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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1965, p. 27

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26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 22, 1968 Cmmmene Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12, 8--Articles For Sale ~ STORM WINDOWS nd DOORS AWNINGS and ALUMINUM SIDING always | scons SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT NESS SERV Barristers MeGiBBON AND. Sevleltors *, Mortga usr abe i 7 196-75 Char' Hoa re, Ba strong, BUSI Accountants GUTMANN, Chartered Account See temsed "Trustee, 7. Bond Street , Telephone 723-4833, BOB CLANCY'S Accounting Service, 7 bookkeeping vice, 184 Bond Street. West, 725-0: e 723-7605, WOSMAR, Chartered Accoun 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontarlo, Telephone 723-1221, YaCe PRIEDLANDER ba Accountants, teas in hanety, 52% Narth, Oshawa, 728-7371, CE DIRECTORY | Rug -- Upholetery Service OSHAWA CLEANERS Rug and Upholstery Clean: ing, At our plant or in. your: ™CALL 725-9961 94 BRUCE STREET CHESTRRFIELOS ond old chairs, Covered like new. Gel. Ly at Modern Uphol South, Call 7 AE-UPHOLSTERY by exports. Establish ed 17 years, Complete ran i of meat. Workmanship guaranteed ree estimates, Credit terms " bullf, Furniture refinished, Ounewe, Up. holstering Company, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311, Sal and | Service GUARANT washers and ranges, 198-1742 CANVAS = awnings, Complete service. Jeline, 728-1993 Instruction "7 ). BM, COMPUTER TRAINING @ COMPUTERS @ TABULATING @ KEY PUNCH @ PANEL WIRING @ PLACEMENT AS Special accommodation out of town students, Phone or write today for our new booklets Ahead with Automation 55 Bloor St. East Toronto 728-4605 Oshawa Driving School 10 years teaching driving outomatic and standard cars. rere instructors, -0091 ANYWHERE ome ANYTIME privara tutoring high sehoo! lin Singlish « Latin» Preven, J, Byron Street South, BATE arrany goes ris ters; 'i it plone! eet 'Gibbon, ec, ty WH, Arm mt wef VOW pets, yah : ety ont LA Ca Paani SCRAPS. 0: AN Money to loan, OF Bast, Oshawa, Building Trades SPECIAL 10% Discount On All Orders Remodelling, carpentry, til- ing, pointing, plumbing, elec- trical work, roofing, eaves: troughing, plastering, cement work of all kinds, Aluminum doors and windows, siding. 20. skilled men ready to serve you, NELLIS' HOME IMPROVEMENTS Oshawa =~ 728-2061 Peterborough 745-2184 QUALITY CARPENTRY id REPAIRS Siding, + GE, Soliciior, y Mh king Street "AND 66, Licensed Trus Simcoe Street tered. ni ing, 187 xing Breet East, Osi faria, 725- 3507 $. T, Hopkins, CA; H Beadie, CA Lukow, CA HALL, PERKIN AND CO. Charierea Aceountants, 36/2 King Street Bast, Osh awa, 725-6539) David G. Perkin, CA; King Strast, Newcastle, 987-4240) William C Hall, B.cComm,, CA NR. DAY, ceauntant, Sulte 205W, ping Centre, 725-9953. SIZED MAX WEARING THE CLONES OF ANGUS MACASKILL, A 7F00T QNCH GIANT WHO MuRED He U5. WYK fom tums, MAC ASKILL DIED 1K 1863, on SISTANC SISTANCE WHAT % PROBABLY @ AWE OU ARACKHID 40 GIVE, BIRTH fo LIVE YOUNG ? call ALSCO Ke Sales (Toronte) Limited for Certified General Oshawa Shop- to all ringer Pree estimates Aut SCORPION, curtains, Free estimates, anytime, Septic Service serie TANKS renee: ice or calls, Wal Ward, Street West, waliby, 668-156), Surveyors DONBVAN ahd FLEISCHMANN, Ontario |Land Survey: Commercial blué@ prints 1) Offtarie » 724-6692 PLM A WOLLOPE, G burve pry 119 Elgin Bireet 725-0081 TV--Redio Repairs TV TOWERS ECONOMY AND DELUXE Priced to suit your budget, TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED TAUNTON RD. E. Just East. Of Ritson 728-8180 canopies. Mel| ANTHONY EDWARD LASKOWSKY, BA, BCL, Barriter aid Solicitor, 79 Centre Street, Office hours: 9 a.m.-5,30 Evening appointments, Dial Our factory trained experts ore always ready to help solve your problems. WITHOUT OBLIGATION CALL - CALL OSHAWA TORONTO 728-2352 755-3313 for Sale WRECKING HOUSES at Park Rd. and King ond Burk Street All types of used building moterials for sale. Salesman on job 8 to 8 4 GA, ULB, Bar. rister Be a Solicitor and Notary Public, The Commercial Building, 286 King West, Oshawa, Ontario, Client Parking avall wble, 723-4716 or 725-4717. 'YNAN, MURDOCH, and Solicitors, Notaries, mmerce Buliding, 5. Simcoe Oshawa, 723-3446) 7, K or residences: G, K, 77-8584; G, L. Murdoch, C, Vietor, 985-7115.) Mortgages arranged. GRUER AND KELLY, Barristers, Solel tors, etc, 114 King Street Dial 729-2278. Residence Phones: J i +P Greer, QC, 725-3968; Terence V, Kelly, BA, BCL, 72-5832; Thomas H, Jermyn, BA, LLB, 468-3895 WOMPHREYS, BOVCHYN, MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 36'4 King. Street East, Oshawa; R, 0. Humphreys,| QC; @. §. Boychyn @.C. W. A. Hillman, . D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. Office Residence: 725-4604; Whitby, 728-4326; 725-5133, NHA and it mortgage funds avaliab.e, COOK'S TRAILER SALES SIMGOE ST, NORTH Clearance Sale FREE winter storage, no In- terest rates, low down pay- ment on all models. on GENERAL Roofing, Painting, Floor and Gelling Tiles, Rec. Rooms, General gat remod- soranteed, el. ne All work KOY 728-8076 THE R. H. CABINET CO. 1614 CHARLES ST., WHITBY 668-6911 Kitchen cabinets, Vanities, Custom built cabinets ROOFING, conerete floors, fiat roofing, our speciality, New work and repairs Large and small jobs, .. and H, Roofing! and Construction, RR 3, 5- 6937 NEW PLASTERING and repairs, sidewalks, remodelling, ree-rooms. estimates, A, C. Woods, 728-3420 728-4717. NEED A new floor? Phone Whilby 660 2527. We specialize in corlen and any yard goods, tile and ceramic wall tile. Free estimation. Work guaranteed ALL TYPES buliding, roofing repairs and remodelling; chimneys, new and re paired; sidewalk and concrete repairs Whithy 468-2774, Gord May CARPENTRY work, also cement work, phone 728-7480. | EXPERT PAVING, 22 cents square foot| Includes grading and -fill, two-year quran) fee. Terrano Paving, 723-584 YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner, Chim-| neys bullt and. repaired; gas linings installed; reofs repaired, Free estim ates. +2997, 1 ntario Land oat, Phone students C, Luek, Whitby, |WHITAY DRIVING SCHOOL, new dual controtied cars, Personal, courteous serv lee, tully fleansed and insured, 660-6176. PIANO ---- Classical and popular tact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk Street, 125A S87 EXAMINATION Wolnut Buffet 93 yeors old, large, two drawers, three doors, hand carved Partrich on each, Arched top with shelf, fox head above shelf, Other articles of old time furniture, including bedroom dishes, Webster's Dictionary Published in 1855, 130 year old silver watch, Write Box 644 OSHAWA TIMES DINING ROOM j!wo extra chairs, @ Gravel @ Sand @ Stone 725-9389 %"' Much @ Building Materials| PIANO, Wainut, apariment-size, Ennis, jed, nothing else to buy, Sold new, $29) ' $265, binati TEL EVISION . RADIO. [Sacrifice sale, call 7ia-si28, Make an) TEXACO FUEL & STOVE Oil eeeartior Ya I al oa) 24 HOUR SERVICE offer | one year old. Moving, 728-4509. |SHBPHARD, inboard, oulboard and tall | Whitby's Only Local Texaco Dealer! sriupent's TYPEWRITERS, new and ler "t 100 hp Ford interceater motor. CALL 668-3524 ssod; cash registers, adding machines; Good condition, Best offer, Day 728-9443; ) SAWDON'S (Whitby) LIMITED $38 ibe ig Rl Hees guaranteed, Expert For prompt serviée Call Might 726-8217, 944 Brock St. South service, Oshawa Business Machines, 726- Whitby -- 668-5679 4 FT, moulded plywood boat, Convert | 3664 or 725-9748 es mie ine, reg Sith, ehty, COVERING CLEARANCE of ADDING MACHINES, iypewrilérs, casn- ant trailer, 25 HP sivctric start and bat: IBiktont Inved patterns, All siashed inl lors, duplicators, chequewiters, #1 DIPPED GALVANIZED ARE THE BEST! tery, $550 or best offer. 725-0830, price from 27c. per ft. Wilson Furniture, |desks, chairs. We buy. WHY SETTLE FOR LESS! 120 Church Stree! and trade, with bud 18 used. Low, low pr ayy AND 'SELL o Good jing furnitycs Regina. Oppiiances, Goold's urniture, epemeveertaan 199 cece nnn ane FROE! Have your furnace cleaned and 'Bona mau Meili Ml 5 adjusted free. Guaranteed trouble free NEW, Useo "= vacuums, polishe Re-jall winter if you purchase the best_ in |}pairs to all makes, New hoses, Phone 1yyp oll from Western Oli Company, Die! | Jack ees, 728-0956 1212 GUNG = Bought, sold, travded, repaired apie OR SELLING furniture at Art's Gun Shop, 18 Bond Street West, |Pliances. Call Eimer, Hampton 728-979 or 263-269 i PE NEES "= |BUY AND SELL" -- Good Used furniture| i@uns -- and used, bought, sold, and appliances. One location only. Pretty) Ammunition, ileences, hunting supplies Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-327! iene set, Valley Creek, 16 Bond -- s CANADIAWA" ENCYCLOPEDIA -- 10-10" Ne ee volume set with stand, New, never used, OBER RIFLES -- Mauser 98; custom TELEVISION Corner_Bond and Division 728-5143 AERIALS ' RON"S TV 12 Year's Experience All Work Guaranteed RON BRIGHTLING 9AM 9 PM FAST T.V. SERVICE Service Call: only $2.50 Cost $149.50, Will sel! $85. Call 723-5970, |made 8 mm calibre: Marlin lever action, with scope 35 Remington calibre: also 35 | 728 51549. am, to 9 p.m. All. work guaranteed Open evenings 'til 9:30 p.m, Con Dial Closed on Sunday, Phone 723-9534 and HILL correspondence pro grams prepare students for engineering, elactronics, Grade 13, ete 260 courses Write for free 100 page brochure, Cane dian Institute of Science and Tegnneltay, Suite 63, 263 Adelaide Street Weel, To phone 725-4171 anytime JANSSEN'S. POWER EQUIPMENT CENTRE Toro, Moto-Mower Massey- Ferguson Riding Tractors, Service on all power equip- 6----Marine Equipment ieePT. Weymouth bin HP Johnston =mot Tel 942-5056, if FY. Spaceship convertible fully ui with steering lights windshield, posi and 16H Pe molar, S400 whipy,| . ment, Licensed mechanic on 468-2095 duty, id ERRSTLINGR 'a thy Sanepiper|_.843 King West deluxe with convertinie top, 40 HP Eyin- rude electric with jong shaft, 900 Ib, Tee nvsemnaretawiewnmneammen| NO Trailer, complete outfit, fully equipp- r) Alex cruiser, rento: hone "fuceo| Free| Janitor. Service or [ATTENTION HOUSEWIVESI nomical ceiling, wall cleaning modern machine, Free |ouaranteed, 728-7736, Classified Rates WORD ADS | com Insertion of 24 words pd ional words 4'4e each) 3 Insertions of 94 words se a! words 12¢ @ach, 6 con Insertions of 24 words $4.32, words \8c each, SUITE --- seven pieces, 728.9429 eee ee also baby t Phone Money "To Loan ve ed additional | Charge --- 10 per cent additional charge 'f not paid within & days Mathed of counting Less than 24 'werds counts as 24 words; each word, initial, figure er abbreviation counts 88 ome word: phone number counts two words, BIRTHS - DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25 cents qivenat charges if not pald aithin 4 jaye. new ond repalri, | ee estimates, Tele lerms: New an 7--Swap "and Bartev Bill Hamilton, BATHROOM Klichen and show tollets $30.98, tubs $10 and up, systems, sump pumps, is snk, basins, fittings, tors, tr H, Chinn, Antioue COLLuCTORS! Mahogehy diningroam sulle, fire sereen with neediepoint oicture, mahogany side- Mbie, Telephone Te Wel, B-- Arti le » for Sale TENTS Heavy waterproofed = drill, sewn-in floor, rear window with storm flap, dutch door with awning. From $39.95 Up BICYCLES Standard QUICK LIKE A BUNNY! GET A LOW-DONT, LIFE-INSURED - Sect Pan LOAN FOR ANY WORTHWHILE PURPOSE, , JOHN M, Surgeon, 172 King Street Bast, For appointment, 728-8171 BIALEK, DR. C, B., Dental Surgeon,| 117? Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For/ appointment, 728-5842 or Res, 728 at, Dental | Oshewa, | | | IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the first 35 words and se each thereafter, plus i2c per tine of HOT verse 25¢ additional charge Wf not paid within @ %, CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Sc bo thereafter, with i5¢ charge |f net paid within & COMING EVENTS 2.10 wan (display) 91,80 for the first 20 words and Se each thereafter. (Word Ads.) AUCTION SALES Bie PER INCH PERSONAL STYLING -- for fashion wise women! Dressmaking, alterations Fitting @ specialty, 728-1823 for appoint. ment caoies have" your dressed for Christmas, specialty! 725-8592. ORESSMAKING -- Gills, Goals, ~ghild dolls | Teenage dolls a THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA OIL PAINTINGS -- Landscapes, portraits milometre camera, All like new, Very figure work, custom picture framing |reasonabie, Whitby 949, Clark Studio, evenings and nds. -- 668-4497, 325 Brock North [BUILT-IN cupboards, comi heavy duty electric stove, tV YOWERE SPecia" ress , dresses, | Specialty. "Mrs, Torna Whittc, oss aoa. |t WILL LOAN you up to'8s,000 at a rea 2 wh Aa |sonabie rate of interest to consdlidate| All kings of ladies'iyour bills or for any other worthwhile Call Agnes'ipurpose providing you are steadily em-| Bloved and have good credit, Telephone 94-463 $40.) }$20.; gas stove, nearly new, $65.7 wi structure alkehannel antenna installed, jing Meening: $15.; bathtub, $5.7 $50 Oshawa TV Supply Limited. chimney, 6in, &in. galvanized pipe DESKS FOR STUDENTS, Many sivies.|electric service boxes, etc., Vrinch pipes, Best selection; lowest prices from $17.77 |fittings, galvanized and. copper 109 Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Street Celina Street, RESTAURANT "FQUIPMENT cash| FURNITURE, electric range, register, meat allcer, pop cooler, tryer,|frigerator. New condition al stools, booths, ete, Nestieton 986-4200 cles. Apply 68 McMillan D nt PIANO, upright, in Very good condition, | en" & Apply rear entrance. 246 Wilson Road SCOOTER South windshield, [USED aportine fee sete yee atas goods Bought, sold, Best prices! Valley)" bes : Creek, 16 Bond West, 728-4401, | RRPSIOSRATOR 12 cu. ft, re v - 1' 30 in, Both In goad condition, bet HAMPERS oushel size, used once, pti 728-523 tt 7 like new, suitable for apples, vegetables, $100, Telephone 728-5236 _affer am jetc, Telephone 725-45 {TYPEWRITER standard, $35; portable |CHESTERPIELD Se $30; adding machine, $25; electric type ter, $40; elect cash register, Item lyears old, Two large mahogany antique! WU 'e eb a, Ichairs. Phone 725-3443 ar 728-9644 izer, $100, 723-4434 |$208,--THREE ROOMS of furniture. Best 9--Market Basket |selection, $3. weekly, Wilson Furniture |2 Chureh Street |save™ $50 on new NSU |Cycle Shop, 183 Simcoe 1725-661) |THREE ROOMS of furniture, 8208.8. No | dow wn payment, $1$ monthly at Honest ears 424 King West, 728-919) |SCRAP HARDWOOD $7.75 single cord, Phone 723-228) 19.30 a.m. or evenings INSERTION DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 Om. day of publication pares AND DEATHS 9 a.m. day of publication Sapir lee DISPLAY 1 eglumn -- 48.m, day previous 9 col venns or larger -- 10 a.m, dey previous SANGELUATIONS aNd CORRECTIONS A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION BRUESMAKING wear, High quality work Dressmaking, 668-846) \Gardening ond Supplies "FALL SEEDING" \S. BEST SUPERFINE GRAS MIX NO, | FINE GRASS MIX PARKLAWN GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS MERION KENTUCKY BLUE SO-GREEN 7-7-7, MILORGANITE C.I.L. GOLFGREEN 12.6.6 CLL. EVERGREEN 6.9.6 CL. SUPERFLOW 10.6.4 BONEMEAI PEAT MOSS POTTING 1@) \Mortgages ene MOR' GAGE LOANS first large re-| other ary features, include apart. chain guard, Perry Coaster brakes and silver . brazed frames and forks From $34.95 Up |LAWN MOWERS T 125 Vespa, spare whe very good shepe, back carrier, M Open { M Interest No 'Bor No Charge for ons Mortgages and Agreements purchased Money for Second Fast Service M, F 26% * Oshawa 723-4697 SUMMERLAND SECURITIES 112 Simcoe St. North Ontorio - 725-3568 ney ir furniture, appliances, origages at 79 Ib rus 'Mofe Value BOX NUMBER RENTAL = Me ' Light, dependable and power- ful. Adjustable cutting height from 1" to 3', Chrome plat- ed handle, From $39.95 Up DOMINION _ TIRE STORE 145 King St. W. - : HARDWOOD, beech or Telephone 725 651) : length, sinale: cord, #16, BEDROOM SUITE -- bed spring, chest, delivered. Newtonville 786-2283, dresser with mirror, vanity with bench. FLY KILLING system, completely auto }very good condition, $100; also two jack-|matic. Try for one month for only $3.9 posts, used two months, $5 eg $5 each. 723-9841.| Cal) Chilchem Chemicals, Whitby 668 2200. \TYPEWRITERS, adding mi machines REDUCE WORK maintain a lovely jtime clocks, new and rebuilt, One year|/complexion, eliminate the ugly bathtub }quarantee, Outstanding good buys. Jen-|ring, get whiter washes and also save Business Machine Sales and Service, money by having the world famous Culll-' 87783, Open evening igan Soft Water system put in your home HONEST CAL'S Furniture and Appli-| YoU can try it for one month for only s. Name brands at Nghest discounts (85. Cal! Culligan today. Whitby 468-2200 TOMATOES, vwhere. We carry Restonic and Bever|TEN USED Hondas, ali nearly new, T@| nore conteiners, Te y_ mattress furniture tines, Your author lduced. The Cycle 'Shop, 153 Simege| 0" N9 Containers, Te zed GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's, a Street South, 725-661) = wi WINTER POTATO, $1.75; | 42 Street West, 728-919) Mcinto apples, $2.75 bushel machine specializing HONDA -- 150 1944 model only three "Ci nto: WDA We et. 1 je ny ty home delivery. C all evening 655-49 Ward, 204 Chestnut| TELEVISION TOWER SPECIAL -- a ft weeks old. Just broken in, Less than 648-2563 or 668-3809. structure, het dipped galvanized 1" tower! 1,000 miles. Price, $550. {with safety -- ~ neluded, single all-channel antenna com-inelmet and oubbie $875.). Telephone 10--Farmer's Column plete, installed, tax included, guaranteed 449.4005 after 7 p.m. FRESH CORN ensilage, delivered, reason able price, contact Ed Steinfield at 723- 4376 © 3500. .jone year, $80, See all towers at TRIO). Television, corner Bond and Division, = TELEVISION, ayer, suitable for DEAD and crippled farm stock picked) up promptly, Margwil!l Fur Farm, Tyrone. 728.5143-4 | =-- Shenae Baby carriage, REFRIGERATOR, 6 cu. ft. Frigidaire! condition. 728-2280. Telephone Collect Hampton, 263-2721, LtI- cence 389-C-45. with freerer, 30 inch frigidaire range,| - leulenietie Glen Ganirel. Tak aaas 9 GENERAL electric Sbinch stove) West nohouse automatic washer, Telephone) BABY CARRIAGE, piece, $25.; gg pic 728-3493. j Ahad. . ar, bed, complete $8. nearly new, App! 36 GRADE caitle, Holstein, some Charo! 88 Wood Street or 728-4835 atter o'clock GOOD USED lumoer Rae Geese, ducks, police puns. 6682067, 7 - 9. FRESHLY BALED mixed nation 5 straw \ ellent cattie feed oats and straw. Directly from mation telephone VACUUM CLEANER, Telephone 668-8003 of 723-6719. While every endeaver will be made Beige, Just to terward replies te vox numbers to the advertisers as agen a5 possible we accept, no 'lability in respect of loss or damage ai! i} Mortgages FALL. SEASON SOON TV CHECK-UP NOW qualified servicemen, 1 AG, TELEVISION 728-5143 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA EL aebbuaSa. ICS CITY TV TOWERS, pairs. All work gi Avenue, Telephone |POTATOES, $1.45 vegetables, Free and Bowmanville area ORDER for four pounds, Delivery on phone 72 Dushel; delivery tor 728-1906, freezer roating chicken,| $1.35) three pounds $1,15./ rder of ten or more, Tele-| SWARTZ St. East Ontorio i) + Newever caused negligence of otherwise The Times will not be responsible tor replies uncalied for in © days, REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re sponsible fer errors in advertise ments submitted otherwise fran in writing not for more than one inser: | tion ef any advertisement nor 'be yond the prite charge for @ single insertion in' which error occurs | sh | The Oshawa South. senoters. ng ~ Street Soll COOPER- SMITH CO. 16 CELINA ST. 723-1139 28- | PLEASE BRING CONTAINERS -- Pick before| your own: Corn, 25c, dozen; tomatoes, $1. bushel, 25¢ six-quart; Spanish onions, §¢,/ each, We pick peppers, green, sweet, 8.) bushel, S0c. six-quart basket; carrots, $1./ lbushel, W. Eymann, "& mile east. Ro Nichols Garage, Courtice, Go north. to) first corner TOMATOES---$1, bushel. Scott's Farm, Harmony the end of pavement, house on north side. FRESH VEGETABLES, tomatoes, car- rots, pumpkins and corn, Walter Huron| Farm, half mile west of Oshawa on 401) phway, North Service Road =" one-foot lengths | | | | j | | | | | } j maple, cut tole, - double $18. | shawa, collect the right to The Oshawa Times reserves te classify advertising according Proper classification in the cases of display advertisements FOR LUSH GREEN LAWNS! The Times will not be held respon S 0 D sible for more space 'han that which | the actual error occupies The pub | lishera endeaver to reproduce ali ad | vertising matter correctly. bul assu - \ 4 no flebility of advertisement welivere hide Pat ond Delivere CALL inaccuracies in any form are conta ned therein. "MAPLE LEAF" Landscaping and Garden Service 725-0611 BLUE SOD GRASS Check the quelity in the field All Green" Nursery Sod Growers, Townline | North Ya mile N Taunton Vill OSHAWA 725-9674 Mortgage Money Available Low. Interest Pick your own,! Road North to| third turn left, Member Ontario Br A ® also re Dean M PRIVATE AND CORPORATE monies for) a! mortgages. Mortgages and agree ments of sale purchased. Creighten,| Well { Brilling--Digging Orynan Murdoch Vieto: See Barristers"'.) WELL DIGGING a FIRST AND SECOND Street West, Whitby Lagreaments and Hennick | Gast, . 723-7222 \Optometrist F. RICHARD BLACK, 00, {Street North, Suite 6, Oshawa 723-419) 4 2 kers at Le Cedar a Loid s e prone 728-4839. | 75-(b. | Free| ve, | Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged ene day's Insertion. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT aD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 and Sale Street 2--Personal mortgage | chased and sold Bar risters, 1 King | GE radio rec-room. crib. record automatic In good of superfluous heir Marie Murduff will be in Oshewe Oct. 4th, 5th, and 6th. Phone Genosha Hote! on these dates for appoint- ment ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 | RE-OPENING of art ciasses in ol! paint- mg, Learn to paint your own pictures For information call 778-S404 jopelange tah ker » Ave erviv one z "Remove wee INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS \eWemen's Column Persona SwSportaman's Column Se Trailers é--Marine Equipment Teiwae and Barter &--Articies for Sale S--Market Basket VoeFarmer's Column TiePets and Livestock VoeArticles 'Wanted VewArticies tor Rent Vaan Business Opportunities lSeEmployment Wanted VomAgents Wanted VeBemaie Help Wanted \ 'e Help Wanted or Female Help Wanted 34 Simcoe Telephone Painting ond Decorating i i sale, For infor como: at Compact, like new condition, Cost BUNK BEDS, red mapie. cond! over $200., only $39.50. Telephone 72 33-$001 rs on, $45. Telephone 728-2950. D -- with headboard (wainut), com.\MONDA MOTOR BIKES New and » with mattress, $35 Excellent con-/U8ed, $299. No down payment. Open even Noeth. Telephone 722-4216. ings unti! & p.m. Senda Shop, 199 King \vatoaurs oe - > jWest. Dial 728-4242 : fepairs, all makes, hoses i brushes, etc. Pick-yp, delivery, 942-0213 we BUY and exchange ured Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, 'ure. oF ve. The 3--Sportsman's Column rr Simcoe P wa ~ ,; GOOD coal and wood furnace, $30. DUCK shooting pond fer rent adjeiningiphane 723-476 ake S Reserve, $100 f . eeee oan eee tia S| i008 BSA 650 twin with new 'or erry 985-7368. 300 Montrave Ave, Apt. 9. DUCK SEASON SPECIAL! ')-gauce Im ; périal shells, $3.15; one to a customer, | PUMP Stevens", Also ficencet. Vatley Creek, 14 prone Street West ns LBS. PAINTING .AND teas DECORATING INTERIOR ond EXTERIOR Also fields. 11--Pets_ and Livestock agebaeks (ihe Atri can bipodiines. CKC reg 23-6475. GUARANTEED CEDAR TREES { AND BUSHY FOR & wy s E ESTIMATE DoDD & SOUTER 668-5862 OUR RATES o s guaranted. O operies a nue Eas 910 de to Toronte ' no 2.30 a.m jenn R sel anything you no Post Store RNODESIAN y {tion dog), &x eet QUANT AND POLES SMITH'S TREE FARM t e Lo 6-2283 TREE TO TRIM? Cal! Sim them down, Free estimates, 1s NURSERY and ond tree even ITY re e ; IM st ait horses, trained, ce, boar Sea" x | COTY-J-RANCH Kennels, we oye hat pups. St r beds sia; oUrn_ 655 4662, evenings. fridges. $25; |BEAUTIFUL baby bSudgies springs training, talking strain. West,' Broad, 114 Elgin East FoR SALE mae Gor ma After so bile) Tele! i. TOWER, S0-ff., siighly used nae, Phone 723-4151 CLEARANCE SALE, Used dressers $6; TV's $29.95 Tele-| stoves $29.95; lamps. mattresses and chesterfields. 14 &« Street Valley Creek CEMENT MIXER tor sare 3 p.m. telephone 725-643 in perfec' condi- GIRLS three-speed 728-2354 dive sk parits | heed leatherette, |ANdre Street. 725 oe8 | TRANSMISSION mat A-1 condit LEONARD automatic defrosting refrip-|\ aries "other sma in good condition; alsa large sire) Al@™ 942-546: b, in good condition, Telephone | PORTABLE Singer sewing machine. Ex cetient condition, 869. Telephone 648-4203 demon. | Whitby ty Be a a with *, oF nv Collect T an stock n motor, $650. 7031S $45. "eaay Apply Mrs. Ort T2S-s)18 eut | SF eriCROSS TOWN Ton materials teed. Free es! oainting and tgun, workmar mates. Dia decorating an x Bond 2 maie, | Ovedience good watch Telephone of Bar-Bells, two bars erd, Four dumbell bars, $50 4 telephone Erooklin 655.9 LLOYD bady carriage. tion, Blue and white, Telephone field sod a extimates 720.9910 nos P0875 [TOP SOtL, with or withoul manure pmenere fer sale, Wr Kuk Telephone 648-2906 or 448-298! ARMSTRONG SOD AND LOAM. W tod erent stone and top soli. 25-58 Prompt de Telepnone [Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup plies. Telephone 725-i52!, Harold H. Stark Litd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering. Sery/ 22S Simeoe Street South Telephone; and mote _|Rug-Upholstery Service : = ers, $475 each. Two CHESTERFIELDS reuphoistered and re-jeach. See at So }styled. Free estimate. See our materialiway, East of Oshawa ifr recovering Dalton Upholstering, "Siva aicen wa mix |\S--Trailers FOR SALE - kitchen and bath 3% Sunway Tralier 4 ned. Excellent dispos Relladie w also " Whitty bicycle. 4 $8. Apply ane Offices and Sterege 4 ~--~Houses for Rent +--Apariments ter Rent Reams fer Rent Room and Board Wanted te Rent M--Aytomneniies for Sele SieCompact Cars for Sale STrucks for Sale house trailer furnished. Cat Camp, Whitby bedr tr Atte! SHOE SHINE siand, marble and Brass oase. #12 Whitby CHINUARUA white. Female n trained, Very lovanie," Pric sale, $40, Registered. Telephone GERMAN Shépherd pups for sale. Tele| phone 728-9815 rev TERRigR fernat es ve mor red Telepnone SALE! F from 1956 Meteor it parts. auto and Teephone " boats! tra $995/ erator High-}baby cr | Pom2905. PIANO beater d of season westband Sitvertiner"* ir trailers. Road, No ed two Instruction LIKE MUSIC? Let Doral teach you te play the « a -- | Manic "Stodi "been spayed, had) Mt Male s ud lo | s old, $25. Phone! Glenderte fies Wi MeAvtomanile Repair 3S--Lost and Found Gre on mat Ne =. Ww . oe ) North, 725-4 laav and Frigaw till? -_ a teal, one year ¥ Hoor tmoade! high trom dow mH x. CR ee Siw Thurs: Auctions é BWComing Events ; Not cme pece cence, $ 'prone 1642 . and on and td Open . Twe Knox, Orono. Tele Stree Pay only 3 wkly t neatadle. valu Cc iBarons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe $,!6 p.m. for further information, '73-0a, oatiry a tern ¢ te Box 329, Oshawalsystem: ? x rug. , a, 34.9%, Prone jablo excellent motor and accessar-) ~ Box 722. 2085. ; ste oe S| 11.--Pets and Livestock -- "Low Cost Times Action Want Ads Solve Many Of Your Problems" 17--Female Help Wanted ns "ond no $28 rae a ing Dunbarton 899- o Hs , purebred, Fae, Weer. Fig Ng classes comi Hee Woreare" Man Phone 725-40 = Oshawa navies invited ng oe United 'bert "aire. Tele- net ite ane Wane fe Has 9001 "ater Aseutagye" Ae EnINNAUDE out Puppies stat eal. i} t K is, North. Esl i oo oar 'Wanted on he eatin mat ive "mare ang hundred nt immediately, Please call pups, a4 months ; 75. Reg- clipping. Townline "condition er § p.m. WALL TAB 'at ti mined, "OF nest of tables, Also Bikd GOas viaalsa Vaan Garman pointers preferred, for hunting club in Haliburton this \veek-end, Good prices Pald. Phone 269-2653, 13--Articles for Rent RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- i bike exercises --- all » per month, PruabeERe TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pods, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies, toilet aug PAINTER'S " EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding, compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, re, blow torches, propane torc BUILDER'S POUIPMENT o- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hond trowels, woter pumps, portable heaters, steel scoffolding, electric generator, romset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, build- ing jacks, mortar' mixers, mortar boxer, chain hoist, miter saw, electric plane, tar- paulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, ascillating sanders, disc sanders, belt sanders, floor sanders, acty- lene welding outfits, 200 amp electric welders. STAN'S 233 King St. W., Oshawa Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. PHONE 723-3224 Towlge, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS _463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds walkers, reducing machin sick room supplies. Ald Rentals. tt Beatrice, 725-\644. CHAIRS, card and panne ta aisle runners. Cleve Simcoe Street Nort ENTERTAINING -- Fifty te one-hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries, Facilities, bar kitchen, parking. Reason- rere. 728-6315, ess Opportunities "CHIP TRUCK Completely equipped. Can be seen at: MR. G. FERGUSONS HAMPTON TELE. 263-2592 BEAUTY SALON beauty salon with, good cliente! low overhead, well equ oped, owner ving jcountry,' Contact George Keornneet of Schofield-Aker Limited, 723-2245, or 723 | 3089 evenings. ehureh 42 ~~ Well established room and counter, with equipment, rooms upstairs, can be used for two apartments or boarders, Telephone 728-| 6485, seven oy) WILLING 'to "care tor two or three chil dren in my home, five days or evenings | jweekly, Alex location. Telephone 942-4974. 1 5--Employment Wanted | WOMAN wishes day work, house or office icleaning, central. elephone 720-9267, RELIABLE WOMAN will e 'day care care jto infant er prescnoo! children in) jmy home, Lake Vista area, 728-6450, Pick your own.| DAY CARE for children in my home, re-|WANTED woman to able. Oshawa General Hospital area. Telephone 725-6195, HOUSEWIFE will lake care of one or two children, aged six months up, es! lrequired, Centrally jocated in own home. 728-5917 after §.30, five days a week in my own home, Gib- bons Street. Telepnane 728-9 EMPLOYMENT wanted. Rellabie women will give care to infant or preschool children in my home daily or weekly. Oshawa General Hospital area, Phone 36183. |WOMAN wants housework, Telephone *| 725-0434 LADY would like housework by the hour, Telephone 728-7620. | BOOKEEPER fully qualified to trial bal- jance, experienced with accountant, alse retail stores. Desire 'omework or part- time position. Telephone 723-1328 HONEST reliable woman would = tike housekeeping position in good home where 0-year-old child. would be welcome. Write 146 Oshawa Times "|17--Female » Help Wanted TOYS FUN $$$ Ladies earn 'extra Christmas money. We will train you to demonstrate a full line of toys and gifts, Commission, Car essential, No investment. CALL NOW Peggy Langille 728-3608 | WILL GIVE day care to one preschooler | MATURE housekeeper, live $60 A WEEK FOR 15 HOURS 2 Ladies with cars to service existing Fuller Brush routes in Oshawa -- Whitby areal Pick your own hours, Our best lady last week made $129-- in 20 hours! If you do not believe it give It a try on our expense! For information call Fuller Brush OSHAWA PHONE 728-4922 OR. WRITE FULLER BRUSH OSHAWA 822 GLEN ST. WANTED EXPERIENCED FEMALE ee) OK For general cooking and pastry, No Saturday Work, No Shift Work. No Nights, Good Salary Benefits, Uni- form Supplied. Forty Hour Week, Apply 5. §. KRESGE CO. Te. 13 SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA CAR HOSTESSES required Full or part-time Apply in person. A&W DRIVE-IN 1327 Simcoe North WAITRESSES required 4 pm, te 11 p.m, 1] pm, te 7 am. APPLY MR, CAMPBELL GENOSHA HOTEL BIG K DRIVE-IN requires lady for kitchen help, Mostly. evenings, No exper lence necessary, will train, Call 728-6756 for appointment te interview PRESSER for dry cleaning also COUNTER GIRL Top wages fer right peopte, Telephone 725-1023 JEWELRY Selesiody required full-time and part-time, EXPERIENCED Apply ofter 10 A.M, Burns Jmwellere 20 Simcoe. Bt. North low isricames sed SALESGIRU -- with some bookkeeping experience, five-day weex, fee Starting \salary d commission, employes |benefits. Vacation with i full details +o Rox Sa joes A "BEAUTY | COUNSELOR" call jon you? We may need someone in your pa or call for products. 723-9849. hs owed | EXPERIENCED legal secretary, for [Whitby law firm, Excetient salary, for |quatified person. Apply te Box 8011 Osh- awa Times, Whitby. [RELIABLE woman As e. keeping and care levenings. Live A, han weekend | Port Perry 985-7205, |MIDDLE-AGED iqay to Care for elderly person in respectable home, Live in or jou, Telephone 25-226), | RESTAURANT In North Oshawa, dining-| ------ sg | schoo! age boys in motherless home. Live jin, One child welcome. Telephone |728-135) LADY requ) to assist mother ck email family wily' general housework imonth, plés board, and al yd Fe ment apatfant, Telephone 725-0915 "in Modern home. References Telephone 725-6705, RELIABLE housekeeper fo live Five children, four of school age, Tekahane 668-3237 or 668-4701, Whilpy, WANTED . Folks in Osnawa and dis trict te show our luxurious Chrismtas cards to friends and neighbors, No ex- perience needed. Our exciting catal jitlustrates over 300 items in full cp! making it easy te get plenty of orders. Earn extra money this way. Write tedey for Christmas cards on approval and tree catalogue, Monarcn Card Co., Dept, % 217 Cannon, Hamilton, : WOMAN tor on eng ing and irening, tive hours Tvest: five hours Fric day. Telephone ot. 5393, Whitby, EARN EXTRA MONEY Show | eneda's finest tine of Christmas Cards, wraps, novelties, etc. Over 300 items. For tree, "--"Ipeautifully Mustrated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest . service. Jeandron Greeting Card Co. 1853 King [street Gast, Hi mitton, ontaric jLaoy "canvassers wanted. Apply Oshawa |Bowling Lanes detween 9:30 and 12 a.m, jat the Oshawa Shopping Centre. GIRL required for office work, typing required. Apply giving ruil particulars te {Box 445, Oshawa Times. BABY SITTER wanted to take care of three-year-old child in his home. Live in, One child welcome, Write Box 242, Osh- awa Times EXPERIENCED PRESSER, Apply Rink- ers Cleaners, HOUSEKEEPER for young working couple with one small child, Live in. j Telephone 723-1475 between 4 om.9 pm PART TIME short order cook required. Apply Gray Coach Bus Terminal or tele hans 723-2241 required,

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