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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1965, p. 1

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Weather Reporf fiot and humid. Thunder - showers tonight. Turning cooler, Low tonight, 68. High tomorrow, 75. ere Tete 'Home Newspaper | Of Oshawa, Whitby, Bow- manville, Ajax, Pickering and neighboring centres in One tario and Durham Counties, . 6 Bee a Cimes Sitowa*and' "for"™poyment of" Pemuge tn aah ohn Cah "4 VOL, 94 NO, 221 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1965 : sat ets aR sth : 'PEARSON KICKS OFF HIS PARTY'S CAMPAIGN... | _. AVOIDING DISCUSSION OF 'TORY SLANDERERS' é Liberals: Welfare, Education, No Swashbuckling OTTAWA (CP)--The Liberal bd pee will wage a low: ey campaign for re-election on a platform of new welfare and education programa, Prime Minister Pearson said Tuesday, Speaking at a meeting of 365 candidates and party workers that formally kicked off the Lib- eral campaign, he said he will avoid discussing 'Tory. slan- ders" and personalities, Canadians were tired of "swashbuckling politics and manufactured doom' and wanted a strong central govern: ment that would maintain eco. nomic growth. He indicated that the big planks in the Liberal platform will be the following: Increased aid to universl- ties, \ eA federal-provincial med+ ical care insurance plan g0+ into operation July 1, 1967, oA 'massive' program of job training for the unem- ployed and unskilled workers, ew~An integrated welfare pro- gram, designed to fill gaps between several existing plans, planned for early next year, "In all these, and many other matters, there must be federal- provincial co-operation," he said, Hard bargaining with the provinces was planned on tax+ sharing and "economic and cone stitutional matters." Far-reach- ing changes. in the tax structure might result, " . , we will soon be having discussions and negotiations with the provinces of vital im- portance to the future of our country, = "To uphold the Canadian po- sition as a whole in these nego- tiations, there must be a strong federal government, with strong support.in Parliament," Mr, Pearson made only @ fleeting reference to ald to edu- cation, He said; "We will also be putting for. ward proposals--to be worked out with the universities and the provincesfor further federal assistance to education," Although education was a Alia responsibility, it was ecoming essential for the fed- eral government to play a role to ensure better education for pd boy and girl in the coun- y. Finance Minister Gordon told reporters afterwards that de- tails of the education proposals will be unveiled Jater in the campaign, Mr, Pearson spoke for 80 min-. utes at a luncheon in the Chat- eau Laurier Hotel, A huge ma- le leaf flag painted on a bill- oard towered above and be- Atri OSHAWA DRIVER DALE NEIL -- AND THE GREAT STIRLING MOSS m HN hind the head table guests, while souvenir miniature flags dotted all the other tables, The prime minister got his biggest ovation when he ree ferred to his government's long battle for the adoption of the flag last year, "That took leadership, deci- sion and courage," he said, After more speeches by Mr, Gordon, Quebec Leader Gu' Favreau, incumbent MP Paul- ine Jewett and Industry Minis« ter David Stewart of Saskatch- ewan, girls passed the hat and 1 tt EE collected 'just over $1,000, in- cluding an undisclosed amount from Mr, Pearson, At closed sessions in the eels cae and eve. ning, leading pa gave advice to new candidates about the mechanics of campaign or- ganization and publicity, Speakers included Mr. Gor don, Mr, Favreau, National Di- rector Kelth Davey and Na- tional President John Nichol, a Vancouver lawyer, Mr, Gordon told a press con- ference that everyone at the meeting a; it was a idea ie ag Beh to the campaign for the Nov, 8 election, The prime minister's next campaign ------ will be in St. John's, Nfid., late this month, but no date has been set, Both Mr, Gordon and Mr, Favreau said at the press con- ference that their the West will be hel current speaking tour of Que« bec Premier Jean Lesage, in by the uc 5 INDIA BACKS DOWN NEW DELHI (CP) -- The Kashmir war ebbed today to: ward a truce, with the armed forces of both India and Pakis- tan ordered to quit shooting be- fore another sunrise, China's threat of immediate action against India also eased, but Prime Minister Shastri told China, presenta at fia i" must tray Te solve to meet it. Shastri and President Mo- hammad Ayub Khan of Pakiw tan announced a ceasefire is to become effective in their three: week-long war at time translat- ing as 6 p.m, EDT today, That is 3:30 a.m, Thursday in India; 3 a.m, in Pakistan-- 18 hours beyond the deadline originally set by the UN Secur: ity Council, SHASTRI WEEPS Shastri wept as he announced the development in Parliament, He said the two Asian neigh: bors must live in neighborly DALE : MEETS 'THE MASTER' ei -te e 2 For Oshawa race driver Dale Neil it was a chance of @ lifetime yesterday -- an opportunity to drive with the famous Stirling Moss, Not surprisingly he snatched at it with both hands and breathing deeply he settled beside the famous English- man in a small two-seater sports car, The car became a sudden blur and the Oshawa sedan driver was off on a rapid lap of the twisty Mosport cir- cuit, 'IT am not the best of passengers," Dale explained after the ride, 'but the ride was a fantastic experience, He is tremendously confident at the wheel, ~ ehicnaninecatemicnengbt the circuit wel] enough having raced there many times; but he showed me a few things I had not seen before," After the ride the pair chatted for some time on Dale's favorite subject -- sedan racing, Moss is on a whirlwind visit to Canada, He made the trip to Mosport to explain to press and drivers some of the problems of setting up a circuit His opinion on the track: "One of the best three of ita type in the world today, You are going to see a good race at the Canadian Grand Prix on Saturday,"' "T thought I knew broadcast from Karachi he had ordered the ceasefire in the in- terests of international peace and he hoped it will lead India and Pakistan to an honorable settioment of their 18-year-old quarrel over Kashmir, In this regard, Shastri said India has accepted the good of: fices offered by Soviet Premier Kosygin. Kosygin had sug. gested that Shastri and Ayub meet in Soviet territory to dis. --e uae ener Gifferences, Troops of both sides tempor. ear for the difficult Mosport Rivard Convicted On 2 Counts, #3" Faces Possible 40-Year Term ifire boundary established by ithe United Nations in 1949 to divide the largely Moslem state between Moslom Pakistan and India, which is predominantly Hindu, Ceasefire Comes With Sun To End Indo-Pakistan War As Ayub explained it to his people; "Our forces will, how- ever, stay in position for the time being, until asked to move out," Shastri, speaking of China's recent moves to beef up its military strength in Tibet along the Himalayan frontier oppo- India and it ' al pila at 4 butter state! . 4 "We do not know what the Chinese will do next," The Indian leader denied a declaration by radio Peking that Indians had met a prim: ary Chinese requirement by tearing down controversial mili- tary posts on or near the bor der of Tibet and Sikkim, an In- dian protectorate, He said the Indians pulled down none, All this is a product of their imagination," he said, In the Indian-Pakistani con flict, planes and ground gun- ners carried on through the fi- nal hours, BOMB HOSPITAL The Indian government radio said Pakistan's planes staged two raids Tuesday night and two more today, It said a prison hospital in Jodhpur, an air base city in southwest India, was one of the targets and bombs killed 30 persons, Shastri spoke in sombre tones and when he paused to pay trib: ute to the Indian soldiers who died in the war, the prime min- ister broke down, Shastri told Parliament there now would be an end to hostil: ities, but there was still a threat from Pakistan and "we have therefore to be very vigilant and careful" Shastri clear India had agreed to @ "simple ceasefire" that in@budes no political agreements on any of the under: lying issués of India-Pakistan WAR-THREAT EASE GEORGES LEMAY Palls A 'Rivard' Lemay Breaks Prison MIAMI, Fla, (CP-AP) -- Georges Lemay of Montreal, who lived a life of luxury as a fugitive for four years before the Early Bird satellite put him in a cell, is again at large. The dapper Canadian, ac- cused of leading the gang which looted a Montreal bank in 1961, smashed an unbarred window on the seventh floor of the 10- storey Dade County jail and slid 90 feet down a cleaning hose to the ground Tuesday night, Waiting for him were three men in a new sedan, Minutes after jailers missed him, the car was spotted speeding away || EDT today to dismantle its mili- saree Indian Troops Retreated, Posts Gone, China Claims NEW DELHI (Reuters)The) lations of the intruding Indias threat of a border war between| troops." ae India and China in the Hima- ia tum was due to expire, China gave India until noon China news agency report from Peking said Indian troops had retreated from four passes on the frontier after destroy: border installations, The im: cation of this was that la had complied with the Chinese demand, However, an Indian spokes- man said today that if any mili- tary installations were de troyed, the Chinese "must ad territory to destroy any: ing. Peking's report said the four passes involved in the alleged Indian withdrawal were Nathu La, Jelep La, Cho La, and Tun: ultima gchu id ali between the In.|{t™ Warning India to disman- ' tle installations in the area oF ian pfotectorate of Sikkim and Chinese-controlled Tibet, face serious consequences, Nathu La was the area Tues-|. China then extended the dead- day in which there were re line from Sunday night until to» ported exchanges of fire be-| 4 tween Indian and Chinese troops, The Peking report said all/concrete facts presented in the "intruding troops in the four) Chinese note India has resorted passes have fled," and added:/in the last few days to various "Chinese troops aréin complete; methods to destroy the evid- control of the site of the instal-'ence of its crimes," NEWS HIGHLIGHTS Karachi: Canadian Flag Torn To Shreds enmity, to the north, It was only the OTTAWA (CP) -- The office of the Canadian high " second escape from the four; commission in Karachi was stoned and the Canadian flag year-old jail on the edge of] torn to shreds by a screaming mob Tuesday. Officials here LAREDO, Tex, (CP)---Lucienjfrom Canadian authorities onjtive officer"; Julien Gagnon,|count, without probation or pay - Rivard's strolls through the law/their pasts, jalias Jerry Massey, 36, a for-jrole though with time off for} and along the shady side of the; Rivard, accused as director;mer beauty shop operator, andigood behavior, Self-styled dope} S political street were at a deadjof at least a section of a many-|Joseph Raymond Jones, 28, for-)courier Joseph Michele Caron} 1g 0 se as ug. downtown Miami, said today Pakistan apologized almost immediately and_ end in the cactus country today/country network, was convicted/mer salesman, The last twolof Montreal, whose testimony) How did Lemay get from his} 20 protest by Canada is planned, as he awaited po songge so gle bn both ong against him.|were alleged to have run drugsispun the major part of the web ate x . cell on the fifth floor to the cotics charges that cou ring|One was that he conspired withiinto Montreal from Europe. around the four, got 10 years| 9 ° s . My him 40 years in the peniten-/the three Canadians and others) After three hours and five)when he talked and pleaded y l ary ] n 1e ach id lice Heut Chinese Patrol In India Territory tiary. to smuggle heroin inte the U.S.)minutes of deliberation, an all-|wuilty after being taken into) t wis' the $0" po Ad i - D) t (AP) = A ese patrol of 80 to 60 The notorious Montrealer--/The other was "causing"--withimale jury emerged late Tues-custody here with the 76 pounds) garqon ten) ant, "is question, = pone p Bg read cg sie focus of a long turmoilgot/two men still uncaptured--thejday through a phalanx of/valued at some $50,000,000, Be byte ode th ti hore kabel wenn Authorities were looking into} men had been ve indian terri : nailed with everything a Texas|Smuggling of the particular 76-/guards with guns on the hip and) Rivard and his friends rook ey, or Orit e' pei ave) wer ae i. ge - protest thatiihe possibility that Lemay,| on the central front of the Himalayan border, an Indian ry could hand him Tuesday,/pound shipment seized. here onjinto an airconditioned court se y asked Washington to au teeny het ast March when it was) never short of money, had a} @efence ministry spokesman announced today, Indian Mit Canadian co-defendants/Oct. 10, 1963. ream where the four accused|the jolt without emotion, Later, | the use of tear gas by Amer disclosed that U.S, and South) nite help on the inside, police sighted the Chinese Tuesday near Lipu. Lekh. pass 7 hit wt | Single | on the border of Chinese-controlied 'Tibet and India's Uttar ; ly Ae see " } ait idly the blocky convicted ringleader|ican commanders in military) Vietnamese forces had used were hit with single-count con-| Single counts of conspiring] were waiting stolidly. locky convicted ringleader) (oo tions in South Viet Nam,|tear gas and a nausea-provek:|FSI JOINS HUNT Pradesh state, he said, ~ U.S.) use of any sort of gas was the victions and face up to 20 years,|were pinned on Charles Emile] The chances of light sen: looked around at his red-headed| 'Groleau, 36, described by thejtences jpresecution as Rivard's "execu-{minimum is five years on each! smiled faintly, The four, accused in what the U.S. government charged was The )3 . year-old wife Marie and informed sources said today, Use of tear gas, which would be at the discretion of com- manders, was requested both ing gas against the Viet Cong. The new request to Washing: ton concerns only simple tear Police and the FRI haunted the hangouts of Lemay and his friends in Miami Beach, but if Shastri, Ayub Buy Kosygin Mediation a vast international conspiracy WIFE WEEPS Sas and not the nausea-provoks! their dragnet turned up any 4 te Ving NuManitarian reasons and be-! ing 'type, the sources said, . ' heroin to the retail! © Ld @ | As he was led out, his lips)" : seed ae "A aoa leads, they weren't talking wae some $200,000,000 into anuc 0 iet formed a couple of words, It) Cause it was = ularly yg Po yprtscwes big Am erie a Bl about them. | the United States by way of ' looked like "Au revoir," Marie ie eS er ve ens as nei Bae yg peed Lemay Is a skilled sailor and ce ' ® . there are hundreds of secluded Canada and Mexico, will come sat up straight in the church ' ; | agreed in principl to the mee proposed last up for sentence in 90 or 40 days.) P . Pl - e so t jpew Benen, forcing a smile, ge decision was a tot man comisined fence whiten! cove? along the Florida coast pec Soviet Premier Alerel poner messages to Meanwhile, it was expected! @arson S$ an: r ] e tears welled to her eyes, i thought to have been influenced) has been sweeping the Viet from which he could put to se&| oth Shastri and Ayub, t they would be moved to a now Groleau's woman friend Of ny a field incident three weeks|Cong stronghold for a week.) Lemay was arrested last May and secret location and kept Un FRAMPTON, Que. (CP)~-Pijthe whole burden of the war in.the fast 19 years--Simone Hu) ao when a marine colonel used) The "iron triangle" is 25 miles|® aboard his fancy yacht in) der the tight guard that made ore. andre Boutin, Creditiste|/Viet Nam alone. ard, a 42-year-old Montrealligay gas---contrary to standing! north of Saigon. | Fort Lauderdale, Before police their seven-day trial in this! member of Parliament for Dor) Mr. Boutin was speaking here; Waitress, who flew here to Ls grders--to drive more than 400) U.S. paratroopers of the 173ra/led him away, he paid his town' on the Mexican border the chester, said Prime Minister following his return from a Bu' Monday she had never! women. and children as well as! Airborne Division, along with| marina Dill, peeling off notes most heavily protected in the pearson called a fall election ropean trip which He made with heard of any dealings between] Wun guerrillas from caves and) South Vietnamese, New Rea:/{rom a fistsized roll of $100 history of the southwest because Canada. soon will bela NATO parliamentary group./0™ and varonon ard the HEWS) tunnels near Qui Nhon, 275) land and Australian troops have} Dills. The 80-year-old Rivard--|called upon to send. "as quickly) He said he was told by gov & Corridor from Lawrence) miles northeast of here, been scouring the area for the} Since then, he has been in whose break from Montreal's\as possible more than 100,000/ernment delegates from Kuro) Mane Groleau's lawyer, She} Had the marine. officer, Lt.~| last week in an effort to clear/jail while fighting deportation] Bordeaux jail last March foiled/soldiers" to Viet Nam, pean countries that "the Liber.S#ssed into the lawyer's arms./oo) 7, N, Utter, not employed] out the guérrilias, ito ~Canada, The immigration U.S. authorities once--and his} Mr. Boutin said Mr. Pearsonials, if they are brought back) The judge's only comment tO/tear gas, he would have had) It was the 30th raid over Viet/service is trying to kick him fellow prisoners. may be taken/called the Nov, & election be-jte power with an absolute ma- the jury, which had been locked/tg use flame throwers, frag-/Nam for the giant Guam-based/ out of the United States on the for sentence to Houston, 250 cause he must have an absolute/jority with financial aid from @p im its non-courtroom hours} mentation grenades or automa-|bembers of the U.S, Strategic) ground that. he entered the miles away and seat 'of the majority to pass such a bill inthe United States, will be S the start of-the trial Sept.itic weapons fire to clear the! Air Command }eountry illegally, Lemay had southwest Texas federal ju the House obliged to impose tons tion |! junderground defence system Despite the size of the Allied) said he had no objection to de- dicial district. Judge Ben C.| The Creditiste said that thejin Canada within a few months "1 think you've dene a good) The main reason for the pres-/ ground force, contact with the] portation, he just didn't want to) Connally will await a report'United States is unable to carrylof their victory." " ent standing prohibition on the! Viet Cong: has been light, go to Canada, { Prime Minister Lal Leke Viste Wing Squirt Ball Tourney----P, 12 Ann Lenders--21 en DDItE--29 City Newe--17 Sports--12, 13, 14 Classified----26, 27, 28, 29 Theatre--15 Comics----30 Whitby News--3, 6 Editonal--4 Woimen's--18, 19, 20, 27 Financial----29 Weather--2 4

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