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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Sep 1965, p. 40

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TRA THE OSHAWA -TIMES, Fridey, September 24, 1965 Apostolic Delegate Once Aide To The Pope By BENOIT HOULE OTTAWA (CP) -- While Gio- vanni Cardinal Montini, now Pope Paul, was Roman Catho- lic archbishop of Milan, he in- cluded among his closest assist- ants Msgr. Sergio Pignedoli, 2 Sides Seen To Every Story From time to time, we hear the theory that a tenant saves money by renting because he doesn't have to pay the main- tenance costs required by a home owner. It is pointed out that an owner must maintain his property to protect and en- hance his investment. However, this statement holds true for both a home owner or an apart- ment building owner, Many of us forget that a Jandlord rents . ihat many home buyers were|creased NHA mortgages and re-,selecting the design of the| Bedroom purchasing four-bedroom houses|moval of the regulation which|house to suii their fail) c ' to secure space that might he! restricted higher loans -to-four-| requirements. used as a den or playroom! bedroom houses. rather than for sleeping accom-| NHBA asked that the lending} JAZY SPEEDS Higher mortgage loans, var-| iety in design and improved ma-/|' modation. The higher NHAj|value of a house be determined) ° loans for four-bedroom houses! by its overall living area rather| NIORT, Froive (AP)--Run was the influencing factor. than its number of bedrooms. jner Michel J::zy, holder of Following presentation of this|Shortly after the request was|three world records at middle consumers' report at the Na-|presented, the Government ac-jdistances, has been ordered _yJaws, diocesan publications, let- ;tional House Builders Associa-|knowledged the need for both of|into court for going too fast-- ters from the various bishops of the past and other docu- , ments, all serving to recount the terials all add up to excellent/ Consumers 3 story of the church since it was value for the person investing in| homes and greater stress on liv- founded in Canada with the a house today. ing rather than sleeping afeas, early French settlers, A more knowledgeable and|and immediately sought in- discriminating home buyer is | ~quueeeeeeeees tion Convention last January,|these changes and in Junejon wheels. Jazy, who lowered the Association recognized the|raised the NHA maximum mort-|the world mark in the mile to desire for. larger|gage to $18,000 with no restrie-|3:53.6 in June, was accused in tions as to bedroom count.|court Thursday of going across These new regulations permit/an intersection at more than 60 home buyers more leaway inimiles an hour. now the apostolic delegate to Canada. | Msgr. Pignedoli, who has been the Pope's official representa- tive among Canadian Catholics since July, 1964, was 13 years in the service of the former archbishop of Italy's chief north- ern city. Like the Pope, he has a repu- tation for simplicity, cordiality and friendliness. In the post here he succeeds Msgr. Sebastiano Baggio, who had been apostolic delegate to Canada for five years. Msgr. Baggio has since gone to Brazil, where he is the apostolic nuncio. The new delegate to Canada lost little time in adjusting to the job, making a point of visit- ing dioceses from coast to coast. He went to Rome for the Vat- ican Council, too, but back in| Canada found the time and en-| ergy to visit such shrines as St.| Joseph's in Montreal and such) northern centres and regions as Prince Rupert, B.C., Hudson Bay, Keewatin, Ont., and Lab- rador. SERVES AS LINK Msgr. Pignedoli shares a view expressed by the late Pope Pius XI, that mission areas in Can- ada are extremely difficult be- cause of their isolation. The delegate lacks the diplo- matic status that would be en- joyed by a papal nuncio, Usu- ally the Pope names nuncios only to those countries with am- bassadors at the Vatican, which is a sovereign state. "Our mission is to represent the Holy See among the bishops and Catholics as a whole," said Msgr. Pignedoli. He said he must also "'inform the Pope of the church's pro- NEED NEW APPROACH for Msgr. Pignedoli also has been a delegate in Vi la, Bolivia charges ¢ profit and his carrying whether for main- and several countries of west Africa. t He says he'd rather wait un- til the end of the current ecu- menical council before express- ing any views about church re- form, "We must change our meth- ods but not our principles. The | church must stay young, it must adjust the means of expressing the truth even if the message itself remains the same." ti What did the apostolic dele- gate think about this country in|t which he arrived last year , mortgage interest, heat or taxes, are all taken into ac- count in his rental charges. So, even though a tenant may believe he is not meeting the costs that a home owner must bear, he is, in fact, paying his share of them and also pro- viding enough money to give the landlord a profit. In addition, a home owner gains another important advan- age in privacy and pride of ownership. He becomes part of he community where he has put down roots and knows that his "Canada is very wide-open,|family has the security that a very modern, really democra- tic, and exchanges run freely here among Catholics, Protest- ants and Anglicans. "On this natural foundation, It has often been stated that more people receive their start on the road to financial inde also credited with helping the| industry to upgrade its product! and services by the National! House Builders Association. As | an example, NHBA points to the improved ending facilities brought about. by recent changes under the National) housing Act and notes that a, consumer survey of new home| owners, conducted by its Manu-| facturers' Council during the past year resulted in immediate Association action to gain im- portant NHA concessions both| for the consumer and the build-| er. | The NHBA survey revealed/ permanent home among friendly|pendence through owning their) neighbors can assure. | lown homes than in any other) |way. Most Canadian families de-| cide that they can and should) afford to buy a new home. 1 it will be easy to talk about), ecumenicalism (religious unity), and to realize it." The monsignor referred to the Company of Young Canadians, | formed by the federal govern-| ment to allow fuller participa-| tion by the country's young peo- ple in social and economic pro- grams at home and abroad. He expressed the hope that the company 'will make Cana- dian youth more generous, still more moved by a desire to col- laborate with others, more avid in their pursuit ofthe Christian ideal as well as the spirit of the pioneer, human service and aversion from materialism." "You know, if you ask some- thing extraordinary from young people, you will get something | extraordinary. If you ask medio-| crity, that's exactly what you'll! get." | gress and act as a bond of unity) between Catholics and the) make sure that the Pope's presence is felt every- where. We are the bonds of charity, friendship and brother- hood." Msgr. Pignedoli displays a) keen interest in the idea of de-| veloping in the Manor Avenue| building housing the apostolic| delegation a collection of books) and documents on the history| of the church in Canada. Besides the books, he would BROADLOOM | by Howard's inok 162. 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