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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Sep 1965, p. 31

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MICKEY MOUSE GRANDMA MUGGS AND SKEETER WELL, ALL RIGHT:- TALK TO GO GOMEPLACE FOR A WHILE ? » WHERE I CAN 4 PHONE You ee iW MAHSELF// KINDLY CLOSE YORE EYES; WE WERE JUST GOING 70 HAVE A GAME OF TENNIS, JOIN US? @ King Fenraree Syndicate, Ina, 196%, Weel sights eunrved, CLOTHES TH IM AFRAID THAT WAGN TO BR. A Sy (\ yy - eZ 'T MUCH AG ABOUTS DONALD DUCK ws TRYING TO CATCH LITTLE LEROY'S FIRGT WORD ON YOUR , TAPE RECORDER P NO, GRANDMA... SO FAIZ I'VE ONLY GOTTEN 2 YAWNS AND SOME GURGLING SOUNDS / MINUTE ,,. AND BRING a youRe THE 2) ONLY ONE WHO CANT 'URAIE HAS HIS WAY», IT PAYS OFF ¥ DIANS THIS WAY NOW/ / FEEL Ir / Tue #8 THE DIRECTION THE LITTLE PEOPLE WOULD BE HAVING ME TAKE 70 FIND DAN/ BHERR|, M2. CORRIGAN. SHE LEFT ON A DATE. OLD BOY, 1 OF PRACTICE AND -YOUP i A STIFF GAME, (T TOOK A TERRIBLE TOLL IN LVES» ANO CURRIE WONDERS « » « WAIT, TONTO/ COMING FROM THAT THIRD HOUSE -- A L/6N7/ WITH SILVER BELLS AND COCKLESHELLS... «AND WEEDLETS "ALL IN A ROW! NZ TELEVISION LOG Channe) 2--Buftalo 7--Amos Burke Secret @-2--Call My Blu Agent ee a jovie 4--Noon News 10:38 PLM, Pi Pete $ Sports Hot Seat aidasy ye ia ohare 4--Speaker of The House 11:00 P.M, 19:98 PLM, N97 6-4-3-2--NOws \--News Weather, Sports %--1 Love Lucy N--Family Theatre = | 11:18 PAM O11! Bet 9--Five O'clock Show | ¢--Metro Fine! 7--Pather Knows Beet Sui é--Viewpoint 4--Search for Temerrew 3--Neondey Repert 3--Four Just Men 11:20 PLM, 3--Lioyd Thaxton | 7-4-Late Show 12:48 PLM. on Pm, Night Metro Racing Forum @Leave It Te Beaver 1.28 PAM, 4--Buiding Light 6~--Two In The Bush 1100 PAM. 3--Hudson Bay peraigyy 6--Sports Theatre P. 2 Sree a | B--Movie 9--James Beard Show ¢--Serenade | o--Matinee 1:40 P.M, 7--Trailmaster | %--Plerre Berton é--Music And News | @--The Long Hot Summer 4--Meet the Millers } 12:30 A.M. 3--Summer Carousel |\1~Joe Carlo at the Organ| S-Mike Deugias shew 1:98 PLM, 9--Sergeant Bilko | &3~-Luncheon - Date |4--Ae The Werld Turns | 2:00 PLM. %Kids Is People 7--Where The Action is } | WRONESOAY EVR. 108 PM @--Superman | 6--Ivanhoe | | THURSDAY $00 A.M. 11.--Schnitzel House | 4--Ceptain Kangeree 7--Cheyenne 9:00 ALM, f--Across Conade | 1--Topper | 4--Password 7:00 P.M, | 9--Playtime With Uncle) 3--Moment ef Truth V--Gilligans Island 1 aay sik ache %--Camp Runamuck j?-Diating | Per Deters | 9 pear Charlotte | @--Mikes Carnival | 2:90 PLM. 2--Mickey Mouse Clive | 9 People in Conflict | T | 12 O'clock High 290 AM, HB sor hy cle --Huntley-Brinkley | 1~€¢ Allen | 6---Movie Matinee Renert | 4--Gypsy Rose Lee | 4--Linkletter's Party * | 2 Ann Southern Show 3--Movie 110 PLM. ane Green Acres 10:08 A.M. | Be send ta Vepinan | Nurses 9--Fractured Phrases 7--Orzie and Harriet = | &3--Truth or #2--Anottier World &--Wheelspin. | Consequences 7--General Hospite! 4--Lost in Space eps Love Lucy 4-To Tell the trum | | 6:00 PM. 11--Soecial Movie | 9--Bingo li--Funny Company %--My Favorite Martian | -2--What's This Seng 9--Iit's Your Meve 7--Patty Duke Show | 7--Donna Reed @-2--You Don't Say | $-3---Okay Crackerby 4--The McCoys bah 'a eae Merriede | 4--Public Affairs 6--Public Service Meee AA Announcements 1}--Bonnie Prudden 4--Edge of Night 9% Mr. And Mrs. 4:00 PLM. 9-3--Concentration 9--Mirkey Mouse Club | 7%--The Young Set --The Game | dandy of Mayberry | opm > } V8 AM, $3--Vacation Time | %Summer Fun 1:8 AM, 1}--~Albert J. Steed %--Abracadabra 1--Family Theatre 9-43--News; Weather and Sports 6-9--Huntley-Brinktey News 10:38 A.M. | ?--Gidget | @3--Bob Hope Theatre 4--Beverly Hillbillies | *:00 PM. | 7--The Big Vatley | &2--Bob Hope | 4-Diek Van Dyke (3 Hapa weranener 10:08 P.M. | %--Sea Hunt ii--Merv Gritfin Show | 4--Dick Van Dyke Show!) gariy show 32--1 Spy 12:00 NOOR 4--Movie 4---Danny Kay Show | %--Toronto Today 2--Huckleberry Hound YOUR HEALTH Murmur In Heart Functional, Organic Ry JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Doctor: My two-year-| Whether a murmur is serious old son has had a functionalidepends entirely on what it de- heart murmur since birth, Isinotes. Some specialists have this something that will. need/found that in an average group medical or surgical attention/of young school children, half later?»I have not been able to/will be found to have murmurs. find out anything about mur-'Most of these murmurs mean murs in any books I have|nothing. There is some little od- read.--MRS. G.. J. jdity of shape or size in or near |in-betweene .. |@ valve, and the blood swirls A murmur is not a disease. nk ahtine aad "makes. A. taal ACROSS 1. Price of transpore tation 6. Island off Java 9, Glacial ridge 10. Jacket 11, Ship's prison 12, Noise- maker 14, Wine vessel 15. Rodents 16. Article 12. Wealthy 17, Music 18. Finishes note 15. Avoid SIPIUINERSITTAIB} SICIOIPIE ME TIOINIE!S| (IU! | ERC IOIOIP) [AJL MIOINIDEEUIRISIA] ONS TET R) 28. Morose 29, Sacred bull: Egypt 18. Capital of : Wie Virginia 20. Pixielike 22. Tablets 23, Half ems GY 24, Siamese coin Z t 25, Vegetable '27. Black Sea port 30, Entered /military service 32, Overhead 33, Ruthen- ium: sym. 34, Insect eggs 35, High priest 36. Cavern 38. Dutch painter 30. Great Lake 40,Go up 41, Lairs 42.Solar dise or is a warning of trouble. It depends on the type of murmur and its location, There can, in fact, be minor flaws in the heart which are too trivial to consti- tute a threat There murmurs which are rs. The heart is ob- viously operating capably, yet the murmur is such that the doctor wants to watch its pro- gress, if any, to guard against significant danger later on, A murmur that is the result a matter of organic trouble, A functional murmur is one which results, not because of a defect in the organ, but because of the way it happens to operate. This type often disappears as the child gets older. Dear Dr. Moiner: Would it be all right to rub liniment on vari- cose veins, as sometimes they are very painful?--MRS. M. M. don't rub too hard and damage the skin, but it won't do a bit of good and you'll have wasted the price of the liniment. Many people with varicose veins spend time and money on worthless remedies. of some defect in the heart is| Dear Dr. Molner: I have been It's probably all right if you |That was three years ago and | haven't seen him since. Will my husband know about |this indiscretion when I decide to get married? I'd rather not tell him. That's why I am ask- jing.--C, T. | Assuming that you didn't con- tract a venereal disease, and didn't become pregnant, there is no way your future husband ican tell, so forget it. Just admit |to yourself that you did wrong jand now know better. '|(Top. record-holder in Individuel Championship Ploy) 30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, WAGE YOURE AUTTLE TE | wWadneeday, Sentember 22, 148 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER Masters' South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH AIJB4 Q2 @1008543 a3 EAST 1096323 ° ~ at South Fast & Pass 9 Pass 6NT Opening lead--king of dia- monds. It was impossible to anticl- pate the type of error Sylvia might make next. Sylvia could bid some hands well, play cer- tain dummies acceptably, and defend reasonably enough on other occasions, but the trouble was that you could never tell when some strange misadven- 'ture was about to take place, or when some peculiar process of thought would suddenly pos- sess her and topple everything in sight. These errors, whatever their nature, ocrurred with distress- ing frequency, and it is no won- der that the members of the club trembled inwardly when- ever they cut her as a partner. They knew that the weirdest things could, and probably would, happen, but they also knew that no amount of plead- ing in advance could swerve Sylvia from her predestined ° course, But with all that, Sylvia did occasionally produce a genuine gem which would then serve for weeks on end as a conver- sation piece among the mem- bers. This hand is a_ typical example of what made Sylvia the darling of the club. Sylvia was in six notrump and West. led a diamond. She took the ace and cashed six club tricks, West discarding two spades and a heart, while East discarded three spades. Sylvia now played the Q-K-A of hearts, and then, having seen the jack of hearts fall and acting under the delusion that her nine was now a trick, she tried to cash it, This inadvertence had a dev- astating effect on West. The position when Sylvia played the nine was: North @Ar 10 South 99 72 West could not find a satis- factory discard when the heart was led. Whatever he played, Sylvia would win the last two tricks in dummy. West was hoplessly squeezed, BOWLING NEWS SHERIFF'S LADIES LEAGUE Team standing -- Kit-Kats 6, Smarties 4, Lollipops 4, Peppermints 4, Cracker- Jacks 2 and Humbugs 2. The points were divided this week, the Kit-Kats, Lollipops and Smarties were on the winning end with three. points each leaving the Cracker-lacks, Hurm- bugs and Peppermints with one point each. Carolyn Gilbert was the only one to hit the 600 mark with @ 634 total including @ 235 and @ 217 game. 200 Scores -- Janice Hughes 224, Dor- een Sheekey 216, Sharon Pascoe 211, Dor- een Wickens 209, Dawn Carr 206, Joanne Sanders 204, Maria Upton 203, 20) and Marg Ferguson 20). Last week's write-up failed fo report Ev Snow's 252 game. Sorry to have miss- ed that terrific game, Ev. Lemon League -- Helen Brown 97, Joyce Duncan 96, 41, 63; Thelma Kay eet 95, L. Wright 89 and Cheryl Lynde WIRE AND HARNESS Team Standings--Head Pins 6, Lucky Strikes 5, Jesters 5, Alley Cats 3, Flyers 3, Hi-Los 3, Go-Getters 2, Gay Six 1, HI- Balls 1 and Pin Pickers 0. Over 600 -- E. Atkinson 722 (274, 245, 203); A. Burrill 691 (277, 236); B. Gibson ; in 640 (318); E. Robin- son 630 (275, 230);S. Bell 628 (226, 210); L. Gorman 627 (254); Jack Laverty 620 (256); B. Smith Sia (239); D. Abramoff 612 (229, 219); M. Shorten 608 (232); 8. Myers 603 (226, 221) and M. Hurren 601 (218, 200). Over 200 -- R. Jennings 253, P. Ruttan 253, B, Harding 250, R, Wilson (238, 210)7 E. Lynburner 236, E, Moreau 232, R. Demers 217, C. Morrison (220, 204); R. Gendron (213, 200); J, Ruttan 211, R. Lupel 209, W. Gendron 209, L. Atkinson (204, 203) and B, Barclay 201 Lemon League -- J. Smith Gess (95, 44); M. Partridge 93, B. Lam- cate E. Semmett: (89, 78); and J. Rut an GM NICKEL PLATE High Triples: D. Bailey 795, J. Catton 7 600 games -- M. Cesburn 674, D. Wiison 650, G. Mathieu 643, P. Traynor 6%, M, Carl 635, C. Dove 628, Paradine 619 and L. Marshall 612. 200 Games --- D. Bailey 330, E. Behm 245, G. Jessome 236, B. Thornbury 226, J. Ruiter 213, J, Jackson 212, W. Weroski 205, D. Owens 203 and J. Campbell 200. u 2 -- G. Kulpers 86, S. Pols 84 and J. Campbell 58. treated for erythema nodosum. First my doctor treated me for tonsillitis, then decided it was SALLY'S SALLIES "strep" when I ran high tem- peratures, After partial recov- ery I developed nodules or jumps under the skin on my jlegs. My doctor says not to worry.--Mrs. W. §. | Erythema nodosum (red, jpainful lumps under the skin) lumps disappear with. treat: ment. f In your case, the strep infec- tion centered in the tonsil area, | which is not unusual. Getting rid of the resultant bumps of erythema nodosum depends on is believed to be related to]! Streptococcus infection, The} |< It is a sound in a stethoscope. In a very rough sort of way, we might call it the gurgle that oc Frequently a,doctor can be curs as blood passes throughirather sure, at once, that the sound the valves in the heart. murmur means little or nothing, Dear Dr. Molner: My ques-|subjugation of the strep infec- tion is very personal. I got in-|tion. The treatment of the ton- volved with the wrong type ofjsillitis was also the Leginning boy when I was quite young|of treatment for the erythema and we had intimate relations. nodosum. 'Tm simply trying to find ou} what I ever saw in you."

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