by : ate . ture road allowance. cmembers. Ald. Christine Thom- Herman Kassinger asked coun- "cil to permit him to attend a 22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 22, 1905 = CITY COUNCIL BRIEFS Vancouver and Oshawa Italia soccer teams clash Sept. 25 in the Motor City for the Canadian Soccer championships. Walter Rohrer, Italia president, wrote council that since it will be the first time in Oshawa's history that the Canadian finals will be played here, the city might like to sponsor a civic luncheon in honor of the two teams. The request was referred to the fi- nance and assessment commit- tee with power to act. Ontario Motors Realty Ltd., 140: Bond st. w., offered to ex- change 'small parcels of land with the city. The city-owned land has been fenced and used by Ontario Motors for 11 years. The firm plans to erect a build- ing at the northwest corner of its property and part of the building would be on city land. The request was referred to the parks, property and recreation committee. Oshawa and District Labor Council will be informed that all weed complaints are investigat- ed and action taken to have the weeds cut and that this will be done in the case of property mentioned in the ODLC's let- ter. The property mentioned is on Cedar st., and is owned by the board of education. Separate school board asked council to have a sharp knoll on the street directly in front of the Sir Albert Love school on Wilson rd. n., removed. The re quest was referred to the public works committee. Oshawa's board of education notified council it accepted the city's plah for financing the con- struction of. the Harmony rd., secondary school. Council concurred in planning board recommendations involv- ing two amendments to the of- ficial plan. One amendment in- volved a change in zoning from residential to commercial of 12 atres of land on the northwest eorner of Taunton and Ritson rds. The other is a change in land use from buffer to residen- tial of a small parce! of sewer- able land west of Grandview ave., and north of the CPR tracks. Council concurred in a 'plan- ning board recommendation that the Township of Whitby be in- formed that the city does not require a west side parcel of abutting township land for fu- Oshawa and District Construc- tion Exchange asked council to approve the membership of the mayor, works commissioner and PUC manager as "honorary" as said the organization should approach the mayor, the works commissioner and the PUC manager personally as "I don't think council can authorize any- thing like this at all'. planning board meeting to discuss the city's request for 5 percent of land instead of cash for his Beau Valley subdivision. Council referred the request to the board. |Ald. Alex Shestowsky said the jasked who handles demolitions. cation requested construction of the footpath. Industrial Disposal Ltd., was| granted permission to dispose of kitchen, and table waste from; General Motors at the city's land fill site. Council approved a works committee recommendation that the city sell one backhoe with the proceeds placed in the equip-, ment replacement reserve fund. city has two backhoes and one is not used as the city has caught up with the major por- tion of its sewer construction. Did the city do some con- struction work on Stone st., and then tear up the road two days later?" asked Ald. Clifford Pil- key. Fred Crome, works com- missioner, said he would investi- gate. Ald. Christine Thomas told council she had information that a few public housing units un- der construction on Lomond st., will be ready for occupancy by Christmas. She said the units cannot be rented until front yard landscaping is completed and she said the builder will not landscape until the city con- structs curb and gutter. Fred Crome, * works commissioner, said there is no reason why the builder cannot Jandscape to the property line at the proper grade -- information which can be provided by the city. The public works committee agreed to investigate the situation. In road widening projects, the cost of demolishing buildings is included in the overall, paving contract and demolitions are handled by contractors, Mr. Crome told Ald.. Thomas, who No action will be taken by the city on W. R. Carnwith's request for barriers at the south- east corner of Simcoe st. n., and Rossland rd. e., between the sidewalk and the road. Council agreed to ask the board of edu- cation to give consideration to fencing the north and west prop- erty lines of the Dr. S. J. Phil- lips schoot where the play- ground is adjacent to Simcoe st., and Rossland rd. A bylaw will be amended to make Olive ave., a through street between Harmony rd. s., and Gradnview st. s. Council adopted a traffic com- mittee recommendation that a bylaw be amended to permit parking on the south side of the lane running easterly from Church st., north of the Cana- dian Corps. Association building between a point 55 feet east of Church st., and a point 105 feet east of Church st. The traffic committee also re- commended that bylaws be amended to provide that the south branch of the fork formed by Elmgrove ave., immediately west of Park rd. s., be a one- way street eastbound and that no driver or operator of a motor vehicle while proceeding on the south branch of the fork formed by Elmgrove ave., immediately west of Park rd. s., shall make a A finance committee recom-| mendation that the city pay the! Ontario Regimental Band the sum of $100 for playing during the visit of Governor - General Vanier.was adopted by council. Ald. Attersley said the payment will protect anyone who might be out of pocket while serving the city. Council decided not to sell two) lots on Oshawa blvd. to M. Hum- mel and Son Ltd., at this time. Mr, Hummel had offered $4,000 for the lots. Council agreed to rebate $360 to Rosslynn Estates Lid., for the overcharge of the 5 percent cash-in-lieu payment. Permission to erect two poster panels on Bond st. w., was re- fused E. L. Ruddy Co., because the location is near Pioneeer jtween a point 50 feet west of left turn onto Park rd. s. Council approved a traffic committee recommendation that a parking bylaw be amended to prohibit parking on the north side of Bond s. w., between Sim- coe,/st, n., anda point-190 feet west of Simcoe st. n., to provide for a bus stop on the north side of Bond st. w., be- Simcoe st. n., and a point 175 feet west of Simcoe st, n. Treaty Could Save Draftee ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--A 25- year-old Mohawk Indian con- tends in a federal court case that he is free from the U.S. military draft because of a 180- year-old treaty. Memorial Cemetery. No curb and gutter and as-) missal Monday of an indictment phalt pavement will be con-|charging. him with wilful fail- structed on Darcy st., east of|ure to report for induction. Oshawa bivd. n., this year,| His lawyer, Omar Ghobasy of decided, Ald. Alex|New York City, cited the Jay Shestowsky said the street is/Treaty, signed in 1795. council only 67 percent developed and the city's policy is that 80 per cent of the lots must be devel- oped. Residents petitioned for the construction work two weeks ago. Public works committee, re- ferring to a Consolidated Graph- ies Ltd., objection to proposed local improvement charges for reconstruction of John and Cen- Brant J. Maracle asked dis- Maracle was born in Roches- ter but has lived most of his life in Shawville, Que., Gho- basy argued that Maracle was entitled to dual U.S.-Canadian citizenship. Ghobasy said that, by re- nouncing American citizenship, Maracle becomes a Canadian and is not required to obey the U.S. military draft. tre sts., said a meeting was held with the firm's solicitors. Work to be undertaken and the basis of the local improvement charges was explained. Council filed the letter. A letter from the Ontario Water Resources Commission, commenting on sites proposed for the disposal of solid waste, was received and filed. Council agreed to send a total of 14 city. inspectors to two-) week courses in March sponsor- ed by the department of high- ways. Fred Crome, works com- missioner, said this year five in- spectors will have completed the whole range of courses. A gravel footpath on the east side of Grandview st. s., will be constructed the city, under certain tions, coun- ejl decided. The board of edu-te eslebrate with a new beau. Tractor Crushes 73-Year-Old Man PARKHILL, Ont. (CP)--John Guinnan, 73, of nearby Dash- wood was killed Monday when pinned beneath his overturned tractor while plowing in this "~~ 25 miles northwest of Lon- jon. ADVERTISING FAILS GLASGOW (AP)--Jim Camp- bell's campaign to fan the flames of a broken romance didn't work, He erected a 40- foot birthday card with "Happy 21st birthday Sylvia" in two-foot letters, opposite the house of his GILLETTE RIGHT GUARD DEODORANT oe : p <= The one-second spray thot ; gives 24-hour protection, 7 OUNCE DRUG DEPARTMENT OPERATED BY G. TAMBLYN LIMITED SHAMPOO Cleons ond beautifies the heir ond makes it monag- able, 15 OUNCE MEN'S HANDSEWN LOAFER Put your best foot forward this Fall in @ poir of York~- shire for Men fine grained leather, handsewn loafers with leather sole and rubber heel, Sizes 7 to 12 in Black and antiqued Brown. MEN'S OXFORD Special Value for 3 days only ! Medallion high front Bal throat Oxford with lapel facing, dag- ger toe and 10/8" Spanish heei, Available in sizes 6% to 12, Black. THURS. HUMPTY- DUMPTY Potato CHIPS Twin Packs Family Size in Pastel $9.27 WHEN SHOPPING STOP AT K-MART'S Roast with p otatoes, vegetables, and roll ond butter 69: ? ior 5] $9.17 ST CI SIVA MGR) VAL Blanched DONUTS PEANUTS A Division of the S. S. Kresge Company Limited VITALIS HAIR DRESSING The new greesiess way te keep hoir neat all dey. 12 OUNCE 1.23 PRESCRIPTIONS TOILETRIES HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS "SCORE" HAIR CREAM 4% ounce For that well-groomed look use he "Score" -- the clear, non- areosy hair cream. < Men's DEMI BOOT Medallion 2 eyelet demi boot. 0.3 3 Plain vamp with red tricot foam backed lining and 10/ 8" Spanish heel. Sizes 614 te 12 in Black. oP FRIDAY DENIM COVERED Lounge Cushions 16 by 23, solid color one side with reversed side in stripe. pattern Shredded foam filled in a variety of. colors, $7 THURS. 2-TONE RUG 3-piece FLOOR RUG 24 by 48", Fancy DOZEN te iin BLADES You'll get « satisfying smooth 5's shave every time you use « Wilk- inson Blade with the super sword edge. They stay shorp longer ! € Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. PHONE 728-5651 OLD SPICE AFTER SHAVE LOTION The old world fragrance he will epprecicte, 4% OUNCES 1.09 Men's OXFORD Handsomely styled men's high 5.90 front Bal Oxford with Mocco MEN'S Crocco quarter ond vinyl sole end heel. Sizes 6% to 12 In Block. 3 days only! Rugged 6" glove leather Al- pine Boot. Styled for comfort with full cushion insole, rib- bed nuron crepe sole and wedge heel. Available in Olive Tan end Ginger in full sizes only, 6 to 12. $7.00. FRIDAY ELDON Power 8 Road Race Set Variable speed control Rheostats, speeds up to 160 m.p.h. in scale, Ex- citing 46 piece layout. Over 9 feet of pre-as- sembled track with overpass 6 volt power pack, $12.67 FRIDAY TERRY BATH MAT Dip "N' Dry bath mats terrycloth front end foam back with assort- ed pattern on front. $].00 Freshly Baked APPLE PIE 60: | 49: FANCY CREAM STYLE CORN _0-0Z. TINS 10 Oz, T FANCY -- KERNEL YOUR CHoIcE CHOICE cur GREEN RICHMELLO 1B.J. PEANUT BUTTER 16 oz, JAR € LYNN VALLEY STANDARD PEACH 15 oz. TINS ¥AVAILABL J ) BANANAS Fe ONLY AT DOMINI 95: ON FIRM RIPE GOLDEN MODERN HONEY FLAVOURED DOMINION $.A.%. GRARDE 10 or 20 MOTOR OIL 27: « INS 10-07, TINS C ( G old girl friend. Sylvia said Jim was a nice boy but hurried off LOCATED ON NO. 2 HIGHWAY BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY 2 * '