor hockey game, between the Keystoners and Salmon. bellies Keystoners opened with a goal in the first minute of play, but the westerners recovered to take a 3-2 lead into the second | half | New Westminster controlled | play in the second half, until |} Keystoners rallied for two late goals. Final score was Salmon- bellies 7, Keystone Club 4. | | i kin (hicken Home Delivery or Pick-Up -- Phone -- 728-7321 522 Ritson Rd, South 'OUR SATISFACTION is OUR AIM All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE Kelly Disney Used Cars Led. 1200 Dundas €. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN Ajax, Whitby, Oshawa COMMERCIAL @ INDUSTRIAL DRIVEWAYS AND PARKING AREAS NO DOWN PAYMENT @ 20 Months to Pay @ 3 Year Guarantce Sawa 728-1541 OSHAWA PAVING MARCI si: Kingscloth BY SAMUELSOHN Season after season, the unalterable virtues of this regal laim it the supreme suit- ing. And year after year, the well-tailored man of affairs hails the Kingscloth suit as his first choice and foremost preference. Wherefore, as in days of yore, it commends itself afresh to the tasteful eye and the critical appraisal of the man who makes decisions. $110, ~ ae" Men's and Boys wear Bight north Samcee Street¥725-4571 Mterray Johnston-osrawa=Limited ? $

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