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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 11

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ANN LANDERS Dear Ann Landers: I drive an ice cream truck and enjoy my work. I'm the kind who kids around a lot with my customezs and I'm afraid it has created a misunderstanding. This is what happened: One of my favorite customers is a little girl about 11 years old: The other day when she came out to buy some ice cream I showed her a large wad of dollar bills which I happened to have in my pocket. I said, 'This is enough for you and me to get married." She looked shocked and ran off. Suggestive Remarks Are Uncalled For ject is guaranteed to start the fur flying. I fell into this meat grinder once and that should be enough. However, I repeat: I wish the living would treat one another better so that they wouldn't feel compelled by guilt to hook their eye teeth for a fancy funeral. Dear Ann Landers: You've done the office workers of Amer- ica a great service in the past by your beautifully worded barbs aimed at office gum chewers, cigarette moochers, incessant hummers, sing- ers, whistlers, borrowers of THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, September 24, 1965 1] CHILD GUIDANCE By GARRY C. MYERS, PhD In various relationships be- tween parents and children, em- ployer and employee, doctor and patient, malingering is a serious problem for all persons. concerned. It's pretending to be ill, sick or injured when you are not. In the family it usually is called "playing sick." So prevalent is malingering that many a person who really is in pain or really is sick or injured does not get the medi- cal attention he needs because he is judged as malingering when he isn't. | On the other hand, consider CHRISTMAS FAIRY DOLL tive dol! is exquisite enough to be the focal point, of your holiday table centre- piece. If you prefer you could set it somewhere near or on the tree, If you would Here is a delightful little angel that can be completed in plenty of time for the most important event in everyone's fairly near fu- ture Christmas gThis diminu- Over-Sensitiveness Not In Office Routine By ROBERTA ROESCH time you couldn't be more mis- Too often we work ourlselves|taken since employers, gener- up to hig' over behavior of ally speaking, have so many others by reading too many things on their minds _ that false meanings into the way) 2 3 ' they act. And this is especially|S ° ™ © times they don't get the case in employer-employee,around to commenting on the relations, as evidenced by work- things that are going all right pod bo georlhRed nails over' The boss, for instance, who pe ig 8 simi ng poe worrleS| seldom goes out of his way to of two I'm quoting here. --_ say that he likes the work you| "I know my boss doesn't like|are doing, may be leaving you me," the first one said, "be- completely alone, because you cause he never says a word/have proved your value. And about the work I do. He lets me' the office supervisor, who picks} go on in my own merry way,|out one little booboo in a whole carrying on alone. Yet I often'stack of correctly done work, see him discussing other em-/may be simply not feeling well ployees' work. lthat day and is in a "picky" "I've got a complaint about! mood. the woman I work for,"' a sec- ¢ Bir ond employee said. "She never} FACT OF LIFE has a good thing to say about|. No one says that this is right anything I do, but she always|nor a perfect way to act But | notices it if there is one little|it is an office fact of life that} error among all the work I do) happens everywhere when (1)) that is right. bosses have so much on their) "Just today, for example | mind they forget about pats on! typed a 10-page report, and the the back and when (2) people, only thing that she noticed was being human, tend to notice the like instructions, please send self-addressed, stamped en- velope and ten cents to cover cost of handling, to the Needlework Department of this newspaper, asking for Leaflet No. C7794. The girl must have told her| mother because now she is not allowed to come out and buy ice cream. Her mother comes over to the truck and she is very cold and unfriendly. Al- though not one word has been| said I know she is mad. I need! your advice about what to do.| --ICE CREAM MAN Dear Man: If you enjoy your) | work and want to stay with it) lyou'd better drop the bum) |\jokes, Bub. Talking marriage to 'an 1l-year-old--even as a gag--| makes my skin crawl. You're} lucky that mother didn't com-) plain to your boss. Dear Ann Landers: May I add my 2 cents worth to the discus-| lsion about taking pictures at funerals? I have done it (against my better judgment) at the insist-| ence of a relative who was not| able to travel across the coun-| try to attend the funeral of a) | |he shakes the room with one of | small eg denture click-| pow many children and adults oa beg niga = began escape doing what they don't dressed dolls who wear beehive a ican. ae a ager mor Dag ng oe ee tO/ head, a youngster may escape someiidas 16. the gare Baad his turn at doing dishes, he may sneezes so loud he shakes the ind , ee the Haku 4 ; 2 |day of a dreaded test, he may pug be get knocks' stay home from school any eee es : {morning in order to escape I sit directly in front of one of/ some dreaded experience or en- these characters and he iS} joy the coveted attention a slowly driving me mad. After) brother or sister enjoys there. ;. '| When of military age, he may ee. lh P conie| dodge the draft, or while in the he hi tartled ' armed services, be discharged Ma dt pues as physically and mentally un- I have made many a typing' fit, error as the result of his crude, | : showoff sneezing and I am sick| INFLUENCES FUTURE Malingering may begin in of it.--JUMPY JUDY Dear Jumpy: A sneeze is an|early infancy and be cultivated involuntary act. A person can-|all through childhood and youth,|and no means of amusement) lnot sneeze at will unless hejeven all of a lifetime. It's so/and keep him there until the) uses pepper or some irritant. Aleasy for parents to encourage sneeze can fied, however, and this clown amplifying because he knows it;agment. Who among. adults |brother. The request was put) this way: "It would make me) >Ugs you. feel so much better if I could see how dear Otis looked when s , : seis they put him away. Also I Some planetary restrictions would love to see the flowers. will prevail on Saturday. Be And if you can get some jic- cautious about making decisions'tures of Selma and Zorine I of any kind in the forenoon, would appreciate that, too. [ since any off-beat action could Mos to see how they are taking offset good endeavors. Be care- ; ful, too, not to go to extremes or indulge in excesses in the p.m. THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW Ignore him. has not sometimes kidded him- Others knowing him well soon see into his malingering, when they silently or vocally express their disapproval or disgust. | Conflicts With Civil Rights Code The malingerer himself loses in self-regard but may not be able aN WASHINGTON (AP) -- The/to, pull himself up by his own Who said we are living in a|U.S. equal employment oppor-' bootstraps. civilized world We no longer|tunity commission says neWs-| The mother of the baby and bury food wth the deceased, but/paper help-wanted ads must/ young child naturally has fears we do take food to the home|make clear either a man or! of his getting sick or being FOR THE BIRTHDAY of the relatives and while eat-\woman is acceptable, eX-\ hurt. When she supposes he is If tomorrow is your birthday,|ing it, tear the living aparticept ... ill or injured and that he is suf- your horoscope indicates that with gossip. And that's where the commis- fering from pain, she can't eas- while, presently, you may not) Just between us, I hate fu-\sion is, figuratively speaking, | jly hide her anxiety and expres- be making as much progress as|nerals but I go because I'm groping for words |sion of her fears. you would like, it would be fool-| afraid of what they might say) In guidelines issued Wednes-| She may grab him up when hardy to let down in your ef-!about me if 1 don't.--D. E. B./day night, the commission said|he gets the slightest bump. By forts. With Dec. 1, you will Dear D. E. B.: If you want that classified help-wanted ad-|her voice and movements she A Wise Parent Can Curb A Child's Malingering may cause the youngster to be- lieve he is hurt when he really isn't or hurt far more than he really is. She may caress and cuddle him then more tenderly and give him all sorts of atten- tion he enjoys. A mother may do this when a child has a slight illness or after his recov- ery. She may be excessive in lher zeal to comfort him. | EXAMINE SITUATION It's easy to see that, as the child grows older, he may greatly exaggerate his response to pain or discomfort. Not far from this experience is his im- agining he is ill or his saying deliberately he is hurt or sick when he really isn't. The child sees the reward this invention brings him in added attention. He visualizes he is getting out of doing something he doesn't | wish to do. | Many a parent is familiar jwith malingering on a_ school |morning, yet so many of them don't suspect it as malingering /until it has been practised over |many weeks or months. If your | child says he is sick on a school |morning, take his temperature. If he has fever, call the doctor. If the doctor finds no evi- dence of illness and the young- ster still insists he is sick, take him at his word. Put him to bed |with not much food or attention inext morning. If he wasn't be stifled or ampli-|it and so easy for the child to| really sick, he hardly will care| is|take advantage of this encour-| to have this experience repeated} soon. Watch for suspected maling- from reality. | APPEAL FOR MORE FOOD | The United Nations Food and WHEN BUYING OR SELLING PROPERT ~ . - LOOK TO SCHOFIELD-AKER ® Residential © Commercial @ Industrial FREE, SAFE. EASY MORTGAGES HOURS. ot rear of Building et Ist and 2nd, Arrange- 9 AM, til 9 P.M, 360 King St. West edond purchased SAT. Till 5 P.M. . + ROSSLYN ESTATES -- Scasce Item -- 5 Room Bungalow with Garage. This 10 year old, 3 bedroom home features a fourth bedroom plus finished recreation room in basement. Lot size 56' x 132', Located close to High, Public ond Seperate Schools; also handy to bus and local shopping centre. : KENDALWOOD SUBDIVISION -- Terrific buy for a discriminat- ing buyer. 1350 sq. ft. -- 3 bedroom bungalow with attached gorage, This home is so well finished both inside and out, it' really must be seen fo be appreciated. So don't wait, calf to inspect right away. List price $19,200.00 and worth it. --|self and others that he's unable) oping in your child of any age.| to do some of the simplest | Check carefully to make sure} Help Wanted Ads tasks which face him he does not cats run away| ~| i | Agriculture Organization is) |holding a 21-week-long drive to} focus young people's attention on the world food problem, be-| ginning October, 1965. PIANO | CLASSICAL and POPULAR For further information PATRICIA TUCK 74 BURK ST. OSHAWA 725-4587 CLOSE TO DR. PHILLIP'S SCHOOL OFF SIMCOE NORTH -- Don't let 'the outside fool you on this home. There is lots of living space inside. Living room 23 ft. long; separate dining enter an excellent two-month vertising '"'may not indicate a $ ight this sub- , | cycle which should give you a(t sar a, good fight __.-- preference based on sex unless big lift as well as giving you a a bona fide occupational qual-| new start along your road to| DANCER WORE PLASTER ification makes it lawful to cherished financial goals. Even| Veronica Tennant, 19-year-old|specify male or female." though you will have to be con- ballerina with the National Bal-| The guidelines offered by the of Canada, was in a bodyjcommission are an_interpreta- servative between now and/let then, use the coming 12 weeks| cast with a back injury only altion of the Civil Rights Act's o make new contacts and to|year before starring in the tele-|section 704B which deals with) lay the groundwork for expan-|vised Romeo and Juliet. advertising for employment on| sion of all your interests in EMRRETRY cP tay TeS 1966, when the latter half of governed by excellent planetary gion, sex or national origin. February, June and the late- influences 'tor most of the 12| Now it was faced. with August through September months ahead which -.-lwhether ads titled "help weeks will be excellent for fi.| oe family social and +;.\wanted-male" or "help wanted- nances; and late January, eatly| mental relationships Best pe- female" are an illegal expres- February, late April, early June riods for romance Late Decem-|SiOn of a preference for one sex} and August will be beneficial 10! er' (an all-around. good period Under the civil rights law. lt occupational interests. Be con-| +. 31) natives of Libra), April expected to give the answer in ithe basis of race, color, The Heber Down Farm. EVERYBODY PLAN NOW to ATTEND THE GIANT MIE STARR, """' DYMOND, "* WALKER FREE BARBECUE <, SAT., SEPT. 25, 2 P.M. No. 7 Hwy. 1 mile west of Brooklin Free Steerburgers @ rides @ bands @ races @ Entertainment WELCOME eevetive in cll eae oe May and August. If you're|® -- of weeks, a spokes-~ in December and the first two| 'inking af Febsudty, in M sy pscanl ct : : : A trip in early February, in May,| akonas in April, however. June and-or August. Except for Even though it may take/brief periods in early March Join a beginner's Hove Fun This Winter! SQUARE DANCE CLUB Every Thursday 8 - 10:30 p.m. ot Bowmanville Memoriol Park Club House, Liberty St, S. 725-2744 or 623-7244 is," the employee said. "She So next time you work your-| right." | '. are directly connected to you.) never to hear any compliments, It may be that when the boss same time, it's ridiculous to|}complaining mood, he is prob-\anqg financial efforts, you! reason is directly connected to}employees or even himself, and the one spot that I erased wrong things more than those " ' that are right. And that's the way it always ints out wrong things con-|Self up to a stew when employ- Gantty and never petty what's /ers behave like this, don't feel} ; that their actions and attitudes} NEVER A COMPLIMENT Remember that very likely this Granted, it is disheartening is seldom the case. about the way you are perform-|neglects to hand out any cOM- come time for you to attain the! i i iy 4 | 4 i ahs . ' and early June, domestic mat- ing your daily job. But at the|pliments or is in a particuarly material rewards for your job| ters snoilé he cekank: take this so much to heart that|ably having problems with his' snoyid, nevertheless, find great! A child born on this day will you make up your mind that the|business, his family, his other happiness in the knowledge that|/be endowed with a vital person- you. Actually, a good deal of the lyou at all. these have nothing to do with Toys otrewn Underfoot -- Nothing To Toy With By ELEANOR ROSS Breathes there a mother with nerves so dead who never to herself has said . "Those toys underfoot are driving me mad,"' At times, it must seem im- possible to persuade youngsters is anywhere in the house. Steel technological advances even permit colored plastic coatings so crayon or paint scrawls can be removed with a damp sponge. And steel is tough, so that it your personal affairs will bejality and a progressive mind. that their toys are not to be)can withstand those juvenile left around, because they cause assaults. What's more, doors | possible accidents . . . or cer- and drawers don't stick and tain frustration on the part of frustrate efforts to open them. | are pleased to introduce Helga Heid grown-ups. If we stop to think about it, clfidren probably view our feel- ings as adult-contrariness. After all, we buy toys for children to give them pleasure and then we make their lives miserable by insisting that they pick them up and put them away when they are through playing with them. Odds and. ends can be placed! in the drawers and larger toys in the bottom section. DROP-DOWN DESK For older children, you might consider a tall steel cabinet with a drop-down desk. But whatever the age of your children, be sure to include them in the project. If you de- As The Newest Hairstylist And the small fry, in turn, cide to paint the toy cabinets, more often than not, refuse let the youngsters decide the Perhaps we would he less colors. You may be pleasantly critical at times if we remem-'surprised to find children have bered that neatness is an adult an extraordinarily good color virtue, but one not always prac- sense. They can decorate their ticed. And to instill this virtue steel toy cabinets with picture in children, we should make it| cut-outs from magazines, ap- as pleasurable for them as pos- plied with double-faced 'tape. sible. When they want to "change the pancoous pomiknsions. Scenery. E> ne Sou ot al To stimulate youngsters' ' in- to remove the 'decor. terest in neatness, give them a Decorating their cabinets for place of their own to store their/e@ch month of the year could precious possessions. This is/Provide both fun and interest. possible, even though children They could use Indians for Sep- may share a room. One of the 'ember, pumpkins or witches simplest and most inexpensive for October, turkeys for Novem- ways is with steel cabinets for bet, Christmas symbols for their toys. Floor standing mod- December and so on els are within reach of any, Then you can be assured the child, even a. toddler. youngsters will be constantly You can get steel cabinets on @ware of their toy chest, and | legs. Or if you decide.on a type With a little patience, you may| that is attached to the wall, be actually find toys inside the} certain it is low enough so that|C@binet instead of underfoot the child can get to it without effort. Both models come in SHE'S ARTIST-DIPLOMAT sizes that permit their place-| Shariefa Wijdan Nasser. 26-| ment anywhere, even in SUD-\year-old cousin of King Hussein posedly inaccessible corners of Jordan and an official of her A variety of finishes hasjcountry's foreign service, held taken the steel cabinet out of|a one-woman exhibition of paint the kitchen, so now its domainiings in London this year. Miss tinest ity Heid from West Germany, where she has worked in the Beauty Salon Karlsruhe. Miss Heid is a remarkably creative stylist and has won many awards in Europe for her original- She is a holder of a Masters Certificate for Creative Hair Styling. Modella Hairstylists are most pleased to have Miss Heid join their staff and bring with her a first hand knowledge of the latest fall comes to Modella Hairstylists in Germany, first styles from Europe Mo, For An Appointment Please Cal! International Coiffures 71 CELINA ST. 725-4531 Salon directly of complemente "LONDON" PARTY DATE... Versatile Crepe Sheath featuring the Empire Waist and d with white ruffle neck and sleeves. Colour: Combinations: Jade white, Black with white. Sizes 7 to 15 20.00 Green with FASHIONS SINCE 1867 room, 11 x 13; kitchen has cupboards galore; 2 bedrooms and - 3 pc. bath on main floor --- 2 bedrooms on 2nd floor. Basement p tribe ~-- nig built recreation room and laundry room, most new forced hot air furnace. A good ho good area. Asking $14,500.00. . oe PARK ROAD NORTH (INCOME) -- Newly painted, 12 year old, 6 room, 1% storey home with new garage located on lovely lot with very private back yard. Main floor consists of 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen and modern bath. Upstoirs ioeeviously rented) consists of 2 large bedrooms, Be sure to see real soon. CUTE BUNGALOW -- $10,700.00 -- 5 room bungalow situs ated on a beautifully landscaped lot 75' x 100'. Newly decor- ated outside -- clean as a pin inside. Comprised of living room, dane room, large kitchen and two bedrooms. Possession 60 loys. CLOSE TO DOWNTOWN -- $11,000.00 -- 5 room home, consisting of kitchen, living room and 3 bedrooms. Taxes only $179.00. Low down payment. ee ee ee AT YOUR SERVICE i MAIBLE BOUDREAU 728-2233 IRENE BROWN . 725-3867 MARG. HALL 723- EEF 7. ALLAN THOMPSON 72 DONALD HOWE 723 IRWIN CRUIKSHANKS 72 REG AKE sas oe BILL JOHNSTON Fe BILL MecFEETERS ... 725-1 "Over a Quarter Century of Service" SCHOFIELD-AKER 360 KING WEST 723-2265 ' (See additional Listings Advertised Daily in Classified Section) 345 ED. DRUMM tse MARGARET LEE

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