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Oshawa Times (1958-), 25 Sep 1965, p. 13

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ELEGANCE, WARMTH, AND DIGNIT ARMS OUTSTRETCHED, Governor - General Georges Vanier invites guests at Col. R. §S. McLaughlin's recep tion at Parkwood to come and meet him, The gesture Pact typical | of the warmth and charm generated by Their Excellencies, Although no official reception line was set up, most of the 600 guests informally shook hands with the Governor- Ge eneral and Madame _ Vanier, In the bottom pic- ture, trumpeter Frank Hea- ton of the Ontario Regi- ment, after announcing the arrival of head table guests at the civic luncheon, stood _at _attenti yn as Their Excel PREVADE VANIER DISPOSITION THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 25, 1965 73 CONGREGATION BURNS MORTGAGE ON CHURCH BUILDING The congregation of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, Oshawa, reached an exciting mile- stone in its history last Sun- day when a capacity con- gregation witnessed the The appointment of Miss Nan- cy Fraser as director of Chris- tian Education at King Street United Church marks the start of an intensified program in the church, Miss Fraser, who assumed her duties Sept. 1, will be in charge of the training of Sun- day School leaders as well as work with the mid-week youth groups of the church. A native of New Glasgow, N.S., Miss Fraser graduated from St. Bernard College which | ronto, lencies and Mayor Lyman is part of St. Francis Xavier University, Antinonish, N.S, She graduated from Covenant Col- lege of the United Church, To- last May and was desig- nated as a deaconess in June. During her summer vacations she worked as secretary to the director of Water Safety, Nova Scotia Division of the Cana- dian Red Cross Society, in Hali- fax. Part of her duties involved swim training and water safety, test examining, Miss Fraser is the second deaconess engaged in Osh- awa. Miss Shirley McKee is) working in that capacity at Northminster United Church, NANCY FRASER work, and what their friends jand parents sent them, | Faith Evangelical Lutheran Church, Oshawa's youngest con- gregation will hold its organiza- tional service Sunday in the Masonic Temple. Dr. A. .W Elder D. Wayne Abbott and) Elder Lloyd Scott Allen arrived Gifford walked past. Be- fore entering the Genosha Hotel Their Excellencies in- spected a McLaughlin Buick parked in front. --Oshawa Times Photos Healthy Parley Breaks Up, | No Serious Disagreement OTTAWA (CP) -- Provincial health minister from Ottawa Friday with the} latest federal proposals --and conditions--for a national med ical care plan tucked in their briefcases. The provincial ministers wound up a two-day conference), Minister with federal Health Judy LaMarsh, a meeting she described as '"'friendly most of, the time, even when we dis- agreed." The provinces have been; asked to say by. Jan. 1 whether they will come in or stay out} of the plan the federal govern- ment hopes to have in operation by July 1, 1967, the centennial of Confederation. Although some provinces are not completely happy with the proposed terms, it is expected none will turn down the federal offer of $14 or more per capita to meet half the per capita cost ot the plan. Thompson Rips Nursing Homes TORONTO (CP) Ontario Liberal Leader Andrew Thomp- son Friday said many Ontario) nursing homes are. 'horrible places of neglect, abuse and houses of death." In a speech to the Associated Nursing Homes Inc. of On- tario's annual convention, Mr Thompson criticized the provin- cial government for failing to license and cont nursing homes. He supported the James Fisher, president organization, who earlier for provincial .icensing Mr. Thompson said nursing homes must have the trained staff and the facilities to make sure old people have something to do... and don't have to sit all day staring out the window." He criticized the provincial government 'or failing to act on briefs presented by the asso ciation which called for licens- ing of homes. Dr, Keith Stuart, director the Ontario health and welfare department, asked delegates to have more pa'ien uch h been done in the field in time," he said. col stand of as this headed home)a of the) age, called'from province to province and Some of the areas of dis- press conference following the two days of closed meetings. ASK FOOT TB BILL R. S. Donahoe, attorney - gen- eral and health minister of Nova Scotia, said there has yeen a unanimous demand by the provinces that Ottawa foot of the cost for hospital for tuberculosis and men- part care |tal patients. The provinces pay it all now. Dr. J. Donovan Ross of Al- |berta held out staunchly against Ottawa insistence that the plan cover everyone and be non- profit, ruling out private insur- ance companies. Miss LaMarsh told the press conference the ministers had agreed to meet in a month or so in Manitoba to discuss among themselves portability of rights from one province to an other, The federal and provincial ministers would meet before the year-end to carry on de- tailed work on medical care in- surance and the new resources fund of $500,000,000 over 15 years that the government an- nounced just as the conference Started. A special committee of fed- eral and provincial officials, plus representatives of medi- cal, dental, hospital and nurs- ing associations, will consider ways to allocate this fund and report to her, Miss LaMarsh said. The conference spent Friday discussing terms on which Ot- tawa will contribute to medical care insurance. Conditions. are that a plan be comprehensive in benefits, universal in cover- have benefits transferable be publicly administe red. greement came out at a joint) was committed to writing the terms But were No definition of Miss LaMarsh said they fully discussed and all provin- cial ministers understood them,|! Miss LaMarsh said the goal is to have at least 95 per cent of the people covered in any province, But 90 per cent would be acceptable and there could be some flexibility in this fig- ure. The Ottawa offer of $14 per capita was based on estimates that the national average of costs would run about $28 per person, If this proves too low, Miss LaMarsh said, an increase could be considered, Dr. M. B. Dymond, Ontario health minister, said his prov- ince's costs run more than $36 per person, Mr. Donahoe men tioned Nova Scotia costs of about $35 "Iam confident there will be a series of schemes across the country by the target date," Miss LaMarsh said, NO PRIVAE CTOMPANIES She definitely ruled out par- ticipation by private companies in any program that would qualify for Ottawa aid. An ac- ceptable plan would have to be operated by agencies respon- sible to provincial legislatures, open to public audit and non- profit. A reporter asked: "There's no plac often thr pri- vate insurance cafriers" "That's right," she replied Dr. Ross maintained that pur- chase of medical insurance from private firms had been substantial and "it would seem to be accepted."" He said 70 per cent of Albertans are covered by policies written under the Alberta medical plan Temporary Place of Worship: (Corner Rossland ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A., M,Th. DR, S, PHILLIPS SCHOOL and Sicne Sts.) es of Chr. Ref (Back to God Hour, 10:00 A. M. -- MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during morning worship 7:00 P.M. -- EVENING SERVICE Tune in to CKLB at 11 A.M, on alternating Sundays Churches in the Oshawa-area) and at 715 each Sunday) | trically, THRONED AUTO TO BEAR POPE CHICAGO (AP)--An extra- long limousine with a_back- seat throne is .being built by a Chicago custom-car for Pope Paul to use when he visits New York City Oct. 4, The Ford Motor Co. gave a rush order for the car last week to Lehmann - Peterson | Inc., builders of custom-or- dered Lincoln Continentals, a Ford spokesman said Friday, It is to be ready next Friday. The gar is a 1964 model limousine which is to be elon- gated and equipped with sev- eral special features such as | back-seat raised throne that can and lowered elec- Custom requires that the Pope's head above the crowd. The car also a be will contain floodlights and a microphone, | the spokesman said. ' YESTERDAY'S STARS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Pitching--Jim (Catfish) Hun- ter, Athleties, hurled no-hit ball for six innings and wound up with a two-hitter as Kansas City crushed Boston Red Sox 8-0. Batting -- Jim Lefebvre Dodgers, smashed a_ two-run single in the eighth inning as Los Angeles came from behind, whipped St. Louis Cardinals 4-3 for its seventh straight victory and moved to within one game of National League leading San Francisco. CHOOSE DOLLAR NAME The new decimal currency of Australia, replacing sterling next February, will simply be called dollars and cents. UNITED PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 320 Ritson Road § (near Olive 723-6325 nuth The Whole Gospel to the Whole World Sunday: 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.--Morning Worship 7:30 P.M.--Evangelistic Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Bible Study and Prayer Sat. 8:00 P.M.--Young People EVERYONE WELCOME. laries for the Church of firm | be elevated | , | the in Oshawa recently as mission- Jesus Day Saints, Lotz, Canada Synod of the Lutheran Church in America, will be the speaker at the 3 p.m, service. The church, which has a yor' ter roll of 67 adults and 50 chil- dren, was formally organized last Sunday when a call was extended to Rev. Henry Fis- jgram having about 13,000 mis-| coher, mission developer for the | sionaries in the field. The Y| Roard of American Missions, to serve voluntarily in every free /become pastor of the congrega- country in the world for a per-|tign, iod of two to two' and a half! Mombers of the first church years, council are: J. Adamkovics, W. | These young men receive NO\p4mme, K. Linkie, C. Adcoe, jfinancial support from theiy" jamel, L. Leith, T. Dan- tchurch. The money they use is supplied by what they could | save prior to entering on their PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Grit Defends | Election Call oli ae AMHERST, N.S. (CP)--Labor {Minister MacEachen said Fri- day night the Liberal. govern- |ment is calling for a mandate lin the Nov. 8 election "to nail down what we've already done and move forward to imple- ment new programs." had been "obstructed and) stopped" by a minority opposi- ltion party in the last Parlia- iment and felt now "we can do |Christ of Latter better known to many as the \**Mormon" church. They are from Reno, Nevada and Kan- tosh, Utah, respectively. The 'Mormon' church has a |very extensive missionary pro- SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, DIVINE WORSHIP 7:30 P.M, DIVINE WORSHIP Christian Education Director Appointed | president of the Eastern} Rev. W. J. Newell, a former pastor, The church had its early beginning in Oshawa in June 1954 and was founded in March 1957, At that time the smal! congregation moved into the present burning of the mortgage on erintendent, the church building. Rev. E. Swanson, right, building committee chairman, light- ed the mortgage. Watching the burning' are Rev. R. Barker, centre, the present pastor and the District Sup- Harvest Thanksgiving Festival this Sunday, The special preach- er will be the Rev, Canon J. Puxley, formerly president of King's College, Nova Scotia, and now director of the School Mis- sions and the Ecumenical In- stitufe, 4 > y niels, C, Roth and Miss Mildred) js Avs, eee siteaeas : paitd Koss. ers in the Anglican Communicn The congregation will take in inter-church relationships, title to the parsonage of Ross land rd. e. "We realism Thirty-five United Church of- only the ficials met recently at Cobourg Things." to launch a campaign for $200,-\the Christian Science textbook 000 for renovations and addi-|is a central theme of the Bible tions to the Queen's Theological Lesson to be read this Sunday College at Kingston. Represen-|in Christian Science churches tatives of the laity and cie rgy) across the world, The subject is | must look deep into instead of accepting outward ~ sense of This statement from building, purchased from the Pilgrim Holiness Chuerh, The growth of the congregation has resulted in the building being too- small, Plans are under way for a new church in the coming year, Chairmen have heen named and plans are taking form at King Street United Church for a C ongregational Visitation, Plan- ning has been going forward since the naming of Harry Faint as general chairman last June. The visitation will call the members of the congregation to consider seriously the life, work and witness of the church and of their responsibility to it, LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M CKLB -- DIAL 1350 within the Bay of Quinte Con-| "Reality" ference attended, = Former premier Leslie M. Frost is honorary chairman of the campaign. The chairman is John A. Black of Kingston. They along with Dr, Elias An- GOSPEL HALL 40 NASSAU STREET drews, principal of the college and Rev. H. M. Davis, Belle- ville, president of the Bay of Quinte Conference, presided, Members of the, conference committee from the Oshawa area are H: G, Freeman of | Maple Grove and Rey. John Porter, of Oshawa, Family Bible Hour Sunday Speaker; W. Herbert, minis- ter of King Street United Rey. L. EVANGELISTIC SERVICES SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. Monday to Friday 8:00 P.M. EVANGELIST i' GERMAN, of Scotland. ALL WELCOME and raga School Church, will officiate at the|= communion service to be held at' the 10th Bay of Quinte Men' 5| Conference this weekend at Elim) Lodge, Pigeon Lake. More than} 200 laymen are expected to at| tend, St. George's Memorial An- | bekea Church is _ observing its REV, BAHA'I MM: fe WORLD FAITH 09. o.mn- MORN Sermon: Teaches: "The foundation of 6:30 P.M.--PRAYER all religion is belief in Sanat the one same God" How we may face the 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School "ARE YOU BORN AGAIN?' No, 3 in the series "The Holy Spirit and You" 7:00 p.m.-EVENING SERVICE "STRENGTH AND COURAGE" RICHARD J, BARKER, Minister | ING WORSHIP FELLOWSHIP future with confidence, information re: weekly For meetings or literature Write Box AS Oshawa Times C Ware we | . TO SERVE GOD! Dr. BOB PIERCE pfsen WORLD VISION more, better and faster with a majority government." Mr.' MacEachen spoke at a party nominating convention which named Elmer Bragg, a 'northern Nova Scotia lumber- man, to contest Cumberland in election REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (World Headquarters, independence, Missouri) ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH (Anglican) mary and Hillcroft Streets 10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL for Children and Adults 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP ALL ARE INVITED PHONE 728-9606 SERVICES 8 AM.-11 AM.-7 P.M NURSERY CARE 11:00 A.M CHURCH SCHOOL--11 A.M WEDNESDAY -- 10:00 a.m HOLY COMMUNION ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F, G Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R, G, Brooks $.Th.--Assistant SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 26th -- Trinity XV HARVEST THANKSGIVING HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER The Reverend Canon J, Puxley 9:00 A'M 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER--The Rector Thursday, September 30th----Holy Communion--1!0:00 a.m OREAN RPHAN CHOIR DIRECT FROM KOREA WED, 8:00 P.M.--PRAYER AN THE SALVATION ARMY Major & Mrs, Gordon Holmes COLONEL. A. PEPPER will conduct the services 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Final meeting of the campaign. 11:00 A.M, ----- MORNING WORSHIP 2:00 P.M.-- SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M,--SALVATION MEETING TUES. 2:30 P.M.--HOME LEAGUE "A Welcome Awaits You at the Army Corps Officers 133 Simcoe South SUNDAY, SEPT. 26th D BIBLE STUDY " THIRD WORLD CONCERT TOUR REALLY You are invited to hear the Tuesday, Sept. McLAUGHLI iLL SEATS $1.50 McLAUGHLI AUDITORIUM Oshawa Sunday, October 17th] 7UeS@e¥, Oct. J 3:00 P.M. Rev. Alfred Fowlie; Admission by Ticket Only--1.50) Tickets Available at: ideal peer Osh- awe; Oshawe od Murray Rug & To |Pharmecy, Whitb: it 'orld [Vision of 'Canade, nox' 181K. Toronto! Sponsored by Unitarian ae What Do You religious and social problems--based on reason, not dogma. Rev, John Morgan; 'Man's Religious Quest" Tuesday, Oct. Sth, 8 p.m. Rev. David Pohl, Ottawa; "What Unitarians Believe' "What Unitarians Do" For Information Phone 728-7706 or 723-2883 Believe ? Uniterian approach to man's 28, 8 N LIBRARY N LIBRARY 2th, 8 p.m. N LIBRARY Fellowship of Oshawa

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